
Homemade cosmetics for facial skin from avocado oil - great results in the shortest possible time! Avocado oil - properties and use in cosmetology.

It’s unlikely that anyone will now remember at what point the South American fruit with an intriguing name ceased to be so exotic and settled on the shelves of all decent supermarkets. We add it to, we know one or two recipes with this ingredient, but in fact the scope of activity of this “alligator pear” is not fully known to us. Let's try to lift the veil today and take a closer look at avocado oil - a unique and universal product.

Chemical composition

Its composition resembles a portable rejuvenating laboratory. Having opened the door there, we just can’t see enough. In large glass flasks they rightfully occupy a dominant place. We read the inscriptions: here is the same legendary renewing, rejuvenating element, which also has the ability to strengthen. There is even more of it here than in olive oil. Here's squalene. In the body, it is responsible for oxygen reserves, and is also considered a sworn enemy of diseases.

Here, through the tubes of our laboratory, a green stream of chlorophyll runs, which not only gives the oil a pleasant green tint, but also strengthens the digestive and endocrine systems of the body. As we get closer, we will see how the green stream carries away all kinds of waste from the organs and systems of our body, preventing the formation of kidney stones.

On the shelves in beautiful bottles there is a complex of avocado oil: and. It is not for nothing that the ancient Mexicans began to add it to food, and even now it is considered one of the best food additives. By the way, there are so many calories in it that it can’t even compete with it, but more than in.

So little by little we came to a mysterious bottle with a carved cap, which contained a secret, unique ingredient from our laboratory: lecithin. Although the bottle is small, the concentration of the microelement in it is enormous. Doctors say that it is lecithin that strengthens, balances and restores cells. For taking oil containing such an important element, yours will thank you.

On the remaining shelves we see assorted cones, which contain , and , and , and amino acids, and , and , and , and manganese.

The entire composition, coupled with the easy digestibility of the product, makes the fruit squeeze an indispensable guardian of our.

Did you know? The ancient Indians revered alligator pear oil for strengthening “male strength” and considered it the best gift for newlyweds.

Beneficial features

Of course, with this composition, avocado oil fully realizes what nature created it for and was extracted by man:

  • slows down the manifestation of age-related changes;
  • strengthens local;
  • carries out the prevention of cardiac pathologies (, etc.);
  • improves digestion;
  • has a calming effect on the nervous system, strengthens it;
  • accelerates the process of skin cell renewal;
  • promotes greater production;
  • relieves inflammation from the affected area of ​​the skin, heals;
  • soothes and saturates the skin with microelements;
  • makes it more elastic.

Application in various fields

The lyrical descriptive part is over, let's move on to the sphere of practical application. It will not be possible to cover the entire range of recipes and tricks, so let’s talk about the most interesting and useful ones.

In cooking

If we study the traditions of using natural avocado oil, we will find it in Mediterranean, Mexican, and Spanish cuisines. Without going into the intricacies of these cuisines, we note that at home we can use high-calorie oil for seasoning vegetables, to add a refined taste to already prepared vegetable stew, for frying, and also as a base for all kinds of sauces.

The beauty of the product is that even when heated, it does not change its structure and taste, so you don’t have to worry that the oil will turn bitter. stewed in a saucepan, stewed - everything acquires a unique taste and aroma.

Important! Avocado oil contains 884 kcal, and cannot be classified as a dietary product. Therefore, only moderate consumption of oil will bring pleasure and benefit.

You can add an unusual twist to the well-known Caesar salad if you mix two tablespoons of our product with the juice of half a lime as a dressing, and then add garlic, yolk, a teaspoon of mustard and a little salt and pepper to taste.

Such a unique product has an amazing compatibility with other ingredients, which leaves room for culinary imagination. A little secret: in combination with basil and feta cheese, avocado oil is especially pleasant to season pasta with.

In folk medicine

Thanks to its amazing composition, alligator pear squeeze is widely used for various medicinal purposes. A striking example is anemia, which the product successfully copes with.

Regarding the digestive system, then the use of oil can be aimed at treating gastritis, hepatitis and gallbladder diseases, and even: three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, take a teaspoon. The course of treatment is a month.

But, despite all the great benefits of this product, women love it most not for this, but for its effective fight against stretch marks. It is recommended to lubricate problem areas on the stomach and legs after a shower as a preventive measure. Those who already have stretch marks do not get upset, but carefully read the following recipe. You need to take one spoon of our nutrient, four spoons of almond oil, about seven drops of lavender and five drops of tangerine. Mix all this thoroughly and lubricate the scars several times a week. After some time they will become less noticeable; there have been cases when they disappeared completely.

Important! Don't self-medicate! Any aids are not a substitute for drug treatment and medical consultation.

In cosmetology

Moisturizing, nutrition and rejuvenation- these are the three main tasks that the entire cosmetology industry is aimed at. A product that provides all three components at once could not go unnoticed. You will see an image of a South American fruit with a characteristic pit on all kinds of care products, masks, balms, tonics, shampoos, etc. Its strengthening properties have long been noticed by manufacturers of various liquids for, and avocado oil has already occupied its niche there.

The scale of the use of oil in home cosmetology is worthy of a separate brochure. Its regular application to the skin of the face stimulates blood circulation, saturates the skin with oxygen, gives it elasticity and a healthy appearance, and fights the appearance of age spots.

After masks with avocado squeeze, they acquire a natural shine, become docile, less split and break, and do not dry out. You can completely forget about it.

Avocado oil is suitable for any skin type; it is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy film on the face. However, those with sensitive skin will especially appreciate it for its soothing and protective effect. because it is:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • eliminates acne;
  • softens flaky skin;
  • protects from frosty air and wind;
  • blocks the negative effects of UV rays.

Application in home cosmetology

Let’s take a closer look at home cosmetology recipes, because natural oil can be safely used in its pure form, bypassing industrial jars of creams.

For hair

Avocado oil can be used both to treat damaged skin and to strengthen healthy ones. It is best to smear the damaged ones with cold-pressed oil, and apply it to dirty ones half an hour before washing, rub in with massage movements and leave. In advanced cases, it will be more effective to heat the product, spread it on the roots and leave it overnight. For healthy but dry hair, oil can replace conditioner. Apply it for a few minutes after shampooing, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

To speed up hair growth, use this mask recipe: mix 40 ml of avocado squeeze, 30 ml of olive oil and add a teaspoon of avocado tincture. It is important that the ingredients are slightly warmed. We apply the prepared mixture to the roots, lubricating each parting, and drive it in with the pads of our fingers, creating an additional stimulating effect. We distribute the remains along the entire length of the hair. Then keep it warm for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water until the grease is no longer noticeable.

Did you know? Ancient Egyptian women are known for their secrets of beauty and youth. In some tombs, archaeologists still find avocado seeds, which suggests that beauties who lived before our era knew about the uniqueness of this fruit.

A recipe for a mask based on oil enriched with esters is effective against dandruff. For example, orange and eucalyptus. At 3 tbsp. l. 4 drops of both are enough for the main component. This mixture is applied warm to the scalp with massaging movements, covered with cling film and wrapped in a scarf. After half an hour, the mixture must be washed off.

For face and lips

For the face, it is possible to use avocado oil in its pure, unrefined form - as a night cream, for example. If it’s unusual to act this way, you can add oil to store-bought cream: 10 drops per 10 g of cream.

As a mask, the product is applied to the face for 40 minutes; after the time is up, be sure to blot your face with a napkin. This mask is needed once a week to improve the overall well-being of the skin, but if there are serious problems, then you can do it daily. The squeeze from the South American exotic fruit goes well with other oils (almond, apricot, peach kernels and others) and esters.

To add elasticity to the skin around the eyes, as well as to combat fine wrinkles, a special mask is suitable. Mix one tablespoon each of olive and avocado oil, add a few drops of rosemary, geranium and verbena ether. We rub the mixture under the eyes with our fingers, leave it for half an hour and then blot the remainder with a paper napkin.

A recipe for a nourishing face mask could be like this. One teaspoon of our hero and the same amount of natural yogurt. Apply the mixture to a face washed with warm water using a spatula and distribute evenly. After 15 minutes, carefully remove the mask with a warm, wet towel and rinse your face again with warm water.

Did you know?The secret to being a well-fed vegetarian is to eat avocados. There is more protein there than in any meat product.

The healing effect of avocado oil makes it an indispensable product for skin care. If peeling, small cracks, or ulcers occur, you must lubricate your lips daily until complete recovery. A scrub made from butter and sugar mixed in equal proportions will also be effective. Massage your lips for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For nails

If your daily care includes taking care of the nail plate, then take note of a simple recipe. Mix a tablespoon of avocado and almond oil, add three drops of lemon or chamomile ether and rub the resulting mixture into the nails and cuticles every day. In just a week you will notice an amazing effect - strong nails and soft skin, making manicure easier.

For massage

Avocado oil, enriched with lavender essential oil, is well suited for massage. Literally three drops per 1 tbsp. l., and the resulting mixture must be regularly rubbed into problem areas with massage movements. Any combination of oils you like, with or without the addition of esters, will be an excellent massage product that will moisturize the skin, stimulate blood circulation and accelerate collagen production.

For Tan

Since avocado juice is famous for its anti-UV properties, then it would be useful to use it on the beach specifically for protection from the aggressive sun, and not to enhance the tan. Combine with almond and sesame oil in a 2:3:2 ratio to get an effective sunscreen. Many experts recommend protecting your hair as well, since you are not wearing a hat while swimming. In this case, you need to lightly lubricate your hair with natural avocado oil without essential additives.

How to choose when purchasing

Unrefined natural cold-pressed avocado oil is considered the most versatile and healthy. Select it in the same way as any product, paying attention to whether there is any sediment or whether the liquid in the bottle is cloudy. A nutty smell and light green color are a must. If the liquid is yellowish and odorless, most likely you are being offered refined oil. It is also successfully used in cosmetology and medicine, but has much less beneficial properties, as it has been subjected to additional processing.

How to store at home

Natural products that do not contain additives or preservatives are not stored for long, and in unsuitable conditions they can lose their beneficial properties. Our squeeze is stored only in a closed glass container; after opening, the bottle is moved to the refrigerator door.

Important!People who are allergic to citrus fruits may also develop an allergy to avocados, although they are not related to citrus fruits and are related to bay leaves.

Contraindications and harm

Anyone can have an individual intolerance to any product. Even if you have never encountered this, it’s still not worth the risk: before using the oil as food or as a cosmetic product, do a small test. Apply a little oil to the crook of your elbow and wait 30 minutes. If nothing has changed, your skin does not turn red or itch, then you are lucky and can safely enjoy all the benefits of avocado oil.

People who have problems with kidneys, gallbladder, or who are generally prone to reactions, must consult a doctor before taking avocado oil orally. In any case, start a little at a time, half a teaspoon at a time, and listen to your body. Don't forget that benefits can turn into harm if you overdo it.

Nature gives us unique opportunities. In just a few drops squeezed from an unremarkable green fruit, we will find a means to renew the entire body, from the skin to the heart muscle. Our task is not to miss these opportunities, to be aware of them and to accept with gratitude the gifts of nature.

Avocado oil is considered one of the healthiest and most environmentally friendly vegetable oils. It surpasses many others in nutritional value, vitamin and microelement composition. Avocado oil, whose benefits for the body are invaluable, is perfectly absorbed and has a pleasant taste. It does not contain a large amount of fat, so the product can be used for preparing dietary dishes and in vegetarian cuisine.

How is avocado oil obtained?

The tree that produces these amazing fruits can only grow in very warm climates. It is grown in California, South America, Mexico, South Africa, and Israel. The tree belongs to the laurel family and has green, pear-shaped fruits. The oil is obtained from the pulp, sometimes from the seeds, by cold pressing. Thanks to this technology, the beneficial properties of the product, minerals, vitamins, acids, and so on are preserved. Avocado oil is used for the face, hair, body, and taken orally. It has a dark green color and a nutty taste.

Beneficial features

Women of the Mexican tribes were the first to use avocado oil for the face. It was called “beauty oil”, and for good reason. Studies have shown that with regular use of the product for facial skin care, the aging process significantly slows down. The oil perfectly nourishes and heals not only the epidermis, but the entire body. It contains vitamins such as D, E, A, as well as about twenty percent unsaturated fatty acids. The oil is quickly absorbed. The product stimulates, promotes its healing and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

Application in cosmetology

Every woman dreams of prolonging her youth and keeping her skin soft and tender for as long as possible. To do this, some turn to specialists and buy countless jars of expensive creams. Avocado oil for skin is recognized as one of the most effective products used for nutrition, moisturizing and rejuvenation. It is considered basic and, as a rule, is diluted with other vegetable oils, and is also taken as a basis for the preparation of creams, masks and other skin care products. This oil can also be used on its own. It has a noticeable effect on the condition of facial skin. This oil is unique in its composition. The fats included in its composition are as close as possible to the fats of human skin. Every woman can use avocado oil for her face, because it is suitable for all skin types. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy sheen.

Avocado oil for facial skin

This amazing product perfectly moisturizes the skin, softening and saturating it with nutrients. It improves blood circulation, which helps enrich tissues with oxygen. The oil penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on its elasticity and firmness. The premature formation of wrinkles and age spots is stopped by sterols - plant substances similar in properties to sex hormones.

How is it used?

Avocado oil for the face, which is so widely used nowadays, is perfect for caring for any skin type. It will be useful at any time of the year. It is used for nutrition, hydration, and regeneration. In addition, it eliminates various rashes and irritations, fine wrinkles, acne, peeling, and dryness. This excellent natural remedy will relieve most skin problems. It is ideal for caring for thin and delicate skin around the eyes, which often suffers from cold, wind and improper care. Avocado oil for the face makes this area more delicate, eliminates sagging skin and expression lines. This is an indispensable care product in adverse weather conditions. In winter it protects from cold, and in summer it protects from ultraviolet radiation, which has a detrimental effect on the skin. Every woman should have this product in her makeup bag.

Avocado for hair

Who doesn't dream of luxurious hair! Having beautiful and healthy hair is not that difficult. Avocado oil is an excellent way to care for them. It will quickly strengthen your hair and get rid of split ends. As a result, the appearance of the hair is significantly improved, the hair becomes soft and elastic. In addition, regular use of oil helps protect them from various environmental factors. To treat hair, avocado oil can be used in its pure form or mixed with other oils. Within two to three weeks you will notice the result.

Avocado for eyelashes

Oil affects eyelashes in the same way as it does hair. They strengthen, become thick and long, and their natural beauty and strength improve. You should know that illnesses, unfavorable environments, and stress affect the condition of hair and eyelashes. For this reason, avocado oil must be used regularly. This is the only way you can restore your eyelashes to health. It's very easy to use. The oil is applied to the eyelashes before bed and washed off in the morning as usual.

Methods of application

Avocado oil for the face (reviews indicate its high effectiveness) can be used in different ways: in its pure form, for masks, massage, applications, and so on. Masks with this oil help eliminate sagging and dry skin, and also solve problems such as irritation, inflammation. The oil can be applied to the face for 30 minutes, then it should be removed with a napkin. For severe problems, the procedure is repeated twice a day. You can take care of the skin around your eyes in the same way. Avocado makes it soft, elastic and eliminates fine wrinkles. Undiluted oil is an excellent substitute for night cream. If for some reason it is impossible to use it in its pure form, the oil is used as a basis for preparing creams. Regular use of avocado oil has a beneficial effect on the skin. Any inflammation disappears without a trace, the skin becomes healthy, elastic and young, wrinkles disappear.

Beauty Recipes

Avocado oil, whose properties have been known since ancient times, is used to prepare creams and masks for the face and body. Here are some of the recipes:

Avocado is an excellent aphrodisiac and valuable nutritious product, but it has achieved no less fame in cosmetology. Avocado cosmetic oil is a basic, essential product. It restores lost youth, accelerates metabolic processes in cells, and protects against exposure to cold and ultraviolet radiation. What this fruit contains, how to use it to prevent early skin aging and smooth out wrinkles, read the article.

The avocado fruit or “alligator pear” is used in cosmetology fresh (pulp) and as an oil extract. Both options have a huge amount of nutritional components necessary to maintain firmness, elasticity, health and youth of the skin.

Natural avocado oil is a whole complex of “beauty vitamins”, complex fatty acids, plant estrogens and mineral elements. The combination of all these components allows you to easily solve skin problems, create meaningful, rejuvenating masks and creams with a lifting effect.

Externally, unrefined natural avocado oil is a light green thick liquid with a nutty aroma and taste. After additional cleaning and processing, it acquires a light shade and less nutty aroma is felt. For cosmetic purposes, the unrefined extract is more valuable, but both options can be used.

Benefits and composition

Avocado cosmetic oil for skin is a source of many mineral, nutritional and essential components. Its main riches include the following substances:

  • vitamins E, C are powerful antioxidants. They successfully fight the aging of the epidermis, affect the synthesis of new collagen and elastin fibers, and help smooth out wrinkles on the face. The amount of vitamin E in avocados and olive oil is incomparable. The exotic extract contains 5 times more “vitamin of youth” than olives;
  • Vitamin A – helps get rid of problematic acne and acne. It will carefully and effectively cleanse pores;
  • B complex vitamins – responsible for the health and normal functioning of cells. They stabilize metabolism, the process of regeneration and blood circulation in cells, eliminate dryness, protect against temperature changes and the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, and help maintain tissue tone;
  • Vitamin F is a well-known “beauty vitamin”. It is actively involved in the blood supply to cells, fat metabolism and the construction of new tissue. For comparison, fish oil, which is so effective for the surface of the face, contains 20 times less of it than the “alligator pear”.
  • unsaturated and saturated fatty acids (including Omega-9) – provide adequate hydration and nutrition of the epidermis, facilitate the absorption of vitamins in cells;
  • macro- and microelements (potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus, iodine) - play an important role in cell function, metabolic processes, and rejuvenation. These are peculiar catalysts and protectors of cells;
  • plant estrogens – prevent skin aging, the appearance of wrinkles and loss of tone;
  • squalene is a substance that increases immunity, the degree of protection of cells from negative external factors.

Vegetable oil of an exotic fruit is an unrivaled source of energy, minerals and nutrients. Their harmonious, unique combination guarantees high effectiveness on the skin. Wrinkles, pimples, withering and aging of the epidermis - have no chance of resisting this medicinal elixir.

Properties for the face

Medical professionals, cosmetologists, nutritionists and chefs unanimously claim the effectiveness and benefits of the southern fruit. Let us dwell in detail on the healing effects of the drug on the surface of the face:

  • perfectly replenishes the lack of vitamins and nutritional minerals;
  • normalizes cell function, stimulates accelerated rates of metabolism;
  • strengthens the cell's immune system, reduces the risk of inflammatory reactions on the face;
  • stimulates the process of tissue regeneration, activates the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • renews the structure of the skin, rejuvenates it and tightens the contours of the face;
  • increases the degree of protection of the integument from negative external factors. It is especially important to use avocado essential oil for the face during hot weather or winter;
  • slows down the aging of the epidermis;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles and tissue ptosis;
  • stabilizes sebaceous secretions and pH balance;
  • eliminates age spots;
  • After the procedures, the skin becomes soft, elastic and tender.

Avocado essential oil is used in cosmetology not only for the face. Hair, body, arms and legs also need deep nourishment. Prepared masks, compresses, creams with vitamin extract will easily get rid of shortcomings and problems. In addition, the pulp of the fresh fruit is included in products for rejuvenation. You can safely add it to your dishes. This will not only complement its taste, but also affect the condition of the skin.

Tricks of use and contraindications

Avocado cosmetic oil is a valuable medicine for aging and dry skin. The elixir can be used in several variations:

  • To enrich your facial care cosmetics, before applying the product to the skin, add avocado essential oil (2-5 drops);
  • For massage, use the oil in its pure form or in combination with other equally nutritious plant extracts. Rub a few drops of the product with your fingertips and spread onto the surface of your face with massaging movements. Find out more about the technique of performing effective self-massage at home;
  • For makeup removal, remove makeup before bed; a cotton pad with avocado oil can soothe your skin after a hard day. Apply a little nourishing elixir to the disc and apply it to your eyes. After 1-2 minutes, lightly remove any remaining makeup from your face;
  • To moisturize and protect your lips in cold weather, prepare a simple balm. Mix fatty avocado seed oil and jojoba oil in equal quantities. Apply lip balm before every trip outside;
  • To relieve inflammation from sunburn, mix lavender oil with exotic extract in a 2:1 ratio;
  • Alligator pear oil combines perfectly with many face mask ingredients. Use the elixir to create magnificent, rejuvenating and healing compositions.

Avocado essential oil has no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance.

Recommendations from cosmetologists will help you achieve maximum effectiveness from the exotic elixir:

  • First of all, check the prepared product with avocado oil for an allergic reaction. Apply a few drops of the mask to your wrist and wait;
  • It is recommended to heat plant extracts in a bathhouse for accelerated absorption into the skin. However, be careful, unrefined compounds should not be heated. This can be harmful to your health!
  • Add oil extracts of plants, esters at the end of preparing the medicinal composition so that the nutritional components do not evaporate;
  • Wash off the avocado mixture, compress with purified, mineral water or herbal decoction. Read about the benefits of herbs for the face;
  • Perform a multi-component mask once a week, a compress - up to 2 times, but you can use pure fruit oil daily, for example, like jojoba oil.

Win-win beauty recipes

Homemade masks in facial care occupy a leading position in the concentration of vitamins and nutrients. It is not difficult to create medicinal compositions, but it is extremely important for the health of the epidermis.

Moisturizing mask

For intensive hydration and nourishment of the skin of the face and décolleté, prepare the following composition:

Avocado cosmetic oil – 10 ml (2 tsp);
Natural honey – 2 tbsp;
Warmed whole milk – 3 tbsp.

Mix nutritional ingredients until smooth. Apply lightly to problem areas. After 15 minutes, wash your face.

Anti-aging face mask

At the first signs of early skin aging, fine wrinkles and folds, prepare an effective composition from homemade ingredients:

Exotic pear oil – 10 ml;
Almond extract – 10 ml;
Homemade sour cream – 1 tbsp;
Lemon juice – 3-5 drops.

Mix the mask components in a container until smooth. Apply an even, thin layer of the rejuvenating mixture over the face and neck. You can perform a light massage. After 15-20 minutes, rinse off any remaining product.

Anti-wrinkle composition

Rejuvenation is a long process and not easy. It is easier to prevent the aging of the epidermis than to exhaust yourself with procedures in the fight against deep wrinkles, sagging and unclear contours. A mixture of components will help with this:

Kefir – 1 tbsp;
Liquid honey – 1 tbsp;
Egg yolk.

Lightly beat the egg yolk and add the remaining nutritional ingredients.

Nourishing mask for the eye area

The periorbital area is characterized by thin, sensitive skin. Therefore, it requires cosmetics of a lighter texture, high efficiency and naturalness. Prepare a special mask for the area near the eyes from the following ingredients:

Avocado cosmetic oil – 10 ml;
Wheat germ extract – 10 ml.

Mix the components of the mask. Soak cotton pads in the oily liquid. Place them over your eyes. After 10-15 minutes, remove the discs, rinse off the remaining product with warm whole milk or chamomile decoction. Secure the result after the procedure with a special cream for the area around the eyes.

Product for oily skin

Exotic pear is practically not used for oily skin types. The exception is a light, nutritious composition of the following components:

Avocado oil – 5 ml;
Low-fat kefir – 1 tbsp;
Lemon juice – 3-5 drops.

Mix the ingredients together. Apply to the surface evenly and without rubbing. After 10-15 minutes, rinse the mixture with cool water.

How to select and store

Avocado essential oil for the face is a source of nutritional components. However, if purchased incorrectly, it turns into a pointless waste of time and money, or even worse, into a cause of worsening skin problems.

How to buy the best cosmetic avocado oil?

  • When purchasing, give preference to trusted companies. It would be a good idea to read reviews about the manufacturing company.
  • Butter from the southern fruit with a greenish tint is valued higher than those with a transparent, slightly yellowish tint. After processing and filtration, most of the nutritional components were lost, and accordingly the effectiveness of the oil is very low.
  • The correct packaging of cosmetic plant extracts is a dark glass container.
  • Pay attention to the expiration date. Real ether can be stored for no more than 9 months if unopened.
  • After opening a bottle of extract, the shelf life is reduced, so it is not advisable to buy large volumes of the product.
  • The drug should be stored in a cool place, at home - this is the side door of the refrigerator. Therefore, if possible, when purchasing, evaluate the storage conditions of such products in the store for the intended purchase.

Remember, when preparing homemade cosmetics and express face masks, it is important to use high-quality ingredients. The effectiveness of the procedure and the achieved result depend on this.



Dear readers, today on the blog I want to talk about avocado oil. I don't know how familiar you are with him. I think it's worth paying attention to it. Probably, the avocado fruit itself has already become more familiar to us; we include it in our diet. The unusual exotic fruit avocado has established itself not only as a food product, but also as a material for the production of valuable oil. It, in turn, is also used not only for gastronomic purposes, but also as a cosmetic and even medicinal product.

Remember how Russian folk tales often talk about rejuvenating apples, so today we’ll talk about the rejuvenating pear, the “alligator pear.”

In our latitudes, its popularity is not yet as great as in the West, but this is a matter of time. You can already buy avocados in any supermarket. And, having learned about the beneficial properties of this very avocado oil, you will be convinced that it is becoming popular deservedly. I invite you to read the article on my blog. There you will learn all the intricacies of how to choose and store an avocado, its benefits and what interesting things can be prepared from it.

Central and South America are considered the homeland of avocados. Ten thousand years ago, this fruit was actively used in the diet of Colombians and Mexicans as an unusually healthy and nutritious product. Even then, the natives of Latin America knew about the healing properties of avocado and especially appreciated the oil obtained from it. It was used as a folk medicine. And Mexican women also used it for cosmetic purposes.

  • Due to the appearance of the fruit, namely its dark green, rough skin, the avocado is called the “alligator pear.” That's what European colonialists called it
  • Among the aborigines there was an opinion that avocado oil could revive and strengthen “male power.” Therefore, the fruit, as a natural aphrodisiac, was considered the best wedding gift
  • The taste and appearance of an avocado sometimes make one question whether it is a fruit. Those who have tried the fruit itself and remember the taste will confirm that it is somewhat similar to boiled potatoes. Even scientists who analyzed the chemical composition of the fruit claim that it is more suitable for a vegetable. However, avocado is a fruit.
  • Avocado is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the fruit with the highest calorie content.

Avocado oil is obtained by cold pressing from the pulp of ripe fruits. Sometimes it is extracted from fruit kernels

Avocado oil. Compound

  1. Vitamins: A, E (its content is five times more than in olive oil), C, B1, B2, B3, B9, D, F (three times more than in fish oil), K, PP.
  2. Macro- and microelements: zinc, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron, iodine and many others.
  3. Saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids: stearic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic, oleic (80%), palmitic.
  4. 30% of all fats contained in avocados are easily digestible unsaturated fatty acids, which are easily absorbed by the human body and bring undeniable benefits to it.

Contains: proteins, lecithin, squalene, phosphoric acid salts, phytosterols, chlorophyll.

In terms of calorie content, avocado is in no way inferior to meat or chicken eggs and in terms of protein content it is two or even three times higher than grapes, bananas, apples, and pears.

Avocado oil. Calorie content : per 100 g of product – almost 886 kcal

Of the most beneficial substances that are part of avocado oil, I would like to highlight the following:

  • Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that has a significant anti-aging, regenerating and immunomodulatory effect
  • Squalene is another antioxidant that neutralizes the effects of free radicals. It is the most important component of our skin and subcutaneous fat, has antimicrobial properties
  • Chlorophyll is an antibacterial substance that gives avocado skin its rich green color. It has a beneficial effect on our respiratory system, supports the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine and digestive systems. Clears toxins and prevents the formation of kidney stones.
  • Lecithin is an essential building material for the brain, nerves and blood vessels. Responsible for the effective functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Avocado oil. Properties.

  1. It has high nutritional value and is considered an ideal food product. Especially valuable for those who suffer from diabetes. Butter is high in calories, but also contains some sugar.
  2. It has a bactericidal and wound-healing effect, which is why it is used in medicines.
  3. Strengthens reproductive function, normalizes hormonal balance.
  4. 4. Reduces the risk of developing cancer - the combination of vitamin E and beta-carotene is very useful for smokers
  5. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, prevents coronary heart disease and arterial thrombosis.
  6. Slows down the aging process of the skin, cares for and moisturizes the skin and hair.

Despite the fact that its popularity is still only growing, avocado oil and reviews of its properties have already glorified it as a universal and extremely useful product.

Avocado oil. Application

As we have already understood, avocado oil can be used for culinary purposes and as a component for medicinal products, as well as in cosmetology. Here are some examples of how avocado oil can be useful at home

Avocado oil in cooking.

The exquisite taste of avocado oil allows it to be used not only as a salad dressing, but also for frying meat, fish or vegetables. When heated, the oil does not become bitter and does not lose its taste at all. Traditionally and for a long time, it has been used in Mediterranean cuisine; it is actively used in the preparation of Mexican and Spanish dishes. As a dietary and healthy product, it is even added to baby food formulas.

Avocado oil salad dressing

2 table. tablespoons avocado oil
Juice of half a lemon (or lime)
Salt pepper

If desired, you can add garlic passed through a press, a chicken egg yolk and a teaspoon of mustard to the ingredients. This sauce can be used to make Caesar salad.

Gourmet pasta dressing:

2 table. tablespoons finely chopped basil
2 table. spoons of wine vinegar
2 table. tablespoons avocado oil
Salt pepper

For a more refined taste, you can add 100 g of chopped feta cheese to the sauce.

Avocado oil for our health.

For medicinal purposes, avocado oil is used only in fresh form, that is, no heat treatment. For prevention, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon twice a day 30 minutes before meals for a course of three weeks. In total, you can take four courses per year. That is, at the rate for each season.

If your gums are bleeding, take avocado oil and mix it in equal parts with essential oils (tea tree, lavender, orange) - one drop per tablespoon of avocado oil. Moisten a tampon in the resulting mixture and apply to the inflamed gums for 15 minutes. You need to do the procedure twice a day, naturally after meals.

Avocado oil for face and hair. Application in cosmetology.

As a cosmetic product, avocado oil is used widely and successfully. Its properties are especially valuable for hair, eyelashes, and skin.

Avocado oil for face. Avocado oil masks

The easiest way is to soak a cotton napkin in avocado oil and leave it on your face, neck or hands for half an hour. It is better to make such a mask in a course: once or twice a day for 4-5 days.

Take equal parts of avocado oil and grape seed oil. Add rose or lemon essential oil (at the rate of 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base oil mixture). We also soak a napkin with the resulting composition and leave it on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

If you really don’t have time to make masks, you can simply add avocado oil to your favorite face cream. For every 10 ml of cream add 10 drops of oil. However, it is not worth enriching the cream in this way for future use. It is better to add oil immediately before application. As a last resort, you can make two portions of cream with butter, and keep the unused portion in the refrigerator.

Avocado oil for skin

I suggest watching the video Avocado oil for skin.

Avocado oil around the eyes. Getting rid of crow's feet

1 tbsp. spoon of avocado oil
1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil (can be replaced with grape seed oil)
2 drops each of rosemary, verbena and geranium essential oils.

Mix and massage into the area around the eyes with your fingertips. Leave for 30 minutes, blot off any remaining residue with a paper towel.

Avocado oil. Hair Mask

Mix avocado oil in equal proportions with other vegetable oil (burdock, flaxseed) and apply to hair. Put on a cellophane cap, leave it overnight, and wash it off with shampoo in the morning.

You can enrich your hair balm with avocado oil - 10 drops of oil per 100 ml of shampoo. Apply this product to the scalp a couple of hours before washing.

By regularly using avocado oil as a cosmetic product, you can restore lost shine to your hair, give it strength and beauty.

How to store avocado oil?

To ensure that the beneficial properties of the oil are not lost, you must follow the storage rules:
1. Store the oil in a glass container, tightly closed.
2. Before the container with oil is opened for the first time, you can keep it in the refrigerator or in any other dark place at a temperature no higher than +18°C.
3. After each use of the oil, the already opened container should be stored in the refrigerator.

Avocado oil. Contraindications

  • Product intolerance. Can only be determined by testing. Before using it externally, you need to do a test on a small area of ​​skin.
  • When using oil internally, it is better to start with a small dose - half a teaspoon. If there is no reaction within three days, gradually increase the portion to the required volume.
  • People who have problems with the kidneys and gallbladder should consult a doctor before taking avocado oil internally.

Here is another useful product for both health and beauty. I hope this information will help you enrich your arsenal of homemade cosmetics.

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The exotic fruit avocado has many different names. It is called the “alligator pear” because the fruit is pear-shaped and the skin resembles the skin of a crocodile. Another name is “poor man's cow,” since the oily pulp of the fruit can easily replace butter. Today this exotic fruit can be found on the shelves of many supermarkets, and the oil obtained from it is used by many women for cosmetic purposes. Let's figure out whether avocado oil helps against wrinkles.

The seeds and dried pulp of the fruit are used to make oil. As a result of using cold-press technology, a viscous liquid of a beautiful emerald color with a pleasant aroma and taste of nuts is obtained. But the light yellow oil prepared from this fruit is of less value, since this product is refined, that is, it contains much less useful substances.

Unrefined alligator pear oil has a rich and varied composition, which includes:

  • Tocopherol or a vitamin of youth, which provides high-quality hydration of the epidermis, and aging skin is often dehydrated.
  • Ascorbic acid Known for its ability to boost immunity. Moreover, we are talking not only about general, but also about local immunity. Thus, this substance makes it possible to increase the resistance of epidermal cells to negative external influences - frost, ultraviolet radiation, wind, etc.
  • Retinol has a pronounced ability to stop inflammatory processes and stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Fatty acid, including linolenic acid, ensure restoration of skin elasticity.
  • Phytohormones actively rejuvenate the skin, eliminating age-related pigmentation, smooth out wrinkles.
  • Squalene provides stimulation of oxygen metabolism, due to which cells receive additional nutrition.

A unique property of the product is that the concentration of all listed active substances in the oil is quite high, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the product.

Avocado oil is a universal product that helps solve a lot of different cosmetic problems. Product:

  • will help to quickly get rid of rashes - acne, pimples;
  • saturates cells with vitamins;
  • will provide the necessary hydration;
  • relieves peeling;
  • will give the skin tone;
  • will tighten up and get rid of sagging.

Who needs to be careful?

Before you start using avocado oil on your face, you should make sure that your skin reacts normally to contact with this product. That is, do allergy test. Carrying out this test is as easy as shelling pears: rub a drop of oil into the skin of your wrist or on the crook of your elbow. If redness, swelling or other negative reaction does not appear on the skin within 24 hours, then you can safely include this product in your arsenal of struggle for youthful skin.

Carefully Women with oily skin type should use this oil. You should not apply the product undiluted to such skin, as this will make it look even more greasy. It is better to use oil in cosmetic masks that contain drying additives.

Basic Rules

To ensure you are pleased with the results of home rejuvenation, you should study the rules for using a cosmetic product in advance. Ignorance of some features can result in disappointment.

  • First of all, you need to purchase quality product. Choose unrefined oil, it differs from refined oil in color. Uncooked food is green rather than yellow.
  • The product should be purchased in pharmacy or another trusted place, since otherwise there is a risk of purchasing a fake. Check the expiration date before purchasing.
  • Store an open bottle in a cool, dark place, for example, on the door refrigerator. Before application, the product must be warm up, since when cold it will not be able to penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis.
  • But under no circumstances should the product be overheated; vitamins begin to be destroyed at temperatures above 60 degrees.
  • You can keep the undiluted oil on your face for about an hour, after which you need to remove the residue with a paper towel. The duration of aging of cosmetic formulations depends on the characteristics of the ingredients. So, if the mixture includes aggressive substances, for example, alcohol or sour fruit juice, then you do not need to keep the mixture for more than a quarter of an hour.
  • It is best to wash off the compositions with a damp swab. For oily skin, it is recommended to use water slightly acidified with lemon juice.
  • The frequency of use depends on the presence of problems. So, to prevent the appearance of signs of aging, it is enough to use oil 3-4 times a month. If wrinkles already exist, then the number of procedures should be increased to 2-3 times a week. After 1.5-2 months of use, you need to take at least a three-month break so that the skin does not become saturated.

Application options

Alligator pear oil is a base product that can be applied undiluted or included in various cosmetic formulations.

Without additives

Avocado oil can be simply applied to the skin, including under the eyes. First you need to cleanse your face well, then apply the warmed product in a thin layer with your fingers or a brush. It is recommended to carry out a light massage session - tap your fingertips on the surface of the skin, “driving” the oil into the epidermis.

To get rid of facial wrinkles, it is very useful to make lotions from warm oil. You need to prepare pieces of bandage folded in two or three layers of such size that you can cover the wrinkles. Soak gauze in heated oil and apply to problem areas of the face. You can cover your face with a towel on top. After half an hour, remove the gauze and blot the skin.

If you need to get rid of wrinkles on your forehead, then put a piece of parchment on top of the gauze soaked in oil and secure this compress with an elastic bandage. You can walk with this compress for several hours.

With ready-made cosmetics

This use option will allow you to use the product more economically. Before applying a cream, a ready-made store-bought mask or other product, you need to add a few drops of oil to a measured portion. Then apply the product as usual.

This method will allow you to enrich finished cosmetics with valuable substances. At the same time, you can add the product to any cosmetics, from simple baby cream to expensive anti-aging serums.

UV protection

To prevent your skin from losing moisture when exposed to the sun, it is recommended to prepare the following simple composition:

  • 30 ml oil;
  • 12 drops of lavender essential oil.

Shake the ingredients and pour into a small spray bottle. Before going outside in sunny weather, spray your face with it.

Homemade cream

Lovers of homemade cosmetics without preservatives and dyes can prepare a night cream.

First you need to make a calendula infusion. To do this, pour a full tablespoon of dried flowers into a glass and fill the glass halfway with boiling water. Cover the top of the glass with a saucer and leave for three hours. Strain the liquid.

In a small saucepan, melt 20 grams of natural beeswax. Remove the dishes from the heat and mix the wax with oils; you will need 40 ml of avocado extract and half as much almond oil. Stir, pour in lime or lemon juice, about half a teaspoon and three tablespoons of the previously prepared infusion of calendula flowers.

At the very end, when the mass is barely warm, add 10 drops of blood orange and incense. Place in clean jars with tight-fitting lids. It is best to use an opaque cream jar. Store the prepared cosmetic product in the refrigerator for three weeks. Apply every evening, do not wash after application. If necessary, remove residues with a paper towel.

Massage Oil

If done a couple of times a week cosmetic massage, the condition of the skin will noticeably improve. And so that the procedure not only stimulates the flow of blood and lymph, but also nourishes the cells, the procedure is carried out using oil.

Avocado squeeze can be used as massage oil. Additionally, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of ether to this product. It is especially useful to use esters of rosemary, ylang-ylang, and verbena.

Lip balm

To protect the delicate skin of your lips from chapping and the appearance of painful cracks, you should prepare a healing balm by mixing oils obtained from avocado and jojoba. It is recommended to apply this balm several times a day; it is especially important to lubricate your lips before going outside. Regular use will keep your skin soft and healthy.

Compositions for eliminating crow's feet

Avocado oil will help against wrinkles around the eyes, and the product can be used undiluted or as a base for preparing masks.

You can simply lubricate thin skin with a thin layer of oil and “drive” the product with your fingertips. A course of oil compresses will help perfectly to eliminate deep wrinkles. It is worth adding a solution of vitamins E and A to the compress oil (buy the drug Aevit in gelatin capsules at the pharmacy). For a dessert spoon of oil you will need two Aevita capsules.

You can prepare more complex compositions:

  • Oily. Mix equal amounts of grape seed and avocado oils. Add two drops of fennel ether to a dessert spoon of the mixture. This composition is applied directly to the skin of the eyelids or used for compresses.
  • Yolk. Grind the yolk of a chicken egg with a dessert spoon of alligator pear oil. Apply with a brush for half an hour.
  • Smetannaya. Mix equal amounts of sour cream and avocado oil. Add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed carrot or pumpkin juice to a tablespoon of the mixture.

Mask options

There are various recipes for cosmetic formulations prepared with the addition of alligator pear oil. Here are the most popular ones.

With oatmeal

To prepare the composition you will need oatmeal or flour obtained by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder.

Take a heaping tablespoon of flour and pour it with warm cream so that you get a mass of cream consistency. Let the mixture stand for about a quarter of an hour, then add 10 ml of avocado oil to the mixture. Stir. Apply for twenty minutes. Remove the mixture using a dry swab; after removing the mixture, you will need to wash your face. This composition is excellently refreshing, as it helps remove the top layer of dead epidermal cells.


This composition tightens and smoothes out fine wrinkles. You need to take a spoonful of thick sour cream (preferably homemade), and beat it with the addition of avocado and peach oils (5 ml of each) and three drops of lemon ether. Apply for a quarter of an hour.


To refresh your complexion and smooth out wrinkles, a banana composition is perfect.

A puree is prepared from half the ripe fruit, mixed with liquid honey (half a teaspoon) and alligator pear oil (a tablespoon). Apply for half an hour to the skin of the face, not excluding the area around the eyes.

With dry yeast

The basis of this composition is dry instant yeast. A spoonful of this product should be mixed with natural yogurt until a thick mass is obtained and half a teaspoon of liquid (heated) honey. Let the mixture sit for about 10 minutes and add 10 ml of avocado oil. Grind and apply with a brush for half an hour.

With clay

You will need blue cosmetic clay, which must be diluted with cold water until a creamy mass is obtained. After ten minutes of infusion, 10 ml of avocado oil and 3 drops of verbena oil are added to the mixture. Grind and apply for a quarter of an hour.

With Dimexide

First you need to prepare a mixture of oils by mixing equal amounts of oil - avocado, castor and olive. In a separate bowl, dilute a teaspoon of Dimexide solution with ten teaspoons of cold water.

Wipe cleansed facial skin with a swab in Dimexide solution, and then immediately apply a mixture made from oils to moisturized skin. After half an hour, you need to rinse off the composition with plenty of warm water.

Warning: make sure that Dimexide does not cause a negative skin reaction. Under no circumstances apply undiluted medication to the skin, as this may cause burns.

Kefir with honey

Take all the ingredients one tablespoon at a time.

Heat the honey until soft and grind it with kefir and alligator pear oil. Then fresh yolk is added to the mixture and everything is beaten well. Apply with a brush for a quarter of an hour.


This is a very simple but effective composition, which is prepared from two ingredients taken in equal volumes. You need to mix honey and alligator pear oil. To achieve homogeneity, the mixture will need to be heated and whisked. Apply with a brush for twenty minutes. The result of the procedure is tightened, fresh skin.

Cosmetologists' opinion

Most experts believe that avocado oil is quite effective against wrinkles. Because it perfectly saturates dehydrated skin with moisture, which allows you to smooth out small surface wrinkles.

Remember! Girls with oily skin should use this product carefully. If used incorrectly, increased greasiness and inflammation may occur.

Women's opinion

Alla, 45 years old:

Cosmetic oils, in my opinion, rejuvenate the skin much more effectively than even the most expensive creams. Personally, avocado oil works great for me. This is a universal product, I use it instead of cream. Sometimes the oil is mixed with a drop of ethers. I especially like adding rosemary or lemon essential oil. I apply the mixture at night and in the morning my skin looks great.

Anastasia, 33 years old:

I have sensitive skin, so it took me a long time to find cosmetics. I only used baby cream. And then I “discovered” oils. I especially liked the avocado oil. It is quite thick, but absorbs well, and the skin looks great after it.
