
Sauce for gooseberry and garlic meat. The best gooseberry seasoning

In Russia, gooseberries have been one of the most popular berries for a long time. His presence on the table was almost mandatory. And this is not surprising, since gooseberries can be not only fragrant jam or sweet jam, if you beat it correctly and correctly complement its taste, you can get an incredible sauce for meat, fish or a completely unique cold appetizer. And today we will consider all possible options for cooking dishes, the main component of which will be gooseberries with garlic. Having tried this tandem just once, you will no longer be able to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying it at least once more.

Gooseberries with garlic - delicious, original, fragrant!


So, today your culinary piggy bank will be replenished with several recipes for dishes based on gooseberries with garlic. We will use these products to prepare various sauces and seasonings from them. Let's get started!

Seasoning for meat and fish

Prepare ingredients:

  • 310 g of garlic;
  • 310 g gooseberries;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • sugar and salt to taste.

Cooking process.

  1. We free the garlic from the husk, berries from the stalks and sepals, wash the products in running water.
  2. We pass fruits and vegetables through a meat grinder, after which we additionally grind through a sieve.

    On a note! This technique allows you to get rid of the seeds that are present in gooseberries. If they do not interfere with you, then you can not wipe the mass through a sieve.

  3. We introduce honey, if necessary, then add sugar and salt to taste.
  4. Mix the seasoning thoroughly and lay it out in glass or plastic containers.
  5. Store in the main compartment of the refrigerator.

Recipe from Larisa Rubalskaya

Next on the list of dishes is the recipe for gooseberries with garlic from Rubalskaya.
Prepare ingredients:

  • gooseberries - a liter jar;
  • garlic - a glass;
  • a bunch of green dill.

Cooking process.

  1. We clean the garlic cloves, wash the berries and separate the stalks.
  2. We skip all the ingredients through a meat grinder and distribute the mixture into jars.
  3. You can store this seasoning in the refrigerator under a nylon lid.


Prepare ingredients:

  • 300 g of fresh gooseberries;
  • 60-70 g of peeled garlic cloves;
  • 30-35 black peppercorns;
  • 1 pea allspice;
  • 1 currant leaf;
  • 1 bud of cloves;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 30 ml of 9% table vinegar.

Cooking process.

  1. We prepare the main ingredients: sort the fruits, rinse under running water and remove the stalks.
  2. Put berries and garlic in clean jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters each.

    Important! Gooseberries and garlic must be taken in a ratio of 5: 2!

  3. Put a currant leaf, cloves, pepper in each jar.
  4. Boil the marinade: pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and bring everything to a boil, pour vinegar. Filter the marinade and pour the contents of the jars into it.
  5. Close the lids and sterilize for about 55-57 minutes.

The original gooseberry appetizer with garlic is ready! You can store it in the basement and cellar.

Snack in spicy marinade

Prepare ingredients:

  • fresh gooseberries;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • fresh mint;
  • dill greens;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • cherry leaf;
  • small chili pod;
  • 75 ml of 9% table vinegar;
  • 45 g salt.

Cooking process.

  1. We sort out the gooseberries, clean them, rinse them under running water and put them in a colander.
  2. At the bottom of a liter jar we put cherry and horseradish leaves, add mint, dill, chili and garlic.

    Important! These additional ingredients should not occupy more than 5% of the volume of a liter jar!

  3. We put gooseberries.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan and pour the contents of the jar with it.
  5. After five minutes, drain the liquid, repeat the procedure again.
  6. Separately, we prepare the marinade: in a saucepan, bring a liter of water to a boil, add salt and vinegar.
  7. Pour the berries with the finished marinade and close the jars.

Be sure to cook one of these dishes! The result will amaze you! At first glance, it may seem that these ingredients cannot be combined, but in reality, very tasty dishes are obtained. Combine gooseberries with garlic and bring new flavor notes to your everyday and holiday menu. Be healthy!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

I know, I know that classic tkemali is made from plums. But in life there should always be a place for experiments, especially culinary ones. Indeed, sometimes, by replacing some ingredient in a recipe, you can get an unexpectedly interesting and new taste of a familiar dish. So, for example, it happened to me when I decided to cook gooseberry tkemali. It turned out to be an excellent sauce - sweet and sour, fragrant, spicy ... Try it, I'm sure you will like it too!


  • 1 kg of red gooseberries;
  • 3-4 tbsp water;
  • 2 large heads of garlic;
  • 1 bunch of dill;
  • 1 bunch of celery;
  • 1-2 umbrellas of dill;
  • 5-6 cm horseradish leaf;
  • 1 cm hot pepper;
  • 1/3 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 tsp salt.


The basis of our sauce is gooseberries. Such tkemali is prepared from both green and red gooseberries, but in the latter case, the color of the sauce is much better - bright, rich, beautiful. My gooseberries, remove the twigs and leaves (if they got to the berries). Gooseberry tails can not be cut off, in the process of cooking we will get rid of them anyway.

Pour water into a saucepan (wide enough), pour gooseberries. Cover with a lid and send to the stove. When the contents of the pan boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 7-8 minutes. Gooseberries should become soft.

We throw the berries into a small colander (or sieve) and let them cool for about 10 minutes. Then we grind the gooseberries. Steamed gooseberries are ground easily and quickly (it takes about 10 minutes for 1 kg of berries), only the skin, grains, stalks and sepals remain in the waste, and the output is juice of a beautiful saturated color. Pour the resulting juice into a saucepan, put on fire and cook over low heat for 40-50 minutes. During this time, the juice will be reduced by almost half.

Wash the greens thoroughly, cut into pieces (about 3-4 cm each) and lay them out to dry. Garlic is peeled, washed and passed through a press.

Preparing spices. In a piece of gauze (or a wide bandage) we place a leaf of horseradish, dill, celery, hot pepper, crushed garlic.

We carefully tie the gauze or bandage so that all the spices and herbs are covered. We leave long ends so that after cooking the bag can be easily removed.

We lower the bag with spices into boiled gooseberry juice, put salt, sugar. And boil on a minimum heat for 30 minutes, making sure that the entire bag is covered with juice. . Be sure to try - is there enough salt in the sauce, is there enough spiciness, are spices audible.

We remove the bag of spices from the finished sauce, carefully, so as not to damage the integrity of the bag, squeeze the sauce out of it with a spoon.

Jars, pre-sterilized, fill with sauce.

And immediately close the lids, also sterilized.

We store this sauce in a cool place: you can in the cellar, basement. And you can put it in the refrigerator so as not to forget to serve it on the table, for example, along with a pork steak.

Gooseberries are a wonderful, tasty and healthy berry, we are used to eating it fresh, cooking compotes, jelly, jams, marmalades from it ... But let's try to cook a spicy gooseberry seasoning with garlic for the winter (and not only for the winter). Amazing combination, I agree! But it turns out, more than expected, very tasty!

So, follow me, curious hostesses! Gooseberries, garlic and dill - that's all we need. More salt and sugar, which we will add to taste, since gooseberries can be of different sweetness.

We clean the garlic, wash the dill and cut it.

Wash the gooseberries, remove the stalks.

Put the gooseberries, garlic and dill in a blender. Scroll for 1-2 minutes.

Salt a little and add 0.5 tsp. Sahara.

We’ll also try the mixture with a blender for half a minute, we’ll try. I added 1 more tsp. Sahara. It all depends on the sweetness of the gooseberries and your preferences.

Let's scroll everything again, literally a minute, so that all the tastes mix. This is the seasoning we got.

Fragrant, tasty, spicy gooseberry seasoning with garlic will delight you with taste, color, and aroma! I could not resist and tried at first just with bread ...

And then with meat))) The magnificent taste of gooseberry seasoning with garlic goes well with meat. Definitely try it!

Place the seasoning in clean (sterilized) small jars.

To store, cover the jars with baking paper, tie and store in the refrigerator. In this form, the seasoning is stored for about a month. For long-term storage, screw the jars with boiled lids.

Bon appetit! Prepare for health!

Gooseberry sauce for the winter is an unusual sweet berry sauce with an unusual sweet and sour aroma, spices and spices set the main tone here. And despite the fact that gooseberries are especially popular in recipes for sweet preparations for the winter, you can make excellent sauces for savory dishes and just snacks and spreads on bread from it.

Fragrant gooseberry sauce with garlic for the winter, a healthy and tasty preparation

This sauce has a rather specific taste and may not be suitable for everyone. But garlic gooseberry sauce for the winter needs to be prepared at least in order to determine whether you will cook this amazing seasoning again. This sauce goes well with meat dishes. At the same time, it can be prepared in advance. The following products are required for the recipe:

  • Gooseberries - 0.5 kg;
  • Garlic - 0.5-1 head;
  • Dill - to taste.

We sort out the gooseberries and wash them under running water. The preparation is incredibly simple - you need to chop the berries in a meat grinder or use a blender, beating it together with herbs and garlic. That's all, the sauce can be stored in the refrigerator. Please note that for the preparation of seasoning it is recommended to take green berries to add sourness to the dish.

The sauce can be served at the table, or you can prepare a couple of jars for the winter, for festive dishes. Berry-garlic puree can be rolled up in sterilized containers. True, in this case, the sauce will lose a little piquancy. Or you can freeze the ingredients and make a fresh sauce in winter.

Spicy green tkemali

Tkemali sauce is known to almost every self-respecting housewife and true connoisseurs of gourmet cuisine. Have you tried to cook gooseberry tkemali for the winter? It is not always possible to cook it according to the original recipe, since the plum variety that is needed for this does not grow nearby. Unripe sour gooseberries will come to the rescue. For cooking you need:

  • Gooseberry puree - 915 g;
  • Greens - 65 g;
  • 25 g of garlic;
  • 5 g red hot pepper powder or 1-2 pcs. whole;
  • 10 g salt.

From greens we take basil, cilantro or more familiar parsley and dill. We sort out all the products, remove damaged and rotten berries, yellow branches of greenery, and so on. Then we wash everything and fill the gooseberries with water in a saucepan. For 1 kg of berries you will need about 400 ml of water. We send the pan to the stove and cook the berries until we get a puree.

Then the boiled mass must be rubbed through a sieve with a wooden pestle or spatula. In the puree, periodically add water (no more than a glass). Having received berry puree, as in the original recipe, pepper is added to the mass. If you take fresh, then it needs to be finely chopped. Now it's the turn of greens and garlic. The latter, as well as pepper, is finely chopped, and the sprigs of greens are finely chopped.

We mix all the ingredients, add salt and send to low heat. Bringing to a boil, boil for about 15 minutes. Another hot sauce needs to be poured into pre-prepared sterilized jars or even bottles are more convenient. Immediately, the workpiece is corked and set aside for cooling. Everything, the sauce is ready and will wait in the wings in the winter.

Gooseberry Adjika "New Ideas"

Adjika is on almost every table today. Someone buys it, caring grandmothers give it to someone, and someone cooks it on their own. However, for sure, not everyone tried gooseberry adjika for the winter. This is a gooseberry dish in such an interesting interpretation of a traditional recipe. It is also suitable for meat dishes or as a marinade. For cooking you will need:

  • Gooseberries -3 tbsp.;
  • Pepper - 1 pc. (sweet);
  • Chili pepper - ½ pcs.;
  • Greens - basil 5-7 leaves, the rest to taste;
  • Garlic - 1 pc.;
  • Oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - to taste.

We thoroughly wash the berries, remove the stalks, leaves and small rubbish. We also clean and wash the greens and peppers, after which we cut them into pieces. We clean the garlic. Now the simplest thing remains - all the ingredients need to be chopped. To do this, you can use a blender or twist in a meat grinder.

Cooking gooseberry seasoning: fast, simple, tasty

An even easier gooseberry sauce recipe is a spicy seasoning. Gooseberry seasoning for the winter turns out to be an excellent aromatic addition to a meat dish and any side dish with a specific taste. To do this, you need to take products in such quantities:

  • Gooseberries (mashed potatoes) - 1 kg;
  • Sugar - 100 g;
  • Salt - 15 g;
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

Let's prepare the gooseberries - we will wash and sort out the berries, getting rid of the spoiled ones and removing the leaves and other small rubbish. Then gooseberries need to be turned into berry puree. This can be done in a meat grinder or blender. For uniformity, you can then also grind through a sieve. Now the mass can be mixed with the rest of the ingredients.

Before this, grind the garlic, and finely chop the greens. We send all the ingredients already mixed to the stove and warm them up well. After that, we pour into bottles or jars. It is recommended to take small ones - 0.5 liters each. We sterilize jars with seasoning for about 20 minutes at a temperature of 100 ° C. Everything, the preparation is ready for wintering. Bon appetit!

Gooseberry ketchup for the winter "Piquant taste"

From gooseberries, you can also cook very tasty ketchup with a spicy, slightly spicy taste. Gooseberry ketchup for the winter will be in perfect harmony with any meat dish, poultry or even fish. The components for the recipe will require the following:

  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Dill - 100 g.

Blanch the prepared, sorted and washed gooseberries for about 2 minutes in a pot of boiling water. After that, the berries are ground through a sieve to a puree mass. Now peel and finely chop the garlic. It can also be crushed in a press. We also finely chop the greens with a knife, then mix with the rest of the ingredients, salt and add sugar to your taste.

We send the already mixed mass back to the stove and cook for half an hour over low heat. Then we cool the ketchup and put it in jars, which we store in the refrigerator. It is worth noting that for the preparation of gooseberry ketchup, naturally, you need to take ripe red berries to give the dish the appropriate color. But we can mix them with green ones to add sourness.
