
Lotus tea: benefits, for weight loss, how to brew, reviews, where to buy? Lotus leaves for weight loss - new data.

Initially, the lotus flower appeared in India, but today it has been cultivated in all countries of East and South Asia. This is one of the most ancient medicinal plants and you can find a huge number of recipes and references to the use of lotus for medicinal purposes. And all this is due to the rich content of useful substances in it.

Beneficial features

Very often this flower is used in the preparation of tonic teas.
In ancient China, tea with lotus petals was a drink intended only for royalty, true aristocrats, as well as rich and noble people. Lotus gives this drink its noble and refined taste. It was for this that he was appreciated, and he was the privileged drink of the royal court. This tea helps to say goodbye to neurosis and cheer up. And it also has a pleasant tonic property, and is an excellent general tonic. Due to the high content of vitamin C, tea wonderfully strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism. And in the hot season it can become an indispensable drink: just one cup of tea, and the body temperature can drop by several degrees, and you yourself will feel fresh and cool all over your body. If you drink a cup of this exquisite tea after a short day's sleep, you will be able to feel a new influx of strength, and you will work productively and energetically in the afternoon.

It has long been known that such a drink helps to reduce appetite, as well as reduce blood cholesterol. It perfectly neutralizes free radicals, breaks down fats and prevents their subsequent absorption. It is also recommended for vitamin B1 deficiency.
Some varieties of lotus are excellent for treating kidney and liver diseases.

How to brew lotus tea

Since the aroma and taste of the infusion depends on the quality of the water, it is recommended to use soft and purified water. Lotus stems, leaves and flowers are most often found in complex tea collections. But they can be brewed on their own as a drink.
1. Any clay teapot is suitable for brewing.
2. Preheat the dishes with boiling water.
3. For 150-200 milliliters of boiling water, 3-4 grams of dry tea leaves are required.
4. Pour the tea leaves into the teapot and fill with water at a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
5. Then, after 30-40 seconds, be sure to drain the water. This is the first strait and it is intended for washing.
6. Fill the tea leaves again with hot water, but for 2-3 minutes.

Porridge from seeds to improve hearing, vision, memory

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Ointment for burns


Tincture from nocturnal involuntary urination, pollutions

It is - sacred in the eyes of the native - the plant grows in stagnant and slowly flowing waters along the Nile and the Ganges; nut-shaped fruits (the ancients called the Egyptian bean, faba egyptiaca). Flour is extracted from seeds and rhizomes.

Decoction for epistaxis and acute dysentery

Any moisture that falls on the leaves or petals of the lotus is immediately collected in drops of a spherical shape, which in no way can stay on the surface and inevitably roll down, taking with them particles of silt that are in their way.

Wellness face mask

Since lotuses are amphibious plants, a small pond is set aside for planting - the minimum allowable size is 3x3 m at a depth of 1-1.5 m. A lotus is planted in water. After the plants take root, it is necessary to ensure that they do not grow near the shore, it is also worth controlling the water level.

Lotus scrub

Lotus leaves are added to cancer drugs, more often in the field of gynecology.

Seed porridge for diarrhea

Preparation of vinegar infusion of the root for a surge of strength

Everything is involved: seeds, leaves and flowers. The first two points have already been covered on our website and in some detail here and here. And today the focus of our attention will be flowers.​

Powder for wet dreams

​12.33 g. (~49 kcal)​


The rich history of the use of lotus leaves in folk medicine has attracted the attention of serious scientists. According to a publication in Nutrition and Metabolism, lotus leaf extract is a source of L-carnitine, which may help treat obesity-related diseases.​


Nut-bearing lotus - useful properties, application, recipes

Indications for use

Ointment for the treatment of burns: crushed lotus leaves are fried until black, then vaseline is added, the product is thoroughly mixed and applied with light movements to the affected skin area.

​20 g seeds (without outer shell), grind, mix with 0.5 kg of non-glutinous rice, cook porridge. To taste, you can add vegetables, meat, seasonings. After a week of daily single use, the result will be more than obvious.​



In the 70s of the last century, Wilhelm Barthlott, a scientist from the Botanical Institute of Bonn, studied the structure of the surface of the leaves of various plants using a scanning electron microscope. Even then, together with his colleagues, he drew attention to the amazing purity of some greenhouse plants, such as nasturtium, lotus, kohlrabi. Their leaves seemed freshly washed, while the leaves of other plants were covered with clay and lime stains.

  • Lotus seeds and rhizomes are used as animal feed. In cooking, rhizomes have found the greatest use - they are boiled, stewed, fried in fat. Pieces of fresh rhizomes are candied, and flour is made from dried raw materials. Coffee substitutes are made from the fruits. Lotus leaves are used less often in food - they serve as an ingredient for salads or seasoning for hot dishes. Lotus flowers are added to tea. Sometimes lotus stamens are eaten.

This amphibious plant is a member of the lotus family. Lotus belongs to the category of herbaceous most beautiful inhabitants of the water world. It opens buds at sunrise, but only blooms for three days. The lotus flower is delicate and large, and its stem can be up to two meters long. After the petals fall, the seed box is lowered into the water - and the seeds are released. This is how the lotus reproduces. The distribution area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis medicinal plant is quiet clean lakes, reservoirs with stagnant water and a muddy bottom, estuaries.

Nut lotus home remedies

For those few who have a bad idea of ​​what the lotus looks like “live”, I inform you that this is a perennial aquatic plant that floats all year round on the surface of a pond or river, and its roots can reach the very bottom.

​Energy ratio (b|g|y): 14%|1%|67%​

L-carnitine is an amino acid that controls cellular metabolism by obtaining energy from fatty acids. It is produced in the liver and stored in the heart, brain and muscles. Good sources include: beef, pork, dairy products and avocado pulp. Overweight people are often deficient in L-carnitine when the body produces less than the required level.​


lotus leaves

Lotus root recipe: put the peeled root for 5 minutes in a bowl with cold water and vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 glass of water), then rinse thoroughly and dip in boiling water with the addition of vinegar (taken in the same proportion), boil for 4-6 minutes. They use a boiled root to strengthen the activity of all body systems.


Fry fresh lotus leaves until black, chop, mix with petroleum jelly. Apply not to fresh, but already healing burns. Prevents scarring.​

A year and a half ago, it was hemmed, it helped immediately. and there is no thought to check the drug. everything would be fine, but now it became scary, every uneven heartbeat terrifies. funny to say, but sometimes I'm even afraid to eat. I understand that I was cured of one, I acquired another terrible problem. and the most interesting thing is that self-hypnosis is a very serious and terrible thing!!!


At that time, it was generally accepted that the smoother the surface, the more difficult it is to retain moisture and, accordingly, dirt. And what was the surprise of scientists when they realized that it was plants with a smooth surface that turned out to be the dirtiest, and those that had a rough surface under a microscope were perfectly clean and dry. This property was especially pronounced in the lotus. Its leaves, covered with microscopic tubercles, really repelled water and dirt. So the “lotus effect” was discovered.​

Method of use

Lotus contains flavonoids, alkaloids, starch, resins, tannins, ascorbic acid. Petioles and young seedlings include nelumbin (poisonous substance).


Seeds to improve hearing and vision. Take 20 grams of seeds, grind them thoroughly. Mix with half a kilogram of rice and cook porridge. You need to eat the dish every day at least once a day for a week. After this time, the result will be obvious.​

For medicinal purposes, all parts of a herbaceous plant are harvested. These are its fruits, and flowers, and root, and leaves. Lotus collection is carried out according to the following rules:

The lotus flower symbolizes eternity, purity and divine essence. Not without reason, in Hindu mythology, many deities are depicted sitting on an open flower of this plant.

​Nutritional value | Vitamins | Minerals

In the course of a curious experiment on bats, Japanese scientists confirmed the dietary properties of the vegetable raw materials we are studying today. Obese experimental animals received lotus leaf extract for 5 weeks.​


Found a mistake in the text? Select it and press Ctrl + Enter.​ Take 6-12 g of fruit pulp and add 1 tbsp. boiling yatka, leave for an hour and separate the thick. Drink 50 g 4-5 times a day.​​GuestBad

Doctors consider these seeds an indispensable treatment for hemorrhoids and diarrhea. Eating dishes with them strengthens the immune system and the reproductive system.​

Benefits of lotus leaves for weight loss

​It must be said that, by itself, a rough or porous terrain can even retain water better than a smooth one. Suffice it to recall the well-known sponges and bath towels. But, if the surface initially has water-repellent properties, that is, hydrophobicity (from the Greek phobia - to be afraid), then such a relief will only aggravate the situation. Water will collect in spherical droplets on the tubercles and roll off at the slightest shaking. This is what the “lotus effect” is based on.​

Lotus rhizome is used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, diuretic and tonic. It is recommended to use with insufficient intake of vitamin B1. Different parts of the lotus are used to make many traditional medicines in India and China. A decoction of lotus leaves is used as an antiseptic.

Ointment for burns. To do this, you need to take fresh lotus leaves, fry them and mix thoroughly with petroleum jelly. Apply ointment to healing burns. The tool will help prevent scarring.

Plant collection time - before dawn, until the flower is fully opened.

The white, blue and pink varieties in Buddhism characterize the three personality types. Like this amazing plant, a person can live on the surface of “water” (in this context it has a figurative meaning), slightly above it or completely immersed in it.

​How much does Lotus cost (average price per 1)?​

Therapeutic potential of lotus leaves

As a result, the animals slowed down the absorption of fats and carbohydrates in the body, increased energy expenditure and accelerated lipid metabolism. Some experts believe that regular intake of dietary supplements with lotus leaves increases lipolysis, that is, it accelerates the release of fat from fat cells, followed by their breakdown and release of energy.​ Lotus leaves, black sesame, coix grains, pueraria root and others. To 10-15 g of lotus root add 0.5 l of water. Boil for 10 minutes and insist 1 hour, then strain. Drink 100 g 3-4 times a day.​

I screwed up two weeks ago. missed a lot! then I decided to drink a hundred! I drank and nothing happened except that my period went ahead of time !!! But I started drinking less! then my husband took me again to the drug center for a second one. filing. and history repeated itself. we went to some old lady she whispered something crossed beat me on the head. and lo and behold, I just have no desire to drink!!!


Lotus useful properties:: Benefit and harm

Buakaw Por Pramuk White Lotus - Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)

Lotus - types and properties. The composition and benefits of the lotus

The surface of the leaves and petals of this kind of plant is covered with tiny, strongly convex tubercles-knobs that can only be seen with a microscope. The size of these bumps is not more than 20 microns, and the distance between them is ten times less. On the bumps, in turn, there are individual nanocrystals of a wax-like substance that makes the surface “fear” of water.

Eating rhizomes and leaves of the lotus, as well as taking medicines based on this plant, is impossible in case of individual intolerance.

Enuresis tincture. Take 10 grams of lotus fruit pulp and pour over a glass of boiling water. Infuse the healing potion for an hour, filter, drink 50 grams 4-5 times a day. You need to pick the plant carefully, avoiding damage. Another set of values ​​\u200b\u200bis much more piquant. The lotus flower also denotes beauty, sensuality and sexuality. So, in the famous Indian treatise "Kama Sutra", the most experienced woman in the art of lovemaking is called Padmini, which means "lotus woman." Lotus or Nelumbo refers to a dicot species of plants from the Lotus family. The plant has been known to man since ancient times. In ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome, various subspecies, as well as the fruits of the plant, were called lotuses. Already in those distant times, people began to eat inflorescences, fruits and lotus root. As a rule, ancient culinary specialists used the Kirean or Egyptian lotus. The North African region is considered the birthplace of the lotus, from where the plant spread throughout European and Asian territory. And here's another scientific fact for you: lotus alkaloids prevent weight gain even with an excess of food. The fact is that active plant substances prevent the accumulation of triglycerides in the process of adipogenesis. This drug was developed using the latest technology from active fibers of natural plants. It converts excess fat into energy, removes toxins and toxins from the body, breaks down fats and prevents them from forming again. It has no side effects, has a mild laxative property - that is, it does not require additional use of laxatives.

It is necessary to mix the yolk and 1 tsp. lotus oil and 1 tsp. honey. Apply a thick layer on the face, except for the part around the eyes. Wash off with warm water after 20 minutes.​

Lotus: properties


A decoction of the lotus root is used for convulsions and dyspepsia. As an antiseptic and antipyretic, the root is used for gonorrhea and mycoses, diseases of the spleen and kidneys. Another important area of ​​​​its application is the treatment of the consequences of snake and scorpion bites.

That's all. Water droplets will never stay on such a surface, they will roll down, and at the same time they will carry away particles of dirt, fungal spores, bacteria, etc. It is curious that during the experiments with the lotus, even paint and glue befell the same fate! As a result, the leaves and petals of this flower always remain perfectly clean. No wonder it is a symbol of spiritual and physical purity.

Lotus is a unique plant. Its seeds are able to germinate after several centuries, and the flowers maintain the optimum temperature throughout the day. This culture certainly deserves attention.​

Wellness face mask. It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of lotus oil, the same amount of honey and the yolk of a fresh egg. Everything is applied in an even layer to clean skin and aged for 20 minutes.

Lotus leaves are harvested fresh and young, it is necessary to pluck the petioles from them, which contain a poison called "nelyubin".

  • The soothing and cooling properties of the plant make it possible to use lotus flowers and essential oil from them for cosmetic purposes, in particular, to heal and improve skin texture.
  • Our native domestic water lilies are close relatives of the lotus and are part of the same family with the plant. At the dawn of the development and birth of the science of botany, the first Greek philosophers and thinkers compiled books describing plants. The first to describe the appearance and beneficial properties of the lotus was the founding father of botany, the ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus. It is interesting that previously the lotus was part of the Water Lily family. However, over time, the plant was isolated in a separate family, which currently combines three main types of lotus.
  • When our body receives a signal of an excess of energy, the remaining nutrients no longer enter the "energy furnace", but go exclusively to the formation of new fat cells. Lotus leaves are just struggling with this phenomenon. And it is also an excellent remedy for cellulite.

Capsules Lotus Leaves are based only on natural, herbal ingredients and will allow you to get rid of 5 kg of weight in 1 month without harm to health, without effort, without exhausting diets.

Grind rice in a coffee grinder, mix 30 g of rice flour with 1 tsp. cream and 2 drops of lotus oil. Apply the resulting mass on the face for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, massage your face and apply your favorite nourishing cream.

I myself filed, but I didn’t even try to drink after filing. Because when it came time to make a provocation for alcohol .......... I drank only half a cork from which they twist the bottle and immediately the pressure began to rise and my breath suddenly stopped Well, the anesthesiologists were nearby, they pulled it out, otherwise the end would have come. That's it.

Lotus leaves are added to cancer drugs, more often in the field of gynecology.

This effect, by the way, is used by butterflies and other, especially flying, insects. This is vital for them, because if they get wet, they would lose the ability to fly.

It is forbidden to take all lotus-based preparations for expectant mothers and lactating women. It is unacceptable to take them with constipation. Individual intolerance to the plant is not excluded. Before starting a course of treatment with remedies based on this plant, it is better to consult a knowledgeable herbalist.

Product proportions. How many grams?

The root should not be collected completely, but a part of it should be left for further reproduction.

Purification. Use lotus essential oil to cleanse and tighten pores.​

Types of lotus

Some phytochemical compounds found in high concentrations in lotus leaves are supposed to protect the plant from bacterial and fungal infections. These are alkaloids (nuciferin, remerin and others), flavonoids and tannins. Isoquinoline alkaloids have sedative and antispasmodic properties. In other words, they promote better digestion, fight flatulence and constipation. Whereas flavonoids and tannins are powerful antioxidants that help with weight loss and the prevention of cardiovascular disease.​

Lotus leaves are a wonderful sculptor of your body, removes only those fat deposits that tend to accumulate in certain places: the lumbar region, abdomen, hips.

Soak 15 g of seeds in warm water for 4-5 hours. After that, add 15 g of dark sugar to the mass and put on a small fire, cook until tender. Add to tea with the calculation (5 g - 1 tbsp.).​

Lotus flowers in beauty treatments

In Buddhist countries, the lotus is considered a symbol of moral purity and perfection. It grows out of dirty silt, but is always clean, and therefore symbolizes a noble person, to whom no worldly dirt sticks.

  1. Lotus folk medicine has been used to improve human health for a long time, it has proven its effectiveness. Use recipes based on it:​
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The leaves and flowers of the plant are dried in the shade in the open air.

A kaleidoscope of beneficial properties of lotus flowers

Soothing and moisturizing effect. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, redness and acne are reduced. Cosmetics with lotus flowers are suitable for dry and sensitive skin.​

The main types of lotus:

An infusion of lotus leaves effectively dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, normalizes cholesterol.

Women who have gained excess weight after the birth of a child, as well as simply wanting to lose weight.

Peel the root well, add water and vinegar (1 tablespoon - 1 tablespoon of water), hold for 5 minutes. Then rinse under running water, again throw into boiling water with a bite, cook for 5 minutes. Drink 50 half an hour before meals for a week.​

Petals and stamens for melanin production

Due to the content of certain alkaloids, lotus leaves have antiarrhythmic, sedative, hypotonic, anti-inflammatory properties. Extract or decoction of lotus leaves facilitates childbirth and separation of the placenta, is an antidote for mushroom poisoning; it is used topically for tick-borne fever and some other skin diseases. Lotus leaves also have a tonic effect, reduce fatigue, are used to treat obesity and reduce high blood lipids. Moreover, fat deposits are reduced, which, as a rule, accumulate in certain places: the lumbar region, abdomen, hips.

Seeds to improve hearing and vision.

How to make lotus flower tea?

they are probably made of a fabric that does not allow you to get wet


​Geography of our products​

Procurement and storage

To preserve the medicinal properties, it is necessary to avoid the sun's rays on the raw materials.

  1. Recovery. Like hibiscus, lotus flowers contain natural alpha hydroxy acids that exfoliate the top layer of the skin, promote skin renewal, and provide a youthful, radiant appearance. Protein components allow you to "repair" the cells of the epidermis, restoring skin firmness and elasticity.​
  2. Nuciferous lotus or Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn was discovered by the German physician and botanist Josef Gaertner in 1788;
  3. In addition, this plant material, which came to us from the East, contains useful acids, including citric acid, malic, gluconic, oxalic and succinic.
  4. ​2 capsules daily before or after breakfast. The drug is designed for a loss of 5 to 10 kg per month. The package contains 40 capsules. Full course - 2 packs.​
  5. Need a powder of groin and lotus seeds. Take in the same proportion and dilute in water: 1 g + 1 g + 200 mo of water, drink 2 times a day.
  6. The aroma of the lotus has long been considered the quintessence of all the most valuable things in this world. Therefore, in the old days in Vietnam, lotus-flavored tea was the preferred drink of the royal court, aristocrats and wealthy people. In the notes of the famous Vietnamese medical scientist Le Huu Chak, whose literary pseudonym was the name Hai Thuong Lan Ong, which have come down to us, it is said: “The lotus grows among black mud, but it does not have a bad smell, like mud; on the contrary, the lotus absorbs the best aromas that are in the air ... All parts of the lotus - the root, flower petals, leaves, pistils and grains - are miraculous medicines.
  7. Take 20 grams of seeds, grind them thoroughly. Mix with half a kilogram of rice and cook porridge. You need to eat the dish every day at least once a day for a week. After this time, the result will be obvious.​
  8. On the surface of the lotus leaves, water forms drops that, like balls of mercury, roll down the surface of the leaf, entraining foreign particles that are on the leaf.
  9. Sky lily - this is the name of this flower in many Asian countries.

Application in everyday life

In India and China, the lotus is considered a sacred plant. The site mir-ovosey.ru will tell you about the interesting features and beneficial properties of this ancient vegetable crop.​

Composition and medicinal properties

The root is washed out of the sand, dried under the sun.

​Stimulating blood flow with flower petal cosmetics refreshes and revitalizes the complexion, so lotus products are ideal for morning cleansing.​

The American yellow lotus, Nelumbo lutea Pers, was studied and discovered in 1807 by the botanist Heinrich Person;

Despite the bitter taste, some gourmets like to use the dried leaves for cooking. For everyone else, you can recommend a special herbal tea, capsules or tablets. The effectiveness of such funds increases significantly in combination with taurine.

Cardiovascular insufficiency, high blood pressure, pregnancy.

The harm brought by this plant by traditional medicine is unknown. But it is forbidden to take it during pregnancy and lactation. It is unacceptable to take with constipation. Allergy due to individual intolerance to the whole plant or to its individual parts is also not excluded. Lotus oil should not be taken undiluted. Not recommended for use by children. Do not allow it to get on the mucous membranes. Before treatment, it is better to consult a doctor.

Have you ever seen lotus leaves? ? they can't be boiled... or do you mean at least "petals"?​

Ointment for burns.

  1. In nature, there is a wonderful phenomenon characteristic of lotus flower leaves - they never get wet. After rain or complete immersion in water, they are immediately dry and clean.​
  2. It is considered the personification of purity in Buddhism and is an important symbol that is widespread in the religion, culture and art of these countries. This perennial aquatic plant belongs to the exotic lily family, is famous for the beauty of its flowers and its amazing properties. It grows in temperate and tropical zones in shallow water in well-heated water. Lotus flowers are unusually beautiful and reach 30 cm in diameter. They open at dawn and close at sunset, blooming for 3 days.​
  3. Lotus is a perennial amphibian plant. It belongs to the lotus family. Three types of plants are known: the walnut lotus, the American lotus (yellow lotus) and the five-petal lotus. The American (yellow) lotus can be found on the Atlantic coast of Central and North America, as well as on the Hawaiian Islands.​
  4. Lotus fruits can be saved for a very long time.

In large quantities, flower petals go to the production of perfumes, fragrant soaps and other detergents.

The five-petalled lotus or Nelumbo pentapetala (Walter) Fernald was discovered and studied by the American botanist Walter Fernald in 1934;

Due to the lack of sufficient research, lotus leaf supplements are not recommended for pregnant women. In some cases, the product may cause gastrointestinal upset. Due to the risk of bleeding, the simultaneous use of lotus leaf extract in any form is prohibited along with aspirin and any other blood-thinning drugs.


​Source of information - materials of Tian Fu LLC

Description of the lotus

In folk medicine, the walnut lotus is prescribed to treat diarrhea, bloody stools, heart and liver diseases, skin lesions, and burns of any severity. Grass seeds are used for insomnia, heart palpitations, excessive anxiety, leucorrhea, and also as a means to combat various sexual disorders.

In a hurry: 1. Pour three teapots with boiling water by a third.

To do this, you need to take fresh lotus leaves, fry them and mix thoroughly with petroleum jelly. Apply ointment to healing burns. The tool will help prevent scarring.

The "Lotus Effect" was discovered in the 1990s. German botanist, Professor Wilhelm Barthlott. He showed that the petals of a flower are covered in tiny bumps or "nanoparticles" that protrude to a height of 5 to 10 thousandths of a millimeter. In addition, there is also a wax film on top of them. Water droplets touch the rough surface only at a few points. Due to the small contact area, the droplets easily roll off under their own weight. Each such droplet on its way (like a snowball) collects dirt, foreign particles!​

An interesting fact

Nut-bearing lotus blooms with pink flowers - this species is common in the Malay Archipelago, in the northeastern part of Australia, in southern Japan, in Indochina, Hindustan, China, Northern Iran. In our area you can find the Caspian lotus (other names: Astrakhan, Caspian or Chulpan rose). It is a subspecies of the yellow lotus, it grows both in artificial reservoirs and in its natural habitat (in well-heated lakes).​

Lotus cultivation

Store dry raw materials of the plant, placing it in paper bags, in ventilated rooms at a stable temperature.

Ayurveda says that tea based on "divine" flowers can be used to treat acid reflux, diarrhea and stomach ulcers, as a diuretic, astringent and sedative. This healthy drink prevents premature ejaculation, relieves cramps and relieves pain associated with hemorrhoids.​

The composition of the lotus

Calories: 74 kcal.

Ways to Use the Lotus

The chemical composition of the lotus

A decoction of lotus rhizomes is useful for fever, nervous exhaustion, convulsive conditions, dyspepsia, pollutions. They are also treated with kidney pathologies, spleen diseases, mycoses, gonorrhea, bleeding, wounds, and are used as an antidote for scorpion and snake bites.

Useful properties of lotus

. 2. Serve the table.​


Enuresis tincture.


In Russia, the blue lotus is on the list of prohibited drugs. Its psychotropic effect on humans has been proven. The heady aroma of the fresh flowers of this plant has an aphrodisiac effect. In traditional oriental medicine, an infusion of dried blue lotus petals in dry red wine and medicinal tea are used as a medicine.

Read more about vegetables!

Beauty and health recipes from all over the world!

In the Far East, the Komarov lotus grows - a relict plant that has adapted to the cold. The vitality of the roots is preserved by silt (it rarely freezes). There are also many cultural forms of the lotus. Lotus grows near the coastal parts of water bodies. The plant has 3 types of leaves:

Lotus properties and use in cosmetics

  • Lotus is actively used in cooking. For example, its root is both fried and boiled, flour from the plant is used to make cakes. Slices of roots candied. Coffee is made from lotus nuts, and porridge is made from seeds. Fresh leaves of this medicinal plant are added as seasonings to first courses and salads. Dried flowers are tea flavorings. This tool is also actively used in the field of cosmetology.

For the beautiful half of humanity, lotus flowers will serve their purpose: they will reduce the intensity of bleeding during menstruation and in the postpartum period.

The properties of the lotus directly depend on the chemical composition of the plant. The composition of the lotus, in turn, varies depending on the type of plant. Inflorescences, fruits, stamens and the root of the nut-bearing lotus are used as food. This type of lotus is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, therefore, in our latitudes, lotus dishes are not just an exotic, but also a hard-to-find product.​

Energy value of the product Lotus (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates):

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The leaves of the plant are used by folk healers in herbal preparations in the treatment of gynecological diseases (including cervical cancer). Aqueous infusions of herbs are prescribed as a tonic, as well as for bleeding gums, subcutaneous petechiae, acne, itching.

3. Finely chop the lotus leaf petals.

Take 10 grams of lotus fruit pulp and pour over a glass of boiling water. Infuse the healing potion for an hour, filter, drink 50 grams 4-5 times a day.

Scientists began to study lotus leaves. But for a long time they could not understand anything. With the advent of new types of electron microscopes, scientists have been able to see the microstructure of the leaf surface. It is shown in the photograph at 7000x magnification. Neither water nor dust lingers on the tips. Water completely drains from the leaves, washing away the dirt deposited on them. Scientists call this phenomenon the lotus effect.


Why do lotus leaves stay dry after rain?

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Useful properties

- rounded floating leaves (they are located on very long petioles); - small underwater scale-shaped leaves (short petioles extend from the root); - high-rising large funnel-shaped leaves (their diameter reaches 50-70 cm).

The medicinal plant contains many flavonoids and alkaloids, leucoanthocyanins and tannins, starch and resin, ascorbic acid. With the use of this plant, biologically active supplements and tonic teas are prepared. Lotus decoctions and infusions have antipyretic and diuretic properties. Preparations based on this plant are used in the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract and reproductive system, kidney and liver diseases.

Lotus flowers are rich in several nutrients, including linolenic acid, quercetin, luteolin, haluteolin, nelumbin, isoquercetin, kaempferol, phosphorus, iron, B vitamins, and vitamin C.​

However, the walnut lotus is common not only in domestic reservoirs. Residents of Asian territories, Australia and Papua New Guinea simply cannot imagine their daily diet without all the components of the lotus that they eat. The chemical composition of the lotus determines the benefits of the plant for the human body. It is known that the seeds and rhizomes of the lotus began to be used for medicinal purposes several millennia ago.


​Important warning. Although all health products presented can be used without a prescription, a specialist should be consulted.​

In cosmetology, the plant is used as part of preparations that help cleanse and moisturize the skin, acquire elasticity and firmness.

4. Place two tablespoons of sliced ​​lotus (per four cups) into the brewing clip.​

Wellness face mask.

I'm gone

Lotus (lat. Nelumbo) - a genus of dicotyledonous plants, the only representative of the Lotus family.

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According to the teachings of Eastern healers, the lotus has not only sacred powers, but also high healing properties. In Tibetan medicine, the walnut lotus is used to treat severe lesions of the lymphatic system. More than 200 preparations of oriental medicine are made from it, which help to heal both the body and the soul. In ancient Chinese medicine, lotus rhizomes have always been used as a tonic, antitoxic, hemostatic, cardiac, diuretic. In the Far East, a decoction of this plant is used to treat pneumonia and bronchial asthma, as well as an antiseptic. All parts of the lotus have been used in cooking. Lotus roots are boiled, fried, dried and ground into flour, from which cakes are then made. Candied fruits are made from rhizomes, which taste very much like marmalade. An interesting coffee drink is made from dried lotus seeds.


Lotus leaves do not sink in water due to the waxy substance that covers them. Lotus flowers delight with exquisite beauty and pleasant aroma - they rise from the water on long curved pedicels (flower diameter - 25-30 cm). The flower consists of many petals, and in the middle there are yellow stamens.
Lotus oil also has healing properties, with its help they heal problem skin. This plant relieves inflammation and cleanses the skin, helps to smooth it and fights acne.
A unique set of antioxidants deserves special attention: lotusin, neferin, nuciferin and demethyl-coclaurin. Scientists have high hopes for these active natural compounds due to their anti-cancer potential.​


Benefits of lotus


2.6 g (~10 kcal)

lotus (​
The use of walnut lotus is contraindicated in the following conditions:

5. After rinsing 1 teapot, pour lotus leaves for infusion.​

It is necessary to mix a teaspoon of lotus oil, the same amount of honey and the yolk of a fresh egg. Everything is applied in an even layer to clean skin and aged for 20 minutes.

In nature, a phenomenon characteristic of lotus flower leaves has long been noticed - they never get wet. After rain or complete immersion in water, they are immediately dry and clean. On the surface of the lotus leaves, water forms drops that, like balls of mercury, roll down the surface of the leaf, removing foreign particles that are on the leaf.

Use in cosmetology

Lotus flowers can change color throughout the day. At night they are closed, and the average duration of their "life" is about three days. The lotus fruit is a one-seeded nut about one and a half centimeters long. In culture, the lotus is grown not only as an ornamental plant - edible rhizomes are highly valued (their average length is 60-120 cm, root diameter is 6-9 cm).

Lotus seeds are used in the treatment of kidneys and the cardiovascular system. They have a calming effect, can be used for stress, insomnia, strong mental stress.

Tea brewed with lotus petals is extremely popular in Thailand. Here it is used to strengthen the heart and lower blood sugar levels.

In those distant times, people actively used the beneficial properties of the lotus in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the human cardiovascular system. In our time, the benefits of lotus as a diuretic and tonic of natural origin have been scientifically established and proven. In addition, doctors recommend eating lotus root with a lack of vitamin B1 in the body. All constituent parts of the plant are used in cooking.

The use of lotus in folk medicine: recipes

Nelumbo nucifera

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding; 6. In the same way, brew black Ceylon and green Chinese tea in the remaining teapots.
  2. It is forbidden to take all lotus-based preparations for expectant mothers and lactating women. It is unacceptable to take them with constipation. Individual intolerance to the plant is not excluded. Before starting a course of treatment with remedies based on this plant, it is better to consult a knowledgeable herbalist. This natural phenomenon is called the "LOTUS effect"
  3. Lotus has traditionally been used in the cosmetology of the East in the form of an extract and oil. Dry extract is a powder from lotus leaves and flowers. In cosmetics, it is often used as a cleansing, stimulating and refreshing component for skin whitening, getting rid of age spots and spots. Lotus extract contains vitamin C, nufarin, nelumbin, armenavin and mineral compounds. Lotus oil is sacred to Hindus. They believe that it can clear the mind, promote selfless love and prosperity, and open the heart chakra. This is a rare and expensive type of oil, which is highly valued. Lotus oil has a softening, soothing and intensely moisturizing effect. It gives the skin elasticity, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells, helps to restore the elasticity of the skin. It is widely used in products for sensitive and problematic skin, because it relieves inflammation and itching well, has a strong astringent effect, and does not irritate the skin. Lotus oil helps with problems with oily and combination skin, eliminating acne and narrowing pores. It has a biostimulating effect, activates processes at the cellular level, slowing down aging and preventing the formation of wrinkles, makes the skin smooth and elastic. It has a stimulating and tonic effect on skin turgor. Lotus oil is a wonderful relaxant. It helps to cope with depression, gently relieves nervous tension and stressful conditions. Lotus is a heat-loving plant (a priority for areas with a hot tropical climate). A favorite habitat is slow-flowing water bodies (rivers with a slow current, lakes, etc.). In dry years, it can also grow on land.
  4. Doctors consider these seeds an indispensable treatment for hemorrhoids and diarrhea. Eating dishes with them strengthens the immune system and the reproductive system.​​A study published in the July 2009 issue of Experimental and Molecular Medicine discussed the effects of an essential oil derived from lotus flower petals and stamens on the body's production of melanin.​

Contraindications for use

Lotus blossoms are valued for their unique aroma, which goes well with some types of tea. In China and Japan, love for the lotus is nationwide. Lotus is considered a kind of symbols of Asian states. The lotus rhizome is considered one of the most beloved foods in China. Chinese chefs boil, fry, and pickle the lotus root. In Japan, lotus root is eaten fresh with a special sauce of water and rice vinegar.

​0.1 g (~1 kcal)​​) is a flowering perennial plant in tropical waters of Asia and the Middle East. It has been considered sacred by the locals for over 5,000 years. Other names are also known, such as "sacred lotus", "Indian lotus", "Chinese arrowroot" and "Egyptian bean". Chronic constipation;

Filing from alcoholism: reviews

7. Cut the lemon into thin slices, prepare tea clips for thyme and mint. A box of "Comme il faut" will not be superfluous. A dessert spoon of cognac really sets off the taste of tea. Sugar to taste.

​Especially for vsegdazdorov​

The microstructure of lotus leaves is in the form of sharp peaks. On such tips, neither water nor dust lingers. Water completely drains from the leaves, washing away the dirt deposited on them.

Despite its fame, the lotus has a certain exoticism, especially since it grows in places where it is not very convenient for people to appear, to put it mildly. Usually these are shallow, thoroughly silted water bodies, most often the deltas of large rivers or shallow sections of lakes in places with a fairly warm climate.​

Lotus is propagated using rhizomes or seeds (the first method is preferable). In order for flowers to appear in the first year after planting, it is recommended to use the roots of seven-year-old plants.

The extract of the plant is used in violation of the heart rhythm and in the treatment of obesity. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the spleen.


How to brew tea from lotus leaves? Thank you in advance.


Palmitic acid methyl ester was found in the composition of the oil, which promotes the formation of melanin in the process of melanogenesis. Therefore, one of the side effects of using lotus flower oil extract is the prevention of gray hair.

In Thailand, stamens and lotus petals are used as food, which are a common ingredient in salads and desserts. Flour is made from the lotus root and bread is baked. Young leaves of the plant are added to salads and vegetable dishes. Lotus seeds or fruits resemble hazelnuts in appearance and taste. Sweets, all kinds of desserts and cereals are made from lotus seeds. The oil obtained from the lotus fruit is used in the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and perfume industries.​



Pale green lotus leaves are flat and wide, reaching 46 cm in diameter. During the summer and autumn they are harvested, then cut into small plates, dried and crushed. Like the seeds, they have many beneficial properties and are widely used in oriental medicine, including for heavy bleeding, diarrhea, and muscle spasms. Among modern nutritional supplements, this medicinal raw material is increasingly common - in the form of powder or tablets.

Nikolay Filippov

Before using plant-based products, it is advisable to consult a specialist.
8. Light candles and look into each other's eyes: good company is the most delicious dessert.​
This plant is currently found in Southern Europe; it comes from North Africa; its fruits are drupes the size of a plum, very tasty; in ancient times they were used by the peoples of North Africa for food; probably, the Lotus-eaters of Homer belonged to these peoples.​
Silt, as you know, is a direct relative of ordinary mud, that is, this magnificent flower simply grows from it, but at the same time it retains exceptionally virgin purity and charm. Even if he is directly lowered into the muddy water, he will come out of it without a single dark spot, as if reborn.
When growing with seeds, planting material is pre-immersed in a jar of water (seeds germinate on about the third day). With the seed method of propagation, plants do not bloom immediately (in some cases, flowers appear in the fifth or seventh year of the plant's life).
A decoction of the lotus root is used for convulsions and dyspepsia. As an antiseptic and antipyretic, the root is used for gonorrhea and mycoses, diseases of the spleen and kidneys. Another important area of ​​​​its application is the treatment of the consequences of snake and scorpion bites.
For maximum efficiency, I recommend using both the leaves and flowers of the plant at the same time, and the raw materials must be thoroughly dried. Pour 2 tsp. tea 500 ml of boiling water and give 5 minutes for the infusion to become saturated. Filter the petals and leaves, and drink to your health!​

Useful properties of lotus

Lotus is one of the oldest medicinal plants known to man. The first mentions of its use are found in the days of Ancient Greece. Ancient healers used this medicinal plant in the fight against many ailments. It is known that in Chinese folk medicine it was used as an effective diuretic and hemostatic agent. Its tonic properties were used by ancient Indian healers, actively making and prescribing lotus preparations for severe exhaustion and malaise.

The beneficial properties of this flower are due to the presence of a large number of active substances in it. The leaves of the plant contain flavonoids, alkaloids and leucoanthocyanidins, the rhizomes are rich in tannins, starch, resin, and rubber and vitamin C are present in all parts of the lotus. Due to the high concentration of vitamin C, preparations from this medicinal plant are able to stimulate the human immune system.

Various varieties of this natural medicine contain protein, manganese, copper, sugar, oils, useful macro- and microelements. The amount of nutrients depends on the type of flower, some varieties are more suitable for treatment, and some will not bring the desired result. Recent studies by scientists have discovered the ability of some components of the lotus to dissolve neoplasms, which makes it possible to use it in the fight against cancer.

Lotus application

In history, one can easily find hundreds of references to the use of the lotus for medicinal purposes. Over time, the role of this flower in medicine has not changed much. The leaves and other parts of this medicinal plant are included in the recipes for the preparation of many medicines and dietary supplements. The lotus deserved such attention due to the huge content of useful elements in it. It should be noted the widespread use of this flower in the preparation of various tonic teas.

Such drinks have a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, filling the body with vigor and energy. The flower is most widely used in Chinese, Arabic, Indian and Vietnamese folk medicine. Oriental medicine most often uses it as an excellent astringent. The astringent effect is provided by the tannins present in it. Often decoctions and infusions of this plant were used as an effective antipyretic, diuretic, hemostatic agent.

They were also often prescribed for problems with the gastrointestinal tract and to improve the sexual functions of the body. Some varieties of lotus are excellent for kidney and liver diseases. Among other things, the oil of this flower can help people with problem skin. It relieves inflammation, cleanses, smoothes and gives the skin elasticity and firmness. The plant is often used to combat acne.

Ointment for burns: fried black lotus leaves should be mixed with petroleum jelly in a ratio of one to four and lubricate the affected areas.

lotus flowers

Lotus flowers are distinguished by amazing bizarre shapes and beautiful colors. They can reach 30 centimeters in diameter. In addition to their aesthetic qualities, the flowers of this medicinal plant have an amazing tonic aroma, due to which they are part of the preparation of many healing tea blends.

For medicinal purposes, lotus flowers are best picked before dawn, as that is when they emit their strongest fragrance. They should be plucked carefully so as not to damage the flower or the plant itself in any way, otherwise some of its useful properties may be lost.

lotus seeds

Lotus seeds have long been considered one of the most useful components of this miraculous plant. They are used in the manufacture of several hundred traditional Chinese medicine preparations. The seeds are also known for their excellent tonic, tonic and cardiotonic effect, which they have due to the presence of alkaloids and flavonoids in them.

Flower seeds help get rid of various pathologies of the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. With their help, you can eliminate some problems of the central nervous system. And, in addition, they have an excellent calming effect, they are often recommended to combat insomnia, heart palpitations and excessive psychological stress.

Many doctors note the good astringent effect of lotus seeds, this is a wonderful remedy for hemorrhoids and diarrhea. They are also often used in cooking - dishes with plant seeds are extremely useful. The use of such dishes is a great opportunity to strengthen your immunity, improve the urinary system, kidneys, heart, intestines and reproductive organs. In addition, this natural medicine normalizes blood circulation, eliminates indigestion and is an excellent antiemetic.

lotus oil

The oil is extracted from the petals of three different varieties of this medicinal plant - red, white and blue lotus. It differs from each other in color, smell and place of production. Oils that look the same at first glance can be produced in different parts of the world.

For a long time, lotus oil has been used in folk medicine in many countries of the world. The ancient Romans inhaled its vapors in order to recover from or other respiratory diseases. The Chinese used the oil of the flower to relieve convulsions, spasms, eliminate various pains, to combat hemorrhoids and diarrhea, as well as for some heart diseases. The effectiveness of such a remedy in the fight against and in the prevention of bile spillage is noted.

The oil of the plant is widely used to relieve depression and nervous tension. It has a wonderful tonic aroma that relieves the feeling of fatigue and fills the body with vigor. Among other things, this oil is an effective means of caring for almost any type of skin. Due to its properties, it activates metabolic processes, prevents aging and fading of the skin.

lotus extract

The extract is especially valued in oriental medicine as a remedy that can eliminate fatigue and slow down the aging of the body. It is actively used to normalize heart rate, lower blood lipids, relieve swelling and treat obesity. In addition, the drug stabilizes blood pressure, improves sleep, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the spleen, digestive and cardiovascular systems. It is worth noting its diuretic, hemostatic and diuretic effect.

Due to its antitoxic properties, lotus extract helps to protect the human body from adverse environmental factors. It is often used to improve facial skin tone. The alkaloids found in it, such as neferine, nuciferine and lotusine, have a wide range of beneficial properties. They are included in the list of vasodilating, hemostatic, antipyretic and cardiac medicines.

lotus root

In addition to the taste qualities that have come to the taste of many people, the lotus root boasts a significant list of useful properties. A decoction of the roots of this medicinal plant has long been used by folk medicine of the East as an effective sedative for convulsions, wet dreams, and. Due to the nutritional value of such decoctions, they were often recommended during times of severe exhaustion or moral exhaustion.

With gonorrhea, mycoses, diseases of the spleen, liver and kidneys, decoctions from the roots of the flower are taken as an antiseptic and antipyretic drug. They also work well against snake and scorpion stings. Chinese traditional medicine recommends taking a decoction of the roots as a diuretic, antitoxic, hemostatic, and tonic. It helps well with beriberi, chronic dysentery, uterine and gastric bleeding.

Far Eastern healers used this miraculous remedy to combat bronchial asthma, and the Japanese used it to treat inflammation and bites of poisonous insects. The lotus root has firmly entered traditional medicine and is an important component of many pharmacological preparations.

lotus tea

In ancient times, lotus tea was considered by many peoples of the world as a drink exclusively for people of royal blood. This belief was based on the wonderful healing properties of such a drug, which allows you to get rid of depression and cheer up. That is why the rulers did not want to share this wonderful drink with their servants.

Lotus flowers, petals and stamens are usually collected for tea leaves. In the process of making tea, it is very important that they do not lose their beneficial properties.

This healthy drink not only has a pleasant tonic aroma and taste, it is also an effective general tonic. Due to the high content of amino acids and vitamin C in the brew, tea has a beneficial effect on the human immune system, normalizes many processes inside the body, and improves the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. In the heat, this tonic can become an indispensable assistant: just drink one cup - and the skin temperature will immediately drop by several degrees, a feeling of freshness and coolness will spread throughout the body.

lotus leaf

The leaves of the plant are a rather valuable medicinal preparation. They contain alkaloids, flavonoids and other substances useful to the human body. Japanese medicine has long used lotus leaves mixed with other herbs to treat cervical cancer, an aqueous infusion of them was used as an effective diuretic, antiseptic, hemostatic and general tonic. It was often prescribed for beriberi. Indian and Egyptian doctors recommended this collection of medicinal herbs to eliminate tumors of various origins.

The main spectrum of action of preparations from the leaves of the plant is a decrease in the level of lipids in the blood, slowing down the aging of the body, a calming and antispasmodic effect, removal of edema and normalization of the heart rhythm. Lotus leaves are part of many preparations of Chinese traditional medicine.

white lotus

The white lotus is widespread in Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil and northern Yucatan. It is a herbaceous aquatic plant - a water lily with a powerful rhizome and long stems reaching 30 cm in height. Each stem ends in a white flower. It is especially valued as a medicinal raw material and is often used in the preparation of tonic teas and other medicinal drinks. Growing and propagating the white lotus is very easy, as its rhizome can simply be placed in a slow-flowing pond. It will quickly sprout new shoots.

red lotus

This type of lotus is still the emblem of India. It has weak, branched roots and large flowers, reaching 30 cm in diameter. It contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, silicon, zinc. Thanks to such a balanced chemical composition, this medicinal plant is able to improve the metabolism in the body, regenerate skin cells and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas and liver. Sometimes it is used in the manufacture of preparations for burning fat.

Contraindications to the use of lotus

Contraindications to the use of lotus are not yet fully understood by official science. Preparations based on it are forbidden to use during pregnancy and nursing mothers. An allergic reaction to the plant or individual intolerance to its individual components is also possible. Lotus oil is not recommended to be used undiluted, nor should it be used on children. In no case should oil be allowed to get on the mucous membranes. Before starting treatment, a doctor's consultation is required.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

Vietnamese green tea with lotus Kim Ahn- it is a 100% natural product, tones and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Lotus gives drink delicate refined aroma and noble taste. The properties of lotus petals in tea allow relieve depression and improve mood!

Lotus fragrance has long been considered the quintessence of all the most valuable things in this world. Therefore, in the old days in Vietnam, lotus-flavored tea was the preferred drink of the royal court, aristocrats and wealthy people.

Tea is packaged in bags, which facilitates and shortens the process of its preparation. To achieve a rich taste, brew tea for 3-5 minutes. lotus tea can be drunk both hot and cold.

Tea with lotus petals produced by special technology. The tea leaves, together with the petals, are placed in a special container and kept in it for two days. After that, the mixture dries for about a day. The green tea is then separated from the lotus and flavored with fresh stamens. It is believed that the best time to pick flowers for tea is before dawn, when their scent is strongest.

Lotus tea: useful properties

Healing green tea with lotus useful for nervous exhaustion and insomnia. Lotus softens the effects of allergies and is useful for high blood pressure.

Lotus is a well-known immunomodulator and an excellent antipyretic. It is also useful for the prevention of many viral diseases. Green tea with lotus will help improve overall well-being and even neutralize the effects of radiation.

The lotus effect is known to reduce appetite and break down fats, regulate blood lipid levels, lower cholesterol levels, and prevent fat absorption. Almost all weight loss products in Asia include lotus.

Where to buy Vietnamese green tea with Kim Ahn lotus?

Buy Vietnamese green tea with lotus Kim Ahn with delivery in Moscow and the Moscow region can be in Asian grocery store website. We will also send your order to another region of Russia by mail or a transport company.

Tags: buy vietnamese tea, tea with lotus vietnam, lotus green tea Kim Ahn, lotus tea benefits,

The territory of the north of Vietnam is included in the area of ​​natural growth of the tea tree. Tea as a drink has been cultivated and consumed here for several thousand years. Now Vietnam ranks 7th-10th in the world in tea production. Domestically, mainly green tea is consumed. Both black and green tea, and some other types are exported.

Produced types of tea

The raw materials for different types of tea are two- and three-leaf young shoots of the tea tree, as well as additives from the leaves and flowers of other plants.
Vietnam produces the following types of green tea: OP, OPA, PS, BPS, F, Oolong (Oolong 1 and Oolong 2), Sencha. The varieties of black tea produced are as follows: OP, FBOP, P, PS, BPS, F, D, OPA-1, OPA-2.
There are also special varieties: white from the province of Ha Giang and a group of flowers.

Some abbreviations on packages that are useful to know when buying:

F. - tea from leaves growing next to the bud of a new leaf
P. - pekoe, tea from tips and the first two young tea leaves
O. - from young twisted leaves
S. - from lower old leaves
CTC - granular
D. - tea dust or crumbs.

Growing and processing

The mountainous provinces of Vietnam, at an altitude of 600 m to 1.5 km, are an ideal place for tea cultivation. The tea bush loves moisture, which is enough in Vietnam. At the same time, an excess of moisture near the roots is contraindicated for him, and therefore mountain slopes are well suited. 125 thousand hectares are allocated for this crop in the country and 160 thousand tons of leaves are removed per year. Tea is grown in 33 provinces. It is believed that the best grows in the province of Thai Nguyen (Thai Nguyen), especially in the county of Tan Cuong (Tan Cuong). Here, the inhabitants of almost all villages collect leaves. Along the way, tea parties are arranged for tourists and they are taught how to make tea.

The process chain for producing black tea includes the following stages: withering → rolling → fermentation → drying.
During wilting, as well as during drying, moisture is removed from the tea leaf. But after the withering stage, the proportion of water in the tea leaf should be in the range of 62-64% - this is still quite a lot.
Rolling is carried out on special roller machines for the destruction of tea leaf tissues, the onset of oxidative processes and fermentation.
At the fermentation stage, the most intensive biochemical processes in the leaf occur. As a result, it acquires red-brown hues and loses bitterness.
At the drying stage, fermentation processes are stopped and moisture is lost to the level of 5-7%. The tea is then sorted and packaged.

The technological chain for obtaining green tea includes the stages of fixation, twisting, drying or roasting.
After harvesting, the tea leaves are subjected to fixation. This means steaming for 2-3 minutes. The substances negatively affecting the quality of tea are destroyed, the smell of fresh herbs disappears and the leaf becomes elastic. After steaming, the leaf is dried to a residual moisture content of 61–62%.
Then the tea leaves are rolled, manually or on rollers. Twisting tea leaves increases the shelf life of green tea and allows you to control the extraction of essential oils during the brewing process. The stronger the twisted green tea, the higher its extract. The degree of twisting is different. Some varieties do not curl.
Then, at the drying stage, very hot air with a temperature of 90-105 ° C is passed through the tea leaves. Sometimes frying is used instead of drying. At the end of drying, the leaves acquire an olive-green color. After this stage, the tea is sorted and packaged.
In some areas of Vietnam, the fixation stage is simplified.

Green tea is more stimulating, refreshing and thirst quenching than black tea. It also has some health benefits, which is almost impossible to say about black tea. That's why they love him in Vietnam. In addition, it is drunk hot and cold.


The largest tea producer in Vietnam is Vinatea Corporation. In translation, its name means "Vietnamese tea". It has 34 factories equipped with modern equipment, its own laboratory and the Tea Research Institute with a large team of scientists. The area of ​​Vinati tea plantations is approximately 100 thousand hectares.

In addition to Vinati, tea is produced by several large and many small firms of various forms of ownership, including those with the participation of foreign capital. A significant part of the producers are united in the Vietnam Tea Association, abbreviated as VITAS, Hanoi, e-mail: [email protected].
Below is a list of some tea producers and traders.

  • Thien Thanh Tea Co., Ltd, Bao Loc, Lam Dong Province.
  • Ton Vinh Trade & Technology Development Company Limited, Hanoi.
  • Kim Anh Tea Joint Stock Company, Hanoi.
  • Tea - Long Beach (Tea - Long Bich Co., Ltd), Hanoi.
  • Thanh Phuong Company Limited, Hanoi.
  • Tien Phat Services Trading Manufacturing JSC., Quy Non.
  • Nhan Thuc Tea Trading & Manufacturing Unit, Thai Nguyen Province.
  • Me Trang (Me Trang Coffee Joint Stock Company), Phuto Province.
  • Gia Hoa Phat Company Company Limited, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Hoang Long Dinh Company Limited, Ho Chi Minh City.
  • Tam Chau Tea (Tam Chau Tea & Coffee Company Limited), Ho Chi Minh City.


Vietnam ranks 5th-7th in the world in terms of tea exports. The same Vinati corporation is in charge of coordinating exports on a national scale.

Pakistan, Taiwan and Russia are major foreign markets for Vietnamese tea. Smaller ones: Ukraine, Emirates, Indonesia, Turkey, India and a few dozen more countries.

In order to increase exports, the government and large manufacturers are seeking to promote the CheViet brand outside of Vietnam, which means "Vietnamese tea" in translation.

Tea culture in Vietnam

The Vietnamese have been drinking green tea for over 2,000 years. The culture of growing tea and drinking tea went in antiquity around the world from the northern provinces of Vietnam and the southernmost provinces of China. In the province of Yen Bai in the town of Suoi Giang (Suoi Giang) in northern Vietnam, at an altitude of 1400 m, the world's oldest tea tree grows, which is 300 years old. Due to the temperate climate and frequent fogs, it gives the tea leaves a special flavor.

The ability to serve tea is a sign of hospitality in this country. One of the owners of the house pours tea for the guest. Refusal, even polite, is perceived as an insult. Green tea is drunk during business conversations, while thinking about some ideas, at the first meeting. Politicians believe that trust grows over a cup of tea during negotiations. The wedding ceremony begins with tea and ends with tea.
In large cities, the share of coffee in the consumption of drinks is steadily increasing, but in the whole country, green tea still firmly holds the first place.

The Vietnamese have long developed the following methods of making tea (types, varieties) and drinking it.
1. Fresh tea. Fresh tea leaves are crushed by hand, placed in a large teapot, a few pieces of fresh ginger are added and brought to a boil. Then pour into a cup. You can drink immediately or throughout the day.
2. Tea from leaf buds. The small tender tea leaf buds are harvested in October-November and dried in the shade until they are dry and green in color (but some varieties take on a different color). These kidneys are brewed like tea. There is conflicting information about the content of caffeine in them - either less or more than in regular leaf tea.
3. Chai Bang. Old tea leaves are cut into pieces of 1-2 mm. They are black with a reddish tint. The leaves are not processed, they are only dried in the shade under the sun.
4. Brown tea Ha Giang (Zhang). Traditional for the northern highlands of Vietnam. It is obtained from tender leaves. The tea buds are harvested, quickly dried in a cast iron skillet, then rubbed by hand and dried in the sun. Stored in bamboo tubes in the kitchen.
5. Oolong. Occupies an intermediate position between green and black tea. Fermented at 50%. The finished drink shimmers yellow and has a special aroma.
6. Green tea (see below).
7. Black tea. Unpopular in Vietnam, but produced for export.
8. Fragrant tea. This type is prepared using dry flavorings such as dried herb flowers, parsley seeds, licorice, cinnamon, etc.
9. Fresh flower tea. Here, fresh flowers are used for brewing, for example, lotus, jasmine, magnolia, cinnamon, pomelo and other plants.
10. Tea bags.
11. Instant tea.
12. Herbal teas. Usually they are prepared for the treatment of diseases.

Green tea

Green tea is the main drink in Vietnam. In many other countries, its popularity is also growing. Therefore, we will pay more attention to it here than to black.

Fresh tea leaves contain 75% water. After the final drying, 3-5% of water remains, the rest is fiber and cellulose, proteins, fats, chlorophyll and pigments, pectins, starch, oxidized and non-oxidized polyphenols, sugars, amino acids, minerals, caffeine. In terms of taste characteristics, Vietnamese green tea is similar to South Chinese, but a little sweeter.

Since ancient times it has been known that green tea has a number of therapeutic and preventive properties. Due to the content of caffeine and the high content of vitamins P and C, it has a tonic effect on the body.
The benefits of green tea for the cardiovascular system are that it reduces total blood cholesterol levels and increases high-density cholesterol (“good cholesterol”) levels, as well as removes low-density cholesterol deposited on the walls of blood vessels from the body. There is also evidence for the ability of green tea to prevent cancer in certain organs.

At the same time, for example, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is cautious about requests from manufacturers to allow green tea to be indicated on packages that it reduces the risk of cardiovascular and cancerous diseases. The FDA concluded that so far there is no unequivocal evidence for this.

One study by scientists at the Beijing Unified Medical College found that green tea had very little cholesterol-lowering effect. And a scientist from the University of California, N. Wong, directly warns that this drink should not be used instead of drugs. Moreover, green tea may reduce the effectiveness of certain medications when interacting with them. Wong recommends drinking medium-strength green tea, warm rather than hot, and in moderation. In this case, the drink will be beneficial to health. However, the Vietnamese have been drinking green tea for more than one thousand years before the discovery of N. Wong. And they drink it several cups a day, but the volume of these cups is small - from 50-70 g.

With intensive use of green tea in the body, the amount of polyphenols increases, causing negative changes in the liver, and kidney function worsens. Strongly brewed, and even immediately in large volume, it will not only not lower the pressure, but also increase it due to caffeine.
It can be harmful in acute form of hypertension, exacerbation of kidney disease, in some forms of gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, rheumatoid arthritis.
It is not recommended to drink it for constipation, as well as for the elderly at night.
Green tea is not recommended for children and pregnant women.

In 2018, expert G. Bonkowski from the US National Institutes of Health stated that green tea in some cases can be destructive to the liver and kidneys. We are talking about those who are negatively affected by the antioxidant epigallocatechin-3-gallate contained in tea. The scientist noted that those who consume several mugs of green tea a day, especially on an empty stomach, are at risk.
At the same time, epigallocatechin-3-gallate is included in some dietary supplements because this catechin is useful for some women's health disorders.

The classic Vietnamese brewing method is as follows (for 2 people 2 cups each or for 4 people 1 cup each). 10 g of green tea leaves are placed in a porcelain or ceramic teapot with a capacity of 400 ml. A little boiling water at a temperature of 90 ° C is poured in, after half a minute the water is poured out of the kettle, and the leaves are left in it. Then 300 ml of boiling water is poured into the kettle. After 3 minutes the drink is ready.
With this method of brewing, there is little bitterness in the drink. To make it even smaller, the leaves are brewed not for three, but for two minutes. It is also necessary to select the optimal amount of tea leaves in order to achieve minimal bitterness and, at the same time, maximum saturation with substances. A little honey or a piece of lemon candy will not spoil the taste of the resulting drink. Yes, and tea with additives that give some other taste is also not bad. Especially praised lotus tea, which gives a special flavor. But, most likely, there is more tribute to a very ancient tradition.

There is a widespread belief that it is better to add honey to green tea rather than milk. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in East Asia, where tea came from, the peoples did not consume milk at all before.

British scientists are especially actively studying the question of whether it is possible to drink green and black teas with milk. This is not surprising, because, unlike other nations, the British are used to drinking tea with milk. One of the studies of British scientists was that very hot tea is often poured into milk and it destroys proteins and other beneficial substances of milk. Scientists concluded that tea should be poured slowly and its temperature should not exceed 98 ° C.
However, the green tea itself contains, depending on the variety, from 15% to 25% protein, but already vegetable.

For weight loss use the following recipe. Boil one liter of milk and brew in it for 3 minutes at a temperature of 85-90 C three tablespoons of green tea. After that, strain. Drink several times a day.
What is the effect? Probably, this is the addition of several of his abilities: burning fat, removing toxins from the body, getting a feeling of satiety after drinking tea due to the high content of vegetable protein in green tea.

Lotus tea stands somewhat apart. Sometimes it is referred to as flower tea, but this is probably wrong, since lotus flowers are used only for flavoring. It is considered exquisite and is produced using a special, labor-intensive technology. Dry green tea and stamens of freshly picked lotus flowers are stacked alternately in a terracotta glazed container, which, after stacking tea and lotus, is temporarily sealed to prevent leakage of aroma. Tea together with lotus is kept in a container for two days. After that, this mixture is dried during the day. The lotus stamens are then separated from the green tea by sieving. The green tea separated from the lotus is again placed for aromatization with fresh lotus stamens. This procedure is repeated eight times in total. For 1 kg of tea, 1.4 kg of lotus stamens are required.
Lotus tea is brewed in the following way. The water temperature is 90 °C, but it is infused in a teapot for five minutes, after which it is poured into terracotta cups covered with light glaze.

The following two recipes, among many others, are taken from Vietnamese traditional and traditional medicine, so you should consult your doctor.

Green tea with milk.
Rinse 5 grams of dry green tea leaves, put in a glass, pour hot water over it, close the lid and leave for 5 minutes. Add 2 grams of fresh milk and some sugar. It is believed that it helps with chronic indigestion, calms the nerves and stomach, maintains visual acuity.

Green tea with tangerine peel.
Rinse 5 grams of dry green tea leaves and put in a glass along with 6 grams of dried tangerine peel. Pour hot water, close the glass and leave for 20 minutes. It is used for inflammation of the lungs, sputum in the respiratory tract, cough and bronchitis.
