
What yogurts are natural and without additives. Natural yogurt - how to choose and store, how to make at home? Description of benefits, harms and contraindications, calories; recipes with photos

In this article, we will look at yogurts and advise on which brand to choose. In this case, you will be completely sure of the naturalness of the product.

Dairy products, including yogurt, play an important role in human health. By the way, yogurts are most popular and in demand for the children's age category and for the elderly. But often the composition calls into question the "usefulness" of such a product. Therefore, this article will provide information about brands that will deservedly receive the title of "useful".

Which yogurts are the most useful: names, list, brands, rating

The main merit of any yogurt is the destruction of pathogenic intestinal microorganisms and the activation of beneficial microflora. And yoghurts stop the processes of aging and decay. And, in general, they improve the functioning of the intestines and its entire system. Especially if it is weak or has some exacerbations. That is, the susceptible flora of an infant or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract of an adult.

Let's miss the moment with a detailed analysis of the composition of each known yogurt. But arm yourself with some recommendations to consider when buying yogurt.

What to pay attention to when reading the composition:

What yogurts are at the top:

Important! None of the manufacturers of yogurt has ideal indicators in terms of composition. That is, to name the ideal or most best yogurt it is forbidden. But it is possible to single out the most close to natural indicators of certain brands.

Got the lowest score "Danone" falls into the restricted group. Among the advantages, one can single out only good taste and rich aroma.

  • But it's merit a large number preservatives and stabilizers that are of chemical origin. A high percentage of dyes can cause allergies, and an acidity regulator is also observed. Therefore, the safety and naturalness of yogurt is beyond the scale of acceptable values.
  • But the most important drawback is the low content of lactic acid organisms (almost 100 times lower than the permissible one).
    • From positive qualities you can note high content milk protein, but above the specified data. But sugar, on the contrary, is lower. On the one hand, this is good, but it looks like a fraud of the buyer.

What drinking yogurt, bio yogurt is the most useful: names, brands, list

It is worth dispelling the myth that lactobacilli are somehow dependent on the thickness of yogurt. Regardless of the consistency, be it thick or liquid product, the bacteria in its composition will be in the same amount.

Natural yogurt without additives - how to choose which one to buy: the best brands

Natural yoghurts are the most beneficial for the body. They have a number of requirements, which will be provided below.

Things to know when buying natural yogurt:

  • Best before date is the first indicator. healthy yogurt retains its properties for no more than 1-2 weeks. Some manufacturers extend the time to a month. When compared with other common yogurts, then, most often, this period captures as much as 3 months, or even a year.
  • Compound pleasantly small in natural yoghurt. Ideally, there should be only milk and bacteria, but this is extremely rare. Remember that a long composition is a bad sign.
  • Also note - sugar should not be included natural yogurt!
  • The content of lactic acid bacteria (at least 10 * 7 CFU / g) and bifidobacteria (at least 10 * 6 CFU / g) must be indicated. By the way, their quantity should be preserved until the end of the expiration date.

What are natural yoghurts worth highlighting:

Fat-free, low-calorie yogurts: which brand is better?

It is also worth noting that dairy products help the body cleanse itself. Therefore, yogurt, when used systematically, dissolves body fat, corrects the shape of the body, removes excess feces and fights excess weight.

  • "Valio" with a fat content of 0.4%. Excellent quality, which is expressed in the absence of preservatives and high levels of lactic acid bacteria. Very moderate sucrose content, which is important for low-fat yoghurts.
    • But the content of protein and SOMO is several times less than the required content according to the regulations and GOST. Taste and aroma are subtle.
  • Sour-milk drink It belongs to the category low calorie yogurt, has a fat content of 1.5%. It is really low in calories and dairy fat. Lactic acid organisms are normal.
    • But the taste and aroma of yogurt is very weak, but dyes were taken in abundance. And there are no berries, that is, there is no filler or it is very weakly expressed.
    • And take note - yogurt has a slightly high sugar content! Even for high calorie yogurt.

Important! Sometimes manufacturers use potassium chloride instead of milk fat. It creates a salty and bitter taste, so they are forced to include more sugar in the composition.

  • Yogurt "Slavushkin" from Optimal. Far "stepped" from the previous representatives in terms of naturalness. But loses only in terms of indicators nutritional value and taste.
    • Bifidobacteria are present in the right amount. It is worth highlighting that sucrose is used for a sweet taste (in allowable doses). There are no preservatives, which is an indisputable positive quality.
    • But the taste of yogurt has become less expressive and a little powdery, and this indicates the content of starch.
  • Please note! low calorie foods can be called useless, because they do not carry any energy value for the body. And to reduce the calorie content of the product, water and sugar are often used. Water destroys the consistency of yogurt and becomes the cause for the emergence of pathogenic flora. And in order to somehow “adjust” the taste of such yogurt, manufacturers add great amount Sahara. Its content exceeds even the dose of fatty yoghurts.

Live yogurt: brands, manufacturers

Live yogurt is the product that does not pass heat treatment. That is, it contains live lactobacilli or probiotics. In such a fermented milk product there are always live bacteria. The shelf life of such products is no more than 7 days. By the way, it is also called bio-yogurt.

  • Yogurt "Live", natural. It has only milk and leaven. Keeps only 4 days after opening the jar.
  • Asenievskaya farm, classic yogurt. Same nice composition- only two components and you can store only 4-6 days.
  • "Kozelsky live" yogrut. Again, only two components with a period of no more than 5 days.
  • "Dairy culture". This, by the way, drinking yogurt, which also pleases with the composition.

  • "Bifidus Nature"
  • "Activia"
  • "Bio balance"

And it is best to cook your own, homemade live yogurt. There is absolutely no doubt about its composition. The choice of starter cultures today is plentiful. Moreover, you can add pieces of your favorite fruits to such yogurt. By the way, due to the lack of heat treatment, it retains maximum utility. It will be really natural, because only you follow the ingredients. And it will also be fresh, and this is an important criterion for the viability of beneficial bacteria.

Video: Which yogurt to choose?

ABOUT natural yogurt known from antiquity. Still nomadic peoples who transported milk in skins made of sheep's skins noticed that it is better preserved in a sour state. With the development of medicine, the usefulness of "live" yogurt was substantiated and a formula for its production was derived. Initially, natural yoghurts, manufactured in an industrial way, were sold exclusively in pharmacies and dispensed by prescription as a medicine for children, solving the problems of gastrointestinal disorders. The most popular are two types of product - classic and Greek. Greek is characterized by density; in the process of its preparation, part of the liquid formed is drained. The color of natural yogurt is milky white, the taste is unsweetened, with a noticeable sourness. It is best to use it in classical form, but you can add berries and sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits. The product is well suited for salads, as a dressing, combined with spices, soy sauce.

Nobody doubts the health and skin benefits of sour dairy products with the help of a special starter culture. One of the leaders among such products is natural yogurt (popularly known as "live" yogurt). It is perfectly absorbed by the body, so it is included in the diet. baby food It is also useful for everyone. Drink revered all over the world - in kitchens Eastern peoples it has the name katyk, among the Armenians - matsun, among the Georgians - matsoni. Many nations have their own name for yogurt, but the essence remains the same - it is sour milk with the help of bacteria. Only yogurt that contains active live cultures of bacteria is called natural. Sourdough is beneficial microorganisms (probiotics) - Bulgarian bacillus, streptococcus thermophilic lactic acid, often lactobacilli casei and acidophilic are added to it.

It is not difficult to prepare natural yogurt at home - for this you will need milk and dry sourdough for yogurt, which is found in pharmacies, or 120-150 g of natural yogurt. Hostesses who care about their health and the health of loved ones know that homemade yogurt is guaranteed to be a natural and healthy product. To prepare it, you can use a yogurt maker, a slow cooker, a thermos and even a pan with a thick bottom. Attention should be paid to the quality of milk and compliance with temperature regime.

When choosing in the store, the eyes from yoghurts run up. What to pay attention to? Firstly, the presence of a large number of vitamins and microelements indicates the artificial enrichment of the product. The composition must necessarily contain vitamins of groups A, B and C and trace elements - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, molybdenum. Secondly, natural yogurt should not contain additives - thickeners, preservatives, sweeteners, flavors. Thirdly, the expiration date is a very important criterion, since live probiotics retain their activity for up to 7 days. In addition, the short shelf life of the product indicates compliance with the temperature regime of no more than 80 degrees. With this method of preparation, yogurt retains its usefulness.

Natural yogurt helps to maintain the microflora of the body and remove metabolic products, activates the growth of beneficial intestinal bacteria, prevents the occurrence of various diseases including dysbacteriosis. The product is an alternative, for people suffering from lactose intolerance, a neutralizer harmful effects antibiotics on the body, protects against fungal diseases. It is shown at cardiovascular diseases, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, with excessive body fat, with cancer colon, Bladder and mammary gland, with diseases of the gums and teeth, as well as jaw bones, to restore the body after diseases. calories classic product 57 kcal per 100 grams, it depends on the fat content of the feedstock. Natural yogurt is absorbed by the body much better than other fermented milk products.

Harm / contraindications:
There is a lot of calcium in the product, excessive consumption of it can adversely affect the absorption of iron and zinc by the body, the formation of kidney stones, calcification in blood vessels. Everything is good in moderation, it is enough to eat 120-200 grams of the product per day.

Yogurt is healthy and delicious snack, great addition for breakfast or an option for an afternoon snack. Can you use yogurt for weight loss? Such a product must meet certain requirements, which will be discussed below. A high-quality fermented milk product can benefit the body, it is only important to know when, how to eat it right and which ones are best to eat during a diet.

Yogurt is a real delicacy for children and adults. This is a great breakfast, dinner and dessert. But often, those who want to adjust their weight, the question arises - is it possible to eat this product, will it add extra pounds.

What is yogurt

This dessert is so popular and in demand that manufacturers have been experimenting and creating for many years. different kinds yogurts, wanting to please the consumer.

In the store, eyes widen from the abundance of various forms. However, for use during the diet for weight loss, it is better to choose a certain type that will allow the body not to gain, but to get rid of extra pounds.

So, yogurts are:

  • Natural, made from two products - milk and sourdough.
  • Thermostatic - close to natural, as they are fermented directly in the packaging in which they are sent for sale, so their beneficial properties are partially preserved.
  • pasteurized- produced by heat treatment of raw milk (in this case the product is stored much longer, but the benefits of it are not too great), this form is not yogurt, it goes on sale under the label “yoghurt product”.
  • Bioyogurts are those varieties where lactobacilli are preserved in a living form.
  • Lactose-free - which do not include milk, most often the basis of this option is soy.

Most useful option- homemade, cooked in a yogurt maker.

Product benefits

What is useful for any natural dairy product:

  • it contains calcium, and calcium deficiency is observed in every second inhabitant of the metropolis (1 cup is equal to a quarter daily allowance calcium);
  • This protein product, and protein is a building material for the body;
  • contains potassium, phosphorus and zinc, which is necessary for the normal course of many chemical reactions;
  • promotes better digestion, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines;
  • natural product has an antifungal effect;
  • is a great stimulant immune system;
  • This is quite a high-calorie and tasty breakfast.

You can drink yogurt at any time of the day, even when losing weight. Quality option perfect for evening reception food, and also become good addition to breakfast.

What harm can yogurt bring

  • Fatty yogurts are heavy food for the stomach. People with gastrointestinal diseases are not recommended to eat such a product.
  • Sweet foods are contraindicated in case of illness diabetes. Since, even in the presence of fruits, sweeteners are added to it, which, when consumed, can adversely affect the health of a diabetic.
  • When buying, you need to look at the expiration date. Such an expired product can cause poisoning.

In order to find out which yogurt is the most useful for weight loss of those that are on store shelves, just read the composition. Those on the packages of which you will find only two items in the list of ingredients - milk and sourdough - are quite suitable for a diet.

How to choose

Which option is best for those who want to lose weight? If you want to include such a product in the diet during the diet, you need to know which yogurt will not add excess weight, but, on the contrary, will allow you to part with a few kilograms.

  • First of all, you should choose natural, which includes only milk and sourdough. There should not be any additives in the list of ingredients.
  • The second condition when choosing a product for weight loss: the proteins and carbohydrates that make up its composition should be approximately equal in amount.
  • Dyes are excluded. flavor additives and sweeteners. Natural product will bring much more benefit in the process of losing weight, rather than tasty and fragrant, but harmful to the body.
  • Often, when eating yogurt, we consume simple carbohydrates, which will gradually turn into fat. Therefore, it is necessary to make a choice, guided by the composition of the fermented milk product, and not flowery advertising slogans on the package.
  • natural option has a natural taste sour milk. He may not be as pleasant as fruit options, however, is much more useful. And one more important condition: yogurt, useful for weight loss, must contain two bacteria necessary for the gastrointestinal tract: Streptococcus thermophilus and the so-called "Bulgarian stick". These two microorganisms process milk, breaking down sugar and giving certain properties to the fermented milk product.
  • The product is stored for a short time, but it contains bacteria necessary for the gastrointestinal tract, which have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

The most common product in this category is 2.5% fat. The calorie content of such yogurt is 72-76 kcal. The higher the fat content, the higher the calorie content. Fat-free has a calorie content of 50 kcal. The fattest reaches 100 kcal.

How to use

What are the best supplements to eat yogurt for weight loss?

With bran

Rye bran can be mixed with natural yogurt 15-20 minutes before meals. When they swell, it will turn out delicious and healthy dish, which may well replace any breakfast or dinner.

With buckwheat

Buckwheat itself is very useful for the body. It is a kind of brush for the intestines. When combined with fermented milk products - kefir or yogurt - its properties are activated, and the influence of lactobacilli allows you to enhance metabolic processes, remove toxins, and normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Buckwheat with yogurt can become wonderful breakfast or lunch during the diet.

With oatmeal

Cold cereals are a very convenient and tasty dish. To prepare it, you need natural yogurt, oat groats- it is better that it is not ground - and any fruit or berries of your choice. Mix everything in a convenient bowl, put in a jar, close the lid and refrigerate. One hour is enough for the dish to be ready to eat.

To soften sour taste, you can add honey to the mixture. Oatmeal with yogurt and honey is a delicious and healthy combination.

With flax seed

Flaxseed is considered a very powerful antioxidant and intoxicant. If you grind such a product in a coffee grinder and mix with yogurt, you get a wonderful diet breakfast which will benefit the body.

With fruits and berries

It is not at all necessary to buy flavored sweet fermented milk product. A homemade mixture would be much better. It will require a bio-product without sweeteners, a handful of any berries, a banana, a blanched apple or pear, dried fruits soaked in boiling water. Any fruit supplement can be crushed and mixed with a dairy product.

With cottage cheese

Yogurt can be used as a natural diluent for such a healthy product as cottage cheese. The natural version goes well with cottage cheese. Dried fruits, nuts, seeds, honey or herbs can be added to this mixture.

Unloading day on yogurt

Such a product may well form the basis of nutrition in the process unloading day. It is important to exclude from the diet all fried and fatty meals, smoked products, flour and sweet products.

  • Breakfast can consist of natural yogurt, whole grain bread, fruits, berries and green tea.
  • Lunch should be eaten vegetable salad and again a fermented milk product.
  • Dinner should be light but satisfying. It is appropriate to include in the menu, in addition to yogurt, fruits, berries, herbs.

The total amount of fermented milk product eaten should not exceed 500 g per day.

In one such fasting day, you can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, restore the intestinal microflora, balance acidity, and partially remove toxins from the body.

Often parents have a question whether yogurt is possible for children. If the option is high-quality and natural, it is quite suitable for the baby. Special dairy products created by manufacturers of baby food, babies eat with pleasure. Used by children on an ongoing basis, they have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, prevent many diseases, and increase immunity.

If you are on a weight loss diet and drink milk drinks with pleasure, yogurt can be made a staple food. Important condition: it is necessary to include in the diet only those products that have a low percentage of fat and do not contain sugar or its substitute.

What are bacterial starters?

VIVO bacterial starter cultures are a product containing live, human-friendly bacteria. These bacteria have a number of features:

  • able to ferment milk, turning it into a fermented milk product;
  • have probiotic properties - contribute to the restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • are antagonists of many pathogenic microorganisms, in other words, they resist the development of pathogenic bacteria.

How are VIVO starter cultures used?

Bacterial starter cultures are used for home-made fermented milk products. Home-made fermented milk products prepared using VIVO starter cultures have a number of therapeutic and prophylactic properties and a number of advantages over "shop-bought" yogurts.

In addition, some starters are used without fermentation, as a probiotic.

Why use VIVO starter cultures?

Fermented milk products prepared with VIVO starter cultures are used:

  • as an alternative to "store" yoghurts, cottage cheese, sour cream in the daily diet;
  • as the most physiological (natural) and effective remedy restoration and maintenance of microflora, with dysbacteriosis and dysbiosis;
  • to minimize negative impact on health, during and after the use of antibiotics and chemotherapy;
  • to maintain immunity;
  • in dietary nutrition.

How are VIVO starter cultures used in baby food?

  • guaranteed product freshness;
  • no preservatives, flavors, dyes, stabilizers;
  • fermented milk products - a source of essential for the body nutrients in an easy to understand form.

These factors have led to the huge popularity of the use of VIVO starter cultures as a fermented milk supplement for children. Better to start with Bifivita VIVO (used for decades in dairy kitchens former USSR) and cottage cheese VIVO. Also, if the child likes sour foods, you can start introducing Acidolact VIVO (also known as Narine, acidophilus milk or acidophilus paste). Over time, when the child gets used to fermented milk products, you can add Vitalact and Yogurt to the menu, and replace Bifivit with Probio Yogurt

Whatever complementary foods you introduce to your baby (whether it be VIVO fermented milk products, cereals, vegetables or fruit purees), we strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules for the introduction of complementary foods.

How do VIVO starter cultures help restore intestinal microflora?

The generally accepted method of restoring the microflora is the use of probiotics - preparations containing beneficial bacteria.

Unlike tablets, VIVO fermented milk products are the most natural way for humans to deliver beneficial bacteria to the intestines.

The second advantage over medicines is the number of these bacteria. The number of bacteria in one average capsule or tablet is comparable to the number of beneficial bacteria in just one gram of VIVO fermented milk product.

In addition, a big problem of violation of the intestinal microflora is that in place of the missing beneficial bacteria in the intestine, pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic microorganisms settle. VIVO fermented milk products contain bacteria that counteract the development of many pathogenic bacteria.

During fermentation, these bacteria produce lactic acid and other substances that inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

VIVO starter cultures in fermented milk diets.

There are many diets based on the use of dairy products. Ideally, the diet should be prescribed by a dietitian, taking into account the individual characteristics of your body and the set treatment and preventive goals.

Therefore, we refrain from publishing any diets on our website. They can be easily found on the Internet using any search engine. Whichever fermented diet you follow, using VIVO homemade products instead of store-bought ones will bring much more benefits:

  • fermented milk products made from VIVO starter cultures are truly fresh and “live”;
  • do not contain dyes, preservatives, stabilizers;
  • do not contain sugar, sweeteners, vegetable fats.

Who produces VIVO starter cultures?

The VIVO group of companies was established in 2008 and specializes in the production and sale of bacterial starters for the preparation of live homemade fermented milk products.

Thanks to the unique beneficial properties of VIVO starter cultures, their high quality and safety, they are loved by millions of people around the world.

VIVO starter cultures are especially popular in Russia, where they occupy a leading position in the market and are represented in all major supermarkets and pharmacies of the country.

The production base of VIVO is located in Russia, Moscow. Bacterial cultures of the world's leading manufacturers from France, Germany and Denmark are used as raw materials.

How to prepare dairy products?

It is very easy to prepare a fermented milk product using VIVO milk starter.

For the simplest preparation, we need super pasteurized milk, VIVO starter culture and a yogurt maker.

You can use not only super-pasteurized milk, but also boiled homemade or regular (pasteurized) "shop" milk.

You can also prepare a fermented milk product without a yogurt maker.

In the "Instructions" section

How to cook fermented milk products in a yogurt maker?

We will need milk, VIVO sourdough and a yoghurt maker.

The sourdough is dissolved, mixed with milk at room temperature, poured into cups and placed in a yogurt maker. All this will take no more than 5 minutes of your time. After that, the yogurt maker will do everything automatically. You just have to remove the finished product from it and put it in the refrigerator.

In the "Instructions" section you will find all the necessary information for cooking.

How to cook fermented milk products in a thermos?

A yogurt maker is a simple and inexpensive device that greatly facilitates the preparation of fermented milk products at home. But if it isn't there, it doesn't matter. An ordinary liter thermos with a glass flask will do.

Milk is boiled, cooled to a certain temperature, the leaven is dissolved and mixed with milk. This mixture is poured into a thermos and left for fermentation for a certain time (the temperature and fermentation time depend on the specific type of ferment and are indicated in the instructions).

After that, the finished product is poured from a thermos and put in the refrigerator.

In the "Instructions" section you will find all the necessary information for cooking.

Is it possible to cook fermented milk products without a yogurt maker and a thermos?

It is possible to prepare fermented milk products without using a yogurt maker, subject to a number of conditions.

You should follow the instructions for cooking in a thermos.

Instead of a thermos, use glass jar wrapped to prevent cooling of the product.

Leave the product for ripening in a warm place so that the product does not cool down.

If you manage to keep the milk temperature in the range of +-2 degrees from the recommended one throughout the fermentation time, everything should work out.

How are VIVO starter cultures used without fermentation?

Bacterial starter cultures contain beneficial live bacteria that are part of the normal human microflora. Thus, fermented milk products and the sourdough itself are probiotics, which are used with high efficiency to restore the intestinal microflora, when using antibiotics, for acute respiratory viral infections and colds, to stimulate the immune system, for gastritis and other diseases. gastrointestinal tract. Best for use in pure form products are: Acidolact, Probio Yogurt, Yogurt, Probio lactulose yogurt, Lactulose yogurt and Immunovit.

Dissolve a sachet of starter in half a glass boiled water room temperature. Take 1 sachet 1-2 times daily, directly after meals for 1-3 weeks. For maximum effect, it is desirable to combine the intake of pure sourdough with the use of homemade fermented milk products.

What is the difference between fermented milk products prepared with VIVO sourdough and store-bought?

The main differences between home-made sour-milk products prepared using VIVO starter cultures and “store-bought” ones:

  • guaranteed freshness - you know exactly when the product was prepared;
  • guaranteed absence various additives- preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers, vegetable fats;
  • the product is guaranteed to contain live beneficial bacteria in high concentration;
  • flavor additives are guaranteed natural - you choose what to add to the finished product;
  • you can cook not only traditional products, but also unique ones that are not sold in stores - Vitalact, Probio Yogurt, Bifivit, Acidolact.

What is the difference between fermented milk products prepared on VIVO sourdough and curdled milk?

The bacteria that are involved in the preparation of curdled milk enter the milk from the environment. It can be both beneficial lactic acid bacteria and unsafe for health. Actively developing in milk, they can increase their amount to a health hazard. Therefore, cases of intestinal disorders after eating yogurt are not uncommon.

When fermented milk products are prepared using VIVO bacterial starters, specially selected bacteria are added to the milk. They are not only useful for humans in themselves, but also have the ability to suppress the development of many pathogens that inevitably enter milk from the environment during the preparation process.

What is a yogurt maker?

Yogurt maker - simple and inexpensive kitchen appliance, which greatly facilitates the preparation of fermented milk products. The yogurt maker consists of a body with a built-in heating element and a container or containers (cups) for preparing fermented milk products.

The task of the yogurt maker is to heat the mixture of milk and sourdough and keep the temperature of the mixture constant throughout the entire fermentation time.

How are yogurt makers different?

The main differences between yogurt makers of various models:

  • The material from which the cups are made, the container for milk: glass or plastic.
  • Heating element power: the faster the mixture heats up from room temperature to operating temperature, the better.
  • The presence of a temperature sensor that regulates the temperature of the milk mixture - without it, the temperature of the milk mixture may differ from the recommended one.
  • The presence of a timer with a sound signal - will remind you of the need to rearrange the cups of yogurt in the refrigerator.

Why didn't the starter work?

Read more about this in the questions about yogurt maker, thermos and milk quality.

Why does the sourdough not ferment in a thermos?

There are several reasons why sourdough might not work in a thermos.

  • incorrect milk temperature - it is optimal for the milk mixture to be at a temperature of + - 2 degrees from the recommended temperature during the entire fermentation period. Check the milk temperature at the end of the ripening period. If the milk is cold, then the thermos does not hold the temperature well. We recommend replacing the thermos or leaving it for fermentation in a warm place.
  • incorrect fermentation time - please note that if the temperature of the milk in the thermos decreases, the time required for fermentation may increase
  • adding starter to milk that is too hot or diluting the starter too hot water- high temperature (above 42 degrees) can damage the bacteria that make up the starter
  • you use low-quality milk - sometimes at various stages of collecting, processing and packaging milk, substances are added to it that prevent milk from souring. These substances can disrupt the fermentation process.

The probability that the cause of failure is the quality of the starter is extremely low. In production, each batch is carefully checked for bacterial activity. Before packaging, the bacterial concentrate is thoroughly mixed, which guarantees the uniformity of activity from sachet to sachet. In the event that the entire batch turns out to be defective, such a batch is immediately removed from production before the starter is on sale. Even with significant violations of the storage and transportation temperature, the starter retains sufficient activity to produce a high-quality fermented milk product.

Why does the sourdough not ferment in the yogurt maker?

There are several reasons why sourdough might not work:

  • Incorrect milk temperature - it is optimal for the milk mixture to have a temperature of + - 2 degrees from the recommended temperature during the entire fermentation period.
  • Incorrect fermentation time - be aware that with some yogurt makers it may take a long time for the milk to warm up to the fermentation temperature when the starter starts to work. Therefore, this time must be added to the recommended cooking time.
  • Adding starter to too hot milk or dissolving starter in too hot water - high temperatures (above 42 degrees) can damage the bacteria that make up the starter.
  • You are using low-quality milk - sometimes at various stages of collecting, processing and packaging milk, substances are added to it that prevent milk from souring. These substances can disrupt the fermentation process.

The likelihood that the quality of the starter is the cause of failure is extremely low. In production, each batch is carefully checked for bacterial activity. Before packaging, the bacterial concentrate is thoroughly mixed, which guarantees the uniformity of activity from sachet to sachet. In the event that the entire batch turns out to be defective, such a batch is immediately removed from production before the starter is on sale. Even with significant violations of the storage and transportation temperature, the starter retains sufficient activity to produce a high-quality fermented milk product.

What kind of milk to use for fermentation?

For the most simple and fast food fermented milk products High Quality we recommend using milk long-term storage(it is also super-pasteurized) in Tetra-pak packages (multilayer packaging made of cardboard and foil). This milk does not require boiling, and if you use a yogurt maker, it is very convenient.

Simply add the starter culture to room temperature milk (and this milk can be stored at room temperature). room temperature), mix, pour into glasses and turn on the yogurt maker.

Using regular milk(pasteurized), remember: it is strongly recommended to boil and cool it before fermentation.

Both pasteurized and super-pasteurized milk are "regular" and "children's". If you are preparing fermented milk products for a child, we recommend using baby milk.

When using homemade milk, it will not be superfluous to make sure that the cow that gave this milk is healthy. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Homemade milk is also recommended to be boiled before fermentation.

Long shelf life milk - good or bad?

If you study the production technology of long-term storage superpasteurized milk, it becomes clear that such milk is of sufficient quality.

Unlike pasteurization (heating to a temperature of +65 degrees and above for a period of 30 minutes), with superpasteurization, the heating temperature is higher (125-150 degrees), but only for a few seconds (from 2 to 6 seconds). This allows you to save a maximum of vitamins and minerals.

At this temperature, all microorganisms die, which makes it possible to store such milk (in sealed Tetra-Pak packaging) much longer. It also allows you not to boil the milk before fermentation.

Another fact in favor of super pasteurized milk is the careful selection of raw materials. After all, if raw milk is stale, it can curdle during the superpasteurization process. Which will lead to equipment failure, production downtime and costly repairs.

Why are starter cultures sensitive to milk quality?

When collecting, processing and packaging milk, bacteria are one of the main problems. Getting into milk from the environment, they cause souring of milk. To avoid this, milk is subjected to heat treatment. However, sometimes at different stages of collection and production, unscrupulous producers or collectors can add substances that inhibit the development of bacteria to the milk in order to prevent souring.

Even if you use the same brand of milk, the quality of the milk may vary from batch to batch. This is due to the fact that dairies cannot fully control the milk collection process.

The very substances that prevent milk from souring during production can disrupt home cooking dairy products. Some starter manufacturers genetically modify bacteria to be resistant to these substances. VIVO starter cultures do not contain genetically modified bacteria.

Why in starter culture VIVO do not use GMO bacteria?

Story yogurt goes far into antiquity. There is a version according to which the predecessor yogurt appeared in those distant times, when the ancient nomadic peoples traveled, transporting milk in skins made of goat skins. Due to the leakage of vessels from the air, bacteria got into the milk, milk, fermenting in the heat, turned into special product similar to modern yogurt. Birthplace of modern yogurt- the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, where for many centuries Special attention devoted to the cultivation and selection of the best natural starters for sour milk, and where unique microbiological cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic (resistant to high temperatures) streptococcus. Sheep milk, used by shepherds for food, was stored for a long time in bags made of lambskin. When the milk turned sour, it was thrown away until it was found to be fit for consumption. Later, they noticed that if you take part of the sour milk and add it to fresh milk, then the fermentation of milk is accelerated, and the taste of the resulting product will be better if the milk is boiled beforehand. This is how the sourdough appeared. It was preserved by drying natural fabrics and used to ferment boiled milk. In Russia, interest in fermented milk products appeared at the beginning of the last century. I. I. Mechnikov proved the beneficial effect of lactic acid bacteria on the microflora and motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract and suggested using yogurt enriched with Bulgarian sticks to prevent various diseases. So "Mechnikov yogurt" became the prototype of modern yogurt.

What are yoghurts

According to domestic state standards, yogurt is a fermented milk product with high content skimmed milk solids. It is produced by fermenting heat-treated milk with pure cultures of thermophilic streptococcus and lactic acid bulgarian stick. Since the main raw material for yoghurts is milk, their nutritional value is high. They contain valuable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Protein concentration in yogurt the same as in other dairy products - 3.2%. milk fat milk is a mixture of triglycerides, which include a variety of fatty acid. Digestive enzymes are represented by phosphatase, catalase, amylase. Among minerals- very important for human body phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorides, as well as vitamins - A and group B. The carbohydrate contained in milk is lactose ( milk sugar), which is an excellent environment for the development of beneficial microflora in the intestines. The amount of carbohydrates can be from 2 to 18% depending on the concentration of carbohydrate-containing additives such as sugar, natural fruits, natural and nature identical flavors. Depending on the degree of fat content yoghurts are divided into dairy, milk-creamy and creamy. In dairy yogurt contains up to 4.5% fat, and they, in turn, are divided into low-fat (0.1%), bold (1.5-2.5%) and classic (2.7-4.5%). The fat content of milk-cream yogurts ranges from 4.7 to 7%, and creamy yogurts - at least 10%.

The most "live" yogurt

To improve the quality of the product and increase its "useful" properties, probiotics are used to ferment yogurts. Probiotics are living microbial food components that help increase the body's anti-infective immunity, stimulate and regulate digestion, normalize the acid-base balance of the intestine, and inhibit the growth of flora that can cause intestinal diseases stimulate the synthesis of B vitamins and folic acid, reduce blood cholesterol levels, neutralize toxins, activate lactase, which ensures better assimilation fermented milk products compared to milk in people with lactase deficiency. The most famous and widespread microorganisms with a probiotic effect are bifidobacteria, lactobacilli, as well as thermophilic streptococci and kefir fungi. These microorganisms provide beneficial effect on the human body, which leads to their widespread use as starters for the preparation of fermented milk products. According to modern requirements, the product must ferment quickly, resulting in the formation of a homogeneous clot. Probiotics used to start yoghurts must be resistant to the action of gastric and intestinal juices, as well as to all technological processes. Bio yoghurts- This yoghurts with probiotic activity, the concentration of living microorganisms at the end of their shelf life must be at least 10 7 CFU / g of product (CFU - colony forming units).

delicious family

Together with "live" yoghurts on the shelves of stores there is a huge variety of all kinds of yogurt, yogurt and yogurt with fillers. What do they have in common and what is the difference? According to the production technology, they are all made from cow's milk Grade 1, but partially or fully reconstituted milk may be used. Next, the milk is normalized for fat - either the milk is skimmed or additionally enriched with cream. Then the milk is pasteurized and homogenized (a process that improves the consistency of the product and prevents the separation of whey). After cooling, leaven is added to the resulting mass. In the future, the stages of preparation of yogurt are different. In one case, after the addition of thickeners and probiotics, the yogurt is matured and packaged in sterile conditions, and in another case, after fermentation, a thickener and fruit and berry fillers are added to yogurt, then it undergoes repeated heat treatment, which significantly increases the shelf life of the product. Therefore "live" yoghurts containing live yoghurt cultures and probiotics have a short shelf life of up to 1 month and can only be stored in the refrigerator. Thermized (subjected to special heat treatment) yoghurts () can have a much longer shelf life - up to a year at room temperature. Such yoghurts do not possess healing effect, but are products of high nutritional value, containing vitamins and trace elements. In addition, there are currently enough big choice yogurt with fruit flavors, the shelf life of which is also not more than 1 month. They are additionally enriched with biocultures, which are distinguished by high viability (enrichment with "useful flora" occurs after repeated heat treatment raw materials), in this case on the label of the fruit yogurt there should also be information on the concentration content of biocultures. If we compare yoghurts domestic production with imported, it is hardly possible to find fundamental differences in quality, the differences may lie in the manufacturing process, the addition of more costly and difficult to produce lactic acid cultures, and packaging material.

Baby yogurt

Until recently yoghurts were considered a relatively "adult" product and were recommended in the diet of children only older than 1 year. But now there are yoghurts for children of the second half of life (from 8 months). They are made from natural cow's milk, milk protein concentrate, whey, certain types sugars, natural fruit, berry or vegetable fillers; pectin and starch are used as a thickener. The nutritional value of baby yoghurts is very close to the nutritional value baby kefir, but they have more low acidity and additionally enriched with B and C vitamins, microelements - iron, zinc, iodine. Like all other baby foods, yoghurts specially balanced for all components (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) for small children do not contain toxic elements, synthetic dyes, fragrances and others food additives,. The highest requirements are imposed on the production technology of these products, and their quality and safety are subject to the most stringent control. Therefore, these yoghurts can be used as an alternative to baby yogurt in children of the second half of life and older children, in the recommended amount of 100 ml per day. For children older than 2 years, this volume can be increased to 150-200 ml. The use of large volumes is irrational, because in addition to yoghurts, the diet includes milk, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, and with them the right amount of milk proteins enters the body.

Eat kids yoghurts, be healthy!

In children's nutrition preschool age it is recommended to use bio yoghurts short term storage, given their positive impact on the functioning of the digestive system, on the immunity of the child, etc. In "live yogurt"There are no easily digestible sugars. If the baby refuses to eat healthy, but still sour yogurt, you can sweeten it by adding pieces of fruit, a little jam or honey, if there are no medical contraindications. Some housewives make yoghurts at home, using yogurt makers, buying starters in pharmacies or exchanging "blanks" among themselves. Of course, a homemade fermented milk product will contain valuable nutrients, but here are the benefits, like yogurt industrial production, and its microbiological safety is questionable. Therefore, offer your children products with proven quality. To imagine real benefit from eating yogurt or yogurt products, when buying in a store, pay attention to the following information: live yoghurts stored for no more than 30 days, at a temperature of +4 to +6 degrees C, the package says "yogurt", they include yogurt starter and usually indicate the concentration of beneficial microorganisms (bifidobacteria). And yogurt products can be stored at room temperature for 3 months, the packaging should be written - thermized yogurt product. They do not contain live yogurt starter. When choosing yogurt, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the package. In an expired product, there will no longer be beneficial bacteria of lactic acid fermentation, the content of vitamins in it decreases, and the processes of development of pathogenic microbes can occur. Such yogurt, like any other expired product, cannot be bought!

Lactase deficiency is a condition in which the activity of the lactase enzyme, which breaks down lactose (a carbohydrate found in milk), is reduced. Because of this, in people suffering from lactase deficiency when eating milk, loose stools occur. In everyday life they say that a person cannot tolerate milk ...

Pasteurization is a process in which milk is heated to 60-70 degrees C and kept at this temperature for some time, as a result of which pathogenic microbes are destroyed.
