
How to cook fragrant chicken in mayonnaise in a pan? Fried chicken recipes with photos.

What dish is loved by everyone, without exception, both children and adults? What is prepared quickly, and appears on the table both on holidays and on simple everyday life? What can be cooked with potatoes and pineapples, and stuffed with prunes or buckwheat? What can be fried, stewed, boiled and made into soup? The answer is simple - of course, it's a chicken.

It is good because there are a lot of options for its preparation, it is combined with vegetables and fruits, cereals and root crops. And yet, I'll tell you a secret, it is almost impossible to spoil it.

Therefore, even if it seems to you that you are a complete zero in cooking, you can safely take a chicken and start cooking! But it’s quite simple. Therefore, today I will offer you recipe options for how to fry it in a pan, right on the stove. By the way, quite recently we also cooked a bird, but in that case. And today we will fry.

I’ll make a reservation right away that we will cook different parts of the carcass, and you already decide what you will fry: chicken legs, drumsticks, breast, wings or a bird completely. So, here are the recipes.

What could be easier and faster than cooking tender fillet with onions and mushrooms. And you must admit that the taste of such a seemingly simple dish is always on top.

After all, this is one of the best combinations.


  • Fillet 350 gr
  • Onion 200 gr
  • Champignons 500 gr
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • Boiling water 1/2 cup
  • Vegetable oil 3 tbsp. spoons


1. Wash and dry the fillet, then divide it into small pieces, the smaller we cut it, the faster we will cook our delicious dish.

2. Onion cut into quarters of rings, or large cubes.

3. Today we use fresh champignons for the dish. And if you wish, you can take them frozen, or cook with any mushrooms, even fresh, even pickled. Cut them into slices.

4. Put the mushrooms in the pan and cover them with a lid. Mushrooms should release juice. This may take 5-7 minutes. We simmer them on medium heat.

5. Then we spread the fillet pieces to the mushrooms. Stir and cover again. Fry until all the water has evaporated. This may take 20-30 minutes.

In this case, the fire should be slightly below average. During this time, open the lid several times and mix the ingredients.

6. Now it's the bow's turn. But first you need to pour oil into the pan. Add both, and immediately salt to taste. The aroma in the kitchen is simply magical. Everyone at home came running with the question, when will it be ready ?! And it will be ready very soon.

In the meantime, we mix all the ingredients, and fry everything together for another 15 minutes.

Then add half a glass of boiling water and mix our yummy again. And now the final stage. We give the dish the opportunity to soak in all the juices for another 7 - 8 minutes. The dish is languishing all the time under the lid.

If desired, you can add ground black pepper at the end of cooking.

We do not add spices in this case, so as not to interrupt the mushroom smell.

After adding pepper, mix the contents again. And you can set the table. You can serve the dish with any side dish. It turns out incredibly delicious. And notice how simple and easy it is to prepare!

Chicken fried in a pan with garlic - a simple step by step recipe

A classic of the genre, so to speak, the basics of working with a bird. Any meat loves such a combination as garlic, and our poultry is no exception. It is he who gives an indescribable taste and aroma, whets the appetite and invites you not to be limited to one piece.

For this recipe we need:

  • Chicken cut to your liking
  • Favorite spices
  • Vegetable oil
  • Garlic


1. Cut and wash the meat. I personally love a harmful ruddy crust, so I leave the skin. Who wants a more dietary option can get rid of it.

2. We take a frying pan, preferably non-stick or ceramic, with a tight lid. Pour in the oil and heat it up on the highest heat.

3. We lay out the cut pieces in a pan, and only now salt, pepper and add spices. If you salt the meat earlier, it will lose moisture. You don't need to mix anything. We close our sweets with a lid and wait about 7 minutes. The bottom should brown.

4. We turn over the pieces and perform the same manipulations as with the first side. Do not overdo it with salt, keep in mind that the gravy at the bottom is already salty.

Pepper, add seasonings and chopped garlic. In our case, these are two heads, this is enough to give garlic taste and aroma. But you can put in less or more.

5. Close the chicken again with a lid and wait another 5 minutes, fry the meat almost until done. To check, you need to pierce the largest piece with a fork or knife. If pink juice does not run out of the hole, then our dish is ready!

6. Another trick.

You can add about a quarter cup of water to the bottom for a delicious side dish. For its readiness, it is enough just to leave everything in the pan for another couple of minutes.

Our fried yummy with garlic is ready!

Delicious chicken legs fried with potatoes and onions

Simple, fast, and so delicious!

We will need:

  • Legs 3 pcs
  • Potatoes 1 kg

1. First, cut the leg pulp along near the bone, this must be done for faster cooking. This is not necessary, but everyone knows that the smaller the piece, the faster it will cook. Immediately salt, pepper and add seasoning.

2. We heat the pan over medium heat, add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. When the oil starts to sizzle, put the pieces of meat in it and close the lid for 5 minutes.

3. While the legs are cooking, we cut the onion into half rings, and the potatoes the way you want.

4. Open the lid, turn the chicken over and pour the onion into the pan, after which we leave our dish to languish for another 5 minutes.

Make sure that the fire is not too strong, otherwise the onion may burn!

It should become translucent during this time.

5. Next in line are potatoes. When the onion becomes soft, we send the chopped potatoes to the same pan and cover with a lid for 15 minutes. The lid must be periodically opened and our dish is stirred

6. After 15 minutes, the potatoes need to be salted. It is better to do it at this stage, so that the potatoes turn out more tender.

Now you can add seasonings to the potatoes. If seasoned too early, the herbs can simply burn.

The aroma and taste of the dish cannot be expressed in words!Be sure that everyone will appreciate the fried chicken with potatoes in a pan!

Chicken with vegetables and tomato paste in soy marinade

Everyone knows that meat goes well with vegetables, so we offer you a recipe for chicken with vegetables, in our case, these are bell peppers. The dish turns out to be very tasty, juicy and beautiful, so it can easily be made the main one even on the festive table!

And not only vegetables, but also soy marinade make it so tasty.


  • Chicken pieces 700 gr.
  • Bulgarian pepper 7-8 pcs.
  • Onion 2 pcs
  • Soy sauce 5 tbsp
  • Curry 2 tsp
  • Sweet paprika 1 tsp
  • Tomato sauce 3-4 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil


1. First you need to marinate the meat. To do this, we add soy sauce, sweet paprika and curry to a deep plate with chopped pieces. Salt in this case is not necessary, as the sauce contains a lot of salt. Mix and leave the bird to reach.

2. In the meantime, let's take care of the vegetables. Wash the bell pepper and cut out the core. Then cut lengthwise so that about 8 pieces are obtained from each pepper. We cut the onion into half rings or rings.

3. Let's get back to the main ingredient. We take a frying pan, heat it up and pour vegetable oil. Then lay out all the pieces and fry for 7-10 minutes without a lid, until the meat is completely cooked. Put it on a plate.

4. In the oil on which we fried the thighs, we send onions and peppers. They must be fried until cooked, that is, until they become soft.

5. Then pour the mixture in which the chicken was marinated into the pan and return the finished thighs to the same place. Add tomato paste. It is best to take your own, homemade, but store-bought will also work.

In extreme cases, you can use ketchup. We close the lid and leave for 5-10 minutes, so to speak, “walk”.

6. If desired, the dish can be decorated with greens, then it will literally shine and shimmer not only with a variety of aromas, but also with colors and tastes.

Our chicken in a pan with vegetables is ready. Get ready, you won't regret it!

Chicken breast fried with sour cream

For lovers of more tender dishes, I offer you a bird with sour cream. Meat, combined with milk, always gives a subtle softness of taste and special juiciness.

We will need:

  • Chicken breast 2 pcs
  • Sour cream 200 gr.
  • Onion 1 pc.
  • Tomato 1 pc
  • Garlic to taste
  • Bay leaf

1. First of all, cut the meat into small cubes. If you want pure dietary pieces, the skin can be removed. If you are a leather lover, then, of course, leave it.

2. We heat the pan and send everything to fry until golden in a small amount of oil, periodically turning over.

This will take 10-15 minutes.

3. While the breast is cooking in the pan, let's take care of the vegetables. Onion cut into half rings. Cut the tomato into small pieces. The shape is not so important, since it will boil anyway.

4. When the meat turns white, add onions and tomatoes to the pan. We send garlic there and mix it all.

5. It is at this stage that it is time to salt the dish and add seasonings. We have chicken seasoning.

After the salt, put sour cream into the pan. Mix and close the lid. Leave until ready for 20 minutes.

6. If you like the aroma of bay leaves, you can add it 10 minutes before it's done.

The chicken turns out amazing!Soft, tender, fragrant. The gravy from it can be used for garnish.

Bon appetit!

Tender fillet with mayonnaise and marinated garlic

This dish is for those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time. It takes a minimum of time to cook it, except for the time it takes for the pulp to marinate.

That is, the fillet is marinated as. And the result is a delicious tender dinner.


  • Fillet 2 pcs
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Spices
  • Salt, pepper to taste
  • frying oil


1. Cut the fillet into small pieces and transfer to a bowl.

2. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the fillet. Salt, pepper to taste and add spices. They can be whatever you normally use.

We also spread the mayonnaise and mix everything together right in the bowl.

3. Finely chop the garlic or you can pass it through a press. And also add to the total mass. Mix again. In this marinade, leave the fillet for 1 hour.

4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, mix the fillet pieces with onion and mayonnaise sauce again and put them in a frying pan. Fry on medium heat for 5-7 minutes, then turn over and fry again for 5-7 minutes. Make sure the flesh doesn't brown too much on the bottom. If necessary, you can reduce the fire.

5. After the allotted time, mix the contents of the pan again and cover with a lid. Let it simmer on low heat for 15-20 minutes. If desired, you can add a quarter cup of water, you get a delicious sauce.

6. When the time is up this time, turn off the gas and let the dish stand for 10 minutes.

Then serve with any side dish. A very simple and very tasty dish, the preparation of which will take very little time. But the taste of it is simply amazing!

Chicken fillet with canned pineapple

Well, if you are organizing a holiday and want to surprise your guests without too much difficulty, then you can try chicken with pineapples. Such a dinner will definitely not go unnoticed, and most likely you will have to distribute its recipe!


  • Chicken fillet 700 gr
  • Pineapple 1 can
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Soy sauce
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves

1. First of all, wash and cut the fillet into small pieces. We put them in a bowl, pour soy sauce and leave them alone for now.

2. While our breast is marinating, we cut the pineapple into small pieces, also wash the carrots, peel and cut into cubes. We do the same with garlic, but its pieces should be smaller.

3. Send the fillet sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto a hot pan with vegetable oil and fry until tender.

Namely - until a golden crust appears, or in extreme cases, until the pieces turn white.

5. When the carrots are ready, we add pineapples to the dish and pour pineapple juice into the pan, which always remains in the jar. Cover everything with a lid and leave for five minutes.

That's how easy and fast we have prepared an original hearty dinner that you will remember with sweet and sour taste. Delicious!

Fried wings in soy sauce with honey

As you know, wings are a particularly tender part of the carcass. People say about her “wings for daughters”, meaning that they do not eat much, and when they grow up, they fly away from their father's house. But this is a digression.

In fact, the wings are good because they are the easiest to experiment with. They are completely saturated with marinade, and even if you go too far with salt or spices, this will not spoil the wings, because they are prepared “for one tooth”, to enjoy the taste, or for a snack.

Therefore, today we will cook wings in soy sauce with honey.


  • Wings 8 pcs
  • Garlic 6 cloves
  • Pepper
  • Soy sauce 100 gr
  • Honey 1 tbsp. l.

1. To begin with, it should be said that everyone loves different wings. Someone cuts off the tip, leaving only the shoulder, someone cooks completely. We left only pieces with meat.

2. Pepper the chicken, add seasonings. Salt is not worth it yet, if you are afraid of oversalting. Although a little to start.

3. We heat the pan, pour vegetable oil there, reduce the heat to medium and add the prepared pieces.

4. While the wings are fried, we mix soy sauce, honey and grated garlic in a cup. The fragrance is incredible!

5. Fry the wings on both sides, about 5 minutes on each.

6. Pour them with cooked soy sauce with honey, and leave the pan open. This is necessary so that the meat is soaked with a delicious spicy marinade, the honey caramelizes, and excess moisture evaporates. This will take about 10 minutes.

7. When the excess moisture is gone and the sauce at the bottom begins to thicken, we turn the wings over so that the other side is also soaked in the sauce.

8. After 5 minutes, the wings can be removed from the fire. It turned out amazing in taste, fried sweetish, spicy wings.

They are suitable for potatoes, buckwheat, vegetables, broth. And also as a snack for men while watching football. Consolidation!

While writing recipes now, I asked myself: “Which of the recipes is the best?” I re-read them all again, and could not answer the question posed.

After all, each of the recipes is good! And it is simply impossible to single out one or two of them! And maybe it’s good that you can’t single it out. We cook chicken for lunch and dinner quite often. And it will be just wonderful to do it differently every time.

Everyone loves tender juicy poultry meat, and therefore we can delight our loved ones every time with a new delicious dish.

Bon appetit!

Hello dear readers of my blog! I have a question - do you know how to fry chicken in a pan correctly? Do not rush to answer "yes". Only if your chicken dish comes out with a perfect crust and the meat is juicy.

The success of a dish is largely determined by the quality of the meat. In order not to make a mistake when choosing it, follow my step-by-step instructions:

  • First- pay attention to color. The chicken should not be yellow, and even more so with a bluish tint. You don't want to put an "old lady" in the pan. For a quality serving of animal protein, you should choose a young beauty. She boasts light pink skin, without a whitish coating.
  • Second- the same skin and the same plaque. The latter should not exist at all. Not white, not pink, none. And the skin should be dry and clean.
  • Third- the chicken must "be in shape." Press down and see how the meat behaves. If the dent does not straighten out, then this is a sign - leave this carcass in place. If the meat quickly returns to its original form, then everything is fine. Such a carcass is ready to become your culinary masterpiece.
  • Fourth- aroma. If the “aroma” begins to fill everything around the carcass on the way to it, run headlong. If it is not there, then do not hesitate to smell the meat. Of course, you don’t need to imagine yourself as a dog - a bloodhound that takes a trail. One breath is enough to understand that there is no repulsive smell. Then the carcass can be carried to the checkout.
  • Fifth Choose chilled meat over frozen. Otherwise, you run the risk of running into a number of problems after all the icebergs fall from the chicken. For example, it turns out that it is by no means pink. Or that she smells so good that she wants to be cremated instead of fried.
  • And the last- do not pull with cooking. It is better to immediately make friends with the carcass with a frying pan. Or start the process of preparing for frying. If, however, you need to send it to the refrigerator for a while, then put it in a container. The optimum storage temperature is 0 – 4°C.

Choosing a marinade for frying

Of course, it is better to marinate the chicken before frying. It will be saturated with aromas of spices, and the taste will turn out amazing. Therefore, a few words about the methods and types of marinade.

Mayonnaise . I am definitely not a fan of cooking chicken with mayonnaise, although this marinade is one of the most common. I think there is no need to explain anything. If you are cooking, then add your favorite spices or fresh herbs to it. So he will play with a completely different taste.

Sour cream . My favorite and win-win option. Gives tenderness and creamy taste to meat. Instead, you can add natural yogurt without sugar. Although you can try with sugar 🙂

Soy sauce . Don't go overboard with this marinade. Soy sauce is a salt concentrate. Therefore, in this case - less is better, but better.

Garlic . Chicken with garlic. Their friendship has been tested over the years and with so many dishes that if you voice the number, your head will spin.

Rosemary . An absolutely win-win option. Chicken + rosemary = flavor bomb.

Pepper mix . I trust her more than any one particular type of pepper. The mixture after grinding has an amazing aroma. And she makes her own unique contribution to the final result.

Honey . Quite a controversial ingredient when frying chicken. The combination is really impressive, but there is a subtlety here. When heated, honey loses its beneficial properties. Moreover, there is an opinion that this is how he begins to release hydroxymethylfurfural. And this, as scientists say, causes cancer. Although the exact relationship is not observed. Plus, this substance is found in almost all products that are heated above 60C. Most of all it is in ordinary coffee 🙂 Therefore, I quite accept marinade with honey.

Mustard . Mustard color gives the meat a rich yellow hue. Looks very colorful with salad greens and white rice.

Turmeric - the color of the golden sun. I love cooking with this spice. It is enough to leave the meat for 20-30 minutes and it will marinate. Yes, turmeric is a natural dye, so be careful with it when working.

Oil . There are many options here: creamy, sunflower, corn or olive. Everyone has a preference for their favorite oil. Another interesting combination of butter and vegetable. A sort of piquant note of creamy taste to the finished dish.

How to fry in a frying pan

The choice has been made, the meat in the marinade has already been prepared for the main thing - frying for a couple of hours.

  1. We put the pan on a strong fire. We heat up.
  2. Pour the oil in a layer of 3-5 mm. Better refined sunflower. It needs to be heated. Readiness can be determined by the appearance of bubbles or the characteristic crackle of oil in a pan.
  3. Lay the chicken on the surface of the pan. Please, be careful. To avoid getting oil, spread the meat away from you.
  4. To get a beautiful crust, the meat should be fried on all sides. Wait for a golden color and change sides. This is best done with tongs. First, it's convenient. Secondly, the meat is not damaged and retains its integrity. I usually turn over 3 times, i.e. fry twice on each side.
  5. When frying chicken, it is important not to cover the pan with a lid, otherwise you can say goodbye to the golden crust. This is necessary so that it is juicy and that it is fried. The lid can be covered only when there is already a good and beautiful crust.

How long to cook

When frying, many people have a question - how much to fry a chicken (fillet, legs or wings) in a pan. Of course, it is better to check the meat for readiness. You can do this with a wooden toothpick. Pierce the meat with it and see if there are traces of blood on the toothpick. All is clear? The meat is ready.

But the main thing is time. The commandment of any chef is not to overdo it. Especially the chicken. There is practically no fat in her meat. And instead of a juicy leg, you risk getting tough and dry meat. To prevent such a disaster from happening, a watch will come to your aid and here is a sign:

What pan is best for frying

Having decided how to fry chicken in a pan, let's talk about pans. Their choice depends on the desired result. For example, a good crust is guaranteed by a non-stick frying pan. A proven option is a cast iron skillet. But, frankly, she loses to modern materials in ease of use and not every housewife wants to drag her across the stove. Fans of Asian cuisine prefer. A more useful option is .

Grill pan Tefal TALENT, Tefal

6 779 rub.

To the store

If you want to cook chicken with a crust and gravy, then choose a deeper pan. If you want to cut the chicken into portions and fry with onions, choose a shallow option. Otherwise, the high walls of the pan will create the effect of stewing, not frying.

simple recipes

Step-by-step recipe for frying fillets in slices in a pan

In summer, the barbecue season is very short. And so you want to treat yourself to a barbecue. I offer a recipe for a light dietary dish of chicken fillet and onions in a marinade.

  • 2 pcs. chicken breast fillet;
  • 2 heads of red onion;
  • 3 tbsp mustard;
  • 2 tbsp liquid honey;
  • 1 tbsp oils;
  • 1 tsp sweet paprika;
  • a pinch of salt.

In a bowl, combine the above ingredients for the marinade (except red onion).

Cut the chicken breasts into cubes, and the onion into large pieces. Add meat and onions to the finished marinade.

Mix everything well with a spoon. Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Alternately string pieces of meat and onion slices onto wooden skewers for barbecue.

Preheat a grill pan and grease the bottom with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil. Cook shish kebab from fillet pieces with onions until tender. The dish is ready!

Chicken pieces with mushrooms in a pan - recipe with photo

Such a dish often helps out when there is no time to do something complicated. And you need to quickly cook lunch or dinner. While the pasta is cooking, the chicken with mushrooms is already cooking in the pan.

  • 200 g of champignons;
  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 10 pieces of cherry tomato;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • spices (basil, cilantro);
  • 100 ml of water.

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry the meat on both sides until golden brown.

Chop the onion into cubes, and cut the mushrooms into quarters. Add to fried chicken pieces.

Season with minced garlic cloves, dried cilantro, basil, ground black pepper and salt. If you have chicken seasoning, you can add it in place of the rest of the spices. Fill the floor with a glass of water and simmer over low heat. Stir occasionally to ensure all ingredients cook evenly.

When the mushrooms and onions are stewed, add cream, mix. Let it simmer for 3 more minutes and add the halved cherry tomatoes. Remove the pan from the heat immediately, otherwise the tomatoes will fall apart.

Ready-made chicken pieces with mushrooms are best served with pasta. Cream gives softness to meat and mushrooms and the necessary gravy to the dish.

With garlic crust

To prepare this delicious dish you will need:

  • chicken legs (about 1 kg);
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 5 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • salt.

Rinse the legs thoroughly, dry and rub with salt and pepper. Set the meat aside and let it marinate.

Engage in the preparation of dishes at this time. Pour oil into a well-heated frying pan and heat it. Place the marinated chicken on the skillet. Set the heat to medium and sear the meat for about 5 minutes. Never cover the lid!

Then turn the legs over, reduce the heat slightly and fry until golden brown. After that, lay the garlic crushed with the plane of the knife on the meat. Cover the pan with a lid and, reducing the heat to a minimum, simmer the chicken for 3-5 minutes.

Then open the lid. Just don't panic! Garlic may turn green: this is a completely normal reaction. When the integrity of the garlic cloves is broken, enzymes and essential oils are released. Garlic essential oils react with amino acids to produce a green or blue-green pigment. Here is such a chemistry 🙂

Next, turn the legs garlic side down. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave on the stove for another 3-5 minutes. That's it, the chicken is ready. Now it's time to take a sample 🙂 And don't forget to read the article " ». In it, I have prepared for you a lot of interesting and useful things.

Wings in sour cream

To make this incredibly tasty dish, you need the following products to prepare it:

  • 500 g chicken wings;
  • 0.5 cups of water;
  • 5-6 tbsp vegetable oils;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 200 g of 20% sour cream.

Peel the onion from the husk and rinse it thoroughly. Then put it on a cutting board and cut into cubes.

Rinse the wings thoroughly under running water, and then dry them. Divide each wing at the joint into 2 parts. Place the meat in a small bowl, season with salt and pepper and mix well. Set the wings aside for 5-7 minutes: let them marinate well.

Pour some oil into a hot frying pan and heat it up. Then place the wing pieces in a bowl. Fry them on all sides until golden brown (each side for about 4-6 minutes). Then, using a wooden spatula, transfer the fried chicken to a clean bowl.

Pour the remaining oil into a separate skillet and place the pot over medium heat. When the fat is hot, put the chopped onion in a container and fry it until golden brown. Next, add sour cream and cool water here. Mix the ingredients well.

When this mixture boils, reduce the heat and put the wings in the pan. Cover the pot with a lid and simmer the chicken for 20-25 minutes. Flip the wings over to the other side from time to time. Chicken wings in sour cream sauce are ready. Help yourself!

How to fry in pieces

In order to get a delicious fried chicken, you will need the following products:

  • 2 chicken fillets;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil.

Rinse the fillets thoroughly under running water and remove excess water with a paper towel. Then cut the fillet into 2 cm pieces. Try to ensure that the tissue fibers run obliquely in each meat cube.

Pour oil into a hot frying pan and heat. Then put the chopped chicken fillet in a bowl.

Fry the meat on each side until golden brown. And a minute before the end of cooking, salt and pepper the chicken. In an article about "" I shared with you my secrets to cooking chicken. Arm yourself with them, and every dish you cook will become a culinary masterpiece 🙂

Chicken liver with onions and gravy

Ingredients you need:

  • 700 g of liver;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • carrot;
  • drinking water;
  • onion;
  • 150-200 g of 20% sour cream;
  • 2-3 tbsp wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • ground black pepper.

Carefully inspect the "petals" of chicken liver: remove fat and bile. Rinse and dry the liver. Cut the peeled onion into small cubes. Grate carrots into thin strips. Fry the onion until golden brown. Then add carrots to this pan and simmer for a few minutes.

Mix flour with salt and pepper. Bread the liver with this mixture. Fry the liver in several stages. That is, while the first batch is fried in a pan, the second batch is breaded at this time.

It is not necessary to fry too much: it is enough to fry it slightly. Then mix the liver with stewed vegetables.

Dilute the sour cream with water (the total volume of the mixture is 500 ml). Add a pinch of salt and a little sugar to this sour cream solution. Pour the sour cream mixture over the liver and vegetable mixture and bring to a boil. After that, reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the contents until the gravy thickens. Chicken liver with gravy is ready. It's time to eat! 🙂

And I wrote in detail the secrets of preparing this offal in the article "". Well, if you still have doubts about how to cook chicken in a pan, watch an interesting video. Sometimes it is better to see once than to hear or read.

My advice is to alternate fried chicken with. It is healthier for the body and no less tasty. Look for recipe inspiration. And I say: "Bon appetit!". And do not forget to share the article with your friends on social networks.


    For the garlic fried chicken:

  • chicken (about 1.5 kg);
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp ground black pepper;
  • 5 st. l. sunflower oil.

  • For the honey and cayenne fried chicken:

  • 1-1.2 kg of chicken;
  • 100 g of liquid honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs;
  • 2 tsp ground cayenne pepper;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml low-fat cream;
  • 150 ml of vegetable oil;
  • fresh ground black pepper - to taste.

1. Rinse the chicken under running cold water, cut into portions: wings, legs and thighs in half, breast into 4 parts, back into 3-4 pieces.

Trim the fat, but do not remove the skin, you can only cut it. Season the pieces with salt and pepper on all sides, place tightly in a bowl and refrigerate for 10 minutes.

2. Preheat a frying pan, pour in 4-5 tablespoons of refined vegetable oil, wait until the oil begins to boil, and immediately put several pieces of chicken into it, skin side up.

Fry over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, checking that the pieces do not stick to the pan, move them from place to place so that they do not burn. Turn the pieces skin side down and fry for another 10-15 minutes, also stirring. Lower the heat if the chicken starts to burn.

3. Peel 3 cloves of garlic, crush it in a garlic press or chop it very finely with a knife. Brush each piece of chicken with garlic and simmer over low heat, covered, for 3-4 minutes. Turn the pieces over, garlic-coated side down, and simmer for another 3-4 minutes.

Fried chicken with honey and cayenne pepper

1. Pour two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar into a bowl, add 100 milliliters of liquid honey and mix until smooth, you can do this with a blender or whisk.

2. Rinse the chicken in cold water, cut off the fat (you can also remove the skin if you don't like it).

Cut the chicken into equal portions, put them in a bowl or pan and pour the marinade - a mixture of vinegar and honey.

Close the lid and refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Stir the chicken about once an hour.

3. Sift flour into a bowl, add breadcrumbs and cayenne pepper, mix.

Pour the chilled cream into another bowl, add two eggs and beat lightly with a whisk. The mixture should turn out to be one-color, with light bubbles.

4. Take a thick-bottomed frying pan, heat 150 milliliters of vegetable oil no higher than 150 ° C. Remove the chicken pieces from the marinade, pat dry with paper towels, dip each piece in the egg and cream mixture, season with salt and pepper to taste, and roll in the flour, breadcrumbs and cayenne pepper mixture.

5. Put the pieces (legs, thighs, wings first) into the pan and fry for 5-7 minutes on each side until a beautiful light golden crust forms. Reduce heat and cook until soft, 5-6 minutes more. Then cook the white meat and back in the same way. Fry them for 3-4 minutes on each side and then over low heat for another 2-4 minutes.

Chicken with garlic and portuguese wine

garlic - 15 - 20 teeth;

Chicken (legs) - 700-900 g;

Flour - 3-5 tablespoons;

Chicken broth - 400 ml;

Dry white wine - 3-5 tablespoons;

Olive oil - 3-5 tablespoons;

Bay leaf, salt.


We remove the skin from the chicken legs and send them (skins) to boil. You can add some salt to the water. In the future, we will need the resulting broth.

Peel the garlic and divide into two halves. In hot oil, fry our garlic thoroughly, put them on a plate.

In a small bag, add flour and your favorite seasonings for chicken meat. We also put chicken legs in the bag. Close the bag tightly and shake well so that the flour and spices are densely distributed over the entire surface of the meat.

In garlic olive oil, that is, where garlic was fried, chicken meat is also fried until golden brown.
Add the garlic to the fried chives. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. Next, add the resulting broth to the legs, here comes the bay leaf and dry white wine.

Close the pan and gently simmer the chicken over low heat for about 30 minutes.

Chicken dishes are always extremely tasty and fragrant, for which many adults and children love them. Chicken in mayonnaise with garlic in a pan is no exception in this regard. With this method of cooking, the bird turns out surprisingly tender and appetizing! You just try to fry the chicken in this way and you yourself will be able to appreciate the dish. Men who love to eat tightly will definitely not remain indifferent to such yummy!

Surely you will like not only the rich taste and bright aroma of such a chicken, but also the relative simplicity in its preparation. It only takes a few ingredients, each of which is available in almost any kitchen. You will need to complete just a few elementary actions and a great dish for a family lunch or dinner will be ready! Although this recipe can be used on a special occasion. Surprisingly appetizing pieces of chicken in mayonnaise, seasoned with fragrant garlic, will come in handy on any table. Well, except maybe vegetarian!

The only disadvantage of chicken cooked in this way is the high calorie content. Therefore, you should not overeat, even if you really want to :) If you like to cook a wide variety of dishes from chicken, then take these interesting recipes into service -, and. Your table with such dishes will be very varied and nutritious!


  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 200 g;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • table salt - to taste;
  • seasoning universal or for chicken - 1 tsp.

Wash the chicken under the tap and dry it on a towel. Then we take a sharp knife and proceed to butchering the bird. We remove the insides, since we will not need them. Cut meat with bones into medium-sized pieces. We place in a deep container so that it is convenient to mix.

Add the required amount of mayonnaise to the chicken pieces. For cooking, it is best to take a product with a high fat content. It will turn out more juicy and tasty.

Now let's start adding any spices that will improve the taste and aroma of the finished dish. Pour in some table salt. If mayonnaise has a pronounced salty taste, then you can do without this ingredient.

Add a teaspoon of all-purpose seasoning to the chicken and mayonnaise. You can also use spices designed specifically for cooking chicken.

Now we peel the garlic from the husk and chop it in any way convenient for ourselves. I use a grater with large holes. But you can squeeze through a press or cut into small cubes. It won't really affect the taste.

Thoroughly mix the mass and let it soak for an hour. You can leave it in the fridge overnight if time permits!

Then put in a saucepan, close the lid and simmer over low heat for about an hour. At first, a lot of liquid will stand out. Toward the end of cooking, you can remove the lid and brown the chicken pieces.

Do not add frying fat. Mayonnaise is perfect for everything!

Very appetizing and fragrant pieces of chicken in mayonnaise with garlic are ready! They are perfect for any side dish. A wonderful combination is obtained with mashed potatoes. But you can serve chicken with buckwheat, rice or pasta. It will also be very, very tasty!

Bon appetit!
