
Eggplant in tomato sauce for the winter. Eggplants in tomato juice for the winter without sterilization

Eggplant in tomato for the winter you need to cook from the right vegetables. Not all fruits can be used for seasonal harvesting. When selecting them, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of vegetables, their degree of maturity, the absence of foci of decay and mechanical damage. Select fruits that are oblong in shape and black in color, which are at the stage of milky maturity.

How to cook eggplant in tomato for the winter

Blanch the tomatoes, remove the peel, chop or pass through a meat grinder. Add chopped tomatoes to the pan, put on the stove, boil while stirring, add vegetable oil, salt, sugar, spices, sweat for about half an hour. Five minutes before the end, add vinegar, chopped garlic. Take the tomato sauce off the stove, get ready for the twist. Proceed to cutting the blue ones. Chop them into bite-sized pieces. Cutting can be done arbitrarily: at an angle, along, across. Salt the slices, leave for half an hour to remove excess moisture and natural bitterness. After that, wash the slices with cool water, dry.

Fry the vegetable pieces in a small amount of oil to form a golden crust. If you want to try the salad here and now, pour it with tomato sauce, simmer until they are ready. Sterilize the dishes for twisting, lay the vegetables in layers, soaking each layer with hot garlic-tomato sauce.

Eggplant in tomato for the winter: a recipe

You will need:

Vegetable oil
- blue - 1 kg
- tomatoes - 1 kg
- onion - 2 pcs.
- garlic clove - 2 pcs.
- granulated sugar - 55 g
- salt - 1.5 teaspoons
- ground black pepper

Cooking steps:

Rinse the fruits, crumble into slices, transfer to a bowl, into which you need to pour salted water in advance. Thus, all the bitterness will come out. Make the sauce: wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes, chop in a blender, turn into a tomato paste. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve, eliminating seeds and peel. Put salt, pepper and granulated sugar in tomato juice. Place the saucepan on the stove, cook over medium heat. Peel the onion, chop finely, fry until golden, add to tomato sauce, send crushed garlic, dill. Put hot pepper. This product will make the taste of the dish especially piquant. The sauce will take about 20 minutes to boil. Drain the water from the fruit, fry each piece. Rinse the jars with soda, sterilize, pack. Pour in the sauce, roll up, turn over, wrap in a warm blanket to completely cool the spins.

Try and .

Recipe for eggplant in tomato for the winter.


Tomatoes - 1 kg
- sweet pepper - ? kg
- a small pod of pepper - 2 pcs.
- sunflower oil - ? glasses
- water - 0.5 tbsp.
- sugar - 0.5 tbsp.
- acetic acid - a tablespoon

Cooking steps:

Peppers and tomatoes cut into pieces, cut the stalks. Remove seed pods from peppercorns. Cut the blue ones into 4 parts, and then into slices. Put the cauldron on the fire, wait until the sauce boils, put salt and granulated sugar. Pour in the oil. If the mass is thick enough, pour in half a glass of water, cover with a lid, let it boil for 25 minutes over low heat. During this time, stir the mass a couple of times. Ready vegetables should darken, become soft, but retain their shape. Pour in the vinegar, add chopped garlic, after 5 minutes put it in jars, roll it up, put it under the covers for a day.

They turn out quite tasty and.

Delicious eggplant in tomato for the winter.

You will need:

Sunflower oil - 0.2 kg
- Bulgarian pepper - 0.3 kg
- little blue ones - 1.5 kg
- salt - 35 g
- vinegar - 75 g
- garlic - 50
- granulated sugar - 55 g

Cooking steps:

Rinse the vegetables thoroughly, peel with a special knife. Cut the fruits into small strips along. Then - cubes. Sprinkle with salt, stir well, leave for 40 minutes. During this time, all the bitterness will come out very quickly. Disassemble the garlic head into cloves, clean, wash under a stream of running water. Rinse the pepper, cut into 2 parts, cut out the seeds, divide into quarters. Wash the tomatoes, dry on a paper towel. Grind peppercorns, tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder, transfer to a slow cooker. Put the crushed mixture into the multicooker bowl, add vegetable oil, vinegar, granulated sugar, bring to a boil, turn on the “Cooking” mode for 5 minutes. Pour the blue ones into the sauce, mix thoroughly, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode, time - 40 minutes.

Eggplant in tomato for the winter recipe with photo.

Peel 1 kg of blue ones, cut into small cubes, transfer to a baking sheet, bake in an oven heated to two hundred degrees. Vegetables should become soft. Make tomato sauce: chop 1.5 kg of washed tomatoes, cut out the stalks, twist through a meat grinder, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, cook for 5 minutes. Pour dried eggplants, boil again, salt. After 5 min. add 35 ml of acetic acid, pour the salad into sterile jars, cork with metal lids.


Eggplant, or as it is often called by the people, blue is a favorite of many hostesses. Its specific taste calls for creating gourmet dishes and snacks. The vegetable is especially good in winter in preparations. Eggplants in tomato have a very piquant and unique taste, the process of their preservation is simple and interesting.

Required Ingredients

Eggplant is from a noble family, so it is quite demanding in cooking. You need to know a few prerequisites before proceeding with its processing. The peel and pulp of the blue ones contain a toxic substance - solanine. It is he who gives the very bitterness that sometimes scares away novice cooks. So that it does not interfere with our friendship with eggplants, they must be cut and left for half an hour in salt water. In this way, solanine will be removed, and with it bitterness.

When choosing eggplant for preservation, be careful. It's good when you grow the crop yourself, but what if you don't? We go to the market and choose according to the advice of experts. We need only fresh fruits with a green tail. Inveterate summer residents recommend clicking on a vegetable: if the fingerprint immediately disappears, feel free to put it in your basket! If by mistake you get an old eggplant, be sure to remove the seeds from it. They can also spoil the taste of your dish.

Canned vegetables are very healthy, in winter they perfectly replenish the reserves of vitamins and minerals. This applies especially to eggplant. This vegetable cannot be eaten the way nature created it, it needs to be cooked anyway. All nutrients are perfectly preserved in blue ones even during long-term storage.

For a long time, housewives have learned how to harvest eggplant in a tomato, or, more simply, with tomatoes. Everyone knows and loves this gentleman: his peculiar pleasant taste makes any appetizer original. In a duet with eggplant, it turns out just an unusual union, and the combination of useful substances of both becomes a storehouse of vitamins.

This dish is very loved not only in Russia. It is prepared with minor changes and additions in Georgia, Bulgaria and other countries. The recipe in tomato sauce attracts with the simplicity and taste of the finished product. You can use such an overeating immediately after preparation or store until a winter feast.

An important point is the preparation of the sauce. Blanch the tomatoes, which must be peeled in advance. What it is? Blanching is the process of boiling vegetables passed through a meat grinder. As soon as they puffed, add sugar, salt and spices to taste.

Pour vegetable oil last, in tomato sauce it should be 10 times less than a tomato.

For example, we took them 3 kg - which means we pour 300 grams of oil. We simmer all this beauty for 30 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add vinegar, you can do quite a bit (not for taste, but for the sake of conservation).

While the sauce is stewing, we prepare the main character - eggplant. It needs to be cut into bite-size pieces. Best large, lengthwise or across - as you like! Roll the finished slices in salt and leave for half an hour. After we wash them and dry them with a napkin. Put the beauties in a frying pan, where a small amount of oil has already warmed up, and fry until golden brown.

And now we will roll up in pre-washed and sterilized jars. We will do this in layers: blue ones - sauce - blue ones - sauce - and so on to the shoulders of the jar. We cover with a fur coat, it can be an old blanket, blanket or something similar. As soon as the workpiece cools down naturally, we move our salad to the refrigerator for storage.

It is no secret that most eggplant blanks are quite fatty, because frying in oil is included in the cooking process. Not everyone likes it. We suggest trying another recipe, it is simple and does not take much time. The salad is light, well stored, perfect as an addition to main dishes. The following ratio is calculated for 5.5-6 liters of the finished product.

We select 3 kg of eggplant, 6 carrots, 15 sweet peppers, 4 onions and 1 garlic. And now we proceed to the most important thing - preparing the sauce. For him, take tomatoes - 3 kg, twist them through a meat grinder. Pour 2 tablespoons into the finished mass. salt (it is better to take a large one), 0.5 cups of sugar, pour the same amount of vinegar. Let's not forget about refined vegetable oil - 1 glass. Mix well and boil for 10 minutes.

During this time, we clean and grate carrots on a coarse grater. Add it to the sauce and cook for another 15 minutes. While it is cooking, take (attention!) Unpeeled eggplants and cut them coarsely. We lay them in the total mass as soon as the carrots are cooked, and leave for another 15 minutes. While everything is stewing, we clear the seeds and cut the pepper into half rings. Again - in the pan for 15 minutes. Cooking onions: cut and also for 15 minutes to all vegetables. Crushed garlic is sent at the end of cooking for 3-4 minutes. While the mass is hot, lay it out in pre-sterilized jars. Ready!

It happens that you don’t want to cook the sauce or time is limited. No problem! Let's take an example in tomato juice. This recipe is unique in that we will bake vegetables for it. The preparation in juice is obtained with an incredibly delicate taste and a pronounced aroma.

To do this, select good fruits, preferably small, oblong in shape. Wash them and send them entirely to the oven - let them bake for themselves. You will determine the degree of readiness by eye: poke with a fork, if soft, then ready. As soon as they cool down, try to remove the skin as carefully as possible. This is necessary for the aesthetics of our future dish. You are going to surprise your dear guests with it!

We put the eggplants prepared in this way in jars. But first, as usual, we must sterilize the container. At the bottom of the container, spread the garlic with cloves, bay leaf, peppercorns to taste. We put eggplants on the spices, and then we'll deal with the juice. Before pouring, it must be salted (per 1 liter - 1.5 tablespoons of salt). By the way, a purchased product is quite suitable. But if you are not sure about store-bought juice, make your own, there are many recipes on the Internet. Filled jars also need to be heated in the oven for 15 minutes for better preservation of the product.

A similar recipe for making eggplant for the winter was loved by those who need it spicier and spicier. We need the ingredients: eggplant itself (3 kg), half as many tomatoes (1.5 kg), bell peppers (1 kg), the same amount of onions. In the main composition, take chili peppers (2-3 pieces), someone puts parsley. Well, auxiliary components: refined vegetable oil 300 grams, sugar 3 tbsp. spoons, salt 2 tbsp. spoons.

The eggplant preparation sequence is the same: cut, pour cold salted water, leave for half an hour. At this time, remove the skin from the tomatoes, after scalding them. Grind (blender, meat grinder, who is used to it). Finely chop the rest of the vegetables: onion - with feathers, pepper - with straws, garlic - through a press. But we grind the hot pepper into gruel with a blender, cutting out the core in advance.

During this time, just the eggplant will be freed from bitterness, and we can remove them from the saline solution by blotting with a towel. We send to fry in a well-heated frying pan. Let them brown well on both sides. Put the finished circles in a handy bowl.

And in the oil in which the blue ones were fried, we send the onion. Ready - for his eggplant! In the same place we fry the pepper and send it to the onion and eggplant. Salt vegetables and mix. Add spices to the purchased tomato puree: sugar, salt, chili pepper. We put on a slow fire and gradually evaporate the excess liquid. At the end of the stew, you can add greens.

In clean, sterilized jars, we lay all future contents in layers. A layer of vegetables, then fill them with juice for 2 fingers, again vegetables and so on. Top should be a tomato. We cover the jars with lids (do not roll them up!) And put them in a water bath for 30–40 minutes. This is how we pasteurize jars. Only after this process we take the machine and spin it. Turn over and wrap until completely cool.

In addition to the traditional ones listed above, there are recipes for real gourmets. Eggplants prepared by conservation in adjika stand out in this row. This dish is different in that it does not contain any vinegar or tomato paste. Thanks to this, it retains the aroma of summer, and there are more useful substances. Another attractive nuance: to make the appetizer easier to digest, we will not fry the main component, we will immediately stew in adjika.

So, we need: 5 kg of eggplant, 3 kg of tomato, red bell pepper - 3 kg, a pound of garlic, 1 piece of hot pepper, salt, sugar, ground black pepper, bay leaf to taste, a glass of vegetable oil. We clean, cut, wash everything. While the eggplants are soaking, prepare the adjika. We twist the garlic in a meat grinder, remove it to the side to wait for its time. Then peppers and tomatoes

We put the pepper and tomatoes to cook on a slow fire and add all the spices to the adjika. Boil and stir continuously. When adjika boils, add chopped eggplant. Boil the whole mass for about half an hour on minimum heat. Then add the garlic. We lay out the finished mixture in jars and sterilize for 15 minutes. Further according to the scenario: turn over, wrap, cool, put in the refrigerator.

This is one of the most delicious eggplant preparations. At least I have not tried such eggplants in a tomato yet. So bright, rich taste that it even becomes surprising that you cooked it with your own hands. There are several options for how to cook eggplant in a tomato for the winter. We will take the simplest recipe. We will not bake or boil eggplants separately. And so that they do not taste bitter, we will use the old proven grandfather method - sprinkle them with salt. Together with salt, not only all the bitterness will go away, but also a pleasant softness will appear, so the cooking process will take quite a bit of time - literally 15 minutes. I will describe the process in detail step by step. From the indicated number of products, you will get 1 liter and 1 half-liter jar of eggplant in tomato. I believe that this method of harvesting - in containers of various sizes - is the most correct. We will open a large jar for the arrival of guests, and a small one for Sunday dinner.


  • Eggplant - 1 kg,
  • Tomatoes - 1 kg,
  • Bulgarian pepper - 350 g (about 5 pieces),
  • Sour apple - 1 piece,
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves (2/3 heads),
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons (1 tablespoon in eggplant, 1 in tomato sauce),
  • Sugar - 120 g,
  • Vegetable oil - 1/3 cup,
  • Vinegar 5% - 20 ml,
  • Hot red pepper - ¼ pod (optional)

To prepare tomato sauce for eggplant, you will need a meat grinder.

How to cook eggplant in tomato for the winter

Let's start with eggplant. They need to be washed, remove the stalk with leaves, cut each eggplant in half lengthwise and cut into halves of circles.

Pour the eggplants into a large saucepan or bowl, sprinkle with a tablespoon of salt, mix with your hands and leave for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, they will give a lot of juice and decrease in size.

Let's move on to the tomato sauce. For these purposes, we will need to prepare the tomatoes. I know that often tomatoes are made into sauce without peeling them. And you can do the same. But if you want your sauce to be remarkably thick and tender in texture, follow this completely simple procedure. I myself was surprised how easy it is to remove the skin from ripe tomatoes. On each you need to make an incision cross on the cross.

Then pour water into a bucket. Boil. Put tomatoes in a bucket - I can fit three pieces - for 1-2 minutes.

Then remove them from boiling water with a tablespoon or slotted spoon. And literally at the expense of one-two-three-four peel off. Here you can visually see all stages of the process.

My sweet pepper, cut in half, take out the stalk with seeds, and cut into strips sufficient to pass through the meat grinder. My apple, cut into quarters, cutting out the core. We clean the garlic from the chaff.

Get a puree. Add a tablespoon of salt and sugar to it.

We add vegetable oil. We put it on the stove. When the sauce boils, add vinegar and turn off the heat.

We take a container with eggplant. We merge all the allocated juice (as you can see, there is a lot of it).

Pour the eggplants into the sauce, bring it to a boil again, then reduce the heat to low and simmer the eggplants in the sauce for 20 minutes. This completes the preparation. All that remains is to arrange the eggplants in the tomato in jars.

As for sterilization, there is no unequivocal opinion about this particular blank. Eggplants stand well without sterilization if they are placed in carefully sterilized jars and rolled up with sterile lids, then turned upside down, wrapped in a blanket and wait until they cool. But if you are not sure that you can make the container completely sterile, then it would be better to sterilize the workpiece. To do this, laying the eggplants in jars, cover them with lids. We put a grate on the bottom or put a rag in a large saucepan, put the jars out, fill them with hot water to the level to which they are filled with eggplant, wait until the water boils and boil for 20 minutes, then roll it up.

Bon appetit!

Eggplants, which we also call “blue ones”, are an important source of various minerals. First of all, of course, we are talking about potassium, which significantly improves the functioning of the heart and enhances the excretion of fluid from the body. If this vegetable is eaten constantly, then the level of cholesterol in the blood will decrease. “Blue ones” are stuffed, baked, fried, salted, marinated. So we will take care of the cold winter period by preparing eggplants for the winter today.

Recipe #1, Ingredients and Prep

Taste qualities have long been described and known to everyone. Therefore, we will stop there, we will tell one of the simplest cooking recipes that even a completely inexperienced person can perform.

Ingredients: three kilograms of eggplant, three liters of tomato juice, three kilograms of ripe red tomatoes, half a kilogram of sweet pepper, 10 black peppercorns, two large heads of garlic, four pieces of bay leaf, 200 grams of sugar sand, half a liter of vegetable oil, 200 grams of vinegar, two spoons of salt.

You probably know that the right choice of products is very important when preparing homemade products for the winter. Both the shelf life and the taste of the salad depend on this, so pay close attention to the following tips so that the eggplants turn out to be of very high quality. We choose the “blue ones” of small size and young ones, as they are softer and the bones are not hard. But with tomatoes, the opposite is true, we choose soft, red, overripe ones. From these we get excellent juice. Any bell pepper will do, but red peppers with thick, firm flesh are best.

Cooking eggplant for the winter

In the event that you do not have ready-made tomato juice and there is no way to make it, we simply pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder and boil for five minutes. In the meantime, let's prepare some other ingredients. We clean the bitter and from the seeds, from the peel - garlic, and all this is passed through a meat grinder at the same time, you can also grind it in a blender. Pour the chopped vegetables into a saucepan with boiling tomatoes, add sugar sand, bay leaf, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil, peppercorns and simmer for 10 minutes after boiling.

While our seasoning is cooking, we are engaged in eggplant. We wash, remove the tails, cut into circles of half a centimeter thickness. We send them to the tomato and boil for another half hour. We lay out the finished dish in pre-sterilized jars, close and roll up with iron lids. in tomato juice, ready.

Recipe number 2

It is also a fairly simple way to prepare your favorite and delicious dish. Once you make it, you won't regret it.

Required Ingredients: eggplant - three to four kilograms, tomatoes - three kilograms, sweet pepper - one kilogram, hot pepper - two pods, garlic - two heads, salt - 100 grams, one glass of vegetable oil and granulated sugar.

Preservation of eggplant in tomato juice according to this recipe is quite simple. Cooked bitter and sweet peppers, tomatoes, garlic are passed through a meat grinder. Add sunflower oil, sugar sand, salt to the resulting mixture, put on fire and boil. After boiling, put the eggplant, cut into small circles, into the pan and boil for 20 minutes. Then we put the eggplants in jars, of course sterile, along with the grounds. Roll up. Another version of the dish “Eggplant in tomato juice for the winter” is prepared. You should get about six liters.

Recipe number 3: eggplant with onions and peppers

In order to prepare eight servings of this dish, we need about an hour of time. And get a great appetizer.

We will need the following ingredients: one kilogram each - eggplant, onion and sweet pepper, three liters of tomato juice, 300 grams of sugar sand, 150 ml of vinegar and 50 grams of salt.

The amount of tomato juice is indicated after processing tomatoes in a meat grinder. So we get natural juice with pulp. Which is many times better than the store from the packages. When it is received, we begin to perform in tomato juice.

Cooking eggplants with onions and peppers in natural tomato juice

Preparing the ingredients for our salad. Cut eggplant into cubes, onion into thick rings, pepper into squares. Before that, of course, wash the vegetables and peel, if necessary. Each component should be the same. The guideline should be volume, not weight, so it is advisable to measure with some kind of bowl. Scales are useless here. Pour the prepared tomato juice with pulp into a deep saucepan and put on fire. Pour vinegar, pour sugar and salt, boil. After boiling, add eggplant to the pan and cook on low heat for 10 minutes.

We spread the onion, simmer again for 10 minutes, now the pepper, and again simmer for the same 10 minutes. Everything, eggplants in tomato juice are ready for the winter. Put the resulting salad into clean, dry jars and close the lids. By the way, sterilization is not necessary at all. But you need to turn it upside down and wrap it up well for sure. After a day, we remove the conservation for long-term storage. From the above amount of ingredients, the output is about nine kilograms of salad. Bon appetit.


To cook eggplant in tomato for the winter you will need:

tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
hot pepper - 1-2 pcs.;

sweet red pepper - 10 pcs.;

eggplant - 3 kg;
garlic - 1-2 heads;
sunflower oil - 1 glass (glass 250 ml);

vinegar - 1 cup;

sugar - 1 glass;
salt - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking steps

Rinse vegetables under running water.

Remove seeds from sweet and bitter peppers. Skip peppers and tomatoes through a meat grinder.

Add sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vinegar to vegetables. Put the mixture on the fire and boil over low heat for 5-10 minutes.

Peel the eggplants from the skin and cut first lengthwise into four parts, and then across, into slices about two centimeters thick.

Add eggplant slices to the tomato mass and cook the mixture from the moment of boiling for five minutes. Then add the garlic passed through the press, mix and simmer for another 15-20 minutes over medium heat. The cooking time depends on the eggplants, the main thing is not to overcook them so that they retain their shape, but are not raw, so do not forget to taste them periodically.

Arrange eggplants in tomato in sterilized jars and roll up with lids for the winter.

Turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket until they cool completely. Of this amount of products, I got nine half-liter cans.

Delicious eggplants in tomato are ready, it remains to wait for winter and open a jar of delicious preservation.

Bon appetit!
