
Anise vodka at home without distillation. Cooking anise tincture - a classic version

Anisovka is a popular alcoholic drink that has a spicy taste and aroma. Anise, or star anise, became famous in Russia in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and this spice was actively used in cooking and distilling. It is known that alcohol with the addition of star anise has also gained popularity in many countries of the world. For example, anise vodka is loved in Greece, Turkey, Iran and other countries of the world. As for the star anise tincture, it differs significantly from aniseed vodka. The thing is that moonshine anise tincture does not need to be distilled, because the spice is insisted on alcohol, which helps to preserve the maximum amount of ether.

Anise tincture recipes

Consider a method for making concentrated anise tincture. According to the recipe, to obtain an infusion, you need to prepare such ingredients as a teaspoon of anise, the same amount of cumin, 2 star anise, half a liter of moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees and sugar to taste.


Recipe for concentrated tincture:

  • The components taken according to the recipe are placed in a jar and filled with moonshine. For two to three weeks, moonshine with spices is insisted in a dark place.
  • The finished drink is filtered through several layers of gauze or cotton. It is also recommended to clean anise moonshine with activated carbon.
  • If the drink is not sweet enough, it can be sweetened. To do this, a teaspoon of sugar must be dissolved in warm water and pour the liquid into a container with moonshine.

At home, anise tincture can be made in a different way. To obtain it, you will need ingredients such as: 3 liters of moonshine 40 revolutions, 4 grams of anise seeds and 0.5 grams of cumin. According to the recipe, you will also need 0.2 grams of coriander, a couple of star anise, 0.5 grams of dill seeds and a tablespoon of sugar.

First, all the components taken according to the recipe are put in a jar and alcohol is poured into it. The workpiece must be infused for two weeks in a dark place. Several times during this period, the workpiece must be shaken. After two weeks, moonshine with anise should be filtered through cotton wool or gauze. After that, the drink should be put to settle for a month. After this time, tincture of moonshine on anise can be consumed.

How to make aniseed vodka?

Making anise vodka at home will require more time and effort when compared with making anise tincture.

Anise vodka is prepared as follows:

  1. They take ingredients such as a liter of forty-degree moonshine, 20 grams of anise seeds, 5 grams of star anise, 10 grams of fennel, 2 grams of cinnamon sticks, 2 grams of ginger root and a liter of water.
  2. All spices should be put in a jar and pour the required amount of moonshine. The workpiece must be insisted for ten days in a dark, cool place.
  3. The finished tincture must be filtered through gauze, and then diluted with water until a strength of 15-20 revolutions is reached.
  4. Moonshine on anise should be driven through the moonshine still, not forgetting to divide the drink into fractions. First of all, you should get rid of the "heads" of moonshine, then collect the "body". Also, when distilling moonshine on anise, it is necessary to drive off fusel oils, which can spoil the taste and smell of the drink.

If you prepare a drink according to all the rules, then you can expect to get alcohol with a strength of 40 degrees. If desired, the strength of the drink can be reduced to 30 degrees by diluting it with clean water.

A home-made alcoholic drink made from anise and moonshine may have turbidity, because it will contain a large amount of essential oils.

Moonshine from anise can be prepared according to one more recipe. To do this, prepare 1.2 kilograms of crushed anise, 2 grams of violet root and 60 grams of salt. All these components must be poured with 12.5 liters of double-distilled moonshine purified by coal. The workpiece is insisted for 2 days, after which it is distilled twice through a moonshine still.

Anise alcohol can be prepared in the simplest way. First you need to prepare a moonshine still by putting 50 grams of crushed anise in its steamer. After that, it is necessary to distill the raw alcohol through the moonshine still. Anise, placed in a steamer, will saturate the moonshine with its aroma.

Alcohol with anise, prepared at home, will be an excellent alcoholic drink that can be served with any feast. Anise drink goes well with hearty fatty foods and cheeses. Also, anise vodka can be eaten with lemon slices.

Greetings, dear connoisseurs of alcohol!

This time I want to please lovers of Greek ouzo and Italian sambuca. Yes, yes, you were not mistaken, today's topic: Anise vodka recipe for cooking at home.

By the way, did you like the liqueur that I recently wrote about? I know that many people liked it. I have received several emails with questions and compliments from blog visitors. I am very glad about this, but I ask you to continue to leave comments immediately below the article. Okay, let's not digress.

It is worth making a reservation right away - I offer you a recipe not for vodka, as such, but for tinctures. The technology of anise vodka is more complex and requires a moonshine still. I will definitely talk about this in a separate article. But later.

Today we will manage store-bought vodka or alcohol and ingredients that are available to everyone.

Despite the simplicity of preparation, it turns out to be a really very tasty drink, which is not ashamed to treat friends. Let's get it ready soon!

  1. Ingredients
  2. Recipe
  3. Beneficial features
  4. My impression of the tincture


  • 0.5 l. vodka (can be replaced with moonshine or diluted alcohol)
  • 1 tsp anise (no slide);
  • 1 tsp cumin (no slide);
  • 2 star anise;
  • 1 tsp Sahara


  1. We fall asleep spices in a glass jar and pour vodka. We don't add sugar! I recommend buying spices not just anywhere, but in trusted specialized stores. For example, I take here- excellent quality and good prices.
  2. Close the jar tightly and insist in a dark place at room temperature for two weeks. We shake the jar every 3 days.
  1. We filter. Fine suspensions and sediment usually do not appear in the tincture, so it is well filtered through cheesecloth.
  2. In the filtered tincture, dissolve a teaspoon of sugar. Before that, I recommend taking a sample, it may turn out to your taste that the drink is already quite sweet.

Beneficial features

Remember this cough syrup - "Pektusin"? That's just it includes star anise and anise. These spices are great for treating colds, asthma and loss of voice. They have a warming effect and just freshen your breath. Cumin is also a good anti-inflammatory agent.

My impression of the tincture

One of my favorite tinctures. Has a nice straw color. It has a wonderful smell and great taste. The aroma of anise is quite peculiar and easily recognizable. There are people who don't like him. Fortunately, I am not one of them, and therefore I recommend anise tincture to everyone! Also pay attention to the recipe for cumin tincture. She is also very interesting.


Today my wife and I went shopping - looking for her earrings. Nothing interesting was found. On the way back, I stop the car at a traffic light, turn to her and jokingly say: “You are so beautiful! It’s good that they didn’t find the earrings, with them you would become even more beautiful and you would be taken away from me!

To which she replies: “Well, don’t give me up so easily. Fight!”. And after a minute he adds: “Put on pity.” She's funny to me :).

This concludes today's post, share your impressions in the comments and be sure to subscribe to the newsletter of new articles. Have a nice evening everyone.

Pavel Dorofeev was with you.

Anise vodka is a strong alcoholic drink up to 45 °. Made from anise seeds. The recipe for anise has been known since the Middle Ages. Anise appeared in the Russian state in the 16th century. The price of seeds was low, anise was added to baking, used as a medicine. Home distillers often used it in various tinctures and vodkas. Anise was also part of the sbiten. Over time, the spice became one of the most popular aromatic additives for the production of vodka, the Great Peter I himself praised anise.

To prepare anise, bread moonshine was first made, then various herbs and spices were insisted on it, all kinds of berries and roots were added. Then the drink was distilled, and as a result, vodka with a strength of 38-45 ° was obtained. Anise was drunk in small doses in its pure form, in our time, cocktails based on anise vodka are widely used.

Anise-based alcohol is common in many countries of the world. Anise brandy is very popular in the countries of the Middle East - "Arak". It is taken in the heat, in small doses. The nomads made arak from mare's koumiss, insisting anise on it, and then distilled it. As a result, a light drink with a strength of 30 degrees was obtained. In neighboring Turkey, anise was called "Crayfish". The Turks insisted on strong alcohol anise seeds, figs and roses. Then the infusion was distilled.

In Greece, alcohol on anise grains is famous for its great variety. It is here that very strong anise tinctures are made. Drinks have a name "Ouzo"- Ozu, the strength of which sometimes reaches 50 degrees. Unlike Russian bread wine anisovka, ouzo is made by infusing distillate from grape pomace. It also contains various oriental spices. "Ouzo" for the Greeks is the national symbol.

Tincture is made in Italy "Sambuca". This is an internationally recognized brand of tincture, one of the most famous and widespread. It is used to make cocktails and drink neat. Italians drink sambuca with coffee beans. To do this, put a couple of coffee beans in a glass of sambuca and set fire to alcohol. After it cools down, drink it. It is also worth noting the French drink with the name Anisette Marie Brizard. In France, the infusion is made from green anise seeds, in addition to it, 12 more ingredients are included.

The classic recipe for anise tincture

This tincture is prepared by infusing alcohol with spices, and anise vodka is obtained by distillation. According to this recipe, you get an excellent homemade anise tincture on moonshine with a yellowish tea tinge with a pleasant bouquet of spices and aromatic taste. As an alcohol base, you can use moonshine, vodka or diluted alcohol up to a strength of 45 °.


  • Moonshine - 1 l;
  • Anise - 1 tsp;
  • Cumin - 1 tsp;
  • Star anise - 2 stars;
  • Fructose - 0/5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Pour all the spices into a suitable glass container, pour in moonshine and close well.
  2. Leave the mixture for about two weeks in a dark place at room temperature. A day later, mix the infusion well by shaking.
  3. Filter the fragrant anise infusion through a cotton-gauze filter.
  4. Pour into a glass of tincture, stir fructose in it and add to the total volume, mix.
  5. Pour into bottles, stand the drink 2-3 days before drinking.

Video recipe - anise tincture.

Homemade anise vodka


  • Vodka - 2l;
  • Anise seeds - 40 gr.,
  • Star anise - 8 gr;
  • Fennel - 12 gr;
  • Cinnamon - 3-4 sticks;
  • Ginger - 4g.


  1. Ceiling spices in a mortar, pour into a jar, pour vodka. Instead of vodka, you can use moonshine or alcohol sorting.
  2. Leave Baku in a dark place to infuse for 10-12 days. Shake the contents twice a day.
  3. Filter the fragrant infusion using a gauze filter. Then squeeze out the contents of the gauze.
  4. Pour the tincture into the distillation container of the moonshine, and fractionally distill the infusion. Select the heads at low power drop by drop 5% of the total volume. The body is taken to a strength of 45-50 ° in a stream, at medium power, in a small stream. Then, if you need to select the tail.
  5. Dilute the distillate with filtered water up to 45 degrees, pour into bottles. To stand for several days, so that the aniseed vodka would ripen. After aging, you can start tasting homemade vodka with a delicate aroma of anise and a slight sweetness in taste.

Recipe for anise tincture with dill

A proven recipe for an awesome tincture with anise and spices will appeal to many lovers of aromatic alcohol. It is served chilled and goes well with tonic. Sugar or fructose can be added to the drink to taste.


  • Vodka, moonshine 45 ° - 3 l;
  • Anise seeds - 4 gr.;
  • Cumin - 0.5 gr.;
  • Coriander - 0.5 gr.;
  • Dill seeds - 0.5 gr.;
  • Star anise - 1-2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.


  1. Break the star anise stars, lightly crush the spices in a mortar, pour moonshine, you can use vodka or alcohol diluted to the desired degree in the recipe.
  2. Infuse the mixture for 10-14 days in a dark place, periodically shaking the contents.
  3. Strain the tincture, separating from the seeds, pour into a glass dish. Let rest for several days in a glass.

A simple recipe for Petrovsky tincture

Only anise is used in the drink. Thanks to this, it turns out without extraneous tastes and is drunk quite softly. Provided that the moonshine is double distilled, thoroughly cleaned of impurities.


  • Moonshine 40-45% - 500 ml;
  • Anise - 12 gr;
  • Water - 70 ml;
  • Sugar - 75 gr.

How to do:

  1. Anise pour moonshine, put in a warm place for 10-14 days.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  3. At the end of the infusion, mix the infusion and syrup.
  4. Wait a few days before tasting.

Benefits and treatment of aniseed vodka. Anise tincture has been known since ancient Egypt as far back as one and a half millennia BC. It helps with diseases of the digestive system, effectively as a disinfectant. For medicinal purposes, for prevention, it is taken daily, one tablespoon before eating. The tincture will help relieve cramps during heavy menstruation, for this, take 1 teaspoon three times a day. To increase lactation, it is recommended to take 1-2 tbsp. l. anise tincture diluted with milk for lactating women.

Contraindications. Individual intolerance, excessive consumption of alcohol. Drinking alcohol is not recommended for pregnant women and children. You can not drink anise vodka for people prone to increased excitability, as well as for liver diseases.

Application in cooking

Anise alcohol is widely used in cooking. Vodka is used in the preparation of some dishes, as well as a common ingredient for cocktails. Anise vodka has proven itself in the preparation of fish soup and other fish dishes. For example, Scandinavian fishermen in ancient times prepared Gravlaks from the fish they caught. For this dish fish of the salmon family were caught. She was rubbed with spices, salt, spices and buried in the sand. Then, to improve the taste, they washed it down with anise.

Those who do not like the overly pronounced flavor of anise can make cocktails. They are prepared simply, a minimum of ingredients, in the conditions of their own kitchen it will not be difficult to cook them. The Greek Tiger cocktail includes only two components - orange juice and Greek ouzo vodka. Pour 120 ml of juice and 30 ml of vodka into a mixing bowl, shake and serve with ice.

Another cocktail called "Iliad", a very tasty drink. Women are just crazy about him. Prepared in a shaker from 60 ml of Amaretto liqueur, and 120 ml of anise vodka, 2-3 strawberries are added and served with ice.

How and with what they drink

Tinctures and vodkas on anise are very fragrant, so not everyone is able to drink a glass of drink in its pure form. It is diluted with water before use, it goes well with lemon or orange juice. All anise-based tinctures excite a strong appetite, therefore, they are used as an aperitif for cold dishes and plentiful feasts.

It is customary to drink anise vodka from small glasses with a volume of 30-50 ml. Usually the shape of the glasses is chosen barrel-shaped, so that the smell of the drink "hit in the nose." Seafood, cheeses, preferably hard ones, are suitable as initial snacks. Then after 15-20 minutes, when the alcohol makes itself felt, you can start hot dishes. And in conclusion, one or two glasses for dessert.

Anise is a spice that has long been effectively used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, including at home. Aniseed vodka, tincture or liquor is a drink with history. Initially, this drink was prepared from grain alcohol infused with herbs.

Anise vodka in the world

In Russia, this alcohol was appreciated many centuries ago not only by the boyars, but also by Peter I himself. Yes, and Ivan the Terrible is known for his special love for aniseed vodka. Pushkin and Chekhov also shared his love. What can I say - in the days of Tsarist Russia, anise tincture on moonshine was the most popular entertainment drink among the nobility - and she already had plenty to choose from.

Anise alcoholic drinks are not only popular with us. They are made all over the world. Moreover, for cooking at home, recipes are passed down from generation to generation. The first mention of such drinks dates back to the Byzantine era. There is also an opinion that Greek aniseed vodka was often consumed by monks living on Mount Athos.

In Turkey, this drink is called raki. It is worth noting that Turkish raki is called similar to Bulgarian raki, but similar only in name. Turkish vodka is drunk in a ratio of 1:3 with water, while Bulgarian vodka has a lower strength and is drunk undiluted. Bulgarian vodka is not drunk diluted, and it does not insist on anise, but on various fruits.

Greece is known as the birthplace of anisette ouzo. It is produced from pure alcohol or grape pomace - this drink can safely be called the visiting card of the country.

In France, this drink is called pastis. It gained its popularity at the beginning of the 20th century, when the authorities officially banned the production of absinthe - pastis tastes similar to this famous alcohol.

And, of course, Italian sambuca - it goes well with coffee beans and ice, it is set on fire - and only after this mini-firework burns out, is it taken inside.

The taste of anise is spicy and refreshing, thanks to which the anise tincture acquires a piquant taste and a pleasant, slightly invigorating aftertaste. Anise has - its decoction improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the fight against laryngitis, tracheitis, asthma and pneumonia. This means that anise tincture has not only bright taste qualities, but also certain useful properties. This drink is recommended to use as an aperitif - it perfectly stimulates the appetite.

At home, depending on the ultimate goal and the available equipment, you can cook:

  • anise tincture
  • moonshine on anise

They differ in cooking technology, consistency and, of course, strength.

tincture recipe

The simplest and least labor-intensive option is vodka tincture. You can simply add it to vodka - ascetically and quickly. But the result will not be very good. You need ingredients that will balance the anise flavor and help it open up most successfully. To prepare anise tincture, the recipe can be used as follows:

  • vodka - 0.5 l;
  • whole anise seeds - 1 tsp;
  • cumin - 1 tsp;
  • star anise - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp

Mix all the spices, put in a jar, pour vodka and close the lid tightly. The jar must be placed in a dark place at room temperature (ideally - a kitchen drawer). Once every 4-6 days, its contents are shaken for several minutes, and after 2 weeks the drink is almost ready. It remains only to strain through gauze folded in several layers (or better through gauze and cotton wool - to leave all the spices on the cotton wool), add sugar, stir and stand for another day.

If the spices are ground in a mortar before adding to the vodka, the anise tincture will be even more spicy and fragrant.

Liquor recipe

Thick, viscous, sweetish liquor is an excellent alternative to strong tincture. How to make such a liqueur? The recipe is very simple. Anise liquor is alcoholic, but not as strong as anise tincture on moonshine. Well, for those who have mastered vodka at home, making liquor will not be difficult at all.


  • vodka - 2 l;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • anise grains - 80 g;
  • sugar syrup - 400 ml.

Grind anise seeds with a pestle, pour into a glass jar and pour vodka. Cover and put in a dark place for 24 hours. Then boil the syrup from water and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 (for the indicated proportion you will need 3/4 cup of sugar and 3/4 cup of water). Cool the syrup, pour it into vodka and leave to infuse for 3-5 hours. Then pass the drink through several layers of gauze and pour into bottles, keep in the cold for 10-14 days - and you can taste it.

For liquor, it is better to prepare bottles with a long narrow neck in advance - such containers close most tightly, which will help to prepare a really tasty, rich drink.

As you can see, anise vodka at home is quite long, but not difficult. However, like its derivatives.

Anise Moonshine Recipe

How to make anise vodka from ordinary moonshine? It can be cooked on alcohol, but it is better - on vodka 40-45 about the fortress. Also, to make such vodka at home, for 1 liter of moonshine you will need:

  • whole - 2 tsp;
  • star anise - 2 pcs.;
  • dried fennel - 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • ginger root - a piece 2 cm long;
  • drinking water - 1 l.

There is nothing complicated in the recipe for anise vodka at home, but you will need a moonshine still. All spices are stacked, poured into the bottom of the jar, poured with vodka and tightly closed. Sugar should not be added, as it will provoke fermentation that is not needed at this stage. The jar is placed in a dark place and infused for 10 days, from time to time you can shake its contents.

Then the contents of the jar are passed through gauze, laid several times, and diluted with water so that the strength of the drink is from 15% to 20%. Further, the recipe for anise vodka involves the distillation of the resulting liquid in a moonshine still. The first 30 ml must be poured immediately - this portion should not be drunk. The product is then withdrawn until the distillate has a strength of 40 o or less.

Sometimes the distillate can take on a cloudy white or milky color. This happens due to the high concentration of essential oils - this does not affect the taste.

At the exit from 1 liter of vodka and 1 liter of water, about 450 ml of a drink called "anise" is obtained.

Probably, there is no person in whom vodka on anise would cause indifference - there are those who love it very much, and those who do not understand it. In any case, this drink is worth a try. At least in order to form your own attitude to this alcoholic legend.

Anisette vodka first appeared in the Middle Ages. Initially, it was used as a medicine, and later they began to drink it like a regular alcoholic drink.

But there are many rumors about its benefits to the body, most of which are true. And all thanks to the uniqueness of the anise itself.

Anise is a small herbaceous plant that has small white flowers and stems that hang down. It is widely used in cooking, where it is used in the preparation of marinades for salads, meat, fish and vegetables.

Of greatest interest to culinary specialists and home distillers are anise seeds - small grains that are oblong and slightly rounded in one direction.

It is they that contain the highest concentration of useful substances and aromatic essential oils, which give the finished anise water useful properties and a unique aftertaste.

Reference! Today, anise is officially included in the registry of medicinal herbs.

Recipe for cooking at home

It is not so often to see anise vodka on store shelves today, and if it is found, it often scares away buyers with its rather high cost.

Don't despair, because it is quite possible to prepare such an alcoholic product at home, and in several different ways.

On vodka

The key feature of this recipe is the re-distillation. It is this preparation that provides the finished vodka with a more pleasant and mild taste, as well as a rich aroma.

Reference! This recipe uses the seeds of a plant, except for ginger, it is needed fresh and peeled.

For cooking you will need:

  • anise - 20 g;
  • vodka -1 l;
  • ginger root - 2;
  • star anise - 8 g;
  • fennel - 10 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • cinnamon sticks - 2 pcs.

With proper observance of the recipe, the output should be anise vodka with a strength of about 53 degrees and a pleasant aroma. Its volume will be about 480 ml.

Manufacturing process:

  1. All spices must be folded into a glass container.
  2. Fill them with water and seal tightly.
  3. Clean in a dark place for 10 days, shaking the jar daily.
  4. Then strain the vodka and dilute with water.
  5. Drive the drink through the apparatus until its strength shows less than 40 degrees.
  6. pour the resulting vodka into bottles and remove to cool in the refrigerator.

Important! The first 30 ml of liquid from the moonshine should be collected in a separate container and poured out - this is the concentration of fusel impurities.

If desired, to reduce the strength, you can pour a little purified water into the already prepared drink. At the same time, vodka may acquire a light milky color, but its taste and aroma will not suffer from this.

On moonshine

This recipe will use There are two types of anise - regular and star. It is their combination that will give the finished vodka a unique and rich taste and aroma of this plant.


  • 2.5 liters of moonshine;
  • 2 teaspoons of fennel and ordinary anise;
  • 10 g cinnamon sticks;
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin and ginger;
  • 3 star anise seeds

The procedure will be as follows:

  1. Mix the spices all together and lightly crush with a wooden pestle or pusher. This will help them to reveal their full aroma more strongly and faster, and will speed up the transition of essential oils from them into liquid.
  2. Pour the spices with moonshine and close the container tightly.
  3. Leave it for 10 days in a darkened room with a temperature slightly above room temperature.
  4. Then moonshine should be carefully filtered. while squeezing the spices and dilute it with water in proportions of 1:1.
  5. Drive the resulting liquid through the moonshine still. Dispose of the first 50 ml of liquid. Stop distillation when the fortress drops to 43 degrees.

The resulting drink should be bottled and put in the refrigerator for a couple of days.

During this period, all reactions will end, and the taste of anise vodka will stabilize and fully open.

If the strength of the resulting alcoholic beverage seems too high, then it can be diluted with water by 10 or 15%.

on alcohol

You can also make real anise vodka at home using alcohol.

Reference! It is better to give preference to its food variety, but if it is not possible to find it, you can also take medical alcohol. True, just before cooking, it will need to be diluted with water until a fortress of 50 revolutions is obtained.

You will need:

  • 500 ml of alcohol;
  • 2 g of fennel, dill and star anise;
  • 3 star anise seeds;
  • 15 g of ordinary anise;
  • 150 ml of water.

The cooking process is similar to the previous recipe.


  1. Grind spices and pour alcohol.
  2. Insist in a closed container for 12 days, shaking it daily.
  3. Then strain and mix with water.
  4. Drive through the moonshine until the strength of the jet drops to 40 degrees.
  5. Filter again and bottle.

After three days of aging in the refrigerator, you can drink aniseed vodka with alcohol.

Watch a video that describes the technology for making anise vodka with alcohol:

Reference! These same ingredients can be used to make anise concentrate, although in this case water is excluded from the list of components, and the volume of alcohol is halved.

The infusion is aged for 15 days and filtered, then stored in the refrigerator. Further, for every 50 ml of concentrate, from 100 to 200 ml of water is added, depending on the desired strength of vodka.

Anise tincture

This recipe is preferred by more people. All ingredients can be purchased at a pharmacy or spice store, and in this case a moonshine still is not needed at all.


  • 15 g of sugar, anise and cumin;
  • 2 star anise;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Preparing the tincture is very simple:

  1. All spices are mixed and poured with alcohol, infused in the body in the dark for 12 days, then carefully filtered.
  2. The finished tincture is aged in the cold for two days, after which it can be drunk.

The technology for preparing anise tincture is shown in the video:

How to drink?

To appreciate the unusual and rather specific taste of this alcoholic drink, it must be consumed correctly:

  1. Before drinking, be sure to cool down The more sugar in the composition, the colder it should be.
  2. Pour directly into shot glasses before use.
  3. Anise vodka should be served in small glasses for regular vodka.
  4. One serving should drink at a time, so its volume should not exceed 30 ml.

This is a fairly strong alcoholic drink, so it should be served with a snack.

Moreover, it can be absolutely any:

  • meat or fish dishes;
  • sandwiches;
  • cheeses;
  • salads;
  • various cuts;
  • filling dishes.

Properly prepared and served, aniseed vodka is not just a good alcohol, but a real medicine.

Benefit and harm

If we talk about the dangers of such an alcoholic drink, then it can manifest itself only in two cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to any component that is part of anise vodka can provoke a severe allergic reaction.
  2. Excessive and underdosed drinking \ of that alcohol can be the main cause of alcoholism.

But the proper use of anise helps:

  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract and normalize stools;
  • minimize poor health during menopause and critical days in women;
  • get rid of chronic bronchial diseases;
  • reduce the intensity and frequency of asthma attacks;
  • improve metabolism and normalize appetite.

Anise is a simple and affordable plant that, despite its compact size, has great benefits. And he transfers all of it in full to the finished vodka.
