
Garnish for cutlets without potatoes. What to serve as a side dish for fish cakes

Fish cakes are perhaps one of the most favorite dishes of both children and their parents. At the same time, there are several secrets that help to cook delicious meatballs from fish fillet. What could be better served as a side dish? fish cakes?

The simplest options

Perhaps the most common side dishes for fish cakes are considered to be:

Such dishes are quite simple to prepare, so it makes no sense to give their recipes. However, there are more complex "combinations" that should be discussed in more detail.

Buckwheat casserole

It’s worth noting right away that mushrooms are used in the recipe below. If someone is allergic to them, then from this product can easily be rejected.

So take:

  • 1 cup or 250 grams of buckwheat;
  • 200 grams of champignons (fresh or canned);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of olive or vegetable oil;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato paste;
  • 100 grams of cheese;
  • 2.5 cups or 650 ml of cold water;
  • spices.

Step by step recipe:

  • sort out buckwheat, rinse well several times under cold water;
  • put it in a saucepan, fill with water;
  • put the dishes on a strong fire, add tomato paste and salt to the pan;
  • bring the water to a boil, make the fire smaller;
  • watch the contents of the pan, as soon as the water has almost boiled away, turn off the stove;
  • cover the pan with a lid and let the porridge calmly absorb the rest of the water;
  • wash the onion, cut into medium cubes;
  • wash the carrots, cut in the same way;
  • put the prepared vegetables in a heated pan, sprinkle them with oil;
  • fry vegetables until fully cooked;
  • rinse the mushrooms well, cut the wormholes, cut into cubes;
  • take a baking dish (glass, ceramic);
  • grease its bottom with oil;
  • lay out buckwheat porridge;
  • put fried vegetables on top of it;
  • most last layer- mushrooms (they can be used both fresh and fried);
  • pour the future casserole with cream, add spices;
  • grate the cheese, sprinkle the form on top;
  • put it in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 180°.

Get it ready-made casserole from oven and surprise your loved ones with a delicious, healthy dish.

Buckwheat casserole can be eaten as independent dish, and as an unusual side dish.

Rice porridge with vegetables

Cooked fish cakes and do not know what to serve with them? Naturally, crumbly rice and vegetables!

What you need:

  • 250 g of rice cereal;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 pepper;
  • 650 ml of cold water;
  • olive oil;
  • spices.
  • rinse the rice and soak it in water;
  • wash carrots and onions, grate them;
  • wash the pepper, remove the seeds, cut into thin strips;
  • take a pot with a thick bottom, for example, a cauldron and put it on fire;
  • pour oil and lay out all the vegetables;
  • fry them until half cooked;
  • add rice, water, spices to the dishes;
  • stir, cover with a lid, reduce the fire to a minimum;
  • cook the dish for 20 minutes, periodically checking how the water boils away.

Rice prepared in this way is somewhat reminiscent of vegetarian pilaf, but such a dish can be prepared a little differently.

The alternative recipe looks like this:

  • first, rice porridge is prepared, to which butter is necessarily added;
  • separately in a pan, all vegetables are fried until tender;
  • fried vegetables mixed with rice porridge and served as a side dish for fish cakes.

By the way, you can add fresh tomatoes to them.

Rice is a versatile cereal that goes well with any kind of vegetable.

unusual potato

If normal boiled potatoes already "gotten", then you can cook interesting dish called "boiled-fried potatoes". To do this, boil peeled potato tubers until tender in salted water, and then simply fry it in a pan.

What other side dish can be made from potatoes? small potato balls, which in addition to everything can also be with a surprise. So, boil the tubers in salted water, drain it, add milk, butter and remember the potatoes.

Add two to it raw eggs, stir. Heat the pan, pour oil on it and use a spoon to form small balls from the "crushed" mixture. Fry them on both sides until golden brown and serve.

By the way, you can “hide” cheese inside such balls, in this case they will become even more delicious.

Well, another option for cooking potatoes is stewing it together with vegetables. In this case, the list of ingredients can be easily adjusted to the needs of a particular person.

Braised green beans

Fish cakes practically universal dish, because even those who are on a diet can enjoy them. But in order to overweight did not return to their places, the side dish in this case should also be light and useful. Want to eat and not get better? Easily!


  • green green beans;
  • almond;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1.5 tbsp olive oil;
  • spices.

What to do?
Rinse fresh beans well, cut off their tails, cut in half.

If a frozen mixture is used for cooking, then first it must be removed from the bag, transferred to a bowl and left for 20 minutes at room temperature. After that, the beans need to be washed and cut in half.

  • Fill a pot with water, put on fire.
  • Salt.
  • Put green beans in boiled water.
  • Boil for approximately 4-6 minutes.
  • Peel the garlic, chop 2-3 cloves.
  • Heat up a frying pan, pour olive oil into it.
  • Place the garlic in a bowl.
  • Lightly chop the almonds.
  • Add it to the garlic as soon as it gives off flavor.
  • Add any of your favorite spices.
  • Steam the nuts for a few minutes in a pan.
  • Drain the water from the pot in which the beans were boiled.
  • Add it to the almonds.
  • Fry the mixture over medium heat for 4-6 minutes.

When served to the table ready meal can be garnished with fresh, finely chopped herbs.

100g asparagus beans- only 31 kcal.

Mediterranean salad on the Russian table - unusual and tasty

Tired of "heavy" side dishes and want to eat something light, but satisfying? Prepare a salad, whose birthplace is the Mediterranean, and you will not lose.


  • 1 young zucchini or zucchini;
  • 1 yellow bell pepper;
  • 2-3 red tomatoes or 3-4 tomatoes;
  • 1 head of red onion;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 200g hard cheese;
  • basil;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking steps:

  • wash all vegetables well;
  • peel the onion and garlic;
  • clean the pepper from seeds;
  • cut the zucchini, pepper and tomato into small cubes;
  • chop 2-3 cloves of garlic with a knife;
  • cut the onion into thin half rings;
  • chop the basil;
  • grate cheese on coarse grater;
  • combine all the ingredients in a large salad bowl, mix;
  • add salt, spices and refrigerate for 30-40 minutes.

It is worth noting that in the homeland such a salad is usually eaten warm. At the same time, in order to warm up the ingredients, you do not need to put the salad bowl in the microwave. It is enough to warm up 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and fill them with cold vegetables.

Vegetarian lasagna

It is worth noting that a dish such as vegetable lasagna cannot be considered full-fledged. vegetarian recipe, since a chicken egg is used as a standard for making pasta sheets.

For all that, the following step by step recipe very useful for connoisseurs of delicious and healthy food who do not tolerate gastronomic excesses, but also do not want to starve.

After all, lasagna, combined with steamed fish cakes, is the perfect “duet” of taste and health.

So get ready:

  • 7-8 sheets of lasagna;
  • 300 g of asparagus beans;
  • 2 bell peppers (preferably different colors, so the finished dish will become “more colorful”);
  • 1 carrot;
  • 180 g of hard cheese;
  • 200 pumpkins;
  • 250 ml cream;
  • cardamom;
  • curry;
  • turmeric;
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • vegetable oil.

Step by step recipe:

  • rinse the beans, cut in half;
  • wash, clean the pumpkin, cut into strips;
  • wash the carrots, peel, grate;
  • wash the pepper, cut its core and remove the seeds, cut into strips;
  • boil green beans in well-salted water (5 minutes);
  • fry carrots in a pan with olive oil until half cooked;
  • add pepper and pumpkin to it, pour water, add all the spices;
  • stew vegetables until almost completely softened;
  • add beans to the pan, turn off the heat.
  • prepare a baking dish;
  • grease it with butter;
  • put the first sheet of pasta;
  • put the vegetable mixture on it;
  • close the vegetables with the next sheet (this should be done until the stewed vegetables run out);
  • place the last sheet of lasagne on top of the filling;
  • fill the mold with cream;
  • cover with foil on top;
  • put in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 190-210 °;
  • take out the baking dish, remove the foil;
  • grate the cheese on a coarse grater;
  • sprinkle them on a dish;
  • send it back to the oven to melt the cheese.

Vegetable lasagna - delicious hello from sunny Italy. The main advantage of such a dish is its versatility. After all, on the basis of standard pasta sheets, you can easily create many variety of options lasagna.

Spaghetti with broccoli

An important digression: in order for such “pasta” to turn out not just edible, but truly exquisite, it is better to use a special paste, and not all sorts of horns and shells. In extreme cases, you can take regular spaghetti as a basis. This will help save a little, while not spoiling the taste of the "foreign" dish.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 pack of pasta or spaghetti;
  • 300 g broccoli;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 100 g of cheese;
  • 0.5 tsp mustard;
  • 0.5 tsp salt (other spices to taste);
  • green onion;
  • olive oil.

Let's start cooking:

  • take a deep frying pan;
  • pour olive oil into it, heat;
  • peel the garlic, crush 3 cloves with a knife, transfer them to a well-heated frying pan;
  • wash and chop the green onion, add it to the garlic;
  • wash the lemon, cut in half, squeeze the juice from one half;
  • wash the broccoli well, cut into small inflorescences;
  • add water to the pan, put broccoli in it;
  • season everything with spices and lemon juice;
  • simmer until vegetables are ready;
  • boil water, salt it;
  • put pasta or spaghetti in water;
  • cook either until “al dente”, that is, until half cooked, or until soft;
  • drain the water from the finished "pasta", add the prepared vegetables to them;
  • grate the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle it on the dish before serving.

So, do not forget that people usually appreciate not only the taste of the dish, but also the way it is served. Do not be lazy, take the time and carefully review the various culinary photos on the Internet, so that tomorrow you can start creating whole “pictures” from food.

The most popular cutlets are meat and fish, each housewife prepares them in her own way, they can be hearty, high-calorie, and steamed diet. The very word "garnish" in translation from French means "to fill, decorate", it should set off the main product, enrich its aroma and taste. What side dish to cook for cutlets so that the dish is healthy and high-calorie and complements palatability cooked meatballs.

Side dish recipes

The classic recipe is mashed potatoes, it is suitable for both meat and fish products. Required Ingredients - warm milk and butter, you can add a raw beaten egg. It is important to pre-boil the potatoes and drain the water, then pour warm milk into the pan, but in no case cold, because the mashed potatoes can become bluish. Beat with a mixer and the dish is ready. It is best to eat it fresh, for this you need to calculate the preparation for all family members so that there is no left. The cooled side dish will not be so tasty and it is unlikely that your household will eat it later.

Rice is a good choice, just don't cook it like porridge. First, it is better to fry the cereal in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil, then cook, stirring, in vegetable, meat or fish broth. Spices, salt - to taste. When the garnish is almost ready, turn off the stove, pour in a little more broth and let the dish stand under the lid for 10 minutes. Another option for cooking rice: cook, stirring constantly, until cooked - put the rice in a colander and rinse with cold running water, better from under the filter. Thus, the rice will not stick together in the future.

WITH meat cutlets vermicelli or pasta with butter goes well. As a sauce, you can use the juice left after frying the cutlets. Option: gravy of fried onions with carrots and fresh tomatoes. This is an amazing dish and easy to prepare. Simmer the mixture over low heat.

TO diet cutletsdiet side dishes. Suitable young boiled potatoes, frozen vegetables, poached in boiling water for three to four minutes, and then heated with olive oil.

Can cook green beans, broccoli or cauliflower. IN olive oil toasted chopped cashew nuts sesame seeds, add hot peppers chili, add green beans. Salt - to taste, pour in a little water and simmer the side dish under the lid for five to seven minutes. Such a side dish is not only nutritious, it is suitable for those people who have poor digestion.

Fried potatoes with fried cutlets are too much of a load on the liver, but they are delicious and many people like them. The dish can be supplemented with pickled tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, sauerkraut.

A good option is buckwheat. Before starting cooking, the cereals need to be sorted out, light varieties of the product are calcined in a pan. Rinse the product, pour cold water in the ratio of "one to two". Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat, keep the pan on low heat with a lid on for 20 minutes. Ready crumbly porridge salt, put a slice butter. Another option to cook buckwheat porridge without difficulty: pour water into a saucepan, put cereals, salt, butter and send to the oven. No need to constantly stir, and the porridge will come by itself. This delicious side dish can be prepared easily even by an inexperienced hostess.

Can cook complicated side dish from several components, a salad from fresh vegetables will not interfere with any cutlets.

Braised cabbage - perfect option for garnish. Preparing this dish is simple: the cabbage is finely chopped and placed in a saucepan, it is added a small amount of water and everything is put on fire. After five minutes, salt, sugar and pepper are added to taste and tomato paste, then a little butter, at the end of the stew - Bay leaf. In this case, you need to periodically stir the preparation. Fifteen minutes later, the dish is ready.

To avoid constant monitoring of the preparation of the side dish, the stove has a modern solution - using a multicooker for cooking, since products are initially placed in the pan, then the lid closes tightly and the time required for cooking is set. The dish turns out tasty and without special trouble. Take advantage of modern progress. Lots of cabbage beneficial trace elements and vitamins, it is one of the vital foods, so it is not only nutritious, but also useful.

You can cook a complex side dish from several components, a salad of fresh vegetables will not interfere with any cutlets. For this you can use fresh zucchini, carrots, cabbage, turnips and everything that is enough for imagination and is available on the farm, because all these vegetables are recommended to be eaten fresh.


With desire and love, the side dish prepared will great solution to cutlets.

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Meat goes well with vegetables. For example, zucchini - it can turn out light and healthy lunch. It remains only to cook it correctly.

Cooking does not require much time and effort. Let's start:

  1. Peel the zucchini and cut into slices half a centimeter thick.
  2. Grind the zest, herbs and garlic, mix everything well.
  3. Whisk the eggs in a bowl along with the salt.
  4. Heat oil in a frying pan. Dip each circle in the eggs and fry on both sides until golden brown.
  5. Arrange on a flat plate in a single layer, sprinkle spice mixture.
  6. next batch fried zucchini put it on top and season it the same way.

From the heat, the lemon-garlic mixture will give all its flavor to the vegetables and give them spicy taste. Suitable for beef or pork cutlet. Good cold and warm.

For this recipe, use only young zucchini that don't need to be seeded.

Lentil garnish

This option can become great addition To chicken cutlets. Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Lentils - 400 g.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil- 3 tbsp. l.
  • Spices to taste.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Rinse the lentils, cover with water and put on fire. Cooking time depends on the type of cereal. Salt after boiling. Remove from stove when it is almost done.
  2. Drain the water, but not all - leave about half a glass.
  3. Cut carrots into strips, onions into half rings.
  4. Fry the vegetables in a pan with vegetable oil and butter.
  5. Add lentils with water to the same place and simmer for 5 minutes with the lid closed over low heat.

Now in ready garnish you can add spices, chopped garlic - if you wish, chopped greens. Instead of lentils, you can use peas or beans.

When choosing a side dish, it is important to get harmonious combination products. So, liver cutlets go well with cereals, especially with rice. For fish, you can cook stew from stewed vegetables- cabbage, carrots with onions, tomatoes. Buckwheat can be cooked for vegetable cutlets.

Let's talk about side dishes. The word "garnish" comes from the French language. Literally, it translates as "to decorate, fill." The side dish is designed to complement the main dish both in taste and volume. The main course is meat, fish, poultry or game. The side dish should match the main course in taste, complement and enrich its flavor.

As a simple side dish can cook various cereals, vegetables, potatoes, pasta, legumes. There are also, as a rule, representatives national cuisines.

What to cook a side dish for cutlets?

Garnish for cutlets can be almost anything. Cutlets are delicious with potatoes, pasta, and cereals. Also, as a side dish for cutlets, you can cook, for example, pea mash. Most of these recipes are familiar to many from childhood. If you want to cook something light and dietary as a side dish, try stewed green beans.

Garnish for cutlets from green beans

Take a package of green beans (400 or 500 grams), a teaspoon of sesame seeds, 50 gr. cashew nuts, a little red salt, olive oil.

Saute sesame seeds and chopped nuts in olive oil. Add pepper. Then add the beans. Salt, add a little water, cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes. The dish is ready.

Buckwheat garnish

Buckwheat can be cooked in different ways. It can be boiled, or it can be steamed with water or milk. You can cook buckwheat in a saucepan over a fire, in a microwave, in a double boiler, it can also be cooked in clay pot in the oven. It is best, of course, to cook buckwheat in a Russian oven, but few people have such an opportunity.

Cooking buckwheat on the stove

Sort out the cereal before cooking. It may contain small pebbles or extraneous grains. Light buckwheat can be calcined in a pan. Dark buckwheat does not need to be calcined. Rinse the sorted cereals, pour into a saucepan. Fill the cereal with cold water in volume 2 times more than the volume of the cereal. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and keep the pot on low heat with the lid closed for 20 minutes. Buckwheat is ready. Salt the porridge if you didn't do it first. Add butter. You can not spare oil, you will not spoil porridge with oil. Garnish is ready.

Garnish for the liver

During cooking, the liver quickly loses moisture, so the finished liver dish is often dry. It is best to prevent this from happening. But even in this case, the liver will not be juicy, so the garnish for the liver should be soft and tender. And the best thing you can think of here is mashed potatoes.

Cooking mashed potatoes

Take half a kilo of potatoes, half a glass of milk or cream, 30 gr. butter, 1 egg, a little salt.

First, boil the potatoes. We put a pot of water on the fire. When the water boils, we throw peeled and chopped potatoes into it, salt and reduce the heat to low. After 20-25 minutes, the potatoes are ready.

Boil milk or cream in a separate pot

Drain water from boiled potatoes, add crushed butter, then milk or cream. Mash potatoes with a potato masher. You can also use a blender. Then add egg yolk or a beaten egg and mix the potatoes again. It is very important to add an egg to hot potato to destroy bacteria. Or use a quail egg quail eggs no salmonella.

Garnish for meatballs

Meatballs are similar to meatballs in composition and method of preparation. What is the difference between cutlets and meatballs? A small amount of additives are added to the cutlets: a little onion, a little soaked bread. In meatballs, the amount of additives is greater. Rice or vegetables are used as additives. Therefore, the meatballs are airy and light. Almost any side dish can be served with this dish. As a side dish for meatballs, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes, pasta, and rice are usually prepared.

    If we consider the side dish as a translation from French, then this is a decoration!) A tasty question, to be honest!) For cutlets, any in content, shape and weight, I prefer mashed potatoes, a little green peas, parsley, dill, a little cabbage and, of course, gravy from these meatballs!

    Oh .. well, in this case .. classically, a side dish for cutlets can be

    • buckwheat
    • boiled rice
    • pasta
    • and of course mashed potatoes

    If the cutlets are made from minced meat, That the best side dish to them - it's mashed potatoes. Put some more canned green peas and a spoonful of sauerkraut. If the cutlets are made from fish or chicken, then in addition to mashed potatoes, which is universal and suitable for any cutlets, you can cook crumbly rice. It can be boiled with the addition of curry seasoning, it will have more interesting taste and beautiful golden color. Can be served with meatballs stewed cabbage, fresh or pickled. If you limit yourself in the amount of carbohydrate food, then a salad of greens and fresh vegetables will be a good side dish for any meatballs.

    Oh, there is already where to roam 🙂

    I love baked potatoes with meatballs 🙂

    I really like mashed potatoes with milk, combined with cutlets is also delicious 🙂

    I make rice with vegetables, it also goes with a bang.

    And of course, pasta, where without them 🙂

    For a long time I don’t serve cutlets with potatoes in any form, but with fresh vegetable salads (in summer), and in winter with rice, buckwheat or stewed vegetables as a side dish + sauerkraut or beetroot salad with garlic and walnuts.

    I love mashed potatoes and always with gravy, if without, then good vegetable salad add.

    I love rutabaga stewed in milk with carrots for meatballs.

    With Brussels sprouts, broccoli or steamed cauliflower. The color, structure, shape of vegetables are wonderfully preserved. And delicious.

    With lightly fried green beans.

    With mashed potatoes.

    With cereals such as buckwheat/rice/chickpeas/lentils

    If chicken cutlets, rice is the best side dish for them.

    If the cutlets are meat (pork, beef), the best side dish for them is fried potatoes, french fries.

    If the cutlets are fish, the best side dish for them is mashed potatoes.

    If the cutlets are liver, the best side dish is buckwheat.

    If the cutlets are cheese (suluguni), the best side dish is pasta.

    If the cutlets are soy, the best side dish is stewed vegetables.


    My favorite side dish for me fried cutlets is mashed potatoes on milk, and it needs to be poured with gravy from these cutlets. You can also pour rice or buckwheat with gravy, or pasta - the main thing is that everything is not dry. A gravy it’s not difficult to do, I then stew the fried cutlets with fried onions and carrots, you can add a little tomato paste to them.

    A vegetable salad of tomatoes and cucumbers is also perfect for cutlets, salted cabbage, more greens, such as parsley and dill, green peas.

    You can still pea mash to do, it is also very tasty with cutlets, but it takes longer to cook than other side dishes (at least it works out that way for me).

    The ideal option is boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. The pasta will go well. There is another option Vegetable mix(boil and fry in a pan in butter for a couple of minutes), colored or Brussels sprouts, broccoli, hawaiian mix.

    I really like with green peas, but not with canned, I buy frozen and fry. It is also delicious for me personally with green beans.

    Well, of course, where without mashed potato or buckwheat porridge.

    The most delicious side dish for me (now, not before, when I could eat everything) is this:

    flipped into last time cutlets when frying and immediately fell asleep huge amount chopped onion, closed the lid.

    After 2 minutes I turn off the fire. Everything is washed out and ready.

    Now I'm putting in a salad. raw vegetables, any - with tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage - carrots, etc., stewed onions, but with a crunch and a cutlet.
