
How dried bananas are made. How to dry bananas at home

if you love regular bananas and dried fruits, then dried bananas are made just for you! Because this product is ready-made very reminiscent of both. But have you ever wondered how to cook such a delicacy at home? In this article, we will share the recipe for cooking dried bananas, and also discuss the benefits and harms of such a product.

What is the name of a dried banana

Dried bananas have various names. They are often referred to as "banana figs" or simply " dried bananas". Since the fruits from which they produce dried treat, most often Vietnamese, you can hear “Vietnamese bananas”, or see the English name “dried bananas” on fruit packaging. However, clearly correct name No. Everyone calls him what he likes.
Interesting. Sometimes people confuse "dried bananas" and "banana chips". Note that these two products are completely different. Chips are prepared by frying in oil, and dried fruit are not subjected to any chemical treatment. That is why dried figs do not lose their useful properties.

How many calories are in dried banana

By itself, a banana is quite high in calories, and in dried fruit, the calorie content increases, so it is better not to abuse such sweets. There are 390 calories per 100 grams of the product, of which proteins - 3.9 g, fats - 1.8 g, carbohydrates - 80.5 g.

What are the health benefits of dried bananas? What about harm

Such dried fruits are useful for the body as well as fresh ones.
They contain a large number useful substances and vitamins such as:
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Sodium
  • Vitamins B, E, K, C
Potassium, which is contained in dried sweets, is very useful for hair, skin and heart. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain and is able to remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, this delicacy contains dietary fiber. They improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract help with ulcers and gastritis. Because bananas are natural antidepressant, then eating just a few pieces of dried fruit a day, you can improve your mood and even overcome depression. They also have a mild laxative effect, so they are recommended for hemorrhoids and constipation. Banana figs are good for anemia and weakness of the body, because they contain a lot of sugar and iron. Dried fruits are also great for people who are actively involved in sports. Even a small amount of bananas eaten will give energy to both the body and the brain. These dried fruits are also useful for children, as they contain a lot of vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps with colds and influenza.
Let's talk about the dangers of this delicacy.
Of course, it is available, and here are the cases in which you should not abuse such fruits:
  • Overweight, obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus, with a high content of sucrose in the body
  • With a heart attack or stroke
  • With poor blood clotting
  • With ischemic heart disease

Recipe. How to make dried bananas at home

Dried figs cannot be called a cheap product. In the store, their price for a small bag is quite high, so let's learn how to make this delicacy on our own, at home. And it's really easy to do!
For this we need:
  • Bananas - 1-2 kg.
  • Water - 200 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 100 ml.
Let's start cooking:
  • Dilute lemon juice with water. The resulting mixture is needed to improve the appearance of the treat. If you skip this point, then dried figs will turn black and look unsightly. However, palatability bananas will not lose
  • Peel the bananas, cut each in half, and then cut each half lengthwise into quarters. If you use small bananas (babybananas variety) in cooking, then you can not cut them
  • Transfer the chopped fruit to the prepared lemon mixture. And wait a minute
  • We take out our fruits and transfer them to an oven tray or dryer grate. It is important to leave small spaces between the banana pieces, otherwise they may stick together. To get moisture out of bananas faster, you can lightly pierce them with a fork.
  • If you are cooking in the oven, then you need to set the low temperature regime or even ventilation. And if you have a dryer, then set the temperature to about 40-50 degrees. And cook for about 10-13 hours
  • Such dried fruits, after cooking, lose some of their moisture and decrease in size. Ready dried fruits should be refrigerated and stored in airtight bags and tightly closed jars

Eating dried bananas for weight loss

The opinions of nutritionists on the issue of eating dried figs vary. Some think that this product categorically not suitable for use on diets. Others, on the contrary, insist that such fruits are ideal for breakfast, as they contain complex carbohydrates that saturate the entire body with energy. Since there is no unequivocal answer to the question “can banana figs be on a diet”, we recommend eating this product with caution, in Not large quantities and preferably in the morning, since it is at this time that the body especially needs carbohydrates. Either way, this product is a great alternative. harmful sweets. It will not be superfluous after eating this delicacy to walk on fresh air or to recharge. In addition, if your diet includes daily active physical exercise, then you can, without a twinge of conscience, afford these dried fruits. Just remember, all good things in moderation and then the result will not keep you waiting.

Dried bananas in the oven: video

Learn how to quickly and easily cook banana figs in the oven. It is elementary to make, and lovers of sweets and children will definitely be delighted with such a delicacy. Even guests are not ashamed to serve dessert!

dried bananas- caloric content, harm and benefits, cooking recipes.

dried bananasdelicious treat, which is loved not only by children, but also by adults with a sweet tooth. We will talk in detail about the benefits, harms, and calorie content of dried bananas in this article, and also learn how to cook dried bananas at home.


Connoisseurs of a unique dried delicacy are interested in: what is the calorie content of dried bananas and can the constant use of dried fruit harm the figure? Indeed, the calorie content of dried bananas is several times higher than that of fresh fruits and is about 346 kilocalories per hundred grams. So eat dried bananas in moderation.

With moderate use of dried bananas, they are beneficial to the body, as they contain daily allowance vitamin B6, which stimulates a healthy metabolism, useful trace elements, pectin and carotene. We will tell you more about the dangers and benefits of eating dried bananas in the next section of the article.

Dried bananas are useful primarily because they contain potassium in abundance - an element that improves the functioning of the brain, heart muscle, and is useful for the skin and hairline of the body.

Dried bananas will also be useful with increased swelling, as they help to remove excess moisture from the body. The use of dried bananas catalyzes the production of the hormone of joy - serotonin, and therefore helps to cheer up, gives additional energy to the body.

Dried bananas are hypoallergenic, so they can be given even to small children, and a rich supply of vitamin C in dried fruit will help strengthen immunity .

However, for all its usefulness, dried bananas have a number of contraindications: it is undesirable to eat them with obesity, diabetes, since the dried fruit has a significant calorie content and, in addition, it contains an increased content of sucrose. It is also desirable to limit yourself to the use of a dried delicacy for dyspepsia, flatulence and thrombophlebitis, after a recent heart attack or stroke.

In other cases, there will be no harm from dried bananas, but it is important to use the product in moderation.

You can buy dried bananas without any problems in any store, but dried fruits that you cook yourself will be much more useful. We give below detailed recipe cooking dried bananas in a conventional oven.

Homemade recipe in the oven

How to make dried bananas at home? Very simple: take some fresh ripe fruits, peel them and cut them the way you like - slices or circles. Put the slices (circles) on a baking sheet and then put it in the oven. Dried bananas should be until ready for about three to five hours at a temperature not higher than forty degrees.

Store the finished banana drying in a cardboard or tin box. The shelf life of the product, subject to storage rules, is one year.

One of our favorite fruits is the banana. Despite the fact that they bring it to our country from exotic countries, without him it is impossible to imagine any festive feast. It is also very convenient to have breakfast or a snack with this fruit - you get a boost of energy and Have a good mood for a few hours. Bananas are sold in stores all year round and at the best prices. They are added to pastries, desserts, milkshakes. In a word, there are many ways to eat a banana. However, not everyone knows that you can also eat dried bananas, the benefits for the body from which are no less than from fresh ones, and the harm is minimal. So how do you make dried bananas at home? How many calories do they contain, what vitamins and minerals do they contain? Below we will try to answer these and other questions.

How to dry bananas at home

Dried bananas are usually understood as dried ones - in the process of cooking, not all of the liquid evaporates from them, but only part of it. It does not require additional chemical treatment, which does not create additional harm to health. To prepare dried fruits, it is necessary to peel the fruits and cut into small pieces. Next, spread the pieces on a baking sheet and dry with electric drying, oven, or simply put in the sun. The temperature of the oven should be minimal, no more than 50 degrees - this is necessary to preserve the maximum of useful properties. The appearance of white sugar on the pieces will mean they are ready.

During cooking, the fruit acquires a rich brown color. If you want them to remain white, dip the slices first in water with the addition of lemon juice- this will prevent darkening.

Now the resulting dried fruits must be folded into a jar, tightly closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator. They will delight you throughout the year. Such dried banana slices can be easily taken with you to work or school - because they will take up much less space than fresh fruits: during the drying process, the fruits lose up to 20% of moisture. The calorie content of the fruit after drying increases, so it becomes easier for them to satisfy their hunger during a snack.

What are the similarities and differences between dried and fresh bananas

Subject to right technology Drying such bananas is almost as useful as fresh ones:

  • contain potassium and magnesium, which have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart,
  • restore water-salt balance body, remove excess fluid,
  • improve the condition with anemia, give good portion gland,
  • due to the presence of fibers a large number fiber is good for the stomach, has a mild laxative effect,
  • rich in vitamin C and hypoallergenic, which means they are especially recommended for children,
  • include B vitamins that support the functioning nervous system,
  • contribute to the production of serotonin, the hormone of joy.

However, dried bananas are a completely different product. They contain sugar in a much more concentrated form and carry 4 times more calories than fresh fruit.

The nutritional value dried banana per 100 g:

  • calories: 350-400 kcal,
  • proteins: 3.9 g,
  • fats: 1.8 g,
  • carbohydrates: 88 g.

High energy value makes dried banana great option for a snack and does not contain harmful preservatives and dyes, unlike chips and crackers. These dried fruits also make a great addition to breakfast porridge, muesli or pastries. In addition, you can cook an excellent compote from them. And most importantly - these slices can always be at your fingertips.

Contraindications to the use of dried bananas

Despite a number nutritional benefits and beneficial effects on health, dried bananas can harm the body in the following cases:

  • with diabetes mellitus, due to the high content of sucrose,
  • in diseases of blood clotting, as they have the property of thickening the blood,
  • overweight due to high calorie content,
  • after a stroke or heart attack,
  • with ischemic heart disease.

Note that it is worth distinguishing dried bananas from banana chips prepared by frying on a palm or coconut oil. In addition to heat treatment, which kills some of the nutrients, chips harm the body. high content hard-to-digest fats, cholesterol and carcinogens. In addition, their calorie content becomes even higher - about 500 kcal per 100 g.

How many dried bananas can you eat a day to get the maximum benefit and minimum harm? Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 100 grams of dried fruit per day. By using a small portion dried bananas between meals, you charge your body with additional energy, give it a significant dose of vitamins and minerals without harm to health. Let this original snack will add variety to your diet and help keep you energized throughout the day.


The benefits and harms of dried bananas

Bananas - perishable product, however enterprising sellers have solved this problem. As a result, a dried analogue appeared on store shelves. It is convenient to take such a product with you on a long trip, it is also suitable for a snack at work.

Bananas contain many trace elements that are so necessary for the body. However, some do not want to buy dried product considering it useless. In this case, you should understand the drying technology to find out the truth. It passes without the use of chemical treatment, at a temperature of 40 ° C. As a result of this process, the size of the banana is reduced, but the beneficial properties remain.

Bananas are the source vitality and energy. The dried product is not inferior to him in this. It will perfectly satisfy even the strongest hunger, while being absolutely healthy food. This product is just perfect for an afternoon snack at school or at work. It is also important to know that the calorie content of dried bananas is much less than that of different sweets, and the benefits and nutritional value are higher.

For this reason, they may become great alternative for those with a sweet tooth who are on a diet. Dried bananas are beneficial as they have beneficial effects on the liver, heart and brain. In addition, they contain the so-called hormone of joy. Thus, after eating them, a person’s mood can rise significantly. Dried bananas are also useful for athletes, because they need glucose. If you use them before the competition, you will be able to get strength and energy. It is worth knowing that dried bananas contain a large amount of potassium, thanks to this microelement, excess fluid is easily removed from the human body. Many nutritionists advise eating them for breakfast, so the benefits of this product will be more tangible. You can add dried bananas to porridge, a person will feel a surge of strength all day long. For people who suffer from cardiovascular insufficiency, dried bananas will also suitable product. Dried bananas are also shown for stomach problems. If a person has diabetes, then this product will affect the removal of anxiety and tension, as well as improve sleep.

Few people know about the dangers of dried bananas, but they overuse often causes malfunctions in the body and metabolism. When combined with dairy products, you can gain weight. Also, diabetics should not be zealous with them, since bananas contain sucrose, so you need to use them in moderation. Although there are few calories in this product, it is not recommended to eat a lot at night, as you can get better.


The benefits and harms of dried bananas


Dried bananas, composition, benefits and harms of dried bananas

When the cold season comes, dried fruits become a very popular product along with fresh fruits. They are eaten in pure form, put as a base in compote, which is prepared with one's own hand; with this healthy treats make vitamin mixtures for health. The most common varieties of dried fruits are dried apricots, prunes, apricots, raisins. In addition, you can see candied papaya in supermarkets. But, for example, to buy dried bananas in the store, you need to try hard. Let's find out what this elusive delicacy is and whether it is easy to make it yourself at home.

Product Benefits

Dried bananas are a great alternative to those fresh fruits.

Firstly, they do not deteriorate for a long time and have high term storage. Secondly, this product is very easy to transport, and there are no problems in this regard. Thirdly, dried bananas are incredibly nutritious, high in calories. For this reason, a delicacy can easily, quickly and for a long time satisfy hunger. In addition, the delicacy energizes and invigorates, restores wasted strength.

Sun-dried bananas are sure to please the inveterate sweet tooth. Their taste is pleasant and cannot but be liked, while the benefits are enormous, not like sweets. Another important plus: dried bananas help to lose weight. True, if you decide to include this delicacy in your diet, you will need to follow some recommendations, which will be discussed a little later.

All in all, eating a fruity delicacy can be a new nutritional milestone for you. Having tried it just once, you are unlikely to be able to deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying a sweet dessert.

Composition of the product

Like fresh, dried bananas are a source of a fairly large number of a wide variety of natural compounds. First of all, these are proteins and sugars, and the portion of the latter far exceeds that of proteins. In principle, this is clear from the calorie content of the delicacy: it varies from 330 to 390 kcal. A lot is present in dried bananas and vitamins with minerals. The biologically active compounds of the dessert product include beta-carotene, ascorbic acid, choline, vitamins E and K, as well as group B, including PP. As for the mineral component of the delicacy, there are no differences from fresh fruits: dried bananas are characterized by the presence of a high level of potassium. Among other things, phosphorus, zinc, sodium, fluorine, magnesium, iron, manganese were found in this variety of dried fruits.

The sweet dried product is rich in organic acids, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, starch. It even contains polyunsaturated fatty acid and saturated fats, but their amounts are very low. There is also little water in dried bananas - at least much less than in fresh fruits: about 75-80% vs. 95-98%. It is understandable, because part of the moisture is lost by the product as a result of the cooking process.

The benefits of dried bananas

Sun-dried bananas, when eaten regularly, can significantly improve human health. Being full source potassium, they improve brain function, stabilize arterial pressure, have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands. The presence of B vitamins in the product makes it possible to improve the activity of the nervous system and heart muscle. In addition, these compounds have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and curls.

Useful dried delicacy for the intestines. Due dietary fiber the product enhances the peristalsis of the digestive organ, thus successfully solving the problem of constipation. As a treasury of magnesium, dried bananas relieve gourmet from migraines, and due to the content of PUFAs, in addition, they also reduce the level bad cholesterol in blood. They cope with anemia and increase hemoglobin.

The presence of vitamins and organic acids in the delicacy makes it possible to strengthen the immune system by eating dried bananas. Many of the biologically active compounds, and some minerals, such as zinc, manganese, have antioxidant properties. This gives us the right to believe that the fruit delicacy, to some extent, can fight cancer, and even more so, prevent the development of oncological diseases. These qualities also determine the ability of dried bananas to prolong youth, slowing down the process of physical aging. Indications for the use of the product: insomnia, atherosclerosis, fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome, low stress resistance, hypertension, blood diseases, poor eyesight, circulatory disorders, etc.

How does a treat help to get rid of hated kilograms? It's very simple: as you already know, it copes with the feeling of hunger, which, after eating a portion of the product, does not make itself felt for a long time. The best part is that to get the indicated effect, you need to eat quite a few dried bananas - no more than 50 g. However, it is better to do this in the morning. Once you include the delicacy in your diet, don't forget to also eat foods that will supply your body with sodium. This is kelp, potatoes, almond nuts, dried apricots, legumes. This measure is necessary, since dried bananas rich in potassium, when eaten regularly, can flush out sodium from the gourmet's blood, and this is fraught with weakening and brittle bones. It should also be noted that the special effectiveness in the fight against overweight an exotic delicacy shows when combined with a diet aimed at losing weight with intense workouts. In this case, it is appropriate to consume a portion of dried bananas immediately before playing sports.

Harm goodies

The high calorie content of the product has not only its advantages, but also disadvantages. Due to the colossal content of sugars in the delicacy, it should not be consumed in large quantities by people who are overweight and diabetes. Contraindications here can also serve as chronic gastritis, bronchial asthma, thrombophlebitis, a tendency to flatulence, a condition after a recent ischemic stroke and myocardial infarction.

How to dry bananas at home

To prepare exotic delicacy on your own, you will need an oven. Also stock up on a kilogram of fresh bananas, 100 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice and 200 ml of water.

The last two ingredients must be combined. So you get vitamin mixture, by processing which bananas, you will be able to prevent the process of fruit spoilage and give the product an attractive appearance.

Peel the fruit, cut in half and lengthwise. In other words, divide each fruit into 4 parts. Now place the prepared bananas in a mixture of water and lemon juice. After a minute, remove the fruit quarters from the liquid and place on a baking sheet at some distance from each other.

Preheat the oven to the lowest temperature. Another option is to use ventilation mode. Place a baking sheet with bananas inside oven. The time during which it is necessary to keep the cut fruits there is determined “by eye”. It is only important that the fruits do not lose more moisture than required - and this is about 1/5 part. Otherwise, you will have to feast on not dried, but dried delicacy.

finished product should be chilled. It is recommended to store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

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Surely, among the current young generation there are many people who have never tried dried bananas in their lives. But those whose childhood and youth were spent in the Soviet Union know firsthand about such a delicacy. In those years, dried bananas were often easier to buy than fresh ones. And in the absence of other delicacies, this type of dried fruit occupied a special place in the hearts of lovers of all kinds of goodies.

Today, dried bananas can be bought in almost any store. They lie freely on the shelves of the vegetable departments. Now they are not as popular as they used to be. But this does not make them any less useful and tasty. Sometimes eating dried bananas is definitely worth it. Let's figure out what dried bananas are, how they are prepared, and what are their useful and harmful properties.

How dried bananas are made

Dried bananas (sometimes called banana figs) are made without the use of any chemicals. The whole process consists of three stages.

  1. First, bananas are peeled.
  2. Then they are dried for several days in special greenhouses with low humidity.
  3. In the end, bananas are packaged in bags, the air is pumped out of them and sealed.

The moisture content of dried bananas is only about 18%. Shelf life - at least one year. An opened pack should be stored in the refrigerator and it is best to try to eat it a few weeks in advance.

Why are dried bananas so small

Once, as a child, the guys in the yard told me that dried ones are made from ordinary large fresh bananas. With bulging eyes, they added that the fruits shrink so much in size due to the evaporation of water. There is, of course, little truth in this story. Yes, indeed, when dried, bananas significantly decrease in size, but certainly not several times.

In fact, large companies make dried bananas from special small varieties of fruit. Now they can often be found on the shelves of Russian stores. So, initially they are slightly larger than later in the dried state. This is clearly seen in the video below.

Technology for the production of dried bananas. Video

The benefits and harms of dried bananas

Let's start with the health benefits of dried bananas. This product has many more than possible contraindications And potential harm.

  • The content of vitamins and minerals in dried bananas is not less than in fresh ones. They contain vitamins C, A, PP, E, K, group B, as well as phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, zinc, selenium, manganese, sodium, saturated acids and organic acids.
  • Like fresh bananas, their dried counterparts are excellent source potassium, which is vital for normal functioning of cardio-vascular system good for skin and hair.
  • Dried bananas are used even in medicinal purposes: in the treatment of anemia, constipation and hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and gastritis. This product promotes the removal of salts and fluids from the body, and also helps to cope with high fatigue.
  • It is best to eat dried bananas for breakfast or an afternoon snack. This product is excellent natural supplement for porridge, yogurt, cottage cheese, muesli. It can be welded delicious compote or, cutting into small pieces, add to baking, but still it is better to use dried bananas in their natural form and do not process when high temperature. So the body will receive from them much more benefit.
  • Needless to say, dried bananas as a snack are much healthier and more natural than the popular ones. chocolate bars, pies and other fast food. By their own nutritional properties, content of nutrients and price, they are able to give odds to any popular fast food.

With all this, dried bananas have some contraindications for use. Neglecting them can lead to the fact that this product will turn from useful to harmful.

  • A significant disadvantage of dried bananas is high calorie content. It is 5 times higher than that of fresh fruits. There are about 350-400 kcal per 100 grams of this product. At the same time, the content of proteins is 6%, fats - 5%, carbohydrates - 88%. It is carefully recommended to use this type of product for overweight people, as well as those suffering from dyspepsia and flatulence. Suffering from diabetes, dried bananas can be harmful. They can be used only with the permission of the attending physician.
  • Bananas can increase blood viscosity. They should be used with caution by people who have recently had a heart attack or stroke, as well as those suffering from thrombophlebitis.

How to make dried bananas at home

With inexpensive dried bananas available in almost any grocery store or department, it’s hard for me to imagine why it would be necessary to dry these tropical fruits at home. Unless, the number of fruits in the house was not calculated and they bought too much. To prevent bananas from spoiling, they can really be dried. Semi-green and unsweetened fruits can also be dried. During heat treatment taste properties unripe bananas are greatly improved.

  1. First you need to peel the fruit and cut into circles 3-4 centimeters thick.
  2. Then put them on a baking sheet (non-stick or lined with baking paper).
  3. Pierce each piece with a fork.
  4. And then cook in the oven for about 4-4.5 hours at a temperature of 40-60 degrees.

The oven door must be left open during cooking to prevent the bananas from starting to bake. Periodically, the pieces need to be turned over.


Due to their geographic location, bananas do not grow on the territory of the former CIS (they prefer to grow closer to the equator), so they have to be purchased in all sorts of "friendly countries" like African and South American republics.

In the USSR, there were three types of bananas: green, dried and ... rag - the so-called fashionable pants, wide at the hips and narrow at the ankles. Bananas were sold for 1 rub. 10 kopecks, then they began to cost 2 rubles.

Dried bananas. The benefits and harms of a popular delicacy from childhood

Surely, among the current young generation there are many people who have never tried dried bananas in their lives. But those whose childhood and youth were spent in the Soviet Union know firsthand about such a delicacy. In those years, dried bananas were often easier to buy than fresh ones. And in the absence of other delicacies, this type of dried fruit occupied a special place in the hearts of lovers of all kinds of goodies.

Today, dried bananas can be bought in almost any store, they lie freely on the shelves. Now they are not as popular as they used to be. But this does not make them any less useful and tasty. Sometimes eating dried bananas is definitely worth it. Let's figure out what dried bananas are, how they are prepared, and what are their useful and harmful properties.

How dried bananas are made

dried bananas(sometimes called banana figs) are made without the use of any chemicals. The whole process consists of three stages:

  1. First, bananas are peeled.
  2. Then they are dried for several days in special greenhouses with low humidity.
  3. In the end, bananas are packaged in bags, the air is pumped out of them and sealed.

The moisture content of dried bananas is only about 18%. Shelf life - at least one year. An opened pack should be stored in the refrigerator and it is best to try to eat it a few weeks in advance.

Why are dried bananas so small

Once, as a child, the guys in the yard told me that dried ones are made from ordinary large fresh bananas. With bulging eyes, they added that the fruits shrink so much in size due to the evaporation of water. There is, of course, little truth in this story. Yes, indeed, when dried, bananas significantly decrease in size, but certainly not several times.

Indeed, large companies make dried bananas from special small varieties fruits. Now they can often be found on the shelves of Russian stores. So, initially they are slightly larger than later in the dried state. This is clearly seen in the video below.

Technology for the production of dried bananas. Video

The benefits and harms of dried bananas

Let's start with the health benefits of dried bananas. This product has much more of them than possible contraindications and potential harm:

  • Content of vitamins and minerals dried bananas are no less than fresh ones. They contain vitamins C, A, PP, E, K, group B, as well as phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, fluorine, zinc, selenium, manganese, sodium, saturated acids and organic acids.
  • Like fresh bananas, their dried counterparts are an excellent source of potassium, which is vital for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, is good for skin and hair.
  • dried bananas even used for medicinal purposes.: in the treatment of anemia, constipation and hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers and gastritis. This product promotes the removal of salts and fluids from the body, and also helps to cope with high fatigue.
  • It is best to eat dried bananas for breakfast or an afternoon snack. This product is a great natural supplement for porridge, yogurt, cottage cheese, muesli. You can also cook delicious compote from it or cut it into small pieces and add it to pastries, but it’s still better to use dried bananas in their natural form and not process them at high temperatures. So the body will get much more benefit from them.

Needless to say, dried bananas as a snack are much more healthier and more natural than popular chocolate bars, pies and other fast food. In terms of their nutritional properties, content of nutrients and price, they are able to give odds to any popular fast food.

With all this, dried bananas have some contraindications for use. Neglecting them can lead to the fact that this product will turn from useful to harmful:

  • A significant disadvantage of dried bananas is high calorie content. It is 5 times higher than that of fresh fruits. There are about 350-400 kcal per 100 grams of this product. At the same time, the content of proteins is 6%, fats - 5%, carbohydrates - 88%. It is carefully recommended to use this type of product for overweight people, as well as those suffering from dyspepsia and flatulence. Suffering diabetes dried bananas can also be harmful, they can be consumed only with the permission of the attending physician.
  • Bananas can increase blood viscosity. They should be used with caution by people who have recently had a heart attack or stroke, as well as those suffering from thrombophlebitis.

How to make dried bananas at home

With inexpensive dried bananas available in almost any fruit and vegetable store or department, it is quite difficult for me to imagine why it would be necessary to dry these tropical fruits at home. Unless, the number of fruits in the house was not calculated and they bought too much. To prevent bananas from spoiling, they can really be dried. Semi-green and unsweetened fruits can also be dried. During the heat treatment, the taste properties of unripe bananas are significantly improved.

Stages home drying bananas:

  1. First you need to peel the fruit and cut into circles 3-4 centimeters thick.
  2. Then put them on a baking sheet (non-stick or lined with baking paper).
  3. Pierce each piece with a fork.
  4. And then dry in the oven for about 4-4.5 hours at a temperature of 40-60 degrees.

Keep the oven door ajar during cooking so that the bananas do not start to bake. Periodically, the pieces need to be turned over.

In many countries of the world, bananas are the basis of the diet. For example, in Burundi, the annual consumption of this fruit per capita is 189 kilograms, in Samoa - 85, in the Camoros - about 78 kg, in Ecuador - almost 74, in the Philippines - over 40 kg. For comparison, in Russia this figure is just over 7 kg.

Trying to diversify daily ration, many girls who are on a diet or watch their figure try to replace sweets with all kinds of dried fruits. In this article, we will focus on one of the most common types of dried fruits - dried banana and find out how dried bananas are useful.

Useful properties of dried bananas

It is worth talking about whether dried bananas are healthy if we look at their composition. Here are B vitamins, a natural antioxidant - vitamin C, as well as A, E, K, PP and beta-carotene. From minerals the dried product contains fluorine, selenium, iron, manganese, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Many fruits can envy such a variety of useful substances.

The benefits and harms of dried bananas

Of course, due to its composition, dried banana carries great benefit. Iron helps in the production of hemoglobin by the body, organic fibers and fiber improve the functioning of the intestinal tract, fighting constipation, regulating stool. natural sugar- a source of energy and cheerfulness for the whole day. Potassium promotes muscle growth during training and exercise. That is why many coaches advise their wards to eat 100 g of dried bananas per day. Thanks to the content of vitamin C, a natural strengthening of immunity occurs. improves complexion, and is also natural remedy to nourish the skin.

Energy value of dried bananas

100 g of dried banana has a calorie content of 364 kcal. This figure is more than fresh product. After drying, the product remains 3.89 g of protein, 1.81 g of fat and 88.28 g of carbohydrates.

Harm of dried bananas

If we talk about who the dried product is contraindicated for, then this group includes people who are sick, due to great content sucrose in its composition. In addition, you can not eat dried bananas with flatulence, increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, as well as after a stroke and heart attack.
