
Diet for tonsillitis: basic rules and recommendations. Sore throat treatment

Most people with angina do not rush to see a specialist, but try to recover on their own. Most patients resort to folk remedies.

It is believed that the more an infected person eats citrus fruits, the more vitamins they will receive and the faster they will recover. Is it so? Yes and no. Firstly, many people underestimate the complexity and danger of the disease, so they do not go to the doctor.

Angina (tonsillitis) is bacterial and viral. The bacterial form of the disease is treated only with antibiotics. You need to select them depending on the type of tonsillitis, of which there are more than five main ones. Secondly, despite the fact that citrus fruits have undoubted benefits, you need to know how to eat them correctly so as not to harm yourself.

How to eat with angina

Of great importance for recovery from angina is eating not only tangerines, grapefruit and oranges, but nutrition in general. Acute tonsillitis is manifested, including severe intoxication. Intoxication phenomena greatly weaken the body, and the body has to spend the last of its strength on fighting the infection. Therefore, it is impossible to overload the patient with hard-to-digest food during an illness, at least in the acute period. The body simply does not have the strength to properly digest it.

There are foods that are easy to digest. These are mashed cereals, mashed potatoes, meat and fish weak broths, vegetables, non-acidic fruits, low-fat sour-milk products, chicken or rabbit meat, lean fish. Fatty, fried, smoked foods, marinades, canned food, soda, undiluted juices, chocolate, sweets, cakes, fresh bread, fresh cabbage, radish, spicy dishes, sauces and condiments. Food and drink should be warm, portions small, varied and frequent at least five times a day.

The benefits of citrus fruits for sore throat

Citrus fruits have the most valuable vitamin - ascorbic acid, which is essential for recovery from tonsillitis. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves immunity, protects cells from aggressive environmental influences, and has an antioxidant effect. Vitamins of group B, which contain citrus fruits, normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the heart muscle.

Tangerines, grapefruit and oranges contain a large amount of phytoncides that inhibit the reproduction of pathogens.

Tangerines contain least amount vitamins and microelements. But they are also useful for colds, as tangerines help cleanse respiratory tract. richest in useful material counted as a grapefruit. It contains vitamins C, D, PP, which have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, soothe, normalize the temperature, contribute to the restoration of strength after infectious diseases. Grapefruit is the lowest calorie fruit, it consists of 90% water, and only 7% sugar in it. Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibiotic, so it speeds up recovery from sore throat.

How do citrus fruits with tonsillitis:

  • reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx;
  • reduce pain in the throat;
  • lower the temperature;
  • destroy bacteria and viruses;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • help the liver work;
  • increase immunity.

How to use

In the acute phase of the disease, the patient has severe sore throat, redness, swelling of the mucosa and tonsils. Therefore, all citrus fruits can be consumed in the form of freshly squeezed juice, diluted in half warm water. If the patient knows for sure that he has no contraindications, then you can eat grapefruit, oranges or tangerines not entirely, but several slices, and then when the acute phase of the disease passes or in the initial period.

You can not eat tangerines, grapefruit and oranges with angina in fresh. Aggressive acids can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and provoke a cough reflex

In addition, citrus acids have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, so you can drink the juice through a straw and then rinse your mouth with water.

Do not eat citrus fruits during illness for children under five years of age, people prone to allergic reactions, sick peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, with reflux esophagitis, hyperacidity stomach, inflammation of the small intestine in the acute stage. Grapefruit is absolutely contraindicated in people taking antidepressants as it blocks the action active substances medicines.


  1. The only period in acute tonsillitis, when you can eat citrus fruits without fear, is the very beginning of the disease, when there is still no pronounced clinical picture, severe pain in the throat and plaque on the tonsils. In the absence of contraindications at the initial stage, you can immediately slowly eat half the fruit without a peel, without washing it down with anything. After 3-4 hours, eat the second half. You need to eat food no earlier than an hour later. Effect: fruit juice washes the pharyngeal mucosa, removing microbes, relieving inflammation.
  2. Grapefruit can be eaten in the form of jam: grind the pulp from two fruits with a glass of sugar, add the grated zest, put in the microwave for 14 minutes. IN hot mix put a few lemon balm leaves and half a teaspoon of grains pink pepper. This jam retains all the nutrients, aroma and taste of the fruit.
  3. tablespoon citrus juice dilute in a glass of water room temperature. Take as an antipyretic.
  4. If citrus fruits cannot be consumed internally, then they can be used as rubdowns. tablespoon grapefruit juice dilute in a glass warm water and wipe the body high temperature. The same the recipe will do for gargling.
  5. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit are rich essential oils found in the peel of the fruit. Squeeze the juice from the peel into a tablespoon of water or rub the peel on fine grater and mix with big amount water. Use in an aroma lamp for inhalation.
  6. Peel the fruits, boil the peel, make inhalations. Use the pulp for juice by mixing all three fruits.

Steam inhalation should not be done at high temperatures

Autumn, winter, spring is the season of colds and citrus fruits, which will perfectly help in the treatment of sore throats in parallel with traditional remedies. Eating oranges, tangerines and grapefruits is not only an auxiliary medical therapy, but also an excellent prevention of throat diseases.

A sore throat can occur at any time. It can be a symptom of a cold or a more serious one. viral infection. For example, influenza, acute respiratory illness or mononucleosis. So know what products will help cure sore throat useful to everyone!

Often the pain is associated with a bacterial infection, for example, as a consequence of streptococcus infection. It may also occur due to smoking, due to allergies, or simply due to the fact that you breathed through your mouth in a dream.

Whatever the cause of the sore throat, it is necessary relieve inflammation as soon as possible and prevent the condition from worsening. In this state, you do not want to eat, but it is important to remember that certain foods will help speed up recovery and cure sore throat.


Lemon with honey can help cure a sore throat

This is one of the oldest remedies for fighting infections that are accompanied by a sore throat, cough and runny nose. Enough to make it mix two spoons lemon juice with a spoonful of honey. You can drink this drink right away, or dilute it with a cup of warm water.

Ginger tea or tea with honey

Well relieves pain and soothes irritation in the throat ginger tea or tea with honey.

Ginger tea has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and relieves irritation in the throat. Honey not only soothes a sore throat, but also acts as a natural antibiotic that can successfully fight infection.


This great dish for breakfast, oatmeal does not irritate the throat, and you can add such healthy foods, How Bee Honey or bananas. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber, which reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and it also contains quite a lot of vegetable protein, which improves physical state and gives a feeling of satiety for a long time.

Whole wheat pasta

This extremely useful view Pasta supplies the body with such useful substances, trace elements and vitamins as , iron, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B3 and E. It does not irritate the throat, is easily digested and strengthens immune system, helping the body fight infection. It is best to eat such pasta with a low-fat sauce.

boiled carrots

This vegetable contains vitamins A, C and K, fiber and potassium. strengthens the immune system and helps cure sore throats (but only when boiled). Raw carrots are too rough for an irritated throat and can make things worse.

Chicken bouillon

This favorite recipe of our grandmothers is still popular. And not in vain. Chicken broth enhances immune defense, helps fight viruses and relieve flu and cold symptoms such as sore throat and runny nose.

He acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and prevents viruses from coming into contact with mucosal cell membranes. We recommend making the broth classic recipe by adding there carrots, onions, celery, turnips, potatoes and sweet garlic.

Fried egg or egg white

Eggs are well digested, they have a lot of protein and other useful substances. Scrambled eggs or egg whites help reduce inflammation and sore throats. Just eat them without spices and hot sauces.


This plant is known for its healing properties. It has been used since ancient times to treat sore throats. Sage contains flavonoids, phenolic acids, and enzymes that regulate oxygen consumption. You can make tea from it, or you can add it to soup as a condiment.

Garlic and onion

Both garlic and onions contain sulfur, so they act as natural mucolytic, that is, an expectorant. They are also powerful natural antibiotics. That is, they help fight the infection, which is the cause of the sore throat.

Most people with angina do not rush to see a specialist, but try to recover on their own. Most patients resort to folk remedies.

It is believed that the more an infected person eats citrus fruits, the more vitamins they will receive and the faster they will recover. Is it so? Yes and no. Firstly, many people underestimate the complexity and danger of the disease, so they do not go to the doctor.

Angina (tonsillitis) is bacterial and viral. The bacterial form of the disease is treated only with antibiotics. You need to select them depending on the type of tonsillitis, of which there are more than five main ones. Secondly, despite the fact that citrus fruits have undoubted benefits, you need to know how to eat them correctly so as not to harm yourself.

How to eat with angina

Of great importance for recovery from angina is eating not only tangerines, grapefruit and oranges, but nutrition in general. Acute tonsillitis is manifested, including severe intoxication. Intoxication phenomena greatly weaken the body, and the body has to spend the last of its strength on fighting the infection. Therefore, it is impossible to overload the patient with hard-to-digest food during an illness, at least in the acute period. The body simply does not have the strength to properly digest it.

There are foods that are easy to digest. These are mashed cereals, mashed potatoes, weak meat and fish broths, vegetables, non-acidic fruits, low-fat sour-milk products, chicken or rabbit meat, lean fish. Fatty, fried, smoked foods, marinades, canned food, soda, undiluted juices, chocolate, sweets, cakes, fresh bread, fresh cabbage, radish, spicy dishes, sauces and seasonings are excluded. Food and drink should be warm, portions small, varied and frequent at least five times a day.

The benefits of citrus fruits for sore throat

Citrus fruits have the most valuable vitamin - ascorbic acid, which is essential for recovery from tonsillitis. Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves immunity, protects cells from aggressive environmental influences, and has an antioxidant effect. Vitamins of group B, which contain citrus fruits, normalize sleep, improve mood, strengthen the heart muscle.

Tangerines, grapefruit and oranges contain a large amount of phytoncides that inhibit the reproduction of pathogens.

Tangerines contain the least amount of vitamins and minerals. But they are also useful for colds, as tangerines help cleanse the respiratory tract. Grapefruit is considered the richest in nutrients. It contains vitamins C, D, PP, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, calm, normalize temperature, and help restore strength after infectious diseases. Grapefruit is the lowest calorie fruit, it consists of 90% water, and only 7% sugar in it. Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibiotic, so it speeds up recovery from sore throat.

How do citrus fruits with tonsillitis:

reduce swelling of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx; reduce pain in the throat; lower the temperature; destroy bacteria and viruses; relieve inflammation; help the liver work; increase immunity.

How to use

In the acute phase of the disease, the patient has severe sore throat, redness, swelling of the mucosa and tonsils. Therefore, all citrus fruits can be consumed in the form of freshly squeezed juice, diluted in half with warm water. If the patient knows for sure that he has no contraindications, then you can eat grapefruit, oranges or tangerines not entirely, but several slices, and then when the acute phase of the disease passes or in the initial period.

You can not eat fresh tangerines, grapefruit and oranges with angina. Aggressive acids can irritate the mucous membrane of the throat and provoke a cough reflex

In addition, citrus acids have a destructive effect on tooth enamel, so you can drink the juice through a straw and then rinse your mouth with water.

You can not eat citrus fruits during illness for children under five years of age, people prone to allergic reactions, patients with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, with reflux esophagitis, increased acidity of the stomach, inflammation of the small intestine in the acute stage. Grapefruit is absolutely contraindicated in people taking antidepressants, as it blocks the action of the active substances of the drug.


The only period in acute tonsillitis, when you can eat citrus fruits without fear, is the very beginning of the disease, when there is still no pronounced clinical picture, severe sore throat and plaque on the tonsils. In the absence of contraindications at the initial stage, you can immediately slowly eat half the fruit without a peel, without washing it down with anything. After 3-4 hours, eat the second half. You need to eat food no earlier than an hour later. Effect: fruit juice washes the pharyngeal mucosa, removing microbes, relieving inflammation. Grapefruit can be eaten in the form of jam: grind the pulp from two fruits with a glass of sugar, add the grated zest, put in the microwave for 14 minutes. Put a few lemon balm leaves and half a teaspoon of pink peppercorns into the hot mixture. This jam retains all the nutrients, aroma and taste of the fruit. Dilute a tablespoon of citrus juice in a glass of water at room temperature. Take as an antipyretic. If citrus fruits cannot be consumed internally, then they can be used as rubdowns. Dilute a tablespoon of grapefruit juice in a glass of warm water and wipe the body at high temperature. The same recipe is suitable for gargling. Oranges, tangerines, grapefruit are rich in essential oils, which are contained in the peel of the fruit. Squeeze the juice from the peel into a tablespoon of water or rub the peel on a fine grater and stir with a small amount water. Use in an aroma lamp for inhalation. Peel the fruits, boil the peel, make inhalations. Use the pulp for juice by mixing all three fruits.

Steam inhalation should not be done at high temperatures

Autumn, winter, spring is the season of colds and citrus fruits, which will perfectly help in the treatment of sore throats in parallel with traditional remedies. Eating oranges, tangerines and grapefruits is not only an auxiliary medical therapy, but also an excellent prevention of throat diseases.

Inflammation of the tonsils (tonsillitis) is characterized by the localization of discomfort and pain in the throat. It is not surprising that eating with angina is associated with some difficulties, often patients refuse to eat at all, but this is not an option! It is necessary to know the basic principles of nutrition during a sore throat so that food does not cause additional discomfort and gives the body the energy necessary to fight the disease.

Table of contents: General rules catering for angina What to eat for angina What is excluded from the diet for angina

General rules for catering for angina

We recommend reading: How to treat angina at home? How to gargle with sore throat: rules for treating tonsillitis at home Chronic tonsillitis in adults: causes, symptoms, conservative and surgical methods of treatment

It is important to pick up during a sore throat proper diet nutrition - food passing through the throat can provoke increased pain, so doctors recommend sticking to a sparing diet. In addition, during a sore throat, the body fights toxins - in particular, the liver actively fights them, and if it is still loaded with heavy food, then the patient's well-being will only worsen.

When compiling a diet for angina, you must adhere to the following rules:

the diet should contain a reduced amount of fast carbohydrates (up to 300 g per day), it is necessary to limit the intake of protein and fats (up to 70 and up to 60 g per day, respectively); you need to eat at least 5 times a day, portions should be small; all food should be chopped - for example, you can cook a stew or baked dish, and then grind it in a blender, or eat mashed soups; in the menu of a patient with a sore throat, it is imperative to include cereals and fortified drinks - they will give the body the necessary energy and strengthen the immune system; dishes should be eaten warm, but in no case hot or cold; during a sore throat you need to drink a lot - fruit drinks, teas, compotes, jelly can be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Do not forget that with angina, appetite is significantly reduced - this natural process. This happens especially often in childhood- the child categorically refuses to use even previously favorite foods. No need to focus on this point, and even more so force-feed the child - this will lead to nausea and vomiting, which will worsen general state sick. It is advisable to feed the child in small portions, and if he completely refuses to eat, then you need to let him rest, sleep - perhaps the appetite will return.

What to eat with angina

For nutrition with angina composed special diet- table number 13, the essence of which is to eat low-allergenic foods that are well absorbed and can cause an appetite attack. What you need to know when compiling diet menu during angina:

Soups and broths must be present on the menu - they are easy to eat, satisfying, and well received by the body. It is appropriate to cook pureed vegetable soups, chicken bouillon- they can be used with soaked white crackers. Meat and fish can be used in the form of soufflés, meatballs, casseroles - in any case, the dish should be prepared from minced meat. You should not give preference to fatty varieties of fish and meat, because they will only increase the load on the liver.

Buckwheat, rice, semolina and oatmeal cereals should be cooked in in large numbers liquids - as a result, they should be viscous. It would be appropriate to cook pureed cereals, excellent choice become quickly boiled oatmeal.

Bread and pasta are not prohibited, but yesterday's bread should be offered to a patient with a sore throat, fresh pastries should be discarded, and pasta should be purchased small and not seasoned with spicy sauces. milk and dairy products. Excellent during a sore throat, ryazhenka, sour cream, grated cottage cheese, kefir are suitable for patients - they are easy to swallow, they have sufficient energy value and do not create problems in work gastrointestinal tract. From egg dishes suitable for a patient with angina boiled eggs soft-boiled and omelettes. Moreover, the latter must be cooked not in a pan with oil, but in the oven. Vegetables must be present in the menu of a patient with a sore throat, but it is categorically not recommended to use them raw - their solid structure will irritate the inflamed tonsils. Sweet fruits can be eaten fresh, but only grated or whipped in a blender, and without peel. It is advisable to bake them in the oven - the acids will “evaporate” and there will be no negative impact. If a sore throat patient prefers to drink freshly prepared fruit juice, then it will need to be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio. From sour and sweet fruits, you can and should prepare fruit drinks, compotes, mousses, jelly and kissels.

If a person often suffers from a sore throat, then over time he develops his own nutrition system - some, for example, prefer to use salty broths (salt can reduce pain in the throat) or ice cream (cold, as it were, "freezes" inflamed areas). But doctors do not recommend experimenting in this way - this can lead to increased intoxication, cause an aggravation of the inflammatory process.

What is excluded from the diet for angina

You should not eat foods and dishes for the digestion and assimilation of which the body will have to spend too much energy. In addition, with angina, it is necessary to exclude junk food, which will increase the burden on digestive tract. What should be excluded from the diet for angina:

any fried foods- meat, fish, vegetables, scrambled eggs; canned food, marinades and in general any food with vinegar; mayonnaise, ketchup, adjika and any spicy sauces; mushrooms and dishes from them - they are too heavy food, it is undesirable to load the stomach and liver; strong tea, natural coffe, carbonated drinks; whole milk in large quantities, heavy cream; spicy and fatty cheese; pork, lamb; cakes, pastries and any confectionery With great content fats (eg. oil cream); radish, garlic and onion; hard (coarse) cookies, seeds, chips and crackers; citrus fruits, cherries, plums; barley and barley groats; fresh, freshly baked bread.

Hot food and drinks are excluded from the diet - they not only make intense pain in the throat, but also injure the inflamed tissues of the tonsils, which provokes the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into their deep layers.

Doctors say that following the recommendations for correcting the diet ensures a speedy recovery. But there is a warning from experts: you should not stop the diet immediately after the condition is relieved - for 3-4 days, even after a complete cure, you should take care of your own body, give it time to fully recover.

Tsygankova Yana Alexandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

One of the main problems with angina will be nutrition. A sore throat not only does not contribute to the desire to eat, but also significantly interferes with swallowing food. What can and cannot be eaten with angina? And how to eat so as not to aggravate the already strong pain in the throat?

This problem is exacerbated in children who simply refuse to eat.

Features of nutrition in angina

Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis is one of the most common ENT infections. Its characteristic signs are inflammation of the tonsils, which entails an increase in body temperature to 38-39 C, redness of the throat, acute pain when swallowing, sometimes (if the vocal cords are affected) hoarseness occurs.

There are two types of angina:

acute tonsillitis is characterized by reddening of the pharynx, the tonsils swell and acquire a very rich red color. This causes pain when swallowing food, sometimes the pain radiates to the ears and back of the head. For purulent tonsillitis, not only swelling of the tonsils is characteristic, but also the appearance of purulent vesicles on them. Which can be located one at a time or cover all the tonsils with a continuous crust. Sometimes with purulent sore throat, it becomes completely impossible to swallow food. And in the first days of the disease, you can only use liquid pureed soups.

Angina refers to infectious diseases, which means that it is transmitted through common utensils (cups, spoons), hygiene items. Germs are transmitted through contaminated saliva and spread to other members of the community or family.

Compliance simple rules personal hygiene will protect others from possible infection.

Of particular importance in all forms of angina is nutrition. After all, this is not only providing the patient's body with the necessary energy to fight the disease, but also a source of irritation of the sore throat.

Improper nutrition can increase pain, worsen the patient's well-being, and even slow down the healing process.

What and why you can not eat with angina

Sore throat and trouble swallowing is a specific problem with angina. With purulent sore throat, the problem with food is aggravated by a large load on the liver. It is overloaded, as it removes toxins (waste products of microorganisms that form pus).

For many, the first question is just what to eat with angina, since “forbidden” food exacerbates pain, and sometimes contributes to an increase in body temperature.

Among the products that are not recommended to eat with angina are the following.

Fatty and fried foods

They can not be eaten, so as not to overload the liver. This food requires a lot of energy to process it, which is needed to fight the disease. They are assigned to her.

lamb, pork, fatty varieties fish; Any fried foods; Fatty soups and sauces on fatty meat or mushroom broths; Salted fatty cheeses, cheese with a variety of additives; Heavy cream and sour cream; homemade or with high fat content milk in large quantities; Cakes and pastries with lots of buttercream.

They will irritate a sore throat, increase pain, and can cause digestive upset. This:

canned foods with vinegar; homemade pickles; citrus and other sour fruits; juices, smoothies sour fruits and berries.

Spicy and smoked dishes

They cause digestive disorders, increase the load on the liver, exacerbate sore throat. These should be included.

all types of smoked meats; spices and spices, including onions, garlic; bitter vegetables, such as radish.

Products and dishes from them with a high content of coarse fiber

These are useful products at other times, but harmful during a sore throat.

Meals with legumes(soy, peas, beans); Dishes from raw carrots, cabbage, beets; barley and pearl barley(in any form);

Fresh or too dry bread

It causes bloating and can cause an increase in sore throat.

Harmful drinks for angina

Among the unwanted drinks will be not only fruit sour juices, but also:

carbonated drinks; strong tea; strong coffee.

And further. During illness, you can not eat, so as not to cause an exacerbation of pain:

seeds; popcorn; chips; nuts with spices; rough cookies; crackers.

Very important! You can't eat hot food. This irritates the sore throat and causes pain. In addition, the inflamed mucosa is very sensitive and you can easily get burned. A burn will be added to the inflammatory processes.

What can you eat with angina

This meal includes the following dishes.

Porridges on water or milk (oatmeal, rice, semolina) are liquid in consistency resembling jelly. Pureed soups, broths (with slices of bread). The bread should be white, without yeast and not too fresh, but not stale either. Boiled and preferably mashed or mashed vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, pumpkin. Pasta but smaller ones are better. boiled eggs, omelets. diet varieties fish: bream, pollock, cod. Steam or boiled dishes: cutlets, meatballs. They are prepared from dietary meat: chicken, veal, rabbit. Dairy products should be low fat. Cottage cheese take a cream-shaped consistency. Fruits need to be baked or boiled.

To the question: "With angina, what can you eat?"

The answer will be as follows: “Food that has a creamy consistency, does not contain components that cause irritation of inflamed mucous membranes, and does not “scratch” a sore throat. In addition, the food should be low-fat, but contain enough calories so as not to irritate the intestines and not create an additional load on the liver. But at the same time, give enough energy for recovery.”

Be sure to serve dishes a little warm: hot ones can burn a sore throat, and cold ones will cause an undesirable aggravation.

General principles of nutrition for tonsillitis Feed the patient 5-6 times a day in small portions. Food should be tasty and aromatic. If the patient does not want to eat, he should not be forced. It won't do him any good. The total amount of protein should be approximately 70 g / day, fat - 60 g / day, and carbohydrates - 300 g / day. Do not give the patient products that he has not tried before. When treating, it is necessary to exclude products-allergens. It is necessary to give the patient juice and teas rich in vitamins and especially vitamin C, but with a small amount of sugar. It is also useful to eat honey (if you are not allergic to it). Children's diet for angina

Requires special attention baby food with angina. Sick children often refuse to eat, it hurts to swallow. In this case, the baby should not be force-fed.

It is better to let the child sleep or rest, perhaps, over time, he will ask to eat or try feeding again after a while.

Food should be loved by the baby, one that he likes, but always in compliance with all the rules and restrictions described above.

Do not introduce new complementary foods when children are sick.

Do not give allergenic foods, even when they are very useful for sore throats, here possible harm outweigh the expected benefit.

The benefits of drinking plenty of water for angina

Among the drinks that are not recommended for patients with sore throats will be drinks with gas, strong brewed tea and coffee, as well as juices and smoothies containing fruit acids (with sourness). These drinks will irritate the sore tonsils and make the pain worse.

Among the desired drinks will be herbal teas with honey or little sugar. Such teas are rich in vitamins, they strengthen the immune system, help fight the disease. It is useful to drink rosehip infusion (it is rich in vitamin C and will help the liver), as well as decoctions and teas from currant leaves and branches. The most useful will be the blackcurrant berries themselves, rubbed through a fine sieve with a little sugar or smoothies from them with mint.

Heal and be healthy!

Associated with pain and discomfort in the throat, the development of dysphagia (disturbances in the act of swallowing), therefore, key attention is paid to daily ration. The transition to proper nutrition will improve the patient's quality of life, increase resistance to infection, minimize the burden on the liver, and speed up the process of removing toxins. The principles of diet therapy are built on the rejection of fatty, salty, sour, spicy and solid foods in exchange for easily digestible, healthy, delicious food soft texture.

Acute tonsillitis is referred to as a pathology of infectious genesis with an episode of acute inflammation of the palatine tonsils and surrounding tissues. The disease in most cases is a symptom of a viral (Epstein-Barr virus, adenoviruses) or bacterial infection (streptococci, staphylococci). Less commonly, fungal microflora is presented as an etiological factor.

The infection penetrates into the projection of the lymphoid pharyngeal ring exogenously (aerogeneously, contagiously, enterally) and endogenously (through carious cavities, autoinfection in chronic).

Predisposing factor in the development of the inflammatory process unfavorable conditions appear in the mucous membrane of the pharynx:

  • abrupt thermal changes;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • decreased immune potential;
  • gas contamination and microbial contamination of the air;
  • harmful living conditions;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • unsanitary conditions in the room.

For reference! The highest incidence rate is observed in childhood, which is due to the peculiarities of the formation of the immune potential, the high contagiousness of microorganisms and unstable antimicrobial immunity.

Inflammation occurs with damage to regional lymph nodes, tissue edema, hyperemia of the tonsils and damage to their surface of a different nature from erosive to ulcerative necrotic. The disease begins acutely, manifests itself as a sore throat and fever. The onset of acute tonsillitis is indicated by catarrhal symptoms:

  • chills;
  • and flow from the nose;
  • weakness, malaise;
  • dryness and discomfort in the throat;
  • violation of the act of swallowing.

With pharyngoscopy, the tonsils are enlarged and edematous, with the formation of plaque and purulent plugs on the surface. On palpation, the anterior cervical lymph nodes are hyperemic and painful.

The severity of clinical forms, the area and depth of the lesion are determined by the etiology of the pathogen, the nature and virulence of pathogenic strains, the level of sensitization of the body.

Nutrition for angina

In acute tonsillitis develops pathological condition organism, which is the result of exposure to pathogenic microflora. Acute intoxication is accompanied by pronounced clinical signs in the form of drowsiness, weakness, anorexia, vomiting and nausea.

For the elimination of toxins in a physiological way, the restoration of subjective health criteria, it is important to comply with healthy lifestyle life, proper nutrition. Since the inflammatory process responds with a sore throat, a violation of the act of swallowing, it is important to know what you can eat with angina for an adult and a child, and what is prohibited.

Nutrition with a tonsillar problem is considered not only as a source of energy to maintain vital processes in the body, but also as a catalyst for mucosal irritation. Wrong food can activate the pain syndrome, worsen the patient's well-being, and increase the recovery time.

Advice! Meals and drinks should be at room temperature hot food can provoke a burn of the throat, cause pain and irritation, and cold exacerbate the inflammatory process.

In the acute period of the disease, a large load falls on the liver, which ensures the evacuation of toxins (waste products of the infection, exudate). It is advisable to limit the consumption of food, the assimilation and processing of which the body spends a lot of energy.

What should be excluded from the diet?

  • fatty meats, fish, soups and broths based on them;
  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat content (milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese);
  • conservation, pickles;
  • smoked products;
  • spices, spices, including garlic, onions;
  • sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard);
  • cereals with coarse vegetable fiber(barley, pearl barley, soybeans, peas, beans);
  • fresh bread and bakery products, confectionery products with butter cream;
  • mushrooms.

Nutrition for purulent sore throat implies the rejection of concentrated fruit juices, strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks. Exacerbation of the pain syndrome can provoke the use of chips, peanuts, nuts, seeds, crackers, hard biscuits.

Citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, lemons, grapefruits) exhibit antioxidant activity during inflammation of an infectious genesis, stop swelling, and increase immune potential. However, due to the presence of aggressive acids in the composition, which have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, stimulate the cough reflex, citrus fruits with angina in pure form at an early stage of the disease are not recommended.

They can be consumed in the form of freshly prepared juice, diluted with distilled water in equal proportions.

Advice! During the period of illness, new dishes should not be introduced into the child's diet, since any unfamiliar product can provoke a severe allergic reaction.

Is it possible to have chocolate with angina? With tonsillitis, it is advisable to limit the amount of sweets, since, settling on the mucous membrane, it creates a favorable flora for the growth and reproduction of pathogens. If you really want, then it is allowed small piece dark chocolate.

Healthy and proper food

Diet for angina should be balanced, protect the body from possible digestive stress. You need to eat often every 2-3 hours in small portions. Easily digestible food is preferred. Dishes are steamed, baked, boiled, then brought to a puree state using a blender, pusher, knife, grater or fork.

Important! Recovery water-salt balance, reducing intoxication is important to increase the drinking regimen.

The following foods will increase appetite and benefit a weakened body:

  • lean meat, chicken, fish soups in the second broth. They can be used as a warm drink;
  • steam, stewed cutlets, meatballs, rabbit casseroles, chicken, lean veal and fish (cod, pink salmon, hake);
  • cereals: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, corn. Cooking semi-liquid consistency without adding oil;
  • boiled eggs, steamed omelet;
  • easily digestible dairy products ( skim cheese and sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, curdled milk);
  • yesterday's bread;
  • small pasta;
  • vegetables: zucchini, squash, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, non-acidic tomatoes. Stew is prepared from them, baked in small pieces.

With inflammation oral cavity you can eat fresh sweet fruits without peel. Bananas for angina are the best option. Due to the soft texture that envelops the irritated mucosa, the fruits are an ideal food for lesions of the pharynx, a violation of the act of swallowing. In addition, they are involved in the formation of antimicrobial immunity, normalize the acidity of gastric juice.

What other fruits can be eaten with angina? This list includes unsweetened varieties of peach, melon, apple, pear, watermelon, blackcurrant, grapes. So that the fruits do not provoke pain when swallowing, do not irritate the throat, it is better to bake them or use them to make drinks, mousses, mashed potatoes or jelly.

For reference! In sources official medicine ice cream with angina is not included in the list of allowed products. However, when correct use it reduces the dynamics of the inflammatory process, relieves sore throat. Without harm to the body, there will be a serving of ice cream up to 150 g at room temperature.


Summing up, what is recommended to eat with angina. Food should be of a creamy consistency, without components that will irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx, provoke pain and inflammation. At the same time, the food is not fatty, but nutritious. The daily norm of protein varies within 70 g, carbohydrates 250-300 g, fats 50-60 g.

Angina - This is a well-known infectious disease. Every person in his life, at least once, but still had a sore throat. Therefore, I will not describe this disease in detail. In this article I want to introduce you to the first assistants in the fight against angina, they are recommended to us by our savior - phytotherapy! Treat sore throat can be done in many ways and medicinal plants helps us with this. But now I want to describe specifically the eight first assistants at angina.

Their names are simple and familiar to everyone: rosehip, aloe juice, blackcurrant, raspberry, chamomile, orange, calendula, honeysuckle.

Rose hip.

Rose hips greatly enhance the overall resistance of the whole organism. Apply it in the form of infusion:

You need to take 1 tablespoon of whole fruits and pour one glass of boiling water, then boil for another 10 minutes, be sure to enamelware. Day to insist, tightly closing. Then strain and take half a glass a day.

Aloe juice.

Aloe vera juice is an excellent weapon against bacteria. Kills them outright!

In order to extract the juice, you need to take a few large leaves of aloe, squeeze the juice with a juicer, then strain through four layers of gauze. Drink juice with milk. Mix 1 teaspoon of juice with 150 ml. milk. Take three times a day.

Black currant.

Angina may not “visit” you if, for prevention, you make sure that vitamins continuously enter the body. In this case phytotherapy recommends vitamin drink from blackcurrant. 20 - 25 currants contain daily allowance ascorbic acid. To prepare a vitamin drink, take 1 tablespoon of berries and pour a glass of boiling water over it. You need to drink half a glass twice a day.


Raspberry is famous as an effective diaphoretic for colds. Use fresh and dried raspberries, the leaves are also used. There are many recipes, I offer one of them: pour 2 tablespoons of dried raspberries with a glass of boiling water in an enamel bowl. Bring to a boil over low heat. Then insist for 1-1.5 hours and drink half a cup three times a day.


When it hurts angina, chamomile is used as an infusion. You can drink and gargle. To rinse a tablespoon of dried flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, strain. Rinse your throat only with warm infusion.

Recommended for sore throat drink at night chamomile tea. Pour a little dry flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, add a teaspoon of honey, preferably flower and 20 ml. milk. It is recommended to drink in small sips.


Orange is rich in ascorbic acid just like a lemon. orange fruits and Orange juice contain a lot of pectin. Pectin has an antibacterial effect and has a positive effect on digestion. If you eat a few oranges every day, you can prevent the occurrence of an acute respiratory viral disease.

Orange can be cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar, just like we store lemons. And gradually use for medicinal purposes.


Very helpful during sore throats gargle with infusion of calendula. Preparing the infusion is simple: 25g. dry calendula flowers pour a glass of boiling water. 40 minutes to insist, and the infusion is ready. It can be drunk in 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.


Honeysuckle berries are very nutritious and rich in vitamins. They are good to eat fresh and canned. Very delicious pies stuffed with honeysuckle berries. If angina constricts the throat phytotherapy advises to rinse it with a decoction of the fruits of honeysuckle. The decoction is prepared as follows: 1st. pour a spoonful of berries with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take a quarter cup before meals.

this is an inexhaustible pantry medicines, angina quickly retreat before the onslaught of medicinal plants. Use them only skillfully, using folk recipes, and all will be well!

Live in peace with nature, and she will always help us!
