
Decaffeinated coffee. The dangers and benefits of decaffeinated coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks of our time. But not everyone can afford to use it in its traditional form, so manufacturers have begun to produce an alternative version - without caffeine. Although at present harm and benefit are highly controversial issues. Let's try to figure this out.

How the product is made

Decaffeinated coffee beans, as well as instant coffee, are obtained using the process of decaffeination - that is, the removal of this substance from coffee fruits. This procedure is carried out in different ways, but the most popular can be called "European". To do this, the coffee beans are dipped for some time in hot, but not boiling water, after which it is drained, and the caffeine is removed in a special solution. Most often, methylene chloride or ethyl acetate is used as a solvent. Then the grains are poured with boiling water, rinsed and dried. In this case, the product may lose some of its useful properties, but the cost of this method is the lowest.

Even after 12-fold processing of the grains, it is still impossible to completely remove caffeine from them - the percentage of this substance in the final result will be from 1 to 3. The taste will differ from the traditional drink for the worse, because a small part of the solvent will remain in the grains. Sometimes compressed gas is used to remove caffeine from coffee fruits. But it is believed that the drink obtained in this way contains substances harmful to human health, therefore this method is used infrequently.

"Caffeine free" trees

There is a decaffeinated product that produces a product by so-called natural decaffeination. These are the fruits of trees of special varieties - Coffeaarabica (Arabian coffee) and Coffeacharrieriana (Cameroonian coffee), which, due to gene mutations, contain theobromine instead of caffeine. They are native to Brazil and were discovered in 2004. The drink, which is made from their fruits, received the same name - Coffeaarabica.

In the future, it is possible to cross such trees with others, the fruits of which contain caffeine, to develop new varieties of coffee.

swiss way

At the end of the twentieth century, the so-called "water" method was developed in Switzerland. The use of solvents in this case is not required. The method consists in the fact that coffee beans are dipped for a certain time in very warm water, which removes caffeine from them, as well as aromatic oils. Then the liquid is drained, and the tool is used, which determines the uniqueness of this method - a charcoal filter. Water is passed through it, as a result of which caffeine is neutralized, and aromatic oils remain.

Others are lowered into the resulting liquid, after which caffeine is removed from them while preserving the oils. The result is a drink without caffeine, but with a wonderful taste and aroma. This method is higher at cost, but you can overpay for excellent taste.

Decaffeinated Drink Brands

It is found on the world market without caffeine, as well as an instant drink. You can buy them in almost any grocery supermarket, but true connoisseurs of elite varieties are better off going to specialized departments. The most popular are "GrandosExpress", "GrandosExtraMocha", as well as the well-known brand of decaffeinated coffee - "Aromatico". These products are produced in countries such as Germany, Switzerland, USA and Colombia.

The dangers of decaffeinated coffee

There is an opinion that decaffeinated coffee beans are practically harmless. But this is not entirely true - the decaffeination of the product occurs with the help of chemical means, so in the end the drink will be freed from the harm of caffeine, but endowed with a "bouquet" of other substances that have a detrimental effect on the human body. Therefore, the true harms and benefits of decaffeinated coffee deserve special attention.

The danger of frequent use of the product may be as follows:

  • Increased intraocular pressure, which increases the likelihood of developing glaucoma.
  • Increased production of gastric juice, which leads to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Dehydration of the body. The drink is a natural diuretic, so in order to protect yourself from urinary tract diseases, after drinking one cup of coffee, add one glass of water to your daily intake.

  • The leaching of calcium from the bones of the body. True, this problem is solvable. It is recommended to take vitamins and eat foods that contain this element, such as cottage cheese, eggs, milk, cream, nuts.
  • Provoking the growth of cancer cells. This point has not yet been proven by scientists, but there are several confirmations of this hypothesis.
  • The development of dependence leads to increased fatigue, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy, and in severe cases, to depression.

Of course, if you drink 1-2 cups of coffee a day, the listed points will not affect you, but excessive consumption of the drink will not lead to anything good. Therefore, in order to neutralize the harm, and the benefits of decaffeinated coffee were maximum for your body, it is advisable to observe the measure and not get carried away with this product.

Benefits of decaffeinated coffee

This drink can also have a positive effect on the body of an adult. are as follows:

  • Improving physical and mental performance.
  • Increasing stress tolerance.
  • Reducing the risk of developing type II diabetes. This is due to the fact that when drinking a drink, the brain begins to better absorb glucose.
  • Reducing the likelihood of gout, particularly in men. But for this you need to drink 4-5 cups a day.

  • Improved digestion. Drinking coffee after a meal will help your body absorb it better.
  • Reducing the risk of prostate cancer by 20%. Moreover, this item is performed regardless of the caffeine content in the drink.
  • Improvement of reproductive function in men. It is believed that the product is able to increase the activity of spermatozoa.
  • The beneficial properties of coffee for pregnant women deserve special attention.

Drink benefits for pregnant women

Expectant mothers should avoid caffeinated drinks. But decaffeinated coffee for pregnant women will even be useful. There are studies confirming that the use of this product reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. But, of course, you should not drink coffee in excessive amounts because of this - 2-3 cups a day will be enough.

Ultimately, whether or not to drink a drink is up to you. But it should be remembered that in large doses any medicine will become a poison, and vice versa. If you drink 1-2 cups of the drink a day, you can get a lot of positive emotions, while minimizing harm. And the benefits of decaffeinated coffee will be quite significant for your body.

For many espresso drinkers, decaffeinated instant coffee is not a drink at all, but it does have its fans. For example, those who, for health reasons, are forced to give up caffeine, and do not have the opportunity to brew good ground coffee. The drink does not have a stimulating effect, but it retains the taste and smell of coffee. How is decaffeinated instant coffee made? Is it worth it to drink? How to choose a good decaffeinated coffee from the stores?

How is decaffeinated instant coffee made?

Caffeine is removed at the initial stage of preparation of instant coffee. There are three methods used by manufacturers.

  1. Filling with hot water (Swiss method). Unroasted green coffee is poured with hot water (not boiling water) and allowed to cool, while various substances, including caffeine, pass into the water. The coffee beans are taken out, and the water with all components is filtered using a carbon filter that collects caffeine and allows aromatic substances to pass through. Next, the water with aromatic oils, from which the caffeine was removed, is heated, and the grains are poured into it again. The filtration is repeated 5-6 times to remove 99.9% of the caffeine. With this method of processing, the caffeine in the beans decreases each time, and the amount of aromatic oils does not change, and as a result, decaffeinated coffee is obtained with the preservation of smell and taste. This is the most expensive processing method, but such decaffeinated coffee is as similar to regular coffee as possible, and at the same time it is completely safe for health.
  2. Treatment with carbon dioxide. The grains are doused with steam and placed in a container, where a highly compressed, high-temperature gas is supplied, which in this state turns into a solvent. Coffee is aged for several hours, then the pressure is turned off, carbon dioxide escapes, and the released caffeine is removed by filters. There is no taste of gas in the grains, and the method allows you to remove only caffeine, and preserve the rest of the aromatic components.
  3. Treatment with methylene chloride or ethyl acetate The method used by unscrupulous manufacturers. The beans are either steamed or doused with hot water and placed for several hours in a solvent (usually ethyl acetate, but sometimes methylene chloride) that removes the caffeine. Only caffeine is washed out by the solvent, all other useful substances remain. The grains are then placed in clean water, which removes the solvent, but a small amount of the solvent remains in the grains, and it is not harmless to health.

With the help of various types of processing, various types of instant coffee are obtained:

  • Powder. Ground coffee is brewed for 3-5 hours, extract is obtained and dried.
  • Granulated. The same as with powder, but at the last stage, hot steam is poured over the powder, which causes the powder to stick together into grains.
  • Sublimated. The finished extract is frozen, as a result of which the water is removed, and the coffee sticks together into granules. This is the most expensive and most common way to produce instant coffee.

Drink this coffee in moderation: 5 cups of "instant decaffeinated coffee" can contain about as much caffeine as 1 cup of regular brewed coffee. At the same time, there is a minimum of useful substances, and there are definitely preservatives, flavors and stabilizers.

Instant decaffeinated coffee brands

Consider the 5 most common brands of decaffeinated instant coffee in Russia. Most manufacturers make such coffee sublimated; it is rather difficult to find powder or granulated coffee.

Freeze-dried coffee is made from a mixture of Arabica and Robusta. It has a slight sourness. Medium roast coffee, not very rich taste. The granules are dark, sometimes there is a sediment in the cup.

Price - from 280 to 330 rubles for a glass jar of 100 grams.

Freeze-dried coffee, produced in Switzerland from 100% Arabica. Mild taste, no bitter aftertaste. Intense taste, full preservation of aroma. One of the best options on the market.

The cost is 280-300 rubles for a glass jar of 95 grams.

Freeze-dried coffee, blend of Arabica and Robusta beans. Light granules, not sour, not bitter, dissolves well. The roast is medium, the smell is not too pronounced, the taste is similar to regular coffee, but with caramel and chocolate notes.

The cost of a glass jar of 95 grams is 300 rubles.

Sublimated coffee, with a slight bitterness and sourness. Roasting is quite strong, sediment in the cup is possible. The smell of the granules is more pronounced than that of brewed coffee. 100% Arabica.

The cost of a can of 95 grams is 230-270 rubles.

Sublimated coffee, 100% Arabica beans. There is some bitterness in the taste. The taste is bright, the coffee smell is strong. Dissolves without sediment. The granules are even, do not crumble.

The cost of a can of 95 grams is 400 rubles, which is more expensive than analogues.


  • Instant decaffeinated coffee always has caffeine, even 0.1%.
  • Decaffeinated coffee can be drunk with hypertension, ulcers and gastritis. Pregnant women are allowed only natural decaffeinated coffee; instant decaffeinated coffee should not be drunk, as it contains many chemical additives.
  • Choose only freeze-dried coffee. In our opinion and according to reviews on the Internet, the most similar in taste and smell to the usual custard - Ambassador Platinum Decaf and Carte Noire Decafeine.

What's your favorite decaffeinated instant coffee?

In the variety of coffee products, coffee stands separately, in which, according to the manufacturer, one of its most effective components, caffeine, is absent. This product often causes controversy and controversy among its fans. How is it obtained and is it harmful to health?

How decaffeinated coffee is made

As a result of numerous studies that have been and are still being conducted, it has been found that caffeine can negatively affect the well-being of a person, especially those suffering from hypertension. It was then that it became fashionable to drink decaffeinated coffee, which was characterized by good taste and absolute harmlessness to the human cardiovascular system.

The first batches of such coffee entered the US market at the very beginning of the 20th century. But only after active advertising, he gained wide popularity. How is decaffeinated coffee made today? There are several ways to extract the alkaloid, but the simplest is soaking. First, green beans are poured with hot water so that they swell and become softer. Next, the water is drained and a solvent is poured that binds caffeine, it is removed from the grain after the next washing. It is not yet possible to extract the alkaloid from the grain 100%. But caffeine in grains becomes less by 20 or more times.

At first glance, there is nothing dangerous in the process, except for the word solvent. This is where the most important moment of production lies. The solvent is ethyl acetate, which can be toxic to the body and cause liver problems. It is very difficult to completely remove the solvent from the grain, so some of it still remains in the finished product and can even worsen the taste of coffee.

The easiest way to reduce the effect of caffeine on the body is to add milk to a cup.

There is another way to get decaffeinated coffee - water. Its development has been carried out in the USA since 1976. The production technology involves only hot water and special filters that retain beneficial amino acids, resins and essential oils in the steamed grain, but allow caffeine to escape. The method is quite long and complicated, so expensive coffee beans are obtained at the output.

Even less alkaloid contains decaffeinated instant coffee. It is also made from grain that has already undergone special processing, but additional evaporation allows you to extract even more invigorating component from the finished product.

What are the features of a grain and ground product without an alkaloid? Its big plus is the absence of a pronounced stimulating effect on the human nervous and cardiovascular systems. Another reason to praise the product is its good taste and aroma, because it remains almost unchanged, therefore it is identical to natural. Of the minuses, one can single out the lack of a tonic effect and a possible extraneous aftertaste.

Natural decaffeinated coffees

As in many cases, nature provided for everything - in 1983, a type of coffee was discovered in Africa that does not contain caffeine, it was called Cameroon coffee or Charrier coffee (Coffea charrieriana), it got its name in honor of the French botanist and geneticist Andre Charrier ( André Charrier).

  • Despite the fact that Cameroonian coffee was first discovered in 1983 in a reserve west of Cameroon, it was not until 2008 that it was described.
  • It was recognized as one of the "Top 10 New Species Discovered" in 2008.
  • The plant grows in the form of a shrub about 1-1.5 meters high, the seeds are elliptical about 5 mm, grows on steep rocky slopes, in tropical rainforests.
  • A number of companies grow this species and are trying to actively promote this variety to world markets.

Work on the selection of varieties without caffeine

At the same time, Brazil has been breeding decaffeinated coffee varieties since 1987. The work is being carried out at the State University of Campinas in the state of Sao Paulo. The source material is coffee trees brought from Ethiopia.

The result of the work of scientists was three new species of the most popular variety in Brazil - Arabica, the species were named AC1, AC2 and AC3. According to scientists, coffee beans contain virtually no caffeine.

The important point is that scientists did not use genetic engineering, but achieved such results with the help of classical crossbreeding. Further work is aimed at fixing the properties of the species and transferring this feature to other types of Arabica.

Japanese scientists are also working in this area, they managed to reduce the caffeine content in grains by 70%. The varieties obtained by the Japanese produce within 4 years of grain, in which the caffeine content will be record low. The scientists were able to establish that three shutdown genes are responsible for the synthesis of caffeine, which allows you to stop the formation of caffeine in the grains.

So it is quite realistic that over time, decaffeinated coffee beans will be widely available on the market, obtained directly from coffee trees without the use of decaffeination technologies.

famous brands

High quality natural grain or ground coffee is made only from Arabica. It is Arabica varieties that contain less caffeine than Robusta or Liberica varieties. The best producers of this drink are Colombian, German and Swiss factories, as well as some of the American ones. In the photo below, the most popular product of the Decaf series in Russia.

One of the leaders in the CIS market

The most popular decaffeinated coffee brands are listed below:

  • Lavazza Dek Decaffeinato (Lavazza);
  • Green Mountain Coffee;
  • Cafe Altura;
  • Montana Coffee;
  • Nescafe Gold Decaf.

You can buy decafei decaffeinated coffee in beans, ground and instant. It is also packaged in capsules for special coffee machines. This product is popular at Starbucks and many other coffee shop chains.

Benefit and harm

Despite innovative methods for the production of decaffeinated coffee, it is not possible to completely remove the alkaloid from the grain. That is why in Europe and America standards have been developed for the content of caffeine in one serving of the drink. If regular ground coffee contains about 80 mg of caffeine, then ground decaffeinated coffee cannot contain more than 14 mg.

What are the benefits of decaffeinated coffee for humans?

  • Does not excite the human nervous system, does not cause aggression and insomnia.
  • It does not stimulate blood flow, which means it does not put a strain on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Does not increase blood pressure.
  • Does not increase the level of insulin and cholesterol in the blood.
  • Raises the mood at the level of smell.

A good decaffeinated product can be safely drunk by hypertensive patients. A nursing mother can afford it, it is not contraindicated for pregnant women, but in moderation and not every day. When breastfeeding, it is better to use it in between feedings, so that less of its components get into the baby's breast milk. But ideally, you should leave a cup of a fragrant drink for later, when the baby has already switched to independent nutrition.

Decaffeinated coffee can occasionally be drunk by a pregnant woman

A drink can be harmful only if it is of poor quality and with individual reactions of the body. Although some studies have shown that decaffeinated coffee may contribute to the production of bad cholesterol.

Whether decaffeinated coffee is beneficial or harmful, it continues to be consumed by a significant proportion of the world's population. It is especially popular in the United States, where it is used by teenagers, adults, and the elderly. This is a product for an amateur or for those who consider themselves coffee lovers, but for some reason are forced to refuse a product with a tonic component.

Can pregnant and lactating mothers drink?

During pregnancy, a woman has to give up many foods and drinks to which she is accustomed. This also applies to coffee.

Doctors warn: if you drink drinks containing caffeine, it can provoke premature birth or miscarriage.
If a woman cannot do without coffee, she will have to significantly reduce (to one or two cups a day) the amount of drink consumed, besides, it should not be strong.

The question arises: maybe then switch to decaffeinated coffee? This would be reasonable, however, according to experts, the benefits and 100% safety of such a drink for a future mother have not yet received scientific confirmation, so it’s better not to risk it.

When a nursing mother asks the doctors if she can continue to drink the decaffeinated coffee she was used to during pregnancy, she will most likely receive a negative answer.

Firstly, this product contains, albeit scanty, but still dangerous for the baby substance - caffeine.

Secondly, during the processing of coffee beans, chemicals were used, but what if not all of them were completely removed?

Better not risk it! This point of view is shared, by the way, by the pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky, well-known on television, whose opinion is listened to by many young mothers.

Few people know that in reality, ten cups of instant coffee from a pack marked "decaffeinated" contains the same amount of it as two cups of ordinary brewed coffee.

The share of decaffeinated product in the global coffee market today is already about 30%.

Many women, aware of the dangers of coffee during pregnancy, switch to decaffeinated products. Please note that the phrase “decaffeinated coffee” itself is not completely correct, because, albeit in small doses, the alkaloid is still present in every cup. If you can’t painlessly give up your usual favorite drink and there are no medical contraindications, just limit coffee consumption to 1-2 cups a day and do not make it too strong.

More recently, almost all mortal sins were attributed to coffee, accusing it of the ability to provoke many diseases - from stroke and cancer to diabetes and impotence. And only modern research has cleared his reputation, proving the opposite: moderate doses of coffee are good for health and have a positive effect on performance, intellectual activity and reaction time.

How nice it is to drink a mug of an invigorating drink in the early morning or after a hard day. Coffee helps restore energy, which is why it is so popular. However, many people cannot drink it due to cardiovascular disease. Now you can buy decaffeinated coffee, which is called decafinato or decaf for short, but it also has its own benefits and harms, so it’s better to consult a doctor before buying.

What is Decaffeinated Coffee

From ordinary harmless coffee differs only in the minimum content of caffeine. This component belongs to the group of alkaloids that can harm the body. In order for the hazardous substances to be removed, the beans must go through a decaffeination process. The taste and invigorating properties of the drink, for which it is so valued, remain unchanged.

How do they do

After research by scientists, it has been proven that the fruits of the coffee tree contain more than 400 aromatic substances. In order to perform the decaffeination technology, green, unroasted beans are first processed. After that, the components are placed in special solutions to remove caffeine. The process is repeated several dozen times until the desired concentration is reached.

It is possible to use low-caffeinated plant varieties so that extraction takes less time. Manufacturing companies use various methods to remove caffeine. The most effective are the following technologies:

  1. Straight. First, the grain is treated with hot steam for half an hour, after which ethyl acetate or dichloromethane is used for 10 hours. In order for the chemical reagent to be completely removed, it will take the same amount of time. The drink obtained in this way is safe because ethyl acetate is obtained from fruits.
  2. Indirect. The beans are placed in hot water for several hours, then removed and the caffeine is extracted with dichloromethane or ethyl acetate. In this case, the evaporation method is used to separate from the solvent. After several extraction cycles, the beans will be rid of the harmful substance, but retain their aroma and acidity.
  3. swiss water. In this method of removal, coffee beans are drenched in boiling water to release the caffeine. Water is driven through a special carbon filter, which retains unnecessary, but passes useful substances. The resulting solution is called green coffee extract. The filtration process should continue until the dose of caffeine drops to 1-2%.
  4. CO2 extraction. This technology uses carbon dioxide, which is in a special chamber under high pressure, reaching up to 300 atmospheres. Pre-grains are treated with steam, placed in a container with carbon dioxide for 10 hours. After depressurizing the tank, the CO2 is removed by evaporation and the caffeine can be removed by filtration.

Benefits and harms of decaffeinated coffee

It has been proven that decaffeinated coffee beans have a positive effect on the body of an adult, which is as follows:

  • the level of cholesterol in the blood decreases;
  • increases mental and physical performance;
  • the work of the digestive system improves (if there are no chronic diseases);
  • reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes;
  • there is a better absorption of glucose by the body;
  • reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

In addition, it is noted that this type of coffee has a diuretic effect, so it is well suited for the prevention of gout and prostate cancer in men. However, it should be borne in mind that all these positive properties are preserved only if a person drinks no more than 4 cups per day. A decaffeinated drink is very useful for pregnant women, it reduces the risk of miscarriage.

The product also has negative properties. The main harm lies in the fact that the production of the product requires exposure to various chemicals that adversely affect health. Excessive consumption of a caffeine-free beverage can lead to:

  • intraocular pressure will increase;
  • there is a risk of developing glaucoma;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract will occur;
  • dehydration will occur.


The main contraindication to drinking decaffeinated ground or instant coffee is children under 12 years of age, because the invigorating properties that adults value so much can harm a child's fragile nervous system. Be sure to consult a doctor for certain categories of patients with a diagnosis:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • lack of calcium;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • gastritis or stomach ulcer.

Decaffeinated coffee brands

There are several different types of decaffeinated drink available in stores now. The main varieties are ground and soluble. The rise in popularity of decaffeinated coffee has led many manufacturers to release such a product. Elite varieties from foreign companies are best purchased in specialized stores that sell such products.


Most manufacturers produce instant drink in sublimated form. There are some of the most popular brands:

Ambassador Platinum Decaf

  • characteristics - produced in Switzerland, the Arabica variety is used, which results in a pleasant mild taste that does not have bitterness;
  • pluses - pleasant aroma, invigorating effect;
  • cons - not found.

Jacobs Monarch Decaf

  • characteristics - country of manufacture Germany, made from Arabian Robusta and Arabica, has a caramel flavor with chocolate notes;
  • pluses - the taste is similar to ordinary instant coffee or chicory, it is cheap;
  • cons - not found.

Carte Noire Decafeine

  • characteristics - produced in Russia from Cameroonian Arabica beans. This is a sublimated drink;
  • pluses - it has a very bright coffee smell and taste;
  • cons - there is a slight bitterness, which is felt 2-3 minutes after drinking a cup.


A drink obtained by roasting and grinding grains must be boiled in a special Turk before use. According to coffee lovers, it is distinguished by a characteristic rich aroma and slightly bitter taste. The most popular varieties of ground coffee devoid of caffeine are:

  • characteristics - the country of origin is the Netherlands, the grains are brought from Latin America;
  • pluses - made using carbon dioxide extraction. Virtually indistinguishable from natural;
  • cons - not found.
  • characteristics - produced in Italy, a mixture of Cameroonian Robusta and Arabica was used in the creation;
  • pluses - it has excellent taste characteristics with a taste of chocolate;
  • cons - there is a slight bitterness.

Grandos Colombia

Many people start their morning with a cup of aromatic coffee. At the same time, a healthy lifestyle has been actively promoted lately, and probably everyone knows about the dangers of caffeine. Manufacturers found a way out: they began to produce a drink without caffeine. There are still many rumors about the dangers and benefits of natural coffee without caffeine. How harmful this drink is, and what is the use of it, we will consider further.

Useful information about caffeine

Caffeine is scientifically called a purine alkaloid. It is found in tea leaves, coffee beans, guarana, cocoa, mate, cola and other plants. The substance is a psychostimulant, having a stimulating effect on the nervous system.

Once in the human body, caffeine accelerates heart contractions and dilates blood vessels. Due to this effect, the substance is actively used in pharmaceuticals: it is used to create many medicines against migraines, headaches, and also as a stimulant for the heart muscle. Until now, all areas of influence of caffeine on the human body have not been studied, but it has been accurately proven that it has an effect on the central nervous system. The taste and aroma of coffee excites the mind, eliminates drowsiness and fatigue.

How is decaffeinated coffee made and what is decaffeination

Manufacturers obtain decaffeinated coffee through a special process called decaffeination. Its essence lies in the fact that caffeine is removed from coffee beans. There are several ways to do this, but the most common is the so-called "European" method. Grains are filled with hot water (but not boiling water). The water is drained, and the beans are placed in a special chemical solution that removes the caffeine from them. Usually either ethyl acetate or methylene chloride is used. After that, the grains are again poured with hot water, rinsed well and dried thoroughly. In the process of such decaffeination, grains lose many useful trace elements, but the “European” method is most often used because its cost is quite low.

There is another way of decaffeination that is produced naturally. The fruits of certain varieties of coffee trees contain theobromine instead of caffeine.

Even with the most careful removal of caffeine, some of it remains in the beans. Although the taste of coffee is preserved, it will still differ not for the better from the traditional drink.

The decaffeination process removes almost all of the caffeine from the beans.

Is there caffeine in instant coffee?

Instant coffee is a drink obtained from coffee beans, which are transformed into water-soluble granules with the help of technological processes. Coffee beans are roasted, crushed and treated with hot water. The resulting product can be dried in different ways, but as a result of each of them, coffee powder is obtained, which dissolves in boiling water.

Soluble granules are made from Robusta beans, which are known to contain more caffeine than Arabica. One cup of instant drink contains about 60-80 mg of caffeine. Some coffee bean manufacturers offer decaffeinated options.

Nutritional value and composition of decaffeinated coffee

Nutritional information for a decaffeinated drink (100 grams):

  • proteins: 0.1 gram (0 kcal);
  • fats: 0 grams (0 kcal);
  • carbohydrates: 2.8 grams (11 kcal).
  • ground coffee (100 grams) contains 194.8 kcal.

The amount of caffeine in a drink will determine whether the drink is decaffeinated. A drink with a caffeine content of less than 2.5% is considered as such. This means that the substance is still present, albeit in small quantities. Also, traces of chemical compounds that were used in the decaffeination process may remain in the grains after processing.

Norms of use per day

250 ml of decaffinate contains about 5.5 grams of caffeine. This is a very small amount, so it is believed that even 10 cups of such a drink will not be harmful to health. But this applies exclusively to caffeine, however, the composition of a decaffeinated drink contains chemicals and all kinds of additives, as well as natural acids, fats and sugar. If you drink a drink in large quantities, it can adversely affect the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

It is advisable to drink 3-4 cups a day, no more.

Popular decaffeinated coffee brands

Global manufacturers offer both ground and instant decaffeinated drink. Both types are freely available for sale, but if you want to purchase quality products, it is better to buy them in specialized stores.

Popular decaffeinated coffee brands:

  • "Grandos Express";
  • "Aromatico";
  • Grandos Extra Mocha.

Depending on the manufacturer, the caffeine-free product is produced in the USA, Germany, Switzerland, Colombia.

Well-known brands Nescafe, Jacobs Monarch, Lavazza offer caffeine-free versions of their products.

Beneficial features

Decaffeinated coffee is healthier than regular coffee

Advantages of decaffeinated coffee over regular coffee, and its benefits:

  • does not cause dependence on the use of the drink;
  • does not affect the central nervous system;
  • reduces the risk of liver disease;
  • recommended for people with diabetes;
  • reduces the risk of prostatitis and gout;
  • improves metabolism;
  • removes toxic contaminants from the body;
  • is a prophylactic against the occurrence of benign neoplasms.

Important! Decaffeinated coffee beans can lower blood pressure, so the drink is recommended for hypertensive patients. For those with low blood pressure, decaffinate is contraindicated.

Can this drink be harmful?

Many people think that decaf is completely harmless. Unfortunately, this is not a completely correct statement. Decaffeination occurs with the participation of not harmless chemicals, some of which remain in the grains. The caffeine content in the drink will be negligible, but there are plenty of harmful ingredients. What can happen when drinking a large amount of drink:

  • increased intraocular pressure;
  • an increased amount of gastric juice is produced, which leads to a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the body is dehydrated, so be sure to add a glass of water to the usual daily amount;
  • leaching of vitamins and microelements from the body;
  • the appearance of depression, depression, lethargy is possible.

Can pregnant women drink decaffeinated coffee?

Doctors do not recommend drinking regular coffee for pregnant women. But decaffinate for expectant mothers, on the contrary, will only benefit. Studies have been conducted, as a result of which it was proved that the use of decaffinate reduces the risk of miscarriages in the early stages.

On a note! Future mothers should observe the measure and not abuse the drink. 2-3 cups a day will be enough.

Caffeinated drinks are not recommended for children under 5 years of age. At this age, they should drink water, tea, compotes and juices. The most suitable age to get acquainted with the drink is 13-14 years old, when the child's psyche is already strong enough. However, doctors warn that it is still better to offer a teenager green or herbal tea.

Decaffeinated coffee can be drunk even during pregnancy

Recipes with decaffeinated coffee

Decaffinate is prepared in the same way as regular coffee. It is combined with cream, milk, ice cream, sugar. It is better to grind the grains immediately before use. There are a lot of ways to prepare a delicious drink, so everyone can choose the right taste.

Decaffinate with orange


  • ground decaffinate - 3 tsp;
  • 1 medium orange;
  • a few tablespoons of sugar;
  • cold water - 150 ml;
  • whipping cream (at least 35% fat).


  1. Pour coffee powder with cold water, put on a slow fire. After boiling, remove from the stove, wait a minute, then bring to a boil again, but do not boil.
  2. Grind orange zest on a fine grater. Put half a teaspoon of crushed zest into cups.
  3. Whip cream with sugar.
  4. Pour the drink into cups, top with whipped cream and orange slices.

Chocolate decaffinate


  • a few teaspoons of ground decaffinate;
  • 100 ml of cold water;
  • 10 grams of dark chocolate;
  • sugar.

How to make a drink with chocolate:

  1. Cook decofinate according to the standard recipe, adding sugar.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces, heat in a water bath. Stir to get a uniform viscous mass.
  3. Put the chocolate mass into warmed cups, pour the drink on top.
  4. You can add warmed cream. Serve with ice cream.

Decaffeinated coffee: reviews and comments

Yana, 27 years old: “When I was pregnant, I really wanted real strong coffee. My doctor advised me to drink a decaffeinated drink instead of my usual one. Saw "Jacobs", adding cream. It tasted almost the same as ground coffee. After giving birth, when I was breastfeeding, I also drank only it. ”

Ilya, 47 years old: “Because of heart problems, I was forbidden to drink coffee. At first I switched to chicory, but the taste is not the same. I tried decaffinate, and now I drink it regularly. It’s a whole tradition for me to brew coffee on the stove in the morning, and then slowly enjoy a cup of coffee.”

Maria, 37 years old: “I read a lot about the harm and benefits of decaffinate. I took up the study of information, because ordinary coffee provoked a strong heartbeat in me. I can’t stop drinking coffee, so I chose the decaffeinated option. I bought it at the Lavazza supermarket and was very pleased. I brew a drink in a coffee machine, the taste is excellent.

Everyone decides for himself what to choose: decofinate or regular coffee. If you do not abuse the drink, a couple of cups of decaffeinated coffee will not do harm, rather, on the contrary. You do not need to give up the pleasure of drinking a cup of aromatic drink, you just need to follow the measure so as not to harm your health.
