
Medicinal properties of wine. Oenotherapy

It is still not known exactly who, where and when made the first wine. The only fact that is certain is that since people learned that the fermentation process turns simple grape juice into an amazing drink, our lives have become much more fun.

The dispute between connoisseurs of wine and its detractors lasted for more than one thousand years, but not so long ago the strife came to an end. It has been convincingly shown that moderate wine consumption has positive impact on the body, because the healing properties of wine can hardly be overestimated. Even a whole scientific system of wine treatment has been created - enotherapy.

With their healing properties wine is obliged to biologically active substances - flavonoids contained in grapes. During various natural shakings: thunderstorm, hail or drought, these substances are intensively accumulated in the berries. Wine contains a natural vaccine against old age, because thanks to flavonoids, the body is cleansed of toxins and "bad" cholesterol. It is they who reduce the increased arterial pressure and blood sugar levels, strengthen the vascular wall and prevent the formation of blood clots. If science could isolate flavonoids in pure form and create based on them medicinal product- it would be a real elixir of youth and longevity, and most effective remedy for the treatment of cancer.

One glass of wine contains daily dose B vitamins, nicotinic acid and rutin, necessary to prevent strokes and heart attacks. Vitamin C is not there, it is destroyed during manufacture, but there is a lot of vitamin P, which helps the body absorb and accumulate ascorbic acid from other products.

To date, 24 trace elements have been found in wine, half of them are antioxidants. All wines contain glycerin, which is used in the form of tablets for diseases of the nervous system. The pectins of this drink help the body get rid of radioactive compounds. Natural antibiotics are detrimental to many microbes that cause tooth decay, sore throats and intestinal infections. Tartaric acid excites the digestive glands and increases appetite, malic acid eliminates bile stasis.

The acidity of wine is the same as that of gastric juice, so wine promotes digestion. Potassium salts have a diuretic effect. The melatonin contained in the skin of grapes is an excellent remedy for insomnia. To list all the medicinal properties of wine is to write a book. One glass contains a whole pharmacological reference book, just drink it, and your body will read and assimilate.

Wine will help against old age and disease

Wines of different types have different properties. For older people, old red wine will be useful, as it "warms" the body. This "milk" is for old people. It helps with insomnia, half a glass of grape wine will provide healthy sleep as opposed to sleeping pills.

Wine must be included in the diet for Alzheimer's disease and just to improve memory with senile forgetfulness. Long-livers consider wine to be a remedy for old age. It gives a pleasant peace, dispels fears, worries - what is not a cure for depression. To maintain weakened cardiac activity, light white wines are good, they are also prescribed for atherosclerosis with mineral water.

Red wines with a lot of tannins are useful for indigestion, and white wines for a tendency to constipation. Red wines are indispensable for anemia and beriberi. People who are emaciated and weakened by illness need a few tablespoons of Madeira or port wine a day. With an exacerbation of tuberculosis, red wine is detrimental to mycobacteria and is good for appetite. It is also known that white wines have a tonic and mild diuretic effect. Champagne will help with a breakdown, and if it is strongly cooled, it can stop vomiting. With sore throat, it is good to gargle with warm red wine, and hot sweet mulled wine will help with flu, colds and bronchitis.

Try with a strong cough to prepare the following mixture. Half fill a glass with hot tea, squeeze the juice of one lemon into it, add tbsp. cognac and honey, top up with warm red wine. Take this at night and in the morning you will forget about the cold.

Drink wine in moderation

The stumbling block is that wine is an alcoholic drink. And it should be taken in moderate doses. But we must remember that alcohol is a natural product of metabolism. In the blood and tissues of an absolutely sober person, it is from 30 to 60 mg per liter. The maximum alcohol in the blood occurs an hour after its use, after 12 hours the level is restored to normal. At a blood concentration of 0.5 g per liter, the cerebral cortex, centers of attention and self-control react. This dose is easily detected by the traffic police. When the dose is increased to a gram per liter, a person does not control muscles well, speech impairment and an uncontrollable desire to sing appear. 2 g per liter put to bed anywhere right on the spot.

But wine is not diluted alcohol, it is only 9 to 14% in dry grape wines. A healthy man, taking 300-400 ml of such wine per day, will receive more benefit than harm. Women are recommended half the dose, and table wines are not contraindicated during pregnancy. A significant dose for the treatment of hypertension and atherosclerosis is 30 g pure alcohol, in terms of table wine 300 ml per day.

Wine is best drunk diluted. Optimal proportion 2/3 water and 1/3 wine, or 1/4 wine and 3/4 water. In any case, the wine should be slightly less than half. It is advisable to dilute red wines with boiling water and drink warmed up, and white wines - with ice-cold boiled water and drink chilled.

It is better to drink wine with meals

Reception of table wine must be combined with food. After all, it is designed to ensure that food is absorbed with maximum benefit. Various wines stimulate gastric secretion in different ways. A glass of wine causes the release of the same amount of gastric juice, the composition of which depends on the composition of the drink. Recommended before meals small portion Madeira, sherry or vermouth. The feeling of appetite at this moment can turn into a feeling of hunger. There is not just a desire to quickly eat something, but I want to eat something quite specific.

Table red wine makes many people want to taste hot juicy meat, and white wines look at fish dishes. Sweet dessert wine excites a different hunger - fruit. The custom of serving red wine with meat and white wine with fish is not an invention of culinary specialists, but the desire to satisfy a normal need. WITH vegetable dishes dry and semi-sweet wines are well combined. For dessert, it is customary to serve sweet and liqueur wines. Champagne is celebratory drink. It can be drunk throughout the dinner and with various dishes, with drier varieties at the beginning, and sweeter varieties at the end.

The main rule to follow when choosing a bottle is that life is too short to drink bad wines.

Today it is becoming more and more popular home winemaking. Wine made by hand is a great drink. It will delight with its rich taste and provide good mood. After all, homemade wine drink does not contain harmful chemical impurities and preservatives. On the contrary, vitamins, trace elements and acids are present in the composition. Wine contains vitamins C, PP, and group B. There are antioxidants, essential oils, tannins.

Medicinal properties of homemade wine

The benefits of homemade wine have been proven for a long time. Since time immemorial, not only Italians and Spaniards have used medicinal properties. The Tsarist Russian State used wine methods for the treatment of various ailments.

The French nation at all times consumed wine drinks at dinner. And statistics show that France has a low threshold for cardiovascular disease.

  1. wine use for colds and colds. The wine is heated, but it should not be brought to a boil. There are many recipes for the preparation of such a medicine. IN hot drink add lemon or orange zest, cinnamon, cloves and other spices to your taste. Drink warm.
  2. Red dry wine prevents the development of tumors. Has anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. It is very useful to use homemade wines for the elderly. With a decline in strength and weakness.
  4. Homemade wine is not only capable of relieve pressure And cholesterol level, but it is the same lowers sugar content in blood. So drinking some dry wine is also good for diabetics.
  5. It has a beneficial therapeutic effect on the entire circulatory system, including anemia, heart disease. Prevents the development of strokes and heart attacks.
  6. Moderate consumption of quality wine strengthens the body, improves the quality of sleep.
  7. Reduces the formation of urolithiasis.
  8. It improves appetite, assimilation of food, normalizes the acidity of the stomach and has a beneficial effect on metabolism.
  9. Removes toxins from the body.
  10. Dry wine prevents the development of diseases of the oral cavity.
  11. Wine prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

For each disease, you need to use wine from a specific ingredient.

Red or white

White wine Ideal for people who want to lose weight. This type of wine stimulates weight loss. Helps in the fight against cellulite. Reduces appetite.

Red wine more nutritious than white. But the ruby ​​elixir contains more vitamins. Red wine is an excellent antioxidant. Beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Has an antitoxic effect.

Variety of house wines

Today you can find great amount various recipes making wine at home.

The ingredients are also very varied. Many people think that wine can only be made from grapes. But this is far from true.

Wine is made from grapes, apples, pears, plums, chokeberries, various currants, raspberries, strawberries. This list can be continued indefinitely.

Someone has their own preferences, someone likes to experiment. But many are engaged in making homemade wine from a certain ingredient, for the treatment and prevention of any disease.

Apple wine is good for digestion, supports the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Normalizes body weight. Removes from the body extra salt. Contains pectin, iodine and fiber.

Blackcurrant and black ashberry wine has a beneficial effect on blood formation. The necessary elements contained in berry wine strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them less fragile and more elastic.

Plum wine is suitable for people with intestinal problems. The drink will restore the intestines and adjust its work.

Raspberry, as well as strawberry, strawberry, blueberry wines taste extraordinary. They have an unsurpassed saturated color. Such drinks will enrich the body with iron and acids.

And of course grape wine. You can make both red and white wine. Many varieties of grapes can be used to make wines.

The benefits and harms of home winemaking

It is worth considering that homemade wine benefits and harms, which depends on the amount of elixir consumed. wine gives healing effect with small quantities. With a large amount of wine consumed, not only will the medicinal properties not appear, but the body will receive enormous harm to health.

Benefits of homemade wine

The benefits are pretty obvious. Homemade natural wine, without any impurities and flavorings. Ingredients are chosen according to your taste. Saturation, strength and sweetness can be adjusted.

Harm of home wine

People prone to allergic reactions, as well as those suffering from asthmatic diseases, should be wary of drinking red wine.

During the preparation of wine, various reactions occur. Many substances are produced. If you do not follow the recipes and rules for making a wine drink, you can get, instead of tasty and healthy wine, quite the opposite.

And of course, the main thing is to know the measure. You can drink a glass of wine before lunch or dinner.

Basics of making homemade wine

Making wine is a rather lengthy process. So you need to be patient. From the correct preparation, will depend not only taste qualities, but also the benefits of the drink, and most importantly the harm.

Wine is forbidden, but there are four "buts": It depends on who, with whom, when and in moderation, whether he drinks wine. Subject to these four conditions All sane wine is allowed. Omar Khayyam

In wine, longing seeks relief, cowardice - courage, indecision - confidence, sadness - joy, but they find only death. Benjamin Johnson

Wine is good for human life if you drink it in moderation. Sirach

Wine communicates to everyone who drinks it four qualities. At first, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and begins to joke and flirt with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in the end, he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud. Abu'l-Faraj

They don't pour... young wine into old wineskins... Matthew

Don't be brave against wine, for wine has ruined many. Sirach

The healing properties of wines have been known for a long time. So, in ancient Greece, wine was used as an antiseptic. Wine was given to the wounded, bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In the countries of Western Europe, wine therapy began to spread during the early Middle Ages. Wine was then considered the "drink of the gods" and began to attribute magical properties to it.

Louis Pasteur also said that wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks. The chemical composition and physiological properties of grape wines are suitable for their use for medical purposes - wine therapy. The science of wine treatment and the use of grape wines in medicinal purposes called enotherapy.

Wine therapy (the official name is enotherapy) as an independent direction in medicine was formed at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries in the southwestern regions of France. It was then that doctors and scientists managed for the first time to systematize the knowledge accumulated by the people over many centuries. By the way, today it is there, on the territory from Bordeaux to Montpellier, that the oldest and best enotherapy resorts are located. On the territory of the former USSR, studies of the medicinal properties of wine were carried out at the Magarach Institute of Winemaking and Viticulture and at the Massandra winery (both located in the Crimea), as well as at the scientific base of wineries in Anapa.

Champagne in the morning... is drunk not only by aristocrats and degenerates, as Lelik from the legendary "Diamond Hand" assured. In some cases, enotherapists really prescribe champagne, and only brut, and in the morning. In particular, so that people suffering from low blood pressure can wake up faster. Champagne relieves tachycardia, and also eliminates the unpleasant consequences of overeating - for example, heaviness in the stomach. This drink, mixed with some fruit juices (apricot, peach), cures constipation and is sometimes included in cocktails that start labor in women who should already be in labor. Champagne is also used externally - in particular, for express masks and body wraps: carbon dioxide promotes the rapid penetration of nutrients into the deeper layers of the skin.

Grape wine with a therapeutic purpose is more effective to use in the form of enophytotherapy (a mixture medicinal plants, infused with wine). To improve mental and physical condition for elderly people, long-term use inside the following mixture used in Bulgarian enophytotherapy can be recommended: red grape wine - 1 l, aloe juice - 8 g, myrrh tree resin - 8 g, wormwood - 15 g, centaury - 15 g, quinine - 1 g, saffron - 4 g, orange peel - 12 g. The mixture is infused in the sun for two days, 250 ml of honey is added, filtered. Take 2-3 tablespoons a day for several months.

Red wine and health. The benefits of red wine and its medicinal uses.

Red grape wine is even considered beneficial for human health, if it is consumed wisely and in moderation - one glass at dinner is recommended. . According to experts, dry red wine maximum benefit when drinking it with food.
Even Hippocrates used wine as an antiseptic, diuretic and sedative, as well as a solvent for medicines.

Grape wine contains a large amount of organic substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. It consists of several types of organic acids - tartaric, which stimulates the digestion process; apple and dairy, which improve metabolism; 24 trace elements, including potassium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, rubidium, fluorine, vanadium, iodine, titanium, cobalt, etc.; vitamins of group B and vitamin P, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels; pectins and tannins that remove radionuclides and heavy metals from the body. Red wine is rich in antioxidants that prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and lower cholesterol and platelet levels in the blood; champagne and others sparkling wine saturated with carbon dioxide, which stimulates blood circulation and dilates the vessels of the brain. In addition, wine contains essential oils, esters, aldehydes and acetalin, which not only give the drink a pleasant smell, but also have the ability to lower blood pressure and tone nervous system. In medicine, wine is used for the prevention and treatment cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, infectious, pulmonary and oncological diseases. At correct application wine can replace some potent drugs that cause patients side effects and sometimes it helps even where all other means are powerless.

A glass of red wine 150 g contains: proteins - 0.11 g, fats - 0 g, water - 127.7 g, alcohol - 15.9 g, glucose, fructose - 0.3 g in sweet and almost absent in dry varieties.
Macronutrients: potassium - 190 mg, sodium - 6 mg, calcium - 12 mg, magnesium - 18 mg
Trace elements: Iron - 0.69 mg, selenium - 0.3 mcg, copper - 0.017 mg, zinc - 0.21 mg.

Useful properties of wine determined by the content in it biologically active substances- flavonoids, quercetin and reservatol, as well as polyphenols and tannins. Polyphenols not only stop destructive processes, but also remove free radicals from human cells, rejuvenating all organs and tissues of the body.

It is important to know: if you care about your health, you should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. Medicinal properties are not manifested in falsifications of wines. There are more useful substances in red wines, especially those whose base is fully ripened grapes with thick skins. These are French Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Pinot Noir, Chilean wines. Pinot Noir from Burgundy, red wines from Bordeaux and Italian wines from Valpolicella are leaders in the content of the recently discovered "Makropulos" resveratrol.
Wine is especially indicated in the complex restorative recovery after debilitating diseases, surgical interventions, chemoradiotherapy, with prolonged psycho-emotional, stressful conditions. In these cases, it is able to activate metabolic processes, improve mental activity, digestion processes, enhance energy metabolism and excretory function of the kidneys. With atherosclerosis of the brain, manifested by signs of dyscirculatory encephalopathy (memory loss, dizziness, emotional lability, decreased vision, hearing), you can use the following wine mixture: hawthorn fruit - 4 parts, periwinkle leaves - 3 parts, lemon balm grass - 2 parts, grass thyme - 1 part; Pour 2 tablespoons of the crushed mixture with 0.5 liters of white grape wine. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Chilled and strained extract take 1/3-1/4 cup three times a day before meals for 2-3 months. During the year - 2-3 courses. In people with signs of chronic coronary insufficiency

weakness and weakness of the heart muscle (periodic pain in the heart, episodic palpitations and interruptions, shortness of breath during physical activity) you can use the multi-month use of such a wine drink: blood-red hawthorn flowers - 4 parts, May lily of the valley flowers - 3 parts, peppermint leaves - 3 parts, hop seedlings - 1 part, lemon balm herb - 1 part, motherwort herb - 1 part; 2 tablespoons of the mixture for 0.5 liters of white grape wine. Simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Chilled and strained extract take 1-2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day.

The use of red wine for medicinal purposes.

To maintain cardiac activity, dilates blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, lowers cholesterol. Red wine contains substances that promote the removal of cholesterol from the blood, and with regular use, it literally flushes the blood vessels.
In case of indigestion, red wines with a large amount of tannins are useful, it removes toxins.
Red table wines are recommended for anemia - up to 2 glasses a day, with meals.
With beriberi, it enriches the body with microelements, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9), amino acids. Influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia are treated with mulled wine - hot red wine with sugar
Emaciated and weak patients are given a few tablespoons of wine a day. Wine promotes recovery vitality when they fall.
Red wine promotes hematopoiesis, it is taken 100-250 ml per day, improves immunity and body tone.
Increases appetite and normalizes metabolism, promotes the secretion of bile, gastric juice and maintains normal stomach acidity.
Red wine also: enhances the secretion of the endocrine glands; improves sleep; help slow down cell aging; prevents the occurrence of cancer; prevents the development of caries and the deposition of tartar; serves as an excellent anti-stress agent.
Canadian scientists have discovered a new beneficial property of red wine - the polyphenols that make up wine have a beneficial effect on gum disease.

When diabetes mellitus dry grape wines with low sugar and glucose content (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable.

Light white and especially champagne wines contribute to the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. So, white semi-dry wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves ventilation of the lungs, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Red table wines help with anemia. Red and white semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposits in the joints.

At peptic ulcer mix 0.5 cups of Cahors and cucumber juice(1 1) and drink 2 tablespoons three to four times daily before meals. The course is 2 weeks, then take a break for 10 days and repeat the treatment. To fight sand in gallbladder combine the juice of black radish and Cahors in a ratio of 1 "2, leave for a week, drink for a month (or longer) 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

At anemia daily at lunch and dinner, give your son 0.5-1 glass of any dry red wine, it has the ability to increase hemoglobin. You can also cook healing tincture: 100 g baffles walnuts pour 0.5 liters of Cahors, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Take 2 tablespoons three to four times daily before meals.

For memory improvement your mother can be recommended to drink white wine every day (necessarily dry!), diluted with mineral water in a ratio of 1:1. During the day, give her 2 glasses of such a cocktail in several doses (possible with meals). There is another recipe: mix Cahors and olive oil in equal proportions, leave for a week, stirring occasionally, and let mom drink the mixture 2 tablespoons three to five times a day before meals.

At bronchial asthma mix 100 g of grated horseradish, juice of 2-3 medium lemons and 0.5 l of Cahors. Infuse for a week, strain, and let the patient drink this composition, 2 tablespoons three to five times a day.

For improve digestion white wine is taken in 100-150 ml before dinner (or between an appetizer and a hot dish). Red wine is drunk at lunch (a glass of 150-180 ml), but closer to the end of the meal, drinking a hot dish or already before dessert (but not with it!).

At beginning cold try putting slightly warmed white wine in your nose. It can stop the process of virus reproduction.

And those who want to relieve emotional stress should not resort to alcohol too often. It is better to pay attention to mild sedatives that effectively help deal with the effects of stress. For example, the drug "Persen" copes with irritability, anxiety, emotional overstrain, allows you to lead a normal life and even drive a car.

The measure of consumption is very important and known: two to three glasses of wine a day for men and a maximum of one and a half for women. And for heart health, one glass of red wine with dinner is better. Too much wine is more dangerous than not enough - that's all healing qualities from excessiveness turn into harmful.

It has been proven that dry red wine (made from Cabernet and Merlot varieties), in addition to good impact on the vessels and heart, promotes the excretion of radionuclides, and is also capable of killing Vibrio cholerae and even Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis. Often, red wine is prescribed after a long course of antibiotic treatment - but not immediately, but one to two weeks after the end of treatment. Dry white wine (especially made from Pinot Blanc grapes) protects the elderly from Alzheimer's disease, reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome and improves stomach function with low acidity. It also supports normal water-salt balance in the body during extreme heat- mixed in a ratio of 1: 3 with carbonated mineral water, dry white wine can protect the body from dehydration. Of course, using such a "cocktail", you can not drive or engage in dangerous work.

The effectiveness of wine treatment increases significantly with the restriction of kitchen salt, liquid, meat products, sugar, animal fat, increase in diet fresh vegetables and juices, fruits, berries, seafood, periodic use unloading diets, observance of a rational way of life, namely, moderate physical labor, sufficient stay on fresh air, regular bowel movements and adequate sleep. Wine at correct use really is a true elixir of active fruitful longevity.

ATTENTION! If you have a diseased heart, pancreas or liver, before starting treatment with wine, be sure to consult your doctor. Caution should also be observed by those who have alcoholics in the family. In any case, use moderate doses of wine, otherwise the healing drink will not benefit, but harm.
But, like any medicine, wine in large quantities can also be harmful. Especially harmful negative impact the mixing of wine with other drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, affects the human body. In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities it should be consumed. Exact figures fluctuate depending on the characteristics of a particular person - gender, age, height, weight, and so on. Modern scientists believe that the norm of wine consumption is one to three glasses drunk with meals. For an adult healthy man, the norm of drinking wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But at night drinking wine, especially red, is not worth it. First, it contains tyramine, a substance that can trigger a headache attack. Secondly, useful material contained in wine are simply not digested at night. Mulled wine is perhaps the only wine drink, which you can safely drink at night - but no more than 1-2 glasses. And to regard wine as a tasty and pleasant sleeping pill is completely dangerous - according to narcologists, this is where a pathological addiction to alcohol can begin.
And finally, let's turn to the opinion of a wine treatment specialist. According to enotherapists, it is important to remember that it is not the ethanol contained in wine that is medicinal. Moreover, sometimes for treatment, ethyl alcohol is specially evaporated from wines in order to make them non-alcoholic and accessible to children, as well as to people who cannot tolerate alcohol. However, even in this form, enotherapy is contraindicated for those who suffer from alcoholism or are prone to it. Never prescribe alcohol for yourself as a treatment on your own, especially if you have ever had problems with the kidneys, liver, endocrine and central nervous system. This does not mean at all that drugs derived from grapes and wine can harm a person with such diseases. Just to accurately select the type of raw material, dose, time and method of administration, only a specialist can, moreover, who has received approval from other doctors treating a particular patient.

Before you seriously start a course of enotherapy, you should do a detailed biochemical blood test in order to clearly understand what substances a person lacks. And depending on the results, choose a “medicine”. And in the future, once a month, monitor the condition of the liver so that its work does not suffer from the regular use of wine. After all, as the great Russian scientist Mendeleev said - "there are no harmful substances - there are harmful quantities!"

Louis Pasteur also said that red wine is one of the most hygienic and healing drinks.

The chemical composition and physiological properties of grape wines are suitable for their use for medical purposes - vinotherapy. The science of wine treatment and the use of grape wines for medicinal purposes is called enotherapy.

Indeed, the healing properties of wines have been known for a long time. According to Genesis, after the flood, Noah began by planting a vineyard. Wine is mentioned 450 times in the Bible. Saint Paul, for example, advised Timothy to treat a stomach ulcer with wine. The Babylonian Talmudid also considered this drink as one of the most effective medicinal products. The high virtues of wine have always been part of the common sense of mankind.

In ancient Greece, wine was used as an antiseptic. Wine was given to the wounded, bandages soaked in wine were applied to the wounds. In the countries of Western Europe, wine therapy began to spread during the early Middle Ages. Wine was then considered the "drink of the gods" and began to attribute magical properties to it.

But today therapeutic properties red wines are proven strictly scientifically. Drinking 1 to 4 glasses of red wine daily reduces the chance of death due to coronary insufficiency by 15% to 60%. In the group of post-infarction patients, moderate consumption of red wine leads to a decrease in the recurrence of myocardial infarction by 76%. Daily intake of 2 glasses reduces the risk of stroke of the brain by 50%. The death of 10 million pathogenic bacteria in 0.5 liters of red wine occurs in half an hour.

By its nature of origin, chemical composition and dietary properties wine miraculously suits human physiology. Wine has a general positive bioenergetic and strengthening effect on the human body, helps restore vitality when it declines (for example, in the elderly), increases tone and vigor. No wonder they say that red wine is the milk of old people.

Wine also enriches the body with useful trace elements, vitamins and amino acids, prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis. The substance trioxystilbene contained in natural wine helps to slow down the aging of cells and prevents the occurrence of oncological diseases.

The wine has pronounced antibacterial properties. It is noted that during epidemics the number of cases in wine-growing regions and among people who regularly drink wine is somewhat lower. In studies, it was noted that red grape polyphenols suppress the bacteria of tuberculosis, cholera, malaria, etc.

Moreover, almost the same effect is produced by wine diluted twice with water. Therefore, during epidemics, especially in regions prone to them, doctors recommend instead drinking water drink table wine half diluted with water. In addition, dry white table wine perfectly quenches thirst.

Natural red wine is also useful for colds and chronic diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc. With such diseases, mulled wine should be used - hot red table wine with spices and sugar, such as Cabernet or Merlot.

For disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, red wines with a high content of tannins are useful, for example, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet. Such wines, due to the presence of tannins, have a strengthening and healing effect on the stomach, especially with scars and stomach ulcers.

With obesity and metabolic disorders, wines also help. They remove slags and toxins from the human body, normalize metabolism. Especially valuable property wine is the ability to lower the content of cholesterol, which is confirmed by numerous experiments, for example, on rabbits. It has been established that in the same area, people who regularly drink wine have a low cholesterol content.

Wine also helps with radiation. So, in the former Soviet Union, people who, on duty, work in the nuclear and similar industries and in conditions associated with increased radioactive danger, were regularly prescribed the use of cahors (for example, submariners on nuclear-powered ships).

With diabetes, dry grape wines with a low content of sugar and glucose (less than 4 grams per 1 liter) are suitable. Light white and especially champagne wines contribute to the maintenance of weakened cardiac activity. So, semi-dry red wines have a positive effect on the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the risk of blood clots and myocardial infarction. And champagne also improves ventilation of the lungs, stimulating the respiratory centers.

Red table wines help with anemia. Red semi-dry wines remove excess salts from the human body, so they are recommended to prevent salt deposits in the joints.

Wines also help with beriberi, and with exhaustion, a few sips of port wine will do. Port wine and vermouth help with loss and lack of appetite, contributing to a better secretion of gastric juice. To stimulate appetite, 30 minutes before a meal, take 50 grams of vermouth or port wine up to 100-150 grams. But you should not drink vermouth in large quantities.

Wines rich in minerals help with fractures and diseases of the bone apparatus.

But, like any medicine, wine in large quantities can also be harmful. Mixing wine with other drinks, such as beer, vodka and the like, has a particularly harmful negative effect on the human body. In order for wine to be beneficial, you should know in what quantities it should be consumed. Exact figures fluctuate depending on the characteristics of a particular person - gender, age, height, weight, and so on. Modern scientists believe that the norm of wine consumption is one - three glasses, drunk during meals. For an adult healthy man, the norm of drinking wine per day is 300-350 ml, for a woman - up to 150 ml.

But those who take care of their health should know that only absolutely natural, high-quality wine has healing properties. In falsifications of wines medicinal properties are not shown. In addition to the above, we add that there is also a treatment with grapes - "ampelotherapy", which is one of the types diet food and phytotherapy (treatment with plants).

List of application points therapeutic effect the wines are quite varied. Organic acids contained in wine stimulate the salivary and gastric glands and promote digestion. And thanks to bactericidal and antitoxic properties, wine prevents the development of gastrointestinal infections and such a widespread disease in our age as antibiotics as dysbacteriosis. White wine is even more effective than red wine in this sense. Cause it disinfectant properties scientists explain the presence of a specific type of phenol only in white wine.

Due to its vasodilating effect, red wine prevents vasospasm and reduces the risk of coronary diseases, hypertension and strokes. Special substances and vitamins help strengthen the vascular wall, increase the elasticity of capillaries and participate in metabolic processes in the heart muscle. In addition, wine has an anti-atherogenic effect. The substances contained in red wine are involved in lipid metabolism, promote the excretion of cholesterol from the body, and thus reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, the main cause of many cardiac diseases.

The unique balanced composition of trace elements and vitamins of grape wine is necessary for metabolic processes in our body and affects the functioning of the endocrine glands, mineral metabolism, hematopoiesis and immunity. For anemia and as a general tonic for asthenic conditions, red wines are recommended. Champagne and other sparkling wines are high in carbon dioxide, so large doses excite the respiratory center and stimulate blood circulation

Light white wines and especially champagne are good for maintaining weakened cardiac activity. For indigestion, red ones are useful, with a large amount of tannins - Saperavi, Cabernet. Some varieties of white wines, on the contrary, stimulate the bowels and have a slight laxative effect. With flu and colds, hot sweet wine helps. At the first sign of a cold, when you come home or in a warm room, it is good to take half a glass of hot sweet red wine, such as Cahors.

In some cases, wine can replace strong drugs that cause side effects and addiction. For example, drinking a quarter or half a glass of grape wine for insomnia in the elderly provides healthy sleep and often eliminates sleeping pills. Wine also has an antitoxic effect, thanks to its special substances that bind and remove foreign compounds from the body, including radioactive ones. No wonder Hippocrates said that "wine is surprisingly adapted to the human body ...".

Why are there so many negative associations with drinking wine? Why so many anti-alcohol companies and organizations? Yes, because, only when used properly, wine has wonderful healing properties. At overuse wine, all its positive qualities turn into opposite ones. In general, this applies to almost any product or substance. Imagine what will happen if instead of several slices of lemon a day, there are four pieces, or instead of a pinch of pepper, add a tablespoon to the soup. Do not forget the warning of the wise Paracelsus: "Only the measure determines whether a substance be harmful or beneficial."

Large doses of wine are dangerous and can lead to diseases of many organs. Doctors consider about 150 - 300 ml of wine to be the optimal daily dose. Of course, one should take into account the different weight, constitutional features, the nature of nutrition and the state of health of each individual. And also remember that for some diseases, for example, with severe damage to the kidneys, liver or duodenal ulcer, wine is contraindicated.

Grape wine compares favorably with vodka and other alcoholic beverages with a wonderful set of substances that largely neutralize the effect of alcohol.

Wine cannot be equated with fruit and berry drinks similar in strength. Only natural grape wines, made according to the technology in the same region where the grapes were harvested, are beneficial to the body, and therefore it is very important to choose the right wine. Now the Russian market is filled with numerous cheap fakes and their quality is far from the drink that the famous Louis Pasteur called "the most healthy and hygienic". Wine is a fragile organism. When transporting wine materials over long distances and subsequent bottling, almost all beneficial features guilt. Unfortunately, today it is difficult to get a guarantee of the authenticity of wine, which only a few producers can give.

Another article, now about wine - the most ancient, popular and, perhaps, the most harmless of all alcoholic beverages.

It's time for the grape harvest - amazing solar berry, its processing, separation of juice, laying it in barrels for fermentation. For many southern peoples, this work turns into a real festive ritual, both the taste of the future wine and its useful and even healing properties depend on it.

The history of wine goes back to ancient times, it is more than 9000 years old, the oldest rice wine was found in China. With the development of viticulture everywhere from the Middle East to Spain, winemaking is developing with its own national characteristics and traditions.

Note that even the Bible and the church not only do not prohibit wine, calling it a divine drink, but also widely uses, for example, Cahors on the occasion of church rituals and solemn dates. True, they say that such references are of a modern nature, that the Bible has also been rewritten more than once. But let's not go into such subtle details, let's talk about the benefits of wine.

Types of wine

Wines are divided into fruit and berry(made from fruits and berries) and grape.

On canteens, dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet, dessert, liqueur depending on the sugar content in it.

On white, red, pink depending on the grape variety.

By shelf life (excerpts): young, unaged, aged, vintage, collection.

According to the grape variety, the name of the wine is determined: Isabella, Chardonnay, Cabernet. Most often, wines are obtained by mixing different varieties of wine material (wine blend), hence their lyrical names: Kakheti, Burgundy, Tokay, Khvanchkara, Black Doctor and so on.

calories wine depends on the sugar content, in dry white it is the smallest 64-75 kcal per 100 grams, respectively higher in red semi-sweet, in liqueurs - the highest. So the calorie content of fortified sweet wine is from 150 to 250 kcal per 100 g, in each case it has its own.

Benefits of Natural Grape Wine

Grape wine in its properties is close to grape juice and grapes, the only difference is that as a result of fermentation grape juice wine accumulates ethyl alcohol, glycerin, milk, amber, pantothenic and folic acid, and during exposure aldehydes, acetalin and esters.

In recent years, there has been a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of wine. After all, even the ancient Romans and Greeks noticed the healing properties of wine in the fight against bacilli and viruses during terrible epidemics. The ancients did not sit down to a meal without sunny drink, however, they always diluted it with water, apparently, they saw a special meaning in this.

wine treatment

Oenotherapy The branch of medicine that deals with the treatment of wine. There were entire sanatoriums in the USSR, which set as their goal the treatment with wine. Pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis, liver diseases, including hepatitis, as well as male health problems - all this had the effect of healing and improving the condition. And in general, wine, as a healing and rejuvenating effect, thanks to a large number The antioxidants in wine were recommended in moderation.

But further careful study of the properties of wine and new discoveries cast doubt on the fact of healing with wine, and these sanatoriums were closed. Not the last role in this was played by the company to combat drunkenness, when huge plantations of vineyards were cut down. And today our producers buy wine powder in third countries, dilute it with water, stick beautiful labels on bottles, pack it and call it wine 🙂 . Of course, it’s not even worth talking about the benefits of such a drink. We are talking about natural grape wine.

The composition of the wine

The wine is rich in:

  • trace elements: potassium, magnesium, manganese, iodine, cobalt, titanium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, rubidium strengthens the nervous system, there is a lot of it in Cabernet).
  • : C, groups B (B1, B2, B12), P and PP;
  • Acids, essential oils, esters and aldehydes;
  • Fructose;
  • Antioxidants.

Useful properties of wine

  • First of all thanks resveratrol- a natural antioxidant contained in red wine (on average 0.2-5.0 mg / l, in white it is less) wine prevents DNA mutation in the body, eliminates the effects of free radicals, resists development cancerous tumor and spread of metastases.
  • Wine, most likely its fructose, reduces the risk of kidney stones by dissolving oxalates.
  • Wine contains radioactive substances that have an energy effect on the body and are close to
  • Some varieties of wine are excellent at removing radionuclides. (Cabernet is given to divers)
  • Historically, the bactericidal property of wine is known to kill bacteria and all kinds of infectious bacilli. Wine, added a third to water, disinfects it. This property was used by the ancient Greeks and Romans in the fight against cholera and smallpox.
  • Wine contains substances that stimulate mineral metabolism in the body (which is not found in grapes).
  • Wine lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels. It is the prevention of the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Red dry wine, consumed in moderation, lowers blood pressure.
  • Wine prevents the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
  • Red wine is recommended to drink for the elderly, with anemia, loss of strength and exhaustion of the body. Drink before dinner, it improves appetite and normalizes digestion.
  • There is scientific evidence from American scientists that wine in moderation is the only representative of all alcohol, including, and beer is good for the liver, and is the prevention of steatohepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

Harmful properties of wine

  • Wine contains harmful substance ethanol.
  • Harmless is the daily intake of wine from 50 to 100 grams.
  • Wine contains allergens, yeast, pollen, and histamines, compounds that cause hives, itchy skin, sneezing, bronchospasm, and other allergy symptoms.
  • Sulfur dioxide, which is added to wine in industrial preparation to suppress the action of wine yeast, causes suffocation in asthma patients.
  • For migraines, wine is not recommended, as its tyramine and polyphenols can cause pain attacks.
  • With the abuse of all alcohol, including wine, a toxic product - acetaldehyde accumulates in the liver, which can lead to liver diseases up to cirrhosis.
  • The tannins found in the skins of grapes, which color the wine red, are harmful to some people. There is no tannin in white wine. There are people intolerant of tannin, for whom red wine causes headaches. It is better for such people to drink white wine or not to drink it at all.
  • Wine should not be consumed by pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
  • People suffering from brain diseases, epilepsy and a number of other diseases should not drink wine.

Wine "Isabella": to drink or not to drink?

There is an opinion that for some categories of wines made from hybrid varieties grapes such as Isabella and Noah (Isabella white) have very little utility and are even harmful to health.

Isabella is a grape variety bred in America, a natural hybrid. Today, these grape varieties grow on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, Moldova, Dagestan and the Krasnodar Territory. It has been established that in the process of fermentation in wine, in addition to ethanol, - methyl alcohol, which is a poison to the human body. According to some reports, it tends to partially accumulate in the human body, which is worth remembering when buying wine from Isabella, especially if it is home-made (not factory-made) wine.

In America and EU countries, wines from Isabella varieties are not produced.

I am personally very skeptical about these data. If there is that very insidious methanol, then it is quite acceptable. They themselves had Isabella in their area and drank wine in moderation, I do not complain about my health. Here is what I managed to dig up from the Internet, confirming my opinion:

Scientists explain the refusal of Europeans by the high content of the isabella group of diglycosides in grapes, which, during the fermentation of grape juice, combine with alcohol to form methanol. "As a result, 70-120 mg of methanol is present in a liter of such wine. But international standards have set its maximum permissible concentrations at 500 mg in red wines and 300 mg in white wines. Therefore, there should be no fear. Another thing is that in wines from European varieties, the methanol content is even lower - 30-40 mg.

Bright berry bouquet - distinguishing feature all varieties of the species Vitis labrusca. But besides this undoubtedly attractive bouquet, these wines have a specific aroma, which winemakers call "fox" because of the similarity with the smell of wet fox hair, and Vitis labrusca grapes were nicknamed fox grape (i.e. "fox grapes").

It is this circumstance that most likely led to the expulsion of Isabella grapes from the ranks of commercially used, and not increased content methanol in such wine, as many publications often write. For example, cognac has a higher methanol content than quality wine Isabella, and at the same time, it is still significantly lower than the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat are dangerous to health (if you don’t turn off liters per evening, sorry). That's why "methanol damage" of Isabella wine is a myth. And the harm from irrepressible consumption is an ineradicable reality in which grape varieties are not to blame.

Here we like to attach importance to such insignificant things. But still, the brands of Isobella and Noah, just in case, should be avoided in use. While in Russia "Isabella" is produced in small quantities small factories and wine can be bought in the store.

It is up to you to decide whether to buy Isabella wine or not to buy, to drink or not to drink, and how much to drink ....

So, where is the truth in wine? Which is more good or bad?

Look, compare yourself and decide what is more good or bad in wine. What does science say about this?

The science of the benefits and harms of wine

Enormous funds were spent on Scientific research wines conducted by scientists from many countries of the world. So scientists of the Paris and Bordeaux Universities have been studying a group of men aged 40 to 65 for 30 years. It turned out that those people who drank wine in moderate doses preserved their health better. They are less than those who did not drink suffered from cardiovascular diseases and in general digestive system. The beneficial effect of wine on the body and its protection in part from harmful effects fatty and high-calorie foods.

Drinking wine in large doses immediately leads to the opposite effect. It is important to note that the results of the study concern only adults, and do not apply to young people in whom drinking alcohol can adversely affect the formation of the brain. (used materials magazine No. 30 "Correspondent" dated August 2, 2013.)

However, all these experiments are not devoid of juggling facts, and are distorted to please lobby winemakers as well as doctors and pharmacological manufacturers.

And yet, most sane scientists, including ordinary consumers, believe that wine is useful in moderation, like all products given to us by nature. A glass of good grape natural wine healthy person will not harm health. A dose of 50 grams can serve as a medicine.

At present, despite the fact that the benefits of wine as a healing drink are disputed, the branch of medicine, wine therapy, or enotherapy. The time for non-traditional directions in medicine is now wider than ever.

And remember, all alcohol without measure is harmful to human health!

How to distinguish natural wine from a fake

Sinful are our shops and supermarkets that sell fake, which is alcohol, sugar, flavorings and water. So when choosing a product in the store, you should pay attention to:

  1. The presence of an excise stamp.
  2. The cork should be natural, not plastic.
  3. The bottle does not differ sharply in shape, light and size, does not have pretentiousness.
  4. The label has a printing method of manufacture, is well printed, without glue streaks, with complete information about the expiration date, place of production and producer with the characteristics of the wine.
  5. You can shake the bottle, if the wine is natural, it should be thicker than water and the drops will flow more slowly, in such specific paths.

At home, pay attention to the following things:

  1. Turn the bottle upside down and shake if the resulting foam is thick and immediately drains - a fake or very young wine contains additives. The foam of natural wine will be in the center in the form of small groups and will linger for a few minutes.
  2. Let's allow a small sediment, but not a strong one.
  3. The smell of wine, its true bouquet. Wine should not smell like alcohol.
  4. Add a couple of drops of pure glycerin to the wine poured into a transparent glass. If they change color, the wine contains third-party additives or is not wine at all.
  5. Another way is testing with soda. As you know, she is able to make an impromptu "pop" even from warm water. If the wine is of high quality, soda will be instantly neutralized by the acids it contains - tartaric, acetic and others. If there is a lot of foam - a "volcano" in a glass is provided.

Wine treatment. Recipes

Recipe #1 For colds, coughs, bronchitis: heat 1 cup dry red wine until slightly hot, add a little cinnamon at the end of a knife, 1 tsp.
