
How to make mayonnaise at home from quail eggs. Homemade quail egg mayonnaise - a healthy and tasty recipe

It is difficult today to find at least one person who has never tried the famous seasoning - mayonnaise.

This world-famous sauce was invented by the chefs of the city of Mahon during its siege by the British troops.

After a long occupation, the locals had only olive oil and eggs left from the products, and they prepared them from them. local chefs delicious sauce with seasonings.

Unfortunately, today the products presented on store shelves bear little resemblance to original sauce, because in order to save money, sellers replace natural eggs and oil with cheaper ingredients, complement them with flavor enhancers and preservatives.

There are few benefits from such a sauce, so housewives often prepare mayonnaise themselves. And if chicken eggs dangerous salmonella, then mayonnaise from quail eggs with vinegar can safely be called safe, tasty, and healthy.

It can be used to prepare popular salads in our country, especially it will come in handy on New Year's Eve. holiday table. It will adorn the legendary "Olivier" and others puff salads, complement various snacks and sandwiches.

Among the shortcomings of such a sauce, it is worth noting the impossibility of baking in the oven, since mayonnaise immediately curls up, as well as a short shelf life - no more than three to five days. In addition, it is considered quite high-calorie, so it is not suitable for diet food.

Recipe - mayonnaise on quail eggs at home

Making mayonnaise from quail eggs at home is very easy.

To prepare the sauce, you need the following ingredients:

  • 6 fresh eggs quail,
  • 250 ml vegetable oil,
  • half a teaspoon of salt
  • a teaspoon of sugar,
  • a teaspoon of mustard,
  • teaspoon lemon juice optional


All foods must be at room temperature.

  1. Eggs must be washed with soap, rinsed with boiling water and dried with a paper towel. The lemon is also washed and the juice is squeezed into a container, it will come in handy at the last stage.
  2. We put sugar, salt, mustard in a jar or a tall glass for cocktails, cut off the top of the eggs and pour the contents, beat with a blender at low speed. The blender with the nozzle must be moved slowly and evenly so that all the components are well whipped.
  3. Next, you need to add vegetable oil and again immerse the blender in the mixture. After a few seconds, the first white threads will appear, and then the mass will completely acquire a light color. This means that homemade mayonnaise is almost ready. It remains to add lemon juice and beat again a little. The consistency of the sauce should be quite thick. Make a test and add more salt or other ingredients if necessary.
  4. It is recommended to close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator while you cut the salads to New Year's table.
  5. Delicious fragrant mayonnaise is obtained only from high-quality fresh eggs, so it is important to choose them correctly in the store or on the farm. If possible, weigh the egg - its weight should be about 12 g. long term storage will be about half easier. You can also check the freshness by dropping a raw quail egg into water. Fresh will sink to the bottom. Remember to store quail eggs at room temperature can be no more than 30 days.

Why egg mayonnaise has become very thick - what is wrong

Many housewives during the preparation of mayonnaise note that the mixture is too thick.

This means that you have violated the proportions of the ingredients, but the situation is easy to fix - add a little warm water, a spoonful of boiled milk or a few drops of vinegar and mix.

The consistency of the finished sauce should be similar to dense sour cream or lush cream. It also happens that the mayonnaise exfoliates. To avoid this, while whisking, add a spoonful of cool boiled water.

Experienced housewives, especially when preparing dishes for the New Year's table, they willingly experiment with homemade mayonnaise and are not limited only to adding salt and lemon juice.

So, famous chef international class Hector Jimenez Bravo adds mustard powder, olive oil and one gram of cayenne pepper.

You can add additional flavor with the help of curry - not too spicy, but fragrant seasoning. It is added to a small amount at the very end in the already almost ready-made mayonnaise.

Quite unusual is the recipe using cognac, apple cider vinegar and sour cream.

mayonnaise with suitable ingredients with cheese and egg dishes. Boil chicken eggs for the New Year's table, cut them into two halves, remove the yolks, chop them with mushrooms and cooked homemade sauce and stuff them. Get delicious and fragrant snack.

Spicy lovers can be advised to season it like Tabasco on the tip of a knife. It will make mayonnaise spicy and juicy.

TO meat dishes it is worth preparing a sauce with the addition of tomato paste. Mayonnaise is obtained with a red tint and tomato flavor.

If you like shrimp, try mayonnaise with fresh dill and a few cloves of garlic.

Thus, experiments with quail egg mayonnaise are welcome. You can safely add your favorite seasonings and delight loved ones during festive feast.

Since the main advantage of homemade mayonnaise is the freshness and naturalness of the products, its shelf life cannot be compared with the product from the store.

It is best to use freshly prepared sauce immediately, that is, it is recommended to cook it in small portions and not try to preserve it “for later”.

If mayonnaise remains after the feast, do not rush to throw it away - put the sauce in a container with tight lid and refrigerate or close the jar cling film. In a sealed container, it will be possible to store it for another three to five days.

There is a widespread belief that quail eggs, unlike chicken eggs, cannot cause salmonellosis, and therefore they are often chosen as the basis of homemade mayonnaise. Unfortunately, this is just a misconception or, better to say, a myth that is supported by word of mouth.

In fact, there may also be foci of diseases on quail farms, and the only reliable way protect yourself from illness by eating raw eggs- is to take them very fresh (best dated today) and wash thoroughly with soap before use, since bacteria get on the egg shell, they penetrate into it much later.

As for mayonnaise from quail eggs, its dignity is different - it differs slightly in taste and in the content of some useful substances richer than chicken.


  • sunflower oil - 100 ml
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp
  • salt - 2 g
  • sugar - 5 g
  • mustard - 5-7 g

The total cooking time is 10 minutes. The total number of servings is 4.


1. Measure 100 ml into the bowl sunflower oil. Use exclusively refined oil, as unrefined oil gives bitterness to the sauce. Alternatively, you can use olive oil.

2. Take 6 - 7 quail eggs and beat them into a cup or plate. Add lemon juice to them.

3. Pour the egg mixture into the oil. Add the rest of the seasonings. Mustard can be used both dry and liquid. Blend all ingredients well in a blender until smooth. The consistency should be thick, like sour cream. Color can vary from white to yellow.

4. Transfer the finished mayonnaise to a deep plate. You can store the sauce at a temperature not higher than +10 C, but no more three days. You can use the sauce as a separate dish or in salads.

Note to the owner

1. The quail egg has interesting feature: its shell is thin, and the film located under it, on the contrary, is quite thick and dense. Therefore, the contents of cracked eggs, as a rule, do not leak. However, bacteria still penetrate inside, affecting first the protein and then the yolk. For this reason, a product with a punctured outer shell is eaten only after heat treatment. It cannot be used as a base for mayonnaise!

2. Mustard is a significant component of this sauce. If you buy one that is labeled "delicate", it will almost not be felt in total mass mixed ingredients. The mark "classic Russian" indicates that the seasoning is very hot, the concentration mustard powder is high in it. Therefore, in mayonnaise it will be felt, and precisely to the extent that is provided traditional recipe real Provence.

3. Some people do not have a blender with a bowl - they get by with a mixer. IN this case devices are interchangeable. Not only that, beat the products to get desired consistency, it will succeed with an ordinary whisk of any shape - spiral, in the form of a panicle, or one that is constructed from several wire ovals. The main thing in this culinary process- intensity and continuity of whipping.

homemade mayonnaise from quail eggs differs from store counterparts not only in taste, but also in composition and calorie content. It should be noted that the described product consists entirely of natural ingredients. It does not contain preservatives, dyes and any flavor enhancers. Homemade mayonnaise preparation is not able to harm even children's body. We recommend every housewife to take note of this useful recipe.

The advantage of this sauce is that it is prepared on the basis of quail eggs, which, as a rule, do not contain such dangerous bacteria as salmonella. This proves once again that home-made mayonnaise according to this simple recipe completely harmless to humans.

by the most milestone in the preparation of mayonnaise preparation is mixing egg yolks with olive oil. The last component must be added to the egg gradually. At first, it is recommended to administer it in drops, and only then in a thin stream.

As flavor additives Mayonnaise can be added fragrant spices and spices. In our case, olives and green hot peppers are used. We will also add lemon juice to the sauce to add sourness.

To prepare homemade mayonnaise from quail eggs quickly and correctly, we recommend using the following step by step instructions with photo. In the future, mayonnaise can be used as a sauce for various dishes.

So, let's start cooking!

KBJU and composition for the whole dish



    Prepare necessary set ingredients needed to make delicious and healthy mayonnaise at home.

    Take the quail eggs and carefully separate the yolks from the whites. We only need the first egg part. Beat the separated yolks with a whisk until smooth.

    Add to the resulting composition right amount mustard. Also salt and sugar the mass. The amount of salt and sugar may vary depending on taste preferences, so be sure to taste the egg-mustard mixture.

    At this stage, take half a lemon and squeeze out the juice, which is then strained through a sieve or gauze cloth. You should have about two tablespoons of lemon juice. It must be added to the bowl with whipped yolks. Lime can be used instead of lemon if desired.

    In any case, mix the mass thoroughly so that the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. To facilitate the process, the dishes with the workpiece can be left at room temperature for ten minutes. During this time, the crystals themselves will melt.

    Now in egg mixture you need to add olive oil. As previously mentioned, it must be introduced gradually, without ceasing to beat the mixed ingredients. To prepare delicious mayonnaise It is recommended to use cold pressed oil. It is convenient to whip the sauce with both a blender and a mixer.

    When the mayonnaise composition is thick and homogeneous, put it in a deep bowl and mix with chopped olives and hot peppers.

Mayonnaise is delicious and quite universal sauce. Especially the one made with quail eggs. But not everyone likes the purchased one. However, it does not need to be purchased, because it is easy to make this sauce at home. How? This is what will be discussed now.


To make mayonnaise from quail eggs, you will need products that are affordable and simple for every person. These include:

  • Tablespoon of sugar.
  • Quail eggs - 4 pieces.
  • A teaspoon of salt and mustard.
  • 250 milliliters of vegetable oil with a smell.
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

What will be required from the dishes? This is also the minimum. All you need is a bowl and a mixer. Preferably submersible, but a regular one will work too.

Cooking process

If all the ingredients are purchased, then you can start making mayonnaise from quail eggs. The sequence is:

  • Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt, start beating.
  • When the mass becomes at least a little homogeneous, add mustard. The mixer should continue beating.
  • After a minute, start pouring oil in a thin stream. It is inconvenient to do this from a glass. But you can first measure the right amount on it, and then place it in an empty bottle and pour it into a bowl already from it. But not all! But only half.
  • Then add lemon juice. The mixer is still running.
  • Gradually continue adding oil. It will be noticeable that the mass becomes thicker.

For a while, you need to continue whipping the sauce. The result should be a dense mass of creamy-sand shade.

If something went wrong...

At first glance, quail egg mayonnaise is easy to make. And this is true, but sometimes unforeseen situations happen. The most frequent force majeure is manifested in excessive thickening of the mass. Mayonnaise becomes like whipped cream, well, or like shaving cream, only with a denser structure. What could be causing this?

The reason is a violation of the proportion of ingredients. Many overdo it with the amount of oil. But you don't have to be afraid. You can "reanimate" mayonnaise. It is enough to add a mixture of warm milk, boiled water and drops of vinegar. Pour in a little bit, while whisking the mass with a mixer, and see if there is enough quantity or you need to add more.

And sometimes mayonnaise from quail eggs exfoliates. In this case, the addition of one tablespoon of cool water can save the situation.

What can be added?

Above, we talked about how to make classic homemade mayonnaise on quail eggs. But many people decide not to limit themselves, and add seasoning to the mixture to improve the taste of the sauce. It's not a bad idea, and some spices will really "sound" great. Can add:

  • Olive oil instead of vegetable oil and a pinch of cayenne pepper.
  • A little curry.
  • A mixture of sour cream, apple cider vinegar and cognac. You get a sauce that perfectly complements egg or cheese dishes.
  • Tabasco. Just a little, at the tip of a knife blade. This sauce will make quail eggs and butter mayonnaise juicy, savory and spicy.
  • tomato paste. The mayonnaise will take on a red tint and taste of tomatoes.
  • dill and crushed garlic. The resulting sauce is perfect for shrimp.

You can make almost any version of quail egg mayonnaise at home. Experiments are welcome. The main thing is not to pour handfuls of spices into a bowl, but to add a little to control the taste and concentration.

Vinegar variant

There is another version of the recipe for mayonnaise on quail eggs. It involves adding 9% vinegar instead of lemon juice.

Which ingredient to use depends on preference. Most people think that lemon juice is better. It makes mayonnaise more tender. When vinegar is added, the smell and taste are somewhat different. But if you decide to use it, then it is better to opt for apple. It is the most suitable for these purposes.

Shelf life

Since the homemade mayonnaise on quail eggs prepared according to the recipe described above is a sauce based on perishable product, then you will have to eat it quickly. True, it does not stay in refrigerators for so long, because it is very tasty, and “disappears” in a couple of days.

So, you can store it for 5 days. In the fridge, of course. Preferably in a tightly closed glass jar.

After this period, the mayonnaise will not be covered with mold, but it will begin to acquire a characteristic sourness. This "version" of the sauce can be used as a dressing - stew something in it, for example, or fry it.

  • If the consistency of the mayonnaise is too liquid, then you need to add more vegetable oil. The higher its concentration, the thicker the sauce will turn out.
  • After cooking, it is recommended to immediately send the mayonnaise to the refrigerator for a while.
  • If you don't have a blender or mixer, you can use a whisk. But then the cooking time will change significantly. And it will take more effort.
  • The bank to which it will be deposited ready sauce must first be sterilized and dried.
  • Quail egg can be substituted chicken yolks. Real mustard - powdered. Sugar - honey. Apple vinegar you can replace balsamic, and black pepper - allspice.

But it is better, of course, to use those products that imply original recipe. Then you get a truly “correct” taste of homemade mayonnaise.

diet recipe

It is worth considering in the end. Everyone loves homemade mayonnaise, but it's high in calories. No wonder, because its basis is oil. Is it possible to make a diet version of the sauce? Quite! You just need to stop using oil. Calorie content will immediately decrease by three times. So, you will need:

  • 100-120 grams of cottage cheese. Suitable liquid or regular, but mixed with low-fat sour cream. Many decide to replace it with natural, unflavored yogurt.
  • Two boiled quail yolks. You can use one chicken.
  • 0.5 teaspoon mustard.
  • A pinch of salt. Spices and seasonings to taste.

The cooking process is as simple as possible. It won't even take five minutes. The yolk must be thoroughly kneaded with mustard, then sprinkle it with salt. Gradually add cottage cheese, continuing to stir. As a result, there should be uniform consistency. The last step is adding freshly squeezed lemon juice and spices. Some add finely chopped greens.

To taste, of course, it will not traditional mayonnaise. But the resulting sauce will please with its delicate taste, pleasant aroma and low calorie. And also versatility - you can send it to a salad, and spread it on a morning toast.


  • 4 quail eggs
  • 4 quail egg yolks
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard
  • 1–2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 200 ml lung olive oil
  • freshly ground white pepper, optional

For herb mayonnaise

  • small bunch of chives
  • medium bunch of parsley
  • small bunch of tarragon
  • 2 garlic cloves

For nut mayonnaise

  • 200 ml oil from walnut or hazelnut
  • a small handful of shelled nuts (corresponding to the oil)
  • pinch brown sugar

For apple mayonnaise

  • 1 large green apple
  • 1 tsp coriander seed
  • fragrant and white pepper peas
  • 1/2 tsp ground turmeric
  • a pinch of brown sugar
  • a pinch of cayenne pepper


For the base mayonnaise, place eggs, yolks, mustard, salt, pepper (optional) in a bowl, add lemon juice and beat with a whisk or mixer until smooth.

While continuing to beat, pour in the oil drop by drop. Whisk until the sauce begins to lighten and emulsify. After that, you can pour in the oil in a very thin stream. If the sauce starts to separate, add 1 tbsp. l. warm boiled water.

For mayonnaise with herbs, remove the leaves from the stems of parsley and tarragon (stems are not needed). Chop garlic and chives, put in a mortar, add parsley and tarragon leaves, grind into a paste. Mix the resulting paste with the base mayonnaise. Serve to cold fish and vegetables.

For apple mayonnaise, prick an apple on all sides with a fork, place in a small ceramic dish, pour in some water and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C. Bake until soft, about 30 minutes. Ready apple rub through a sieve. Grind all spices into powder in a mortar or coffee grinder. Mix base mayonnaise with applesauce and spices. Serve with cold poultry and fatty meat(baked neck, for example), as well as poultry salads.

For nut mayonnaise, put the nuts on a baking sheet, put in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 7-10 minutes. During this time, stir a couple of times. Then put the hot nuts in a towel and rub them to get rid of the husks. Finely chop about half of the nuts, grind the other half to powder in a coffee grinder or food processor. Use walnut oil instead of olive oil when making base mayonnaise. Add both types of nuts to the finished mayonnaise. Serve with cold meat and fish, as well as meat and fish salads.
