
How dangerous is coffee? Natural coffee - the benefits and harms

Coffee is a drink whose benefits and harms have been debated for many years. Some accuse him of all "sins" and consider him the most junk drink. Others, on the other hand, are fiercely protective. What are the real and scientifically based pros and cons of this drink, we will consider in this article.

Depending on who you ask about the beneficial properties of coffee and its effect on the human body, the answers will be different. The health effects of coffee are indeed controversial. Therefore, some will answer that it is super healthy drink, while others will call it the most harmful and useless drink in the world. Both will be right. In fact, coffee has many beneficial properties and can provide certain benefits. For example, it contains many antioxidant compounds and may reduce the risk of many diseases.

But there is harm in this drink and some people are strictly forbidden to drink it. We must not forget that it contains caffeine, which can cause insomnia.

Where coffee grows

Coffee is a drink made by brewing coffee beans.

Like many popular drinks such as tea and cocoa, coffee, or rather the coffee tree, grows in warm countries. This tree belongs to the genus of the same name - coffee of the madder family.

Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of the coffee tree, from where it was brought to the Arabian Peninsula in the 14th century, and only in the 16th century did it first appear in the Ottoman Empire, and then spread to Europe.

Coffee spread around the world began in the 17th century, first in the West Indies, where coffee tree grains were secretly brought, and from the end of the 17th century, thanks to Dutch navigators, it came to the islands of Java and Sumatra. This expansion ended the Arab monopoly on the ownership of coffee plantations.

This is a brief history of the spread of the coffee tree around the world. Europeans receiving seedlings coffee trees, exported them to their colonies located in tropical latitudes. Along with this, the birth of the now world-famous coffee varieties began.

Today, coffee grows in many countries of South America, Africa, in the countries of the Asian and Indian continents.

Varieties of coffee

The main varieties of coffee are:

Robusta or Congo coffee.

These two coffees account for nearly 98 percent of the coffee market, of which 70 percent is Arabica and the remaining 30 percent is Robusta.

In addition to these main varieties of coffee, there are others, but less significant on an industrial scale, such as excelsa, liberica, luwak.

The collected coffee beans, before getting to us, go through a certain preparation path.

The collection of coffee is mainly carried out by hand. In Brazil, for example, semi-mechanical methods of collection are used, when first special device shake off the grains and then rake them into heaps.

After sifting or sorting by hand, the collected grains undergo a fermentation process. Before fermentation, coffee beans are loaded into special rubbing machines, where the collected beans are removed most of pulp, and then they are placed in tanks, where, under the influence of their own enzymes, the remaining part of the fruit shell decomposes.

After fermentation, the grains are washed with water, as a result of which the remaining pulp is removed. And only after that the coffee beans are dried in the sun or in special drying cabinets.

In the sun, coffee beans can dry from 15 to 20 days, and they need to be turned over every 20 minutes so that they do not start to rot. In drying cabinets, this process is faster.

The most important thing during drying is to prevent overdrying of coffee beans when they are already losing their presentation and nutritional value.

After all this technological chain of preparation, the grains are packed in bags and sent to the consumer, where they are already being further processed.

Composition of coffee

Coffee beans contain some essential nutrients. First, they are a rich source of antioxidants.

In addition, coffee contains:

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin);

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid);

Vitamin B1 (thiamine);

Vitamin B3 (niacin);

Vitamin B9 (folic acid);

Minerals: manganese, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Although in terms of 1 cup of 240 grams, this amount nutrients makes up only a few percent (from 1 to 3 percent, with the exception of vitamin B2 - 11 percent and vitamin B5 - 6 percent), their content in quantitative terms may not seem so significant. But if you consider that many of us drink more than one cup of the drink during the day, then you get a decent dose.

Yes, and antioxidants play a certain role. useful role, which many people get from coffee, and not from vegetables or fruits.

As for the calorie content of coffee, it is a low-calorie drink. Of course, its calorie content fully depends on the other ingredients present in the drink. The calorie content of natural coffee made from ground beans without the addition of sugar, milk and other components is only 1-2 calories per 100 grams.

What is useful coffee

Coffee has long been an attribute of the image of a business person, firmly taking its place in his diet. I must say that it is not unreasonable: the caffeine contained in it has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, thereby increasing efficiency and removing drowsiness and lethargy.

However, along with the recognition of undoubted benefits, probably not a single soft drink not subjected to so many attacks against him. Some of them are justified, some not so much, but it is worth understanding in more detail all the pros and cons of this fragrant drink.

The main controversy is what is contained in coffee. Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychotropic substance. its effect on the human body and the impact on health have been studied quite well. But coffee does not consist of caffeine alone, but has a more complex composition consisting of various substances. and there is no complete certainty that it is caffeine that is the main “enemy” of human health.

But still, let's dwell on the sufficiently researched and scientifically proven benefits and harms of coffee. Here is a short list of the well-known health benefits of coffee.

Coffee improves physical performance. Namely, to wake up in the morning or when you need to work until late at night, many of us drink black coffee. Drink a cup of black coffee about an hour before your workout to boost your workout's physical performance. Coffee increases the level of adrenaline, which makes us feel invigorated.

Coffee will help you lose weight. Coffee contains potassium and magnesium, which help the body produce insulin, which regulates blood sugar levels and reduces cravings for snacks.

In addition, coffee speeds up the metabolism, which will be useful for those who want to lose weight.

Coffee helps burn fat. Caffeine helps break down fat and use it for energy production.

Coffee helps you focus and stay focused.

Coffee reduces the risk of death. Studies have shown that the risk of premature death is 25 percent lower in those who drink coffee daily.

Coffee reduces the risk oncological diseases. The substances contained in coffee have anticarcinogenic properties, as a result of which they can reduce the risk of oncology.

Coffee reduces the risk of strokes. Studies at Harvard University showed that those who drank 2 or more cups of coffee a day had a reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular disease. True, for the most part it is useful for women, not for men.

Coffee protects the brain. Given the effect on the nervous system, it reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Studies have shown that coffee increases brain activity.

High blood levels of caffeine reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and the risk of developing age-related dementia.

Coffee protects the body from the adverse effects of harmful substances. In reasonable quantities, this drink has a beneficial effect on a number of organs: lungs, kidneys, gallbladder. It reduces the risk of developing asthma, gallstones, kidney stones, and also prevents diabetes.

Increases pressure. About the property of coffee to increase arterial pressure probably everyone knows. In this regard, it is extremely useful for people suffering from hypotension.

Coffee improves mood, helps fight depression. Given that this drink contains a decent amount of serotonin, coffee can be called a good antidepressant. Coffee increases the production of neurotransmitters.

Coffee is good for the liver and may reduce the risk of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

Harm coffee

What is the danger of coffee and under what conditions is it better to avoid it? As you can see, this drink has something to justify itself: the list of useful properties is simply stunning. However, it has no less harmful properties, however, as it should be noted, many of them are tied to excessive consumption and the quality of coffee itself. It is also worth considering that scientists are still arguing over some of the qualities of this drink, without coming to a final opinion. Here is a list of potential harm to the human body.

Coffee Bad quality may be toxic. Poor quality coffee can contain many impurities that can cause headache, poor health and even lead to diseases. This can happen if the coffee is made from beans whose integrity has been damaged for some reason or they are affected by rot and more. Even one such bean can ruin coffee.

Excessive coffee consumption can lead to death. True, for this you need to drink 80-100 cups, which is about 23 liters. The lethal amount of caffeine for humans is 13 grams. True, until an overdose of caffeine occurs, even earlier you will be tormented by vomiting and nausea.

Coffee can cause insomnia. With excessive use, it causes overexcitation of the nervous system, which can come back to haunt you with a headache, a feeling of overwork, inexplicable anxiety, etc. Also, in this case, it can lead to insomnia. That's why maximum amount caffeine during the day should not exceed 400 milligrams, which is equal to 4 cups (240 ml each) of the drink.

During pregnancy, you should not drink more than one cup of coffee. Although research data on the effect of coffee on the fetus is contradictory, it is better to limit the use of the drink during such a period or completely eliminate it.

This drink should be avoided while breastfeeding as it can lead to anxiety in the baby.

Limit your coffee intake if you have high cholesterol. Coffee beans contain two compounds, coffeestol and caffeol, which raise cholesterol levels. These substances are found in many espresso and Turkish coffee.

Coffee is a good diuretic, but if abused, it can lead to dehydration. In children, it can lead to bedwetting.

As already mentioned, coffee can increase blood pressure. Therefore, it should be used with caution in people who have it initially elevated, and especially in people with hypertension.

As a result of the above, people suffering from problems with the cardiovascular system should also be treated with caution. The unequivocal harm of coffee for them has not been proven, but there is no data on its complete safety.

Coffee actively affects digestion, promoting the secretion of gastric juice, so it is not recommended to drink it for people with an ulcer or gastritis. It is especially harmful if you drink it on an empty stomach.

There is an opinion that coffee is addictive, and then addictive, but to date, scientists' data on this matter are extremely contradictory.

As you can see, coffee has both benefits and can be harmful to the body. Moreover, the benefits and harms are almost equal. Everything depends on the state of health.

If there are no contraindications to drinking this drink, then coffee can prevent a number of serious diseases. And of course, it all depends on the amount of coffee you drink. Studies have shown that it is useful to drink from 1 to 6 cups. And the best option is 4 cups a day.

Learn more about the benefits of coffee in this video.

It's hard to overestimate how popular coffee has become. Many people just don't realize good start days without a cup of this fragrant invigorating drink. Someone likes to cook it in a Turk, someone bought an expensive coffee machine, others prefer to drink instant drink. Now you can find coffee of various varieties and degrees of roasting. In coffee shops, you can easily find coffee with syrup, ice cream or spices, cream or milk. Have you ever wondered if drinking coffee is bad or good?

Is drinking coffee good or bad? There are many myths around this topic. We tried to figure out where the truth is, and where only unsubstantiated conjectures. Let's first understand all the advantages and disadvantages of coffee. Let's just clarify that we use proven scientific data and the results of the latest research. But the opinions of scientists are quite contradictory. Some believe that the benefits of coffee are a strong argument for drinking it in moderation (3-4 cups a day). Others believe that the harm from coffee covers all of it. beneficial features. It was previously believed that coffee can negatively affect the body due to the high dose of caffeine it contains. It was even believed that it can provoke the development of cancer of the intestines and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Now these arguments have moved into the section of myths. Latest Research of how coffee affects the body, only its benefits have been confirmed. Coffee is especially useful for the digestive tract, in particular the intestines. It normalizes peristalsis. Also, coffee can speed up the metabolism. Thanks to this ability, under the influence of coffee, the intestinal mucosa and other organs are updated.

It should also be borne in mind that the reaction to coffee in each person can be individual. For some, this drink only benefits, and for some it can even provoke the development allergic reactions. Why such a contradictory reaction? This is due to the fact that coffee contains great amount active substances. It's about a thousand different components. Of course, our body can perceive them differently. A lot depends on the strength of the coffee, the degree of roasting, freshness. Until now, most of the components that make up coffee have not been studied.

Health benefits of coffee

The health benefits of coffee are undeniable:

  1. Since these fragrant grains contain caffeine, coffee can have a stimulating effect on the psyche and nervous system. Caffeine is a powerful alkaloid. It is he who to a greater extent affects both the benefits of this drink and its harm. The beneficial properties of caffeine are that it is an excellent stimulant of cardiac activity and the nervous system. It is its action due to the fact that after a cup of coffee we feel a surge of energy. This is a great and proven way to increase productivity. A cup of high-quality, properly brewed coffee can charge you with energy and good mood for the whole day. Caffeine raises blood pressure, so you need to make sure that it enters your body in moderate doses. For hypotensive patients, a cup of coffee can be a real salvation from low blood pressure. But for hypertensive patients, drinking this drink is extremely undesirable, as it can provoke even higher pressure.
  2. Caffeine improves brain activity, namely, improves memory and attention.
  3. Increases performance.
  4. Fragrant grains help to avoid type 2 diabetes. What does this have to do with amazing property? The fact is that coffee contains a unique combination of caffeic, chlorogenic acid and caffeine. All these substances interfere with the accumulation of amyloid protein. But it is the amyloid protein that leads to the appearance of the second type of diabetes mellitus.
  5. It is the prevention of the development of incurable Parkinson's disease. Surprisingly, scientists have found a link between moderate coffee consumption and the prevention of Parkinson's disease. Those members of the experimental group who regularly drank several cups of coffee a day, practically did not suffer from this terrible disease. It was found that coffee can have a beneficial effect on the state of the brain and central nervous system. But a caffeine-free drink does not have such an effect. In fact, decaffeinated coffee loses most of the health benefits of this magical drink.
  6. It is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, stroke. This effect is explained by the fact that coffee is able to expand the lumen of the vessels of the heart and brain.
  7. Improves secretion in the stomach. Caffeine and other components of coffee effectively stimulate the process of juice secretion in the stomach, increasing acidity. This property can be used by those patients who have been diagnosed with gastritis with low acidity. Coffee will help increase it and improve the process of digesting food.
  8. Helps fight depression. The antidepressant properties of coffee are especially good in women. Of course, a drink alone will not cure clinical depression, but this popular drink can be used for prevention and to combat mild depression and blues.
  9. May prevent the development of cirrhosis of the liver. These data were provided by American scientists. They found that coffee can prevent the development of cirrhosis in patients who abuse alcohol. But most likely this effect no longer associated with caffeine. Something else comes into play here. active substance. So far, there is no exact information about him.

What is harmful coffee

Is coffee bad for health? We have listed the main beneficial properties of coffee, which have long been proven from a scientific point of view. But we should also not forget that coffee can harm our body. The most common cause is excessive coffee consumption. We are talking about exceeding the recommended dose of coffee (3-4 cups per day). It is also important to remember that there are people who are prone to individual intolerance to those components that make up coffee, primarily caffeine. So, what can harm coffee.

  1. Sometimes it can provoke tachycardia and insomnia. This effect is observed in people prone to increased excitability. In them, by nature, the processes of excitation in the central nervous system predominate over the processes of inhibition. Coffee is not able to cause such an effect. He can only make it worse.
  2. Coffee is contraindicated in hypertensive patients, especially in large doses. The immoderate use of a fragrant drink for a person prone to high blood pressure is fraught with a deterioration in his general condition. In the worst case, even a hypertensive crisis can begin. Therefore, people who are prone to high blood pressure can occasionally drink only a cup of strong coffee. At the same time, you need to listen to how your body reacts to the drink.
  3. May raise cholesterol levels. This effect is associated with the action in the composition of coffee of a substance such as cafestol. It was found that its level in coffee from coffee makers is somewhat lower. It is assumed that cafestol is filtered through special paper filters that are used in coffee makers. A low content of cafestol in instant coffee has also been found. It is important to remember that cholesterol can be the culprit in the development of cardiovascular diseases. A direct link has been established between high cholesterol levels and the development of such dangerous pathologies as myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, and atherosclerosis.
  4. May be somewhat addictive. Do not classify coffee as a drug. Oddly enough, but there is such an opinion. It is related to the substance caffeine. It, as we have already mentioned, is an alkaloid. Therefore, there was an opinion that coffee is addictive and even addictive. This is not entirely true. People who drink a lot of coffee and do it regularly can really feel overwhelmed and lifeless without it. Without their favorite cup of coffee, they become drowsy, lose their mood, and even get a headache. But this, of course, is not the addiction that is observed in drug addicts. Therefore, experts advise not to abruptly give up coffee. If you decide to take a break and replace your usual coffee with another drink, give it up gradually. Lower your caffeine dose every day. Make your coffee less strong, drink less. This way you will avoid the so-called withdrawal syndrome.
  5. May increase the acidity of gastric juice. It is well established that the components contained in coffee are able to increase the secretion of gastric juice and increase its acidity. If for people with low acidity, this is a useful property, then for those who have high acidity, this drink is contraindicated. If there is no aggravation, then sometimes you can afford a cup of this magical drink, but not on an empty stomach. If you drink it after eating moderate amounts, there will be no harm. But those who have been diagnosed with a stomach ulcer should not drink coffee.
  6. High calorie counts. By itself, coffee has virtually no calories. A cup of black instant coffee without sugar contains only two calories. But it is worth adding sugar, milk, cream or honey, and the calorie content of the drink will increase hundreds of times. If you are obese or just have extra pounds, then it is better to drink coffee without such high-calorie supplements. It may not be as tasty, but you will be provided with only the beneficial properties of the drink. In extreme cases, you can add a little sugar.
  7. Negatively affects pregnant women. Doctors have long noted that the components of coffee negatively affect the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. This is primarily due to the fact that caffeine is able to stimulate blood circulation and increase vascular tone. For pregnant women, this is very undesirable, since caffeine can provoke an increase in pressure. It negatively affects the placenta and can even increase the tone of the uterus. Of course, this effect will not be after one cup of weak coffee. With a strong desire, you can still afford to drink a cup of weak coffee at least occasionally. In this case, you should listen to how the body reacts to it. You also need to remember that caffeine is able to pass the placental barrier. This means that the baby's tiny body will be exposed to its powerful stimulating effect. The result is the following - during pregnancy it is better to refuse any kind and type of coffee.
  8. Powerful diuretic action. Coffee is able to remove fluid from the body. On the one hand, this positive effect- so you can get rid of extra pounds. On the other hand, the rapid elimination of fluid can lead to dangerous dehydration. Therefore, coffee lovers need to drink plenty of fluids. This will keep the body from dehydration.
  9. Affects the central nervous system, thereby stimulating it. This can provoke increased excitability, insomnia, panic attacks. But to get this effect, you need to drink a lot of coffee.
  10. Able to flush calcium from the body. This damages the bones and teeth. Other trace elements may also leach out. This negative impact is also very dangerous for the pregnant woman and the unborn child.
  11. Causes darkening of tooth enamel. It has long been established that tea and coffee stain the enamel of the teeth in an unsightly yellowish tint. This is due to the fact that these drinks contain a large amount of coloring substances. This is also why coffee stains are so hard to get out of clothes. Especially quickly tooth enamel turns yellow from strong coffee. Also, do not drink coffee with ice cream. In this case, the teeth will suffer from a strong temperature difference. That's why you shouldn't combine hot coffee and cold ice cream.
  12. Reducing the size of the breast. This is the most unexpected negative effect of coffee. Scientists recently found that frequent drinking of strong coffee can reduce breast size in women. This can be a strong argument for women to reduce their daily dose of caffeine.

Some interesting facts about instant coffee

Here are some important facts that you will need to know about this popular drink.

  1. Instant coffee is of significantly lower quality. We are used to instant coffee. It was invented not too long ago. Few people know that due to pre-heat treatment instant coffee almost completely loses its aroma and significantly deteriorates its taste. To restore them, manufacturers add flavorings and taste enhancers. Although it is much more convenient to simply pour boiling water over instant coffee than to brew insoluble coffee, it is better to give preference to the latter.
  2. Remember that manufacturers often add dyes, antioxidants, stabilizers, flavors to instant coffee. If there are no such additives in coffee, it is called organic.
  3. Instant coffee has the same positive and negative qualities that of the grain variant. But they are not so pronounced.
  4. The technological process of growing coffee is almost always associated with the use of pesticides. After the coffee is extracted, they can easily end up in the finished instant coffee. In this case, they will definitely be in a cup with a ready drink. Therefore, try to buy coffee from large trusted manufacturers. They value their reputation and try to use high quality raw materials.

green coffee

Recently, the popularity of green coffee has been growing. What does he represent? Why is it called green? What properties does it have? This type of coffee is increasingly appearing on store shelves. It is believed that it helps to get rid of extra pounds and remove toxins from the body. In fact, green coffee is just unroasted beans. regular coffee. Previously, it was considered unprocessed raw material and was not commercially available. Now it is being bought more and more. It is generally accepted that green coffee has more pronounced antioxidant and stimulant properties. During roasting, indeed, some of the beneficial substances of coffee are destroyed, so roasted coffee loses a little of its beneficial qualities. But in green coffee, all useful substances are stored in maximum concentration. However, often in the production of green coffee some of the useful qualities were lost. Despite the fact that this coffee is not roasted, it is still affected high temperatures. And if we are talking about the production of powder or granulated coffee, then it is also affected by high pressure. A lot of useful components are preserved in freeze-dried coffee. At the same time, a decoction of grains is made, then it is frozen and dried in a vacuum.

Is it true that green coffee contains significantly less caffeine? This green coffee is supposedly very different from roasted coffee. Actually, this is a myth. Caffeine belongs to the group of alkaloids. Heat treatment practically does not affect its condition and concentration. Roasted coffee will have as much caffeine as green coffee.

Green coffee does not have the usual aroma and taste. This encourages manufacturers to resort to some tricks. Often other substances are added to green coffee. This is how green coffee drinks are made. Most often, manufacturers simply add fruit flavors and call their product a fruit drink.

Is it possible to reduce the harmful effects of coffee

As you can see, despite all the benefits, coffee has and negative influence. Can it be reduced? Of course you can. To do this, you need to use such simple secrets.

  1. To avoid insomnia, do not drink coffee right before bed. It should be drunk no later than three hours before you go to bed.
  2. You high blood pressure, nervous excitability? There is a solution - drink coffee without caffeine. It is caffeine that is responsible for the stimulation of blood vessels and the central nervous system. But don't even get carried away with decaffeinated coffee. It contains many other substances that are also stimulants.
  3. To reduce the level of cafestol in coffee, use regular paper filters in your coffee machine. They significantly prevent cafestol from getting into the brewed coffee. Recall that scientists consider cafestol to be the substance that causes an increase in blood cholesterol, develops a tendency to atherosclerosis and can provoke cardiovascular pathologies. Also, do not abuse instant coffee, it contains cafestol in high quantities.
  4. Do you have diabetes? This does not mean that you need to give up coffee completely. Just don't add sugar to it. Don't make the drink too strong. Drink 1-2 cups a day.
  5. Do you suffer from high acidity of the gastric juice or have you been diagnosed with hyperacid gastritis? Just don't drink too strong coffee. Dilute it with milk or cream. Also, do not drink this drink on an empty stomach. Remember that an increase in acidity is dangerous because it can provoke the development peptic ulcer. But after eating coffee will not affect your acidity.
  6. Do you have a tendency to extra pounds? Just don't add cream, honey, syrup, ice cream, too much sugar or milk to your coffee. By itself, coffee has only two calories. But all sorts of additives to it increase the calorie content of the drink hundreds of times.
  7. There is an easy way to insure yourself against dehydration. You just need to drink a glass of clean water regularly.
  8. During pregnancy, it is better to completely refuse coffee. If you just can't do it, you can only afford a couple of cups of weak coffee a month. Be sure to add milk or cream to it.
  9. To prevent vitamins and trace elements from being washed out of the body, consume more dairy products. Your diet should be as varied and complete as possible.
  10. Bean coffee is more useful than instant coffee. In soluble, all kinds of flavor additives. Give preference to coffee beans. It is better to buy packages with the inscription "Eco". This means that farmers did not add when growing this product pesticides and other chemicals.

Decaffeinated coffee: pros and cons

As we have seen most negative properties coffee is due to the presence of caffeine in it. It turns out that in order for this drink to bring only benefits, it is enough to exclude this component from it? Decaffeinated coffee really sells and has its fans. But is it really that safe? How useful is it?

We have studied in detail how decaffeinated coffee is made. Forced to upset his supporters. This type of coffee is not at all as healthy and safe as we think. For that. To get a caffeine-free product, this substance is literally washed out of the coffee powder. For this, special chemicals are used. Moreover, this process is repeated several times, since it is not so easy to get rid of such a stable alkaloid. The result is a product of dubious quality, in which, nevertheless, a certain part of the caffeine is present. But during this technological process easily lost from coffee aroma oils, useful minerals etc.

So what is more in coffee: good or bad

So, let's find out exactly what is more in our favorite invigorating drink! Is it more helpful than harmful, or vice versa? In fact, as the results of scientific studies show, a lot depends on the dose of coffee that we are used to receiving. Scientists have found that 2-3 cups of strong coffee a day are relatively safe. If you do not exceed this amount, you most likely will not encounter its negative manifestations. With such an amount of a drunk drink, you will only cheer up, fill your body with energy, improve metabolism, get a stimulating effect on the central nervous system, brain, cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract. If the dose is exceeded, then the negative effect of coffee on the body will increase. In addition, people with hypersensitivity to the components of this drink eat. They should choose a safe dosage individually.

The tolerance of the drink is also influenced by genetic predisposition and general health. It is undesirable to drink a lot of coffee for people who:

  • easily excited;
  • too nervous;
  • overly emotional;
  • suffer from diseases of the adrenal glands;
  • suffer from insomnia;
  • experiencing strong physical exertion;
  • suffer from various chronic diseases.

In this case, it is better to refuse coffee altogether.

A few tips on that. How to reduce the harm from coffee:

  1. It is important to be able to listen to your body. It will tell you how specific coffee is good or bad for your body. Can't you imagine starting your day without a cup of coffee? Have no idea how to do without it throughout the day? Nothing stimulates you but this magical drink? These are the first signals that it is time for you to stop drinking coffee. You have symptoms caffeine addiction. Your body ceases to adequately perceive its components.
  2. Let's say you don't have chronic diseases and caffeine addiction. But still, it’s better not to drink coffee every day! Give your body the opportunity to work fully without such powerful doping. Scientists have established the optimal and safest amount of coffee to drink - one mug a couple of times a week.
  3. It is better to drink coffee without sugar, cream, honey, milk and other additives. Most useful option- insoluble black coffee of medium strength. Remember that the harmful properties of the drink appear only when we begin to use it regularly. To benefit from coffee, drink it infrequently, a couple of times a week. That way you won't get used to it.
  4. Buy only quality coffee. It is better if it is in grains. Cook it yourself at home. You can choose organic coffee beans. It may be a little more expensive, but no pesticides were used in its cultivation.
  5. Buy less coffee in coffee shops. It's expensive, and they often use low-quality, cheap coffee. But all kinds of additives are extremely harmful to the figure and can provoke the appearance of extra pounds.
  6. If you realize that you have become addicted to coffee, do not give it up immediately, gradually. This will help you avoid negative consequences from the so-called cancellation effect. Be prepared for the fact that your general condition may worsen, weakness, irritability, headache, mild depression will appear. These are, of course, unpleasant symptoms, but they will soon pass. To support your body, drink more pure water or still mineral water. You can drink some rose hips, green tea, mint infusion.

The result we got is this - coffee can bring both benefit and harm. The main thing - do not abuse this drink! In reasonable quantities, it will really be useful for your body.

Text: Irina Ligostaeva

Discussions about the dangers and benefits of coffee have been going on since the very times when it entered the human diet. Coffee came to Europe in the 17th century and immediately came to court. Arab merchants discovered its grains in Ethiopia as early as the 14th century and appreciated its tonic and stimulating properties.

Numerous studies tell us about the dangers and benefits of coffee. The eyes of doctors and cosmetologists are turned to them, because today a person strives to be not only healthy, but also beautiful. And from a favorite habit - cups fragrant coffee in the morning, not everyone is ready to refuse.

Benefits of coffee for health

The caffeine contained in coffee is a stimulant that speeds up blood circulation in the cerebral cortex, increases efficiency, concentration, reaction speed and physical endurance, and also improves mood. Coffee, like chocolate, is responsible for the production of the hormone of joy (serotonin), so this drink can be a good remedy from depression. If we talk about the benefits and harms of coffee, then of course, doctors insist that this drink should not be abused so as not to harm health.

It is believed that it is not coffee itself that is harmful to the body, but the caffeine contained in it. But not everyone knows that coffee also contains 30 more organic acids that a person needs. For example, to get a quarter of the required norm per day, vitamin P, it is enough to drink one cup of coffee. Scientists have also proven that coffee has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system of the body, increases efficiency, speed and efficiency in performing tasks. After all, coffee stimulates blood flow to the brain, due to which the productivity of the human brain increases by almost 10%. Also, the scientific community in the course of research on the harmful and beneficial properties of coffee revealed that this drink activates the intestines, and can be a mild laxative for people with difficult digestion of food.

According to research from the University of Madrid and the Harvard School of Public Health, filtered coffee, known to us as "American", does not pose a risk of cardiovascular disease. That's why coffee beans, prepared in a coffee maker, you can drink without worrying about the dangers of coffee, and only benefit from its invigorating properties. So, for example, scientists have noticed that coffee reduces muscle pain during sports, and it is advised to drink two cups before an intense workout.

Harmful properties of coffee for health

Those who like to drink coffee in large numbers and especially connoisseurs different drinks made from coffee beans, should be aware not only of the benefits of coffee, but also of the harm that this product can cause to health. Espresso and other types of coffee made in this way, when steam is forced through the coffee powder, or it is poured with water and boiled, lead to the release of chemicals such as coffeestrol and caffeol. They are present in coffee beans and, when released, increase blood cholesterol levels, which can lead to heart disease.

It is also worth knowing that coffee contains benzene. The concentration of this harmful resin increases with strong roasting of the grains. Therefore, if you want to reduce the harm from drinking coffee, and take only the beneficial properties from your favorite drink, you need to choose beans of a smaller roast. According to studies, people who drink more than 6 cups of coffee a day have a 70% increased risk of cardiovascular disease. People with high blood pressure should not abuse the amount of coffee. After all, this drink increases it even more, and you can feel a headache and malaise.

In general, any product is useful in moderation. So coffee, in moderate doses, is beneficial, but in large doses it can also be harmful. It has been proven that coffee in excessive amounts leads to nervousness and irritability. Scientists have also noticed that people who are used to drinking coffee daily fall into physical addiction From him. Refusing or limiting their coffee intake may cause them to experience headaches, drowsiness, irritability, or nausea. Also, drinking coffee leads to poor absorption of substances important for the body: calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamins B1 and B6.

Useful properties of coffee for beauty

If we consider the harm and benefits of coffee from the point of view of beauty, then the first thing that comes to mind is the benefits of green coffee for weight loss, as well as a wonderful coffee scrub, which has a beneficial effect on the skin. Scrub can be obtained independently by taking processed coffee from the compartment in the coffee machine. Such a body scrub, if applied, for example, in a Turkish wet bath, or applied to steamed skin in the bath, gives the effect of smoothness and hydration of the skin. The texture of the skin becomes perfectly smooth, soft and silky.

Coffee contains pinoleic acid, which just restores skin elasticity, preventing aging. Therefore, cosmetologists actively use the beneficial properties of coffee in SPA procedures. Also, procedures using coffee remove toxins from the body and promote the breakdown of fats, therefore, cosmetic products containing caffeine are recognized as an effective tool in the fight against cellulite. According to studies, coffee protects teeth from caries, as strange as it may sound. After all, there is an opinion that coffee harms the color of enamel, and this is true, but as a means of combating caries, coffee carries rather favor. Since this drink kills bacteria in the mouth, causing caries.

Harmful properties of coffee for beauty

If the beneficial properties of coffee are used in cosmetology and are beneficial, then drinking coffee as a drink, on the contrary, is harmful. beautiful color face and leads to aging. This conclusion was reached by cosmetologists, thanks to numerous studies. In their opinion, coffee, like a hot drink, provokes vasodilation, which adversely affects the thin sensitive skin of the face. Caffeine consumption in excess leads to a dull complexion and even rosacea.

Also, do not forget about the warnings of dentists. Daily coffee consumption can affect the whiteness of tooth enamel. A yellowish plaque can form on the teeth, and then it will simply be impossible to do without whitening. Therefore, for those who strive to have a snow-white smile, it is better to limit coffee. But of course, the degree of coffee damage to enamel color is as individual as the individual benefit. cosmetics for the body based on caffeine.

Despite the possible harm from drinking coffee, there are still benefits. Coffee is a type of antioxidant that protects the cells of the body from harmful effects external environment. In the stressful rhythm of the metropolis of coffee - indispensable product to maintain the tone and performance of a person. But, of course, do not forget about side effects with the abuse of this drink.

Many have heard about the benefits of coffee, but not everyone knows exactly what it is. Pampering yourself with this hot drink in the morning has become a tradition in our country, but it's always nice to realize that the habit is not only tasty, but also healthy, isn't it? Let's try to figure out whether drinking coffee is good for the body, and also find out how often doctors recommend indulging in this fragrant remedy.

To drink or not to drink - that is the question

Some indulge themselves daily with one or more cups of drink, others believe that only one small cup in the morning is allowed. Someone adheres to even more strict rules: just one cup a week. There are also people who are firmly convinced that coffee is harmful, so they deleted it from their menu forever. There is a stereotype about the danger to the body from coffee, although such statements still do not stop real coffee lovers.

It is believed that coffee gives energy and helps to wake up at the beginning of a new day. But this is not its only important feature. For example, doctors have established that it is coffee - effective remedy prevention of a wide range of pathologies. Thinking about whether it is useful to drink coffee, scientists from Harvard. Their tests have clearly shown that up to three cups of the drink, eaten daily, can reduce the risk of diabetes. However, even more tangible protection is provided by the daily use of six cups, but this is not suitable for everyone.

What else will it protect you from?

The beneficial properties of coffee in terms of protection against dangerous pathologies extend to other diseases that frighten many. It has been scientifically proven that regular consumption of the drink helps to reduce the likelihood of developing Parkinson's disease by 80%. At the same time, the risk of malignant oncological pathologies is reduced by a quarter. In relation to breast cancer, studies have shown that regular consumption of a reasonable amount of coffee reduces the risk to a woman by 40%.

It's time to make an effort

Coffee is good for health if you are going to have intensive training, where you need to give your best. It is recommended to drink a cup of aromatic drink before visiting the gym or even morning exercises. At the same time, the concentration of endorphins in the body grows in just a couple of minutes, which has a positive effect on mood, energizes, and is ready to train to the best of one’s ability and ability, and even a little better.

Sophisticated and invigorating

It is useful to drink coffee to give your body the strength to fight pathological and inflammatory processes. This is due increased concentration antioxidants in the drink. Once in the body, such components help improve the condition of the joints and effectively remove toxins from organic tissues (which, by the way, can provoke malignant neoplasms). Antioxidants can block the activity of free radicals, which means they prevent weight gain. People whose diet is rich in antioxidants feel better and look healthier.

It's good to live long

Researching whether coffee is good for health, scientists have found that those who indulge in this drink live longer than those who choose abstinence. Presumably, this is due to the increased concentration of antioxidants and their beneficial effect on various systems of the human body. It has been proven that regular consumption of several cups of the drink prevents spontaneous snacking, which, in combination with support physical activity allows you to keep yourself in perfect shape for many years.

By the way, one of the main scourges of our time is the general tendency to smoke, which significantly reduces life expectancy and provokes dangerous diseases. Effective Method giving up nicotine - replacing it with coffee. At the same time, it is not only possible to overcome a bad habit, but also to acquire a useful one instead, which positively affects the state of health and the multiplicity of years to be lived. Is coffee good for you? In the context of such data - of course, yes!

Coffee - smart choice

Investigating how coffee is useful, scientists drew attention to the activity of the drink in relation to brain structures. In simple words it can be expressed as follows: coffee stimulates thinking. This is due to the main component for which we love hot drinks so much - caffeine. It is a natural stimulant, the most prevalent psychoactive compound these days.

When drinking a drink, adenosine, which is responsible for the inhibition of nerve impulses, is inhibited. This leads to the development of stronger connections between brain neurons, and also stimulates the production of some other types of neurotransmitters. In total, this influence gives a stimulating effect. That is, why coffee is useful: along with an increase in mood, the drink has a positive effect on the brain and, with regular use, allows you to cope with a variety of emotional and mental difficulties. At the same time, cognitive abilities are activated. Based on clinical studies, doctors reliably state that regular coffee consumption can increase problem-solving abilities and improve mental activity.

Drink and liver

How useful is coffee for this organ? As special studies have shown, caffeine is an effective component that stimulates the biochemical processes of regulation of liver activity. If you constantly drink reasonable amounts of the drink, you can reduce the likelihood of not only cancer, but also cirrhosis, the failure of the body to function.

Drinking coffee reduces the likelihood of developing cirrhosis against the background of frequent ingestion of alcoholic beverages. Surprisingly, other caffeinated products (black tea, green tea) do not show a similar effect.

And no gout!

This disease is very difficult to tolerate, as it is accompanied by an ongoing pain syndrome. IN former time it was believed that it was characteristic only of older people, but medical statistics are relentless: like many other health problems, gout is rapidly getting younger. Negative impact pathology leads to a deterioration in the condition of the joints and can completely deprive a person of the opportunity to move normally.

As special studies have shown on the question of whether coffee is useful, with regular, within reasonable limits, eating this drink, the chance of developing gout decreases, and with an already diagnosed disease, the symptoms soften, the pain subsides. This is explained by antioxidants that weaken the concentration of uric acid, insulin, which provoke pathology.

What to choose?

IN Lately seen on the market huge variety product, so the question of which coffee is healthier becomes relevant. In addition to the classic, green is actively promoted to the broad masses, which should help to lose weight, treat all kinds of diseases. A number of studies prove that it really works: green coffee is good for you. At the same time, the specific taste of the drink gives joy to a few. The mechanism of influence on human body Green coffee has a slightly different flavor than regular coffee.

At the same time, one should not expect that green grains will work wonders: after all, this is only a product, and not a full-fledged medicine, a panacea for all diseases. If there are problems with overweight It is worth trying to use this particular drink in order to check its effectiveness in a particular case. Perhaps there will be no effect, but there will definitely not be any harm.

Fried grains: what's inside?

You can understand why coffee is useful if you take its composition apart, find out what is in the grains and what is not. For example, it was possible to determine that the product is rich in potassium, protein structures, nicotinic acid, dietary fiber. True, when using up to two tablespoons of crushed grains per cup, the concentration will be small enough to have a serious effect on the body. If you drink up to three cups a day, the situation improves.

In addition, coffee beans contain aromatic compounds - more than seven dozen varieties useful for humans. They are formed at the time when the raw product is fried, following the technology. The most important are water-soluble elements that provide peculiar taste drink. In addition to the well-known caffeine, grains contain sugar, phenols, minerals, organic acid compounds, dextrin.

Caffeine: how does it work?

Coffee in the morning is useful primarily because of this compound, in one cup it contains up to 135 mg (daily maximum dosage is one gram). Once in the body, the compound stimulates the central nervous system, motor activity, increases both physical and mental performance, and also reduces fatigue and eliminates the tendency to sleep.

Under the influence of caffeine, it becomes easier to perceive information, at the same time, cardiac activity is activated, the frequency of contractions increases, and the energy of impulses increases. Caffeine increases blood pressure, heat production, urine output, and gastric activity. The tool has a pronounced stimulating effect, which explains the morning vivacity after a cup of hot drink. But why only in the morning? You can safely drink coffee during the day if you need an instant charge of vivacity.

Suitable but not for everyone

These effects have a positive effect on a healthy person, but for some groups of people suffering from pathologies, coffee is not recommended or even categorically contraindicated. First of all, a ban is imposed on a strong black drink. It should not be drunk when:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased pressure;
  • sleep disorders;
  • diseases of the digestive tract.

You can encounter unpleasant phenomena even in the absence of any diseases if you drink too much coffee. As the great doctors of antiquity said, in small quantities, poison heals, and most beneficial substance, being used in immoderate amounts, can kill. This extends to coffee as well. You should not drink more than five cups of the drink a day, it is not recommended to drink it six hours before the planned bedtime. You should refrain from anything that contains caffeine if a person suffers from a general weakness of the body, accompanied by increased irritability.

  • a reasonable number of cups of drink daily;
  • drinking either coffee or other caffeinated foods;
  • grain drink is healthier than instant drink.

What to replace?

If a cup of coffee instead of the desired cheerfulness and good mood provokes stomach pains, high blood pressure or other problems, you should refuse the drink. You can replace it natural cocoa, dark chocolate. If fatigue is tormenting, and coffee is not at hand, it is recommended to use green tea as an alternative.

Do not indulge in coffee during the period of gestation and breastfeeding. The drink should not be drunk by children under five years of age. It is not recommended to use it for asthenia, overexcitability. It should be realized: all people are individual. The reaction of the body to coffee in a particular person may differ significantly from that which will be observed in his relatives and friends. You can sometimes replace coffee with carbonated drinks containing caffeine. The use of such products is strictly limited, it is unacceptable to use them every day. You can also have caffeinated energy candies on hand, but these should also be consumed within reason.

Stress and rest

According to studies by Korean scientists, regular consumption of reasonable amounts of a hot drink helps to reduce stress levels and make life calmer. This is due to the adjustment of the protein concentration in the brain tissues, which has a positive effect on the state of the body as a whole. Normally, a positive effect is observed after a couple of cups a day. But an excess of caffeine leads to the opposite effect.

However, not everything is so obvious. As scientists have proven, just one cup of coffee has a strong effect on some, and the pressure is already rising, the heartbeat is quickening, and it will be impossible to sleep at night. Others may drink quite large volumes and not notice a significant difference. Someone suffers from heartburn, while others get it under the influence of coffee. To know the reaction of your body, you need to try it once - guesswork, unfortunately, cannot establish the real state of affairs.

An invigorating morning drink is an integral part of the life of a modern person. Without it, many cannot gather, concentrate, or even wake up. But is coffee really that safe? Many myths have been created about the use of this drink: they say that it can cause a heart attack and stroke, cause cancer, affect the appearance excess weight. What is the scientific basis for these claims? What is the harm of coffee can get our body? Let's try to figure it out.

A cup of coffee in the morning: cheerfulness, which is replaced by decline

How did a person come up with the idea to start drinking coffee? The legend says that one shepherd noticed that when his goats chew berries and leaves from one bush, then they cheerfully run through the meadow and cannot sleep at night, although there seemed to be no reason for this. So the tonic properties of coffee were discovered. But initially, not a drink was prepared from it, but food: ground grains were fried with cheese or cottage cheese, and then rolled into balls and eaten.

Its tonic properties are associated with high content caffeine. Caffeine is a psychostimulant. It has a stimulating effect on the nervous system, but only for a while. Half an hour of cheerfulness can be replaced by lethargy, apathy and irritability.

And if you practice “coffee ceremonies” in the morning too often, you can end up with chronic fatigue syndrome and even depression. With regular and uncontrolled use of this drink, a person can fall into a state akin to addiction. The lack of a morning “dose” can bring real discomfort to a person. And since the body gets used to caffeine and stops responding to it, a person, trying to achieve the same effect, drinks the drink more and more often.

The secret is that caffeine does not bring energy from outside. It forces the body to use up the reserves that it puts aside "for emergencies." After 3-6 hours, vivacity and concentration are replaced by apathy and lethargy. If an employee drank a lot of coffee in the early morning in the office, then by lunchtime he becomes completely disabled. Therefore, the extraordinary performance of a caffeinated person is nothing more than an illusion.

The harm from drinking coffee is that it reduces overall performance. Yes, he is able to unnaturally increase energy by a short time. But in general, the performance will be less. Therefore, it cannot be used uncontrollably and unlimitedly.

So, the harm of black coffee, proven by scientists, can cause the rejection of this drink, because:

  • a short-term burst of energy from drinking a cup of coffee entails a general decrease in working capacity,
  • under the influence of caffeine, the body enters a state of stress, in which digestion worsens,
  • coffee can cause addiction and withdrawal syndrome (something like “withdrawal”).

Moreover, the consequences of drinking coffee can be disorders of the cardiovascular system, oncology and imbalance of fluid in the body.

Coffee causes uncontrolled contraction of the walls of blood vessels. For a weak cardiovascular system, this can cause serious health problems. Single use drink can increase blood pressure by 10 mmHg. There is an age and a state in which even this figure can have a decisive effect.

International organizations involved in oncology research, classified caffeine as a group 3 carcinogen . This means that theoretically the substance is capable of provoking the development of tumor cells. When roasted, the chemical compound acrylamide is formed in the beans. This is a carcinogen. How stronger degree roasting, the more acrylamide is produced in the resulting product. Therefore, in the United States, where the population is addicted to coffee much more than in our country, this drink is considered the most destructive source of acrylamide.

The harm of coffee in the processes of maintaining water balance in the body is a scientifically proven fact.

Because it is a fairly strong diuretic, a substance that helps to remove fluid from the body. Of course, in some situations, such drugs are prescribed specifically, in order to activate the circulation of fluid in the body. But in summer heat or in a hot room, this effect of caffeine becomes harmful. Its diuretic effect is worth considering. After all, such a drink will not replenish the balance of the liquid. Quenching your thirst with a cup of an invigorating drink is just an illusion. Coffee can cause dehydration. And the lack of fluid in the body provokes serious disorders. This phenomenon provokes the drying of the mucous membranes, and as a result, the decline of local immunity. That is, the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and oral cavity cease to retain microbes. The most striking manifestation of this is the increase in the frequency of viral infections. The risk of catching a cold, getting sick with conjunctivitis or stomatitis increases significantly. Drying of the mucous membranes can provoke bad breath, dry eyes, and discomfort when swallowing.

The diuretic effect of coffee can have a critical impact on the health of the elderly. But the effect of coffee on the musculoskeletal system is more dangerous. The drink promotes the leaching of calcium from the bones. And in old age, the skeleton is very fragile. For the same reason, the drink is not recommended for children and adolescents during the period of active bone formation. Pregnant women who actively spend calcium on laying the baby's skeleton should also refrain from it.

An invigorating drink also affects the digestive process.. It provokes the release of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. It is designed to digest food. If it is produced uncontrollably and at the wrong time, then a person may experience digestive problems: bloating, flatulence, gastritis, ulcers and heartburn.

Also coffee can act as a laxative . More precisely, it speeds up the process of moving food from the stomach to the intestines, even if it is not fully digested. This interferes with the absorption of nutrients.

So, what harm does coffee bring to the human body as a whole? Here are some facts that make you think:

  • coffee can raise blood pressure and cause heart problems,
  • a person who often includes it in the diet is at risk of high blood cholesterol,
  • coffee is included in the list of substances that can have a carcinogenic effect,
  • has a diuretic effect, which can cause a violation of the water balance in the body,
  • fluid deficiency can lead to a decline in local immunity, cause frequent colds, and lead to problems with the mucous membranes,
  • coffee leaches calcium from bones and can cause osteoporosis,
  • coffee negatively affects the digestive process.

Soluble and decaffeinated coffee: harm to health

So the main active substance invigorating drink - caffeine. And most of the negative effects are associated with it. Therefore, among coffee lovers who decided to do away with addiction, so common is the decaffeinated variety of coffee.

The history of the discovery of this species is also connected with the legend. One of the merchants transported coffee beans on a ship for subsequent sale. During the journey, sea water flooded the cargo. After the wet bags were dried, and the grains were crushed and tried to brew, it turned out that pleasant taste the drink was preserved, and its invigorating property came to naught.

Now it is decaffeinated on purpose. But keep in mind that caffeine does not completely disappear from the drink. It just becomes much smaller.

A typical example: a person drinks 5 cups a day and is worried that it might harm him. So he switches to a decaffeinated drink. As a result, he now drinks 15 cups a day and still gets the same dose of caffeine. Therefore, decaffeinated coffee is not a panacea. He is able to have all the same negative effects, only in a reduced form.

Another type of drink is instant coffee. The way to get it is the following. From ordinary grains, a highly concentrated drink is brewed, which is then dried to obtain a powder or granules. These granules are easier to transport, they are cheaper and are able to retain their aroma longer. But for the preparation of the soluble variety, grains are usually used, low grades or poor quality. Therefore, raw materials for it are usually of much lower quality.

In addition, the invigorating effect of instant coffee is much weaker, if not lost at all.

The top layer of the grain contains caffeine, and the inner layer contains theobromine, says Dr. Alexei Kovalkovsky. - They act differently. Caffeine constricts blood vessels in the body and dilates the vessels of the kidneys, that is, it tones and has a diuretic effect. Theobromine does the opposite. There is always more theobromine in instant coffee because some of the caffeine is sent to the pharmaceutical industry. Truckers often drink instant coffee before the flight, and after 30 km from the city they start having accidents. There is a sleep effect.

It would seem that if there is no invigorating effect, then the harm of coffee should come to naught? This is wrong. Theobromine has almost all the negative effects of caffeine, except for those associated with a tonic effect.

Harm of coffee for women

A separate story is the effect of a tonic drug on the female body. It especially affects during pregnancy. As already mentioned, in this difficult period for the female body, coffee can greatly deplete calcium reserves in the body. But this substance is extremely necessary for the construction of a children's skeleton!

The tonic is able to cross the placenta. So, what other negative effects are observed by doctors if future mom abuses caffeinated drinks?

  1. The leaching of calcium from the mother's body.
  2. Increased heart rate in a child.
  3. Decreased blood circulation in the placenta. This may result in the development of the risk of anemia. As a result, the child receives less oxygen, which is necessary for the formation of all vital systems of the body, and especially the brain. Anemia can cause premature birth. And after them, the likelihood of infection increases with what?.
  4. Slowing the physical development of the fetus. The risk of having a child with underweight.
  5. Increased risk of having a baby with heart disease.

In addition, it is worth remembering that all the negative effects of coffee on the cardiovascular and urinary systems remain in force. But for a pregnant woman, the slightest increase in pressure or a lack of fluid in the body can have a fatal effect!

Harm of coffee for men

Coffee has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac since ancient times. It tones and excites, and this affects its positive effect on male potency. But to abuse such a means of increasing potency is also not worth it.

Harm of coffee for men is that it contains substances of plant origin, which are similar to female sex hormones - estrogen. Those, in turn, are able to suppress the production of testosterone.

Incidentally, in this respect natural drink less harmful than decaffeinated. Plant hormones from the drink will not be removed during decaffeination, and processed coffee, devoid of its invigorating properties, provokes a man to drink more. Therefore, by receiving less caffeine, a man receives much more substances related to estrogen.

As men age, they become more susceptible cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the tonic effect of coffee can affect their body in a fatal way. Fragile vessel walls may not withstand the tonic effect.

How to give up coffee?

People who have decided to overcome the dependence on a tonic drink admit that coffee is not cigarettes. You can break this habit gradually. You can start small, but do not forget about the main goal.

  1. Stop cheering yourself up with a hot drink, at least on weekends. 'Cause these days you don't need increased efficiency and active energy. Unhealthy vigor after a cup of coffee can interfere with healthy rest or good sleep.
  2. Replace coffee with tea. Tea also contains caffeine, and it can also have an invigorating effect. But here the tonic substance contains much less. Gradually, you need to move to mineral water, juices and compotes. After all, tea is not a panacea. And it contains harmful substances, and it can also have a diuretic effect.
  3. Start a new awakening ritual for yourself. If you are an experienced coffee drinker, then most likely you have noticed that you are used to caffeine, and it is no longer able to exert its invigorating effect on you. Perhaps you wake up just from drinking a mug of something hot. Let it be a warm compote, broth or just water.
  4. Try to get enough sleep. Often the cause of poor health is not in the refusal of coffee, but in chronic lack of sleep. Get in the habit of going to bed early. And in the morning, try to take time to exercise or jog. It wakes up better than an artificial psychostimulant.

So, there are a lot of myths around "coffee lovers". Most of them turn out to be true. It ambiguously affects the nervous system, can cause deviations in the work of the cardiovascular system. Coffee is contraindicated for pregnant women and elderly people. It can cause disturbance gastrointestinal tract. Scientists put it in a number of carcinogenic substances. This drink can cause a violation of the water balance in the body, and, as a result, lead to frequent colds, problems with mucous membranes and a general decrease in local immunity. But most importantly, with regular abuse of this drink, he completely loses his invigorating properties. All that a person can get with his uncontrolled consumption is forms of addiction and withdrawal syndrome (“breaking”). Therefore, it is better to replace this artificial source of vigor with more healthy alternatives: full sleep, morning exercises or jogging and healthy drinks such as mineral water.
