
Recipe for cupcakes in iron molds on fermented baked milk. Muffins with raisins on ryazhenka

Often you want to please your family with some unusual, tasty and at the same time affordable, simple dish. It is useful for every hostess to have a recipe for a treat on a note, which will be appropriate both in the evening for a family tea party and for a festive table.

If a package of ryazhenka stays longer than usual in the refrigerator, it will find a worthy use for making amazing cupcakes. The most delicate pastries will delight children who have asked for something tasty, and guests who suddenly appear will certainly appreciate the culinary talents of the hostess.

Distinguished by a special taste, ryazhenka muffins are baked from the most familiar ingredients, from which, it would seem, everything that is possible has already been prepared. And be sure to check out the recipe for sauteed eggplant.

Ryazhenka cupcake recipe - ingredients

  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 1 glass of fermented baked milk;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1.5 cups of wheat flour;
  • 125 g margarine;
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda (or baking powder);
  • 1 sachet of vanilla.

Ryazhenka cupcake - cooking

  • We mix fermented baked milk of any percentage of fat content with semolina.

Note: For traditional cakes, various fermented milk products (kefir, sour milk, bifidok, etc.) are most often used. But ryazhenka gives baked goods a surprisingly delicate, delicate caramel-milk aroma and taste. Try to somehow replace kefir with it in the usual recipe and you will see how pleasantly the taste qualities of a familiar dish will be revealed.

Note: In baking using fermented milk products, it is not necessary to quench soda with vinegar. It reacts properly with the acidic environment, forming a porous base, and the cupcakes are fluffy.

Note: Some housewives prefer to use butter. However, an alternative solution, due to the higher fat content, makes the dough heavier. To make cupcakes airy, it is better to purchase special margarine for baking..

Note: If desired, raisins, nuts, poppy seeds, chocolate chips, cocoa, candied fruits or any berries are added to the cupcakes.

Step 1: Prepare the oven and muffin tin.

First, preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius. Now we prepare the form for muffins, just put 1 paper pastry cup in each cell. If you do not have such cups, it is better to grease the form cells with any vegetable or butter fat, such as margarine, butter or sunflower oil, you can even use lard for this purpose.

Step 2: prepare the dough.

Using a sieve with a fine mesh, sift the required amount of wheat flour into a deep bowl. Then add baking powder to it and mix the ingredients with a whisk until smooth. We drive eggs without shells into a deep bowl, add softened butter, vanilla sugar, regular sugar and beat the ingredients with a mixer until a homogeneous airy texture and complete dissolution of sugar grains. We begin to mix the ingredients by turning on the kitchen appliance at the lowest speed, and increase it to the maximum as the egg mass thickens. We give this process at least 10 - 15 minutes.
Then add fermented baked milk to the egg mass and beat the ingredients at medium speed for another couple of minutes. Then gradually add mixed dry ingredients into the same container, that is, wheat flour, baking powder and a few tablespoons of cocoa powder.
Knead a semi-thick dough without lumps. In total, it will take approximately 20 minutes. We let the finished flour semi-finished product brew 3 - 4 minutes.

Step 3: Bake the muffins.

After the required time has elapsed, using a tablespoon, spread the dough into a muffin pan prepared for baking. We fill each cell or paper cup with dough halfway. We check the oven, whether it has warmed up to the desired temperature and only after that we put the form into it on the middle rack.
Bake muffins for 20 - 25 minutes. After the required time has elapsed, we check the readiness of flour products with a wooden toothpick. We introduce its end into the middle of one of the muffins and pull it out, if the end is dry, then baking is ready. If the tip of the toothpick is a little wet and there are pieces of dough stuck to it, then let the muffins come to full readiness for another 2 to 3 minutes. When baking is done, remove the muffin tin from the oven, holding it with a kitchen towel. Let the baked goods cool down a bit.
After, carefully holding the paper cups with your fingers, transfer the muffins to a metal grill and cool to room temperature. If desired, remove paper cups from baking or leave muffins in them. After a while, put the pastries on a large flat dish and serve with your favorite drinks.

Step 4: serve muffins on ryazhenka.

Ryazhenka muffins are served at room temperature. After they are decorated with powdered sugar, any cream, syrups, chocolate icing, mastic, whipped cream or whipped sour cream. Also, this dessert can be supplemented with canned or fresh berries and fruits. Cook with love and enjoy! Bon appetit!

- - Sometimes instead of butter, you can use creamy margarine, but of the highest grade and with a small amount of liquid.

- - You can use liquid vanilla extract instead of vanilla sugar.

- - Food baking powder can be replaced with ½ teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of vinegar, extinguishing the first ingredient, the second directly into the bowl with the liquid mass.

- – Muffins can be prepared with any filling, such as berries, fruits, chocolate, nuts, jam or jam, if desired.

- - The dough can be mixed with a regular whisk and after a wooden kitchen spoon, of course then it will take a little longer to cook.

It is easy to prepare an airy cake with a frozen berry in ryazhenka - let's take a delicious kefir or other fermented milk product, eggs, flour, knead the batter - and in an hour your fragrant pastries are ready.
But if you decide to add berries to the dough, there will be some difficulties. From the abundance of liquid in the dough, a cake with berries often does not rise, and although it is just as tasty, the view becomes unpresentable. There are a few tips on how to avoid excessive moisture in the dough.
If some ordinary products are replaced with others, the taste of the cake will change, and then the cake from an everyday dish will be digested into a festive pastry, which you can treat guests to.
By the way, for any celebration you can cook
So, the recipe for an airy cake on ryazhenka.
Berry Cake Ingredients:
- 3 eggs;
- 100 grams of butter (frozen);
- 1 glass of fermented baked milk;
- flour 2-2.5 cups;
- 1 glass of frozen blackcurrant or other berry of your choice;
- 1 teaspoon baking soda or baking powder
- 1.5 cups of sugar;
- 1 tablespoon of refined vegetable oil.

How to cook with a photo step by step

To prepare a cake on ryazhenka, you need to mix the eggs with a whisk. There is no need to foam.

I propose to replace the traditional kefir for baking with ryazhenka. Pour into a bowl, the ryazhenka we have chosen. Take Ryazhenka with a high fat content, if the expiration date is coming to an end - it's not scary, as it will be more active in baking.

Add soda one teaspoon without top. Since we have fermented baked milk and sour berries in our dough, we do not extinguish soda.

Mix the dough until smooth with a mixer or whisk.
Mix the berries with flour without defrosting!

Mix the dough very quickly and vigorously. The best way to do this is with a spoon.
Since the berries are sprinkled with flour, they will be relatively evenly distributed over the dough and will not settle.

Pour the dough into a mold greased with refined vegetable oil. On the surface of the dough, traces of the reaction of berries, sugar and fermented baked milk are already visible. The surface melts into holes a little.

We bake our air cake in the oven at a temperature of 180-200 degrees. The average baking time is 1 hour. But after 45 minutes, it is worth checking the dough with a skewer. If the surface of the cake is sticky but springy and the skewer is dry, the cake is ready. If one of the tests is negative, bake the cake for another 10-15 minutes.

The surface of the cupcake should turn out porous, as if lacy.
Let the cake cool and remove from the mold.

The cupcake comes out airy and fluffy not only on the outside, it is very fluffy all over.

Since the berries are defrosted already in the hot dough, they almost do not release juice, and the cake does not become wet.

Another option for placing berries in the dough would be semolina. If the berries are laid out in layers in the dough, then this is the best option. Pour 1 dessert spoon of cereal, a layer of berries, semolina again, this time 1-2 tablespoons, into a 26 cm diameter mold. Cover the berries with dough.

Then the berries in the dough will be a layer, but there will be no excess liquid in the cake.
You can brew tea or pour cool compote and treat yourself to a cupcake with berries.
The recipe for an airy ryazhenka cake was sent by Tatyana ATV.
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If you, like me, love ryazhenka, then this easy muffin recipe- just for you. In general, I can’t say that ryazhenka plays some key role in it exactly as ryazhenka, rather, it is simply required as a liquid component of the dough (you know, you can just as well take drinking yogurt or kefir instead), however, a subtle, subtle, pleasant aftertaste of baked milk is present. And this flavor is great! However, even if you are indifferent to ryazhenka, still take this simple muffin recipe into service - you must admit, it often happens that accidental surpluses of sour-milk products (including ryazhenka) are formed in the kitchen, so if you need to dispose of something like this , this option will always help out. It turns out fast, uncomplicated in taste, very simple homemade cakes, but in this simplicity of it there is so much home warmth, mother's care, family ties hidden that it is impossible to resist!

Ryazhenka is a traditional dairy product in many countries of the post-Soviet space, which is obtained by fermenting ordinary baked milk with thermophilic lactic streptococci.

So, muffins - a simple recipe for fermented baked milk. What is worth trying to understand that it is wonderful.


2 cups of flour;

1 glass of fermented baked milk;

1 cup of sugar;

80 ml of vegetable oil;

1/2 tsp salt;

1 tsp soda;

150 g of any berries (I took raspberries, perfect with blueberries, blueberries, strawberries, currants).

As always when making muffins, a simple rule follows: mix dry with dry, liquid with liquid. Pour flour, add salt and soda there and mix well.

In the second bowl, pour the fermented baked milk and butter, break the eggs, add sugar.

We mix.

We combine liquid with dry.

Mix in several movements by folding.

Add berries.

Mix quickly again.

Pour batter into muffin cups, filling them 3/4 full.

Bake at 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

And enjoy... This is the perfect addition to your morning cup of tea!

Bon appetit!

Sweet-toothed cakes on ryazhenka like their crumbly dough base, which blends perfectly with crispy crusts on the top and sides.

The very next day after baking, such a cupcake will become completely different in taste, but this does not mean that it has deteriorated.

The crusts will become soft, the moisture will be distributed evenly, and the inside of the dough will delight you with juiciness. The aroma of ryazhenka cake has special notes of this fermented milk product.

Ryazhenka cake recipe with raisins

The standard taste of a simple ryazhenka cake will become even richer and more interesting thanks to raisins. Its recipe is presented below.


floor st. Sahara; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 100 gr. sl. oils; 1.5 st. flour; 100 gr. raisins; 1 tsp baking powder; ¼ tsp soda; salt; 200 ml ryazhenka.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I pour boiling water over the raisins. I put it on paper and let it dry.
  2. Sl. oil should be at room temperature. I beat it with sugar and salt, the mass will be lush.
  3. I beat the butter mass from the chickens. eggs. I add ryazhenka.
  4. Pour flour, baking soda and baking powder into a separate bowl and sift. I mix the mass. The dough will be wet, it will not be mixed with tbsp. I add raisins and mix.
  5. I lubricate the form. butter, sprinkle with flour. I put the dough, I equalize. I cover the mold with foil.
  6. In the oven at 180 gr. I put the dough and bake for 1 hour. I remove the foil from the mold. Bake for another 10 minutes to brown the top. I check the baked goods for readiness with a dry stick.
  7. I take out a delicious cake on ryazhenka from the oven. I cover with a kitchen towel. When the cake has cooled, take it out of the mold.

Pastries can be served to the table, both warm and cooled. It won't play out in taste. But I advise you to store the cupcake in a container with a lid so that the ryazhenka dough stays fresh longer. Cover the bottom of the dish with a paper towel.

A simple recipe: Homemade cake on ryazhenka dough in a slow cooker

Many people like ryazhenka. It has a pleasant taste and a special aroma. This product is good for human health, because it contains a lot of calcium.

This recipe will allow you to make a tender cake in a slow cooker at home. The basis for the dough is ryazhenka. The rest of the products are traditional for baking cupcakes.

You can make fermented baked milk at home based on baked milk. You will need a multicooker for this purpose. But the option of using a store product is not excluded.

All products should be used at room temperature. The recipe is below.


2 tbsp. psh. flour; 100 gr. sl. oils; 1 tbsp baking powder; 200 ml of fermented baked milk; 1 st. Sahara; 1 pinch of salt; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I put chickens in a bowl. eggs, add sugar.
  2. I beat the products with a mixer, it is necessary that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved. In 5 minutes you will definitely cope with this task. If you don't have a mixer at home, you can use a whisk. Only then will you have to beat the mass for about 10 minutes.
  3. Sl. melt the oil and let it cool down. I mix chickens. eggs and sugar, sl. butter and ryazhenka.
  4. I mix the liquid mass with salt, baking powder and sifted flour.
  5. I'm doing a test. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with the rest of the sl. oils. I pour the batter into it. I bake 1 hour on the Baking program.
  6. I check the cake for readiness with a wooden skewer. If it is dry, then the cake is ready.
  7. We take out the cake from the multicooker. I let him cool down. I serve dessert on ryazhenka with brewed cocoa, coffee or tea. You can use sah as a decoration for a cake. powder.

Well, it remains only to wish you a pleasant appetite. Undoubtedly, a fragrant and delicate dessert will please everyone.

Cupcake with ryazhenka dough with currant syrup

Ingredients for homemade fermented baked milk: 1 liter of milk (fat content 3/2%); 1 pack leaven.

Components for the test: 150 gr. Sahara; 180 gr. sl. oils; 3 pcs. chickens. eggs; half a l of homemade fermented baked milk; 430 gr. flour; 2 tsp baking powder; syrup; 100 gr. water, sugar and currants.

Components for decoration: 50 gr. black and red currants; 80 gr. white chocolate.

To lubricate the form, you need to take 1 tbsp. rast. oils.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I sterilize dishes for cooking ryazhenka. I pour the starter into milk, it should be at room temperature. I mix 3 minutes dry tbsp. I cover the container with a lid and put it in a warm place for 10 hours.
  2. I put the pie in the fridge to cool down.
  3. Softened sl. I mix butter with sugar. I beat the mass with a mixer.
  4. I add ryazhenka and whisk.
  5. Sow flour and baking powder. I mix so that there are no lumps.
  6. I cover the form with paper, lubricate the rust. butter and spread the dough.
  7. I bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 gr. I take out the finished dessert and let it cool.
  8. I make syrup in a jug of currants, water and sugar. I put it on fire and cook for 15 minutes.
  9. I pass through a sieve. In the cupcake, I make a couple of pricks with a skewer and pour syrup over the dessert. I don't touch for 20 minutes.
  10. I decorate the cake with melted chocolate and berries.

This completes the recipe. As soon as the chocolate hardens - serve a treat to the table!

My video recipe
