
How to make your own candy. Step by step guide to making chocolate fudge

How are candies made? Today we will make amazing trip to the pastry shop and we will see with our own eyes how sweets are made, what machines help confectioners. Learn how candy is made different taste and smell. Let's see interesting movie for kids. And as always, we will look at the pictures and play useful and Interesting games. Have a nice trip to sweet World candy and childhood!

We already know about the confectioners who make buns from the article. And today we will go to visit the confectioners who make sweets.

How sweets are made: educational games for kids.

1. Speech exercise

Everyone loves sweets - both adults and children. And everyone knows they are sweet. What else is sweet?

  • Sweet honey, cake, gingerbread, compote, juice, sugar;
  • Sweet strawberries, cherries, raspberries, dried apricots, wild strawberries;
  • Sweet cake, ice cream, cookies;
  • Sweet berries, cakes, pastries, gingerbread, ...

Guess my riddle

  • Sweet, delicious - is it a candy or a cookie? If the child answers “cookies”, then ask him: “Do we say that - sweet cookie? We say sweet cookies. After the first few riddles, the baby will catch the catch of these speech riddles and will answer correctly. And at the same time, in this exercise, the child will learn to distinguish between women. masculine and neuter in words.
  • Sweet, cold - is it ice cream or cake?
  • Sweet, tasty - is it jelly or cookies?
  • sweet, crunchy corn sticks or pie?

2.Experiment. Why are candies colored?

What are sweets made from? Previously, people made candies from sweet fruits with honey and nuts. And now they are made from sugar. How is it possible, that sugar is white and candy is colored?(Paints are added to sugar, the kid says). Right to sugar syrup became colored, they add to it - but not paints, but dyes. You can’t add paints, because they can’t be eaten.

Make a little one with your baby tasty experiment to show him how dyes work. Take cottage cheese and divide the serving into several cups. Discuss with your child that cottage cheese is white. How to make it colored? Add your own dye to each cup of cottage cheese: for Pink colour- beetroot juice yellow color- carrot juice or turmeric (it is sold in grocery stores as a seasoning). Let the baby add the dyes himself and stir the cottage cheese with them to get a colored mass. You can try adding jam, for example, blueberry. Then make a curd ball out of each serving. Get multi-colored curd balls. Sometimes you need to add sour cream to the cottage cheese so that the balls roll up. Arrange beautifully your colored curd balls and help yourself!

If you do protein glaze to decorate baking, then also show with your baby how you paint it in different colors.

3. How are sweets made at a confectionery factory? Video for kids.

What do you think is the name of the profession of people who make candy? They are confectioners! Confectioners make candy on a large confectionery factory. Invite the kid to go to visit the confectioners and watch with him this amazingly interesting and Informative video on how sweets are made.

4. How do machines help people make candy?

Did you see in the movie that Many different machines help confectioners to make sweets. They were invented by people to make their work easier. That's how smart cars are. Guess from the name what these machines do. True, interesting and very funny names for these machines?

  • Pulling machine what a fun name. Pulling - similar to what word? On the word "pull". Guess why it's called that? In it, the caramel mass stretches into a long, long caramel river and mixes with dyes (remember the excerpt from the video tour about the long caramel river - it turns out such a long caramel)
  • caramel rolling machine- rolls caramel around the filling. It turns out such a long, long caramel with filling.
  • Harness pulling machine- makes a beautiful even flagellum from our long caramel river. In the same way as you make a flagellum from plasticine.
  • The next machine - forming - cuts caramels from our flagellum and puts a pattern on the caramel (consider sweets with a baby - they always have stripes, cells or another pattern)
  • Then our sweets go on and cool down. And they go to the workshop, which is called "packaging". What do they do in it?

  • So they packed the sweets and sent them to the store. So sweets come to our table.

5. Who makes the candy? A speech exercise for the formation of new words - the names of professions and for the development of a child's linguistic instinct.

IN confectionery shop not only the names of the cars are very funny and interesting, but also the names various works of people. There are a lot of confectioners in the factory, and everyone does their own thing. Confectioners who work at a confectionery factory are called differently.

(All the professions named below really exist and are called that. I did not invent them. It seems that we, adults, are now learning a lot about confectioners.)

  • Guess what a pastry chef does?
  • What does a sweetie do?
  • Biscuit?
  • dough mixer ?
  • Packer?
  • A confectioner who cooks caramel mass is called ... what do you think, how? Cooker.
  • And there is also a chocolate and toffee at the confectionery factory. Have you already guessed what they do?
  • What do you think is the name of the confectioner who makes caramel. The child can come up with his own name and show word creation. This is very good! Praise him for it. But really such a confectioner is called " caramel"
  • What is the name of the confectioner who makes marmalade and marshmallow? Let the child come up with their own names. When a child forms new words from known ones, the baby’s intellect develops perfectly (he needs to derive general rule formation of words and creatively apply this rule in a new situation) and language flair improves. Linguistic flair in the future will greatly help the baby to master well not only his native language, but also foreign languages. After the child has come up with his own names, tell him what these confectioners are called. They are called pastilshchitsy - marmeladchitsy.
  • And the confectioner who covers the sweets with icing is also called very interesting - glazer.
  • What does a pastry chef do? That's right, cutting. What is he cutting? (For example, a carver cuts marshmallow into pieces).
  • And in the shop where marshmallows are made, there are gluers. What are they doing? Listen to the child's suggestions and clarify his answer. Remember what a marshmallow looks like. It is glued from two halves (show in the store how it looks if the baby has not seen the marshmallow). Gluers glue marshmallow halves together.

That's how many confectioners there are in the factory, and they all help each other!

5. What are sweets?

Candies are different. What types of sweets do you know? (Chocolate, marmalade, toffees, bars, caramels and lollipops…)

Candy is simple and with fudge,
A little sour and cloyingly sweet,
In a wrapper shiny and unattractive,
Strawberry, raspberry and chocolate.

And soft, and hard, and even viscous,
There are a whole bunch of nuts in it.
And everyone who has been there understands:
Unnecessary it - never happens! Dmitry Polovnev

Why are lollipops so called? What word does the word "lollipop" look like? On the word "ice". How are lollipops and ice (clear, hard) similar? What is the difference? (the lollipops are edible, but the ice is inedible)

Previously, lollipops were made at home, and then they began to be produced at confectionery factories. They say that such sweets appeared by accident. Once, at a confectionery factory, they cooked caramel, stirring it with chopsticks. The owner of the factory took these sticks with sugar stuck to them home and treated his children. The kids loved this candy. And three years later, this factory began to produce candies on a stick.

6. Good and bad game

Let's fantasize. Let's imagine that the sweets have become huge - the size of a room. Why would it be good? And what's bad?

And now the candies have become tiny. Why is it good? And what's bad?

This exercise teaches the baby to think and express his opinion.

7. Healthy candy.

Ask the kid why you can not eat a lot of sweets? Remind the proverb “Everything is good in moderation” and discuss what it means.

If you are passionate in a healthy way life and are trying to attract your kids to it, you can make healthy sweets without sugar together with your children. They are made from ground - dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) and nuts with honey, turned through a meat grinder. Mix this mass and roll balls out of it. Then each ball must be rolled in breadcrumbs or sesame seeds or any other topping. Children will help you stir and roll the balls, roll them in the sprinkles. Such homemade candy If desired, you can wrap in foil and give as a gift.

You can introduce kids to other professions in the section "The World Around Us"


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

What are the advantages of homemade sweets?

Perhaps someone will tell the cost. But in fact, when comparing the price of ingredients and a purchased delicacy, it is clear that the benefit is not always big.

But you know exactly what's inside! And you can easily cook healthy treats.

And here you can see the collection interesting recipes sweets at home.

Sweets at home - general principles of preparation

In fact, making homemade sweets is very simple. The ingredients are crushed, mixed and formed into the desired size and shape. In some recipes, you need to cook the glaze, whip the cream, fry the nuts. Which is also easy.

What products are mainly used:

Chocolate, cocoa;

Dried fruits and nuts;

Honey, sugar;

Cookies, waffles;

Coconut shavings;

Dairy products;

Dried fruit sweets are the most useful and do not harm the figure. Of course, if used within reason. And chocolate sweets with cookies, waffles and other sweets are very tasty. But, when compared with factory counterparts, they can also be considered extremely useful.

Dried fruit candy recipe at home

The most useful option simple recipe sweets at home, with which you can satisfy your sweet passion. Dried apricots are sour. If you want to get more sweet taste, then you can take more prunes or add some raisins.


2 cups dried apricots;

1 glass of prunes;

1 glass of walnuts;

80 grams of chocolate;

30 grams of oil;

2-4 tablespoons of honey.


1. All dried fruits should be washed and dried well. You can put it on napkins and leave for a while.

2. Dry the nuts in a pan, then chop. The size of the pieces to your taste. Can be ground into powder.

3. We pass dried fruits through a meat grinder, add nuts to them and adjust the consistency with honey. You should get a thick mass.

4. We make balls the size of a quail egg.

5. Crumble chocolate, melt with butter.

6. And pour icing on top of the sweets. You can cover completely, but in this case, you will need more chocolate.

7. We store homemade treats in the refrigerator, they will lie quietly for 3-4 days.

Candy recipe at home "Squirrel"

Home analogue popular candies"Squirrel". The delicacy is prepared with walnuts, but you can experiment and take any others. Delicious with the addition a small amount roasted sesame. You will also need waffle hemispheres, which can be bought at the store for raw materials for confectioners. Although you can always make the mass thicker and just roll the balls.


100 ml cream;

1 glass of walnuts;

200 grams of oil;

100 grams of chocolate;

1 cup of sugar;

40 grams of waffle hemispheres.


1. Leave the butter warm for an hour, then beat until fluffy with sugar. Powder can be used to speed up the process.

2. Add half of the roasted and grated nut kernels.

3. Put chocolate pieces in a bowl, add cream and heat in a water bath.

4. Mix chocolate with cream, set aside a third. Fill the hemispheres with the rest of the mass or just roll the balls. But in this case, part of the cream can not be postponed.

5. If hemispheres were used, then we coat them with the remains of the cream.

6. Roll the sweets in the set aside nuts and remove to harden in cool place.

Homemade cookie recipe

A budget option candy recipe at home. The sweetness resembles the popular Potato cake and is prepared according to a similar principle. Cookies take any crumbly, not soft.


0.5 kg of cookies;

30 grams of coconut flakes;

0.2 kg of nuts;

20 pieces of dried apricots;

Near a can of condensed milk.


1. Grind cookies and nuts with any convenient way. It is possible in a combine or through a meat grinder.

2. Add condensed milk. At this stage, do not rush, pour in a little, mix thoroughly. The density of condensed milk and the moisture content of cookies is different for everyone, it is important not to pour in too much. But if this happens, then add more nuts or cookies.

3. Rinse dried apricots, dry. Instead, you can use any other filler. For example, prunes, raisins, pieces of marmalade, marshmallows.

4. We take a piece of the resulting mass, make a hole, put the filling (in our case, dried apricots) and close the ball.

5. Rolling sweet ball in coconut flakes and you can drink tea! But it is better to let the sweets lie down in the refrigerator for a while.

Recipe for sweets at home from milk mixture "Shock-shock"

For this homemade candy recipe, you will need a mixture for baby food"Baby" type. A wonderful option for using extra food.


200 grams of the mixture;

200 grams of powder;

Pack of butter;

100 grams of cocoa.


1. soft butter whisk with powder. The mass should turn out to be homogeneous, white, you can not whip until a lush foam.

2. We put the milk mixture, which must be sifted.

3. We also add sifted cocoa, mix everything and sculpt sweets.

4. We make out at our discretion. But since this is a shock shock, you can roll it in cocoa or grated chocolate.

Recipe for sweets at home "Trufeldino"

The recipe for very interesting truffle sweets at home. They will need powdered milk. But you can also use infant formula, as in previous recipe.


4.5 cups of milk powder (or a mixture);

2 cups of sugar;

4 tablespoons of cocoa;

¾ cup liquid milk;

60 grams of oil;

Coconut shavings.


1. Combine cocoa with sugar and liquid milk, put butter and put it on the stove.

2. Cook the mass until all the grains are dissolved.

3. We introduce powdered milk or infant formula. But not all. Half a glass will remain for sure. We adjust the density, the mass should turn out for modeling. As soon as it becomes difficult to mix with a spoon, stop adding milk.

4. Cool for 15 minutes in the refrigerator.

5. We make sweets in the form of truffles. To make the process easier, we wet our hands cold water.

6. Roll the products in the remaining mixture and put them in the refrigerator so that they “grab”.

Candy recipe at home "Raffaello"

But this recipe will certainly help save money, since real Raffaello sweets are not cheap. From this amount of products, about 16 pieces will be obtained. Simplified recipe. If you want to cook a delicacy that is as similar as possible to the original, then see below.


16 pieces of almonds;

200 grams of condensed milk;

25 grams of oil;

150 grams of chips;


1. We immediately set aside a third of the chips for deboning ready-made sweets, and send the rest to a bowl.

2. Add melted butter, then condensed milk. Mix vigorously. At first, the mass will be a little liquid, but then the chips will swell.

3. Almonds need to be poured with boiling water, and after five minutes, remove the skin. Dry the nuts in a frying pan.

4. We sculpt Raffaello with a nut inside, roll in the deferred shavings.

Candy recipe at home "Raffaello" No. 2 (similar to real ones)

To make almost real Raffaello sweets, you will need mascarpone cheese and waffle hemispheres.


150 grams of mascarpone;

100 grams of chips;

150 grams of chocolate (white);

50 ml cream (at least 20% fat);

50 grams of almonds;

100 grams of condensed milk;

40-50 waffle spheres.


1. Combine mascarpone with condensed milk, beat with a mixer for five minutes. The mass should become air.

2. Melt a third of the chocolate in a water bath with 1 tablespoon of cream. Pour into cream, stir. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

3. Fill the hemispheres for sweets with chilled cream, stick the almonds and connect them together.

4. Now you need to melt the remaining chocolate and cream.

5. Gently dip the balls in chocolate, roll in coconut flakes and immediately wrap in foil.

6. We immediately send it to the freezer so that the waffle sphere does not have time to become sour. In an hour, the Rafaellas will be ready.

Muesli homemade candy recipe

Another option healthy sweets that are easy and quick to make at home. Cinnamon is added for flavor, but it can always be omitted. These sweets do not keep for a long time, as they contain fresh carrots.


20 grams of sunflower seeds;

1 spoon of honey;

¼ tsp cinnamon;

50 grams of carrots;

40 grams of prunes;

40 grams of oil;

40 grams of raisins;

100 grams of oatmeal for cooking without cooking.


1. Finely rub the carrot.

2. Add chopped prunes and halves of raisins.

3. Add oil. In this recipe, you can melt butter or add vegetable oil.

4. Put the seeds, cereal, honey and mix.

5. Leave the mass for the swelling of the flakes, then form the balls and you're done! They can be rolled in sesame seeds, poppy seeds or coconut flakes.

In any recipe for homemade sweets, you can replace milk powder with infant formula and vice versa. In terms of moisture, these ingredients are almost the same, do not require any changes in the recipe.

How many candies will it make? Just add up the ingredients. If it comes out too much, then you can always cook half or a small part, proportionally dividing the products.

There are a lot of candy recipes. And most of them consist of the same ingredients with small changes. And if you have already decided to stain the meat grinder with nuts, the mixer with butter, and the bowl with chocolate, then cook several types of sweets at once, you can do it a little bit. And then sweet table be rich and varied.

Chocolates are rightfully considered a favorite treat for adults and children. To date, store shelves are littered with various desserts, but they are all stuffed with flavor stabilizers and emulsifiers. Experienced housewives prefer to make chocolates on their own, and this is not surprising. In the end, you will receive natural product that all family members will love. Consider the most delicious recipes.

Features of making chocolate

  1. First of all, it is worth remembering that chocolate in all its diversity does not like water. For this reason, it is recommended to be extremely careful when preparing sweets on chocolate base. Make sure the dishes are always dry. During the heating of the product in a water bath, the liquid from the pan should not get into the bowl with chocolate. If water gets into the composition, the candy will curl up into lumps, and the base itself will be too thick.
  2. Milk chocolate thickens much faster than white or dark chocolate. Therefore, it is easiest to make sweets from the last two ingredients, this will help you control the consistency and find the right shape. The milk mass is overly sensitive to various factors, whether it be temperature changes or high humidity.
  3. If you plan to cook the truffle at home, keep the filling in the refrigerator first. After the candies are formed, also place them in the chamber to finished product dry after glazing.


  • powdered sugar - 45 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 225 gr.
  • fat cream (15-20%) - 65 gr.
  • cognac - 30 ml.
  • hazelnuts - 45 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 85 gr.
  1. Pick up a small enamel pan, wash and dry it. Even one drop of water can spoil the consistency of the finished product. Break the chocolate into small cubes, place in a container, put the dishes on the stove. Stir constantly so that the composition does not stick to the walls.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine powdered sugar and cream, stir until uniform consistency. Put the container on the stove, also heat it up. Pour in a thin stream to the chocolate base, mix with a wooden spatula.
  3. Roast the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan without vegetable oil. Chop it up for small pieces, mix with cognac and add to the previous mixture. Stir again, refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. After the specified period, you will receive a composition that resembles plasticine in consistency. Blind circles from the mass, roll them in cocoa powder. Arrange prepared truffles on a serving tray or cutting board and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Candies with walnut

  • walnut (kernels) - 55 gr.
  • bitter chocolate - 25 gr.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  1. fry walnuts in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. Mix the chips with honey, form circles.
  2. Break the chocolate into small squares, place in a saucepan and melt in a water bath. Get wet ready-made balls into the melted mass, put on a tray.
  3. Send the finished sweets to the refrigerator until completely solidified. As a rule, they will harden in 2 hours. You can replace walnuts with almonds or hazelnuts.

  • cream (fat content 20%) - 110 gr.
  • butter - 55 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml.
  • dark chocolate - 45 gr.
  • toffee sweets - 210 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 45 gr.
  1. Take the butter out of the refrigerator, leave it at room temperature. Place the iris in a deep bowl, melt in a water bath. After that, grind the liquid mixture with cream and butter using a fork or blender.
  2. Heat the frying pan, put the hazelnuts on it and fry well. Remove the peel from the nuts, prepare a form for sweets and grease it with vegetable oil.
  3. Place one whole hazelnut in each section, top with melted toffee mixture. Put the workpiece in the refrigerator, wait a quarter of an hour.
  4. Break the chocolate into small squares, melt in water or steam bath, stirring constantly. Take out the toffee sweets, fill them with chocolate icing, put the treat in the freezer.
  5. After about 6 hours, the sweets will harden, you just have to get them out and move them to a hermetically sealed container. The shelf life of toffee "Toffee" is 10 days.

Sweets with condensed milk

  • cocoa powder - 25 gr.
  • white chocolate - 55 gr.
  • butter - 15 gr.
  • condensed milk - 410 gr.
  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, chop it into small cubes, put in a deep bowl. Melt the composition to room temperature, then add cocoa powder and pour in milk (fat content from 3%).
  2. cook water bath, melt the composition to liquid consistency. Simmer the mixture for no longer than 10 minutes, otherwise the cocoa will lose its flavor.
  3. Turn off the stove, cool the mixture first at vivo then refrigerate for half an hour. At this time grind White chocolate on a grater, pour it into a flat dish.
  4. Take it out of the fridge creamy mass, roll balls out of it. Roll the resulting sweets in grated white chocolate, put on a tray. Refrigerate the treat for 1 hour.

  • granulated sugar- 55 gr.
  • milk chocolate - 75 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 90 gr.
  • butter - 25 gr.
  1. First of all, place the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan, roast them until brown. Grind in a coffee grinder or chop into pieces.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-bottomed saucepan, melt it on the stove. Make sure that the composition does not burn, collect the mass from the walls of the container.
  3. After you boil the sugar syrup, add chopped hazelnuts to it. Put the finished mass on parchment paper, cool.
  4. When the mixture hardens and cools, transfer it to a blender and grind. Next, add butter, previously melted at room temperature, beat the composition. Start slowly adding sugar syrup with nuts.
  5. You will eventually succeed thick paste, form cubes or circles from it. If desired, add one whole hazelnut to each candy. Put the finished sweets in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, dip the formed sweets into it. Put the dessert on a tray, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

Sweets with Mascarpone

  • soft cheese (mascarpone is suitable) - 145 gr.
  • milk chocolate - 85 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 90 gr.
  1. Prepare paper or Silicone forms for sweets, they don't have to be big size. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave (“Defrost” mode, 15 minutes).
  2. Grease the walls of the molds with chocolate icing, put them in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. After this period, re-grease the molds with chocolate, again place in the cold for half an hour.
  3. While the base hardens, break the milk chocolate into squares, send to a container and melt in a water bath until smooth. Cool for 7 minutes, add soft cheese.
  4. Beat the mass with a mixer or blender, remove the molds from the refrigerator. Try to separate the hardened chocolate from the walls so that you get molds with sides.
  5. The resulting mixture of cheese and milk chocolate pour into pastry bag. Click on it to fill chocolate molds. Put the sweets on a tray, refrigerate for 1 hour. Shelf life - 5 days.

  • peanuts without salt - 50 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 60 gr.
  • fat sour cream - 100 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 55 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 55 gr.
  • butter - 45 gr.
  • white chocolate - 80 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 30 gr.
  1. If desired, you can replace peanuts or hazelnuts with other types of nuts, for example, cashews, walnuts, pistachios. Heat a non-stick frying pan, add peanuts and hazelnuts, fry until brown.
  2. When the shell begins to separate, remove the product from the heat and peel. Grind it in a blender to a state of flour or chop it into pieces with a knife.
  3. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut it into small cubes, melt in a water bath. Gradually add cocoa, after sifting the powder.
  4. Continuing to stir the mass, add granulated sugar, bring the composition until the granules are completely dissolved. Remove mixture from heat, cool to room temperature, add sour cream.
  5. Pour the composition into a blender or beat with a mixer, add nuts, refrigerate for 1 hour. At this time, melt the white chocolate in a water bath, pour the coconut flakes into a flat dish.
  6. Take out the creamy mass, roll it into balls, roll in melted white chocolate. Then sprinkle immediately coconut flakes and put on a tray. Refrigerate until completely set (about 3 hours).

Sweets with almonds

  • powdered sugar - 80 gr.
  • butter (60-72%) - 110 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 80 gr.
  • almonds - 60 gr.
  1. Cut the butter into cubes, transfer to a saucepan, put on the stove and melt in a water bath. Sift cocoa, start adding the powder one teaspoon at a time, stir at the same time. Do the same with powdered sugar.
  2. As a result, you should get a creamy mass. Remove the product from the stove when the mixture is homogeneous. Cool to room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. When the specified time has elapsed, form balls from the mass by placing one roasted almond inside. Sprinkle candies with powdered sugar mixed with cocoa powder in equal proportions.

Sweets with boiled condensed milk

  • walnut - 150 gr.
  • wheat flour - 40 gr.
  • condensed milk - 300 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 85 gr.
  • berries from jam (whole) - for decoration
  1. Remove the label from tin can with condensed milk. Put it in a pot and pour boiling water so that the water covers the container completely. Cook over moderate heat for 2.5 hours, then turn off the burner and cool the composition.
  2. When the condensed milk has cooled to room temperature, uncork the jar, move the contents into a deep bowl. Sift cocoa through a kitchen sieve, mix with condensed milk.
  3. Line a baking sheet parchment paper or food foil, sprinkle wheat flour. Take two teaspoons, collect the mixture with the first of them, remove the composition with the second, laying it on a baking sheet. The distance between candies should be at least 3 cm.
  4. Place one berry on top of the mixture. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, adjust the power so that it does not fluctuate. Send a baking sheet inside, bake the product for a quarter of an hour.
  5. When the specified period has passed, turn off the oven, remove the baking sheet and cool the contents to room temperature. Gently pry each candy with a spatula, place on a tray and refrigerate for 1 hour.

Sweets with dried fruits

  • sweet almonds - 90 gr.
  • dried apricots - 110 gr.
  • seedless raisins - 80 gr.
  • dried figs - 120 gr.
  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • honey - 210 gr.
  • walnut - 100 gr.
  • cocoa - 115 gr.
  • milk chocolate - 100 gr.
  1. Toast almonds and walnuts in a hot dry pan, peel and grind in a blender / coffee grinder. Combine raisins, dried apricots, lemons, figs. Send dried fruits to the meat grinder, scroll 2 times.
  2. Mix the two masses into one composition, add honey and mix well. Put the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour, then apply cocoa powder to your hands and start forming balls.
  3. When the sweets are ready, roll them again in cocoa. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, bring to a smooth, cool. Drop into the mass finished goods put them on a flat dish.
  4. Refrigerate candy. Once the chocolate has hardened, start consuming. The shelf life of homemade sweets is 10-14 days.

  • coconut - 0.5 pcs.
  • white chocolate - 100 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 55 gr.
  • butter - 110 gr.
  • cocoa - 80 gr.
  • almonds - 175 gr.
  1. Cut the butter into small cubes, melt in a water bath. Slowly begin to pour in the powdered sugar while stirring the product.
  2. Remove from heat, add sifted cocoa powder. Beat the mass with a mixer and refrigerate for 45-60 minutes.
  3. At this time, peel the coconut, grate half of the fruit on fine grater. Fry the resulting chips in a dry hot frying pan for 1 minute. Move it to a flat dish.
  4. Remove the creamy mass from the cold, form small balls, put the pre-roasted almonds inside. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, let cool.
  5. Alternately dip the candy first in chocolate icing, then sprinkle with flaked coconut and press lightly with your hands. Lay the finished candy on a cutting board.
  6. At the end of all manipulations, place the finished product in the cold for 1.5 hours. Serve with unsweetened coffee or tea. Keep no longer than 5 days.

Candies with caramel

  • butter - 30 gr.
  • cereals- 90 gr.
  • granulated sugar (brown) - 50 gr.
  • hazelnut (whole) - 110 gr.
  • dark chocolate- 90 gr.
  • white chocolate (can be milk) - 100 gr.
  1. Prepare silicone or paper forms for sweets. Melt dark chocolate in a water bath, then cool and pour into mold compartments. Leave to harden in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  2. Chop the butter into cubes, leave at room temperature until softened. Pour in granulated sugar, rub the mass with a fork. If the granules do not dissolve, resort to using a water bath.
  3. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender, add to the previous mixture. Roast the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan, chop with a knife small pieces, send to the creamy oatmeal mass.
  4. Pour the composition into an enamel pan, put on fire and melt until completely caramelized. You will feel a characteristic smell, the mass will become brownish.
  5. Get it chocolate molds from the refrigerator, pour the cooled mixture over them. Melt white chocolate on a steam bath, pour it over the base.
  6. Put the mold in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After that, you can wrap each candy in foil and decorate with ribbon. Keep no longer than a week.

Shelf life of homemade chocolates quite short, it is determined entirely natural composition and no preservatives. Storage in the refrigerator is limited to two weeks, in other conditions - 6-7 days.

Video: Bounty chocolates

Chocolate is made from cocoa beans. Cocoa beans are seeds from the fruits of cocoa trees that grow in the warm and humid climate of Northern and South America, Australia and some islands of Asia.

Fresh cocoa beans have a bitter-tart flavor and a pale color. In order to obtain chocolate from cocoa beans, they are subjected to complex technological processing: they are cleaned, sorted, roasted, crushed into cocoa nibs and ground. It turns out grated cocoa. It is subjected to pressing, the end products of which are cocoa cake and cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is obtained from cocoa cake. Depending on the processing method, cocoa powder can be of two types: cocoa powder for making cocoa drink, and industrial cocoa powder used for making confectionery.

For the production of chocolate, cocoa powder is pressed into large "carpets".

Chocolates are made in chocolate factories using special equipment. Chocolate enters the hopper of the machine, where it is melted. In another section, the filling is made. The melted chocolate and filling are then fed into candy molds, which can be different shapes and with different pattern on a surface.

After the mold is cast, the molds are sent for cooling. Chilled sweets are beaten out onto sheets.

Candy wrappers are wrapped by wrapping machines. Then they are packed into boxes and in this form they are transported to stores.

This machine melts chocolate

This machine makes chocolate icing from melted chocolate.

Here plastic molds are heated.

Plastic molds are filled with chocolate.

Forms with chocolate are sent for cooling

This machine takes candies out of plastic molds

On the conveyor candy moves to the packaging machine

wrapping machine

Ready wrapped sweets are packed in boxes and sent to the packing shop.

The material used photographs from sites

aslan wrote in June 1st, 2014

Chocolate factory "Russia" in Samara is one of the largest in our country. The factory was built according to the project of the Italian company "Carle i Montanari" in 1969, and the first production was received in April 1970. In 1992, the factory became an open joint stock company, and in 1995 it became part of the Nestlé group of companies in Russia. In 1996, the factory began producing international Nestle brands - Nestle classic chocolate and Nuts bars.

In 1997, the slogan "Russia" was born - a generous soul. In 2001, the production of premium-class chocolate "Zolotaya Marka" began. In 2007, the factory received ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and OHSAS 18001 certificates. In 2010, the production of Komilfo premium sweets began. In March 2011 JSC "Confectionery Association "Russia" was transformed into LLC, and in June of the same year the factory was attached to LLC "Nestle Russia" as the main production branch. Today, the factory produces more than 170 types of products under the brands "Russia" - generous soul!", "Nestle", "Nesquik" and "Nuts".

01. Checkpoint at 257 Kirov Avenue. About 1350 people work at the factory.

02. The factory maintains a very high level of cleanliness and order - all workers wear overalls and hats. Handwashing is mandatory upon entering production.

03. Markings for pedestrians and vehicles are everywhere on the floor.

Workshop No. 1 Cocoa bean processing department

04. So, where does the production of chocolate begin? Of course, with the processing of cocoa beans. Pre-roasted cocoa beans must be thoroughly crushed.

05. Crusher. The better the cocoa nibs are crushed, the richer and more subtle the taste of chocolate will be. The final size of the cocoa solids passed through the grinding equipment must not exceed 75 µm.

06. Cocoa mass contains 54% very valuable substance- cocoa butter, which is the main component for the production of real chocolate. To obtain cocoa butter, cocoa liquor is heated to a certain temperature and then pressed in a heated state. This is how the cocoa butter separates from the solid residue. The solid residue is further used to make cocoa powder.

08. Tanks in which cocoa liquor is stored, intended for pressing.

10. There is a lot of all kinds of equipment and pipelines.

12. liquid chocolate flowing

13. Workshop, in which there are so-called "mills" for the production of powder.

15. One of the oldest units of the factory, manufactured in 1967, designed for conching (mixing) has been preserved here. chocolate mass.

16. The logo of the Italian company "Carle and Montanari" on it.

17. Now the conching process is on a new modern line. This is one of milestones in chocolate production. After mixing and grinding, the chocolate mass is subjected to intensive kneading at high temperatures. This is a very long process, as a result of which excess moisture evaporates from the chocolate mass, lumps that are still present are eliminated, volatile acids and excessive bitterness are displaced, and cocoa solids are rounded. Conching can take from several hours to several days.

Production of chocolate bars

19. In the "kitchen" workshop, marshmallow is prepared, which goes through pipes to the chocolate bar production workshop.

20. Pastila is rolled into a long layer with the help of large drums, which travels along the conveyor.

21. Marshmallow cools

22. and cut into strips.

23. A large knife cuts strips depending on the length of the bars.

24. Strictly under a certain temperature regime bars are covered with liquid chocolate.

25. Here the machine applies a pattern on top of the bars.

26. Employees of the enrobing section randomly check the bars for size and weight.

Chocolate bar packaging

28. Packing shop

29. Before packaging, the bars are checked by a metal detector.

30. In the packaging shop, almost everything is automated.

31. Tape for packaging Nesquik bars.

32. Boxes for Nesquik bars

33. A stacking robot stacks candy bars into boxes. Each box contains a strictly defined, fixed number of bars.

34. Some of the bars fit into boxes without an account.

35. Such boxes are weighed and marked.

36. Boxes are stacked on a trolley and taken to a warehouse.

Production of domed candies

37. Dome-shaped sweets are produced in the dome-shaped candy workshop. IN this case we see how the machine casts sweets "Native expanses".

38. Long slender rows of sweets go to the apparatus, where liquid chocolate is poured.

41. Chocolate-filled candies fall out in wafer crumbs.

42. Ready sweets go to the packaging area.

43. The packaging of such sweets is made by hand.

44. Intermediate control of finished boxes.

45. Boxes are packed in large cardboard boxes, labeled and taken to the warehouse.

Production of chocolate bars

47. Hot chocolate is poured into similar forms and sent along the conveyor belt through the refrigerator. At the same stage, if the recipe requires it, chocolate is added various additives(for example, nuts).

48. Then the forms with frozen chocolate are turned upside down and shaken onto the conveyor.

51. Large chocolate bars are made in the same way.

52. Ready-made and packaged large tiles are laid out by hand in boxes.

53. In the packaging shop.

Production of chocolates

55. The most difficult is the production of premium sweets, such as "Comme il faut".

56. Most of the operations here are done manually.

57. Line for the production of chocolates "Comilfo".

58. Candy packaging.

Central laboratory

59. The factory has a laboratory where you can create miniature chocolate "from and to". Used to create new varieties of chocolate before being put into production.

60. The laboratory also selectively checks all products for exact compliance with all standards, from packaging to the taste of chocolate. It's good to be a taster :)

61. Examples of products of the chocolate factory "Russia".

Taken from chronograph in Samara: chocolate factory "Russia"

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