
Zucchini fried with mayonnaise for the winter. Features of cooking zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter

Zucchini cooked with mayonnaise for the winter is an easy-to-prepare dish that does not require experience and a lot of effort when preparing a cold snack.

Each housewife is able to cope with the preparation of dishes in detail. step by step instructions. The main thing is to carefully and responsibly carry out each stage.

Features of cooking zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter

Like every job, cooking zucchini in mayonnaise will require knowing a few secrets:

  • For harvesting, only young vegetables with juicy and tender pulp are used. Many housewives advise taking and large vegetables, but in such a product you can find pieces of seeds.
  • On the surface of the zucchini there should be no mechanical damage, rot spots or traces of exposure to diseases and pests.
  • Spices use different, but the main ingredients remain the same. These are garlic, carrots and onions.
  • For cooking zucchini, it is better to use mayonnaise. home cooking or only quality product from a trusted manufacturer.
  • The product requires mandatory pasteurization, in which case the blanks will be preserved for a long time and will not lose palatability and useful properties.

Required products

To prepare one serving of the product, you will need to prepare a set of products:

  • small zucchini - 2 kg;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs. medium in size;
  • garlic cloves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • homemade mayonnaise - 250-300 ml;
  • sugar - 150-160 g;
  • coarse salt - 60-70 g;
  • sunflower oil - 150 ml;
  • 9% table vinegar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • a mixture of spices - to taste.

Cooking steps step by step

To make delicious cold appetizer for the winter, you will need to perform several stages of work. Let's analyze the main ones in more detail. The recipe is simple, the main thing is to follow the rules and recommendations of the step-by-step instructions.

Sterilization of jars and lids

The salad is closed with metal caps V glass jars small capacity. Before laying vegetables, they are thoroughly washed without detergents. It will help to clean the glass with mustard powder or soda. Then the jars and lids are sterilized in a water bath until the moisture has completely evaporated. Many housewives prefer to spend heat treatment containers in the oven. Regardless of the method, the main task of this stage is to remove and prevent the development of decay and preserve the finished salad for a long time.

Preparing zucchini

Young zucchini will just need to be washed thoroughly under running water and cut off the tails. At the same time, they try to cut off a minimum of the body of vegetables. If a large, mature zucchini is used, it will need to be peeled, cut lengthwise, and the tough flesh with the seeds in the core removed.

Then the vegetables are washed again under running water and cut into small cubes or strips. Zucchini spread on a cloth or paper towels to remove excess moisture.

Onion preparation

Onions and other vegetables need to be prepared before cooking. Bulbs are dipped in boiling water, then immediately in cold. After undergoing such processing, the onion is easily peeled from the husk. Carefully cut off the top and bottom of the bulbs, each cut into two parts. Now it is cut into thin half rings.

Carrots are peeled and rubbed on a coarse grater or chopped sharp knife. If greens are used, they are thoroughly washed, hard tails are cut off and finely chopped on a board.

Cooking zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter

For the main stage of work, a few simple operations are performed:

  • The garlic is peeled, crushed with a knife and finely chopped. Prepared vegetables are laid out in a saucepan, chopped cloves of garlic are added.
  • Now it's time to go to the container of mayonnaise, a full set of spices and spices. If garden greens are used, spread them evenly over the pot.
  • fall asleep all granulated sugar and coarse salt.

  • lovers spicy salad can add a few pods hot pepper but don't forget about your health.
  • Pour all the vinegar into the dishes, vegetable oil and thoroughly mix the vegetables with the rest of the ingredients.
  • It is necessary to achieve a uniform distribution of spices over the surface of vegetables, after which the pan is removed for several hours in the refrigerator.

  • After 2-3 hours, you need to try the zucchini. If there is not enough salt or sweetness, these ingredients must be added.
  • The semi-finished product is laid out in clean jars. A thick towel or piece of cloth is covered at the bottom of a large saucepan and several filled containers are placed. Pour in water, it should be at the level of 2/3 of the height of the can. From above they are covered with lids.
  • Bring the water to a boil and pasteurize the vegetable salad over low heat for half an hour, add mayonnaise.

After that, the jars are hermetically sealed with lids, turned over and wrapped in a blanket or blanket. After a day, the salad will gradually cool to room temperature and it can be removed for permanent storage.

Advice! Having opened a jar of zucchini, you should not immediately lay them out on plates and serve them to the festive table. It is better to open the salad a few hours before the guests arrive, put it in salad bowls and put them in the refrigerator. Such a cold appetizer in the truest sense of the word will be very popular with guests.

Shelf life and storage methods

The shelf life of vegetable salad from zucchini with the addition of mayonnaise is no more than 9 months from the date of preparation. Keep sealed closed banks can be in the basement, on a shelf in the pantry or in the kitchen.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter

Everyone knows that zucchini is versatile vegetables, from which you can concoct almost anything: from squash stew to jam and candied fruits. in mayonnaise dressing - an unusual hearty winter preparation. It turns out tasty, nutritious and very tender. Great with potato or meat dishes. Opening a jar of this snack, the whole kitchen will hear pleasant aroma garlic, and you simply cannot resist tasting this wonderful salad. It is easy to prepare and simple ingredients available to everyone.

- Fruits of zucchini - 4 pcs.
- Carrot - 4 pcs.
- Onion - 2 pcs.
- Garlic - 4-6 pcs.
- Mayonnaise - 300 ml
- Sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
-Salt - 2 tsp.
- Vegetable oil - 150 ml
- Table vinegar - 150 ml
-Dried herbs (Provencal, Italian) - 2 tsp.

Salad for the winter from zucchini with mayonnaise, a recipe with a photo step by step:

We prepare all the vegetables: cut off the tails of the zucchini, peel off the peel, if necessary; scrape off the skin from the carrot; remove the husk from the onions and garlic. Zucchini cut into half rings.

Three carrots on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into half rings.

And crush the garlic with a garlic press. Mix all vegetables in one bowl. Add mayonnaise to this. dried herbs, salt and sugar. You can add 1 tsp. ground pepper to spice up the future salad. We send table vinegar and sunflower oil to vegetables.

We mix everything well.

We cover the dish with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for several hours to let the vegetables marinate well. We lay out our salad in pre-prepared jars. It is better to take small half-liter jars.

Now you need to sterilize the blanks. To do this, put them in a pan, with a bottom covered with a cloth. Pour water up to shoulder level and boil for 20 minutes.

After that, we roll up the banks sealed lids. We turn the rolls upside down, and wait for them to cool. This salad must be stored in cool place.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: not specified

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter, the recipe with a photo of which I offer, is not the first time I have been preparing it, so the preparation has been tested and tested on myself. However, my family always looks into the pantry and wonders what you can treat yourself to. All lovers vegetable salads I will recommend this recipe and share all the secrets!

So let's get ready zucchini salad with carrots and mayonnaise

Required products:
- zucchini - 500 grams;
- carrots - 300 grams;
- onion - 200 grams;
- mayonnaise - 150 grams;
- vegetable oil - 50 ml;
- vinegar, 9%, table - 2 tables. l.;
- sugar - 1 tsp. l.;
- coarse table salt - 1.5 tsp. l;
- black pepper, ground - ½ tsp. l.

Step by step recipe with photo:

Rinse the zucchini, you can even rub them with a grater so that there is definitely no dirt left on the peel. Chop them into straws. If the seeds in the zucchini are large, then remove the middle, and only then chop. Also, if the peel is tough, then it can also be cut off. best options V this case there will be early first zucchini, which still have almost no seeds and the thinnest peel.

Peel the carrots and grate. Carrots will add brightness and sweet taste to the salad.

Chop the onion with a knife into a small cube.

Put all chopped products in a convenient deep dish.

Season everything with spices and stir.

To do this, you will need salt with sugar, as well as black ground pepper.

Let the salad stand for 15 minutes so that it is salted and the juice from the vegetables stands out. This juice will be necessary for the salad so that the dish turns out juicy and does not need to be supplemented with additional water. homemade vegetable oil will add extra flavor.

Add mayonnaise to the zucchini salad and stir.

Pour in vinegar so that the salad is better stored and not sour.

It will take about 40 minutes to sterilize such a salad, then the zucchini with carrots will become soft. Place any piece of cloth under the jar at the bottom of the pan so that the glass does not burst when heated.

Then immediately close the salad jars with lids so that they do not have time to cool. Thus jars with canned salad gradually cool down and will be stored for a long time.

Homemade preparations will help you out all winter!

Bon Appetite!
I also recommend cooking

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - when I first tried to cook this salad, then the amount of ingredients I used was half as much as it was necessary according to the recipe.

I was very afraid of the combination unusual products such as mayonnaise and unpredictable results.

Having tried ready salad from zucchini with mayonnaise, I regretted that I had prepared so little of it.

This preservation turned out to be just a meal, so I recommend that you also roll it up for the winter in jars.

Except your amazing taste, such a salad also keeps well. In a dark, cool place, jars with this type of lettuce will calmly stand all winter, and you won’t have to worry that they will explode.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a delicious recipe

For the preparation of blanks, it is desirable to use young zucchini, then the snacks are very tender and juicy. It is better to cook squash caviar from coarser zucchini.


  • ½ tube of Provencal mayonnaise,
  • 2 kilograms of zucchini,
  • 250 grams of carrots
  • 125 milliliters sunflower or corn oil,
  • 125 milliliters table bite,
  • 4 heaping tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 canteens spoons of salt cooking,
  • 5 grams black ground pepper


First, prepare half-liter jars. Wash and sterilize them. Boil the lids in boiling water.

Now let's prepare the vegetables. Cut the zucchini into strips, and be sure to peel the old zucchini. Put the zucchini in a bowl.

Peel the carrots, wash and grate. Lay the carrots on top of the zucchini.

Onion cut into small cubes.

Lay the onion on top of the carrots.

Add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, mayonnaise and pepper to the vegetables. Mix everything well and put it in jars.

Next, put the jars in a saucepan, put a rag on the bottom. We sterilize the jars for 40 minutes.

Surely in the winter everyone wants to eat something delicious? The recipe for cooking zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter will help you solve the problem. I promise it will be delicious!


  • Zucchini 3 Kilograms


  • Bulb onion 500 grams
  • Mayonnaise 250 Grams
  • Tomato paste 250 Grams
  • Vegetable oil 150 grams
  • Sugar 0.5 cups
  • Salt 2 Art. spoons
  • Black pepper 0.5 teaspoons
  • Bay leaf 2 pieces

We clean the zucchini from the peel and seeds, clean the onion. Then we pass everything through a meat grinder.

Add mayonnaise to the pot.

Now add tomato paste and vegetable oil. Stir and set to cook for 1 hour.

Place sugar, salt, pepper and Bay leaf. Cook for 1 more hour.

When everything is cooked, take out the bay leaf. We roll everything into sterilized jars. Done, bon appetit!

Zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter - a step by step recipe with photos on

Surely in the winter everyone wants to eat something delicious? The recipe for cooking zucchini with mayonnaise for the winter will help you solve the problem. I promise it will be delicious!

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a delicious recipe with photos

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - when I tried to cook this salad for the first time, I used half the amount of ingredients than the recipe needed.

I was very wary of the combination of unusual products, such as mayonnaise, and an unpredictable result.

Having tried a ready-made zucchini salad with mayonnaise, I regretted that I had prepared so little of it.

This preservation turned out to be just a meal, so I recommend that you also roll it up for the winter in jars.

In addition to its amazing taste, this salad also keeps well. In a dark, cool place, jars with this type of lettuce will calmly stand all winter, and you won’t have to worry that they will explode.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a delicious recipe

For the preparation of blanks, it is desirable to use young zucchini, then the snacks are very tender and juicy. It is better to cook squash caviar from coarser zucchini.

  • ½ tube of Provencal mayonnaise,
  • 2 kilograms of zucchini,
  • 250 grams of carrots
  • 125 milliliters sunflower or corn oil,
  • 125 milliliters table bite,
  • 4 heaping tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of table salt,
  • 5 grams black ground pepper

First, prepare half-liter jars. Wash and sterilize them. Boil the lids in boiling water.

Now let's prepare the vegetables. Cut the zucchini into strips, and be sure to peel the old zucchini. Put the zucchini in a bowl.

Peel the carrots, wash and grate. Lay the carrots on top of the zucchini.

Onion cut into small cubes.

Lay the onion on top of the carrots.

Add salt, sugar, oil, vinegar, mayonnaise and pepper to the vegetables. Mix everything well and put it in jars.

We take out the jars of salad from the water, roll them up with lids and cover them with a blanket until they cool completely.

Here is the salad!

You may also be interested in these posts of zucchini blanks:

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a delicious photo recipe

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - a complete step-by-step recipe tasty preparation for the winter with photos and description

Cooking time: Not indicated

- 4 kilograms of zucchini,

- half a kilogram of onions,

- half a kilogram of carrots,

- 4 tablespoons of salt,

- 1 sachet of ground black pepper

– 7 canteens spoons of sugar,

– 250 grams table vinegar,

– 250 grams sunflower oil,

- 250 grams of mayonnaise.

Grind carrots on a grater.

We clean the onion from the husk and cut into small cubes.

Zucchini cut into pieces. It is worth peeling only old and large zucchini, young thin-skinned do not need.

We mix all the chopped ingredients and add spices, mayonnaise, oil and vinegar to them.

Pour 2/3 water into the jars and sterilize them for 3 minutes at maximum power in microwave oven, lids in a water bath. We lay out our salad in them, cover with lids. We sterilize the salad of zucchini, onions and carrots with mayonnaise for 30 minutes, and then roll the jars tightly with lids. From above we wrap all the banks with a blanket.

Several times I sautéed onions and carrots in a pan, and then added to the salad. We also like the salad prepared in this way, but the first option is more suitable for me, and the second for my husband, so I close this salad in two ways.

Zucchini salad for the winter with mayonnaise: recipe with photo

Zucchini salad for the winter with mayonnaise, prepared according to our recipe with a photo, will surprise you with its delicate taste. This great snack, which is not difficult to prepare and is very appetizing and tasty.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter

The zucchini salad is amazingly tasty. Preparing a salad is not difficult at all, but in winter you can please your family delicious salad from zucchini with mayonnaise. Such a salad can be served as an appetizer or used to prepare other dishes, such as stews.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise and carrots for the winter

  • zucchini - 4 kg;
  • carrot - 0.5 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 250 gr.;
  • onion - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 250 gr.;
  • sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 250 gr.;
  • salt - 4 tablespoons;
  • black pepper - 1 sachet.

Wash the zucchini well. It is advisable to take young zucchini that do not need to be peeled. Cut the zucchini into strips. Trim the hard skin off the zucchini, if necessary.

Peel carrots and onions. Finely chop the onion with a knife. Grate the carrot. Place chopped and grated vegetables in a bowl or saucepan.

Add mayonnaise, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, as well as vinegar and black pepper to the zucchini and the rest of the ingredients. Mix everything well so that the preservatives are evenly distributed over the vegetables.

Place the salad in sterilized jars. Sterilize jars in boiling water for 40 minutes. Then immediately roll up the jars with metal lids.

Zucchini salad "Teschin language" with mayonnaise for the winter

  • zucchini - 3 kg;
  • tomato juice- 1 l;
  • bell pepper - 3-4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • mayonnaise - 500 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • vinegar - 200 ml;
  • tomato paste - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - 3 tablespoons;
  • hot pepper - 2-3 tons;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp.

First you need to prepare the filling for zucchini. To do this, peel the garlic from the husk. From bell pepper and chili peppers, remove seeds and stalks.

Twist the garlic and both types of peppers into a meat grinder.

Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan. Add tomato paste and tomato juice, as well as mustard, mayonnaise, salt and sugar. Pour in the vinegar and mix everything thoroughly.

Put the saucepan on the fire and bring the filling to a boil. Meanwhile, wash the zucchini and cut them into medium lengthwise pieces.

Put the prepared zucchini in the boiling pot. Let it boil again. Then reduce the heat and simmer the salad over low heat for about 40 minutes.

Then hot salad arrange in sterilized jars so that each jar evenly contains zucchini and fillings. Roll up the jars and wrap them upside down.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise and fried vegetables for the winter

  • zucchini - 4 kg;
  • onion - 0.5 kg;
  • carrot - 0.5 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 250 gr.;
  • black ground pepper- 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar - 250 gr.;
  • mayonnaise - 250 gr.;
  • sugar - 7 tablespoons;
  • salt - 4 tbsp.

Rinse the zucchini and cut into small strips. Clean the zucchini if ​​necessary. Young zucchini with soft skins do not need to be peeled.

Peel the carrots and rub on a grater. It is advisable to take coarse grater. Also suitable for grater Korean carrot. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes or half rings.

Fry carrots and onions in a deep frying pan, adding a little vegetable oil. Mix fried vegetables with chopped zucchini in large saucepan or pelvis.

Add ground black pepper, salt and sugar, as well as mayonnaise to the vegetables. Pour vinegar and vegetable oil into vegetables. Mix everything well.

Wash the jars well with soda, and then sterilize in boiling water or in the oven. Arrange the prepared salad in sterilized jars. Cover with lids and send to be sterilized.

Sterilize the salad for 40 minutes, counting the time from the beginning of the boil. Then roll up the lettuce jars while they are hot.

Turn over and wrap. When the jars have cooled, put them in the cellar or pantry.

Zucchini salad with mayonnaise for the winter - How to cook

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