
What part of the pork is best for barbecue. What meat is better to take for barbecue: pork, beef, lamb or poultry

It is difficult to find a person who does not know what a barbecue is. The famous dish of the highlanders has become a real star in our country, not a single feast in nature can do without it. It evokes associations with summer, good company and a pleasant stay.

The secret of a good barbecue is not only the marinade, but also the right meat. Let's see how not to make a mistake in this important point.

What meat is better to buy for barbecue: the nuances and features of the best piece?

So, what kind of meat is better to cook barbecue? Pork, beef, chicken or other varieties. Whatever you choose, the main thing is that the meat for the barbecue must be fresh. Attention: in the store and even in the market you can be deceived. Truly fresh meat is distinguished by the following features:

  • on the surface there is no mucus, blood, liquid, weathered areas;
  • the piece is elastic, even, dense (press it with your finger - the surface should restore its shape);
  • the cut of the piece is bright pink (but not red!), the surface is moist, but not sticky;
  • meat juice is not cloudy;
  • the aroma of the piece is pleasant;
  • the fat is white, not sticky, without mucus and rancid smell.

What meat is the best barbecue? Of course, from the young. It comes out tender and literally melts when tasted in the mouth. A sign of young meat is the delicate color of the fibers and minimal fibrousness. An elderly animal has coarse, rich-colored meat.

What meat is better to make barbecue: fresh or frozen?

There is an opinion that you cannot make a good barbecue from frozen meat. Therefore, many people answer the question of which meat is better to choose for barbecue, they answer - steamed, sometimes chilled. This is not entirely true.

The chilled piece is indeed the best meat. It retains all taste properties and natural consistency. However, a delicious barbecue can also be prepared from a frozen product. But only on condition that the piece was frozen once.

Steam, contrary to popular belief, is not suitable for a dish at all. Its muscle fibers retain their natural tone, and the kebab is tough.

What meat is better to buy for barbecue?

When we figured out the quality of meat, let's see what kind of meat is best for barbecue. In principle, you can cook barbecue from the meat of paired and equids, as well as poultry (chicken, turkey). What kind of meat to buy for barbecue is better - it all depends on your taste and dietary preferences.

What is the best meat for lamb skewers?

Lamb is the traditional choice. The advantage of choosing lamb is the rich taste of the kebab. To make the dish fragrant and tender, it is better to take the meat of a 1-2 month old lamb, if it happens in the spring, and a one-year-old, if at another time of the year.

It is very important to know which lamb meat is better to take on a barbecue. Loin and tenderloin are ideal, as well as the flesh of the hind leg. Spare ribs are usually not used, although if you are original enough, then why not?

Important: eat lamb kebab immediately, otherwise it will cool down and acquire an unpleasant smell and greasy taste.

Meat from which part of the carcass is better to buy for beef skewers

The main disadvantage of beef skewers is its rigidity. In other dishes, it is neutralized by long-term stewing, but you can’t do this with barbecue. Therefore, experts recommend buying veal, as well as marinating meat longer. Try adding mineral water to the marinade for such meat, the gas will “loosen” the tissues, and the dish will turn out more tender.

When choosing which meat is better to take on a barbecue, stop at:

  • fillet:
  • brisket;
  • back leg.

In the latter case, not all muscles are suitable, but only the parts located inside.

What is the best meat for pork skewers?

Which meat, according to the majority, is better for barbecue - pork, of course. So many will answer, and lovers of this dish will be right. Indeed, the pork version is tender, lean, soft and juicy. It is odorless and not dry.

What kind of pig meat is better to take for barbecue? Fits most cutting pieces. For example, tenderloin, loin, ribs, and even a piece along the ridge, if you remove excess fat from it, are suitable for skewers. If you chose a ham, be sure to marinate the meat, otherwise it will be too dry.

Many people ask what kind of pork meat is better to make barbecue so that it melts in your mouth? Looking for the perfect dish? Buy a collar. This part of the meat carcass is located along the cervical spine. Such meat is moderately fatty, and the fat layer is not local, but evenly distributed over the meat. Shashlik from the neck comes out moderately fatty, soft, very pleasant in taste, regardless of whether you use marinade or not.

What part of the meat is best for pork skewers

Which turkey and chicken meat is best for barbecue?

Frankly speaking, the bird is not the best meat option from which it is better to make barbecue. First of all, because chicken and turkey meat is a bit dry. The tastiest pieces are the chicken legs. They are cut, the bone is removed and presented on a wire rack, turning over. To make the barbecue juicier, you can marinate the bird. The best option is kefir, as well as a combination of honey, ginger, soy sauce.

In the ranking of what meat is better to use for poultry barbecue, the famous breast is in last place. Although this is definitely a dietary product - since there is no fat at all in this part, this is rather a disadvantage for cooking barbecue, besides, its fibers are very dense. No matter how hard you try, the kebab will turn out tough, dry and tasteless. Therefore, leave the breast for broths and cutlets, and buy chicken legs or thighs for barbecue.

Marinade for barbecue

When you have decided which part of the meat is best for barbecue and how to choose the most delicious meat, it's time to touch on an important issue: what to marinate.

Connoisseurs know more than 20 types of marinade. Here are five of the easiest ones to always have on hand.

Type of marinade

What meat is better to use for barbecue

Recipe for 1 kg of meat

How to do

How long does it take to marinate

Lamb, pork meat, beef

700 grams of onion and 2 teaspoons of pepper

Grind the onion to gruel, mix with pepper, coat the meat. Remove marinade before cooking.

About three hours

Beef, pork neck

2 tbsp. wine, necessarily red dry., 2 onions, 1 tbsp. black ground pepper and sugar, 2 tsp. lemon juice

Cut the onion into rings, add the rest to it and pour over the meat with this composition.

10-12 hours

From kefir

chicken, turkey

0.7 l of kefir, 0.5 kg of onion, 7-8 peas of allspice, st. l. hops-suneli

We cut the onion, squeeze it a little so that the juice appears. We add spices. We rub the meat with this, and then pour everything with kefir and mix.

2 hours in the refrigerator

mustard honey


One tablespoon of mustard (regular, store-bought, powder), honey, cumin and black pepper, orange zest - as much as you like

Mix all ingredients and coat meat thoroughly.

Fry right away


Lamb, pork, beef

0.7 kg tomato, 0.3 kg onion, black pepper and basil

Cut tomatoes into slices, onions into rings, mix with spices

Whatever meat you choose for barbecue, lamb, pig, turkey, it is better to use ceramic or glass containers for pickling, in extreme cases - enameled, but without scratches and chips. Aluminum and plastic are the worst choice: the barbecue will turn out tasteless, and besides, unhealthy.

So, now you know that the best meat for barbecue is pork (although other options also have enough fans), and when determining which part of the carcass will be optimal, you should choose a soft piece of medium fat content. Choose delicious, fresh meat, and enjoy fragrant, tender barbecue according to our recipes.

Shish kebab is an old and favorite dish of all. It came to us from the Caucasus itself and means "meat on a skewer." At the present time, barbecue can be prepared in another way: use a barbecue. The final result will depend on how you react to the preparation and preparation of this dish.

How not to make a mistake or what kind of meat is better to choose for pork or beef barbecue

Before choosing a product for our future dish, I would like to mention a little about other types of meat.

Nowadays it is used for cooking:

  1. Chicken.
  2. Mutton.
  3. And even beef.

But why did most people choose pork? The answer is simple. It is slightly fatty, which gives juiciness to the meat. While chicken is more dry, you can’t eat lamb and beef at all.

Entering the store, we take the first piece that comes across and go home in the hope that we will cook a delicious barbecue. Tasting a cooked piece, we are disappointed with it and cross this delicious food off the list of dishes.

To prevent this from happening, you must choose the right meat preparation. The best meat for barbecue pork and which part is best suited for the dish is determined by the following criteria:

  • Freshness.
  • Smell.
  • Color (the pinker the pork, the younger and softer it is).
  • Degree of coldness.

Juicy pork meat for barbecue and which part of the carcass is better for frying

What part of the pork should I take? The neck is best, as the fat is evenly distributed on it. If you have a lot of time, you can take a ham. Get ready for the fact that you have to marinate it for a long time. If the size and quantity are not important, then the loin and ribs will do, especially since offal can be used for or broth. After this choice, preparation and preparation itself follow.

It doesn't matter which meat is best for pork skewers - it must be thoroughly washed under running water. Because we don't know where it was. We put the carcass on the working surface and begin to carve.

If you don't want it to be greasy, you can cut off the excess a little. But then the juiciness will disappear and dryness will be felt. With a sharp knife, divide into pieces across the grain. The smaller they are, the faster and better they bake.

To make our dish spicy and tasty, you need to prepare a marinade. It can not only add flavor, but also spoil food.


On the Internet, you can find a wide variety of marinades. But the classic recipe remains indispensable, which will retain all the taste and aroma.

To prepare it you will need:

  • Vinegar - 250 ml.
  • Onions - 2 - 3 pcs.
  • Black pepper - 1 tsp

We prepare a large vessel, preferably glass or earthenware, and put our product in it. Top with chopped onion rings. Pour in vinegar, add ground pepper, salt and pepper to taste. We send to marinate in the refrigerator for 6 hours.

Regardless of which meat we have chosen for pork skewers, you need to prepare a place and objects for frying. Put on the grill, light the fire. While it is burning, we cook skewer or barbecue, cut vegetables (as a side dish).

After sufficient time has passed, we string and carry to fry.
The frying time depends on the size of the pieces. Periodically it is necessary to turn and water the pieces with marinade or water. To check readiness, make an incision. If the meat is white and the juice is colorless, then the dish is ready. Shashlik can be served on a plate with vegetables.

On the last warm autumn days, you really want to relax in nature with friends or family, warming up by the smoking brazier in anticipation of meat delicacy. Therefore, before the weekend, you need to take care of everything you need in advance: buy all the provisions, choose a place for a picnic, prepare the car for the trip. And, of course, to find out what kind of meat the barbecue is made from, so that it turns out to be truly tasty. This article describes the possible options for the products used. The pros and cons of each type are detailed. This will allow you to decide exactly before purchasing everything you need to prepare the main picnic dish - barbecue. Then the impressions will be enough for the whole long winter.

What kind of meat is suitable for barbecue, and which one is not? Expert advice

Regardless of the variety, the meat must be young. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough and not fried. The darker the meat, the older the carcass.

Freshness is a must. When using winded pieces of dubious origin, there is a chance of getting extraneous "smells". Try pressing your finger on the pulp when buying. Good meat will immediately return to shape, smoothing the hole.

In no case do not take frozen pieces for barbecue - they will turn out dry and tasteless.

The flesh should be without veins and with enough interspersed adipose tissue to obtain a juicy dish.

: pork

This choice is sure to be perfect! Pork has, in addition to excellent taste, another amazing feature: you do not need to worry about marinating in advance. Just two to three hours will be enough to soak the pieces before frying with aromatic seasonings and sauce. The best barbecue is obtained from the pulp located on the parts of the body closer to the neck of the pig.

What kind of meat is better to take on barbecue: beef

To avoid toughness, place the pieces in the marinade for a longer time, such as overnight. The most successful sauce for soaking will be mineral water. Beef is not as fatty and juicy as pork, so cooks use some tricks when preparing shish kebab from it - they stuff meat with pieces of lard or bread to preserve juiciness in eggs and breadcrumbs. The most tender dish is obtained from tenderloin and carcass.

What kind of meat is better to take on barbecue: mutton

Despite the harshness, true gourmets prefer a smoky fried dish made from this particular product. In all cookbooks of the Caucasus, shish kebab of their young lamb is a classic dish with excellent taste and aroma. For it, ribs, a leg or a shoulder blade are usually used. But the main highlight is to have time to enjoy hot juicy pieces. After all, any lamb tends to freeze quickly.

What kind of meat is better to take on barbecue: bird

Some categorically do not recognize such a dish. They think it's like "rooster's ear". But, if you use meat not from hard old domestic chickens, but from “early” broilers, it will turn out quite tender and appetizing. Carcasses are usually cut into portions and grilled, turning over to brown. Delicious and appetizing!

A successful picnic will only be with deliciously delicious. Therefore, the organizer of the event has a considerable responsibility in terms of choosing meat, marinating and cooking it.

Everyone knows that the meat for cooking barbecue must certainly be fresh, and in no case ice cream. But what part of the pork carcass to choose to make the barbecue soft, juicy and tasty? We will talk about this and how to properly marinate meat for barbecue below.

What part of the pork is best for barbecue?

Any barbecue specialist will unequivocally answer that the best pork meat for cooking barbecue is pork neck. It is from it that you can get the most tender, juicy and soft shish kebab cooked on a fire. The meat from this part of the pork carcass has a lot of fatty layers, which contributes to obtaining the perfect result. In addition, the meat fibers of the neck are always more tender and softer than, say, in the shoulder or back.

Sometimes it happens that it is not possible to purchase a pork neck for barbecue due to its absence at the right time on sale. What to do in this case? Is it really possible to refuse a planned field trip? Or is it still possible to buy another part of the pork carcass and cook a barbecue from it? In fact, in addition to the pork neck for barbecue, you can also buy meat from the shoulder part. It also usually contains enough fatty layers. But unlike the neck, the shoulder blade is always more rigid and requires longer cooking. This can be corrected with a more aggressive marinade, which softens the meat fibers well. These are spicy mixtures based on kefir, mineral sparkling water, in which it is recommended to marinate meat for a day. For a quick effect, you can use the pulp of which is added to the meat a couple of hours before frying the kebab. The juice of this tropical fruit will work wonders and make the meat incredibly soft. But in this case, it is not recommended to keep the barbecue in such a marinade for more than two hours, otherwise the meat can simply be spoiled.

Some also use pork chop or tenderloin for barbecue. Such meat, like the neck, is soft and tender, but its structure after cooking is much drier and even the most first-class marinade will not succeed in achieving its greater juiciness than that of the neck. However, carbonade barbecue also has its admirers. Among them are those who respect more lean, low-fat dishes, because fatty layers in such meat are very rare.

We decided on the meat and now you know which part of the pork is better to take for barbecue. It remains only to marinate it before frying for a few hours. Next, we offer a variant of the most standard set of spices and spices for marinating barbecue. Note that such a marinade is more suitable for the neck, as it is aimed more at giving the meat a taste, and not at softening it.

What is the best way to marinate pork skewers?


Calculation for 3.5 kg pork neck:

  • medium-sized onions - 5 pcs.;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - 85 ml;
  • black peppercorns - 17 pcs.;
  • coriander peas - 17 pcs.;
  • dried basil - 0.5 tsp;
  • dried thyme - 1 pinch;
  • ground red paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • bay leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • coarse salt - 40 g or to taste.


When starting to marinate the kebab, rinse the pork neck with cold water, dry it and cut it into medium-sized slices (approximately the size of a matchbox). Put the meat in a bowl, add salt and mix thoroughly. Now we grind the peppercorns and coriander in a mortar and season the meat with the resulting crushed mass. Add dried basil and thyme there, throw in ground paprika and bay leaves, add sunflower oil and mix.

At the end of the preparatory stage, we clean the onions, cut them into circles, disassemble them into rings, knead them a little with our hands and mix with meat.

Pork should be marinated in the refrigerator, but about an hour before frying it must be taken out and kept at room conditions.

What part of the pork is better to take for barbecue

Barbecue is traditionally popular in spring and summer. Noisy gatherings around the fire, outdoor recreation will leave wonderful memories. And to make these impressions stronger, you need to cook a very tasty barbecue. There are many recipes for this dish. There are fried fish, lamb, chicken, beef, but pork is the most suitable product.

First you need to choose meat. What part of the pork is better to take for barbecue, not everyone knows. In the food industry, there is a special mesh with parts into which the carcass of an animal is chopped. There are 40 of them. Each part of pork is used for specific dishes. It depends on the fat content, the number of veins, the structure of the meat.

For barbecue, the neck (neck) is more suitable. It has small layers of fat, which, in the process of languishing on coals, saturate the dryish flesh.

It is better to purchase meat for barbecue in advance, as it must still marinate. When buying, we focus on color, structure and smell. Frozen pieces, often found in supermarkets, will not work, as the pulp will lose elasticity and will definitely be dry. The neck should have a light pink color, without blood and blue spots. You can check the freshness of the product with your finger: after pressing, the dimple must quickly straighten up. Regarding the smell - everything is clear: a gentle, barely noticeable smell of meat.

Having brought the neck home, it is better to hold it at room temperature for a while while you prepare the ingredients for the marinade. In time, it will take about 20 minutes. Recall that the neck must first be washed and dried, you can use a towel or napkins.

Then, having slightly crushed the meat in your hands, you can start cutting. The shape and size of the pieces are completely individual. Only advice can be given: their parameters should not go beyond 4 x 4 - 8 x 8 (cm). They are borderline. Otherwise, the meat will either burn or be raw.

After the chopping procedure, the neck for barbecue is marinated. There are a lot of ingredients for impregnation of pork. These can be herbs, vegetables, acids, juices and sparkling water. More often they try to soften the meat with tomatoes or pomegranate juice. Sour cream, mayonnaise, lemon juice are used to saturate with juice. Spices are also chosen at will, but traditionally, mixtures of peppers, suneli hops, and tarragon are added to pork. And where without onions, cut into large rings. Several varieties of onions look great: white, purple, red. Cooks note that it is better to salt the kebab before stringing it on a skewer, and the marinade is not worth it, as this will provoke coarsening of the meat fibers.

These tips will help you prepare the dish flawlessly.
