
Natural yoghurt sauce with garlic. Low Calorie Yogurt Sauce Recipes

There are many holidays ahead, and you will surely deal with the hot one yourself. And to make the dishes tastier, we offer 5 options for Greek yogurt sauces that are suitable for meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and even fruits.

We asked for sauces Natalya, a PR and Internet marketer whose passion for gastronomy took her from her Minsk office two years ago to the Ragout culinary school in Moscow. Now Natalia, in parallel with her work in Minsk, is engaged in various culinary projects.

Yogurt sauces are very easy to prepare and go well with different dishes. Therefore, a couple of cans in the refrigerator will allow you to quickly cook something interesting in the evening for yourself or for sudden guests.

Almost all yogurt sauces go well with potato wedges, carrot sticks, bread rolls, or grilled vegetables. And each of them, depending on the type, can reveal a meat, fish or vegetable dish in a special way.

Natalya warns that yogurt sauces are not suitable for baking and will not replace mayonnaise (before the New Year, for some reason, everyone begins to actively give such “useful” advice). Yogurt is a fermented milk product, and mayonnaise is based on vegetable oil and yolk, so these are completely different stories.


Greek yogurt (5 pcs.) - 4 rubles.
Fresh cucumber (1 pc.) - 90 kopecks
Apple (1 pc.) - 25 kop.
French mustard (25 g) - 21 kopecks.
Dill (40 g) - 65 kop.
Parsley (40 g) - 56 kop.
Mint (10 g) - 35 kop.
Pickled cucumber (2 pcs.), Garlic (2 cloves) - everyone can find
Honey, salt, curry, paprika, saffron - to taste


This sauce is best seasoned with fruit salads or served with pancakes or pancakes. Samo the combination of yogurt and honey is a traditional Greek dish often served as a dessert.

Add honey, lemon juice to yogurt and mix. The amount of ingredients can be adjusted to taste.


Sauce with mint is already a Turkish story, Natalya explains. - Moreover, we use dried mint not only because it is winter, but also because it suits better for such sauces. In Turkey, this sauce is used with almost any dish - it has a fresh and bright taste. It goes especially well with fish, grilled vegetables or salad mix.

Add mint, lemon juice and a little salt to the yogurt.


Tzatziki is a self-sufficient dish and in Greece is sometimes served even as a separate cold appetizer. But the sauce is ideal for vegetables (especially eggplant), peppers, grilled zucchini, pies with hearty fillings or chicken pieces.

First you need to grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, add a little salt and leave for 5 minutes. This is necessary so that excess moisture comes out of the cucumber and the sauce remains thick. Cucumbers will need to be squeezed out by hand.

Add squeezed cucumbers, dill, grated garlic and salt to taste to yogurt.


Tartar sauce is usually prepared on a mayonnaise basis, but in this case, variations with yogurt are just acceptable. A mandatory component is either pickles or capers. This sauce goes well with oily fish such as trout, any other seafood and red meat. And if in a hurry, then you can serve it with rye bread or potato wedges.

Coarsely grate pickles, add parsley, French mustard, garlic and Greek yogurt.


Yogurt combined with curry is already an Indian story. The sauce goes great with chicken and vegetables.

We rub the apple on a coarse grater, then add Greek yogurt, mustard, curry, sweet and spicy paprika and salt to taste to the apple.

Natalia advises keeping the sauces in the refrigerator for about an hour before serving. So the taste will open up better and become brighter, but the sauce will be good immediately after cooking.


In an hour, we prepared five sauces with a total volume of about 1 kg, spending 7 rubles on all the ingredients. The price of salad dressing with yogurt and curry sauce of the Kuhne brand for 250 g varies from 3.79 to 4 rubles. So, we saved 9 rubles. And they were satisfied.

Photo: website.

I have few culinary principles, but I always adhere to this: if there is fish on the table, then there should be sauce somewhere nearby. Fish without sauce is ordinary and boring, fish with sauce is original and tasty. At the same time, the sauce does not have to be complex - even the simplest emulsion of olive and lemon juice with finely chopped parsley works wonders. or - slightly more complex, but very tasty sauces that go perfectly with fish.

However, all the examples above refer to white fish, which is not very oily and has a rather delicate, delicate taste. When it comes to red fish, my answer will be different: yogurt. Its light sourness and delicate silkiness perfectly smooth and set off the assertive taste of salmon. You can serve this sauce with any red fish from trout to pink salmon, fried, boiled or baked, and the ability to cook it with your favorite herbs, spices and other additives opens up a huge scope for creativity.

Yogurt sauce for fish

For this sauce, you need thick yogurt - and by "thick" I mean one that doesn't flow, but only turns reluctantly with a spoon. If you couldn’t find such yogurt (it’s more difficult than it seems), take a regular one, fold it over two layers of gauze and let the excess liquid drain, and then proceed to prepare the sauce.

However, “cooking” is too strong a word. All that is required of you is to finely chop the garlic and tarragon leaves (aka tarragon) and add to the yogurt along with lemon juice, salt and freshly ground pepper. Stir yogurt with additives until smooth and serve with red fish.

Leftover sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days and served with both hot and cold fish. If you feel like tweaking the sauce recipe for the better, try adding dill greens, lemon zest, shallots, and the right spices, from cumin seeds to dried.

By the summer, many people want to lose a couple of extra pounds, so in April-May you have to especially monitor your diet, not overloading the diet with too high-calorie dishes. At the same time, you don’t feel like starving or eating something lean all the time - both salads and main dishes are always tastier with sauce. In this article, we will talk about recipes for yogurt sauces that will add additional flavors to dishes, but will not affect the waist at all.

Yoghurt sauces, along with the promotion of healthy and proper nutrition, are becoming more common. And this is not surprising - tasty, fragrant, such sauces complement the taste of a wide variety of dishes, without making their caloric content several times higher, as is the case, for example, with mayonnaise. Another plus is that such sauces are extremely easy to prepare, especially if you have a yogurt maker with which you can make homemade natural yogurt without additives at any time - the main ingredient for such sauces.

We will talk about yogurt recipes suitable for different dishes.

cucumber yogurt dip recipe

You will need: 50 mo of unsweetened yogurt 1% fat, 15 ml of odorless vegetable oil, 1 clove of garlic and cucumber, black and red ground pepper, salt.

How to make Cucumber Yogurt Sauce. Peel the cucumber, grate on a fine grater, squeeze out the liquid, salt, pepper, mix with crushed garlic and chopped parsley, pour in yogurt, oil, mix until smooth.

This sauce is great for main courses and salads.

Spicy Garlic Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: ½ cup natural yogurt, ½ tsp. mustard, garlic, chives, parsley, salt.

How to make a spicy yogurt sauce. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with chopped chives and parsley, mustard, salt, pour in yogurt and mix.

olive oil yogurt sauce recipe

You will need: 200-250 ml of natural unsweetened yogurt, 60-70 ml of olive oil, 30-40 g of fresh parsley / cilantro, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tbsp. lime / lemon juice, 1.5 tsp balsamic white wine vinegar, salt.

How to make yogurt and olive oil sauce. Coarsely chop the greens, put in a blender bowl, add the remaining ingredients, mix until smooth. For piquancy, you can add mustard, gherkins, if the sauce is for fish dishes - sprat or anchovies.

This sauce is suitable as a seasoning for fish, meat dishes, pita bread rolls, sandwiches, salads and vegetables.

Salted Cheese Yogurt Sauce Recipe

You will need: 250 ml of natural yogurt, 200 g of Adyghe cheese / cheese, 5-6 mint leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 3 tbsp. olive oil, black pepper, salt.

How to make cheese yogurt sauce. Pass the garlic through a press, add chopped mint, crumbled cheese, mix with a mixer, add crushed garlic, oil and mix again, pepper and salt the sauce.

This sauce is ideal for dressing vegetable salads.

Blue cheese yogurt sauce recipe

You will need: 100 ml of natural yogurt, 50-80 g of blue cheese, 30 ml of white wine such as sherry, Madeira or vermouth, 1 pinch of grated nutmeg, ground or fresh red hot pepper.

How to make yogurt sauce with blue cheese. Mix yogurt, wine, nutmeg and hot pepper, add grated cheese, mix with a blender until smooth.

It is better to serve such a sauce with turkey or chicken dishes, from fresh vegetables.

Recipe for yogurt sauce with vegetables for grilled dishes

You will need: 200 g of natural yogurt, 8-10 green / black olives, 1 clove of garlic and a tomato, 1-2 tbsp. chopped green onion, black pepper, salt.

How to make yogurt sauce with vegetables. Grind all products and mix with yogurt, you can also do this with a blender.

More ideas for yogurt sauces

  • Oriental yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, ½ tsp. zira, a pinch of paprika, pepper and salt.
  • Béarnaise yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp each chopped parsley and tarragon, ½ tsp. mustard, celery or spicy salt.
  • Tartar yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tsp. chopped pickled cucumbers / gherkins, ½ tbsp. mustard, parsley, salt.
  • Pepper yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 5 peppercorns, ½ tsp. mustard and black ground pepper.
  • Dill yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. chopped dill, ½ tbsp mustard. Salt.
  • American yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, 1 tbsp. tomato paste, gherkins/pickles, sugar, salt.
  • Indian yogurt sauce: ½ cup yogurt, ½ tsp. ground zira, ground ginger, turmeric and ground coriander, cinnamon, ground black pepper.

Any yogurt should be allowed to brew after cooking for a couple of hours in the refrigerator - this will allow the flavors and aromas to open up and mix. Eat deliciously, with pleasure and without harm to the figure!

Yogurt-based sauces are a great alternative to unhealthy factory-made sauces like mayonnaise, as they contain very little animal fat. By making yogurt at home, you can keep the amount of preservatives, colors, and flavors to a minimum. In a word, this is a great way to make your food healthy and tasty, and the low calorie content of such a dish will be a nice gift for those who are fond of diets.

We offer a recipe for yogurt sauce with garlic, which is ideal for fish. For the base, it is best to use Greek yogurt, because our sauce comes from Greece, but it will also be delicious with the usual if you know a few secrets.

Firstly, it is best to choose a product with a fat content of 2.5%, otherwise the finished dish will turn out to be too watery.

Secondly, it is necessary to wrap the yogurt in cheesecloth a day before the intended preparation, hang it over a bowl and wait until the excess liquid drains. Then our sauce will be thicker and richer in taste.

So we will need:

200 ml yogurt
- a few cloves of garlic (depending on how spicy you want to get)
- ½ teaspoon mustard (Dijon or plain)
- juice of a slice of lemon (to taste)
- 1 cucumber
- Greens to taste (parsley, tarragon and mint go well with our ingredients)
- Salt
- Pepper

garlic yogurt sauce recipe

Step 1. Peel the cucumber, grate it, sprinkle with salt and leave for 20 minutes. Finely chop the greens, sprinkle with lemon juice, remember a little with your hands or a spoon. Garlic must be passed through a press or chopped with a knife.

Step 2. Drain excess moisture from the cucumbers or blot them with a paper towel, combine with garlic and herbs and mix in a blender at high speed. If you don't have a blender, you can do it by hand, but then the sauce will be uneven.

Step 3. Add yogurt, mustard, taste and add salt, pepper or lemon juice if needed.

Our culinary delight is ready to eat right away or refrigerate for several hours. Whether in a crystal vase, on a bed of lettuce, or on a plate next to a juicy steak, this garlic yoghurt dressing will brighten up any table.

Bon appetit! Share the recipe with your friends!

Garlic sauce is a salad dressing, a marinade for meat, and an independent sauce for any product. This is an indispensable food that will help out in many situations.
Recipe content:

The variety of garlic sauces is now huge. They are all prepared in different ways and from different products. Some of these recipes are already on the site. You can easily find them using the search bar. All varieties of garlic sauces are usually very easy to prepare: you just need to mix all the ingredients in one bowl. More complex options require certain skills, such as being able to work with a pestle or beat the yolks until smooth to get the consistency of mayonnaise. The main thing is that all varieties of garlic sauces can be made in your own kitchen, and if you change some ingredients, the sauce will not get bored for a long time.

This sauce recipe is good because it is not as high-calorie as its counterparts. The basis is low-fat yogurt and sour cream with a minimum fat content (15%). If you want to lose a few extra pounds by the summer, while you can’t deny yourself your usual food, then this sauce will help combine both of your desires. This yogurt sauce will not affect the waist in any way, while giving the dishes an extra touch of piquant taste. An added bonus is that the sauce is super easy to make. You can buy yogurt for the recipe at any supermarket, or you can cook it yourself in a yogurt maker. Well, if you are not afraid of extra pounds, then you can safely replace yogurt with mayonnaise or cream.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 305 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 500 ml
  • Cooking time - 10 minutes


  • Sour cream 15% - 250 ml
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
  • Low fat yogurt - 250 ml
  • Green onion - bunch
  • Dill - bunch

Step by step recipe for making yoghurt garlic sauce:

1. Pour yogurt into a deep container.

2. Pour sour cream into it.

3. Peel the garlic and pass through a press or crush in a mortar.

4. Wash the greens (dill and green onion) and dry well with a paper towel. After a sharp knife, finely chop and add to the products.

5. Mix well, taste and add a little salt if needed.
  • Since dairy products are used to prepare the sauce, therefore, they must be chilled, because. in a warm room, the sauce may turn sour.
  • Store the finished sauce only in the refrigerator in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid.
  • Its shelf life is not long - 3 days. Of course, it can be stored longer, but the taste will not be the same.
  • Use the sauce for salads, shawarma, marinate meat and fish, season soups and borscht, serve with barbecue and fish steak.
