
Cook tartlets without molds at home. Shortbread dough for tartlets

In today's menu - tartlets from puff pastry in molds! Yes, it’s the tartlets themselves. As it is now fashionable to say - without anything. That is, the blanks themselves.

Someone will say: is it great wisdom to bake tartlets from ready dough? Not so big if you know how! 😀 But there are cooking secrets, and I will be happy to share them with you! 😉

Let me start by saying that I love this type of appetizer, which is easy to turn into a dessert. After all, a lot depends on the filling. So far, I have shared with you only sweet options - and.

In both versions, I kneaded the dough myself. And it was sandy. Today - puff. Can also be used own cooking. But more often, in such cases, purchases are used. As you know, it itself has a neutral taste, so you can really choose any filling. And at the end of the recipe, I will present you with several options to choose from 😉

You can make tartlets from puff pastry without using molds, but more on that another time. And today we’ll talk about how to bake them in the form. Which one exactly? I have it special for tartlets - as I saw on the Internet 1.5 years ago, I immediately ordered it!

Now I regret that I took only one. Because in one run, 6 tartlets are baked, respectively. And if you want to prepare more appetizers / desserts, then it stretches over time. But it's okay, you can survive it 😉

So, if you do not have such a special form, then you can bake in ordinary silicone cupcakes. True, the tartlets will turn out smaller in size. Like those sold for caviar and other delicacies. In this case, it is desirable that these molds be of the simplest form with a round bottom, and that this bottom be as large as possible in diameter.

Well, now everything is with photos and in order.

For the preparation of tartlets I took:

  • puff pastry without yeast - 500 g
  • premium wheat flour - a little for cutting dough

Process in action:

So, first, as always, let him defrost. Namely, I took it out of the freezer, took it out of the package, immediately separated the layers (if they thaw together, they will stick together). Placed on the board, covered with a clean, dry towel. Usually after 40 minutes you can start cutting.

Then she took the first layer of dough, rolled it out on a floured board.

Under my shape, I picked up a cup with which I always cut circles from dough. Diameter - 9 cm. This is just on the bottom and on the sides of the tartlets.

I cut out 6 such blanks from the rolled out layer.

Secret one She poked the dough balls with a fork. This is necessary so that the dough does not inflate then with a bubble and bake.

Moistened the form cold water. If you oil your molds before baking, do the same now.
Carefully spread the dough into the cells of the form.

Cut the baking sheet into squares of suitable size. She covered them with tartlets. Beans were sprinkled on the foil. This - second secret.
The beans here act as a weight to keep the bottom of the tartlets from puffing up. Sometimes I use peas. Both he and the beans are poured into my individual jars just in case of baking tartlets or. They are reusable. True, after they are fried during baking, they become a little lighter. Therefore, you need to either pour a little more, or eventually replace the beans / peas with new ones.

I sent it to the oven and baked it for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees.
Then she took it out. I removed the beans from the blanks - thanks to the foil it is convenient to do this - you just need to carefully take the foil by the free ends.
And now, in this form, already without a load, I returned the tartlets to the oven to finish baking. Double baking - first with a load, then without it - is third important point cooking.

After 10-12 minutes of baking at the same 200-220-degree temperature, I took out the form from the oven. Remove the tarts and let them cool.
From the second 250-gram layer, I also cut out 6 circles of dough. And scraps from two layers were enough for another 6 blanks. Total - 18 tartlets from 500 grams of puff pastry!

That's it - the base is ready! Now you can fill with anything! I bring to your attention 5 unsweetened lean toppings:

1. Tartlets with mushroom filling

Fry mushrooms with onions until ready. Cool down. Blend with a blender until smooth. Put in tartlets, top with parsley and dill.

2. Tartlets with pickled mushrooms

Cut pickled mushrooms into small cubes. Grind to them green onion and greens. Refuel (moderately) sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly and spread the filling among the tartlets.

3. Tartlets with vegetable filling

Fry in vegetable oil onion With grated carrots. Add diced zucchini to them (without skin and seeds). Fry for 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly. 2 minutes before readiness, add any tomato sauce or tomato paste, salt, stir. Send all this frying to a blender, if desired, throw garlic in the same place. Beat in a homogeneous mass, spread in a cooled form among tartlets.

4. Tartlets with beetroot filling

Grate boiled or baked beets on a fine or medium grater. Mix with squeezed through a press or grated garlic. Add salt, spices, herbs, if desired - olives or black olives, cut into small cubes or circles. Refuel a small amount vegetable oil / mayonnaise. Lay out the filling.

5. Tartlets with vegetables and nuts

Connect together Korean carrot, finely chopped chinese cabbage and a meaty tight pmoidor cut into small cubes. Stir the mass, if desired, season with olive or sunflower oil or sprinkle with lemon juice. Divide into tarts. Sprinkle with finely chopped walnuts.

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It has long been so customary that on every festive table there should be great amount various dishes: first, second, variety of salads, cuts and, of course, snacks. They just make the menu of any holiday inimitable and unique. An appetizer is such a thing where you can show all the imagination that is there, because it is important here that it is not only tasty, but also beautiful. Therefore, tartlets are now very common. It would seem that there is nothing special about them, but they scatter in a few seconds. It is usually customary to buy baskets ready-made, however, for such wonderful treat you can try to cook the dough at home, in addition, it will be much cheaper than taking it in the store, and tastier, of course.

Time: 20 minutes

Servings: 25 pieces

Tartlets are very small. sand baskets from crumbly delicious dough that just melt in your mouth. To fill them, it is customary to use sweet, salty or spicy stuffing. As a rule, the size of the baskets does not exceed 10 centimeters, and their positive feature is that they can be made very easily at home. The main thing is to have all necessary set products, several silicone or iron molds and, of course, the desire to make tartlets.

  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • 100 grams of margarine or butter;
  • 60 grams of sour cream;
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking method

This recipe for tartlets is good because the molds for them do not even need to be lubricated, because they themselves are quite greasy. So you need to pay attention to their calorie content and try to use as much as possible. light filling for a dish prepared in this way.

Classic shortcrust pastry for tartlets

Time: 10-15 minutes

Servings: 25–30 pieces

How to make sand baskets? Very fast and easy, without much difficulty. In addition, this recipe is suitable for almost any filling. From the same blanks, you can make both an appetizer and leave them for a sweet dessert. The choice of what the baked masterpiece will be and what its shape will be remains with the hostess of the holiday.

Set of products for cooking

  • 200 grams of butter;
  • 250 grams of flour;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50-100 grams of sugar (depending on the filling);
  • 1 pinch of salt.

Cooking method

Thanks to this method, you can bake a huge amount delicious baskets(from 25 to 30 pieces). And these wonderful blanks can be filled with the most various fillings: meat salads, chicken salads, mushrooms, eggs, caviar, as well as all kinds of sweet additives: berries, chocolate, cream and jam. They don’t do anything with these baskets, but it always turns out very cool and original.

These famous classic recipes help to prepare a lot of delicious baskets-blanks for the holiday, and most importantly, that they can be prepared in advance and not worry that they will become stale. On the day of the holiday, all that remains is to fill them with some delicious stuffing, decorate and serve to the table, to the delight of all the assembled guests.

Cook delicious and bon appetit!

There are a huge number of recipes for appetizers with tartlets. In fact, it's just a lot of ways to prepare the filling for them. Baking the tartlets themselves is not the same difficult process as it may seem. There is a very simple recipe for this snack from shortcrust pastry. Such a base can be filled with any fillings and end up as cold appetizer and dessert. The process of making tartlets begins with the preparation of all necessary ingredients. To do this, you need flour, water, butter and salt. There is no need to remind you once again that all products must be fresh. Do not use spoiled food that has expired for cooking.

To prepare the dough for tartlets, you need to pour required amount flour in a clean, dry bowl. By this time, the flour should already be sifted so that lumps and other impurities do not come across in it. After that, the usual raw flour should be added to the flour. cold water and mix the contents of the bowl. Next, you need to salt the dough. The amount of salt added is determined taste preferences and the purpose of the tartlets, namely, with what filling they are supposed to be filled before serving. For example, tartlets for a future dessert should not be too salty. On the other hand, an appetizer with cheese, tomato and herbs, salt will add additional piquancy. However, very few people like dishes that are too salty, and this should not be forgotten.

Next, add oil to a bowl with flour, water and salt. It should be very soft, therefore, it should be taken out of the refrigerator before making tartlets. Let the butter stand a little in a warm place, and only then you can add it to the dough. Oil can be rubbed on coarse grater and then leave for a while. It will melt faster, so it will be more convenient to mix it in total mass. Another option is already soft butter mash with a fork and dip into the dough. The contents of the bowl should now be mixed as thoroughly as possible. You can use a fork for this. Thus, it will be seen when flour, water, oil and salt turn into a homogeneous mass, which is a large number of small particles of the same consistency and color.

After that, you can start kneading the dough with your hands. This must be done until the dough turns into the same familiar lump that does not stick to your hands. For convenience, it is recommended to sprinkle the table with flour and knead the dough on the table, and not in a bowl. Then the resulting lump of dough is wrapped in plastic bag or cling film and placed in the refrigerator. In the cold, it is enough to stand the dough for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will freeze enough to make it easier to roll and cut. Otherwise, not hard enough shortbread dough will simply crumble under the rolling pin, it will stick to the table and hands. Besides, too soft dough difficult to shape.

When the time is right - the dough must be removed from the refrigerator, put on a clean, dry surface of the table and rolled out of it thin flatbread. The thickness of the finished rolled sap should be no more than 0.5 cm. To keep the temperature of the dough low, you can use a bottle of cold water instead of a rolling pin. This way, the rolled out dough will still be cold enough that during shaping, it will be “obedient”, not sticky to your hands. This is especially important in this case, because this way cooking tartlets implies the absence of special molds, and the use of improvised means. As improvised means, two glasses will act here: one with a large diameter, the other smaller, with sharp edges.

Here is the most interesting stage. Let's see how to make tartlets without molds and give them the desired shape. To do this, with a glass with a large diameter, it is necessary to cut out circles from the rolled out layer of dough. Then, on each resulting circle, put a glass of smaller diameter and form the so-called “plate” around its bottom. This is what they will look like ready-made tartlets. So that they do not lose their shape during baking, several punctures should be made in their bottoms with a toothpick. So, through the hole will pass hot air, and the dough itself will not swell. Before baking, you can put the tartlets in the refrigerator for another 10-15 minutes, so they better retain their shape. Then you can start baking. Cooking tartlets in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, will take 20 minutes. You can fill them with stuffing after they have cooled.

Tartlets - small baskets of different test- look spectacular on the festive table. They are not only beautiful, but also stable (unlike some sandwiches) carry the filling. They crunch nicely and are easy to handle. One is quite hygienic. Because tartlets have long been an indispensable attribute of buffet tables.

Tartlets are exquisite festive snack, which is simultaneously tasty treat and decoration. Knowing how to make tartlets, you can find a lot of ways to surprise seasoned guests with their help. How to cook tartlets without any improvised means, special molds and special ones.

Classic tartlets without molds

The authors suggested for the test wheat flour with bran, and I used whole grain flour. I took the same stuffing, i.e. from pieces of sweet pepper and suluguni cheese, but I think that next time I will try to bake tartlets with other fillings: fried egg, egg with bacon, vegetable mix, mushrooms with cheese, etc. Or I’ll bake such tartlets and then put some kind of salad in them: vegetable, chicken, meat, mushroom ... They are quite suitable even for festive table.


  • Flour c / s - about 250 g
  • Water - 50 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - up to 1 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch


  • Bulgarian pepper - 6 pcs.
  • Cheese (suluguni) - up to 150 g
  • Spices and herbs - to taste


  1. To prepare tartlets without molds, prepare the ingredients according to the list.
  2. Measure out right amount flour, add salt, sugar, baking powder, mix
  3. Pour in a mixture of water, vegetable oil and eggs.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and knead a dense, but elastic dough. Adjust it with water or flour.
  5. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut the wide parts into rings of the desired width (from 2 to 4 cm).
  6. I got 10 blanks, and cut the rest of the peppers into a small cube.
  7. Suluguni (or other) cheese, also cut into cubes (or grate), add spices and herbs (here is a mixture of dry provencal herbs). Salt if desired, mix, and the mass for the filling is ready.
  8. Roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut into triangles in such an amount that it is enough for all the pepper rings.
  9. Wrap a triangular piece of dough around each pepper ring as shown in the photo, i.e. corners - inside the ring.
  10. Spread the filling over the blanks.
  11. Bake tartlets without molds in a preheated oven for about 15 minutes at 200 degrees.
  12. The cheese in the filling should melt and the filling should brown. The dough doesn't seem to change much.
  13. Tartlets without molds and, so to speak, from peppers with peppers are ready.

Tartlets without molds


  • Bulgarian peppers - 3 pcs.
  • Flour c / s - about 200 g
  • Water - 30 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch


  1. Prepare the ingredients for the recipe for tartlets without molds with bell pepper.
  2. The amount of flour may vary due to differences in the properties of flour from different manufacturers.
  3. In addition to whole grain flour, of course, you can take the usual baking, i.e. premium wheat or wheat with bran.
  4. How to cook tartlets without molds:
  5. To prepare the dough, combine flour with salt, sugar and baking powder.
  6. Then add water vegetable oil and an egg.
  7. Stir the ingredients by hand or using kitchen appliances.
  8. You should get an elastic dough.
  9. For the base of the tartlets, cut the washed and seeded Bell pepper rings of the desired height. The thickness depends on how much filling is planned to be served in tartlets.
  10. The minimum height of the pepper ring is 1 cm. (Use the rest of the pepper in the filling or in other dishes.)
  11. I offer a variant of a simple filling for these tartlets.
  12. Take pickled or semi-hard cheese in the amount of 80-100 g, fresh herbs, for example, 1-2 sprigs of basil and pieces bell pepper, which remained during the preparation of tartlets.
  13. In addition to peppers and cheese, salads are suitable for filling: vegetable, chicken or meat.
  14. For the filling, you need to cut the pepper into cubes, grate the cheese, and chop fresh herbs, such as basil leaves.
  15. Stir the ingredients together without dressing.
  16. To prepare tartlets, the whole dough or pieces of dough must be rolled out to a thickness of 2-5 mm and cut into elongated triangles.
  17. Then wrap each triangle around the pepper ring so that the bottom of the tartlet is formed from the dough, as shown in the figure.
  18. Place the tartlet blanks on a baking sheet greased with oil or lined with baking paper.
  19. The filling can be either baked at the same time as the tartlets, or added already to the finished ones.
  20. Bake the tartlets in the oven at 180-200 degrees for about 15 minutes.
  21. Original tartlets prepared without the use of molds are ready. They are suitable for serving warm or cold.

Tartlets without molds with bell pepper

Easy to create original tartlets will serve as a bright snack on the festive table. Whole wheat and sweet pepper tartlets topped with spicy cheese make the perfect combination.


  • Whole grain flour - 200 g
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp
  • Sugar - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Water - 40 ml
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 70-100 g
  • Dry mint (optional) - 1/4 tsp
  • Dry basil (optional) - 1/4 tsp


  1. To prepare tartlets without molds, we prepare the necessary products.
  2. Preparing the dough for tartlets: pour into a bowl whole grain flour, sugar, baking powder and salt.
  3. Add egg, water and oil.
  4. Knead a homogeneous dough.
  5. We extract the seed box from the pepper, cut the pepper into wide circles (1.5-2 cm high).
  6. Cut the rest of the pepper into small cubes, sprinkle with any spices (for example, mint and basil).
  7. Add shredded cheese and mix the ingredients of the filling.
  8. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer and cut it into triangles.
  9. Put a circle of pepper on a triangle of dough and wrap the edges.
  10. We spread a few tablespoons of cheese filling into the resulting tartlet.
  11. We cook tartlets in a preheated oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  12. Tartlets without molds, from bell pepper, are ready.

Tartlets without molds


  • Oil
  • Two glasses


  1. There are a huge number of recipes for appetizers with tartlets. In fact, it's just a lot of ways to prepare the filling for them. Baking the tartlets themselves is not as difficult a process as it might seem. There is a very simple recipe for this shortcrust pastry snack.
  2. Such a base can be filled with any fillings and as a result, both a cold appetizer and a dessert can be obtained. The process of making tartlets begins with the preparation of all the necessary ingredients. To do this, you need flour, water, butter and salt. There is no need to remind you once again that all products must be fresh. Do not use spoiled food that has expired for cooking.
  3. To prepare the dough for tartlets, you need to pour the required amount of flour into a clean, dry bowl. By this time, the flour should already be sifted so that lumps and other impurities do not come across in it. After that, ordinary raw cold water should be added to the flour and the contents of the bowl mixed. Next, you need to salt the dough.
  4. The amount of salt added is determined by the taste preferences and purpose of the tartlets, namely, by what filling they are supposed to be filled before serving. For example, tartlets for a future dessert should not be too salty. On the other hand, an appetizer with cheese, tomato and herbs, salt will add additional piquancy. However, very few people like dishes that are too salty, and this should not be forgotten.
  5. Next, add oil to a bowl with flour, water and salt. It should be very soft, therefore, it should be taken out of the refrigerator before making tartlets. Let the butter stand a little in a warm place, and only then you can add it to the dough.
  6. The oil can be grated on a coarse grater and then left for a while. It will melt faster, so it will be more convenient to mix it in the total mass. Another option is to mash the already soft butter with a fork and dip it into the dough. The contents of the bowl should now be mixed as thoroughly as possible.
  7. You can use a fork for this. Thus, it will be seen when flour, water, oil and salt turn into a homogeneous mass, which is a large number of small particles of the same consistency and color.
  8. After that, you can start kneading the dough with your hands. This must be done until the dough turns into the same familiar lump that does not stick to your hands. For convenience, it is recommended to sprinkle the table with flour and knead the dough on the table, and not in a bowl.
  9. Then the resulting lump of dough is wrapped in a plastic bag or cling film and placed in the refrigerator. In the cold, it is enough to stand the dough for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will freeze enough to make it easier to roll and cut.
  10. Otherwise, not hard enough shortbread dough will simply crumble under the rolling pin, it will stick to the table and hands. In addition, too soft dough is problematic to give the desired shape.
  11. When the time is right, take the dough out of the refrigerator, put it on a clean, dry surface of the table and roll out a thin cake from it. The thickness of the finished rolled sap should be no more than 0.5 cm. To keep the temperature of the dough low, you can use a bottle of cold water instead of a rolling pin.
  12. This way, the rolled out dough will still be cold enough that during shaping, it will be “obedient”, not sticky to your hands. This is especially important in this case, since this method of making tartlets implies the absence of special molds, and the use of improvised means. As improvised means, two glasses will act here: one with a large diameter, the other smaller, with sharp edges.
  13. Here is the most interesting stage. Let's see how to make tartlets without molds and give them the desired shape. To do this, with a glass with a large diameter, it is necessary to cut out circles from the rolled out layer of dough. Then, on each resulting circle, put a glass of smaller diameter and form the so-called “plate” around its bottom. This is what the finished tarts will look like.
  14. So that they do not lose their shape during baking, several punctures should be made in their bottoms with a toothpick. So, hot air will pass through the hole, and the dough itself will not swell. Before baking, you can put the tartlets in the refrigerator for another 10-15 minutes, so they better retain their shape.
  15. Then you can start baking. Cooking tartlets in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, will take 20 minutes. You can fill them with stuffing after they have cooled.

Puff pastry tarts are beautiful way serving to the table various salads and snacks. And if you fill edible baskets thick cream, then get a delicious homemade cake. These products are very popular as "plates" for gourmet caviar.


  • half kilo pack of puff


  1. Defrost the dough as recommended by the manufacturer on the package.
  2. Sprinkle the table with flour. Roll out puff pastry in one direction.
  3. With a glass or a cup, we cut portioned circles for future tartlets. Round blanks should be an even number.
  4. Set aside half of the circles - these will be the bases for the tartlets. But from the second half we make sides. To do this, take a container with a smaller circumference than a glass.
  5. For example, any glass will do. The main thing is that when applied to a circle, a not very thin strip is formed, the wider it is, the more beautiful the finished baskets will be.
  6. We cut the sides for tartlets with a glass.
  7. We spread the resulting rings on a round base. So that the bottom of the product does not swell during baking, we pierce the circles in several places with a fork. We do not touch the sides, since they should just rise well during baking.
  8. We shift the tartlets onto a baking sheet lined with confectionery paper. In a preheated oven to 200 degrees, bake the products for 15 minutes.
  9. Once the dough has browned, it's time to take it out. Put the finished tartlets on a dish and let cool.

Sand tartlets with red caviar


  • Red caviar - 100 grams
  • Tartlets from puff or shortcrust pastry small - 10 pieces
  • Butter or sour cream fatty - 100 grams
  • Dill - grams


  1. Chop the dill. Mix softened butter (or sour cream) with dill and arrange on tartlets.
  2. Spread the caviar with a teaspoon and serve the red caviar tartlets on a large plate.
  3. Be sure to close the dish cling film and take it off just before the gala dinner. Otherwise, the caviar, which dries very quickly, will turn into pebbles.
  4. Red caviar is not only tasty, but also very healthy dish. She has long ceased to be a scarce product in Russia, but still we decorate her holiday table. The fact is that dishes with red caviar look very elegant and create a feeling of a real holiday.
  5. Tartlets with caviar can be supplemented not only with sour cream, but also with soft, creamy cheese. And you can do it the old fashioned way by making baguette sandwiches with butter and a spoonful of caviar. In addition, it is now customary to decorate salads with fish and not only, Olivier and other dishes with red caviar.

Bread tarts with mushrooms

Beautiful and tasty snack to the holiday table. No dough - pieces of bread are placed in molds (for cupcakes or tartlets), the filling is mushrooms and an egg-milk mixture. Mushrooms can be used store or forest.


  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 300 g mushrooms, chopped
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp softened butter
  • 6 pieces of stale white bread, cut off the crusts
  • 3 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 2 tbsp cream (may be milk)
  • 3 tbsp grated cheese(good parmesan)
  • greenery for decoration

Cooking method:

  1. Preheat oven to 180 C.
  2. Melt 1 tbsp. butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and simmer for 30 seconds until fragrant. Add mushrooms and simmer for 4-6 minutes until browned and softened. Remove from heat, salt and pepper.
  3. Butter a slice of bread on one side. Place a slice of bread in a cupcake or tart tin, butter side down.
  4. Beat eggs lightly, add cream, mushrooms and mix everything. Divide the filling between molds - put on bread. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes until the filling is firm and the top is golden brown.

Puff pastry tartlets

This type of baskets is convenient because you can create various forms of tartlets using puff pastry. You can make this dough yourself, but store-bought puff pastry tartlets will also work well.


  • frozen dough - 300 gr;
  • egg - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the dough from the wrapper, let it defrost at room temperature 20 to 30 minutes.
  2. Spread it with a layer, cut into 12 squares. From 6 squares, use a mold to make square holes, or make diagonal cuts and bend the corners to make a hole.
  3. The first option is more accurate, and the second is more beautiful. Choose to your taste.
  4. Lubricate whole squares with beaten yolk and put squares with a hole on top of them. Brush the top with egg yolk as well.
  5. Bake shortcrust pastry at least 200°C for about 20 minutes.

Puff pastry tartlets without molds

If you do not have baking molds, but there is a great desire to decorate the table original dishes, then in that case use ready dough. The so-called "boats" look very nice on the table. Preparing them is quite easy: Tartlets without molds

  • To do this, you need to defrost the dough, divide it into layers and cut into squares of the required size. Read more:
  • Then roll each square into a thin layer to make a rectangle.
  • Blind the short sides tightly, straighten the bottom and you can put it in the oven.
  • To make the dough not so suitable, put beans in the middle.
  • You can also roll puff pastry balls, roll them out a little on the table to the desired size, put them on a baking sheet and bake.
  • Before filling with the filling, cut off the top ball, put the yummy in the middle and cover with a lid on top. Looks very interesting.

Fillings for tartlets and their use

Ready-made mini-snacks look very elegant. At the celebrations, any fillings for tartlets for a snack can be used and such dishes are served hot or cold.

  • Vegetables. Vegetables for tartlets can be in any form: fresh, boiled, baked. Most often, an appetizer with such a filling is served hot. The connecting component can be cheese. sour cream, egg.
  • Cheese. Cheese tarts are served hot or cold. Heat treatment is usually hard varieties. Vegetables, mushrooms, berries are added to the cheese as an addition.
  • Mushrooms. Traditional option appetizers - tartlets with mushrooms. Served in any form, often with cheese and herbs.
  • Meat. For meat filling comes selected pulp without fat, skin, cartilage, films. Boiled or baked meat is mixed with sauces, cheeses or vegetables. A common option is chicken and mushroom tartlets.
  • Offal. This type of filling is rare, but they make delicious options appetizers from liver pate or boiled tongue.
  • Fish. Tartlets with red fish of the salmon family - New Year's variant snacks. Lightly salted versions of fish are more often used than boiled or baked ones.
  • Seafood. Many favorite tartlets with crab sticks, shrimp or squid are served cold with sauces.
  • Caviar. This type of filling creates an impressive effect. It is easy to prepare and expressive on the table.
  • Fruits, berries. Sweet snacks are served at the end of the feast. Sometimes fruits or vegetables can be combined with cheese or meat, but more often such fillings are accompanied by chocolate and cream.

The tartlets on the table look very beautiful and original. These are such small baskets that fill everything possible salads and pate, even used for sweet desserts. Increasingly, you can find a recipe for a dish served in tartlets. I offer a variant of homemade shortcrust pastry tartlets. The recipe uses only three ingredients: butter, flour and sour cream. And the result is delicious, natural and homemade tartlets.

Ingredients for homemade tarts:

Grate cold butter into the sifted flour with salt. The amount of flour may differ from that given in the recipe, for this, first use 1 or 1.5 cups of flour, and then add. Oil use good quality, then the result will be excellent.

With clean hands, grind the butter with flour into crumbs. You will get a small crumb with a delicious smell of butter.

Add sour cream to butter crumbs and knead the dough.

Knead the dough until a smooth elastic state. The dough should not crumble. If you feel that there is not enough flour, gradually add up to desired consistency test. Get a ball of dough, which put for 30 minutes in the cold.

The rested dough can be used for baking tartlets. Prepare special molds, metal for cupcakes or special for tartlets. It is not necessary to grease the form, there is enough fat in the dough.

Separate a piece from the dough. put on the bottom of the form and gently distribute with your fingers in the form, filling in all the voids. The wall thickness should be thin, but not much.

You can also adjust the height of the tartlets yourself, distribute the dough to the brim, the tartlet will be deep. Define to your liking. Pierce the bottom of the tartlets with a fork and sprinkle with peas. This is necessary so that the dough does not rise during baking and the bottom is even. Instead of peas, also use any cereal.

IN hot oven put all the molds with the dough and bake until golden color. The oven temperature is 190 degrees, the baking time depends on the size of the tartlets. It took me 35 minutes. Get ready-made tartlets, cool and remove from the mold, remove the peas.

This is how easy it is to make homemade tartlets for your dishes. It is better to cook them in advance, they will have time to infuse and there will be no need to rush on the day of serving.
