
Is it possible to paint boiled eggs with acrylic paint. Marble way without greenery

It is rooted in ancient times, when on the last, most strict week of Great Lent, in Maundy Thursday Christians carefully cleaned the house and prepared treats for the Easter holiday - Easter cakes, Easter and eggs, which personified the beginning of a new life. The first meal at Easter was often an Easter egg.

Everyone remembers the religious basis of this tradition, but many began to forget that the meaning of the process of dyeing eggs is also that children, along with adults, join the preparation of the holiday, stay close and listen to stories.

The minutes spent with the kids for creativity are absolutely priceless, so it makes sense to put aside any business and enjoy the joint process and the result. There are many ways to color eggs, everyone chooses the one that guarantees the best result, depending on the presence or absence of artistic talent. We will try to help those who can only draw a house and offer some ideas to talented artists.

Regardless of the method chosen, the eggs must be prepared for painting - take them out of the refrigerator an hour before work, wash and dry thoroughly (for acrylic).

The most affordable, traditional and never failing way is a decoction of the husk. To prepare a rich broth, there should be a lot of husks, ideally a full pan (it is better to take a metal or dark one inside). Pour the husk with water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes, then cool and strain. Many lay eggs directly in the pot with the husks, it's a question of the number of eggs and the size of the pot - many eggs will not physically fit in the average container along with the husk.

You can put eggs in the prepared solution right away, but it’s more interesting to make them unique by decorating them with natural decor. As a decoration, use leaves and dried flowers or. Attach the selected decor to the egg, wrap it with a piece of nylon tights or golf, pressing it tightly and secure with bank elastic bands. Boil eggs in onion solution for 7-9 minutes, transfer to cold. Carefully grate the finished dyed eggs to give them shine using a paper towel.

One of simple ways, but here there is a possibility of paint getting on the egg white (it’s even better not to eat it), so you need to boil the eggs as carefully as possible beforehand. As a rule, the method of staining for all dyes is the same - dilute the dry paint with water (each in a separate container), add and omit. Keep them in dyes until you achieve the desired shade.

This method can also be improved - the eggs are dipped not entirely, but in parts, then in a different paint to make multi-colored bright abstract drawings. Or stick patterns, stripes, specks on the eggs with paper tape, and then dip them into the dye.

For this method the remnants of floss threads are suitable, with which you need to randomly wrap the eggs. Carefully place the eggs in cold water, bring to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes, transfer to cold water, let cool and remove the threads.

Unusual colors of eggs will be obtained using old men's ties or scarves. It is necessary to wrap the eggs in a cloth so that the front side is inside, secure with threads or bank elastic bands. Pour water into a saucepan, add vinegar (3 tablespoons per liter) and boil the eggs for 10 minutes after boiling. Cool, remove the fabric.

From natural dyes often used , mortar , strongly brewed and welded . Eggs dyed in one of the proposed ways are called krashenki, and those on which drawings are applied with brushes - Easter eggs. Eggs are painted not only with paints, but also with wax crayons, permanent markers and felt-tip pens for children's creativity.

With a little bit of artistic talent, a set of food colors, thin brushes and a desire to create, you can create a masterpiece with my own hands. For convenience, pre-boiled eggs are placed in stands and apply the desired patterns using tubes of paint. Let each color dry, then turn the eggs over and continue on the other side.

How to paint eggs with acrylic paints

The principle of working with acrylic is the same as in the previous method, only you need to remember that the eggs must be absolutely intact in order to avoid paint getting inside.

For very assiduous creative masters there is great way apply your abilities - decorate eggs with legumes, cereals and cereals. For this purpose, any medium-sized bulk products-, and, etc. If wooden or plastic blanks are used, then it is best to glue the decor on PVA glue, and if chicken eggs, then it is more useful to cook a paste - liquid jelly from and (you can use). Coat the egg with glue in parts and apply patterns with tweezers.

Most fast way decoration Easter eggs- thermal stickers, which are also very convenient because you can pack eggs that are slightly cracked during cooking. You need to boil the eggs, pack them in thermal stickers, boil water and lower the eggs one at a time for a few seconds. It is convenient to use a slotted spoon, a spoon with holes or a small metal sieve so that the water drains and does not burn.

Another modern way paint eggs - paint them with varnish. But just painting with varnish is not interesting, so we suggest painting them with varnish on the water. To do this, drop a drop of different varnishes into a glass of water. With a toothpick, make patterns from varnish. Immerse the egg in water and assemble the entire pattern onto the egg. It is better to do this with gloves. Dry with a hair dryer. Since the varnish can penetrate the shell, we advise you to paint the eggs in this way purely for decoration, that is, after removing the contents of the egg, piercing a hole in the shell with a syringe.

Summing up, let's say that the imagination of our hostesses has no limits, therefore, lace and buttons, and decoupage napkins and vegetable oil for a "marble" effect are also used to dye and decorate eggs. The main thing is to paint eggs with pleasure, in a good mood and with faith in a bright holiday.

And you can find out the recipes for cooking Easter cake and Easter in ours.

How many ways how to paint eggs Easter you know? Are they all safe? Of course, krashenki are the main attribute of the holiday, a talisman for your family and a gift for loved ones. But we will decorate the Easter egg natural remedies.

Colored eggs - choose safe ways

It would seem, what could be easier - I bought ready-made food coloring and no problems: painting will not take much time.

But if you have children in your family or you just prefer natural dyes for eggs, then it’s better to remember the proven folk recipes in order to exclude any chemistry.

All shades of red

An excellent natural paint for eggs is ordinary table beets. Previously, the girls were red with her blush on their cheeks, and we will paint eggs for Easter.

Our dyes can turn out to be very different in color saturation: soft pink, bright red or dark burgundy.

There are several ways to dye eggs with beets:

  1. you can hold boiled eggs V beetroot juice(freshly squeezed). Leave overnight - get a rich burgundy shade;
  2. another option - grate 2 peeled beets coarsely, fill with water, add vinegar there (1 teaspoon is enough) and boil the mixture for 7-10 minutes. Colored eggs will turn out to be the richer in color, the longer we hold them in the broth;
  3. you can get krashenki by simply treating the shell with gruel from finely grated beets, or boil eggs together with root crops (they are then used for salad or vinaigrette).

What other natural dyes can be used to get red? For example, red onion husks: first make a decoction out of it, and then boil eggs in it.

orange to brown

Colored eggs of different shades: from red to brown are obtained using a decoction of ordinary husks. onion. Until now, this classic of the genre has not lost its popularity - it is a budget and environmentally friendly clean way how to paint eggs for easter.

And again, the intensity of color depends on the concentration of the broth and the time the eggs are kept in it.

How to dye the shell Orange color- other natural dyes for eggs will help here: you need to hold them for 2-3 hours in carrot juice or diluted hot water paprika.

Ground coffee, strong tea leaves either shell walnut will give eggs shades from light beige to brown: cook longer - get darker colored eggs.

solar shades

Want to yellow krashenok - another natural paint is useful here: turmeric. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of seasoning in hot water, bring to a boil and boil the eggs in the solution until they get the desired shade.

How else do you dye eggs yellow? You need to make a decoction of young birch leaves, and when it is infused, boil eggs in it for 10-15 minutes.

Blue-green gamma

How to dye eggs blue? We use such natural dyes for eggs: red grape juice, decoction red cabbage, blueberries (fresh and canned).

Colored eggs can also turn blue if the solution is more concentrated. A rich purple hue can be achieved when the eggs are boiled for a long time in a decoction of red onion husks.

How to dye the shell green color? This is the most difficult, because young nettles do not always appear by Easter (after all, the holiday can be early). Another green tint is achieved when eggs are boiled with spinach. But a bright, intense tone is unlikely to work.

How to dye eggs in different colors with natural dyes - see this video:

Easter egg decoration

How and how to decorate eggs to make it cute and safe?

A rather unusual effect will be obtained if the egg is moistened with water, dipped in buckwheat or rice, wrapped with gauze, tied tightly and boiled in a natural dye. And when you unfold it, you will see how cute such a dye looks.

The abstraction effect is achieved as follows: the eggs must be wrapped in onion peel, secured with gauze and boiled in paint. It will turn out an interesting pattern on the shell - all sorts of different divorces.

How else to decorate eggs using natural dyes? Let's make paint from powdered sugar: take it in the amount of one glass, dilute it a little with some water - the mixture should be thick. Fill with this mixture. cream injector and draw patterns on the eggshell, already painted with some kind of natural paint.

Colored eggs can be made even more beautiful (sorry for the pun) with the sprinkles that we usually use to decorate Easter baking. Lubricate the egg with protein, sprinkle with sprinkles and get a real decoration of the Easter table.

How to decorate eggs using wax? This will be a real pysanka for us. Take a hard-boiled egg, dip a match into wax from a melted candle and draw a pre-selected or invented pattern on the shell. We will place the future pysanka in paint (only not hot, so that the wax does not melt).

As a result, under a layer of wax, the pattern will not be painted over, and the rest of the surface of the egg will acquire the desired color. Let's remove the wax and admire the result. Learn more about this coloring - in this video:

How else to decorate eggs using ancient techniques? We take krashenki, preferably dark in color, apply the desired pattern to the shell with a pencil, and then we will scratch it out with something sharp: an awl, scissors, a thick needle, a sharp knife.

Groats can also be beautifully decorated with eggs: boil them hard-boiled, coat them with a paste and put any chosen pattern on the surface with rice, millet, lentils, even black peppercorns.

Painted eggs are good to decorate with the most different ways: beads, buttons, braid, bows, lace easily fit on the paste.

And craftswomen who own knitting needles or crochet can knit cute clothes for eggs from multi-colored threads - very original easter gift succeed.

Easter eggs are also painted with a marker, felt-tip pen, acrylic and gouache paints, and wax crayons. But there are doubts about the safety of such decor. It is better to use such eggs for decorative purposes, to give, but not to eat them.

Another similar way to decorate eggs for Easter is the so-called "silk" coloring.

You need to take shreds of natural silk, wrap white eggs in them, secure with threads and boil in water with the addition of vinegar.

Little "egg" secrets

There are some secrets to the correct coloring of Easter eggs, they are simple, but you need to know them. Then the process will be more successful.

So, here they are - little "egg" tricks:

  1. Wipe the eggs with alcohol, then the paint will lie on the shell more evenly.
  2. Best way to boil eggs room temperature that have just been taken out of the refrigerator may burst. And to avoid this, add a spoonful of salt to the water.
  3. It is preferable to dye eggs white.
  4. To make the color more intense, table vinegar is added to the paint water.
  5. Painted eggs are rubbed vegetable oil- then they will shine beautifully.

What are the ways to dye eggs with natural means - see this video:

The tradition of dyeing eggs has come to us since ancient times. And since then, every year on the bright spring holiday of Easter, we do not forget about it, and create small creative masterpieces with our own hands. Also, as we do not forget in these significant spring days cook and bake

In my opinion, a wonderful tradition and a wonderful holiday! Day of the Resurrection of Christ! The day of spring awakening, the beginning of something new and beautiful! And for the holiday it is customary to prepare all sorts of treats, treat guests with them, and treat yourself.

And today we will paint eggs together with you. Our task is to learn how to do it in a variety of ways. And there are many such ways among the people. Each hostess probably has her favorite, which she uses from year to year. But each of us has a moment when we want to try something new.

And just today's article for such a case. I will share with you the methods that I managed to accumulate, as well as those that I myself have recently learned. In any case, there will be many ways, and I think that each of you will choose something to your liking. After all, painting them with your own hands is always akin to art.

For it will come very soon Orthodox Easter. We will all visit each other with Easter cakes and krashenka, "beat" them. And to the statement: “Christ is Risen!”, receive the answer: “Truly Risen!” And together we will rejoice at the arrival of spring, the revival of nature, sunlight and warmth. Rejoice as if it were some kind of miracle, which once was the miracle of the resurrection of Christ.

Easter eggs are the basis and decoration of any table. At present, it is not difficult to decorate them beautifully; a large number of various dyes, materials for blending, decorating and other decoration are sold in stores.

For those who want to express their creativity, there are many interesting ways to design. The main requirement for this is that the painted samples should not be dark, gloomy. Spring colors are welcome, red is required, and all its shades. And the rest - as knowledge will tell, and what is enough imagination.

For proper staining, there are several basic rules.

  • for a better and uniform coloring, they must be washed and degreased. You can wash with soap and degrease with alcohol.
  • you need to cook them only when they lie down at room temperature for some
  • time. Then, while heating them in hot water, there will be no sharp temperature drop, and the shell will remain intact.
  • it is better to cook them with the addition of salt, about one tablespoon per 1-1.2 cups of water
  • so that boiled and dyed samples have a beautiful holiday look, they must be dried and wiped with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil. Then carefully polish them with a dry cotton cloth. So they will turn out shiny and glossy.

For decorating Easter eggs, depending on the method of coloring, there are such concepts:

- dyes - painted in one color

speckles - painted in the main color, but there are blotches on them in the form of specks, spots or stripes of a different color

- drapanki - tinted in one color, but the pattern on them is scratched out by hand

Easter eggs - have an ornamental or plot pattern, hand-painted with paints or painted in a special way.

And so how can you beautifully arrange this easter symbol and show off your creativity.

Painting in onion skins

The most popular coloring method is to use onion peel. Our great-grandmothers used this coloring method, and probably their great-grandmothers too. It's very simple and affordable way, allowing to achieve a range of colors from light yellow to dark brown. The more you take the husk for coloring, the darker the color will turn out. The intensity of staining also makes its own adjustments to the shade.

And if you use various devices, you can get not only the intended color, but also the pattern.

Coloring in onion skins

1. Place the husk in a saucepan and pour water over it. Cook it over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

2. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for about 1 hour.

3. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, let them lie at room temperature for 2 hours.

4. Strain the broth, freeing it from the husk, salt. Place eggs in it and cook for 7-10 minutes.

5. Take them out with a spoon and cool them in running cold water.

6. To get a more intense color, they can be returned to the infusion of the husk again, and hold them there until the desired color.

7. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

To get a rich red-brown color, you need to take the husk from 8-10 bulbs and pour it with two glasses of water.

Exist different types onion, and its husk is of different colors from light yellow to dark brown. Depending on this, you can also get different colors.

Using this, you can color the samples in a very beautiful way.

Marble staining method

1. Prepare the husk different color, cut it arbitrarily different geometric shapes, no larger than 1 cm. Cut plain paper in the same way.

2. Mix the husk and paper.

3. Moisten eggs at room temperature with water, roll in the husk with paper.

4. Prepare a nylon stocking or gauze in advance. Cut it into squares 15 x 15 cm, so that you can put the product to be painted in them.

5. Put them in gauze. Tie the edges of the gauze tightly or secure with threads so that the husk fits snugly against the walls of the shell. The denser, the sharper the pattern.

6. Place the remaining husk in a saucepan, fill it with water and add 1-2 tablespoons of salt. Put eggs in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

7. Take them out with a spoon, place them under running cold water. Remove capron.

8. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

Marble method of staining in onion peel and brilliant green

1. Prepare the onion peel. If there is a husk of a different color, then this will give the best "marble" effect. Cut the husk as small as possible. There should be a lot of husks.

2. Moisten the main product at room temperature with water and cover generously with the husk. At first, you can simply roll them, and then apply them with your hands.

3. Wrap very tightly with gauze or nylon, tie the ends with threads.

4. Pour a glass of water into the pan, add a tablespoon of salt and pour a vial of brilliant green.

5. Place eggs with husks in a saucepan. They must be completely hidden under water. If there is not enough water, then you can add it.

6. Put on medium fire, boil. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

7. Rinse under running water. Then remove the gauze and rinse again.

8. Dry and grease with marlechka with sunflower oil. Polish and put on a dish.

I really like this method and use it often. And especially for you, we shot a video on this topic, which we are pleased to offer you for viewing.

I tried to tell and show everything in great detail, so that anyone who undertakes this task will get only an excellent result.

In onion peel with a pattern

An interesting pattern can be obtained using the same onion peel and rice. We will get the so-called krapanki. How to do it?

1. Moisten eggs at room temperature with water.

2. Apply dry rice to them and wrap them tightly with nylon or gauze, as in the previous version.

3. Place the onion peel in a saucepan, fill it with water and salt. Put prepared samples into it, put on fire, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

4. Take them out with a spoon, place them under running cold water. Remove capron.

5. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

In onion peel with lace pattern

Drawings can be made using various plants, improvised materials or lace fabric. So, for example, such drawings as twigs and leaves are very loved by the people.

1. Prepare dill sprigs, parsley leaves, small leaves from other plants and blades of grass. You can make paper cutouts. The lace pattern is very beautiful. With this staining technique, an adhesive plaster is also used. Various shapes are cut out and glued. Or the drawing is applied with wax.

2. Moisten eggs at room temperature with water.

3. In random order, as fantasy tells, apply a drawing using the prepared material.

4. Wrap them tightly with nylon or gauze.

5. Place onion peel in a saucepan, fill it with water and pour 1-2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Place eggs in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

6. Take them out with a spoon, place them under running cold water. Remove capron.

7. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

Put on a plate and put on the table.

In onion peel with a pattern

Patterns on the egg can be created in several ways.

1. For example, wrapping a few rubber bands on it for money. Get strips of different widths. And if you change the position of the rubber bands, and alternately paint the surface with dyes of different colors, you will get multi-colored stripes. You need to paint from light to dark tone.

2. Threads can be wound in the same way. And then dip them into the dye solution.

3. Or stick narrow long strips of adhesive tape.

4. beautiful patterns are obtained by wrapping the shell with lace and then holding it in an onion solution.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

It is believed that the use of natural dyes is better than artificial ones. And you can't even explain why. The word "natural" says it all. While I don't think artificial food colorings are bad, if I have to choose between them, I always choose natural ones.

As you know, many plants, fruits and vegetables have a natural pigment that easily colors some things. And at all times people used this effect.

Let's look at what they are, and how you can use them to achieve a more saturated color.

  • Onion peel. When stained, it gives a rich palette from pale yellow to a beautiful, rich dark brown. How to paint, we discussed in detail above.
  • Beet juice. Thanks to him, you can get a color from pale pink to burgundy.

To dye in this color, grate the beets, pour water over it and boil for 20-30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, add a few tablespoons of vinegar and a little salt. Then let it cool down a bit and put the eggs in it. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes, periodically checking what color is turned out. Then let it brew.

  • Spinach. When used, a bright saturated green color is obtained. Similarly, we prepare a decoction and boil eggs in it.

To prepare the infusion, you just need to boil the chopped spinach for 30-40 minutes. Then place the samples in a slightly cooled infusion.

  • Birch leaves. Thanks to the decoction and infusion of even fresh, even dry birch leaves, you can also get a beautiful green color.

Pour boiling water over them, let simmer over low heat until the solution becomes a saturated color, then turn off the fire, and insist the leaves in water for another 30 minutes. After that, dip the samples prepared for painting into the cooled solution and cook after boiling for 10 minutes

  • Nettle. It will also give a green color when dyed.
  • Lemon. Thanks to the infusion of lemon peel, various shades of yellow can be obtained.
  • Chamomile. Gives beautiful and very delicate shades of yellow.
  • Turmeric and saffron. Gives a lovely sunny orange color.
  • Orange. Its crusts, infused in a decoction, will give a magnificent golden-orange color.
  • Red cabbage. When preparing a decoction and painting eggs, it will give a blue color.
  • Coffee. Its infusion will give warm beige shades.

Can also be dyed using raspberry juice, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries. Or try making it in infused black tea.

For all of the above natural dyes There is only one color scheme. Here she is.

Universal coloring method for all natural dyes

1. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Place there the product, which will be a natural dye.

2. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat, cover and let it brew for 30-40 minutes.

3. Place eggs at room temperature in a cooled broth. Bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for 15-30 minutes until desired color.

4. Take them out with a spoon, cool under running water.

5. If you want to achieve a more intense color, then put them back into the broth. Leave for a longer time, you can even all night.

The fact is that natural pigments are less active, and therefore it takes more time to stain than usual.

6. Then dry and brush with vegetable oil.

Then put on a dish or in a basket and serve.

How to dye eggs with dyes at home

You can also paint eggs at home with the help of paint, which is sold in the store. Now you can buy it for every taste. Among the huge offer, you can find a palette of only 4 colors, or you can purchase it with a richer one. colors. I have seen packages with flowers up to 15 different shades.

As a rule, all packages have instructions for use. Please read it carefully and follow the instructions provided. Basically the recommendations are:

  • paint should be diluted immediately before use in not in large numbers water
  • breed her in small portions, as under the influence of light and air, it quickly loses its properties
  • do not store after use
  • when interacting with it, use rubber gloves so as not to stain the skin of the hands

By following the instructions, you will get different colors of eggs. If you keep the eggs in the dye for less time, then the color will turn out to be more delicate, and if longer, then more saturated.

But with such dyes, you can also decorate Easter eggs in a very original way!

Marble way without greenery

For this method, you need to have food coloring.

1. First you need to boil, and then paint the eggs in bright light colors. Good result obtained from red, yellow and orange.

2. Then you should dry them.

3. Now we dilute dark colors with water - blue, green, purple. Each color in a separate bowl.

4. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to each color. We draw a toothpick through the oil to make oil paths. The more of them, the better.

5. Dip each cooked copy in a dark color only once. Use gloves for this. Then dry and grease with vegetable oil.

There are other equally interesting and creative ways to decorate Easter eggs. From the simplest decoration with beads, ribbons, fabrics to the famous Faberge eggs. Some of them are made for eating, and some for admiring.

And some for both. And let's look at just such interesting ways.

How fun to color eggs

If you use several colored dyes, and dip the egg in them not completely, but only half, or 1/3, then you can apply several layers of paint. And in this way you can set absolutely any colors, including rainbows.

The only thing to remember is that the paint must be allowed to dry after each applied layer.

To do this, you need to prepare either a lattice or some kind of stand, on which we will lay out partially painted products.

Since this process is not fast, you need to stock up on time and patience, but the result will be just great. And everyone will certainly ask how you achieved such a wonderful and original result.

Or you can apply the following method to obtain a rainbow color.

It turns out everything is very beautiful, quite simple and fast!

And you must admit that any housewife will want to have such beauty on the table!

Seven original ways of staining

1. In order to get patterns from matching strips of white and color, you can stick thin strips of adhesive tape on the eggs in random order. After the end of the staining and cooling process, remove the adhesive tape and beautiful geometric patterns will appear to our attention.

2. Thinner strips can be obtained by using rubber bands for money, as we did when dyeing with onion peel.

3. And when sticking rice, we get bright colorful dots. (the method is also described for staining with onion skins)

4. Beautiful specks can be easily obtained with a toothbrush. To do this, you must first set the main tone, and then use a brush to spray drops on them. This procedure can leave a lot of splashes on the table, so take care of this in advance and cover it with napkins.

5. And if you melt the wax and draw patterns or some kind of pattern on the shell, and then dip them into the dye, you can get magnificent beautiful samples that will decorate any holiday table.

It is important here that the paint is not hot, otherwise the wax will melt and the drawing will be smeared, or even invisible.

6. And the next way in Lately became very popular. This is also a variant of marble staining, and newspaper is used as an aid in this. She breaks into small pieces. After that, the eggs are placed in a piece of nylon, and the newspaper is poured inside, like onion peel. Then the capron must be tightly tied and put to boil.

After they are cooked, cool them as usual and then remove the capron and remove the paper. The letters of the newspaper text will remain on the shell.

The method is spectacular, but I don’t use it, somehow I don’t really want to cook food product along with printing ink.

7. Samples with a three-dimensional, so-called 3D effect look very nice. It is also not difficult to do this. As usual, we color, either natural or food artificial dye, dry. In the meantime, take 200 - 250 g of powdered sugar and mix it with plain water to a mushy state. We place the sugar mass in a confectionery syringe and apply beautiful three-dimensional patterns.

It turns out just great.

Decoupage with napkins

Recently, this technique has become incredibly popular in various fields of creativity. She did not pass by and Easter crafts.

When you watch such a video, you immediately want to leave everything and do such a wonderful kind of creativity as decoupage.

The only thing I would like to draw your attention to is choosing napkins with a small pattern suitable for the occasion, and then you are guaranteed success. Such beauties usually fly like hot cakes.

By the way, this recipe uses egg white. Gelatin can also be used. To do this, it must be poured with a small amount of water, allowed to swell slightly, then excess water drain. Then heat it up and let it dissolve completely. Glue is ready. We arm ourselves with a brush, take a suitable napkin and create beauty.

Marble coloring with nail polish

Another interesting way staining with multi-colored nail polishes. The technique of water manicure is used.

1. Boil white eggs.

2. Pour water at room temperature into a bowl. Drip nail polish into it. You can use one, two or more colors.

3. When using several colors, they must be dripped in turn into the center.

4. Draw from varnish with a toothpick drawings in the form of abstractions, lines, cobwebs or flowers.

5. Put on gloves, take a sample and dip it first on one side, then on the other side. Let dry.

This method is interesting both in terms of design and in terms of creativity. Instances are original and beautiful. But it should be remembered that varnish is a chemical compound, not food coloring. Therefore, it may make sense to use the other methods listed above.

Or you can just draw figures on the shell with the same nail polish. There is also room for fantasy.

How to dye eggs in fabric

If you know that you have a fabric that has an unstable color, and saying plain language- sheds, then wrapping an egg in it, you can color it. For this purpose it is necessary to have samples with a white shell.

1. Wrap the prepared sample tightly in a shedding cloth. Tie the ends with thread.

2. Place it in cold water, add salt, bring to a boil. Boil 10 minutes.

3. Drain hot water, and pour finished product cold water. When it cools down, remove the fabric. Dry and grease with vegetable oil.

Lace can be used in the same way. In this case, a beautiful and original lace pattern will appear on the painted surface.

Why paint eggs for Easter

Many people ask themselves: “Why do they need to be painted for Easter?” The answer to this question should be sought even in the prehistoric period.

At all times, the egg was given great importance in absolutely all cultures. It was considered a symbol of rebirth, the spring Sun, which carries light, warmth, Life in all its manifestations, deliverance from winter shackles, darkness. The transition from non-existence to existence.

It was presented as gifts to the pagan ancient gods, and later they began to give it to their relatives and friends. It is known that already in ancient Egypt there was a tradition of coloring eggs. This was done during the flood of the Nile. This event in the life of the people was the most important, because the river brought life to people. Therefore, it was expected every year, like a kind of miracle. And when the spill happened, there were great celebrations. Painted eggs were exchanged, they were hung in temples and dwellings.

In the Indian Vedas, the god Brahma hatched from a Golden Egg.

In the East, there are legends that say that the world originated from Chaos, which was in a huge egg. Therefore, to this day they attach great importance to it there.

In ancient burials different cultures find eggs, both natural and made from different materials. There are also painted ones among them. All the mythologies of the world keep legends associated with it as a symbol of life, renewal, the source of the origin of everything that exists in this world.

They are also one of the main attributes of Christian Easter. According to ancient church tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Krashenki are considered in Christian culture a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian folk legends tell that at the time of the Resurrection of Christ, the stones on Golgotha ​​turned into red eggs.

By the way, everyone probably knows that they can be left until next year, using them in treatment. various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and damage. I always leave the one, the most beautiful, untouched. And although we do not heal with its help, and even more so we do not remove damage, but it lies in our house until next Easter. This is the custom passed down from my grandmother.

Well, perhaps that's all!

Today I tried to tell you as fully as possible about the methods of dyeing Easter eggs. Knowing these basic methods, and including fantasy, on their basis, you can come up with other, no less interesting ways.

And now I want to wish you peace, prosperity, kindness! As well as warmth, light, life without disease and sadness! If you wish all this on the eve or day of Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Good health to all! And also with the upcoming you Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!!!

Easter eggs

Egg dyeing is a small household sacrament that sets its participants in a festive mood. While we collect onion skins, herbs for coloring eggs, or prepare paints and brushes, and then dye or paint Easter eggs, we have time to think, remember old times, childhood, when you painted eggs with the whole family, surrounded by the warmth and care of loved ones. Who loved you just like that, for no reason, simply because you are their best, beloved daughters and sons, grandchildren and granddaughters!

When we prepare for Easter, our soul lives a real, right life, filled with love and kindness. Watch for yourself, and you, too, will experience an uplifting and joyful warmth inside when you bake Easter bread - Easter cake, paint eggs or cook an Easter cottage cheese treat - Easter.

Easter Pictures

Of course, you can use a set of food colorings, it's quick, boil eggs, open a bag, bring a coloring solution, hold eggs in it and that's it. However, it seems to me that purchased dyes somewhat contradict the spirit of the great feast of the Resurrection of Christ. I think it is much more important for the family and for the soul of each person to get together at the table and do a common joyful thing - making Easter eggs!

Painted eggs and eggs in thermal labels

There are many ways to color or paint eggs.

From a Christian point of view Easter traditions, eggs should be reddish brown because the egg itself is a symbol of life, and the red color of the shell means the blood and death of Christ. Therefore, when we break colored Easter eggs, we symbolically show how life conquers death! This Easter ritual expresses our faith in the Resurrection of Christ and there is a hint that for happiness we need to act (it is our hand that breaks the egg), and not go with the flow.

Therefore, if you are a believer, then in your Easter basket there must be testicles of brown-red colors!

Brown dyed eggs (onion peel)

How to Prepare Eggs for Boiling and Dyeing

To prevent eggs from cracking when boiled

  • Warm the eggs after the refrigerator. Let them lie down for half an hour at room temperature and come to life. You can fill it with warm (so that your hands are warm, but not hot) and let stand for 10 minutes.
  • Add to egg water 2 tablespoons of salt per 0.5 liters water. If you put even more salt (very saline solution), colored eggs eggs can be stored later whole year at room temperature and not deteriorate, but at this long-term storage You can't eat them anymore, you guessed it. I checked this method many times - they are really stored. Thanks to Veronica who taught me how to boil Easter eggs in heavily salted water.

So that the paint lies well on the eggshell

  • Degrease the shell. It's very simple - wash the eggs with soap or baking soda (you can use a cloth or soft washcloth).
  • acidify the paint: add a little vinegar or lemon juice to the coloring solution.

How to make the shell color thick and saturated

  • span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Butter: Dry the dyed eggs and lightly brush them with vegetable oil - the color of the eggs will be more saturated and will shine beautifully.
  • More dye: Use large quantity dye and cook longer than an egg with a coloring base (or insist already boiled eggs in paint).
    In the case of coloring with onion peel, you need to take a lot of peel (so that there is a thick brew, little water and a lot of peel) and cook it for about half an hour without eggs. And then add the eggs.

How to make eggs red, brown, yellow, green and purple

IN red or brown will paint the colors of the eggs

  • onion peel (most dense color- from purple onions);
  • coffee .

The most famous and common way of coloring eggs is by boiling eggs in a large amount of onion peel. There should be a lot of husks (it can be collected at least the whole Great Lent, maybe just enough), the eggs should not float, but almost lie in this thick onion brew.

Depending on the color of the onion peel, the eggs are obtained reddish, reddish, burgundy or colors cherry jam with chocolate (dark brown). In Greece, the most beautiful are considered reddish purple eggs, which are obtained from the husks of red lettuce (purple). You can boil eggs in the shell from 10 minutes to an hour, the longer you cook, the more the paint will stick to the shell.

The coffee will color the eggs chocolate brown very delicious color.

Brown - coffee, green - nettle, yellow - turmeric

Beautiful Easter eggs dyed with onion skins

Yellow, orange or gold eggs will be obtained by dyeing with turmeric or saffron infusion.

Greenish color will give the eggs a herbal decoction of nettle.

Fresh currants, cranberries and blueberries will color the eggs in lilac, lilac or purple color, depending on how many berries you have. That is, the more coloring matter, the darker and thicker the color of the eggs will be.

You just need to take a handful of berries and, pressing them to the shell, rub them clean boiled egg. As soon as the egg is all smeared with berry juice, let it dry. And that's it.

Easter eggs purple, dyed with currants

Chocolate, dark brown (coffee)

Proportions for paint:

  • 2 teaspoons of instant coffee;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar (6-9%).

How to make chocolate paint: R dissolve coffee in salted water, add vinegar and boil eggs in it.

Light green color (nettle decoction)

For paint from nettle you need:

  • Dried nettle - 5 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

How to make green paint : boil the nettle for 15 minutes, strain, add vinegar or 2-3 drops of vinegar essence to the infusion, put the eggs and cook for an hour. When boiling, it is necessary to add water, so that the eggs are covered with water all the time and dyed evenly. If you do not add water, then at least turn them over. You can also leave for half an hour - an hour in the broth, so that the color is thicker.

Eggs dyed yellow with turmeric, green with nettles, and brown with coffee

In addition, green color is given by water colored with brilliant green (put boiled eggs in it and let stand), you can still chop spinach (larger) and boil eggs with it.

Golden, yellow, slightly orange color (turmeric)

For coloring with turmeric, you need:

  • Turmeric - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 0.5 liters;
  • Table vinegar (6-9%) - 1 tablespoon.

How to make yellow paint: add eggs, turmeric and vinegar to the water and boil the eggs in it until cooked. If you want a more orange, reddish color, use more turmeric.

Lilac, purple, pink, mauve (berry)

Berries (everything that is usually heavily painted: blueberries, currants, blackberries, cherries, cranberries, strawberries can be frozen) must be crushed with a crush and roll in berry puree boiled eggs. You can just take a handful of berries and, pressing, rub boiled eggs with them.

Then shake off the used pulp and dry the eggs. As soon as the paint dries, grease with a drop of vegetable oil.

Such multi-colored eggs are obtained, dipped in different food colors. You just need to know what colors you get when you mix them.

Berries do not need much, puree (crushed berries) can be reused.

In general, friends, eggs can be colored with everything bright and edible, which usually stains us when cooking: beetroot and carrot juice, all sorts of berries, from which hands and lips turn blue, infusion of saffron and marigolds ... except that sea buckthorn will not work, because it is oily and will not stick to the shell.

How to make speckled eggs or leave stencil drawings of blades of grass and leaves, paint eggs with wax, you can read in the story about the Greek traditions of celebrating Easter.

And how to color eggs in several colors by dipping in liquid food coloring -.

Eggs dyed with onion skins

Egg stencil

If you decide to decorate Easter eggs with a pattern ( a mixture of gouache and PVA glue 1: 1) and you don’t know how to portray this, or if you don’t know how to draw, then you can use a stencil. The stencil is made of paper in which holes are cut - randomly or in the form of an ornament, in the form of circles, squares, flowers, stripes, leaves - anything can be cut out. How to cut - remember how we make snowflakes on windows - fold the paper several times and cut through the layers of paper at the folds.

Then the stencil is applied to the egg and paint is applied.

Ready-made stencils can be bought, for example, in Indian stores - ask there for stencils for painting palms with henna, you will just get a small and elegant pattern with flowers and herbs.

Painting eggs with acrylics

More eggs can be painted acrylic paints(Such kits are sold in many departments of stationery). It is better not to eat such eggs (after all, this is not food paint), but to store them for beauty (to be stored for a long time, boil in a very strong brine 30 minutes).

This is how Natasha Rybka painted boiled Easter eggs:

These flowers are painted on the testicles with acrylic paints.

To prevent the paint on the eggs from smearing, it is better to place the eggs on stands. Acrylic (and a mixture of gouache with PVA glue) dries pretty quickly.

If you have your own way of coloring or decorating eggs with photos, we will be happy to post your tips and pictures of Easter eggs.

One of the brightest and kindest holidays is Easter. Orthodox and Catholics prepare for it in advance. The main attribute of the holiday is the Easter egg. There are many ways to color eggs. We offer many interesting and original ways Easter egg decorations. You can create by yourself, or you can do it with your kids. So, we look at the options and choose the most-most.

We paint eggs for Easter beautifully with food coloring or watercolor

If you love everything tender, sensual, then this way of painting eggs is for you. You don't have to be a professional artist to do this. You just need to follow our instructions. And if you show creativity, then it's just wonderful, you will get a masterpiece.

Easter eggs painted with food coloring in the style of "watercolor"

For work we need:
- liquid food coloring or watercolors;
- brush;
- black marker
- small disposable cups

Pour 25 drops of food coloring into a small disposable cup. Add some water to make the paint more fluid.

In the work we will use red, yellow, blue and green paint. Do not dilute a lot of dyes, 5 ml will be enough.

We paint eggs in the style of "watercolor". To do this, we put a dot on the egg with a brush with food coloring or watercolor. Then we smear it. Next, we do the same again on the painted surface, but do not touch the edges. So we create an imitation of flower petals.

We wait until the paint dries and in the center we draw the core of the flower with yellow paint. Remove excess dye with a dry cloth. Thus, we draw three flowers of different colors: red (as in the photo), yellow and blue. Then we draw green leaves.

With a marker we draw the contours of the flowers. Draw pistils and stamens in the middle of the flower.

After the paints have completely dried, we carry out the final stage - drawing small details and contours of flowers with a marker. And do not worry if you once again go beyond the contour or draw the line unevenly, on the contrary, it will be even more interesting. Because it doesn't have to be perfect. There is only creativity here.

Watercolor flower drawing is the answer to the question: How to paint eggs in an original way for Easter?

So we got beautiful picturesque eggs for Easter in watercolor style.

Bright and unusual eggs. Coloring with food coloring

This is a fun way to color eggs for Easter, thanks to which holiday eggs become bright and colorful. The painting process itself will be very popular with children. And what, you will understand for yourself when you watch it to the end.

bright eggs for Easter in the style of "batik"

To paint eggs, we need:
- hard-boiled eggs;
- liquid food coloring;
- vinegar;
- water;
- paper towels;
- rubber bands, gloves, sprayer, glass baking dish.

Pour water and vinegar into the sprayer in a ratio of 50 to 50%.

IN glass mold lay out three paper towels for baking. Sprinkle the top with pre-diluted vinegar and water in equal proportions.

Wrap the egg in the top paper towel. We fix it with an elastic band. Drip food coloring onto a damp towel. The dye spreads over the paper surface, goes into all the folds. Feel free to add other colors. Next, spray the dyed towel again with water and vinegar. Then we take the egg in our hands and squeeze it so that the paint fills all the voids and the whole egg is colored.

And now we stock up on patience and leave the eggs in paper towels for 1 hour. The more eggs lay, the brighter the color will be.

We extract finished egg from a napkin. If there are white spots on it, then the remnants paper towel just rub the egg. Here we have such a textured batik-style egg.

Beautiful starry sky on Easter eggs

A very deep and rich color that resembles a starry sky and we are not even afraid of this word - GALAXY. For work, plastic eggs were used. You can, of course, use real eggs, but the work on the transformation is long and painstaking. And it will be a pity to “destroy” her so quickly at the festive table.

How unusual to paint eggs for Easter. Deep rich pattern on Easter eggs

We will briefly describe and show how to make eggs for Easter with your own hands with a photo. More detailed instructions see .
For work you will need:
- plastic eggs;
- acrylic paints of different colors;
- hard brush, sponge.

Photo collage "How to paint eggs for Easter"

We paint the eggs black with acrylic paints, apply 2 layers, it will take about 15 minutes. The palette shows the paints that we will use. We paint the eggs with blue, blue paint. We tried to make each egg its own unique pattern. With a brush you can make whirlwinds, apply paint in different sides, do not drive a lot with a brush, otherwise the pattern will turn out muddy.

Now an ordinary sponge will come into play. Blot it into the darkest color - navy blue - and leave marks on the egg. We wait until the painted places dry out and with a lighter paint we do the same, we also grab the unpainted places. We move on to pink paint, then to gold. Then dip the brush into black paint and light movements, not strokes, we put specks. Small black islands are obtained. The last stage remains - work with white paint. We apply the paint with a spray (we dip the brush into the paint, then we spray it on the egg. You can use an old toothbrush and a comb with fine teeth. We dip the brush into the paint and run it over the comb, and small splashes from the drops cover the egg).

Galactic Eggs for Easter

We decorate eggs for Easter with confectionery beads

Children love these eggs. And even more they like to decorate them. After all, the decoration is based on confectionery powder. Colors may vary, yellow prevails.

Easter eggs decorated with confectionery beads

For work, we take boiled eggs, PVA glue, confectionery powder. All stages are visible in the photo below. The only thing that needs to be explained to the children is that you can’t eat the shell, and what is left after decorating the eggs, because it came into contact with the glue.

Easter eggs and decorative tape

This way of decorating Easter eggs does not require food coloring. You can call it clean, but not fast. It takes imagination to work.

Easter eggs decorated with decorative tape

For work, we take pre-cooked eggs, decorative tape, scissors. We cut out various shapes from adhesive tape and glue it to the egg.

Golden Easter eggs and golden marble effect

Very spectacular and chic eggs are obtained. The method, of course, is not easy, long, but the result is worth it.

Golden eggs for Easter

Very beautiful and unusual eggs for Easter. The work is long, painstaking, but as a result we get great result and rave reviews from friends.

Easter eggs with golden marble effect.

For work, take foam, matches, boiled eggs, food coloring, vinegar, gold leaf, glue.

We will need polystyrene and matches in order to dry the painted eggs.

Remember to add two tablespoons of vinegar to the food coloring water to set the food coloring.

After the eggs are completely dry, we begin the painstaking work. Tear the golden leaf into small pieces, because for the marbled effect you need to partially cover the egg. We smear the egg with glue, but not the entire surface.

Glue the pieces of gold leaf to the egg and smooth them carefully. We are waiting for complete drying. That's all, beautiful and spectacular eggs are ready.

Easter eggs in gilding. original article and photo.

Marble eggs for Easter

The decoration is based on ordinary nail polish. Everything is very simple, but at the same time beautiful.

Marbled nail polish eggs on eggs

The process of dyeing eggs is very simple. We take a plastic cup, which is not a pity to get dirty. Pour water at room temperature. We add a few drops of varnish to the water, it will not sink and mix with water, but will lie on it with a thin film. We mix the varnish with a stick, make vortices, patterns and dip the egg.

In the work, you can use one varnish or several. You can take a wide variety of colors and shades. idea with blue marble eggs we spied

Easter eggs with geometric patterns

A very simple and not painstaking way to decorate Easter eggs. You can use colored eggs, or you can use regular eggs with a dark shell. For work, we take a white marker, or you can use a corrector pencil, with which we draw various patterns.

To create for children festive mood enough to color raw eggs and put them back in the tray in the fridge. Children will be happy to open the refrigerator and look for new painted eggs.

Painting eggs with children with acrylic paints

This is the most simple idea that you can think of. Suitable for babies! This perfect way Easter egg coloring for kids, even from 9 months. Quick, easy, and most importantly purely. No stains on clothes and carpet, and most importantly, a happy baby and mother.

Everything is very simple. IN plastic bag put a pre-boiled egg and a teaspoon of acrylic paint (one or two colors). We seal the package and give it to the baby.

There are no dirty hands, no cups, spoons, puddles of water. Only clean hands and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

And also crushing the package, the child develops fine motor skills, tactile sensations. Develops observation and color perception.

When the whole egg is covered with paint, take it out and leave to dry.

If desired, you can stick curly stickers on the eggs before dyeing. Once the paint is dry, just peel them off.

How to dye eggs in baking soda?

Next method coloring eggs for easter kids will love it very much. After all, the basis of staining is chemical reactions, safe and interesting.

So, how to paint eggs, and even in baking soda? And very simple!
For this we need:
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
— Dry food paints
- Container for staining
- Hard-boiled eggs.

Pour into a container baking soda. You can take several containers at once. Next add dry food coloring, approximately 1 tablespoon per container. The more paint, the richer the color will be. Mix soda and paint until a uniform color.

Have your child carefully place the egg into the container. Then pour the vinegar into a glass and ask them to slowly pour it over the egg. The child will be amazed when he sees what will happen. Vinegar and soda will enter into chemical reaction, forming a sea of ​​bubbles and a slight hiss. We are waiting for the bubbles to go away, take out the painted egg and put it to dry.

After complete drying, specks will remain on the egg, which will give the Easter egg an interesting texture.

How to paint eggs with wax crayons?

It turns out to be very easy and simple to paint eggs with ordinary wax crayons. The method is simple and at the same time Easter eggs are bright, original.

We boil the eggs, take them out, put them in a tray and proceed to coloring. The egg must be dry and hot. Wax crayon melts on the egg, leaving beautiful, rich colors. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 2 hours. After cleaning the egg small pieces wax. That's all.

You can complicate this process a little and get this picture.

To do this, just dip the eggs in liquid food coloring. Mini master class on dyeing Easter eggs in the photo below.

Here is another interesting option for coloring eggs for Easter.

On a hot hard-boiled egg, draw with white chalk. Then put the eggs in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. After that, we moisten the egg in vinegar and, until it is dry, pour liquid food coloring. This is how it turns out beautiful eggs with a white unpainted trace.

Like these ones interesting ideas for dyeing Easter eggs. The main thing is good mood and your fantasy. Create for health and be happy!
