
The best store bought mayonnaise. What is in the best mayonnaise? How to choose the best mayonnaise

Autonomous non-profit organization "Russian Quality System" (Roskachestvo) is a national monitoring system that conducts independent research on the quality of goods on the shelves of Russian stores and assigns the "Quality Mark" to the best Russian products.

This article is devoted to the consideration various brands mayonnaise, in particular those that have earned the recognition of many thousands of people in the territory Russian Federation.

An indispensable product

Mayonnaise has long been a part of city life. This quick sauce always ready to use. He saves in difficult situations, when guests may unexpectedly swoop in or there is nothing else at hand for a snack. He even began to issue in lean version. Lean mayonnaises brands "Schedro", "Ryaba", "Sloboda" will help believers and even those who are losing weight in difficult moments of lack of pickles. With those who lose weight, however, everything is more complicated.

As you know, manufacturers do not consider it necessary to produce brands of mayonnaise without sugar. Manufacturers are in no hurry to get rid of the high-calorie preservative, as it is of the natural type. If this question is fundamental, you should start cooking mayonnaise at home. But how do factories produce real mayonnaise, worthy of possessing the “Quality Mark”?


To start choose vegetable oil. The main condition is refined and deodorized. Further, to convert the mayonnaise into a smooth, thick, creamy emulsion, emulsifiers are added. If we consider the optimal version of quality, then lecithin is used, which is contained in egg yolk. However, the use of dry derivatives of milk, for example, or whey, is also allowed. Can be used as an emulsifier mustard powder, which gives an incredible piquancy to mayonnaise.

In order to avoid delamination during transportation or temperature changes (especially for low- and medium-calorie products), thickeners and stabilizers are added to mayonnaise. Perfect option- xanthan and guar gums, starches, resins carob. These additives are not needed for mayonnaises with a high percentage of fat content.

Preservatives in mayonnaise are citric acid (vinegar) and sugar. Citric acid provides sourness and vinegary flavor, unlike those in which it is not used. Different brands have their own production technologies. Some manufacturers do not want to spoil their product acetic acid and prefer to stick to the vector of optimal naturalness and palatability.

Risk factors

Dangerous in mayonnaise are acids, dyes and flavors. If you do not want to risk your health, you can make mayonnaise at home. As it turns out, it's quite easy. Main advantage homemade sauce- freshness of products and confidence in the cooking process. Mayonnaise from the counter, we can either trust or not. But let's get real today.

The results were expected

As it turned out, the most popular brands of mayonnaise in Russia with a fat content of 67% (“Provensal”) are the following:

  • Billa;
  • Globus;
  • Baisad;
  • Heinz;
  • fine life;
  • Mr.Ricco;
  • Rioba;
  • "Vkusnoteka";
  • "Bouquet";
  • "Deli";
  • "Every day";
  • « All year round»;
  • "EZhK";
  • "Maheev";
  • "Dream of the hostess";
  • "Moscow Provencal";
  • "Miladora";
  • "Novosibirsk";
  • "Ryaba";
  • "Good";
  • "Oscar";
  • "Selyanochka";
  • "Sloboda";
  • "Skit";
  • "What you need";
  • "Khabarovsk";
  • "Thousand Lakes"

Among the products sent for research, 9 were released under their own brands, and 7 samples acted as the largest regional trademarks.

Purchases for research were carried out in various outlets of the country. The cities included Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Kislovodsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Saratov.

Quality is beyond praise

According to GOST, mayonnaise is a sauce that contains at least 50 percent fat and 1 percent egg products. These characteristics create a line between mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauce, which can contain at least 15 percent fat. The best mayonnaise is considered to be Provencal, which contains 67 percent fat.

However, the above samples were selected not just in accordance with GOST, but according to more stringent standards of the Russian quality system, which resemble an extended version of the requirements of the state standard. The composition of the product is always under the gun: 100% natural components are expected here, which should have a low level of acidity, a stable emulsion and increased density. The standard does not allow the presence of artificial preservatives in mayonnaise brands.


Thus, high-quality mayonnaise is a mixture the following ingredients: vegetable oil, eggs and egg products, natural thickeners, mustard products, natural flavors and dyes, antioxidants, sugar and salt.

However, according to the deputy head of the quality control organization, Elena Saratseva, mandatory technical regulations allow the use of certain artificial ingredients. It turns out that the naturalness of the product lies in its quality, and not in safety.

All of the above samples were quality products without artificial components. In addition, not a single testing laboratory found traces of GMOs in the products presented.

What to watch out for

Roskachestvo limits the use of non-natural preservatives in Russian trademarks mayonnaise, which include:

  • sorbic acid and its salts;
  • benzoic acid;
  • antioxidants (including EDTA);
  • vitamins;
  • multivitamin premixes;
  • complex stabilization systems (i.e. food additives).

It may seem absurd to include vitamins in this list, because it is believed that from them our body sheer benefit. As it turns out, these additives reduce the growth of most microorganisms, especially yeasts and molds.

Preservatives help to increase an important characteristic of the product - here we are talking about the expiration date (up to 7-12 months), says Olga Tokmina, head of the Roskachestvo certification body.

open wrestling

However, as practice shows, manufacturers often do not even think about hiding the use of such additives on product labeling, hoping for ignorance. target audience in this matter. And in fact, how many people will think about the dangers of vitamins?

However, the product must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of Roskachestvo, which indicate the restriction on the use of any artificial preservatives. Violation of this requirement knocks out 16 samples from the 27 listed mayonnaise brands. The "dropped out" of the race for the title of the best 16 products, as it turned out, include benzoic (E210) or sorbic (E200) acids in their composition.

A pleasant exception was the brands of mayonnaise from the manufacturers "Every Day", Mr. Ricco, "SKIT", "Moscow Provensal", "Miladora", "Sloboda", "Ryaba", "Bouquet", "Khabarovsk", "Novosibirsk Provensal", Heinz.

In addition to the listed research procedures, the presence of heavy metals, radioactive nuclides, toxic elements, pathogenic microorganisms (including Salmonella and E. coli) in the composition of the samples is analyzed. As a result, all products submitted for testing turned out to be safe, which is good news.

"Slimmed" mayonnaise

The obligatory technical regulation, which provides for the presence of 67 percent fat content in mayonnaise brands, as it turned out in the course of the study, is often not observed. Packages confidently say that mayonnaise complies with GOST (No. 31761 "Mayonnaises and mayonnaise sauces"), but about half of the submitted samples do not meet the standard.

The fact is that manufacturers of mayonnaise brands deliberately reduce the actual amount of fat in comparison with the information stated on the label.

In 13 cases out of 27, manufacturers reduced the percentage of fat in their products. It turned out that Heinz is the brand of mayonnaise (you can see the product photo below in the article), which “sins” the most in this parameter.

"Provencal" from Heinz contains only 61 percent fat. Such actions can be regarded as a violation of consumer rights in relation to reliable information about the product. Therefore, this information was immediately sent for consideration to Rospotrebnadzor.

Expert opinion

According to the executive director of the Association of Producers and Consumers of Oil and Fat Products Ekaterina Nesterova, as a result laboratory research it was found that the largest discrepancies were identified in mass fraction fat. The product must clearly meet the requirements and information declared about it. Unfortunately, the taste of the average consumer is unlikely to be able to detect the difference in percentage fats, only a highly qualified taster will be able to navigate here.

Regarding the ban on preservatives, which is included in the Roskachestvo standard, Ekaterina responds approvingly, considering it to be correct. The executive director says that even today manufacturers of many brands of mayonnaise have tightened the requirements for their products, refusing to use preservatives. Such a turn for the better is regarded as the restoration of a high production culture and the appropriate sanitary conditions necessary for this. It's no secret, says Nesterova, that preservatives are used to get rid of pathogens, which, however, are unlikely to appear if manufacturing process V necessary conditions: here and bactericidal lamps, and disinfection of equipment, cleanliness of industrial premises, air, water, and so on.

What brand of mayonnaise is best?

The samples subjected to examination were safe products in accordance with established standards. Some products even meet the increased quality requirements that were established by the Roskachestvo regulations. Five trademarks of domestic production received the "Quality Mark". These include:

  • "Skit";
  • Mr.Ricco;
  • "Ryaba";
  • "Bouquet";
  • "Liberty".

Mayonnaise of the brand "Novosibirsk Provensal" became a high-quality product.

According to the expertise, 8 more items were recognized as high-quality goods: "Selyanochka", "Oscar", Fine Life, Globus, "Housewife's Dream", "Thousand Lakes", "EZhK", "Gastronom".

We hope that the information provided in this article will help you make a choice in the grocery store.

Hello dear readers! Left behind the New Year holidays with a lot of salads and other snacks that could not do without mayonnaise. Life goes on and we will use many, many times in our culinary dishes this amazing sauce is mayonnaise.

But sometimes it happens that we make a salad, but there is nothing to season it with: there was no mayonnaise at home and we have no time to cook it ourselves or just laziness and then we go to the nearest store to buy it. But how to choose the right mayonnaise so that there is no harm to our health?

Mayonnaise is a rather tasty and nutritious sauce that is used in the preparation of many dishes. There are also special lovers of mayonnaise who simply spread it on bread and add it to almost all dishes to improve its taste. I already wrote about mayonnaise in the article "" and today we will continue this topic.

Mayonnaise is considered high-calorie product, but this is not its main disadvantage. Unscrupulous mayonnaise producers various preservatives, flavors, stabilizers are added to it, which improves not only appearance product, but also increases its shelf life. I wrote about this in an article. And such mayonnaise can hardly be attributed to useful products, which cannot be said about home-made mayonnaise.

So what should be included in the "correct" and healthy mayonnaise? Vegetable oil: sunflower, olive.

  • Eggs but better egg yolks.
  • Mustard
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Other flavorings are possible (to taste)

What should not be in mayonnaise:

  1. Corn oil and especially trans-vegetable fats, which have nothing to do with natural oils.
  2. Emulsifiers give uniformity to mayonnaise, often genetically modified soybeans are used in this capacity.
  3. Preservatives help prolong the shelf life of the product.
  4. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer that promotes addiction to the product.
  5. Real and high-quality mayonnaise should not contain starch, which is used to thicken.

Mayonnaise sauce - how to choose

To choose a good healthy mayonnaise When you go to the store, read the label carefully. First of all, what should you pay attention to?


If you want to buy natural mayonnaise without a large number supplements, choose high-calorie. Calorie content depends on fat content. If mayonnaise is high-calorie, its fat content is more than 55%, in medium-calorie mayonnaise, the mass fraction of fat is 40-55%, in low-calorie - 30-40%.

And if you are even worried about your figure, then you should not buy low-calorie mayonnaise. Why? Because in low-calorie mayonnaise, part of the fat is replaced by water, and stabilizers and thickeners are added to bring the appearance closer to the natural consistency. It turns out that on the one hand you save (such mayonnaise is cheaper), but at the same time you are harming your health. This category also includes lean mayonnaise.

The right oil

For good mayonnaise always added olive oil. But often, in order to save money, sunflower oil is added along with olive oil. According to GOST, all ingredients are always recorded in descending order of the amount of the product. And if olive oil comes after sunflower oil, then there is very little of it in mayonnaise. Even if the mayonnaise is made only from sunflower oil highest quality this will not affect the quality of the product.

But if oil is not indicated at all in the composition of the product, then it is worth considering that the composition contains inexpensive soy, cottonseed, peanut or rapeseed oil. And if the word “hydrogenated” is also in front of the name of the oil, this means that trans fats are present in mayonnaise - modified fat products. In fact, these are ordinary oils, but to which a hydrogen molecule has been added and such fats help to lengthen the life of mayonnaise.

or egg powder

When preparing mayonnaise at home, always add fresh eggs or yolks. But again, manufacturers, in order to save money, are not very eager to add natural eggs, more commonly used egg powder. Why? Because eggs are a perishable product, besides, salmonella, the causative agent of acute intestinal infection or food poisoning, can be added to mayonnaise with eggs.

On the other hand, egg powder has advantages. It forms more thick consistency, because of which it is necessary to add less thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilizers to the product.


Make sure that the mustard included in the composition is natural. Some manufacturers may replace the mustard with synthetic flavors.

How to check the quality of mayonnaise

It is best to buy mayonnaise in glass containers. So you can immediately see the quality of the product. Plastic packaging not always useful, they can release harmful substances.

Quality mayonnaise should be homogeneous, creamy and thick, single air bubbles are allowed. Spices or flavoring additives are allowed. Color the right sauce should be white to creamy yellow.

Try testing your mayonnaise. Squeeze a drop of mayonnaise the size of Walnut and wait 5 minutes. If during this time a drop of mayonnaise has spread, then there is a lot of water in the mayonnaise. If it remains thick, then there is probably a lot of starch. And the presence of starch can be determined by dropping a drop of iodine on it: if the mayonnaise turns blue, then it contains starch.

The presence of lumps or stratification of the sauce indicates a violation of the mayonnaise preparation technology, or the expired period of its implementation. Usually, the shelf life of mayonnaise in a closed package should not exceed 2-3 months, which should be written on the package. Stratification of the mass indicates a violation of storage conditions or cooking technology.

If you doubt the quality of mayonnaise, you can always replace it. Salads can be dressed with sour cream, butter, lemon juice or mustard. Better yet, make your own mayonnaise according to the classic recipe, as in this video.

Dear my readers! If this article was useful to you, then share it with your friends by clicking on the social buttons. networks. It is also important for me to know your opinion about what you read, write about it in the comments. I will be very grateful to you. And subscribe to blog updates!

With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova

Which New Year's table without Olivier and herring under a fur coat? And for the preparation of these dishes, you will definitely need mayonnaise. On the site www.aif.ru, our readers voted for the most delicious and natural sauce, which will emphasize the taste of dishes familiar from childhood.

Taste and composition

“What is the most important thing for you in mayonnaise?” we asked. Most readers agreed that the most important thing is taste (in the first place for 40% of respondents) and good composition(important for 41% of respondents). As a rule, these two concepts are closely related: if the composition of the product is simple and natural, without "synthetics" and "chemistry", then the taste of the sauce is balanced and rich. The presence of flavors, dyes, stabilizers and thickeners in the composition may indicate that the manufacturer took not the highest quality vegetable oil or modified the classical production technology.

The survey showed that the cost of choosing your favorite sauce fades into the background. Only every tenth responded that the priority when buying is the ratio of price and quality. Respondents also pay little attention to the calorie content of the product - only 7% named “lightness” as an important criterion.

It turned out to be interesting that, having made the choice of a brand of mayonnaise, people rarely change their habits. the day before New Year's feasts readers confidently say that they will not give up their favorite sauce in favor of more affordable offers. 85% of respondents are going to buy the same mayonnaise as always.

Who has won? Name, trademark Opinion of site visitors "Provencal with lemon juice", "Maheev" 28% "Provencal", "Sloboda" 27% "Provencal", "Ryaba" 14% "Provencal", "Calve" 10% "Classic", Moscow Provencal 10% Provencal, Mr. Ricco 4% Provensal, Heinz 3% Provensal, Skit 3% Provensal, Vkusnoteka 1%

We also asked readers to name their favorite type of mayonnaise. The traditional Provencal took the first place. It is he who, according to almost half of the respondents, has a balanced taste and is perfect for festive table. Classic recipe this sauce has been known since Soviet times: vegetable oil, egg yolk, mustard, salt, sugar and lemon juice.

One of the main competitors of the classic "Provencal" is olive mayonnaise, in which the manufacturer added olive oil in addition to sunflower oil. But light, low-calorie mayonnaise sauces and mayonnaises on quail eggs significantly inferior in popularity.

The most interesting was the last, fourth question. We asked readers to answer which mayonnaise they consider the best. The top three were Maheev, Ryaba and Sloboda. The first place, according to the readers of the site, deserves "Maheev", made according to classical technology"Provencal" with the addition of lemon juice.

In total, 950 people took part in the survey on the site - you can trust such a number of experienced mayonnaise lovers.

In anticipation New Year holidays we tend to buy huge amounts of mayonnaise. At the same time, standing at the counter, many try to drown out the suddenly awakened inner voice, reminiscent of the calorie content and the figure, preferring low-calorie, so-called light varieties of mayonnaise. Portal Oede.by decided to do new year gift to your visitors. We conducted an examination of the composition, as well as tasting and comparative characteristic organoleptic indicators of low-calorie mayonnaise from the most popular manufacturers. Nine samples of "light" brand mayonnaise were selected: "Calve", "Maheev", "Golden Reserve of the Hostess", "Pamax", "Minskaya Marka", "ABC", "Lanna". In addition to ordinary buyers, 12 chefs were involved in the tasting famous restaurants Minsk.

No. pp mayonnaise name Trademark Manufacturer % fat
1 Calve "light" Calve 40
2 Calve "Extra Light" Calve Unilever Rus LLC; Russia, Moscow 20
3 Maheev "salad" "Maheev" ZAO Essen Production AG; Russia, Republic of Tatarstan 25
4 Provence "anniversary" low-calorie "Kamako" JV "Kamako plus" LLC; Republic of Belarus, Borisov 28
5 Mayonnaise "Slavic" "Minsk Mark" "City Dairy Plant No. 3"; Minsk 35
6 ABC "classic" low-calorie "ABC" JLLC Firm ABC Plus; Republic of Belarus, Grodno 30,9
7 Provencal "salad" low-calorie "Golden Drop" OJSC "Minsk Margarine Plant"; Republic of Belarus, Minsk 20
8 Provencal "De Luxe" low-calorie "Pamax" IP "Pamax MKS" JSC; Republic of Belarus, Minsk 20
9 Mayonnaise "light" low-calorie "Lanna" NP LLC Foodstuffs; Republic of Belarus, Minsk 18
The ideal consistency of mayonnaise should be homogeneous, creamy. Its taste and smell should be tender, slightly spicy, sour, without traces of bitterness. The presence of added additives and single air bubbles is allowed. The color of mayonnaise is from light cream to yellow-cream, uniform throughout the mass. Classic mayonnaise, the one that owes its name to the Mediterranean city of Mahon, is selected olive oil, turkey eggs, lemon juice and red pepper.
As our expertise has shown, modern mayonnaises have nothing to do with this sauce. As in the rest of the world, our producers are forced to reduce the cost and preserve their product: they add starch to it, flavor it with preservatives and dyes. The product becomes a beautiful long-liver, but loses its traditional taste. In addition, the use modified starch instead of the usual, it adds harm, being an allergen.
Among the samples tested, only two did not contain modified starch - these are branded mayonnaise "Maheev" And "Minsk Mark". The “record holder” for the presence of preservatives, dyes and flavorings was brand mayonnaise "Lanna". The most "natural" - again brand mayonnaise "Minsk Mark". Mayonnaise of the Lanna trademark received the lowest taste rating from our experts, who noted a strongly pronounced acidity in taste due to the presence of citric acid. Perhaps a lot has been added. The tasters also rated the mayonnaise of the Golden Reserve of the Hostess and ABC brands as low. Both of these products are characterized by a sour taste and an abundance of extraneous flavors. Mayonnaise of trademarks was highly appreciated by tasters "Pamax", Calve And "Maheev" for your gentle pleasant taste reminiscent of classic mayonnaise. As for the taste of mayonnaise "Maheev", along with a pleasant delicate taste it contains other aromatic shades, about which opinions are divided - one part of the tasters liked their presence, and the other did not quite. And yet we are forced to give all three copies a solid "four" on a five-point scale, since their composition is not as close to natural as possible. Mayonnaise received the highest assessment of taste qualities from our experts "Slavyansky" ("Minsk Mark"), which also has the closest natural composition. With what we congratulate him! It is very pleasant that domestic representatives were on a par with the best low-calorie mayonnaise, but the most amazing thing is that our “compatriot” also took the first place. Know ours!

Alena Tikhomirova, specially for

Today I want to talk about a popular product, without which no holiday can do. Of course it's mayonnaise.

try to choose the best mayonnaise, of course it is possible, but it should be noted that after all the most healthy sauce made at home. Do not be lazy, try to cook mayonnaise yourself and your guests will be satisfied.

But, if you still decide to buy mayonnaise, then in the store you will come across different types of sauces, different terms storage, different composition. Let's try to figure out how to choose the best mayonnaise so as not to harm our health?

What is in the best mayonnaise?

  • Compound;
  • Shelf life;
  • calories.

On the label, you usually see the following composition:

  • Vegetable oil;
  • Eggs or maybe egg powder;
  • Powdered milk;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Cream;
  • Mustard;
  • Water;
  • Vinegar;
  • Citric acid;
  • Flour;
  • Starch;
  • Soy protein.

Also, other ingredients that manufacturers forget to tell us about are not excluded.

According to the European classification, true mayonnaise must have a fat content of at least 80%.

In our stores you can find different types mayonnaise:

  • Low-calorie - fat content 30-40%;
  • Medium calorie-fat content 40-55%;
  • High-calorie - fat content more than 55%.

If you want to buy mayonnaise without huge amount supplements, choose high-calorie, even losing weight should not choose low-calorie mayonnaise.

Why? In light mayonnaise, vegetable oil is replaced with water, and a lot of thickeners, additives, stabilizers are added to make the mass look like mayonnaise.

Maybe you save on calories, but clog your body with unnecessary chemicals. The choice, of course, is yours.

What should be the composition of the best mayonnaise?

The best mayonnaise should be made using olive oil. premium. It is expensive, so manufacturers always save money and mix olive oil with vegetable oil.

If you read the composition, according to GOST, all components are written in descending order of mass fraction.

If olive oil follows sunflower oil, then it is not enough in its composition. But if there is no olive or sunflower oil on the package, then you should be wary. This means that the manufacturer saved a lot and used cheap soybean, rapeseed, cottonseed or peanut oil.

If you read hydrogenated before the name of these oils, then the mayonnaise contains modified trans fats. The shelf life, of course, increases, but the benefit from this does not increase.

It will be great if the mayonnaise contains egg yolks, and egg powder, or even worse, chemical substitutes. Manufacturers rarely add eggs to mayonnaise, as they quickly deteriorate and care must be taken that eggs do not contain harmful microorganisms, such as salmonella.

Egg powder has its advantages, it forms a strong emulsion and you don’t have to add a lot of thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers.

Read the composition carefully, spices and seasonings should be natural, and not flavorings. Manufacturers even save on spices, replacing already cheap mustard with synthetic flavors.

How to choose the best mayonnaise?

How to choose the best mayonnaise?

  1. Mayonnaise should be creamy, thick, homogeneous.
  2. Spice particles may be visible.
  3. You can check the mayonnaise - squeeze a little on a plate and leave for five minutes. High-quality mayonnaise will retain its original appearance, does not spread.
  4. If the mayonnaise is too thick, then there is a lot of starch in it, if it is liquid, then there is a lot of water.
  5. Whether there is a lot of starch in mayonnaise, you can check for yourself by dropping a drop of iodine into it, if it turns blue, then there is starch.
  6. If you notice lumps in mayonnaise, then the production process is broken or the product has deteriorated.
  7. The color of the mayonnaise should be white to creamy yellow.
  8. The shelf life of mayonnaise should not exceed 2-3 months.
  9. You can also check the presence of water by pouring mayonnaise on hot pan if water is added the mayonnaise will foam.

I think homemade mayonnaise is the best. After all, it is very quick and easy to cook, and it will taste no worse than store-bought. In addition, you will know that mayonnaise is natural, without chemical additives.

I want to offer a recipe for mayonnaise without eggs.

Mayonnaise base:

When preparing mayonnaise, the base should be two parts butter, one part milk.

Butter and milk should be cold, so put them in the fridge for 20 minutes. Then pour into a blender, add half a teaspoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a little black pepper, a spoonful of mustard, lemon juice, a clove of garlic. Whisk. The sauce is liquid, put in the refrigerator and whisk again. Get enough thick mayonnaise. Add spices, salt, sugar to taste.

Conclusion: now you know how to choose the best mayonnaise and your salads for the holidays will be the most delicious.
