
Recipe for an unusual fruit jam. Melon in syrup

Every housewife knows how to prepare strawberries, raspberries or currants for the winter. But to make jam from exotic fruits or even from vegetables not all are solved. But it is very simple, tasty and original. That's why we decided to give you...

Every housewife knows how to prepare strawberries, raspberries or currants for the winter. But not everyone decides to make jam from exotic fruits or even from vegetables.

But it is very simple, tasty and original. Therefore, we decided to choose for you not quite regular recipes. Try and be surprised!

You will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. white wine and 5% vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil


  1. Cut the onion into half rings and brown in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  2. Pour in sugar, pour in 100 ml of water and heat for small fire while stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Simmer on low for about 30 minutes. Pour in wine and vinegar, cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Let cool and put into jars.

You will need:

  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1.3 kg sugar
  • 500 g carrots
  • 1 lemon


  1. Wash the cherries, put them in a colander, let the water drain. Remove the bones, add 700 g of sugar. Drain the juice, add another 600 g of sugar to it and boil the syrup.
  2. Peel carrots. Cut carrots and lemon into slices. Put cherries, carrots and lemon into syrup. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and cool.
  3. For the next 3 days, bring the jam to a boil, remove the foam and turn it off after 2-3 minutes.
  4. Then pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

You will need:

For 4 persons

  • 1 lemon
  • 1 lime
  • 1 melon (1.2 kg)
  • 400 g raspberries
  • 1 kg of granulated sugar
  • 200 ml water


  1. Wash the lemon and lime thoroughly and dry well. Remove the zest with a sharp knife and squeeze out the juice. Pour the zest with 200 g of granulated sugar and pour over the lemon juice and lime juice. Leave for 1 hour.
  2. Wash the melon, dry it, cut it in half, remove the seeds. Cut into slices and cut off the peel. Cut the pulp into medium-sized cubes. Sort the raspberries, wash and dry on a paper towel.
  3. Transfer the zest with sugar to a saucepan, add the remaining sugar, pour in 200 ml of water and bring to a boil. Put the melon and cook for 5 minutes. Add raspberries, cook for 5 minutes, skimming occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool.
  4. Put it on the fire again and cook over low heat until a test for a thick thread. Let cool. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

You will need:

  • 1 tsp soda
  • 1 pinch of vanilla


  1. Cut off the hard green part completely from the crusts. Cut the pulp into pieces (diamonds, squares, strips) 3 cm in size and pierce with a fork in several places.
  2. Dissolve soda in 250 ml hot water and mix with 1.25 ml of cold water. Put the pieces of crusts, cover and leave for 4 hours. Then put in a colander and rinse thoroughly.
  3. Pour 600 g of sugar into 750 ml of water and cook for 10 minutes. Put the crusts and cook for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and leave for 12 hours. Then add the remaining sugar and cook for 3 hours. Add vanillin, cook for 3 minutes. Ready jam Pour into prepared jars and seal tightly.

5. Kiwi and lemon jam

You will need:

  • 900 g sugar
  • 500 ml apple juice
  • 1-2 lemons
  • 8-10 kiwi


  1. Wash the lemon thoroughly with a brush and cut into thin circles. Put in a saucepan along with 100 g of sugar and 100 ml of water. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel the kiwi, cut into circles and put in a saucepan along with a lemon. Add Apple juice and the rest of the sugar. Boil. Pour into ceramic dishes and leave at room temperature overnight.
  3. The next day, return the jam to the pan, bring to a boil again and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Pour into sterilized jars, let cool. Then close and store in the dark cool place.

You will need:

  • 1 kg carrots
  • 1 kg lemons
  • 2 kg sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar


  1. Wash and peel carrots. Peel the lemons. Scroll carrots and lemons through a meat grinder. Choose lemon pips.
  2. Transfer the carrot-lemon mass to a saucepan, cover with sugar, cook, removing the foam, for about 1 hour.
  3. Transfer to clean jars. Keep refrigerated.

You will need:

For 3 liter jars

  • 1.5 kg zucchini
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar


  1. Wash zucchini, dry paper towel and thinly peel sharp knife. Cut each fruit in half, remove the seeds, cut the flesh into small cubes.
  2. Wash oranges and lemons thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Without peeling, cut the fruit first into thin circles, removing the stones at the same time, and then cut each of them into quarters.
  3. To prepare the syrup, granulated sugar, pour 250 ml of water, stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Put chopped zucchini into the resulting boiling syrup and cook for 5 minutes after re-boiling. Then add sliced ​​oranges and lemon, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 40-45 minutes. Readiness is best determined by a drop released onto a cold saucer: if it does not spread, the jam is ready.
  5. When the jam has completely cooled, pour it into clean, dry jars and close with ordinary lids, laying tracing paper circles. Store in a dark cool place.

You will need:

  • 3 lemons
  • 1 kg pumpkin pulp
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 2 cloves


  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into equal cubes, cover with sugar and leave for 3 hours. Wash the lemons, scald, cut together with the peel, select the seeds.
  2. Combine pumpkin with sugar, put on high heat and bring to a boil. Reduce the fire, put the cloves and cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the cloves from the finished jam. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars, close the lids. Cool down. Store in a cool place.

You will need:

Per can 0.5 l

  • 5–6 oranges
  • 75 ml lemon juice
  • 10 g ginger root

For syrup:

  • 400 ml water
  • 400 g sugar


  1. Wash the oranges, pour over with boiling water and cut lengthwise into 4 parts. Then cut each piece in half again. Remove the pulp, and cut the peel from each slice in half again.
  2. If orange peel thin, roll each strip into a tight roll and put on a thread, like beads. Place the "beads" in a deep bowl and fill with water so that it completely covers the peel. Leave for 3 days, changing the water regularly (about 4-5 times a day) to remove the bitterness. If the oranges have a thick peel, it should first be soaked, then the white part on the inside of the peel should be removed from each strip with a knife, and only then the strips should be rolled into spirals.
  3. After soaking the spiral from the zest, boil 3-4 times for 15-20 minutes, draining the water each time. After each boiling, pour over the "beads" cold water.
  4. In a wide saucepan, boil the syrup from water and sugar, dip the prepared “beads” into it, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20–30 minutes. Let cool.
  5. Add finely chopped ginger root to the zest in a saucepan, bring everything together to a boil, pour in lemon juice and cook for 20-30 minutes. Then remove the jam from the fire, cool.
  6. Remove the “beads” from the jam and remove the threads. Pour the jam into a clean, dry jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

10. Persimmon jam

You will need:

  • 4 cups diced persimmons
  • 3 cups sugar
  • juice of 2 oranges
  • grated zest of 1 orange
  • 4 tbsp. l. vodka


  1. Combine persimmon, sugar, juice and zest and cook over medium heat, stirring often, for about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let cool completely.
  2. Put it on the stove again, slightly knead the persimmon with a wooden spatula, pour in the vodka and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  3. Pour into sterilized jars. Keep refrigerated. published

Jam is a favorite delicacy of the sweet tooth, irreplaceable winter dessert. It's nice to have a cup of hot tea with fragrant jam melt in your mouth! We bring to your attention 5 of the most unusual jam recipes.

1. Red rowan jam with walnuts

IN traditional medicine mountain ash is used as a hemostatic, antiscorbutic, choleretic, diuretic, diaphoretic, laxative, with beriberi, rheumatic pains, to increase the protective properties of the body.
And there's one more wonderful property rowan is an ancient amulet tree, with strong magical abilities - to protect from other people's spells, to ward off damage, to protect from the evil eye.

What do you need

1 kg of mountain ash, 7.5 cups of sugar, 2 cups of coarsely chopped walnut kernels, 3 cups of water. Peel the rowan collected after the first frost from twigs, rinse in cold water and put on a sieve. Scatter the dried mountain ash on the table and lightly crush the rolling pin with a light pressure. Then put the mountain ash in an enameled or faience dish, pour over with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then put it on a sieve. Cook not very thick sugar syrup, pour the cooked mountain ash into it and cook the jam until tender, removing the foam from time to time. Shortly before the end of cooking, add coarsely chopped walnut kernels to the jam.

2. Lilac jam

Lilac is known for its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, and antipyretic properties. It is used in the treatment diabetes, malaria, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, with stones and sand in the renal pelvis, with bronchial asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, upper catarrh respiratory tract, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, sciatica, influenza, menstrual disorders and as a heart rhythm equalizer. Lilac jam is really a man-made medicine.

What do you need

Lilac flowers - 500 g, sugar - 500 g, water - 2 cups, lemon - half. Rinse 2/3 of the collected lilac flowers with cold water, add water and boil for 10 minutes. Then squeeze lemon into the resulting mixture, cover and leave for 15-20 minutes. The juice that has stood out during this time, strain into a bowl for cooking jam, add right amount granulated sugar and boil the syrup. Grind the remaining lilac flowers with one tablespoon of sugar and lemon juice (10 drops), then immerse all this mass in the finished syrup and cook for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling over very low heat, stirring occasionally. Pour the finished jam into jars and roll up.

3. Grape jam with almonds and pink geraniums (old recipe)

This jam is brewed in Greece during the September grape harvest. Greek folk medicine has long used this delicacy as a prophylactic drug.

Pink geranium, in addition to its decorative qualities, has excellent bactericidal and antiseptic properties. It has been used since ancient times in the treatment of diseases such as diseases of the liver, gallbladder, for the treatment of pharyngitis, as well as all forms of otitis media.

Almonds are used in folk medicine for digestive disorders and impaired kidney function. sweet almond cleanses internal organs; strengthens the brain, especially if used with nabot, strengthens eyesight, softens the body, throat, good for the chest; together with sugar it is useful in asthma, pleurisy and hemoptysis, abrasions and ulcers in the intestines and bladder.

What do you need

5 pounds (2 kg) seedless green grapes; 2 1/4 pounds (0.9 kg) granulated sugar; 7 oz (200 g) toasted chopped almonds (unsalted) 1/2 cup water; juice of 1 lemon; 4 leaves of pink fragrant geranium; 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (or 5 g vanilla powder). Pluck the grapes from the brushes. The weight of the grapes should be approximately 4 1/2 pounds (the ratio of grapes to sugar is 2 to 1). Rinse the grapes well and make sure all stems are removed. Put the grapes, sugar and water in large saucepan and put on a strong fire. Bring to a full boil over high heat, reduce heat to medium and simmer, uncovered, for about one hour, or until syrup is thick enough (it should cover reverse side spoons). Stir occasionally. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add lemon juice, vanilla and fragrant geranium leaves. Transfer the jam to a bowl and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Then remove the leaves and stir in the almonds. Roasted almonds add a wonderful flavor to the jam. Refrigerate for another 30 minutes, then spoon into jars with airtight lids. Don't close the banks until grape jam not cool down completely room temperature. Store in a dark, cool place.

4. Pine cone jam

The smoke from burning pine, according to Avicenna, "makes eyelashes more beautiful, makes them grow, prevents lacrimation, fills ulcers in the eye and strengthens vision." In Rus', it was customary to chew pine resin to strengthen teeth and gums, to disinfect the oral cavity.

In the Caucasus, many diseases are traditionally treated with jam from young pine cones. Every Caucasian housewife knows that pine cone jam helps in the treatment of diseases such as colds, flu, beriberi, throat and gum diseases, upper respiratory tract diseases (cough, bronchitis, pneumonia), bronchial asthma.

Pine cone jam is made only from young green pine cones, which can be easily pierced with a fingernail or cut with a knife. You need to collect pine cones for making jam in the spring, in middle lane This is usually the end of May. Green soft cones ranging in size from 1 to 5 cm in length are suitable for cooking.

What do you need

1 half-liter jar of young pine cones (the size of a large hazelnut or a little more), 1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water. Cones pour cold water, boil for 15-20 minutes to become soft, but not boiled. Remove with a slotted spoon, transfer to the prepared syrup (1 kg of sugar, 2 cups of water) and boil for another 20-25 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars.

5. Carrot jam with calendula

Calendula - everyone knows medicinal plant. Delicate flowers calendula successfully fight against staphylococci and streptococci. Preparations from flower baskets are used externally for the treatment of burns, long-term non-healing wounds and fistulas, for rinsing the mouth and throat with stomatitis and tonsillitis. Calendula is recommended for heart diseases accompanied by rhythm disturbance, diseases of the liver and biliary tract, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, gastritis, hypertension, in menopause.

Abroad, calendula is used to flavor and color cheeses, butter and its substitutes. In England and the USA, calendula is added to soups, salads and stews. Decorate with flowers festive dishes. In Latvia, calendula is part of herbal tea.

What do you need

Carrots - 1 kg, lemons - 2 pcs., Calendula (buds) - 10 pcs., Sugar - 1 kg, water - 0.5 l. Wash the carrots, peel, cut into cubes, cook in boiling water for 3 minutes. Finely chopped lemon pour water, add calendula buds and boil for 5 minutes. Put boiled carrots and sugar there, and cook over low heat until tender. Pour hot jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Apple, cherry, plum… The assortment of jams stored in our cupboards does not change from year to year. But sometimes you want to surprise guests and family with something extraordinary, even crazy. please unusual taste to sparkle with a fresh idea.

Vegetables will help us to realize these dreams, but not only them. Jam can be cooked from such "unexpected" products as cucumbers or onions, watermelon and watermelon can be boiled in sugar syrup. orange peels, make sweet marmalade from chestnuts ...

Advice: Syrup for all types of jam is cooked the same way. It is necessary to dilute the sugar with a small amount of water and bring to a boil, stirring. Then boil the syrup over medium heat until it becomes transparent and viscous. Pour vegetables and fruits with hot syrup, unless otherwise indicated.

Introducing 12 original recipes jams from unexpected products

From zucchini

1 kg zucchini

1 kg sugar

½ glass of water

Boil the syrup from water and sugar, cut the zucchini into small cubes and add to the syrup. Heat to a boil. Then add a lemon, passed through a meat grinder with a peel. And cook for 45 minutes.

From orange peels

1 kg crust

1.5 kg sugar

Orange peels should be soaked in water for 2-3 days. Water in the process to change once or twice a day. Then cut the crusts into narrow stripes and boil for 5 minutes. Drain the water, pour clean and boil for another 3 minutes. In another bowl, prepare the syrup, pour over the crusts and cook until they become soft. When the jam is almost ready, add lemon juice and grated zest.

Eggplant with walnuts

1 kg small eggplant

1 kg sugar

5 tbsp soda

1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts

clove buds

grains of cardamom

1 cinnamon stick

Eggplant should be taken very small. Peel them from the skin and stalks. Cut into slices. Pour water with soda diluted in it. And wait 2 hours. Then squeeze the eggplants, add chopped nuts to them, as well as spices in a gauze bag. Make a syrup with which to pour eggplants and cook in 2-3 doses for 15 minutes with breaks of 6-8 hours.

From pumpkin with quince

1 kg pumpkin

1 kg sugar

1 tbsp soda

1 small quince

¾ cup water

Peel the pumpkin from the skin and grains, cut it large pieces. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add soda, put pieces of pumpkin there and leave for a day. Then drain the water, wash the pumpkin in cold water, put it in a colander. When the water drains, cut the pumpkin into squares. Put the pumpkin into the finished syrup and, without stirring, bring to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and leave to cool so that the pumpkin does not boil soft and does not turn out jam. Add rubbed on fine grater quince. Put the cooled jam on the fire and cook until tender.

From watermelon peels

1 kg watermelon rinds

1.5 kg sugar

1 tsp soda

Recipe Cut off the outer green skin from the watermelon peels, rinse the peeled peels, cut into cubes, prick each cube with a fork. Dissolve baking soda in 1 cup of hot water, pour over the crusts with this water and add another 1.5 liters of water. Leave for 4 hours.

Then drain the water and rinse the peels. Pour clean water for another half hour. Then again drain and pour water for another half hour. Prepare sugar syrup from half the sugar and 4 cups of water. Bring to a boil and add rinds to it. Cook over medium heat for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 12 hours - to infuse. Then add the other half of the sugar.

Stir and bring to a boil. Cook for 20-30 minutes. Leave for another 12 hours. Then boil again for 30 minutes. Once again, let stand and decompose into clean jars.

from carrots

1 kg carrots

0.5 kg sugar

Peeled carrots must first be boiled until soft. Then cut into strips or circles. Boil syrup, pour over carrots and cook until transparent.

From green tomatoes

1 kg green tomatoes

1 kg sugar

30 ml white rum

Recipe Greens small tomatoes wash and cut into slices. Pour them with cold water, boil for 3 minutes, then drain the water and let the tomatoes cool. Boil the syrup from 1 liter of water and 0.5 kg of sugar, dip the tomatoes into the syrup, boil and leave to infuse for a day. The next day, pour the syrup into a saucepan, add the remaining 0.5 kg of sugar, sliced ​​\u200b\u200blemon into it - and boil well again. Dip the tomatoes into the boiling syrup and cook everything together until tender. Allow the jam to cool, add rum to it and arrange in jars.

From barberry

1 glass of barberry

1.5 cups sugar

0.75 cups of water

Peel the barberry, pour hot syrup over it, leave it in it for a day, then cook in two doses for 10-15 minutes. Arrange in prepared jars, tie parchment paper. You can also cook barberry with seeds, increasing the amount of water to 1 cup by the same proportion of barberry and sugar.

From the bow

7 bulbs

2.5 cups sugar

2 glasses of white wine

2 tbsp. l. 5% vinegar vegetable oil

Peeled onion cut into half rings. Fry in oil, add sugar, bring to a boil. Simmer for 30 minutes over low heat until the onion begins to caramelize. Add vinegar, wine, boil for another 15 minutes - and the jam is ready.

From beets

1 kg beets

1 kg sugar

0.5 cup red wine

Recipe Clean the beets and cover with water. Bring to a boil, drain the water. Repeat this procedure two more times. Cool the beets. Cut into small cubes, add sugar, wine and bring to a boil again. 20 minutes after the start of cooking, add one lemon cut into pieces, and after an hour and a half from the start of cooking, add the juice of the second lemon. In total, the jam should be cooked for 2 hours.

From cucumbers (old recipe)

1 kg cucumbers

2 kg sugar

30 g ginger

leaves from cabbage

Recipe For jam you will need very small cucumbers without seeds. Wash and dry them, put them in salt water, put there cabbage leaf and put in a warm place for a few days so that the cucumbers turn yellow, then put them in a basin, laying them on the bottom and covering the cucumbers with the same cabbage leaves. Boil the salt water in which the cucumbers were soaked, pour the cucumbers with it. When it cools slightly, drain, boil, pour again and repeat until the cucumbers turn green, each time covering the basin so that the water does not freeze too quickly.

When the cucumbers turn green, dip them in cold water for 3 days, then remove, wipe. Prepare a syrup of 0.5 sugar and 2 glasses of water, with the addition of grated ginger, zest and juice of 2 lemons. The next day, drain the syrup, add 1.5 kg of sugar to it, boil until thick and put cucumbers in it. Boil 2 times intermittently.

From chestnuts

1 kg chestnuts

1 kg sugar

1 glass of water

lemon essence

Wash large undamaged chestnuts and boil in a small amount water. Hold the chestnuts in it, closing the lid. Take out the chestnuts and peel them hot from the outer and inner shells and pass through a meat grinder or a potato press. Dip the resulting chestnut puree into the syrup. Cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, stirring constantly so that it does not burn. Pour the finished jam hot into jars, and before that, removing from heat, flavor with lemon essence.

As long as there are fruits and berries in the world, there is a tradition to make jam from them for as long. People ate berries, ate, and then thought: how to save the opportunity to eat berries all year round. With a little experimentation, our ancestors produced the first jar (pot or something like that) of jam. There is information that the first jam was made from figs. The fig, that is, the fig, was actively and widely cultivated in ancient times. But, in fairness, I must say that fig jam is still a hit. And options unusual jam- a great variety, everything is limited only by fantasy.

When summer is in the yard and prices for berries and fruits fall at least twice (not to mention the fact that many people harvest on their own garden plots), it is unforgivable not to stock up on jam. Although, it must be taken into account that there are such positions in the list of fruits and berries, from which it is more profitable to make jam at the very very beginning of summer - by the end of August they will not be available or they will cost several times more. So, at the beginning of summer we cook Strawberry jam, in the middle - raspberries, strawberries, apricots, in August - peach ... Feijoa has a pronounced seasonal character, it should be rubbed with sugar (or honey) when it appears on sale.

Historians write that the Moroccans were the most advanced people in terms of cooking jam. Whatever they did: jam from spicy tomatoes, from salted lemons, from chickpeas - whoever has not tried it has lost a lot. Morocco in general is a country of amazing cuisine. The tradition of making jams, jams and marmalades is mainly European. And let the French not pull their hand that they are the first, here they will not get the palm. Germany rules here. The origins, to be more precise, lead to Prussia. It was there that the brewing of all types of jam began to be called Konfiture. In French - confiture, marmalade. In English - jam. The Germans cultivated mainly cherries and currants, but there were so many recipes for this delicacy that it would have been enough for more than one book several fingers thick.

by the most in a simple way, of course, there was and remains a simple grinding of berries / fruits with sugar. What could be simpler - I crushed the fruits, mixed them with sugar, put them in trays and threw all this useful and delicious joy into the refrigerator. Gotta get it and enjoy. With other options it is more difficult: cooking jam, jam and confiture takes much more time. Not everyone likes "grinding", and not everyone wants to freeze. Hence the preservation of the product.

By and large, jam can be cooked from anything, even, as professionals joke, from pork. Russian housewives prefer the classics. Apples, plums, less often - pears, quince. Well, you can not talk about berries - everything is used here. In the top - raspberries, strawberries, currants, gooseberries. From the forest - blueberries, lingonberries, wildly useful cranberry, northern delicacy - cloudberries.

Have you heard of the Australian Vejimite? Australia, although located at the end of the world, was able to surprise! This unusual jam. In a nutshell - vegetable paste based on brewer's yeast extract. A cult product in Australia, unrivaled. Australians call vegemite jam. The taste of this dish, of course, is amazing, but in the ordinary mind, this is not jam. Need to try!

If we talk about exotic, unusual jams, then the top will include jam from lychee, Jerusalem artichoke, physalis, persimmon jam and jam from ... potatoes. All these specialties are easy to prepare. The difference is that potatoes are, of course, cheaper than lychees, and persimmons are cheaper than physalis. The championship in extravagance, along with popularity, is occupied by dandelion jam in this list. Another champion flower jam is made from rose petals. Pine cone jam - unusually fragrant and useful product, which in cold weather will be your assistant for colds, strengthens the immune system.

Recipes can be easily found on the Internet. Try something special, please your family!

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Most unusual recipes jams (part 2)

Peach jam with cognac

- 1 kg peach halves,
- 800g sugar,
- 100 g of cognac,
0 cinnamon and ground cardamom - a pinch each,
- cloves 2-3 things - grind.

Preparation: Cut the peaches into slices and cover with sugar for an hour until the juice appears. Put on fire, bring to a boil, regularly skimming off the foam. Add spices and cognac. Cook with regular stirring for another 30-40 minutes. Pour hot ready-made jam into jars, roll up metal lids wrap until completely cool.

Strawberry jam with white chocolate

- Fresh strawberries - 1 kg;
- Sugar - 1 kg;
- Jam thickener - 1 sachet;
- Citric acid - 1 small sachet;
- White chocolate - 1 bar.

Preparation: Wash the strawberries, dry and cut into slices. Add sugar to berries citric acid and a packet of thickener. Stir gently and put on fire. Cook for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Chop the chocolate into small cubes. Remove the jam from the heat, add the chocolate pieces and mix gently. Arrange in sterile jars, cork with lids and lay upside down for 10 minutes.

Peach-honey jam with nuts

- Peaches - 1 kg
- Sugar - 600 gr.
- Honey - 2 tbsp. spoons
- Water 1 cup
- Forest or any other nuts - 100 gr

Preparation: Pour boiling water over the nut kernels for 5 minutes, drain the water and soak again for 10 minutes. Dip the peaches in boiling water for 5 minutes, and then in cold water, remove the skin. Cut the peaches into pieces, remove the pits. We prepare syrup from a glass of water, sugar, honey. Put the peaches in the syrup and cook for 20 minutes. We take out the peaches with a colander, and boil the syrup until it boils by half. Peaches and nuts are laid in boiled syrup and cook for another 5 minutes. We lay out the finished jam in jars and cork, wrap until cool.

Emerald jam with kiwi

- Kiwi - 5 pieces
- Banana-1 piece
- Juice of half a lemon
- Sugar-200 gr
- Gelatin -1 tablespoon

Preparation: Cut kiwi and banana into pieces, pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with sugar. Pour off some of the juice that has stood out and soak the gelatin in it. Cook for 10 minutes from the moment of boiling with continuous stirring. Add gelatin at the end

Coffee-currant jelly

- 1 liter fresh juice red currant,
- 500 g of sugar,
- 1 sachet of jam thickener
- 5 teaspoons of good quality coffee beans.

Preparation: Roast the coffee beans in a clean, dry frying pan until fragrant. Drop the coffee beans into currant juice. Mix the thickener with 2 tablespoons of sugar and add to the juice. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour in the remaining sugar. With constant stirring, let the sugar dissolve, cook for 1-2 minutes at a low boil. Ready jelly distribute in sterile jars. Roll up the jars and turn the lids upside down. wrap with a warm blanket or blanket until cool. Remove coffee beans before drinking.

AMBER JAM OF THEIR Zucchini from Foxes

1 kg zucchini
1 lemon
1 kg sugar

1 way.
Peel the zucchini, cut into cubes, cut the lemons very finely, combine, cover with sugar, leave overnight. Boil in several stages, bringing the mass to a boil and turning it off for 1-2 hours. Pour hot into sterile jars.

2 way.
Grate the zucchini, finely chop the lemons, sprinkle with sugar, leave for an hour. Cook over low heat for about an hour, stirring constantly. Pour hot into sterile jars.

In the first case, the cubes retain their shape, in the second, a more homogeneous mass is obtained.
In the first option, you can add water, then the zucchini cubes will be in syrup.
Young zucchini can not be peeled.


1 kg carrots
1 kg lemons
2 kg sugar
vanilla to taste

Peel carrots. Cut the lemons into slices, pull out the seeds, do not remove the peel. Pass carrots and lemons through a meat grinder, add 2 kg of sugar.
Cook, stirring, 40 minutes. Add vanilla at the end of cooking. Arrange in jars, roll up.

JAM "Zucchini ORANGE"

1 kg zucchini rub on coarse grater. Orange finely chop or grate. mix, fall asleep 1 kg sugar. Let stand, stirring occasionally to release the juice and dissolve the sugar. Cook for 40 minutes from the moment of boiling. Arrange in prepared jars, close with lids. Keep cold.


1 kg of white zucchini and sugar, 2 oranges, 1 lemon.

Peel the zucchini from the skin and seeds, cut into small cubes. Sprinkle with half the sugar and leave overnight. Wash oranges and lemon with a brush. Remove the zest from 1 orange and lemon, squeeze the juice from the pulp. Mix the juice and zest with zucchini syrup, add the remaining sugar and cook until it is completely dissolved. Put zucchini in syrup, let it boil, boil for a minute and remove from heat. Let cool and repeat the operation 2 more times. Sterilize the jars, put the boiling mass in them and roll up.



1 kg rowan,

7.5 cups of sugar

2 cups coarsely chopped walnut kernels

3 glasses of water.

Peel the mountain ash collected after the first frost from twigs, rinse in cold water and put it on a sieve. Scatter the dried mountain ash on the table and lightly crush the rolling pin with a light pressure. Then put the mountain ash in an enameled or faience dish, pour over with boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes, then put it on a sieve.

Boil not very thick sugar syrup, pour the cooked mountain ash into it and cook the jam until tender, skimming off the foam from time to time. Shortly before the end of cooking, add coarsely chopped walnut kernels to the jam.

Unusual taste.



3 kg plums,

1 kg of tomatoes,

¾ kg of sugar for every kg of jam,

1 lemon.

Very ripe plums pour cold water over, remove the bones. Put the plums in a large saucepan, add the tomatoes, from which you first remove the seeds, and lemon juice. Cook with constant stirring, then rub through a sieve. For each kg of the mixture, add ¾ of sugar, stir and cook for about 40-45 minutes more until the jam thickens. Pour hot jam into jars and tie well with cellophane.


For this jam choose unripe, green walnuts when they are still soft. They have to be torn off by hand. Wipe each nut with a towel, cut off the stems, put the nuts in clay pot and pour boiling water so as to cover the nuts by 2.5 cm, leave them to get wet until cool. Drain the dark liquid from the nuts through a sieve. Chop the nuts, for piercing you need to use a silver needle and a needle made of strong wood, but do not use an iron one, because iron blackens the nuts and gives them an astringent taste.

Divide the expressed liquid into two parts: put cinnamon in one, and cloves in the other, put both lobes on a light heat, hold until the cinnamon and cloves are soaked. Then take out and cut each clove head in half lengthwise, and cinnamon in narrow strips 2 cm long. Pierce each nut lengthwise and across and fill the punctures, alternately, with cinnamon and cloves. Place the stuffed nuts in a pot, prepare the syrup. To do this, take the liquid from urinating nuts and put 800 g of sugar for every 400 g of it, put on fire, boil for 5 minutes, pour this boiling water over the nuts and let everything stand until cool. When preparing syrup, count 400 g of sugar per 400 g of nuts.

After cooling the nuts, remove the nuts from the syrup, let the syrup drain from them and put them in a pot. The remaining syrup, which has become thinner than before, must be boiled until it thickens, and then pour it over the nuts again. After a day, drain the diluted syrup again, boil to the previous density and pour over the nuts. Continue this draining and boiling of the syrup until the syrup, which has stood on the nuts for several days, becomes liquid. Then put the nuts in small jars (12 - 15 nuts in each), cover them with thick paper, tie and put in a dry, cool place. Jam prepared in this way can be stored for several years without spoiling.


It is necessary to collect young "fruits" for him from the end of May to June 20.

Pine cone jam is incredibly healthy. Its slightly sour taste from a distance resembles gooseberry jam. Since ancient times, this healing sweetness has been used for various colds even tuberculosis. Cough, runny nose, sore throat - nothing for unusual jam! This jam also increases hemoglobin, strengthens the gums, helps to cure chronic diseases. gastrointestinal tract, restores the depleted body. And for little kids - generally salvation.


Goes well as a sauce for chicken, turkey, to stuffed vegetables. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and fry in a saucepan. Add sugar, and as soon as it melts and boils, reduce heat.
Cook, stirring occasionally, until the onion is caramelized (about 20-30 minutes). Add vinegar (or a mixture of vinegar and wine) and cook for another 15 minutes. Cool the finished jam and put it in a jar.
Ingredients used in the recipe "Onion Jam":
- onion - 7-6 pcs.
- Brown sugar- 2.5 glasses
- white wine vinegar - 1/4 cup (or half 5% vinegar and white wine)
- vegetable oil - for frying onions

HOT PEPPER JAM/Marmellata di peperoncino

What is this jam for?
To meat. Boiled, steaks, lard, pork. Delicious with any meat.

From the ingredients listed below, approximately 3 liters of this "nectar of the gods" were obtained.

1300 g red large peppers
18 hot small red peppers*
13 ripe hard apples medium size
1300 g sugar
50 ml white WINE VINEGAR
1 star anise
about 8 coriander peas
3-4 peas of allspice

* In terms of spiciness, it was just right for me. If you suddenly decide to put less, it may affect the quality and taste.

1 day. Since evening. Peel and core apples and chop. Peel the peppers from the seeds and chop. Hot peppers cut.
It doesn't matter how you cut. Put everything in a convenient large saucepan and cover with sugar.
So leave it until lunch the next day.

Day 2 Mass released juice. Put it on slow fire and bring to a boil. Cook over SLOW heat for about 40 minutes.
Switch off. Using a blender, grind the whole mass until smooth. Put on fire.
Add anise allspice, coriander. And boil everything for 15 minutes. Add a wine bite, boil for another five minutes and turn it off. Catch anise. Leave until the next morning.

Day 3 Boil the jam in the morning and pour into sterile jars. I always sterilize jars in the oven with lids. Of course, you can close them on the evening of the second day, but many sources recommend that he still let him stand in this form.

So that there is no surprise later, I’ll say that if you just want to take a few times or try, then the dose needs to be reduced.

UPD: About the foam.

I didn't have foam at all. I do not know what it is connected with. In general, if you have it, then remove it.


from cookbook Elena and Alexei Vinogradov

I want to say right away that this jam is exotic and quite expensive, and in order to cook it, you will need figs, grapes, and walnuts at once. Do not be afraid, cooking such a jam is not a little more difficult than any other, the difficulty here lies only in right choice the fig itself. The fact is that the fig is a southern berry, tender and does not tolerate transportation very well. It is not for nothing that it is also called a wine berry, plucked berries quickly begin to deteriorate and ferment. In general, the trouble with him, and nothing more. Beautiful imported figs, which lies in stores for a long time, is not suitable for jam, although, if desired, it can also be cooked from it, but then the jam will turn out golden. For real jam, you need to buy black figs from the Crimea, Central Asia or Transcaucasia. And one more thing: figs ripen twice a year - in July and September, but July figs are not good for jam, they are a little rough for this, they just eat them raw. Jam is made only from the second harvest. The September fig is smaller, but it is much sweeter and more tender than the July one, but its appearance is not at all marketable, it is somehow wrinkled, as if withered, some little edible in appearance, but this is just what you need.

For jam, you will need 1 kg of figs (figs, or figs, or fig, or, sorry, fig, as it is sometimes called), 1 kg of granulated sugar, 2 cups of freshly squeezed grape juice(the color of the grapes is not important), 100-300 grams of walnuts, that is, as much as you want, and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice. And yet, it’s not bad to pour a tablespoon of rum into this amount of jam. With rum, jam stands better and does not deteriorate for several years.

For your information. If you love to cook different jam, then buy a bottle of rum and add it at the beginning of cooking to any jam, 1 tbsp. l. per 1 kg of berries. This bottle will last you for several years or for many liters of jam.

Well, back to our figs. First, the figs should be prepared: wash, dry, cut off their tails, and then push a quarter of a walnut through the holes from the tails into the pulp of each berry.

From 2 glasses of grape juice and 1 kg of granulated sugar, syrup must be boiled. When it boils, then collect the foam from it and only then lower the figs, the remaining walnut kernels into it and pour in the lemon juice with rum. Let the berries boil for a couple of minutes, collect the foam again, then remove from heat, cover the bowl with a towel and leave the jam to stand for 8-10 hours so that the berries are saturated with syrup. All this time, the bowl should be shaken occasionally so that the berries are evenly saturated with syrup. And then again put the jam on the fire, let it boil for ten minutes, and again leave it for 8-10 hours. All this is long, but only the third time the jam must be brought to readiness. It is better to cook the jam over low heat so that it only boils a little and be sure to stir often so that the berries do not stick to the bottom and do not burn.

You can find out whether it is ready or not like this: take a little syrup on a teaspoon, cool it for a minute and tilt the spoon so that the syrup begins to drain from it one drop at a time. When the third, well, in extreme cases, the fourth drop hangs on the spoon and does not want to fall, then your jam will be ready. In general, the syrup in this jam should turn out to be thicker than in other jams, it should be very dark in color, almost black, and not transparent.

At the end of the process, the jam should be allowed to cool completely in a bowl, and it is better to pack it in jars the next day. It must be remembered that the jam, when it cools down, cannot be covered with anything, even with a towel, since it liquefies from its own steam, and even well-cooked jam can turn out to be liquid and, subsequently, be spoiled, that is, simply covered with mold.

Well, besides the fact that this jam turns out to be divinely delicious, it is also healing - in the South, this jam with hot milk is used to treat colds, as in the North with raspberry jam.

And when you treat people with this jam who have never eaten figs and, even more so, jams from it, be sure to immediately warn them that there is not a bone in the berry, but a nut, otherwise the guests are simply these "bones "They'll start spitting out. Also, do not forget to tell guests that fig jam is considered royal jam and prestigious delicacy. This is so that they do not forget to praise the one who cooked it for so long.
