
How to pickle vegetables for barbecue. How to grill vegetables deliciously - recipes for the best marinades and cooking technologies with photos

Vegetables are tasty and healthy. But in some situations, you have to find a compromise so as not to break loose and not eat up heavier foods. In order not to refuse an invitation to a friendly picnic and / or not to break the diet with high-calorie pork or lamb skewers, cook vegetables on the grill instead of meat. Grilled peppers, eggplants, zucchini acquire an appetizing color and an intoxicating smoky aroma, and at the same time retain all their beneficial features. And tomatoes do multiply them! And for meat-eaters, vegetables from the grill will become great side dish to the steak. So it's time to learn from experienced vegetarians and learn how to cook vegetable kebab, vegetable barbecue and just grilled vegetables.

picnic vegetable recipe
The brazier is a universal device for cooking on coals. For big fans of this method of processing products, even electric grills have been created that allow you to cook vegetables on the grill at home. But most often the brazier is still used outside the city. Fresh air, the smell of smoke from real coals gives the vegetables a very special taste and aroma. It may not be tasted the first time by those who are accustomed to salty and spicy meat grilled, so it's important to properly prepare vegetables for a picnic. On the eve of a trip to nature, go to a vegetable store, or better, to the market, and buy eggplants, bell peppers, champignons (mushrooms are in perfect harmony with vegetables and contain protein that another one lacks). vegetable food), garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and ground paprika. Salt and black pepper, most likely, will be found in the house and so. Together with other spices, they will be needed to prepare a marinade for vegetables:
Ready vegetables they cool very quickly, so you can eat them almost immediately, removing them from the grill. Don't forget to apply to them fresh bread or a baguette, which is also lightly toasted on a wire rack beforehand. Dried in this way, the bread absorbs some of the flavor of the coals and becomes appetizingly crispy. Do not cut it, but break it with your hands.

Recipes vegetarian barbecue and vegetables on the grill
It is not at all necessary to cook kebabs from meat - vegetable kebabs can be at least appetizing dish. Especially if you know how to cook it properly. And if you don’t know how, then you can easily learn from our tips and recipes. And at the same time, learn a few more simple and spectacular ways to cook vegetables on the grill:

  1. Shish kebab from vegetables can be prepared from a different set of products to your taste. But it is better to choose dense vegetables that retain their shape well after heat treatment, that is, tomatoes and cucumbers will not work, it is better to leave them for next recipe. But of the two large salad peppers, 1 large eggplant, 1 big zucchini and 6 champignons will make 4 servings of vegetarian kebab. To make it tastier, also take half a glass of vegetable oil, 1 lemon, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt.
    Wash and clean the vegetables first. Cut eggplant and zucchini into circles. Free the peppers from the core with seeds and cut each lengthwise into 4 parts. Cut the onion into rings, mushrooms - in half. The eggplant is the most troublesome: it needs to be covered with salt and left for 20 minutes. During this time, bitterness will leave it, and you can squeeze the juice from the lemon and remove the zest. Chopped zest along with sugar, vegetable oil and lemon juice bring to a boil in a small saucepan. This is a marinade that needs to be poured over all chopped vegetables and, covered with a lid, left for 1-2 hours in the cold.
    After that, the vegetables can be taken out and, having dried a little paper towel, strung on skewers or wooden skewers. Place them on the finished grill and cook for 4 minutes on each side. To make the kebab not only tasty, but also beautiful, use peppers different color. You can supplement the composition with small dense tomatoes, which should not be cut and pickled, but whole neatly strung on skewers, alternating with other vegetables.
  2. Grilled vegetables and sauce from them. This recipe is good for its versatility and democracy. Judge for yourself: any available amount of eggplant, tomatoes, sweet peppers and fresh herbs should be washed and, if necessary, peeled. Then string whole tomatoes, coarsely chopped peppers and eggplants on separate skewers and set on the grill for baking, which will take from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on the number and size of vegetables.
    Meanwhile, squeeze the juice from half a large lemon. Mix lemon juice with a little olive oil, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and three crushed garlic cloves. Add finely chopped herbs to this dressing. Now the choice is yours: you can eat vegetables baked on the grill, lubricating them with spicy dressing. Or put the vegetables in a salad bowl, puree thoroughly and season with butter-lemon sauce. In any case, it will turn out very tasty.
  3. Vegetables on the grill in a sunny marinade. At first glance, there is nothing special about this recipe, but connoisseurs say that its expressive taste is achieved through solar energy. The only way to check is to take an equal amount of tomatoes, eggplants, mushrooms and sweet peppers by weight. In addition to them, you will need vegetable oil, soy sauce and balsamic vinegar in a 1: 1: 1 ratio. Washed vegetables and mushrooms should be cut into pieces of approximately the same size, and the liquids should be mixed in a separate bowl.
    The next and main stage is the actual pickling. For this everything listed components fold into a tight plastic bag. Tie it tightly and shake well to mix the contents. Instead of a bag, you can use any container for food products, but with a package it is much easier to manage it at a picnic. Moreover, the tied bag should be placed in a place open to the sun near the barbecue and left for a couple of hours. Then take out the vegetables and cook them on the grill.
  4. Baked potatoes in foil on the grill. The popularly beloved root crop on the grill turns out to be especially tasty. In addition to 10-12 small potatoes, the younger the better, you will need a bunch of dill or other fresh herbs, half a head of garlic, a pinch of salt, red chili and black ground pepper. Wash the potatoes well, it is not necessary to peel them. But sharp knife you need to make several cuts in each tuber. Oil and chopped garlic, as well as a mixture of peppers and salt, grind in a deep bowl. Put the potatoes in the marinade and do not remove them for an hour, periodically turning over and greasing from all sides.
    After an hour, transfer the potatoes from the marinade bowl to a large piece of foil. You can wrap the whole potato in foil together or each potato individually. The main thing is that the foil is rolled up tightly, without holes and tears. Put the potatoes in foil in the grill between the coals. It will be ready in 45-50 minutes. Take it out, open the foil and let it cool slightly. Sprinkle on a platter or directly on foil “envelopes” before serving. baked potato finely chopped herbs.
  5. Baked corn on the grill. A great simple recipe for lovers of the "queen of the fields": 5-6 medium-sized cobs ripe corn, big lemon, 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and olive oil, any ground spices to your taste. Peel the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Grind the zest on a grater, and then mix with juice, oil, sauce and spices in a large bowl. Grate the corn on all sides with this marinade and put it in the same bowl for an hour and a half, periodically turning over and lubricating again.
    Wrap each cob tightly in a separate piece of foil and place on the coals of the brazier or on a low grate above them. The cooking time depends on the "age" of the corn: the young one will cook faster. Determine the exact baking time empirically. When serving, unwrap the corn and let it cool slightly.
  6. Cabbage on the grill. Despite the fact that cabbage on picnics is usually used only in salads, it can be baked on the grill. To do this, it is better to take small dense heads of young cabbage. Cut them into 4 parts along with the stalk so that each piece retains its shape and does not fall apart. individual sheets. In addition to cabbage, you will need two lemons. One must be cut into circles, and juice should be squeezed out of the second. Lemon juice season with a pinch ground paprika, lightly salt and mix with 10 ml of olive oil.
    Dip a cooking brush in the resulting sauce and diligently coat the pieces of cabbage heads with it, smearing all the gaps between the leaves. Spread the remaining sauce on the lemon slices. Put the cabbage on the grate and fry for 5 minutes on one side, then on the other side. A sign of readiness is tan on the outer leaves. Lemon slices are enough for a couple of minutes to cook on the grill. Serve cabbage and lemon with meat skewers or as an independent dish.
As you can see, you can cook almost any vegetable on the grill, if you have culinary fantasy and a few of the most simple spices. Most of these recipes are suitable not only for barbecue, but also for grilling in a pan or in the oven. Although the brazier was and remains a summer favorite of cooks. Try it - and you will surely become a welcome guest at all your friends' picnics!

pickled vegetables on the grill

Recipe for those who like to cook on the grill. After all, on the coals you can cook not only meat, but also fish, poultry, potatoes, vegetables, and anything you like. Grilled vegetables on coals are tasty, juicy and fragrant and will not leave you indifferent.


  • 2 zucchini
  • 2 eggplant
  • 3-4 tomatoes
  • 2-3 sweet peppers
  • 2-3 bulbs
  • 1-2 apples
  • 1 head of garlic
  • salt, spices and herbs to taste
  • 100 ml vegetable oil
  • 100 ml soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon wine or balsamic vinegar


Wash all the vegetables, peel the onion and garlic, remove the seeds from the pepper,

cut off the stems from eggplant and zucchini. Coarsely chop all vegetables. Peppers and eggplant - slices or thick rings,

tomatoes - in halves or quarters, depending on size, onions - in thick rings, peppers in quarters, apples - in slices, removing the seeds.

To prepare the marinade, pass the garlic through a press or chop very finely, mix with 100 ml of vegetable oil (I liked rapeseed oil), 100 ml of soy sauce, vinegar. Salt vegetables, add seasonings to your taste, finely chopped greens

pour marinade. It is very convenient to marinate in a tight bag, it is easier to mix. Marinated vegetables for at least half an hour, but I prefer those that have lain in the marinade for several hours. Remember to stir the vegetables and marinade from time to time.

Arrange the prepared vegetables on the grill.

bake on well-burnt coals, for example, after frying a barbecue (so that there is no intense heat) for about 20 minutes, turning the rack from time to time. Can be served as an appetizer with meat strong drinks or as a standalone meal.


You can choose the composition of the marinade and seasonings yourself, guided by your tastes. The same about a set of vegetables, to what I indicated, you can add champignons, broccoli, leeks. Some people fry vegetables separately and only serve them together, you can do it that way. Experiment! Good luck to you!
Bon appetit!

Many of us cannot imagine ourselves without deliciously cooked meat and a side dish for it. There are many recipes for a side dish - for example, eggplant, vegetables, zucchini and many others. Who likes what. We share with you recipes for cooking vegetables on the grill, which will delight you not only with their taste, but will also be good for your health. All vegetables prepared according to these recipes are not heavy and will not irritate your stomach. We do not give you the exact amount of this or that ingredient, so as not to limit your opportunities for experimenting and creating your own delicious dishes. We give only the ingredients with which the dishes turn out to be the most delicious.

Recipe 1 - Baked vegetables

The easiest recipe on our list that does not require special cooking skills.
  • bell pepper
  • Red onion
  • Broccoli
  • zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Leek
  • Brown sugar- you can crush or buy ready-made. We put about 80 - 120 g on standard portion vegetables 400 - 500 g
  • Spices - we report ourselves or use ready mix to your taste. It is advisable to avoid sharp and too spicy spices- the effect will not be the same
  • Coriander
  • Black pepper - it is best obtained if it is first calcined, then crushed and added to vegetables. Pepper will give lovely fragrance
  • Oil - regular or olive ( extra virgin). Just not rapeseed!
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Hot chili pepper - just a little bit for taste
  • Thyme
  • Garlic is better natural than powder
We cut all the vegetables into small cubes, mix, add spices to taste. It should look something like this:

When the vegetable mixture is ready, heat the grill to about 200 degrees. The distance from the fire and the temperature are usually selected experimentally if you have an economy class barbecue. Approximately 20-25 cm from the fire to protsvini.
If you have a barbecue, where there is a temperature sensor, then we focus on it. We take the protsvin, grease it with a thin layer of oil and pour our vegetable mix, monitor the condition of vegetables. When they are a little dry and browned, you can try. Try not to overdry the vegetables, otherwise it will not taste good. The usual cooking time at this temperature is 10-15 minutes.
We serve ready-made vegetables on the table and enjoy a delicious dish.

Recipe 2 - Grilled Marinated Vegetables on the Grill

You can cook on the grill or in the oven, at home - it turns out, approximately, equally tasty.
  • Bell pepper
  • Eggplant
  • vegetable marrow
  • Tomatoes
  • Bell pepper
  • Apples
  • Garlic
  • Spices and salt to taste. It is better to choose a mixture of seasonings, they are different. For example, only peppers or a mixture of herbs - to your taste
  • Vegetable oil
  • Soy sauce
  • A little balsamic vinegar
We cut the onion into rings, cut the zucchini into squares, cut the eggplant coarsely (you can cut it into strips), cut the tomatoes into slices, remove the seeds from the apples and cut them into slices. To prepare the marinade, crush the garlic to get the juice. Then mix with a little oil and sauce, add seasonings and herbs to taste.
We mix our sauce with vegetables, put everything on the grill. We bake on well-burnt coals so that there is no open fire. Coals are the same as for barbecue. Serve with meat, wine or as an independent dish.

Recipe 3 - Mushrooms and vegetables on the grill

If you cooked everything correctly, then the vegetables should turn out juicy and slightly firm. Before frying, soak them in marinade and you will get a delicious dish worthy of royal table.
  • Zucchini
  • Tomatoes
  • Champignon
  • Bell pepper
  • Regular or olive oil
  • Salt to taste
We take right amount vegetables to taste, chopped large slices, leave the mushrooms as is. vegetable slices strung on skewers, interspersed with mushrooms. Salt to taste and drizzle with oil. Roast everything on the coals, about 5-10 minutes. When the vegetables are ready, serve on the table, on skewers. There are delicious juicy vegetables with a skewer - you will not regret it.

Recipe 4 - Grilled Vegetables with Provence Herbs

Fragrant recipe with delicious herbs, will become nice addition to meat.
  • eggplant
  • zucchini
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • spice" Provencal herbs- add to taste
  • Oil
  • Salt to taste
Cooking tomato marinade
  • Tomato sauce
  • Oil
  • Paprika
  • Salt to taste
  • Garlic to taste
Grind the garlic and mix with all the ingredients in a bowl. As long as we put it aside.
We cut all the vegetables so that they do not fall through the grill for the grill. Drizzle vegetables with oil and marinade. Lightly fry the vegetables in a skillet, in oil (1-2 minutes), then put on a wire rack and bake, turning regularly. When vegetables are ready, serve.

Recipe 5 - Vegetable Mix

Classic, recipe for fragrant, fried vegetables for big company
Ingredients. The number varies depending on how many guests you have.
  • Bell pepper
  • Onion, red or white - to taste
  • big tomatoes
  • Large eggplant - cut into strips
  • Soy sauce - just don't overdo it!
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Olive or sunflower oil
  • Garlic - better half heads, not powder
  • Spices and herbs to your taste. We recommend the "mix of herbs", which contains onion, leek and coriander. You can also add "pepper mix"
Wash all vegetables thoroughly running water, then cut the sweet pepper into strips or cubes. The main thing is that the cubes do not fall through the grate. Remove the seeds and fibers from the pepper, otherwise it will be bitter. We cut the eggplants and tomatoes into rings, remove the seeds from the tomatoes.
Peel the garlic and set aside.
Marinating vegetables- We take a deep container, pour oil, balsamic and soy vinegars. Add spices to taste. Mix everything thoroughly - you should get an approximately homogeneous mass. Mash the garlic in a press and add to your bowl. Thoroughly mix the dressing.
We put the resulting mixture of vegetables in a bag, fill it with dressing, tie the bag and mix everything thoroughly. Let marinate for 30 minutes. Put the pickled vegetables on the grill and fry until tender. Usually, 10-15 minutes.

Recipe 6 - Vegetable mix with mushrooms

Almost the same as in previous recipe, but there are differences. Ingredients
  • Zucchini, onion, eggplant, tomatoes - take to taste
  • Any mushrooms you like. Better champignons or chanterelles
  • Lemon
  • Fresh basil and rosemary, not seasoning
  • Oil - olive or regular
  • Spices and herbs to your taste.
We wash vegetables and mushrooms under running water, put them in a colander and let the water drain. We cut vegetables as you like - cubes, circles or stripes. We wash the mushrooms thoroughly so that no dirt remains. large mushrooms cut in half, small ones can be left as is.
We put all prepared products, as before, in a plastic bag and pour our sauce, tie the bag, leave to marinate for 1-2 hours! We have added mushrooms. By this recipe vegetables can be put on a grill or strung on skewers and cooked. After you have cooked the vegetables on the coals, we clean them from blackness and put them in a saucepan, wait until the vegetables reach under the lid. Approximately 5 minutes. Serve to the table, enjoy the pleasant taste.

Recipe 7 - Fried vegetables with goat cheese

Another delicious recipe to your piggy bank Ingredients
  • Goat cheese - cut into cubes
  • eggplant
  • Olive or sunflower oil
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Approximately 50 g red wine
  • One small zucchini - cut into cubes
  • Green onions and parsley
  • Garlic to taste
  • Salt to taste
We wash the vegetables, cut the tomatoes into slices, zucchini into cubes, and eggplant into circles. Crush garlic and add to vegetables. Shredding finely green onion, add to vegetables. Put the vegetables in a bowl, add oil and red wine, mix everything.
Fry the eggplant and onion in a frying pan, then add to the vegetables. Put all the vegetables on the grill, fry until desired consistency, serve on the table. Sprinkle the top with goat cheese.

Recipe 8 - Vegetables with Tuna Sauce

For everyone who loves fish and good seasonings To her.
  • Eggplant
  • zucchini
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Sweet pepper - yellow or red, or both
  • Red or white onion
  • Dill, parsley to taste
  • Tuna is the main ingredient own juice
  • capers
  • Anchovy fillets in oil
  • some mayonnaise
  • Lemon juice
  • A pinch of chili pepper
Cut the zucchini and eggplant into slices, sprinkle with salt and leave to soak for 20 minutes. Squeeze lightly to remove excess liquid and pat dry. We clean the onion and cut it into rings. Cut the tomatoes in half. Pepper cut into circles, remove the seeds. Then chop the dill and set aside.
Drain the liquid from the jar of tuna, rinse the capers from salt with a colander, put the anchovies on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Then, put all the ingredients for the sauce in a blender and stir.
Warm up the grill and cook the vegetables. Serve the prepared vegetables on the table, pour over the sauce and sprinkle with herbs. Bon appetit!

Recipe 9 - Vegetables with Mozzarella

gourmet recipe
  • Olive or regular oil
  • Mozzarella
  • Black, freshly ground pepper. Fry the peppers in a skillet beforehand, it will turn out even tastier
  • Arugula
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • zucchini
  • Sweet peppers - red and yellow
  • Lemon juice
Cut the peppers lengthwise into strips, about 8 pieces. Zucchini, eggplant, arugula - washed. Eggplant and chukini cut into circles. Sprinkle all vegetables with spices to taste and add olive oil. Then, fry the vegetables over high heat, 10 minutes on each side. Drizzle the arugula with lemon juice and serve on a plate. Put the fried vegetables on top, pour everything with the remaining oil and sprinkle with pepper. The dish is ready!

Recipe 10 - Vegetables with Basil Dressing

Fragrant basil and vegetables - what could be better?
  • Sweet - red and yellow peppers
  • eggplant
  • Several small zucchini
  • Red onion
  • Olive oil
  • Salt to taste
Cut the eggplant into cubes, sprinkle with salt and leave for 15 minutes - soak. Then soak in olive oil. We cut the zucchini, also in cubes, but without salt, just pour over with oil. We cut the onion into large slices. Salt, brush with oil. Cut the peppers lengthwise into about 8 parts, then smear with a thin layer of oil on all sides.
We make refueling- remove the twigs from the basil and leave only the leaves, then finely cut them. Mix yogurt or sour cream with olive oil, lemon juice and mustard, add basil leaves and salt. Beat the mixture with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Put the vegetables on the grill and fry until cooked. We arrange the prepared vegetables on plates and pour over the sauce, or serve the sauce separately so that you can dip the vegetables in it.

Grill vegetables - simplest way prepare a side dish for barbecue or fried meat especially during a picnic. Considering that since ancient times, people have been cooking food on a fire, the craving for such cooking is in our blood. Yes, cooking open fire– is always welcome. With the development of fire, it became clear that meat and fish are much tastier if they are fried, so meat, fish or vegetables were pricked on a stick and fried over an open fire.

There is a lot of controversy about the origin of the word barbecue. Wikipedia believes that barbecue comes from the word from the language of the Caribbean Taino tribe - barabicu (barbicoa, barabicoa), which means "pit of the sacred fire."

Other authoritative sources say that barbecue (English barbecue, French barbeque, abbr. BBQ) comes from a distorted French phrase "barbe a queue", which means "from muzzle to tail", the actual way of putting a carcass on a skewer for barbecue .

So, barbecue is a way of cooking food on the heat of embers, from burning gas, or an electric heater. In a city apartment, preparing a real barbecue with a “smoke” is not an easy task. Event on outdoors- a picnic, also a luxury for many.

But having an electric frying grate at home, or a grill pan, is probably worth it. Very handy and inexpensive. You can always cook or, which is easy and does not take much time.

Exceptionally tasty, or as one friend says, a luxurious side dish - grilled vegetables. In any refrigerator or in the nearby bazaar, you can find, even out of season, a good set of grilled vegetables. And, in addition, cook instead of bread, especially if the season of tomatoes and basil. If there is an opportunity to light a barbecue on the street - the vegetables will be incomparable!

Grilled vegetables. Step by step recipe


  • Eggplant 1 pc
  • Zucchini 1 pc
  • Onion 1 pc
  • Bulgarian pepper 2 pcs
  • Tomato 2 pcs
  • Potato 2 pcs
  • Hot pepper 2-3 pcs
  • Salt, olive oil, parsley and basil taste
  1. Grilled vegetables should be evenly fried, so the thickness of the cut of all vegetables is no more than 1 cm. Wash the vegetables and dip them with a paper towel. Cut the eggplant into slices without removing the peel. Alternatively, you can remove the peel in longitudinal strips. Sprinkle the eggplant generously. coarse salt and leave for 15 min.

    Fresh vegetables for garnish

  2. Cut the zucchini and tomato into slices. Peel the onion and also cut into thin circles, it is desirable that the rings do not fall apart.

    Prepare and cut vegetables

  3. Bulgarian and hot peppers remove seeds and tails, and cut lengthwise into 6-8 pieces. Salt all vegetables fine salt, wait for it to dissolve and brush with a little olive oil. Wash eggplant from salt and squeeze.

    Salt eggplants, stand and rinse

  4. The preparation of the ingredients is finished, you can fry the vegetables on the grill.
  5. It is necessary to boil or bake potatoes in advance - they simply will not have time to fry. This can be done in the oven or microwave, whichever you prefer. It turns out very tasty if you cook small potatoes “in their uniforms”, and before serving, cut them in half and bake them on a wire rack along with vegetables.

    Separately fry boiled potatoes

  6. Spread the vegetables on a grill greased with a small amount of oil - a grill with coals, an electric grill, a grill pan. It is not necessary that all vegetables lie on the grill at the same time, you can fry in several stages. Eggplant, zucchini, tomato are fried quickly, onions, peppers are fried more slowly.

    Arrange vegetables on an oiled grill

  7. Grill vegetables until desired doneness. Next, transfer to a separate plate, put other vegetables in their place, waiting for their turn.

    Peppers take a little longer to cook

  8. When all the vegetables on the grill are fried, arrange them on a large plate, add the peeled and cut into circles baked potato. Salt the potatoes a little.

It is a mistake to assume that vegetarians and people who are forced to give up meat will not be able to fully enjoy trips to nature. Grilled vegetables baked on a fire will bring them no less gastronomic pleasure from a picnic; the recipes of which we will consider in detail. Roasted and smelling of smoke, they turn out to be very tasty and enjoy no less success among vacationers than the traditional kebab for picnics.

The recipe for grilled vegetables is also useful for people on a diet. baked vegetable pieces, having excellent taste, remain one of the least high-calorie meals, which can be prepared at a country picnic. Actually, this dish baked on the grill is also suitable for children's celebrations, because meat is too heavy food for the delicate stomachs of babies, but vegetables are perfect!

It's nice to treat yourself and your loved ones to tasty treats baked on coals, and for this the presence of a forest clearing is not necessary - you can also in your own kitchen. True, for these purposes you need a grill pan.

  • Whatever products you are going to cook, it will be more convenient if they are cut into portioned pieces. So the risk of getting dirty is much lower, and it is much more convenient to cling slices to the fork.
  • The grate on which small vegetable portions will be cooked should be clean, just like the vegetables themselves.
  • Strictly control the whole process, do not leave the brazier unattended for a long time, otherwise only coals may remain instead of a fried treat.

Charcoal vegetables “Cornucopia”


  • - 4 things. + -
  • Eggplant - 3 pcs. + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • zucchini squash - 2 small fruits + -
  • - 5 small heads + -
  • half a citrus + -
  • - half a bundle + -
  • cilantro - half a bunch + -
  • - 50 ml + -
  • - 2 heads + -
  • — 4-5 pcs. + -
  • White wine - half a glass + -
  • - taste + -
  • by preference + -

Grilled vegetables step by step

Perhaps, those who think that baked garden gifts are boring and tasteless just don’t know about our grilled vegetable recipe yet. Bright, with a distinct garlic aroma, these products can become main course any country trip.

How to prepare vegetables for frying

  • To cook vegetables on a fire, pre-prepared fruits and greens are well washed and excess moisture is removed with a towel.
  • Remove the grainy cores from peppers and eggplants and chop each product into four parts.
  • We cut the zucchini into longitudinal strips, and the tomatoes into circles.
  • We clean the onion from the husk and pierce it with a toothpick or a match (so the taste of their specific juice will be fully transferred to other components)

To make the dish even more appetizing, we will marinate our vegetable mixture. Of course, the dressing will be different from the barbecue one, but it is necessary so that the pieces vegetable cutting soaked as best as possible and became fragrant and juicy.

Preparing marinade for grilled vegetables

  • To do this, we clean the garlic and cut it very finely or push through the garlic.
  • Greens (cilantro and parsley) chop and pour into a bowl.
  • We also put garlic slices there and squeeze the juice of half a lemon.
  • Pour the resulting mixture with wine and oil. Mix well and add salt and ground pepper.

How to pickle vegetables and fry them properly

Place the vegetable pieces in a deep saucepan and evenly pour over the marinade. Here the principle is the same as in the preparation of meat: the longer they stand, the better they will soak. Ideally, it would be good to season our grilled vegetables, the recipe of which we are studying, five to six hours before roasting them on the grill.

Put the pieces soaked in marinade on a clean wire rack. It is better to take it without a top so that the cut can be turned over and removed as it is ready - after all different vegetables They are not baked at the same time, but depending on their size and texture. We spread the resulting yummy as it is ready on a dish decorated with lettuce leaves.

Hearty and very attractive in appearance, this dish will be the highlight of country trips, picnics or cozy family dinners(Do we remember that they can be cooked at home too?). And, probably, for the first time, you will be able to enjoy the taste of food without being tormented by remorse because of its calorie content or harmfulness.

Secrets of cooking delicious grilled vegetables

  • It will turn out very tasty if you sprinkle vegetables on the coals. sesame seed(This component can be found in almost any store or spice counter).
  • A couple of minutes before removing the slices from the grill, sprinkle them with grated cheese - this will make them even more appetizing. You can add other gifts of the summer cottage that you like to the above recipe.
  • Grilled asparagus is excellent, but you should not experiment with cucumbers - their taste is definitely neutral, and most of juice just evaporates.

Grilled vegetables recipe, cooking with the chef

Double pleasure: sauces for grilled vegetables recipe

Our treat is good in itself, but there is nothing that could not be made even better! You can supplement and increase the sensation that the dish will surely make with the help of interesting and simple dressings.

  • Natural yogurt whipped with finely chopped herbs is a versatile option that everyone loves. Don't forget to salt the mixture.
  • Sour cream mixed with cheese and mint will give no less rich taste sensations with minimal time investment.
  • sour cream sauce, a small amount greens and finely chopped olives and olives will suit all vegetables on the fire and will serve as an excellent addition to the main dish.

It is healthy to eat, but at the same time not limited to an ascetic stingy menu - this is definitely about our recipe! We are sure you will appreciate the simplicity, refined taste and the ease of roasting vegetables on the fire!
