
How to dry strawberries in an electric oven. Drying strawberries at home

Dried strawberries are widely used in folk medicine and cooking, and not only berries, but also leaves have useful properties. Properly dried strawberries retain healing power and fragrance for two years.

Methods for drying berries

Drying strawberries is a rather complex and specific process. At the slightest oversight, the fruits become covered with mold and rot, and when the fruits are placed in conditions high temperatures they lose most of their useful properties and become nothing more than a treat. The drying procedure begins with a preparatory process, in which the main key to success is strict ban for washing fruits. If this condition is not observed, the berries will quickly ferment and rot. To ensure the relative purity of the fruits, they must be collected with clean hands and in clean, dry dishes.

After the berries are selected, you can begin to choose the method of drying. Wild strawberries at home, you can dry in several ways, each of which requires certain knowledge and patience.

In the oven

This option is the most common method of harvesting berries and occurs in two stages. First, the oven warms up to +30–+35 degrees, the berries are evenly distributed over the baking sheet and placed in the oven. Drying of fruits is carried out within an hour, after which the temperature rises to +60 degrees. With such temperature regime the berries are in the cabinet for a few more hours, after which the baking sheet is removed. After such drying, the berries change their color to maroon, the grains begin to shine and become clearly visible, and the fruits are freely separated from each other and do not stick together.

After the berries have cooled, they are poured into dark glass jars and put away for storage. Some housewives prefer to store dried strawberries in rag bags or paper bags.

However, this storage method has some disadvantages. The fact is that dried strawberries exudes pleasant aroma, which attracts ants, cockroaches and moths, which delight in devouring delicious fruits. Therefore, glass jars are the most reliable way to preserve berries.


Drying on fresh air requires much more time and effort than oven drying and can be done in two ways. In the first case, the berries are laid out in a thin layer on a dense fabric and taken out into the street. The place where the fruit tray is located should be well lit by sunlight and blown. After sunset, the berry is brought home, and in the morning it is again taken out into the sun. The duration of drying strawberries in this way is from 2 to 3 weeks.

The second method is to hang the berries along with twigs and leaves. This should be done in a well-ventilated and fairly shaded area. To dry strawberries in this way, stems with berries are collected in bouquets and tied in several pieces. Some housewives recommend lightly rinsing the bushes in cool water, and then hanging them on a stretched rope with the berries down. If the air temperature does not fall below +25 degrees, then in a week the bouquets will dry.

cons this method is to keep an eye on the weather. So, with the slightest rain, bring the berry into the house. In addition, flies and other insects constantly sit on plants, so you can use strawberries dried in this way only for making tea or dishes that use boiling during the preparation.

In air grill

Drying in an air grill is the simplest and least labor-intensive way of harvesting berries. The air grill is set to +60 degrees and the average blowing speed. In this case, the drying time of the fruits will take much less time compared to the oven. This is due to the active circulation of air and the outflow of moisture, which can be ensured by leaving a small gap in the lid. For these purposes, a toothpick or skewer inserted under the lid is suitable. The disadvantage of this method is the small size of the air grill, which is why the berry will have to be dried in several batches. The capacity of an average air grill is 0.8–1.2 kg of fruit, but the output is only 300–400 grams.

In an electric dryer

Drying in an electric dryer can take 6 to 12 hours. The berries are laid out in one layer so that they do not touch each other, and dried at a temperature of +30 degrees for 5 hours. Then the temperature in the dryer increases to +60–+65 degrees and the fruits are dried until cooked. Pallets should be checked periodically and replaced if necessary. Dried fruits do not stick together, are well separated from the pallet and do not stain hands. After the berries are dry, they are cooled and put into jars for storage.

Leaf Harvesting

The collection of leaves for drying is carried out during the flowering period of strawberries. This is due to the fact that it was during this period that the content nutrients in the leaves of the plant as much as possible, and after fruit ripening, there is an almost complete loss healing properties sheet. When harvesting, clean and undamaged leaves should be selected, which will eliminate the need to wash them and reduce the risk of parasites in them. After collection, the leaves are laid out in a dry and ventilated place, away from direct sun rays and stir occasionally. If drying is carried out in the oven, then it is not recommended to set the temperature above +45 degrees. This will help the leaves dry evenly and not lose their healing properties. Dried leaves can be stored for one year.

Is it possible to dry strawberries at home? Read in today's article how to dry strawberries yourself? Is special equipment needed?

Dried, dried berries at home actively used in winter period when there is not enough supply of vitamins, in spring and autumn for cooking delicious pastries, in summer, if you need to decorate desserts. Dry berries and fruits are needed all year round, so, whether professionally or by hand, curing at home is a good idea.

How to dry strawberries at home:

  • On outdoors, on the balcony.
  • In the oven.
  • In the microwave.
  • In drying for fruits and vegetables.

2 options for preparing strawberries

Dried can be washed as raw strawberries - without additives, impurities - and strawberries with sugar.

1 way: Rinse strawberries to remove dirt. Share on paper towel and pat dry with paper towels. Leave for half an hour or an hour in the kitchen so that the moisture evaporates.

2 way: combine strawberries with sugar: 750 grams per 1 kg of berries. Rinse the strawberries, as in the first case. Pour 500 grams of sugar. Put in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. Take out, boil the syrup: 350 grams of sugar and the same number of milliliters of water. bring to a boil, add the berries, boil again, reduce the temperature and boil for 10 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Transfer to a sieve, strain. Lay out whole berries to dry.

Why use sugar/ syrup?

Strawberries, as well as raspberries, blueberries, etc. it is better to dry processed in syrup, as a natural preservative, besides, it tastes better. Dry without pre-treatment apricots or cherries are fruits and berries that have a sufficient supply of juice, so they will not look like dry paper after drying.

Drying outdoors

Arrange prepared strawberries - preferably one that has not been soaked in syrup - on a newspaper or paper towel. Cover with one layer of gauze so that dust does not get in and midges do not sit down. We put it on the balcony, in the sun. Dry until ready.

Dried strawberries in the oven or microwave

We lay out the berries on parchment put in warmed up to 45-50 ° C oven or choose special mode drying. Dry for 1 hour - focus on the condition of the berries.

in the microwave dry the strawberries first for 7 minutes at 100 degrees, then 10 minutes, reducing by ten, and 1 hour in a closed, turned off microwave until the moisture evaporates.

Each hostess has her own arrangements with equipment, so be guided by how yours works.

Drying for vegetables and fruits

Do you need a dryer? Perhaps yes, if you constantly buy and use dry berries. Drying for berries and fruits, mushrooms and herbs is an apparatus with several levels and compartments in which ingredients are laid, the mode, temperature or time is set and dried to a ready state.

Dry strawberries quickly , cut into pieces - slices look beautiful in chocolate products and decorating cakes.

Where to store dried strawberries:

  • In a refrigerator.
  • In a glass jar in a dark place.
  • In a linen bag.
  • In burlap.
  • In tea jars.

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Once upon a time, jam was cooked in every family - regardless of whether they ate it at home or not. Today we make only those preparations for the winter that really bring pleasure - either in the process of preparation or in the process of consumption. One of those recipes for the winter - Sun-dried tomatoes which have become very popular in recent years. But you can also dry cherries, melons, and strawberries for the winter - mother of many children, Marina Yaroslavtseva, shares recipes for preparations.

You will need:
  • 1 kg strawberries (it is important that the strawberries are large and ripe, but dense)
  • 800 g sugar
  • 1½ cups of water
  1. Sort the berries, leaving strong healthy specimens, rinse, transfer to a colander and leave for 15 minutes to make the water glass well.
  2. Remove the stalks, sprinkle the berries with some sugar and refrigerate for a day. To prevent the strawberries from absorbing foreign odors, tightly close it with a lid. During this time, the berries should give juice. It can be used to prepare strawberry ice, pouring into molds and freezing, or you can dilute to taste drinking water and get fragrant strawberry drink. You can also bring the juice to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and store in the pantry.
  3. Mix the remaining sugar with water and boil the syrup until the sugar is completely dissolved. Dip the prepared strawberries into the boiling syrup and cook over low heat, covered, for 10 minutes. Remove from stove and refrigerate 10-15 minutes.
  4. Transfer the berries to a colander and let the syrup drain. The syrup can also be sterilized and removed for long-term storage or use to make drinks.
  5. Arrange the berries in one layer on a baking sheet and dry in the oven at a temperature of 85 ° C for 1.5–2 hours, stirring every half hour. After that, leave the strawberries at room temperature about a week to dry.
  6. Store dried strawberries in cool place(but not in the refrigerator) in hermetically sealed dry glass jars.

You will need:

  • 1 kg pitted cherries (choose large cherries with firm, non-juicy flesh)
  • 350 g sugar
  • 50 g powdered sugar
  1. Sort the cherries, removing damaged and unripe fruits. Rinse the remaining berries and let drain with water.
  2. Remove pits from cherries. In stores, you can find many different devices for removing stones. In extreme cases, remove them with your hands, remembering to put on gloves first.
  3. Mix pitted cherries with sugar and leave for 5 hours. During this time, juice will stand out.
  4. Put the container with the cherry on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. Turn off the stove, cover the container with a lid and leave for 5 hours. Once again, heat and again infuse the cherry for 5 hours. Repeat this operation three times.
  5. After that, throw the cherry on a sieve and leave for an hour so that the syrup drains well. Then try to gently wring out any remaining moisture with your hands. The released syrup can be diluted with water to taste and used to make drinks.
  6. Arrange the cherries on a baking sheet lined with parchment and dry in one of two ways. You can leave the berries for 12-15 hours in the oven at a temperature of 60-65 ° C or for 5-8 days at room temperature, turning them over once a day.
  7. Sprinkle finished candied fruit powdered sugar and store in a dry, sealed jar.

The hardest part of this recipe is choosing the right tomato variety. Their flesh should be dryish, fleshy. watery juicy fruits won't fit.

For 2 cans of 0.5 l:

  • 1 kg tomatoes
  • 200 g olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • spices to taste
  • ground black pepper
  1. Rinse and cut the tomatoes: oblong - lengthwise in half, round - into four parts. With a teaspoon, select the seeds in a separate container - they can be used for cooking other dishes.
  2. Lay the tomatoes cut side up, season with salt and pepper, then turn upside down on paper towels and forget about them for one to two hours.
  3. Now line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease it. olive oil. Lay the tomatoes cut side up on the paper, drizzle with oil, sprinkle with chopped garlic if desired.
  4. Place the tomatoes in an oven heated to 70°C and dry until desired consistency– This may take 6 to 12 hours.
  5. Put sun-dried tomatoes in jars and pour over olive oil. You can add your favorite spices to them: for example, a pinch of rosemary, a few rings hot pepper, half a teaspoon of thyme, and for better preservation - 1-2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and a couple of pinches of salt.
  6. You need to store jars with the delicacy in the refrigerator, and the oil infused with sun-dried tomatoes can be used to dress salads or even just spread on bread.

Dried melon - unusually tasty and fragrant delicacy. You will spend quite a bit of pure time on its preparation, although it will take a long time to dry the melon. But stock up on a little patience, and you will be rewarded with a wonderful dessert that retains all the useful substances!

  1. Cut a well-ripened but dense melon in half, remove the core with seeds, peel sharp knife, cutting off the greenish flesh under it along with the peel.
  2. Cut the peeled pulp lengthwise into strips 2–3 cm thick. Lay the melon strips on a tray, cover with gauze from flies and wasps and dry in a warm place, preferably in the sun. You can dry melon in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 75 ° C. When drying in the sun, turn the strips every two days.
  3. After 10-14 days (depending on the temperature of the room and the type of melon), weave the dried pieces into braids, connecting several strips. The melon strips will be sticky and flavorful.
  4. You can store such a dessert in dry boxes or jars in a warm place.

You will need:

  • 1 kg lemon peels

For syrup:

  • 200 ml water
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  1. Cut the lemon peels into strips 1-2 cm wide and soak in cold water for about a day. During this time, drain the water twice and fill the crusts with fresh water. The rinds are soaked to remove bitterness.
  2. Drain the soaked peels in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil. Pour into boiling water lemon peels and blanch them for 10 minutes, then fold them back into a colander.
  4. For the syrup, bring the sugar and water to a boil and heat, stirring, over low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Dip the blanched lemon peels into the syrup and boil them for 10 minutes.
  6. Turn off the stove and infuse the crusts for 10-12 hours. During this time, bring the lemon peels to a boil three times, boil, then remove from the stove.
  7. Drain the cooked crusts in a colander and let the syrup drain completely. Do not pour out the syrup: it can be used to make desserts and drinks, it can be used to soak cake layers or pour over ice cream.
  8. Put the lemon peels on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dry in the oven at a temperature of 30–40 ° C until they form on the surface. small crystals Sahara.
  9. Sprinkle ready lemon candied fruits into a dry, clean jar and seal tightly.

Marina Yaroslavtseva

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Comment on the article "Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home"

Sun-dried tomatoes. Preparations for the future. Cooking. Cooking recipes, help and advice on cooking, holiday menu and reception of guests, selection of products. Somewhere in the conference, I remember there were topics on how to dry tomatoes - in three-liter jars, Seems...


Tomatoes are dried by my eldest daughter. I write the recipe under her dictation.

Tomatoes are better meaty.
Cut into thick pieces literally 3-5 cm thick.
Place on a parchment-lined baking sheet, flesh side up.
Set the stove to 100 degrees with convection, and keep the tomatoes in it for 12 hours.

Then - in glass jar, pour olive oil, store in the refrigerator

Dried (dried) tomatoes from FixPrice. production Tajikistan. I bought them back in November-December, then they were drier and I didn’t dry a little Peppers / eggplants like tomatoes, I won’t tell you. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home.


And there is also such a seasoning -

super team-
and this-

there are 2 packs for 43re, or one? you need to drive into your own, maybe they brought it too, I'm a fan of sun-dried tomatoes, self-harvested in the summer have already devoured everything))
thanks for the peas too, I saw it, I didn’t know if it was edible.
Yes, their jam is not bad, the current strawberries did not seem very good - for some reason it was liquid against the background of the rest of the thick ones. Aren't blackberries fresh? I've tried them all except her.
By the way, I recommend there marrow caviar. Very correct caviar, without any flour and thickeners, and without ground seeds, and not oversalted. And the bank is big :)

Option 1. DRIED TOMATOES. Homemade ketchup from tomatoes, bell pepper in jars and pickled ginger: recipes from We dried especially for salad: arugula, cherry tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, you can cheese. Dressing: olive oil, pesto, soy sauce.


I add to the salad: salad mix, olives, full feta or cheese and sun-dried tomatoes. Fill with oil from the same tomatoes.
Mix into mashed potatoes: make mashed potatoes, add tomatoes and a little oil from them. Delicious Italian touch.
Toasts: dry the bread in a pan or in a toaster. Spread with cream cheese (such as almette, nature ...) and put sun-dried tomatoes on top.
I add to the paste.
Canape with them is delicious: a slice of bread, anchovy and a tomato.
To wine: as one of the appetizers.

Make a toast out of black grain bread and a sun-dried tomato on it; make a paste from the sun-dried tomatoes themselves (it’s trite to throw into a blender); add to salads; add to the paste, etc.
Scroll down the link.

What to do with Sun Dried Tomatoes. Learn to cook! Cooking. Cooking recipes, cooking help and advice, holiday menus and hosting, choosing what to do with sun-dried tomatoes. Brought from Italy to sample sun-dried tomatoes.


if in oil - add a clove of garlic and grind with a blender, and then on bread, stewed vegetables, with pasta

09/06/2013 21:39:54, Anna?

In vegetable and herb salads, in pizza. I liked sandwiches: Borodino bread spread with soft curd cheese and chopped tomatoes on top.

09/05/2013 22:45:32, Akella

I dry berries for fruit teas (strawberries, raspberries), various greens, and make marshmallows. I dry cherries-cherries-bananas-melon - eggplant - tomatoes- mushrooms-apples-plums. How are tomatoes dried? like dried and then in a jar in oil or dry, do not gnaw ...


I bought a dryer in the fall "Dry". I dry berries for fruit teas (strawberries, raspberries), various greens, and make marshmallows. Read more about dryers on the site "Bread machine. ru" (forum dryers). The pasta is amazing.

if anything, Tillotama is on vacation until September...
I myself barely managed to grab this device ... like nothing, we are mastering it.

Section: Learn to cook! (belonika sun-dried tomatoes). How to dry tomatoes? They can be dried very well. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home. But you can dry cherries, and melons, and strawberries for the winter ... Ketchup for the winter and 2 more recipes ...


I finally got to the computer...
So .... I, unfortunately, was able to re-read all the answers only today - thank you very much to everyone, especially the link to the Belonika recipe.
I write what I got. The tomatoes were small, I made two options: salt + sugar and salt + pepper + spices.
I put it in the oven, at 50 degrees with convection, the oven opened a crack.
I had them there for 7 hours, in the morning I got up podmidorki were still "moist", I foolishly (sorry for my French) increased the temperature to 150 and ... they dried up for me in half an hour: (((
Not all, but some even threw away :(.

Because I was in a hurry to the cottage, put it in a plastic jar and put it in the refrigerator. They are still there, tomorrow I will put it in a jar of sunflower oil and rosemary, as expected.

But, I didn’t really like what I tried in the morning :((, either I was already mentally worried (because while they “steamed” there all night, I didn’t really sleep and was worried about how they were there :)), or something else...
In general, tomorrow I will return to this matter, maybe they will be somehow tastier in oil ...

And you still have to try Belonika's recipe :), because. there are still tomatoes

I dry the tomatoes without spices, at 50 degrees + convection, in the process I open the door a little, the process is long and the aroma is incredible. I cut small tomatoes in half and remove the seeds. I'm flooding grape oil+ sprigs of rosemary. Already in the process, I begin to drag slices from the oven and finished product eaten amazingly fast!

Bought foolishly sun-dried tomatoes, thought to use in soups, sauces, stews, etc. And they, infections, turned out to be boiled in sugar syrup... in short I didn’t dry peppers / eggplants like tomatoes, I won’t tell you. Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: dried at home.

How to store sun dried tomatoes? Now withered the first portion. Actually, the tomatoes dried in gas oven at a minimum Question: where to store it - in the refrigerator or in the closet? If it continues at all. Please do not judge strictly, I'm drying tomatoes for the first time.


I don’t sterilize jars, I fill them with olive oil (cold) - it is stored perfectly in the closet. you can pour dry herbs (basil, rosemary and thydy).
rast. The oil itself is a preservative.

do you need vinegar? my brother still put herbs there, on twigs to-e are sold.

How to dry tomatoes? Learn to cook! Cooking. Cooking recipes, cooking help and tips, a holiday menu and Strawberries for the winter and 4 more recipes: home-dried. One of these recipes for the winter is sun-dried tomatoes, which in ...

Ripe but strong strawberries are suitable for drying. Berries should not be overripe or watery. large strawberries easier to cut, but a small one will work too. Before proceeding with drying, the strawberries must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of the stalks. Spread the strawberries on a towel and let it dry. Wet strawberries take longer to dry, and they endure slicing worse.

Cut strawberries into slices. The thickness of the plates depends on where you plan to use the berries. For tea, it is better to cut thinly, about 3 mm. The slicing knife must be sharp, otherwise the strawberries will release the juice. I use a paring knife or a thin serrated knife.

In order to cut strawberries a little thicker (5 mm), you can use not only a knife, but also various devices, for example, an egg cutter or such a knife for slicing tomatoes. All plates are obtained the same thickness, which means they dry the same way.

Don't cut all the strawberries at once. Better part chop and arrange the berries, then chop more. The amount of strawberries you need will depend on the thickness of the slices and the number of trays in your dryer.

Lay the sliced ​​strawberries on pallets in a single layer, so that the plates do not stick together. Dry the strawberries for about 12 hours. Exact time difficult to specify, because each dryer has its own characteristics. During the drying process, it is recommended to change the pallets several times, so the berries will dry more evenly, and you will be able to control the process.

How do you know if strawberries are dry? There should be no moisture left in it. Thin plates will be completely dry, thick ones may be slightly flexible. Turn trays over and shake off dry records. If the berries are stuck, pry them with something sharp. Fold up dried strawberries V clean jars and close the lid. Store in a cool dry place in an airtight jar to keep the plates from getting damp.

Hello dear readers!

Many of our hostesses begin to prepare for winter from the first summer days in order to save more vitamins for the family. And one of these optimal options for preparations is dried strawberries, where all beneficial features And taste characteristics fresh berries.

This product takes up little space, keeps well and is used as a natural vitamin supplement for various desserts or pastries in cooking. And how pleasant it is to warm up in cold weather with a glass of fragrant strawberry tea.

After all, such a vitaminized drink with fine taste summer can not only cheer up a person for the whole day, but also really boost immunity, which is very necessary for each of us in winter or during the off-season.

So that you can learn more about dried strawberries, we will talk with you about their nutritional and energy value. You will find out what it consists of, what positive qualities possesses, how its use affects the human body, where it is used and how to prepare this dried berry at home. Interesting? Then stay on this page!

Dried strawberries are not only a sequel summer fun, which we received during the season from delicious juicy fragrant berries, but also a valuable storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body. Since in these dried fruits persist practically unchanged:

  • potassium;
  • boron;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • silicon;
  • Selena;
  • chlorine.

The calorie content of 100 grams of dried strawberries is about 290 kcal. And thanks to a unique combination of biologically active nutrients, this natural product has excellent:

  1. Antioxidant;
  2. Wound healing;
  3. Immunostimulating;
  4. Antimicrobial;
  5. Antiseptic;
  6. Diuretic;
  7. antipyretic;
  8. Hematopoietic;
  9. Anti-inflammatory;
  10. regenerating;
  11. antidepressant properties.

The whole range of these useful properties, according to many experts, helps people:

  • Tone up the nervous system.
  • Relieve depressive stress.
  • Stimulate the thyroid gland.
  • Increase hemoglobin.
  • Restore water-salt balance, intestinal microflora, skin elasticity, impaired metabolism.
  • Improve the work of the digestive tract.
  • Prevent the formation of malignant tumors.
  • Eliminate hemorrhoidal formations.
  • Reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Remove toxins, radionuclides from the body.
  • Remove puffiness.
  • Stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Strengthen gums.
  • Lower blood sugar levels.
  • Increase sexual activity.
  • Activate memory and mental activity.

Therefore, today doctors, along with protocol practice, recommend using dry strawberries in parallel for treatment:

  1. periodontal disease;
  2. anemia;
  3. gout;
  4. flu;
  5. hypertension;
  6. Colds;
  7. gastrointestinal disorders;
  8. atherosclerosis;
  9. Cancer of the esophagus;
  10. insomnia;
  11. scurvy;
  12. eczema;
  13. constipation;
  14. Cardiovascular pathologies;
  15. Rheumatism;
  16. acne;
  17. cystitis;
  18. Diseases of the respiratory system.

How to dry strawberries yourself?

To get high-quality dried strawberries, and the process itself went right, no matter which recipe you choose, you must follow certain rules.

  1. For drying, you can take both cultivars and berries no signs of damage.
  2. They should be:
  • correct form;
  • Intense red color;
  • Not overripe;
  • Solid texture;
  • Sweet tasting, no moldy or musty smell.
  • The best option here would be fruits collected with your own hands in the country or in the forest.
    • Separate the prepared berries from the stem;
    • Rinse them well under cool running water;
    • Lay the berries out on a paper towel to dry thoroughly.

    And then carefully cut each berry into thin 3-5 mm even slices, and then proceed directly to the process itself.

    In general, drying strawberries at home can be done in several ways. I will talk about the simplest and most popular ones further.

    On air

    This is the easiest way to dry strawberries that our grandmothers used. They just stringed small berries on a thread, hung them up and dried just in the sun.

    And as another option, you can spread the strawberry slices on a dense sheet of whatman paper, under which flat surface there are several layers of old newspapers. Such protection is necessary so that printing ink does not get on the finished product.

    Here, the juice secreted from fresh berries must first be absorbed into the paper, and then soak the newspapers. The latter need to be changed every 5 hours, and the berry itself should then be turned over. The drying time of strawberries according to this recipe is four days.

    In an electric dryer

    Today the most suitable option for drying strawberries, as well as at home, is an electric dryer. It has been successfully used modern housewives for workpiece useful berries. This process is quite simple, convenient and optimal.

    For it to be carried out directly:

    1. Arrange prepared fresh strawberry slices loosely on perforated trays.
    2. Set the equipment to a mode no higher than 60 degrees in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of ripe berries.
    3. Start the electrical appliance.
    4. During the drying process, it is necessary to change places of the pallets from time to time: the upper - to the bottom, the lower - to the top, to ensure even drying of the strawberry slices.

    For one bookmark in an electric dryer, you can dry up to 2 kilograms of fresh berries. You can spend up to 12 hours on this, and get about 140 grams of dry product at the output.

    You can watch the whole process of harvesting strawberries in an electric dryer in the following video.

    Summing up my opus, I want to warn you that you should use dried strawberries in your diet do not do it people with:

    • allergies;
    • Increased acidity;
    • Hepatic colic;
    • Chronic appendicitis.

    With caution, this dried fruit should be consumed by children, pregnant women or women during the lactation period. For the rest, this delicious treat almost everyone can.

    It can be used to make cakes, mousses or cocktails; add to various cereals, cottage cheese, yogurt; it goes well with cream in gourmet desserts.

    This natural product is also used in recipes. traditional medicine. At the same time, you can not only make it yourself, but also buy it at affordable price in a supermarket or specialized online store.

    The main thing in everything is to follow the measure, do not forget about contraindications and follow the storage rules.

    Good luck to all! See you!
