
Shelf life of cheese of different varieties and storage features. Advantages and disadvantages of storing cheeses in the freezer

Cheese occupies a special place among the variety of dairy products. Its role in cooking is huge - it acts as an ingredient in many dishes: casseroles, appetizers, salads, soups and others. But still, it often happens that you have to throw out a piece that has already been covered with mold.

Often, it is ignorance of the storage rules that leads to the fact that the product begins to dry, loses its attractive appearance, taste and aroma, and ultimately becomes simply unusable. Since cheese is a living product that is constantly evolving, ignorance of the rules of storage can provoke an acceleration of the process of its maturation.

As you know, everyone has different tastes, and this applies to cheeses as well. But lovers of this or that kind of cheese are united by the same question, how long to keep the cheese so that it does not deteriorate.

How long to keep cheese without mold

It's no secret that cheese is made from milk, and not always cow's. Goat and even sheep's milk can be used. This fact, as well as manufacturing methods, determine the following types of cheeses:

Hard - cheeses that have a structure of dense addition. Their term of being under pressure is about 6 months. There are no large holes in hard cheeses, they are usually small and inconspicuous. These are cheeses "Parmesan", "Edam";

Semi-hard - cheeses that combine the softness of the texture and the density of the structure. They can have holes of various sizes. An example of cheese is Maasdam;

Soft - cheeses that do not require additional processing during manufacture. They do not have a covering shell and taste characteristic of the whole variety. Each soft cheese can be easily distinguished by its aftertaste, such as mushroom or cream. The brightest representative of this species is Mascarpone;

Brine - cheeses that can fully ripen only if there is a salt solution. A well-known example is Suluguni cheese;

Processed - cheeses, which, in addition to butter and cottage cheese, also contain condensed milk, cream or other products. In order for the cheese to be fully cooked, melting salts are added before processing is completed;

Cheeses with mold - to create them, there is a special technology that allows you to produce food edible mold. Such mold is absolutely harmless to the human body, it can be of various colors: blue, green, red.

Each type of cheese can have, in addition to a different texture and taste, a different shelf life. It is necessary to carefully approach the question of how to store cheese so as not to inadvertently eat a missing or moldy product. Naturally, you need to store any cheese in a damp, cool place, that is, a refrigerator. The cling film or parchment in which the product must be stored will ideally protect the cheese from drying out and spoilage.

The best storage temperature for hard and soft cheeses is 10°C, so the space under the freezer is not suitable for them. It is better to place such cheeses away from the icy cold, for example, on a shelf in the refrigerator door.

How to store cheese: rules for storing hard and soft varieties

Compared to other types of cheese, hard cheeses retain their good appearance and taste much longer when they are in the refrigerator. However, its shelf life is also limited to 10 days, so you should not make large stocks in advance of such a product. Regularly check its crust for mold spots. The best conditions in which hard cheese will lie for the maximum number of days are:

Well ventilated place;

Air temperature from 3 to 10 °C;

Air humidity 90%.

To avoid the premature appearance of mold, you can put an ordinary cube of refined sugar in the cheese package. It is better to store hard cheese in plastic packaging or parchment, but not ordinary paper, in which it will simply be covered with a dry crust.

Not in the best way affect the state of such cheeses and constant shifting from shelf to shelf, the temperature difference is to blame.

Before cutting the cheese and serving it to the table, you need to prepare 1 hour in advance, having previously taken the dairy product out of the refrigerator. So he will be able to weather all the unpleasant odors he had previously absorbed from the refrigerator. In the case of the leftover sliced ​​cheese, it is better to do it simply - try to eat it. Because in the refrigerator, the inevitable fate of being covered with a dry crust and a further journey to the trash can awaits him.

Even sub-zero temperatures are not terrible for soft varieties of cheeses, but in such conditions their shelf life is significantly reduced to 3 days. Packaging contributes to the shelf life, it also protects the cheese from weathering and the formation of a dry crust. The ideal way to store soft cheese is to place it in a small enameled pan, but airtight packaging from the factory will also work.

If there are several types of cheeses, then they must be stored separately. This is very important as each cheese has its own unique flavor, aroma and ingredients. Mixing varieties can ruin even the freshest produce.

Sometimes certain types of cheese are rare guests in people's refrigerators, for example, for holidays or special occasions. It is impossible to determine by eye the optimal conditions for long-term storage. In this case, manufacturers will come to the rescue, who will indicate on the packaging both the appropriate temperature and the shelf life of the product.

How to keep cheese in the refrigerator longer: other varieties

Cheese deliberately produced with mold at home should be stored in commercial sealed packaging. The more it covers such cheese, the better for other products. So the mold, although it is food, will not be able to spread to other products and cause not the best emotions. Properly store blue cheese should be either in a glass or plastic container with a tight-fitting lid, or in cling film that does not allow air to pass through.

Pickled cheeses got their name because of the way they are stored. You need to keep the dairy product in a weak solution of common salt. Cheese will be stored longer if placed in a glass jar or enamel pan.

Processed or homemade cheese is best stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, as are many other types. Storage in a plastic bag should be discarded, only glassware will make the shelf life as long as possible. Homemade cheese, which was made by hand, has a shorter shelf life than a factory product. Therefore, you need to eat it as quickly as possible, within 2-3 days.

How long to keep cheese: time control

The maximum period that can be allotted for the storage of a particular type of cheese always depends on the storage conditions, temperature in particular. If the air temperature drops below 3 °C, dairy products may spoil. This does not apply only to home-made cottage cheese, which is not even afraid of freezing, and soft cheeses that are designed for quick use. With frequent changes in temperature, humidity levels, there is a high probability of spoilage of the dairy product. To maximize the shelf life, you need to carefully monitor these indicators and the presence of cheese packaging. It should not lie on the shelf of the refrigerator without packaging.

If the household does not have enamelware for storing cheese, you can use an ordinary glass jar with a lid as a vacuum container.

If all the necessary conditions are preserved, hard cheeses can be stored for 10 days in the refrigerator, while all the rest, that is, soft, processed, brine, with mold, have a shelf life of no more than 3 days. There are some exceptions in the form of, for example, Brie, Camembert, Roquefort cheeses, which can lie in the refrigerator for 7 days if they are allowed to breathe every 2-3 days.

Useful tips on how to keep cheese in the fridge longer

Cheese can be stored in the refrigerator for as long as possible if:

Provide it with airtight packaging or vacuum container;

Keep the pickle type in a jar of milk or saline;

Place a cube of sugar in a saucepan or package where the cheese is located, and periodically replace it with a new one. This will eliminate excess moisture;

Store it in a single piece, bought at the store, and do not cut it into many small pieces, as they will become weathered faster and their edges will become dry;

Do not use paper for storage, but replace it with foil or a special cheesecake for large volumes of cheese;

Do not contribute to constant temperature changes and store cheese on the side shelf of the door or the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;

Store each type of cheese separately from each other;

Place the cottage cheese in a container made of glass or plastic, close the lid tightly and send it to the freezer.

If for some reason it is impossible to use a refrigerator to store cheese, then this period can be extended without it. You just need to wrap a piece in a cloth soaked in salt water and hide it away from the sun. Hard cheeses will retain their properties for 7 days, the rest will last 2 days without compromising quality.

In fact, you do not need to be a cheese specialist and know a lot of intricacies in order to keep a dairy product fresh for a long time. The main rule is not to eat cheese, the expiration date indicated on the package is long gone.

If we are talking about hard cheese, then it is stored for about 3-10 days, depending on how it is packaged.

If you just put it in the refrigerator, wrapped in a plastic bag, then it will begin to become covered with a sticky layer literally on the 4th day.

This is due to the fact that the cheese "suffocates". How exactly you need to wrap it and at what temperature to keep it in the refrigerator, we will tell you below.

If we talk about soft or pickled cheeses, then the terms are completely different and it makes sense to consider the storage conditions for each type separately. Because, some cheeses, for example, processed, are stored for only 2 days, but suluguni in brine - for several weeks.

If you notice that mold has formed on the cheese, then we highly recommend that you cut it off. and then eat it. Since the mold penetrates very deeply and from the fact that you cut it off, it will not go anywhere.

Somebody think, that the mold is not only not dangerous, but even useful, as it is a natural antibiotic. No, it's not like that at all. There are thousands of types of molds, but only a few of them are useful.

And the harm of mold is that it releases mycotoxins that provoke allergic reactions.

Also, in addition to gray-green mold, a white coating may appear on the cheese, which appears due to the development of bacteria that multiply even faster than the fungus. Such a manifestation is a sign of a poor-quality product and is definitely not worth eating.

How to store cheese without refrigeration

It happens that at the most inopportune moment in the house the refrigerator breaks down, in which there are good and expensive products, in particular, cheese. How can you store it without refrigeration?

There is such a way:

The cheese should be wrapped in a cotton cloth moistened with well-salted water and placed in a dark, as cool place as possible.

Salt does not allow the molding process to start quickly, but in any case, it will not lie for more than two or three days. And be sure to rinse the pieces before eating from excess salt!

There are no other options, since cheese is a perishable product and it is better not to experiment, but to use it quickly.

And no cling film will help here (although, for many other products, it turns out to be a real salvation), it will only speed up the spoilage process.

Why in the supermarket cheeses are in the refrigerator without packaging and do not spoil?

First, they stay there for a very short time. You can't even imagine what a daily sales turnover is in large supermarkets.

And the second is that industrial refrigerators - showcases are very different from our home ones.

They set not only the optimum temperature, but also the humidity, which is inaccessible to home appliances. In general, the optimal humidity for storing cheeses is 50-70%, otherwise they dry out.

Can you freeze cheeses?

Sometimes, after the holidays, there is a lot of cheese sliced ​​​​of which everyone has already eaten, but it's a pity to throw it away. And many are visited by the thought: huh?

Yes, you can freeze cheese. But, as you understand, this product will become less useful, due to the fact that the low temperature will “kill” lactic acid bacteria. Taste and smell, however, do not change at all. Unless, the consistency becomes more crumbly.

Features of storage of various types of cheeses

Now let's look at specific types of cheeses and how to store them.

Here, keep in mind that for dairy products, including cheese - about 4-5 degrees.

And this means that you can’t put it on a shelf that is close to the freezer, since the temperature there is much lower and because of this, the useful properties of the product are lost.

In general, the temperature in the refrigerator compartment must be monitored and constantly adjusted.

If there are few products, then the established 5-6 degrees are kept, but if it is “crammed” to the eyeballs, then it becomes much warmer inside and the cheese may not last even five days, even packed according to all the rules.

Also, keep in mind that any cheese, like a sponge, absorbs odors. Therefore, it is impossible to put it next to smoked sausage or dried fish.

If it so happened that you have such products in your refrigerator, then you need to pack them as tightly as possible.

hard cheeses

hard cheese best wrapped in parchment paper(the one that is lined with a baking sheet). This is the best option and nothing else can be advised. Here's how it looks in the photo:

Such paper and air passes partially and does not allow excess moisture to escape. Cheese dries very quickly if wrapped in plain paper or cloth. But in polyethylene, it becomes sticky.

By hard cheeses, we mean not the hardest of them, like Parmesan. By the way, it stays fresh much longer. We are talking about Russian, Maasdam, Radomer and other common species.

Pickled cheeses

Varieties of pickled cheeses: brynza, feta (or other goat and sheep cheese), suluguni, halloumi, mozzarella, Adyghe etc.

Brine cheeses are sold in supermarkets in sealed packages that contain brine. After opening, it is necessary to store such cheese in it but preferably no more than three days.

As soon as you see that the brine is getting cloudy, you can drain it, rinse the piece of cheese with clean water and fill it with fresh brine. It stays that way for a couple more days.

If you bought pickled cheese in the market, then it is better to eat it quickly. And if, suddenly, you have a large piece of brynza, which you, with all your desire, cannot use up within three days, then you must immediately place it in a glass or enameled container, pouring it with brine.

Moreover, the saltier the solution, the longer the cheese will stay fresh. To get rid of excess salt later, you just need to hold a piece of cheese a little in fresh milk.

Cheeses with mold

The shelf life of blue cheese is very short, up to five days.

But it is this species that has a peculiarity: if you leave it open on the shelf, then cheese fungi can go to other products, thereby causing them to spoil prematurely.

Wrap such cheeses in the same way as hard cheese - in parchment paper.

You can also wrap it in foil, but in this case, it will lie for five days.

Soft cheeses

How long can soft cheeses be stored? Also, about three days. Any soft cheese dries and weathers very quickly and this is its peculiarity.

For example, processed cheese without packaging will not lie for a day, the edges will dry up in an instant and it will be unpleasant to eat it.

Therefore, if you opened it, but did not finish it right away, be sure to wrap it again in foil or wax paper.

Cheese "Yantar" is easier to store, as it is sold in a package with a tight-fitting lid.

And in conclusion, we will tell you this: cheese is a very strange object, if it exists, then it is immediately gone (s)!

So here's the last one for you. the most important lifehack: do not buy a lot of cheese, so as not to fool your head with proper storage, because a small piece will “leave” faster than it has time to deteriorate.

Due to improper storage, cheeses begin to deteriorate quickly, a characteristic light coating appears on them, the product crumbles and, of course, loses its taste. For the production of high-quality cheese, not only cow's milk is used, but also goat's and sheep's. This leads to a variety of tastes and textures, the product is hard, soft, brine, melted and moldy. Consider storage options for each type.

hard cheese

This kind of product is distinguished by its density and the absence of holes. As a rule, hard cheese is in a compressed state for a period of six months or more, due to which it receives a similar consistency. The most common cheeses are Parmesan and Edam.

  1. When properly stored, hard cheeses retain their taste and appearance longer than others. However, if the refrigerator is old, you should not stock up on the product for a long period. In order for the cheese to lie for 7-10 days (the maximum storage period in the refrigerator), it is necessary to constantly check it for the presence of neoplasms.
  2. To avoid mold on the cheese rind, place a few cubes of cane sugar in the package. In cases where you prefer to transfer the dairy product to a different package, give preference to parchment paper.
  3. The optimal temperature regime for storing hard cheeses is considered to be an indicator of 4-11 degrees, while the humidity should be at least 85%. You should not shift cheese from one compartment of the refrigerator to another, because due to sudden changes, the product will begin to deteriorate 1.5 times faster.
  4. Before you start eating, take the cheese out of the refrigerator, unpack and leave for 1 hour so that all extraneous odors disappear. If you haven't eaten all the cheese after slicing it, wrap it in plastic, poke a few holes in it and refrigerate. In this form, the product will not wind up in the next 6-8 hours.

In the manufacture of such cheeses, careful processing is not carried out, as a result of which products without shells can be found on store shelves. Tofu, Philadelphia, Mascapone, Mozzarella are considered to be bright representatives of soft cheeses. In terms of taste, the products vary greatly, they are creamy, mushroom, with the addition of bacon.

  1. An important feature of the storage of soft cheeses is considered to be a low temperature regime. The product can lie in the refrigerator at sub-zero temperatures for about 3 days.
  2. Like other types, this kind of cheese must be carefully packaged before being sent to the refrigerator. An excellent option is a plastic sealed container or an enameled container tightly closed with a lid.
  3. Do not store soft cheese with other types of dairy products, otherwise it will absorb the smell and begin to deteriorate at an incredible rate.

pickled cheese

The entire process of making these cheeses involves the use of table salt. The product has a pronounced salty taste, a slightly crumbly texture and a layered texture. The most common pickled cheeses: Brynza, Adygeisky, Suluguni, Feta.

  1. For proper storage of pickled cheeses, it is necessary to use a solution of low concentration table salt. Put the cheese in a glass or enamel container, fill the product with brine, close the lid and refrigerate.
  2. Before serving pickled cheese to the table, taste it: if the product is salty, soak in boiled cool water or milk. Most people pour hot water over cheese, as a result of which it becomes viscous, and also loses useful elements and vitamins.
  3. Another option for storing pickled cheeses is considered to be freezing. Oddly enough, but the product retains its beneficial qualities if you do not keep it in the freezer for more than 2 days. Before use, you just need to pull out the cheese and let it “thaw” at room temperature.

A dairy product of this kind is not subjected to heat treatment, cheese makers make sure that the mold forms naturally and is useful for eating. Neoplasms can be of various shades: from blue to red.

  1. Cheeses with mold should be stored only in sealed original packaging, which should fit snugly against the product.
  2. Do not put cheese in an open container, food mold can "crawl" onto other food in the refrigerator, due to which it will be spoiled. In addition, in an open container, the product emits an unpleasant odor.
  3. Do not store moldy cheese for more than 5 days. To preserve the product throughout the entire period, you can transfer it to a sealed plastic container, and then wrap it with a film (if the original packaging is unsuitable for use).

processed cheese

The product includes butter, cottage cheese, heavy cream, milk. At the end of processing, the so-called melters are added to the ingredients - salts, which give the cheese such a consistency.

  1. Dressed cheese is stored in a closed plastic or glass container. If possible, it should be placed in the drawer of the refrigerator for eggs or vegetables / fruits. To avoid spoilage, do not place the product close to the walls.
  2. Do not store cheese in transparent plastic packaging; choose dark bags if you wish. This method is rarely used, but it does not belong to the category of prohibited ones.
  3. If processed cheese is cooked at home, it must be consumed in the first two days. In cases with a store product, the shelf life reaches 6-8 days.
  4. If possible, keep processed cheese in large portions in vacuum packaging, such a move will allow the product to lie in its original state for more than 3 weeks.

As a rule, cheeses become unusable due to incorrectly set temperature conditions or sharp jumps, as well as violations of the humidity level. Proceed from the type of cheese, select the optimal conditions, do not delay the use.

Video: how to store cheese so that it does not dry out

Cheese is a favorite product of many

Indeed, there are enough lovers of parmesan and mozzarella in our country. At present, it simply amazes with its diversity, and each person has the opportunity to choose a “cow” product that is suitable in terms of quality and price. It is an essential ingredient in pizza, some types of cold and hot soups, salads. Of course, it is very important that it be fresh in cooked dishes, so the question of how to keep cheese in the refrigerator longer is of interest to many. It is also worth noting that the above product is rich in proteins, vitamins and amino acids, which makes it the most valuable for health.

If you do not follow the conditions for proper storage of the "cow" product, then it will dry out quickly, its appearance and taste will deteriorate. However, the question of whether it can be solved, and not by one, but by several. Let's consider it in more detail.

Packaging must be correct

Those who want to know how to keep cheese in the refrigerator longer should remember that in order to preserve the “natural” taste, each piece of the product must be individually wrapped. In this case, you should not use plastic bags in which the cheese simply “stops breathing”. Naturally, this leads to a deterioration in the taste of the product. In addition, there is a risk of bacteria, which is also not a favorable factor.

Considering the question of how to store cheese in the refrigerator, it should be emphasized that hard varieties of the product do not deteriorate for as long as possible. having a pronounced aroma, it is recommended to wrap it with cling film before placing it in the refrigerator. which does not have such a specific smell, it is best to put it in an enameled or glass container. You can not wrap the "cow product" in paper, as it will quickly begin to stale and deteriorate. As an alternative, parchment paper is recommended.

Store only in a cool place

If your home does not have a basement or cellar, then the only option to maintain the quality of the above food product is a refrigerator.

Moreover, it is very important to observe the correct temperature regime (from 6 to 8 degrees Celsius) and humidity (90%). This is definitely one of the top secrets of how to store cheese in the fridge.

Avoid temperature fluctuations

"Cow" product does not like temperature changes. All this is fraught with the fact that it will begin to crumble, deteriorate and change its natural taste. To minimize these risks, always place cheese on the bottom shelf of your refrigerator.

Storage should be separate

It should be noted that parmesan or mozzarella absorb the odors of their environment, therefore, as already emphasized above, it is not recommended to store cheeses of different types in one package. In addition, each of them has its own unique flavor, and it would be a mistake to keep them in the same dish or container.

You should also remember to wrap them in cling film after eating, as cheeses not only absorb the aroma, but also spread it.

Don't cut the peel

Cheese storage in the refrigerator will be correct if the crust is not removed from the product. It allows you to keep the flavor of the cheese. It is very important to remember another important secret - you do not need to pre-cut the cheese, as this will cause it to dry out. It is necessary to cut off exactly the amount of the product that you intend to eat.

Don't Stock

We should not forget the rule that no cheese can be stored for too long, especially if we are talking about a product that was made on the basis of raw milk. Going to the grocery store, you should not buy cheese by the kilogram - it would be advisable to purchase a small amount of Roquefort or Eden. In this way, you will not allow the product to “stale” at home. Agree, it is better to visit the supermarket once again in order to subsequently enjoy the fragrant taste of fresh cheese.

Features of storing homemade cheese

Homemade cheese should not be stored in the refrigerator for too long: it is best to eat it within 3-4 days.

We remind you again: do not try to put it in a plastic bag - store it in a glass or enameled container.

Features of storage of brine types of cheese

Such types of cheeses as brynza, suluguni and feta are optimally placed in brine or special whey in order to preserve the quality of these products. To remove salt, such cheese is first cut and then soaked in milk for about 8-9 hours.

In particular, cheese after soaking does not deteriorate for a very long time, while suluguni does not have this quality. However, there is still a solution to this problem: “Georgian” cheese should be stored in an airtight container filled with brine. In this case, it will be fresh for three months.

Shelf life

For many, the question of how long cheese can be stored in the refrigerator is of paramount importance. The answer to it depends on which varieties of the “cow” product are in question. In particular, hard ones may not spoil for about 7-10 days. Soft varieties remain fresh for 3 days, as they age quite quickly.

As for processed cheese, it remains fresh for only 2 days, after which all the taste and useful qualities of such a product disappear. Now you know how long cheese is stored in the refrigerator.

If, for one reason or another, the “cow” product nevertheless became dry, then the situation can be corrected by soaking it in milk. If mold has formed on the cheese, then it should be cut off, and the cheese itself does not need to be thrown away: add it as an ingredient to the prepared dish. Vacuum packaging will help extend the "shelf life" of any cheese.

The traditional places of its production are the Italian provinces. As a rule, he comes from Parma, Modena, Reggio Emilia, Bologna and Mantua. Cheese produced outside of the Emilia-Romagna region should not be called Parmesan, as the name was given to the product by its producers. But, despite this, today there is a very large number of cheeses from China, Russia, Belarus, America and Australia, which are also called Parmesan.

Parmesan has over a thousand years of history. So, its publishers are called Benedictine monks from the oldest Catholic order, who really needed a product with a long shelf life.

Parmesan is prepared exclusively from the milk of those cows that were born and raised in Italy and ate only local grass or hay. Every year, cheesemaking begins on April 1st. On this day, cream is skimmed from the evening milk left in buckets overnight, from which the famous Mascarpone is prepared. Next, whole morning milk is added to this milk and heated to a temperature of 35 ° C. After that, a starter is introduced into the product, which is obtained from the gastric juice of a calf (necessarily Italian). After the cheese clot is formed, it is cut into small pieces and heated again to a temperature of 50 ° C. The whey that stands out must be removed and the cheese boiled for about an hour. Next, the cheese must be left for several hours in the fabric, and then transferred to a wooden form with small needles inside. Thanks to them, the Parmigiano Reggiano brand will appear on the finished cheese. The cheese stays in wooden forms for several days, after which it is laid out on the shelves, where the cheese ripens for 12 - 36 months.

It is worth noting that such a long aging period takes several kilograms from the cheese, but this is not very noticeable, because the diameter of a standard circle is half a meter, and the weight is 38-40 kg. Throughout this time, experienced experts control the production process: turning, rubbing, tapping. As soon as the slightest defect is found in the form of voids and cracks, the cheese is crushed and packaged and only then released for sale. Very strict selection criteria are put forward for the product. On the head that has passed the selection, a special honorary quality mark is applied - the abbreviation DOP (Denominazione di Origine Protetta). The presence of such a stamp on the head of the cheese indicates that it is a “product controlled by origin”.

There are no artificial substances in Parmesan, it has a spicy deep and rich taste and delicate aroma. In the historical homeland, Parmesan is consumed in small pieces and washed down with red wine. Grated cheese is a great addition to pasta, risotto, hot vegetable and meat dishes. It also goes well with salads and some varieties of pizza, it is part of the breading for dredging fish and sauces.

100 g of Parmesan contains on average 392 kcal.

Useful properties of Parmesan

Cheese consists of essential amino acids and fats, while the cholesterol content is low, so it is very often a part of many diets. It is also rich in vitamins A, group B and D, minerals (calcium, phosphorus), making it one of the important products of the children's diet.


It should also be excluded from the diet of children prone to diathesis.

What makes Parmesan so popular? The thing is that this product absorbs the body very well. It contains practically no fats and cholesterol, and also contains a large amount of vitamins and calcium. But this is not the only thing that makes him popular. The main reason is the wonderful taste of Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. It combines spicy, salty and sweet tones at the same time, and this combination is very balanced. Parmesan cheese is used in cooking, a wide variety of dishes are prepared from it, it is used in various forms.

How to choose the right cheese:

The packaging of the cheese must have the inscription: "Parmigiano-Reggiano", as well as the letters D.O.P., which confirm the control over the product from the moment of origin. All other types of parmesan are a common fake.

There are three main types of Parmesan:

  • Fresco - "fresh" cheese (1-1.5 years);
  • Vecchio - "old cheese" (1.5-2 years);
  • Stravecchio is a "very old" cheese (2-3 years old).

With age, the usefulness of the product only increases. But, this also applies to its harmfulness.

How to Test Parmesan:

Huge cheese heads, which can sometimes weigh 45 kg, are tapped and tapped to check if they are ready. If the expert does not like something, then the products are sent for the “grating” procedure. A whole head of parmesan has a mark that confirms its quality - the letters D.O.P. (Denominazione di Origine Protetta). But today, selling only whole heads of cheese does not bring profit.

Parmesan storage methods:

Once you've bought the cheese, get rid of the plastic packaging that destroys the cheese enzymes. Wax or parchment paper can be used as a wrapper.

A foil is applied over this package, on which the date of production is indicated, and the period of time before which it must be consumed, and so on.

As a rule, cheese can be stored for six months at a temperature not exceeding 6-8 ° C. Before serving the product on the table, it is rubbed. The grated product should not be stored for more than 7 days.

2013 -3-10 13:45

