
What is the best mayonnaise? How to choose the right mayonnaise.

The autonomous non-profit organization "Russian Quality System" (Roskachestvo) is a national monitoring system that conducts independent research on the quality of goods on the shelves of Russian stores and assigns the "Quality Mark" to the best Russian products.

This article is devoted to the consideration of various brands of mayonnaise, in particular those that have earned the recognition of many thousands of people on the territory of the Russian Federation.

An indispensable product

Mayonnaise has long been a part of city life. This is a quick sauce, always ready to eat. He saves in difficult situations, when guests may unexpectedly turn up or there is nothing else at hand for a snack. It even began to be produced in a lean version. Lenten mayonnaise brands "Schedro", "Ryaba", "Sloboda" will help believers and even those who are losing weight in difficult moments of lack of pickles. With those who lose weight, however, everything is more complicated.

As you know, manufacturers do not consider it necessary to produce brands of mayonnaise without sugar. Manufacturers are in no hurry to get rid of the high-calorie preservative, as it is of the natural type. If this question is fundamental, you should start cooking mayonnaise at home. But how do factories produce real mayonnaise, worthy of owning the “Quality Mark”?


To begin with, choose vegetable oil. The main condition is refined and deodorized. Further, to convert the mayonnaise into a smooth, thick, creamy emulsion, emulsifiers are added. If we consider the optimal version of quality, then lecithin is used, which is contained in egg yolk. However, the use of dry derivatives of milk, for example, or whey, is also allowed. Mustard powder can also be used as an emulsifier, which gives an incredible piquancy to mayonnaise.

In order to avoid delamination during transportation or temperature changes (especially for low- and medium-calorie products), thickeners and stabilizers are added to mayonnaise. The ideal option is xanthan and guar gums, starches, locust bean gums. These additives are not needed for mayonnaises with a high percentage of fat content.

Preservatives in mayonnaise are citric acid (vinegar) and sugar. Citric acid provides sourness and vinegary flavor, unlike those in which it is not used. Different brands have their own production technologies. Some manufacturers do not want to spoil their product with acetic acid and prefer to stick to the vector of optimal naturalness and taste.

Risk factors

Dangerous in mayonnaise are acids, dyes and flavors. If you do not want to risk your health, you can make mayonnaise at home. As it turns out, it's quite easy. The main advantage of homemade sauce is the freshness of the products and confidence in the cooking process. Mayonnaise from the counter, we can either trust or not. But let's move on to today's realities.

The results were expected

As it turned out, the most popular brands of mayonnaise in Russia with a fat content of 67% (“Provensal”) are the following:

  • Billa;
  • Globus;
  • Baisad;
  • Heinz;
  • fine life;
  • Mr.Ricco;
  • Rioba;
  • "Vkusnoteka";
  • "Bouquet";
  • "Deli";
  • "Every day";
  • "All year round";
  • "EZhK";
  • "Maheev";
  • "Dream of the hostess";
  • "Moscow Provencal";
  • "Miladora";
  • "Novosibirsk";
  • "Ryaba";
  • "Good";
  • "Oscar";
  • "Selyanochka";
  • "Sloboda";
  • "Skit";
  • "What you need";
  • "Khabarovsk";
  • "Thousand Lakes"

Among the products sent for research, 9 were released under their own brands, and 7 samples acted as the largest regional brands.

Purchases for research were carried out in various outlets of the country. The cities included Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Kislovodsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Saratov.

Quality is beyond praise

According to GOST, mayonnaise is a sauce that contains at least 50 percent fat and 1 percent egg products. These characteristics create a line between mayonnaise and mayonnaise sauce, which can contain at least 15 percent fat. The best mayonnaise is considered to be Provencal, which contains 67 percent fat.

However, the above samples were selected not just in accordance with GOST, but according to more stringent standards of the Russian quality system, which resemble an extended version of the requirements of the state standard. The composition of the product is always under the gun: 100% natural components are expected here, which should have a low level of acidity, a stable emulsion and increased density. The standard does not allow the presence of artificial preservatives in mayonnaise brands.


Thus, quality mayonnaise is a mixture of the following ingredients: vegetable oil, eggs and egg products, natural thickeners, mustard products, natural flavors and colors, antioxidants, sugar and salt.

However, according to the deputy head of the quality control organization, Elena Saratseva, mandatory technical regulations allow the use of certain artificial ingredients. It turns out that the naturalness of the product lies in its quality, and not in safety.

All of the listed samples turned out to be high-quality products without artificial components. In addition, not a single testing laboratory found traces of GMOs in the products presented.

What to watch out for

Roskachestvo limits the use of non-natural preservatives in Russian trademarks mayonnaise, which include:

  • sorbic acid and its salts;
  • benzoic acid;
  • antioxidants (including EDTA);
  • vitamins;
  • multivitamin premixes;
  • complex stabilization systems (i.e. food additives).

It may seem absurd to include vitamins in this list, because it is believed that they are of great benefit to our body. As it turns out, these additives reduce the growth of most microorganisms, especially yeasts and molds.

Preservatives help to increase an important characteristic of the product - here we are talking about the shelf life (up to 7-12 months), says Olga Tokmina, head of the Roskachestvo certification body.

open wrestling

However, as practice shows, manufacturers often do not even think about hiding the use of such additives on product labeling, hoping that the target audience is not aware of this issue. And in fact, how many people will think about the dangers of vitamins?

However, the product must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of Roskachestvo, which indicate the restriction on the use of any artificial preservatives. Violation of this requirement knocks out 16 samples from the 27 listed mayonnaise brands. The "dropped out" of the race for the title of the best 16 products, as it turned out, include benzoic (E210) or sorbic (E200) acids in their composition.

A pleasant exception was the brands of mayonnaise from the manufacturers "Every Day", Mr. Ricco, "SKIT", "Moscow Provensal", "Miladora", "Sloboda", "Ryaba", "Bouquet", "Khabarovsk", "Novosibirsk Provensal", Heinz.

In addition to the listed research procedures, the presence of heavy metals, radioactive nuclides, toxic elements, pathogenic microorganisms (including Salmonella and E. coli) in the composition of the samples is analyzed. As a result, all products submitted for testing turned out to be safe, which is good news.

"Slimmed" mayonnaise

The obligatory technical regulation, which provides for the presence of 67 percent fat content in mayonnaise brands, as it turned out in the course of the study, is often not observed. Packages confidently say that mayonnaise complies with GOST (No. 31761 "Mayonnaises and mayonnaise sauces"), but about half of the submitted samples do not meet the standard.

The fact is that manufacturers of mayonnaise brands deliberately reduce the actual amount of fat in comparison with the information stated on the label.

In 13 cases out of 27, manufacturers reduced the percentage of fat in their products. It turned out that Heinz is the brand of mayonnaise (you can see the product photo below in the article), which “sins” the most in this parameter.

"Provencal" from Heinz contains only 61 percent fat. Such actions can be regarded as a violation of consumer rights in relation to reliable information about the product. Therefore, this information was immediately sent for consideration to Rospotrebnadzor.

Expert opinion

According to Ekaterina Nesterova, executive director of the Association of Producers and Consumers of Oil and Fat Products, as a result of laboratory studies, it was found that the largest inconsistencies were found in the mass fraction of fat. The product must clearly meet the requirements and information declared about it. Unfortunately, the taste of an ordinary consumer is unlikely to be able to detect a difference in the percentage of fat, only a highly qualified taster will be able to navigate well here.

Regarding the ban on preservatives, which is included in the Roskachestvo standard, Ekaterina responds approvingly, considering it to be correct. The executive director says that even today manufacturers of many brands of mayonnaise have tightened the requirements for their products, refusing to use preservatives. Such a turn for the better is regarded as the restoration of a high production culture and the appropriate sanitary conditions necessary for this. It is no secret, says Nesterova, that preservatives are used to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms, which, however, are unlikely to appear if the production process is carried out under the necessary conditions: here are bactericidal lamps, disinfection of equipment, cleanliness of industrial premises, air, water and so on.

What brand of mayonnaise is best?

The samples subjected to examination turned out to be safe products in accordance with established standards. Some products even meet the increased quality requirements that were established by the Roskachestvo regulations. Five trademarks of domestic production received the "Quality Mark". These include:

  • "Skit";
  • Mr.Ricco;
  • "Ryaba";
  • "Bouquet";
  • "Liberty".

Mayonnaise of the Novosibirsk Provensal brand became a high-quality product.

According to the expertise, 8 more items were recognized as high-quality goods: "Selyanochka", "Oscar", Fine Life, Globus, "Housewife's Dream", "Thousand Lakes", "EZhK", "Gastronom".

We hope that the information provided in this article will help you make a choice in the grocery store.

Mayonnaise is a magical sauce that transforms the taste of many dishes. Its magic extends to a variety of dishes - from sandwiches and salads to hot dishes. Needless to say, this sauce has reached the beauty industry. Thanks to its nutritional composition, which includes egg yolk and vegetable oil, it has attracted those wishing to improve the quality of their hair. And now it is not only eaten, but also used in the form of masks for hair care. In general, the use of mayonnaise is limitless, it is almost indispensable. Especially when it comes to high-quality and natural copy. So, how to choose mayonnaise.

Look for eggs and oil in the composition: without them, nowhere

The first thing everyone should know when standing in front of a shelf with sauces in a store is that mayonnaise without eggs and vegetable oil is no good. If there are no eggs among the ingredients of the product you have chosen, or at least yolk or egg powder, then this is not mayonnaise, but mayonnaise sauce.

According to GOST 31761-2012 "Mayonnaises and mayonnaise sauces", mayonnaise must contain at least 1% of egg products. Also, it must have at least 50% fat, otherwise it is again just mayonnaise sauce, in which, according to the standard, there must be at least 15% fat.

Vegetable oil in the composition of mayonnaise can be anything: sunflower, corn, olive, soybean, mustard, camelina, rapeseed. The main thing is that it should be refined and deodorized. By the way, the use of other oils, not sunflower, does not make mayonnaise worse, anyway, their taste is depersonalized beforehand. Another thing is that during storage, these oils can give mayonnaise a specific flavor that is unusual for most Russians.

Assess the consistency and color

A high-quality sauce should be homogeneous - without grains and liquid on the surface, not liquid, not too thick, and have a consistency similar to that of sour cream. Too thick mayonnaise indicates a high content of starch and milk powder, in too liquid - a lot of water.

The color of mayonnaise depends on the composition. A palette from white to creamy-yellowish is allowed - the main thing is that it be uniform. Bright, saturated yellow color gives out a high content of dyes in the product.

Also, there should be no air bubbles or lumps in the jar. Grains in mayonnaise may indicate improper storage, and it is better not to eat such a product. If bubbles form in it, and the consistency becomes jelly-like, then this is a sign of spoilage - it is better to dispose of such a product faster. Lumps indicate that, most likely, violations were made in the technological process.

If the mayonnaise begins to delaminate, then the product has most likely expired. The second option is that the seller violated the storage conditions, or the manufacturer violated the cooking technology. In both the first and second cases, of course, the correct action is to send the mayonnaise to the trash can.

Decide on fat

Fat content is determined by the percentage of vegetable oil in mayonnaise. The mass fraction of fat in a high-calorie product is 55% or more; in the medium-calorie - 40-55%; in low-calorie - less than 40%. The favorite of buyers - Provencal - has a fat content of 67%.

If you are on a diet and you are attracted by the inscription on the packaging of mayonnaise "low-calorie", you should not think that this is a dietary product. Although it contains less vegetable oil and calories, it may contain more other "unappetizing" additives: various sweeteners, stabilizers, emulsifiers. The fact is that the greater the fat content of the product, the greater the stability of its consistency. It is worth adhering to this opinion: good mayonnaise is always a high-calorie product, and the higher its calorie content, the better. But if you want to lose weight, then it’s just better not to buy any mayonnaise at all and not stare at low-calorie representatives.

It is worth paying attention to:

  • How is mayonnaise stored? In the store, mayonnaise should be stored in a cool place without direct sunlight at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than 18 ° C. The term and temperature regime of storage of mayonnaise are indicated on the package, for each they are different. Typically, the shelf life does not exceed 30 days at a temperature of 0 to 10 °C, 20 days at a temperature of 10 to 14 °C and seven days at a temperature of 14 to 18 °C. Mayonnaise, which contains only natural preservatives - salt and vinegar or lemon juice - can be stored for no more than two weeks. If the shelf life exceeds six months, it means that artificial antioxidants, antioxidants and preservatives were used in the composition. After opening the package, mayonnaise must be stored in the refrigerator, in accordance with the instructions on the label.
  • Manufacturing date. The date of manufacture will tell you how fresh the mayonnaise is. The closer to this date the day of purchase, the greater the chance that the mayonnaise will have a richer and more delicate taste and a less pungent smell.
  • Preservatives included. Preservatives prevent spoilage of mayonnaise; without them, the product would expire within a few days. There are natural preservatives that keep the sauce fresh for up to two weeks. Even during production, chemical preservatives are used, such as potassium sorbate (E202), sodium benzoate (E211) and others, which extend the shelf life to several months. Of course, it is best to choose mayonnaise with a short shelf life, this has the fewest preservatives and no other additives.
  • Stabilizers and thickeners. During transportation, temperature changes, mayonnaise may delaminate, especially for mayonnaises of medium and low calorie content. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers introduce thickeners and stabilizers into the composition. In fatty mayonnaise, these additives are the least. Do not be afraid of natural thickeners, such as guar and xanthan gum, locust bean gum or starch.

Do NOT pay attention to:

"Olive" mayonnaise. In fact, the word “olive” on the packaging does not mean at all that the mayonnaise is made on the basis of only olive oil: this is not advisable either from an economic point of view or based on the physico-chemical properties of the oil, because it solidifies when cooled, and then the appearance of the mayonnaise is lost. . The so-called olive mayonnaise is made, like the classic one, from refined deodorized sunflower oil. If olive oil is added there, it is in very small quantities and does not affect the quality of the product in any way.

"On quail eggs". If these eggs are used in the production of such mayonnaise, then in the most minimal quantities. The basis of the product in 99% of cases is still chicken eggs. This is also supported by the fact that the price of such mayonnaise is comparable to the classic product, although quail eggs, and this is no secret, are 2.5-3 times more expensive than chicken ones by weight.

You can choose a truly high-quality product only with the help of Roskachestvo's rolling research, focusing on the Russian Quality Mark, which is worth looking for on the product label. For example, a list of the highest quality Provence mayonnaise can be found.

Mayonnaise is one of the best inventions of world cuisine. At the end of the 18th century, he took pride of place on the tables of the European nobility. Richelieu himself was crazy about this sauce.

Mayonnaise belongs to the category of noble sauces, i.e. cooked without flour. The composition of traditional mayonnaise is quite simple: olive oil, egg yolks, lemon juice, sugar, salt. It's all about the technology of its manufacture.

Since childhood, we all know what mayonnaise is, but few of us have tried real mayonnaise. After all, in our hurried age, it never occurs to anyone to make the sauce yourself, although it is not difficult to prepare at all. It is easier for us to buy mayonnaise in the store. Of course, the composition, taste, and appearance of purchased mayonnaise are far from the original, but this does not bother us.

We will not talk about the dangers and benefits of purchased mayonnaise now. This is the subject of another, separate big conversation. Today we will talk about how to choose the right mayonnaise in the store so as not to harm your health, what are the requirements for the quality of mayonnaise:

2. On the package, in addition to GOST, the manufacturer, date of manufacture and expiration date of the product must be indicated. It is best to buy mayonnaise in a glass container. This will allow you to evaluate its quality in appearance even in the store before buying.

3. Be sure to read the composition on the package. Classic mayonnaise should be made from sunflower or olive oil, egg yolks, lemon juice (or vinegar), salt, and sugar. Mayonnaise Provencal also contains mustard. Nothing else should be included. It is bad when egg powder is used instead of egg yolks. Even worse, if the composition of mayonnaise includes, in addition to (or instead of) sunflower or olive oil, other, cheap oils, such as palm, rapeseed, etc. They are sometimes indicated on the packaging as “high-quality vegetable fat”. This is nothing but modified vegetable oils - trans fats. They are not excreted from the body and settle in our vessels, causing atherosclerosis and other unpleasant diseases. Also, the composition should not contain food additives (these notorious E). And of course, we are looking for the “non-GMO” sign on the packaging.

4. Olive oil, as well as quail eggs in mayonnaise - in most cases, just a marketing ploy. Olive oil in “olive mayonnaise” is usually no more than 5-10%, and quail eggs are contained in mayonnaise at best in the form of a small amount of egg powder. So is it worth paying extra for it? After all, such mayonnaises are more expensive.

5. Mayonnaise can't be easy! Or maybe it's not mayonnaise. Mayonnaise is conceived as a fatty sauce, the main component of which is oil. If the package says “light mayonnaise”, then this means that water has been added instead of oil, and in order to bind all the mayonnaise components together, a huge amount of thickeners, stabilizers and emulsifiers have been added, which does not add any usefulness to the product at all.

6. Pay attention to the shelf life of mayonnaise indicated on the package. High-quality mayonnaise cannot be stored for more than 3 months. If the shelf life is higher, then there are too many preservatives in the mayonnaise. We also look at whether the storage conditions for mayonnaise in the store correspond to those indicated on the package. Otherwise, due to improper storage, it may deteriorate even in the store.

At home, you can also check the quality of the purchased mayonnaise.

High-quality mayonnaise should be of a homogeneous consistency with virtually no air bubbles, no lumps. The presence of lumps indicates a violation of the cooking technology. And if the mayonnaise exfoliates, then it is spoiled.

Mayonnaise color should be white or creamy. A brighter color indicates the presence of dyes.

A good mayonnaise should be of medium thickness. Very thick mayonnaise contains a large amount of starch or milk powder, while thin mayonnaise contains a lot of water. You can check the presence of starch in mayonnaise by dropping iodine on it. If there is starch, then the mayonnaise will turn blue.

And another easy way to check mayonnaise for quality. Spread a piece of bread with mayonnaise and turn over. The right mayonnaise will not slip off the bread, and the wrong one will flop down. So be careful!

You can find high-quality mayonnaise in the store. But it's still better and healthier to cook it yourself. Moreover, it is not difficult at all.

Mayonnaise is an amazing sauce. Having it on hand, you can not be afraid of guests who suddenly appear, something, and mayonnaise will turn appetizers or simple salads into a truly festive meal. Why is there food, today even therapeutic hair masks are made from mayonnaise. All in all, an essential product. Especially if you come across a high-quality and natural copy.

The magazine QUALITY.RU had already published popular brands of mayonnaise, and then out of five, only two samples turned out to be without preservatives. Now we have decided to check ten samples and sent them for examination to the Sergiev Posad branch of the Federal Budgetary Institution "CSM of the Moscow Region".

During the Soviet Union, the production of mayonnaise was approached very seriously, there was even a special industry production standard (OST), which not only gave a clear classification of mayonnaise and listed the range of items, but also gave recipes. Adopted in 1992, GOST divided mayonnaise into high-calorie (more than 55% fat), medium-calorie (40-55%) and low-calorie (below 40%). Only there were no recipes in the document. Perhaps this untied the hands of mayonnaise craftsmen, who began to give out sauces according to their proprietary recipes. Then all sorts of “lean” versions appeared, “with lemon”, “without animal fats”, etc.

But still, what is the right mayonnaise made of? The first and main ingredient is vegetable oil, no matter what it will be: sunflower, corn, olive, rapeseed ... here, as they say, the taste and color. An important condition is that any oil for mayonnaise must be refined and deodorized.

In order for the mayonnaise to eventually turn into a thick, homogeneous, creamy emulsion, emulsifiers are added to the composition. Ideally, the manufacturer uses the lecithin contained in the egg yolk. But it is also allowed to use dry milk derivatives, such as whey or soy lecithin. Mustard powder can also act as an emulsifier, which additionally gives mayonnaise a unique piquancy.

So that mayonnaise does not delaminate during transportation or temperature changes (especially for medium-calorie and low-calorie mayonnaise), stabilizers and thickeners are added to it. It is good if these are plant products - guar and xanthan gums, carob bean gums, starches. Fatty mayonnaises do not need these additives.

Acid is used as a preservative in mayonnaise. Most often, manufacturers use ordinary vinegar, citric acid or lemon juice. Until recently, their content was regulated by GOST, but now everything is left to the discretion of the manufacturers. Therefore, some mayonnaises are famous for being more sour and vinegary in flavor than others, which have a more neutral taste.

It is worse if benzoic or sorbic acid was used in the composition - these are already preservatives in their pure form and their content is normalized depending on the fat content of the sauce: the lower it is, the more preserving substances can be.

But back to our probants. The results of the examination confirmed their safety in terms of microbiological indicators and the content of preservatives. With freshness, which can be judged by the peroxide number, everything turned out to be in order too. The emulsion stability indicator did not cause any complaints from experts either, for all mayonnaises it turned out to be almost perfect - 99-100%. Corresponds to the declared and the mass fraction of fat samples.

After analyzing the labeling of mayonnaises, the experts came to the conclusion that samples from "Sloboda" And "Ryaby". By the way, last time Sloboda mayonnaise also turned out to be the best according to the results of the examination.

And here is another excellent student of the last study - mayonnaise "SKIT", which then pleased with a clean, preservative-free recipe, this time unpleasantly surprised. Modified starch, whey protein concentrate, guar and xanthan gum provided the proper consistency and stability of the emulsion in a fresh sample of "SKITA".

However, mayonnaises of other brands also contained preservatives, stabilizers, and flavors. IN "Classic" by Calve the composition does not indicate what kind of oil the mayonnaise was made from, although the manufacturer is obliged to do so.

But the overseas guest was especially surprised by the experts - "Golden Mayonnaise" stamps "Ottogi". The label of mayonnaise from South Korea indicates the antioxidant E1102 - glucose oxidase. Not only was this additive excluded from the list of food additives allowed for the production of food products, but it has never been used in Russia for the production of mayonnaise.

By the way

On July 1, 2012, a new GOST (in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 90-FZ "Technical Regulations for Oil and Fat Products") comes into force, which will separate real mayonnaises from mayonnaise sauces. According to the new document, mayonnaise may contain milk products, food additives and other ingredients at the discretion of the manufacturer, but at the same time, unlike mayonnaise sauce, it must contain yolks or whole eggs.

The fat content of real mayonnaise cannot be lower than 50%, and it is enough for mayonnaise sauces to gain 35% fat content to be called such.

All other low-fat sauces will have to be renamed under the circumstances.

Also in development is a special GOST for Provencal mayonnaise. Its fat content will be, as in Soviet times, high - 67%, but the composition is short: butter, yolk, salt, sugar and vinegar. And no additives.

"Olive Provencal" / "Sloboda"(JSC "EFKO", Belgorod region)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.2

Flavors - not declared

Thickeners - not declared

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - not declared

"Provencal" RYABA(JSC Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 4.8

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - not declared

Thickeners - not declared

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Olive" / Hainz(LLC "Petroprodukt - Otradnoe", Leningrad region)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.9

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.7

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Thickeners - pectin

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Classic" CALVE(OOO Unilever Rus, Moscow)

Mass fraction of fat% - 41.6

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.4

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg / kg - 848.9

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - natural, identical to natural

Thickeners - modified starch

Antioxidants - sorbic acid, EDTA calcium-sodium

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Classic" RICCO(JSC "Kazan Fat Plant", Republic of Tatarstan)

Mass fraction of fat% - 55.5

Peroxide value, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.8

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg / kg - 491.3

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - black pepper extract

Thickeners - guar, xanthan gum, starch

Antioxidants - sorbic acid

Dyes - not declared

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Classic" Moscow Provencal("Moscow Fat Plant")

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.4

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.1

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - sorbic acid - 287.9; benzoic acid - 455.0 Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not detected

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - mustard flavor identical to natural

Thickeners - guar and xanthan gum, modified starch

Antioxidants - potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Olive" SKIT(LLC "Company SKIT", Moscow)

Mass fraction of fat% - 67.0

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - flavors of mustard and olives, identical to natural

Thickeners - E1414

Antioxidants - not declared

Dyes - not declared

Sweeteners other than sugar - not declared

"Provencal with lemon juice" MAHEEV(CJSC Essen Production AG, Tatarstan)

Mass fraction of fat% - 55.8

Peroxide value, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.2

Mass concentration of sorbic acid mg/kg - 472.6

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - natural flavor "Mustard"

Thickeners - starch

Antioxidants - potassium sorbate

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweetener - "Saccharin"

"Provencal" NASTYA(LLC "Clever-P", Moscow region)

Mass fraction of fat% - 55.4

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.0

Mass concentration of sorbic acid mg/kg - 521.9

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Flavors - flavor identical to natural "Mustard"

Stabilizers - E412, E415

Preservative - potassium sorbate

Dyes - beta-carotene

Sweetener - "Sladin 200 K"

"Golden" OTTOGI (Republic of Korea)

Mass fraction of fat% - 79.4

Peroxide number, mmol of active oxygen/kg of fat - 2.6

Mass concentration of benzoic and sorbic acids mg/kg - less than 10

Bacteria of the Escherichia coli group - not found

Pathogenic microorganisms, incl. salmonella - not detected

Thickeners - E 415

Antioxidant - E 1102

Mayonnaise is used in many dishes: this versatile sauce is suitable for salads and the second, and some people put it in soups. We figure out how to choose mayonnaise and what it happens.

Everyone knows that mayonnaise is a high-calorie product that cannot be called a healthy diet. And yet, salads with it are very popular, and the question of which mayonnaise is better to buy becomes especially relevant on the eve of the New Year.

How to choose mayonnaise

  • Compound. It must contain natural oils: olive or sunflower. Also, the composition should include eggs (or egg powder), mustard, milk powder or cream, salt, sugar, vinegar or lemon juice. Moreover, all these products should be in the first lines of the composition. High-quality mayonnaise should not contain corn oil, starch, emulsifiers and monosodium glutamate. If you didn’t see oils in the composition at all, you shouldn’t take such a sauce: the lowest quality oil could be used for its preparation.
  • Calorie content. Interestingly, higher-quality mayonnaise will be high-calorie - it has the fewest extraneous additives. Mayonnaise with a fat content of more than 55% is healthier than lean or low-calorie mayonnaise: thickeners, emulsifiers and artificial fats are added to such sauces, which negatively affect the body.
  • Package. It is best to buy mayonnaise in glass jars. So you can look at the sauce itself, and the glass will not emit harmful substances, unlike low-quality plastic.
  • Consistency and color. Mayonnaise should be homogeneous, thick, without extraneous inclusions. Color can vary from white to light yellow. Many people think that the pleasant yellow mayonnaise is more natural, but this may mean that a dye has been added to it. By the way, to determine whether mayonnaise contains starch, put a drop of iodine on a spoon with mayonnaise: if the speck turns blue, then the starch was still used. There will be no harm from it, but if starch is not indicated in the composition, this is a reason to talk about the manufacturer's dishonesty.
  • Shelf life. Good mayonnaise has a short shelf life: 2-3 months. For six months or more, the sauce will be stored if there are preservatives in the composition.

What is mayonnaise

  • "Provencal". The most popular and versatile mayonnaise that goes well with all dishes. It should contain at least 65-67% fat, and Provencal tastes sour and tender. This sauce should contain mustard, vinegar or lemon juice.
  • "Olive". Unfortunately, you can’t just buy mayonnaise with real olive oil: the cost of this product is too high. The most ordinary vegetable oil is put into the "Olive" mayonnaise, and if olive oil is added, then in such quantities that it has neither benefit nor smell.
  • "On quail eggs". Some people think that such mayonnaise is lighter and healthier than usual. In fact, everyone makes a similar sauce using the same chicken eggs or egg powder, and there are very few quail eggs, otherwise it would be very expensive. There can be only one real mayonnaise on quail eggs: the one that you cook yourself.
  • "With Lemon Juice" Such mayonnaise should have a pleasant sour taste and, accordingly, the composition should contain lemon juice.
  • "Cheese". When buying such mayonnaise, be sure to read the composition. It may contain additional flavorings and dyes, which give the sauce the taste and smell of cheese. Most often, cheese mayonnaise contains two flavors: cheese and mustard, but there is no cheese itself in the sauce.
  • "Low calorie". Let's talk about this mayonnaise again: it is this type of sauce that is most harmful due to the presence of preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial fats and thickeners. Roughly speaking, it has much more chemistry than all other types of mayonnaise, although it really has fewer calories.


Mayonnaise cannot be called a useful product, moreover, in large quantities it is completely harmful. Of course, if you use mayonnaise several times a year, in salads, nothing terrible will happen - if you do not have a predisposition to diseases in which you can not eat fatty foods.

It is worth remembering that mayonnaise is a fatty and high-calorie product, and it is better to buy the kind that contains the fewest ingredients. A short shelf life is also an indicator of better mayonnaise.

And the best thing, of course, is to cook mayonnaise at home, on your own. Then you can adjust the amount of additives yourself, put quail eggs, natural mustard and lemon juice, even cheese - whatever you want. We told and even showed how to make mayonnaise at home: check out ours - making the sauce is very simple, it only takes 5 minutes.

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