
Dried strawberries at home. Drying strawberries in a dryer

The berries must be carefully sorted out (remove rumpled, dried, overripe or vice versa unripe fruits), peel the leaves, rinse under running water. Then you need to let the excess liquid drain, dry the berries in a colander or on paper towels.

Strawberries can be dried whole, but it works better if you cut them into slices of about 2-3 mm thick.

Read the instructions for your dryer carefully. Much depends on the model of the device and in most cases the drying process is described in detail. Most often, the recommendation is as follows: cutting tightly on pallets is not necessary, since there must be a certain space for unhindered air circulation. I laid out my strawberries like this, as in the photo. I installed the first pallet, then another one, after which I decided to apple chips do.

You should also pay attention to the difference between drying with an appliance and drying in vivo. If in the second case fresh slices are reported to those already dried, then this should not be done with an electric dryer.

When all the sieves with strawberries are installed, you need to start the electric dryer. Set the temperature to no higher than 45ºС, in this case it will remain more benefit. Don't forget to swap pallets. That is, rearrange the lower ones to the upper position, and lower those from the top to the bottom. Such actions are necessary for uniform drying of berry slices.

Dried strawberries should be soft and elastic, but without any trace of juice.

And these are apples.

You can store it for the winter in glass jars or plastic containers with lids.

Such berry-fruit chips can be eaten without a twinge of conscience on

For the winter - it's a long one, but pleasant process. Drying is one of the simplest and cheapest types of harvesting. You can dry almost anything your heart desires: greens, fruits, vegetables, berries and other gifts of rich Russian nature. Drying fruits has various advantages and advantages that open up at different times, from cooking to enjoyment.

Let's talk about drying strawberries in the oven. Let's talk about the benefits and advantages of this berry. Let's talk about the most important thing - the method of harvesting. It is worth starting with the fact that there are strawberries in almost every garden, cottage. Strawberries are a wonderful berry that does not require special care, while it has a pleasant discriminating taste, which is liked by both the smallest representatives of mankind and the elderly. Strawberries do not lose their amazing taste qualities after drying in the oven, and useful substances remain in it in large quantities, so that strawberries after drying in the oven have amazing taste and useful properties.

Before drying strawberries, they must be collected, washed, cut into equal parts - slices, laid out on a baking sheet so that air can envelop a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fruit. Many experienced housewives strawberries are dried in a microwave, while all the taste and useful properties remain unchanged. Drying strawberries in the oven takes about 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the temperature. The recommended drying temperature for strawberries is 60 degrees Celsius. After drying in the oven, strawberries can be laid out on a tray or a special flooring on the windowsill, where a pleasant and healthy summer sun will fall on strawberry pieces, which will give a fragrant tan and additional vitamins to this product. Chopped strawberry slices can be dried on the windowsill or put in a storage place where the slices are completely dry, thereby protecting themselves from the influence of microbes.

You can store dried strawberries in a bag in cool place, which will not fall sunlight, dust and dirt. It is in such a place that strawberries dried in the oven will be stored for more than one month. You can store strawberries for a very long time, but the best option would be to use them within one year. At long-term storage vitamins and other nutrients are reduced, thereby making strawberries less healthy and tasty than before. Dried strawberry slices are best stored in a gauze bag, and the contents should be constantly checked. Even under all storage conditions, some slices may deteriorate and must be isolated from normal strawberry slices.

Various blanks, this case oven-dried strawberry slices are a delicacy for moths. Moth is a pest for dried strawberries and many other and various preparations. So that the moth does not harm, it must be placed in a place inaccessible to moths, or use special mild-smelling moth remedies. Moth is a vicious pest that eats not only woolen fabrics, but also various blanks for the winter.

Before eating, slices of dried strawberries should be thoroughly washed under warm water, then soak the required time in cold water so that the slices become soft and pleasant to eat. Dried strawberries can be consumed separately from all foods, or they can be used in various recipes dishes. Many professional makers prefer dried strawberries With warm milk. This combination is very useful and pleasant to use. In addition, various other berries and fruits can be added to such a dish. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that many fruits do not combine, which can result in unexpected taste. But so much the better, changing the components of this simple to madness, but delicious dish, you can get a taste that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

Strawberries are rich useful substances and vitamins, they are used in cooking, home medicine.

To please yourself and loved ones even in winter delicious berries, many dry them. In order to preserve all the useful properties and durability of strawberries as much as possible, you need to be able to dry them properly.

Preparatory work before drying strawberries at home

The preparatory stage is the most important start of work. After all, the further fate of the berries will depend on it. Before drying strawberries, you should carefully approach the collection of berries. When the harvest is harvested, careful selection follows. best berries. Unripe, green, overripe and rotten berries should be excluded so that the whole workpiece does not deteriorate because of them. Berries with traces of blows and other damage are also not suitable. Selected fruits should be thoroughly washed under running water and remove the tails or leaves.

How to dry strawberries outdoors

It is known that dried berries retain more useful components than those that are processed into jam or jam.

There are several ways to dry strawberries: with the help of an oven, fresh air and auxiliary appliances. How to dry strawberries at home is up to you, but first, check out each of the methods.

Drying strawberries on fresh air is a laborious process that requires a significant investment of time. In general - not the easiest and most convenient, but natural way. Selected and peeled fruits must be laid out in a loose layer on a clean surface, for example, on cloth or paper. The place where they will be located should be chosen well-ventilated. The sun should get there, but in such a way that its rays are not directed directly at the berries.

When the place is chosen, you can safely leave the strawberries to dry all day until dark. With the onset of dusk, the berries are brought into the room. In the morning next day the berries will need to be taken outside again and picked up a convenient place for them. So strawberries will dry for about 2-3 weeks. You can determine the degree of readiness of berries by their appearance. Properly dried strawberries have a burgundy saturated color, shiny grains, it is easily separated from each other.

It is best to store dried berries in cloth bags. The fabric should be chosen natural so that the berry breathes. The bags themselves are placed in a dark, dry place. Best before date dried strawberries- 2 years. They can be consumed later if they were stored correctly, but the taste and useful properties of the fruit will begin to fade. Therefore, it is better not to delay and apply strawberries within the specified expiration date.

How to dry strawberries at home: choosing a convenient way

It is much easier and faster to dry strawberries with improvised means. How to dry strawberries at home:

1. Using the oven- This is one of the most common ways of drying berries. To do this, preheat the oven to 35 ° C. While the oven is heating, the berries are neatly laid out on a baking sheet in an even layer. Then the baking sheet must be placed in the oven and left there for approximately 1 hour. During this time, the berries will begin to dry. When the time runs out, without removing the berries from the oven, the temperature will need to be increased to 60 ° C and continue to dry them for a few more hours (2–2.5). With any drying method ready berries look the same. As soon as your color becomes saturated and dark, and the berries themselves stop sticking together, then drying can be considered complete.

2. Using an air fryereasy way transfer responsibility to the device. Exhibited for drying special mode, in which there is airflow, and the temperature reaches 45–60 ° C. By placing the harvest of berries in such a device, you can not worry about their fate and calmly go about your business. Due to the active air circulation in the air grill, the drying time of the berries is reduced several times compared to the oven. The only feature that should be taken into account when using an air grill is that the outflow of moisture is not taken into account in the machine. Mandatory by any possible way you need to provide it, leaving the lid slightly open. Airfryer minutes is a small surface area. A large supply of berries will have to be dried in several passes. In total, it will fit in the unit, depending on its characteristics, from 0.8 to 1.2 kg of strawberries, and at the output dried berries get 0.3-0.5 kg. Well, the pluses include the speed of work and the absence of heat from the drying process.

3. How to dry strawberries in an electric dryer. Today, you can pick up all kinds of dryers from a huge range. They may differ in cost, characteristics, principle of operation. Therefore, the drying time of strawberries can vary between 6-12 hours. But each model is individual, so it is better to familiarize yourself with the instructions for a particular unit in advance. Berries should be laid out on clean pallets so that they do not touch each other. The temperature in the dryer should be set to 50–55 °C. You will have to keep an eye on the berries in the electric dryers, checking their readiness. By the berries it will be noticeable that they are ready. Then it will be possible to transfer them to bags or glass containers and store them in right place. Glass container better protect the dryer from pests.

To the forest for berries: how to dry strawberries for tea

To drink fragrant and healthy strawberry tea in winter, which saves you from many troubles, you need to take care of harvesting berries in a timely manner.

You should go to collect them in the summer, at the end of June, can be the whole of July depending on the climatic conditions. There are many varieties of berries, so you can find growing both in the field and in the forest. Harvest fruits should be in dry weather, it is desirable that it be warm. Early in the morning you should not go in search, as the dew will not have time to disappear.

When drying strawberries, take care of a good ventilated place. Check the berries periodically for mold. As soon as they darken and become crumbly, you can collect them in a container.

When it's time for tea, add 1-2 tablespoons of dried berries to black or green tea to give a refined taste, aroma, as well as increase immunity. You can diversify the drink with decoctions of strawberries, as well as the leaves of the plant.

Useful leaves: how to dry strawberries for tea

Not only fruits, but also strawberry leaves are rich useful properties. They make fragrant and healing tea subject to proper preparation.

1. Collected strawberry leaves should be laid out in the shade and dried.

2. Each leaf is rolled into a tube between the palms so that the juice begins to stand out.

3. Finished tubes you need to put on a baking sheet with a layer of 5 cm, cover natural fabric slightly damp and leave in a room with a temperature of about 27 ° C for 6-8 hours. In this position, fermentation should begin.

4. When bright appears berry flavor, means what chemical reaction ended. The leaves will need to be dried in the oven at 90 ° C for an hour.

5. finished leaves dried in the same way as berries in a cool, dry place.

sweet summer berry most often rolled up in the form of compote or jam. However, if the farm has such a miraculous kitchen appliances, How electric dryer, the process of harvesting strawberries for the winter can be approached not so traditionally.

Using a dryer, it is easy and simple to prepare from berries:

  • dried fruits;
  • marshmallow.

The berries must first be prepared: rinse well and remove the tails. Intact strawberries are selected separately for drying, and slightly crushed berries can be used to make marshmallows.

How to make strawberry dried fruits?

Whole clean berries must be carefully cut into slices no more than 1 cm thick. Then put in a dryer on mesh pallets, while doing this as tightly as possible in order to dry at a time large quantity berries.

In a large dryer of 15 pallets, about 6 kg can be dried at a time fresh berries(on each pallet - an average of 400 g). And ready-made strawberry dried fruits from this amount of berries will come out 10 times less.

Depending on the thickness of the cut berries, the drying process will take 4 hours or more (the thicker the slices, the longer they dry). The finished dried fruit will bend, but not break, and at the same time, moisture should not remain in it. It is better to store dried strawberries in jars under a lid in a dark place.

Features of the preparation of strawberry marshmallow

Since the berries should be crushed to prepare marshmallows, crushed strawberries can also be used, as long as it is not completely sour or rotten.

On average, 200 g of sugar is enough for 1 kg of strawberries, but if desired, its amount can be increased or decreased. This is already a matter of taste.

The process of harvesting strawberry marshmallows is as follows:

  1. Pour berries into a blender.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Grind to a puree.
  4. Lubricate tray (pallet) fresh fat(so that the marshmallow lags behind well).
  5. Pour the puree-like mass into a tray (no more than 400 ml) and level with a spoon so that it evenly covers it.
  6. Set the dryer to 65 degrees.

In order for the pastille to turn out elastic and curl well, it must be dried for about 25 hours. Keep finished product recommended in a container with a lid.

If you have not been able to prepare delicious dried strawberries, the so-called strawberry "chips", then do not worry, now everything will work out for sure. Main, right berry select and set the desired temperature. Drying strawberries for the winter in the oven. An electric dryer is not needed for this workpiece.

Of course, you should not hope that the berry will dry instantly, and there will be a lot of workpieces. It takes 3 hours to dry strawberries, and no more than 140-150 g of dried strawberries are obtained from two baking sheets of chopped berries (which is about 800 g of fresh strawberries). But trust me, it's worth it. Such strawberry flavors the house will be filled, that all the neighbors will come running. Crispy, bright and very tasty, dried strawberries keep well until the next berry harvest if you follow the advice that you will find at the end of the recipe. Dried strawberries can be added to sweet pastries, make tea with her or just crunch on refreshing “chips” at your leisure. Strawberry "chips" in the form tender hearts will warm you with warm memories of the past summer. And you will be convinced that this way of preparing it is no worse than strawberry compote.

strawberries - 420 g.

How to cook dried strawberries in the oven

Strawberries for drying should be harvested in dry weather. The drier and denser the berry, the better the workpiece will turn out. Wash and dry ripe strawberries in a well-ventilated area, spreading them in a thin layer on paper towel. Then remove the sepals from the berries.

Cut the strawberries into rings 1.3-1.5 cm thick.

Line a wide baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the sliced ​​berries over it. Strawberry mugs should not be in contact with each other, otherwise, the berry will stick together and spoil appearance ready-made strawberry chips.

Place the baking sheet in an oven heated to 90 degrees, turning on the convection mode. Dry strawberries for 1.5 hours. During this period, the berry will secrete excess juice and decrease in size.

Now take the pan out of the oven. Take new leaf baking paper and lay it out on the table. Transfer the dried berry to the paper, the other side up, removing sharp knife from a hot surface. Place a new strawberry leaf on the empty baking sheet.

Cook strawberry "chips" for another 1.5 hours at 90 degrees Celsius, remembering to turn on the convection mode. After the time has elapsed, remove the baking sheet from the oven and remove the dried strawberries from the paper, spreading them on a dish in a thin layer.

Cool the workpiece and store the dried strawberries in freezer by placing in a tight bag or airtight container. Exactly low temperature will not allow strawberry "chips" to become damp during long-term storage.
