
Protein cake layers. Cakes with squirrels

- proteins 10 pcs.
- sugar 1 tbsp.
- walnuts peeled 300 g (I took hazelnuts)
- flour 3 tbsp.
- a pinch of salt a pinch of cinnamon

1. Beat the chilled proteins with a pinch of salt with a mixer into a strong foam.
2. Continuing to beat, gradually, one tablespoon at a time, add sugar.
3. Beat until a stable, shiny foam is formed that does not fall out of the bowl turned upside down.
4. Grind nuts in a blender into flour.
5. If the crumb is too large, pour it on a baking sheet lined with parchment and dry at 150 ° C for 10 minutes, then grind again.
6. Gradually add nut flour to the proteins together with flour, gently mixing silicone spatula down up.
7. Using a round shape with a diameter of 24 cm, draw 6 templates for the base for the cake on parchment with a soft simple pencil, placing them 3–4 cm apart so that future cakes do not interfere with each other during laying out the dough and baking.
8. Spread evenly in a thin layer in circles protein mass using a knife with a long blade or a confectionery metal spatula.
9. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 140-150 ° C until light brown, 18-20 minutes. 10. Then remove from the oven, if necessary, trim the edges with a knife and cool.

- milk 1 tbsp.
- sugar 3/4 tbsp.
-boiled condensed milk 1/4 tbsp.
-yolks 6-8 pcs.
- butter 200 g
- cherry vodka kirsch 2 tbsp (I took 1-2 tbsp cognac)
- vanilla sugar 3 tsp (I used some vanilla)
-pricot jam 2 tbsp. (or apple jam)

1. Mix 1/3 milk with sugar, yolks and vanilla sugar to homogeneity.
2. Bring the remaining milk to a boil over low heat in a heavy-bottomed saucepan.
3. Carefully introduce the cooked yolks into the boiling milk, stirring constantly with a whisk.
4. Bring to a boil again, remove from heat, cool and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
5. Beat the softened butter with boiled condensed milk, gradually introduce one tablespoon into the cream, add cherry vodka or liqueur and beat until smooth.
6. Cool down.

- white chocolate 200 g
- dark chocolate 50 g
- cream with a fat content of 33-35% 2 tbsp.
- almond flakes for sprinkling

1. Lubricate 5 cakes with chilled cream, and cover the sixth cake on top with a thin layer of jam heated in a water bath.
2. Melt white chocolate in a water bath, mix with cream until smooth, cover the cake on top of the jam while the chocolate is still hot.
3. Cool slightly. When the surface sets a little, melt dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, pour it into a pound rolled out of parchment, cut off the tip of the pound and draw a spiral of chocolate along the white top of the cake, working from the center to the edge.
4. Immediately run the tip of the knife in a spiral, working from the center to the edges of the cake.
5. Repeat the same action 8 times, dividing the cake into 8 segments.
6. Divide each segment again, but now move from the edge to the center.
7. You will have “feathers” on the cake. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with almond chips, slightly lifting and tilting it; place the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
8. Before serving, remove 10-15 minutes before serving. Bon appetit!

The airy tender mass is easy to prepare and can complement almost any sweet dish. Recipes protein cream do not require the presence a large number components, while it can be used as a filling or decoration of cakes, pastries. eclairs, tubules, jelly and even pancakes. Products filled with snow-white cream will decorate any festive table or diversify a regular dinner.

How to make protein cream

The mass contains a large number of granulated sugar, however, despite the fact that it is the main enemy beautiful figure, the component serves as an excellent preservative. Thanks to this, protein fillings stay fresh much longer than butter or other fillings. However, it is best to use the cream immediately before it loses its fullness. Rules for preparing proteins:

  1. Only chilled proteins are suitable for whipping (ideally, their temperature should be 2 degrees).
  2. Cooking utensils must be thoroughly washed and dried ( minimum content water or fats reduce the splendor of the dish by half). It is better to treat the bowl and beaters with boiling water.
  3. With manual whipping, sugar has time to dissolve without residue, and when using a mixer, you will save time and effort, but you will have to more closely monitor the protein mass (if sugar crystals remain in it, the cream will not be elastic).
  4. To avoid the problem described in the previous paragraph, it is better to take powdered sugar instead of granulated sugar, which should first be sieved.

With sugar

Raw protein cream is a great base for desserts. Cooks also call this filling the main one and use it to create meringues, marshmallows, and bake crispy cakes (for example, for Kyiv cake). As a layer of cakes, the protein mass is used extremely rarely, because under the weight of baking it loses its splendor and shape. Experienced chefs It is advised to beat egg whites not with sugar, which can then crunch on the teeth, but with powder. The first option is acceptable only if in the future the mass will be subjected to heat treatment (baked in meringue, etc.).

With syrup

Alternative way creating fillings for desserts - brewing protein mass on sugar syrup. Ease of preparation and delicate structure make this cream the best option for any confectionery. To create it, powdered sugar is poured into a small container, which is then poured with warm water; container is placed on medium fire.

The powder is boiled with constant stirring. When the syrup boils, small bubbles appear on the surface, which after a few minutes increase in size, take the liquid with a spoon and pour into cold water. If the syrup has frozen in a drop, but it is well rumpled with your fingers, it is ready. After it, gently pour it in a thin stream into the proteins whipped in a separate container.

Protein Cream Recipes

To cook delicious delicate cake, it needs to be lubricated big amount protein cream, which is easy to make yourself. Exist different variants recipes for protein impregnation, each of which has its own characteristics. Main types cream mass on egg whites:

  • custard;
  • raw;
  • protein-oil;
  • protein with gelatin.


  • Servings: 1 cake or 15 pastries.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 191 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: Italian.

Perfect fit protein- custard for decorating the cake and filling tubes or eclairs. It differs from other fillings in its delicate texture and very airy, light texture. It contains a minimum of fat, unlike oil or chocolate impregnation. In addition, the protein cream keeps its shape perfectly even when it stays out of the refrigerator for a day. The big advantage of such a base for desserts is that it is prepared from affordable and simple products.


  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • chicken proteins - 4 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice- 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. In a deep bowl, mix water and granulated sugar, after which the container is put on fire.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of 1 lemon, filtered through gauze.
  3. After boiling, the syrup is cooked for another 10 minutes, while it will become thicker and darker.
  4. Cold raw proteins should be beaten until persistent peaks appear.
  5. When the mixture takes on the form of a stable foam, you can begin to pour in a trickle of hot syrup, continuing to beat the proteins with a mixer.
  6. Without turning off the device, lemon juice is added to the components and sugar syrup.
  7. After that, the mixture is whipped for another 7-8 minutes until the mass becomes snow-white, fluffy, dense.
  8. Ready-made custard protein cream can be immediately placed in tubules / eclairs or used to decorate a cake, pastries.

Protein cream for eclairs

  • Cooking time: 25 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 eclairs.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 439 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Favorite by many delicious tender filling often used to fill eclairs. At the same time, in order for the dish to turn out successful, the consistency of the protein cream is important, since in case of unsuccessful preparation, it can flow out of the cakes. A dense mass consistency can be achieved if you follow the rules for its preparation. Below is a detailed description of the technology for preparing the filling with a photo. creamy taste.


  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • vanillin;
  • water - ½ st.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Chilled proteins need to be beaten with a mixer, in the process adding 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  2. When the mass becomes lush foam, the mixer can be switched off for a while.
  3. Put the sugar combined with water on the stove, stir constantly until the sugar dissolves. The readiness of the syrup is determined as follows: you need to drop a spoonful of liquid into cold water. If the syrup does not dissolve but curdles into small ball- he's ready.
  4. Pour the syrup into the whipped egg whites hot and little by little. In this case, the components should be whipped at low speeds of the mixer.
  5. After the device is turned on to the maximum and 1 tbsp is added to the mass. l. lemon juice.
  6. After 10 minutes of operation of the mixer, the dense foam should increase in volume, become even thicker.
  7. Add vanillin or other if desired. natural flavor. The filling for eclairs is ready.

For decorating a cake

  • Servings Per 1 Cake.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Ideal biscuit cakes- those that are lubricated with a large amount of protein cream. At the same time, it can be quickly made at home from improvised components: you just have to choose the right recipe from the many existing ones. The dessert will turn out to be much tastier and healthier than those presented on store shelves. Below is a description with a photo of how to cook delicious impregnation with an airy consistency for cakes.


  • sugar sand - 1 tbsp.;
  • egg whites - 3 pcs.;
  • salt, lemon juice.

Cooking method:

  1. The container for whipping the components and the whisks of the mixer must be perfectly clean and dry (it is better to take glass or metal utensils).
  2. Proteins are whipped to stable peaks. To speed up this process, the egg container is placed in cold water.
  3. After use water bath. To do this, take a large saucepan, into which some water is poured. Inside is placed a container with a protein mass. Without turning off the mixer, the contents of the bowl warm up on the stove.
  4. When the mixture begins to foam, it is removed from the oven. Protein product should continue to beat until completely cooled.
  5. When the mass reaches room temperature, sugar is added to it and beat for another 5 minutes. At the end, pour a little salt here and pour in lemon juice. If desired, the impregnation for the cake can be colored with food coloring.

Protein cream with gelatin

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings Per 1 Cake.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Cream of protein and sugar is suitable for decorating confectionery, filling tubules or eclairs. If you combine it with fruits or berries, you can get delicious product art. The texture of the mass comes out very lush and resistant due to the gelatin that is part of it. From the finished product you can make a cake or sweets " bird's milk”, waiting for the solidification of the mass. How to make a cream of eggs and sugar with gelatin?


  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • squirrels - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • water - 10 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Gelatin should be poured in advance boiled water and leave to swell.
  2. When the component increases in volume, it is heated without bringing to a boil, but only until the grains are completely dissolved.
  3. While the gelatin is cooling, beat the chilled chicken proteins with citric acid.
  4. Having achieved uniform consistency and splendor of the mass, gelatin must be drained into it with a thin stream. In this case, the mixer speed is minimal.
  5. After 5-7 minutes of whipping, you can start decorating the cake with protein cream.


  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 230 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.

As a rule, the protein-oil mass is used to decorate cakes, leveling their sides and top, as it holds its shape well and is easy to work with. The filling is also used to fill cupcakes, cakes and other desserts. At proper preparation the mass is tender, airy, and tastes like creamy ice cream. Below is a recipe for a protein cream at home with a photo.


  • butter - 0.3 kg;
  • egg whites - 6 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Butter should be cut into small cubes, allowed to melt slightly with room temperature.
  2. Proteins should be previously separated from the yolks, placed in a dry, clean bowl, beat until a thick, dense foam is formed.
  3. While whipping, add to the proteins in small portions powdered sugar and vanilla.
  4. After they begin to lay the butter, achieving perfect uniformity.


  • Cooking time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 226 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This filling is ideal for custard, puff or shortcrust pastry. If desired, the components can be supplemented with seasonal fruits, then you will get a very tasty, fresh fruit mass for filling or decorating pastries. If you use a gelatin type thickener, protein product will stop into a marshmallow or marshmallow. How to make dessert toppings?


  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg whites - 4 pcs.;
  • cream with a fat content of 30-35% - 1 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Proteins must be cooled, and only then whipped with a mixer / whisk.
  2. In the process of whipping, you need to add lemon juice to the component.
  3. When the mass becomes dense and voluminous, cream is poured into it a little bit.
  4. The filling is ready for use when perfect uniformity and high peak stability have been achieved.

With condensed milk

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 20 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 400 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Impregnation for baking with condensed milk has a delicate texture, an appetizing milky aroma and a sweet taste. rich taste. The product can be used both to decorate the top of pastries or cakes, and as a layer between cakes. Such a protein cream has a great advantage over others - it can be used not immediately after preparation, but stored for some time in the refrigerator.


  • water - 0.25 l;
  • gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • boiled condensed milk - 130 ml;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • butter - 0.3 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. The gelatin must first be soaked in water.
  2. Sugar is added to the swollen ingredient and the mixture is brought to a boil. After the container is rearranged in a water bath.
  3. Melted butter is whipped together with boiled condensed milk.
  4. Whisk egg whites separately.
  5. Without waiting for the mass of gelatin and sugar to cool, it is transferred to a container with eggs. A mixture with condensed milk is also sent here.
  6. After 5 minutes of operation of the mixer, the cream is ready for use.

Sour cream protein cream

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 15 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 210 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

It is important that all the products indicated in the recipe are fresh, and the eggs are also chilled, only then the mixture will turn out lush and will not settle. Any used appliances and utensils must be perfectly clean, fat-free, dry. In addition, it is very important to beat the components for at least 5 minutes, even if it seems to you that the peaks are already stable. When cooking, it is important that hot syrup did not boil much: remove the pan from the heat as soon as the sugar becomes light brown.


  • sugar - 0.2 kg;
  • squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream 25% - 0.25 l;
  • water - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour sugar into the pan, pour it with water. The syrup should be brought to a boil over medium heat and held for another 4-5 minutes.
  2. The protein part of the eggs is beaten until foamy, then boiling syrup is poured in here.
  3. After reducing the power of the mixer, the mixture is continued to beat for about 10 minutes, until the product becomes homogeneous and cools to room temperature. During this time, the meringue should double in size.
  4. Sour cream is whipped separately. Optionally, add a little citric acid or thickener.
  5. Meringue is added to sour cream in small portions and with a spatula protein blend mix thoroughly but gently.

With cocoa

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Original taste, delicate chocolate aroma and appetizing beautiful appearance - distinctive characteristics such a filling for baking. Depending on your individual preferences, cocoa powder in the recipe can be replaced with black, milk or white chocolate, which is pre-finely chopped (with a grater or knife) and added to other components.


  • vanillin - ½ pack;
  • squirrels - 4 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • cocoa - ½ tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. First, eggs are beaten with powder.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, cocoa is sent here (it is better to add 1 spoon each).
  3. Without stopping the mixer, vanillin is added to the rest of the products.
  4. After another 5 minutes, the protein filler for cakes / eclairs will be ready.

with jam

  • Cooking time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 10 pastries or 1 cake.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 210 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This recipe is more time consuming than the classic one, but the result will please you. finished product has not only an attractive appearance, but also a pleasant berry or fruity taste. You can add any jam or jam to the protein cream, while the component must be crushed in a blender or rubbed through a large sieve. The finished product is allowed to be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 36 hours.


  • granulated sugar - 90 g;
  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 1 tsp;
  • any jam - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the gelatin in advance a small amount water.
  2. When the mixture swells, place it on slow fire and heat until the gelatin dissolves.
  3. Heat the jam separately, rub through a sieve and dissolve the sugar in the product. Keep the components on the stove for 5-6 minutes so that they boil down.
  4. Send gelatin here, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  5. Beat the eggs until stiff peaks and add the jam mixture to them without stopping the beating. After 3-4 minutes, the protein filling for baking is ready.


Protein dough is prepared different ways from egg whites in a mixture with sugar and various aromatic substances, with and without flour, with and without heating. From churning, the dough is saturated with air bubbles, around which, during slow baking, the dough hardens, and a light fluffy product is formed.

Meringue Cakes

Ingredients for “Merengue cake” for 10 cakes weighing 50-55 g each:

  • protein mass from 1 cup of sugar and
  • 4 egg whites,
  • 1 teaspoon of starch (the necessary starch is usually omitted in published recipes),
  • 1 g vanilla sugar,
  • butter cream from 150 g of butter or cream from 1 glass of cream.

Preparing the Meringue Cake:

egg whites beat well, at the end of beating put vanilla sugar and gradually add sugar and starch. Put the resulting mass in a cornet or in a jigging bag and deposit on a baking sheet (you can also deposit with a spoon), lined with oiled paper, round or oval cakes the size of a chicken egg.

Bake cakes for 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 110-120°C. After baking and cooling, glue the cakes in pairs with cream.

Lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar through a fine sieve before baking, Meringues will get a beautiful shiny surface.
Meringues can be varied by adding 1/2 cup of roasted chopped nuts to the mass or mixing it with 1 tbsp. tablespoon sifted cocoa powder.

Cake “Meringue”

Ingredients for Meringue cake for 10 cakes weighing 40-50g each:

  • 1 glass of granulated sugar,
  • 6 egg whites,
  • 2 g vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 glass of water
  • 1/2 cup jam for filling

Preparation of "Meringue":

Sugar with water boil until the test on a soft ball. At the same time, beat the egg whites into a strong foam, at the end of the beating, add vanilla sugar and pour the sugar syrup into the egg white in a thin stream, then stir with a spoon for 1 minute.

To prevent meringue from hardening from the bottom during baking, it must be baked on boards heavily moistened with water and covered with paper. The mass must be put on paper with a spoon so that a beautiful scallop forms.

The meringue is dried on a board in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 90-100°C. When is formed hard crust, The meringue is removed from the paper with a knife and the bottom is dried a little more, and then paired with fruit filling.

Cookies “Lakomka”

Ingredients for cookies "Lakomka" for 650-700 g cookies:

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 cup flour
  • 2/3 cup almonds for batter
  • 3/4 cup almonds for finishing
  • 5 egg whites,
  • 2 g vanilla sugar
  • 34 cups of candied fruits.

Cooking cookies "Lakomka":

Beat egg whites until almost done, add about 1/3 of the sifted powdered sugar and continue beating until done. At the end of whipping, add vanilla sugar, chop fruits and almonds, mix with flour.

Mix the whipped mass with the fruit-almond mixture and the rest of the powdered sugar, and then deposit round or oval cakes from the cornet or spoon onto a greased and floured baking sheet.

Sprinkle the surface of the cakes with peeled chopped and slightly toasted almonds.

Bake cookies for 10-15 minutes at 150-170°C.

Cookies “Air candies”

Ingredients for cookies "Air candies" for 300 g cookies:

  • 1 glass of granulated sugar,
  • 5 egg whites,
  • 1 g vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 cup almonds or nuts for topping.

Cooking cookies "Air candies":

Beat egg whites, at the end of beating mix with granulated sugar and vanilla sugar.

The resulting mass is planted from the cornet on a greased and floured baking sheet in the form of various figures, which are sprinkled with roasted chopped almonds or nuts or tinted sugar, and dried at a temperature of 60-90 ° C.

Cookies “Air”

Ingredients for Air Cookies for 350 g cookies:

  • 1 glass of granulated sugar,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar
  • 1 st. flour spoon,
  • 6 egg whites,
  • 2 g vanilla sugar or zest from 1/2 lemon.

Cooking cookies "Air":

Beat egg whites almost until ready, add sugar and, stirring with a whisk, heat the mass to 40-45°C. Add powdered sugar, vanilla sugar or zest from 1/2 lemon and, stirring with a spatula, cool the mass to room temperature; then mix with flour and, through a serrated tube from a cornet or a jigging bag, deposit all kinds of figures on an oiled and floured sheet.

Before baking, put the cookies in a dry, warm place to form a thin crust; bake for 10-15 minutes at 130-150°C. Cookies after cooling, you can glue them in pairs with jam or cream.

Protein cookies “Nuts”

Ingredients for protein biscuits “Nuts” for 700 g of biscuits:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • 1.25 cups of granulated sugar,
  • 2 g vanilla sugar
  • 7 egg whites.


Beat the whites with a whisk for 2-3 minutes, add sugar and vanilla sugar and, stirring with a whisk, heat the mass until the sugar crystals disappear; stirring, cool, mix with sifted flour and from the cornet with holes of 1/2 cm, drop small round cookies the size of beans on a greased and floured baking sheet.

After 1-2 hours, when the crust of the cookies becomes slightly brittle, bake them for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 150-170°C.

This cookie can be made chocolate. To do this, add 50 g of sifted cocoa powder.

Pie with almonds

Ingredients for a pie weighing about 400 g:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup almonds
  • 8 egg whites
  • 1 g vanilla sugar.


Grind the almonds in an almond grater into fine grains. Cool egg whites well and beat into a stable foam. At the end of beating, gradually add half the sugar. Mix proteins with all other products.

Thickly grease with oil and sprinkle with flour or almonds a mold or a baking sheet, put the dough and bake for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 160-180°C.

Protein cake with jam

Ingredients for a cake weighing about 750 g:

  • protein mass of 4 proteins
  • 1 glass of granulated sugar,
  • 1 g vanilla sugar
  • 1 glass of jam.


Whip the egg whites into a strong foam, at the end of the beating put the vanilla sugar and gradually add the sugar.

The resulting mass is deposited from the cornet in the form of two round cakes 10 mm thick and baked at 110-120°C for 20-30 minutes.

After baking, remove the paper and layer the cakes with jam.

Cake “Meringue with butter cream”

Ingredients for a cake weighing about 900-1000 g:

  • 8 egg whites
  • 2 cups granulated sugar,
  • 2 g vanilla sugar
  • cream cream from 1 glass of cream.


Prepare protein powder. To do this, vigorously beat chilled fresh proteins with 2 g of vanilla sugar. At the end of whipping, gradually add 1 cup of sugar, mix the rest of the sugar with the proteins with a spoon.

Lubricate a flat form with oil, put 2/3 of this mass into it in a layer of 2-3 cm and bake for 20-30 minutes at 120 ° C.

With the help of a teaspoon, put the remaining mass in pieces on a greased and floured baking sheet, bake at the same temperature as the cake, and after cooling, arrange the small meringues with a wreath around the edges of the cake.

Fill the middle of the surface with buttercream.

Cake “Arctic”

Ingredients for the “Arctic” cake for a cake weighing about 650 g:

  • 1/2 cup flour biscuit
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 5 egg yolks;
  • meringues from 1 cup of granulated sugar,
  • 5 egg whites,
  • 1 g vanilla sugar;
  • cream from 1 glass of 35% cream,
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • filling from one glass of jam or jam;
  • 50 g chocolate for decoration.

Cooking cake "Arctic":

According to the recipe, biscuit - according to the recipe, cream - according to one of the recipes.

From biscuit mass Form a cake on paper with a diameter of 20-25 cm and bake it for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 200-210°C.

After baking and cooling, cover the cake with jam, put a layer of Meringues on the jam, and a layer of cream on the Meringues, then again a layer of Meringues; between the meringues, decorate with cream and chocolate tendrils.

Bon appetit!

Cake "Banana Delight".

- 1 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have fat-free)
- 200 gr. sour cream
- 4 bananas
- 4-5 tablespoons of sugar
- jam (optional)


Cooking biscuit. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. We separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the proteins into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one spoon at a time, add vanillin. By the time the sugar runs out, the protein mass should be white color and quite thick. Next, we begin to add the yolks, again one spoon at a time, without ceasing to beat. When all this is done, put the mixer aside and proceed to the flour. Add the flour to the resulting mass gradually, while stirring with a spoon from the bottom up. Then quickly pour the resulting dough into a greased form and put in a preheated oven. Bake ~25min. at 190-200 degrees. When the biscuit is cooking, you can not look into the oven! When the specified time has passed, turn off the oven and do not get the biscuit for another 5 minutes, again without looking.
The recipe must be strictly followed. Of course, you can cook a biscuit with baking powder (I used to do this), but when I tried this recipe, I realized that classic biscuit much tastier than the one made with baking powder.
While the cake is baking, let's get on with the filling. Cottage cheese thoroughly knead with a fork, add 150g. sour cream + 3-4 tbsp. sour cream, half a banana, beat. Cut bananas into slices.
Divide the biscuit into 3 parts. Pour each cake with jam (you can without it), lay out curd filling and place bananas on top.
Decorate the cake as you wish. You can beat 50g. sour cream with 1 tbsp. sugar, grease the top and edges with this. Lay bananas on the cake, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and sides.

0 0 0

Cake "Banana Delight"

- 1 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have fat-free)
- 200 gr. sour cream
- 4 bananas
- 4-5 tablespoons of sugar
- jam (optional)


Cooking biscuit. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. We separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the proteins into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one tablespoon at a time, add vanillin. By the time the sugar runs out, the protein mass should be white and quite thick. Next, we begin to add the yolks, again one spoon at a time, without ceasing to beat. When all this is done, put the mixer aside and proceed to the flour. Add the flour to the resulting mass gradually, while stirring with a spoon from the bottom up. Then quickly pour the resulting dough into a greased form and put in a preheated oven. Bake ~25min. at 190-200 degrees. When the biscuit is cooking, you can not look into the oven! When the specified time has passed, turn off the oven and do not get the biscuit for another 5 minutes, again without looking.
The recipe must be strictly followed. Of course, you can cook a biscuit with baking powder (I used to do this), but when I tried this recipe, I realized that the classic biscuit is many times tastier than the one prepared with baking powder.
While the cake is baking, let's get on with the filling. Cottage cheese thoroughly knead with a fork, add 150g. sour cream + 3-4 tbsp. sour cream, half a banana, beat. Cut bananas into slices.
Divide the biscuit into 3 parts. Pour jam over each cake (it is possible without it), put the curd filling, and put bananas on top.
Decorate the cake as you wish. You can beat 50g. sour cream with 1 tbsp. sugar, grease the top and edges with this. Lay bananas on the cake, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and sides.

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Cake "Banana Delight"

- 1 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have fat-free)
- 200 gr. sour cream
- 4 bananas
- 4-5 tablespoons of sugar
- jam (optional)


Cooking biscuit. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. We separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the proteins into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one tablespoon at a time, add vanillin. By the time the sugar runs out, the protein mass should be white and quite thick. Next, we begin to add the yolks, again one spoon at a time, without ceasing to beat. When all this is done, put the mixer aside and proceed to the flour. Add the flour to the resulting mass gradually, while stirring with a spoon from the bottom up. Then quickly pour the resulting dough into a greased form and put in a preheated oven. Bake ~25min. at 190-200 degrees. When the biscuit is cooking, you can not look into the oven! When the specified time has passed, turn off the oven and do not get the biscuit for another 5 minutes, again without looking.
The recipe must be strictly followed. Of course, you can cook a biscuit with baking powder (I used to do this), but when I tried this recipe, I realized that the classic biscuit is many times tastier than the one prepared with baking powder.
While the cake is baking, let's get on with the filling. Cottage cheese thoroughly knead with a fork, add 150g. sour cream + 3-4 tbsp. sour cream, half a banana, beat. Cut bananas into slices.
Divide the biscuit into 3 parts. Pour jam over each cake (it is possible without it), put the curd filling, and put bananas on top.
Decorate the cake as you wish. You can beat 50g. sour cream with 1 tbsp. sugar, grease the top and edges with this. Lay bananas on the cake, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and sides.

Cake "Banana Delight"
- 1 tbsp flour
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp vanilla
- 4 eggs
- 200 gr. not dry cottage cheese (I have fat-free)
- 200 gr. sour cream
- 4 bananas
- 4-5 tablespoons of sugar
- jam (optional)
Cooking biscuit. First, sift the flour, preferably 2 times. We separate the beams from the yolks. Pour the yolks into a separate bowl, and the proteins into a large container. Beat the whites, gradually, without ceasing to beat, add sugar to them, one tablespoon at a time, add vanillin. By the time the sugar runs out, the protein mass should be white and quite thick. Next, we begin to add the yolks, again one spoon at a time, without ceasing to beat. When all this is done, put the mixer aside and proceed to the flour. Add the flour to the resulting mass gradually, while stirring with a spoon from the bottom up. Then quickly pour the resulting dough into a greased form and put in a preheated oven. Bake ~25min. at 190-200 degrees. When the biscuit is cooking, you can not look into the oven! When the specified time has passed, turn off the oven and do not get the biscuit for another 5 minutes, again without looking.
The recipe must be strictly followed. Of course, you can cook a biscuit with baking powder (I used to do this), but when I tried this recipe, I realized that the classic biscuit is many times tastier than the one prepared with baking powder.
While the cake is baking, let's get on with the filling. Cottage cheese thoroughly knead with a fork, add 150g. sour cream + 3-4 tbsp. sour cream, half a banana, beat. Cut bananas into slices.
Divide the biscuit into 3 parts. Pour jam over each cake (it is possible without it), put the curd filling, and put bananas on top.
Decorate the cake as you wish. You can beat 50g. sour cream with 1 tbsp. sugar, grease the top and edges with this. Lay bananas on the cake, sprinkle with grated chocolate on top and sides.

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Recipe Pascal Pepper Ruby

Foundation products:
6 eggs, separating whites from yolks
6 art. l. Sahara
1 pack of instant chocolate pudding

For cream:
250 ml (1 box) whipping cream
1 pack vanilla instant pudding
3/4 cup milk

For ganache:
100 g dark chocolate, cut into cubes
100 g butter, diced
2 tbsp. l. milk or cream
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
3 art. l. brandy

Split form with a diameter of 26-28 cm

1. Place the whites in the bowl of an electric mixer and beat first at low, then at high speed. Gradually adding sugar, continue beating until a stable foam forms.

2. Introduce the yolks pounded with a wooden spoon into the protein foam. Add Powder chocolate pudding; mix gently.

3. Pour the mass into a greased form and place in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean and dry from the center of the cake. Take out of the oven and cool in the mold.

5. To prepare the cream, whip the cream, powder vanilla pudding and milk into a smooth mixture. Lubricate the completely cooled cake with cream.

For ganache. Break the chocolate into cubes and place in a saucepan. Add the rest of the ingredients and place the saucepan over low heat. Heat, stirring, until chocolate melts. Remove from heat, cool slightly and pour over the cake with ganache.
finished cake place in refrigerator for 24 hours.

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Recipe Ingredients Chocolate cake without flour

Dark chocolate - 150 grams
butter - 110 grams
sugar - 1 cup
eggs - three pieces
butter - for greasing

Recipe for Flourless Chocolate Cake

To make a cake without flour, break the dark chocolate into pieces, put in a saucepan and dissolve in a water bath until a homogeneous thick mass. Then cool slightly. Put a glass of sugar into the chocolate and mix well.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Transfer the yolks to chocolate mass and mix everything well until smooth. Beat the egg whites with a mixer into a lush thick foam. Put half of the protein foam in chocolate dough and mix, as if wrapping movements. Then put the remaining protein foam and mix.

Pour the batter into a buttered cake tin. Flatten and put in an oven heated to 160 degrees. Bake for about 45 minutes, cool completely and refrigerate overnight. After that, decorate at your discretion and you can serve with tea.

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almond cake

Very easy to make and time consuming cake. Insanely delicious!

Now this is my "guest cake".

The recipe was taken from the Internet, but I checked on all sites, almost the same everywhere.

For cakes:
6 proteins
225 g ground almonds
150 g powdered sugar

For cream:
200 gr. oils, 35 gr. starch, 200 gr. sugar, 6

Cooking cakes:

Whisk half of the egg whites. Half a serving of sugar and
add ground almonds to the protein mass. Lay out a detachable round shape
baking paper and then lay out and smooth the resulting dough in it.
Bake in a preheated oven for 18-20 minutes at 200*C.
prepare the second cake in the same way.

Preparing the cream:

Melt the butter in a water bath. Wherein
make sure it doesn't get too hot. Enter sugar, starch and yolks. AND
beat with a mixer for 20-25 minutes ... keeping this whole structure on
warm (but not boiling) steam bath until the cream thickens.

1/3 cream smear the first cake, lay on it
second. And lay out the entire rest of the cream. Sprinkle cake with almonds
plates. Garnish cake with whipped cream before serving, if desired.
powdered sugar.

The easiest way to make a cake that does not require the participation of the oven is to resort to a great culinary tricks and buy ready-made biscuit or waffle cakes. Indeed, the cakes in the cake are not the main thing. The tastemaker is a cream, without which the unfortunate purchased cakes do not represent any gastronomic value. The cream can be anything, for example, protein or cottage cheese. Special taste - coffee cream. As a rule, even those who are not friends with coffee like it.

Recipe. Custard coffee cream

Ingredients: 200 g butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 egg yolks, ½ cup milk, 2 teaspoons instant coffee.

Cooking. Beat the yolks with sugar with a fork, pour in the milk and pour in the coffee. Mix and put in a water bath. Stirring constantly, cook until thickened. Remove from heat and let cool. Beat the butter and, continuing to beat, gradually add the cooled coffee mass to it.

If and after preparing one of the most delicious creams you are tormented by remorse about purchased cakes, decorate the cake. Creative activity using chocolate chips, nuts, dried fruits, mastic will completely save you from reflection and finally atone for your culinary sin.

A more honest version of the "cold" cake is cheesecake. Its base is cookies. In the oven homemade cheesecake baked for about 30-35 minutes, but if in summer heat you strongly disagree with the oven, cook the cheesecake in the refrigerator.

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Cake Brigadeiro
4 yolks
150 g sugar
20 g cocoa
140 g flour
1 tsp with a slide of baking powder
1 can of condensed milk
4 squirrels
zest from one lemon
50 ml milk
sprinkle of chocolate
I learned the Brigadeiro cake recipe and its history from Bastet from the 4 taste website. In Brazil, it's mostly candy and only one kind of cake. Condensed milk and sprinkling are obligatory in it, as in sweets. They were invented in 1950 in honor of Brigadier General (Brigadeiro) Eduard Gomez. He lived in Sao (not saN!) Paolo and ran for president from the liberal party. His supporters called themselves brigadeiros, and since they were mostly in years and from rich families, they had tummies ... That's why sweets were invented as a symbol of tummies! Such is the story.
Mix all the ingredients for the dough: yolks, sugar, cocoa, flour and baking powder. Knead, put in a greased round shape and bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Remove the finished cake from the oven and cool completely.
For cream: mix everything except proteins and melt in a saucepan. Cook until a pudding-like state. Then cool completely. Beat the whites into a strong foam and carefully add to the cooled cream. Knead gently, trying not to precipitate the protein foam. Put on the cake, sprinkle with sprinkles and bake for a couple more minutes. The Brigadeiro cake is ready! .))
Bon appetit!

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Cake \u003d Monster \u003d Ingredients: Flour 1.5 tbsp. Baking powder 1 tsp.
Baking soda 0.5 tsp Salt 0.7 tsp
Dark chocolate 110 g Cocoa 120 g
Water 300 ml Butter 630 g
Brown sugar 360 g Egg 8 pcs.
Sour cream 120 ml Vanilla extract 3 tsp.
Sugar 180 g Food coloring 1 tbsp. l.
Nutella 60 g

Description of the recipe - Cake Monster:

Two-layer chocolate cake, smeared with protein cream and decorated with blue cream and nutella in the form of a monster.
Step 1:

Preheat oven to 175C. Grease two round baking pans with oil and line with parchment paper.
Step 2: Flour 1.5 tbsp.
Baking powder 1 tsp.
Baking soda 0.5 tsp
Salt 0.2 tsp

Mix flour, baking powder, soda and salt in a large bowl. Set aside.
Step 3: Dark chocolate 110 g
Cocoa 120 g
Water 300 ml

Put chocolate and cocoa in another bowl, pour boiling water, mix until smooth and set aside.
Step 4: Butter 300 g
Brown sugar 360 g
Chicken egg 3 pcs.
Sour cream 120 ml
Vanilla extract 1 tsp

Beat butter and sugar in a mixer bowl on medium speed until fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. Continuing to beat, add sour cream and vanilla.
Step 5:

Reduce the mixer speed to low and add 1/3 of the flour mixture, then half of the chocolate mixture. Add another 1/3 of the flour mixture, the remaining chocolate and the rest of the flour. Beat until smooth.
Step 6:

Divide the dough into 2 prepared pans, smooth the surface with a spatula. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick.
Step 7:

Cool cakes completely before brushing with cream.
Step 8: Chicken egg 5 pcs.
Sugar 180 g

Mix egg whites with sugar in a bowl over a steam bath. Beat with a mixer until the sugar is completely dissolved and the protein mass is hot. Remove from fire.
Step 9:

Continue whisking until the mixture becomes thick and shiny and cools down.
Step 10: Butter 330 g
Vanilla extract 2 tsp
Salt 0.5 tsp

While beating on medium speed, add softened butter little by little. Blend until silky texture. Add vanilla and salt, beat.
Step 11: 1 tbsp food coloring l.

Transfer about 3 cups of cream to another bowl and set aside. Add blue to the rest of the cream food coloring and beat for about 10 seconds until the cream is evenly colored.
Step 12:

Place one cake on a serving platter or cake rack and brush it with 1/3 of the white cream. Put the second cake on top, lightly press on it. Apply another 1/3 of the cream to the surface. Remaining white cream Spread evenly over the edges of the cake.
Step 13: Nutella 60g

Draw the outlines of the mouth and eyes with a toothpick and fill with Nutella. Put the colored cream in pastry bag and draw the monster's face with it.
Step 14:

Cover the cake and put it in the refrigerator. Remove from refrigerator 1 hour before serving.
Source: lululuathome.com

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Napoleon cake

For puff pastry:
400 g margarine or butter (I took both in a 1: 1 ratio),
2 medium eggs
700 g flour
150 ml cool water
1 tablespoon 9% vinegar, a pinch of salt.

For cream:
1 liter of milk
1¼ cups sugar
3 small eggs
3 tablespoons flour
250-300 g butter, a little vanillin.

1. Dissolve a spoonful of vinegar in water.
2. Lightly beat the eggs with a pinch of salt.
3. Pour vinegar water into the eggs.
4. Shake thoroughly.
5. Sift the flour on the table, and put pieces of butter (margarine) on it.
6. With a large knife, chop the butter with flour into crumbs (you can knead with your hands).
7. We form a hill from the flour crumbs, make a recess in the center, and gradually pour in the egg-vinegar water.
8. Knead the dough. Divide the dough into 12 parts, roll into balls, cover cling film(so as not to weather) and put in the refrigerator for an hour and a half. Meanwhile, prepare the custard (see below) and turn on the oven to warm up (200 degrees).
9. Roll out the dough directly on a baking sheet (so, if you have two of them, it is very convenient to alternate) or on parchment, and then put it on a baking sheet together with the rolled layer. Lightly dust a baking sheet (parchment) with flour. We roll out each ball of dough as thinly as possible, cut out a circle using a suitable round shape (for example, plates), and leave the trimmings on the baking sheet.
10. We make frequent punctures with a fork (the more often, the less the cake will swell).
11. Bake the cake for 10-12 minutes. The crust should brown. In this way we bake all the cakes.
12. Lubricate all the cakes with the prepared cream and lay them evenly on top of each other (leave a little more than half a glass of cream).
13. Put the cake in the refrigerator for soaking for 10 hours (preferably overnight). The cake will settle, the cakes will even out.
14. After the specified time, we take out the cake from the refrigerator, put it on a dish covered with strips of parchment (see photo), grease the sides and surface of the cake well with the remaining cream. Strips of parchment are needed so that after sprinkling the cake the dish remains clean. Just gently pull them out from under the finished cake.
15. Grind the scraps from the cakes into crumbs. Sprinkle the cake first on the sides, then the surface.
16. Carefully remove (pull out) the strips.

Recipe for custard for Napoleon cake

1. Beat eggs, flour, sugar, vanillin with a mixer.
Whisk the eggs
2. Gradually, without stopping whisking, pour in the milk. You should get a homogeneous mass.
Adding milk
3. Put the pan with the mass on a small fire and, stirring often, bring to a boil. As soon as the mass boils, turn off the fire, cool.
Bring the mass to a boil and cool
4. Beat the butter with a mixer and, without ceasing to beat, add a little to the slightly warm milk mass. The cream is ready.
Add whipped butter to milk mixture

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Cake Air Snickers
Beat 6 yolks with 1.5 tbsp sugar,
add 250g soft margarine,
1 tbsp mayonnaise,
1 tsp soda slaked with lemon juice,
3 tbsp flour.
Knead soft dough. Divide into 3 balls and refrigerate for half an hour. (I didn't need a big cake so I made half of the recipe)
At this time, prepare the protein mass:
Beat 6 proteins until a strong foam, gradually add 2 tablespoons of sugar. (I have half the recipe)
We take 1 part of our dough, spread it on a baking sheet with our hands, the dough is very plastic and the cake is thin. I have a cake size of 30x40, it was enough to treat and eat enough! (I decided to save time and made 3 cakes on one baking sheet at once.)

We apply 1/3 of the protein mass, “pull” with a spoon and bake at a temperature of 160 g for about half an hour, I bake everything on convection. cm, otherwise the protein increases in size and climbs over the edge, like mine)
do the same with the rest of the test. You should get 3 cakes.
Reduced: 80% of [ 640 by 480 ] - click to view full image

Reduced: 80% of [ 640 by 480 ] - click to view full image

Cream: beat 200 g of butter with a jar boiled condensed milk(I have half the recipe)
We smear half of the cream on the first cake, sprinkle with a tablespoon of rubl nuts (I had walnuts).
Reduced: 80% of [ 640 by 480 ] - click to view full image

Likewise with the second crust. On the 3rd cake we apply randomly chocolate icing and sprinkle with nuts

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Peanuts............................130 g

Egg whites .............. 170 g

Egg yolk (large)..........1 pc.

Milk.........................125 ml

Butter..................215 g

Sugar .............................510 g

Cognac ..................... 1 tbsp. spoon

Cocoa powder......0.5 teaspoon

Vanilla sugar .............. 14 g

Roast the peanuts in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for fifteen minutes, peel and chop.

Whip egg whites (from about five medium-sized eggs) until firm. Add 7 grams of vanilla sugar and 320 grams of regular sugar to them, beat for another seven to eight minutes until a very dense mass is obtained. Set aside one full tablespoon of whipped proteins in a pastry syringe, add nuts to the remaining mass and mix. Set aside a tablespoon of proteins with nuts.

Draw two circles with a diameter of 20 cm on parchment, distribute the protein-nut mass on two circles, smoothing with a spatula. From confectionery syringe put figures on the remaining free space on the parchment to decorate the cake.

Put on the same parchment in small pieces deferred protein-nut mass - when baking, it will be possible to determine the readiness of the cakes by breaking one of these small pieces, and then make crumbs out of them for sprinkling the cake.

Bake the cakes in the oven, heated to 100 degrees, for two hours. Cool down.

For "nutty * in this brittle and air cake both almonds and cashews may well answer

For the cream, mix the yolk with milk, add 190 grams of sugar, put on low heat. Bring to a boil, stirring, and cook for another two to three minutes, until thickened. Cool to room temperature.

Whip the butter with half the vanilla sugar. lush mass. Continuing to beat, gradually pour in milk with sugar and yolk, add a spoonful of cognac. Set aside a tablespoon of the resulting cream, mix it with cocoa.

Spread half of the remaining cream on one cake, cover with a second cake, coat the sides and top of the cake with cream, leaving a little for decoration. Pieces of walnut meringue (those that were baked separately) crush into crumbs and sprinkle the sides of the cake with it. Decorate with chocolate and white cream and meringue figures, refrigerate for at least an hour.

Instead of the traditional peanuts for this recipe, you can use any other nuts.

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Cake pigeon's milk"

Flour - 1 cup

Sugar - 1 cup

Eggs - 3-4 pcs.

Cream soufflé:

Gelatin - 2-3 tbsp. spoons,

Milk - 1 glass,

Eggs - 9-10 pcs.,

Sugar - 2 cups

Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon,

Butter - 200 gr.,

Water - 0.5 cups,



Cocoa - 5 tbsp. spoons

Sugar - 0.3-0.5 cups,

Milk - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

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Cake pigeon's milk"

Flour - 1 cup

Sugar - 1 cup

Eggs - 3-4 pcs.

The amount of dough in this cake is purely symbolic. Cooking the usual biscuit dough, beat everything, divide into two parts and bake 2 thin cakes.

The oven needs to be in a detachable form. Do not overexpose the cakes so as not to dry out. Finished cake yellow color and does not stick to hands.

Cream soufflé:

Gelatin - 2-3 tbsp. spoons,

Milk - 1 glass,

Eggs - 9-10 pcs.,

Sugar - 2 cups

Flour - 1 tbsp. spoon,

Butter - 200 gr.,

Water - 0.5 cups,


Separate the yolks from the whites. Pour gelatin with water.

Mix a glass of sugar with a spoonful of flour, add to the yolks and mix thoroughly. Pour milk into the mixture, stir again and bring to a boil. This should be done either in non-stick dishes or in a water bath. It should be a thick yellow cream.

Cool the cream and add soft butter, vanillin to the already cooled one and beat well. If the butter is soft, then the cream is whipped well by hand.

Beat egg whites with a glass of sugar using a mixer. To make them whip well, you need to use chilled proteins. Heat the gelatin, strain and add to the protein cream. Mix very well.

We have 2 creams: yellow custard and protein. They need to be connected. We take the most large saucepan or a bowl, pour both creams into it and beat the mass with a mixer.

We put one of the cakes at the bottom of the detachable form (or, perhaps, it is already there). Pour all the resulting cream on it and cover with a second cake. The cream turns out to be quite dense, the cake will not sink in it. In order for the soufflé to harden faster, the cake must be put in the refrigerator.

IN original recipe 2 tablespoons of gelatin are indicated, but this is not enough. The souffle is too soft, the cut pieces tremble and fall on their side. Perhaps in Soviet time there was a different gelatin ... In order for the filling of the cake to resemble the filling of the Bird's Milk sweets, you must either take more gelatin (2.5-3 tablespoons) or put less food.

The cooled and frozen cake is carefully freed from the mold (cut with a knife) and poured with chocolate icing. I only water the top layer as the soufflé starts to melt from the hot chocolate. And the sides can be decorated with chopped nuts, biscuit crumbs, grated chocolate or coconut flakes. Or a mixture of them.


Cocoa - 5 tbsp. spoons

Sugar - 0.3-0.5 cups,

Butter - 50 gr. (1/4 pack),

Milk - 3-4 tbsp. spoons.

Mix everything and bring to a boil. Pour over cake and spread evenly. Cool the cake again.

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Cake with a heart inside.
Valentine's Day Recipe:

For cakes you will need:

Eggs - 8 pcs.;
- sugar - 2 tbsp.;
- flour - 300 gr.;
- starch - 100 gr.;
- quick soda - 1/2 tsp.

For the heart filling you will need:

Flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
- cocoa - 1 tbsp. l.;
- butter - 30 gr.;
- sugar - 100 gr.;
- eggs - 4 pcs.;
- starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
- red food coloring - 1 tsp.

For the cream you will need:

Cream 35% fat - 1 tbsp.;
- powdered sugar - 1 tsp;
- vanilla sugar - 2 gr

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat the whites separately until foamy, add 1 cup of sugar and beat again. Do the same with the yolks and add them to the protein mass. Sift flour, soda and starch into it, mix gently. Grease a baking sheet with oil and pour into it ready dough. Preheat oven to 170-200° and bake for 20 minutes. Cool the finished cake, and cut into 6 equal parts.
For a heart.
Start preparing the dough in the same way as above. When you mix the yolks with proteins, sift flour, starch and cocoa into the mass through a strainer. Stir gently, pour in the warm butter, dye and stir again. Bake 25-30 minutes in a preheated oven.
Pour the chilled cream into the saucepan and beat with a mixer until thick foam. Then, without stopping whipping, add a little powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Please note that the cream must be used immediately, so start cooking it when all the cakes have completely cooled down.

Technique for creating a cake with a heart inside:

Take the baked cakes and divide them into two parts, until you get, as it were, two cakes. Connect two baked cakes with cream and draw a circle on top. Use the construction of two toothpicks and thread as a compass. Then start making a cone-shaped notch in two cakes, as in Figure 4-5.
And in the other two cakes, also connected with cream, on the contrary, create a cone-shaped slide in such a way as shown in fig. 4. This will be the top of the cake.
Then take the red dough, knead it with a fork and fill it with the empty space in two cakes. You can also use a cut out core that needs to be dyed with red food coloring.
Grease both halves of the cake with the prepared cream. Fasten them into a single sweet composition. Then coat the whole cake with cream, and you can also make roses in a circle using a culinary syringe.

Such a cake with a heart inside will undoubtedly surprise your chosen one!

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Sacher cake recipe
For test:
Sugar: sand - 160 g;
butter - 140 g;
eggs - 10 pcs;
bitter dark chocolate - 180 g;
wheat flour - 120 g.
For impregnation:
Apricot confiture - 4 tbsp.
For decoration:
Bitter dark chocolate - 200 g.
Beat softened butter at high speed, gradually add sugar, without stopping the mixer. Enter eight yolks one at a time. Separately, beat the squirrels taken out of the refrigerator (10 pieces) into a strong foam, add a spoonful of sugar to them. Carefully combine the yolk and protein masses. Stir in the flour, one tablespoon at a time, while continuing to beat. Pre-melted chocolate in a water bath, mixed with two tablespoons of water, pour into the dough, again beating further. We heat the oven to 180 degrees and bake our dough in it for about forty minutes. Let it cool down and cut into two halves. Warm up in a water bath apricot jam and coat them with both cakes. Pour the entire surface of the cake together with the side parts with chocolate melted in a water bath. This meal is served with hot black coffee.

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Kyiv cake.

For cakes:
200-205 gr. egg whites
50 gr. Sahara

To fill the cakes:
185-190 gr. Sahara
150 gr. cashew nuts (you can take hazelnuts or almonds to taste, I would even try with pine nuts)
50 gr. flour
vanilla on the tip of a knife

Cream Charlotte (from the ingredients indicated in the recipe)
a teaspoon of cognac
a couple tablespoons of cocoa
vanillin (to taste)

Although the cake is simple, its preparation requires certain culinary skills. Therefore, for novice cooks, I recommend that you first master the preparation of biscuit and meringue. These skills will be very useful for cooking protein walnut cakes Kyiv cake.

Eggs must be divided into proteins and yolks in advance in order to allow the proteins to sour at room temperature (up to 40 degrees Celsius). To do this, they are kept indoors (in the kitchen) for 14-24 hours. Only after that we start baking cakes. The nuts should be lightly roasted over low heat, then cooled to room temperature.

Prepare everything necessary ingredients to be at hand. If you don't have a scale, maybe a photo will help you figure out how much of which ingredients to take. To bake two cakes, you will need two molds at once. Line them carefully with baking parchment. If you have flat baking sheets, you can use them. Just put some paper on them.

Chop nuts a little. Add to them 190 gr. sugar, 50 gr. flour, vanillin. Mix very well. Beat the whites until a thick foam, add 50 gr. to them. sugar and beat again until thick foam.

Pour the mixture nut mix into the beaten egg whites, mix gently. This is where cooking experience is required. biscuit dough. Pour the batter into two baking pans or onto two baking sheets. If on baking sheets, then you need to form cakes, about 2 cm thick. In my opinion, it is easier with baking sheets. Bake at 140-150 degrees Celsius for one and a half to two hours. Do not take out the finished cakes, let them stand for at least 12 hours so that they kick strength. After that, you can start shaping the cake.

Prepare Cream Charlotte.
Or you can just make a cream of butter with condensed milk. In any case, the cream will turn out only with good butter. Divide the finished cream into two parts. Add cognac and vanillin to one, you can mix with a spoon so that it does not exfoliate. Here is the second add cocoa. Lubricate the bottom cake with white cream. Brush the top of the cake chocolate cream. The rest of the cream can be put on cake decorations. Out of my habit, I limited myself to the brutal, practical-minimalist style of decorating the cake. However, Charlotte cream is great for creating beautiful roses, borders, inscriptions, etc.

Put the finished Kiev cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which you can serve it to the table.

Torta de coco
for the biscuit base
2 eggs, 100g sugar, 100g flour
3-4 tbsp pina colada liqueur or cognac

For soufflé
300ml coconut milk (pre-packaged is ideal)
4 eggs, 50g. Sahara
20 g instant gelatin
100g whipped cream or sour cream

For decoration
200g dark chocolate
50 g ground almonds or shredded coconut

First, prepare a biscuit - beat eggs with sugar very well, add flour. Pour this dough into a greased split form and send it to 200 degrees in the oven until golden brown for 25 minutes. Then cool the biscuit and turn it crust side down on a dish. Soak the biscuit with cognac or liquor.
For soufflé, it is necessary to separate the whites from the yolks. Add sugar to the yolks and coconut milk, bring the mixture to a boil, but do not allow boiling, remove from heat. IN hot mix Slowly add the gelatin, stirring constantly. Achieve complete dissolution of gelatin.

Set aside the mixture to cool, and in the meantime, beat the whites and cream separately into a strong foam. When the yolk-coconut mixture has cooled, gently fold in the egg whites and cream. (pictured below is an inverted protein mixture - a protein whipping test, whoever watched "Soul Kitchen" will understand :))

Then we take biscuit cake, put around it a side from a detachable form and lay a ring of baking paper. Then pour our cream on the cake and send it to the refrigerator to solidify. Here I recommend taking out the future cake after 15 minutes and sprinkle it with decoration immediately, and not wait for it to solidify completely, then the decoration will not crumble.

In the original recipe, the cake was first sprinkled with coconut flakes, but I don’t really like it, so I replaced it with chopped almond. Then you need to decorate the cake with chocolate. The meaning of such decoration is to imitate a split shell coconut. To do this, melt the chocolate in 2 tablespoons of cream or butter and leave it to harden in a flat dish so that it spreads over it. When the chocolate hardens, we take a spoon, a spoon for ice cream is very convenient, and scrape large chips from the surface of the chocolate. With a spoon we do not straight, but semicircular movements, which will create the effect of a curl. The cake hardens quickly and is ready in about 3 hours. We remove the sides and ... Bon Appetit

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Snickers cake is a very tasty recipe.

Biscuit Ingredients:
Eggs - two pieces.
Egg yolks - three pieces.
Sugar - one hundred grams.
Soda - half a teaspoon (slaked with vinegar).
Flour - one hundred and twenty grams.
Cocoa powder - one tablespoon.
Vanilla sugar - two sachets.

Meringue Ingredients:
Egg whites - three pieces.
Sugar - two hundred grams.

Cream Ingredients:
Boiled condensed milk - one can.
Butter - one hundred and fifty grams.

For sprinkling:
Peanuts - two hundred grams.
Chocolate glaze:
Chocolate - two hundred grams.

Cake preparation:
Using a mixer, beat the eggs with egg yolks, gradually adding sugar to them along with vanilla sugar. After that, add the soda slaked with vinegar and gently mix with a wooden spatula, add the sifted flour mixed with cocoa powder. Put the dough in a form on parchment paper and bake in a well-heated oven until cooked.
For cooking protein cake beat the whites with sugar until a strong foam is obtained and, transferring it to a mold covered with parchment paper, dry in an oven heated to a temperature of one hundred degrees for two hours.
Now let's prepare the cream, for this you need to beat the butter and add boiled condensed milk to it, then beat again until the cream is smooth.
Roast the peanuts small fire and crush with a rolling pin. Set aside to cool.
Cut the cooled biscuit in half lengthwise. Spread cream on its lower part, put meringue on it, cream again, and cover with a second biscuit cake on top.
To give the cake a neat and beautiful view, cut and trim its sides. Coat the sides with the remaining cream and sprinkle with crumbs from trimming the cakes. Pour chocolate icing or melted chocolate on top of the cake, smooth it out and sprinkle with peanuts. Leave the finished cake to soak for three hours, but do not immediately put it in the refrigerator.

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For test:

sugar - 150 grams
eggs - three pieces.


salt - 1/4 teaspoon
milk - 75 milliliters
For filling:

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Recipe - Irish Chocolate Cake
Irish Chocolate Cake Ingredients

For test:
dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) - 150 grams
softened butter - 125 grams
sugar - 150 grams
eggs - three pieces.
mashed boiled potatoes - 3/4 cup
baking powder for dough - one teaspoon
salt - 1/4 teaspoon
milk - 75 milliliters
For filling:
dark chocolate - 120 grams (at least 70% cocoa)
Baileys liqueur - 50 milliliters
thick cream - 50 milliliters
powdered sugar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
Recipe for Irish Chocolate Cake
Preheat the oven to 175°C. Grease with oil and sprinkle with flour or lay out a 22 cm diameter mold with baking paper.
Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the butter and sugar into a fluffy foam and, without ceasing to beat, add one at a time egg yolks. Add the cooled mashed potatoes and melted chocolate, mix everything well with a mixer.
Mix flour with baking powder and salt and add to the dough together with milk, mix with a mixer into a homogeneous mass.
Whisk the egg whites into stiff peaks (until firm peaks; for better whipping, you can add 1 tablespoon of sugar taken from the total amount). Add 1/3 of the beaten egg whites to the dough and mix gently, then add the remaining protein mass and mix gently from top to bottom, trying not to plant the proteins.
Put the dough into a mold, level it and bake for 25-30 minutes, check the readiness with a match (there should be no traces of dough on the match).
Cool the base well and cut into 2 cakes.
For the filling, melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Mix the liqueur, cream and powdered sugar and add this mixture to the melted chocolate, mix well. Spread half of the filling on bottom cake, cover with the top cake and coat the top and sides of the cake with the remaining half of the filling. Let the cream harden and cut the cake into 10 serving pieces.

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You can send countless words of praise to French confectioners, because their amazing invention - meringue - fell in love with gourmets all over the world. Surprisingly tender, melting in your mouth delicacy is prepared easily and simply, and gives an endless sea of ​​​​pleasure. There are an innumerable number of recipes based on meringue, because baked egg whites whipped with sugar can be both an independent dessert and the basis for various cakes and pastries. One of them, light protein Spider web cake, we suggest you master it.

To prepare this gorgeous cake it takes a lot of time and skill. But the result will be great. The cake is very tasty and beautiful. The guests will be delighted.


For protein dough:

Egg whites from 8 eggs
Sugar - 1 cup (200g)
Walnuts - about 200g
Flour - about 50g (3 tablespoons)
Cinnamon - 3g (pinch)
Salt - 3g (a pinch)
Almond extract - 3-4 g (1/2 teaspoon)

For custard:

Milk - 100 ml (half a cup)
Cream with a fat content of 33% - 100 ml (half a glass)
Sugar - 150g (10 tablespoons)
Egg yolks from 4 eggs
Whole condensed milk - 2 tablespoons
Butter - 300g (1 pack + 2/3 packs)

For glaze:

Finished white icing or tiles white chocolate-200g
Finished dark glaze or a bar of dark chocolate with 70% cocoa - 50g
Cream with a fat content of 33% - 50g (3 tablespoons)
Almond shavings for cake decoration

Recipe for cooking "Spider Webs":

Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave to soften.

Put the walnuts in a baking sheet and roast in the oven at 160 degrees for 10 minutes.

Cool the dried nuts, then grind in a blender to a powder state.

Sprinkle nuts with flour.

Add salt and cinnamon to chopped nuts.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the egg whites with the addition of sugar in a strong foam. Add almond extract. Gently mixing the whites with a spoon, gradually introduce the mixture of nuts and flour into the proteins. Move the spoon from top to bottom, as if turning over layers of lush protein mass, while turning the dish with proteins.

Line baking sheets with baking paper. On paper, using the bottom of a split baking dish or pan, draw circles that determine the size of future cakes. Divide the dough into two parts. Lay out protein dough on paper within the designated boundaries. You can simply spread it with a spoon, but it is much easier to do this with a culinary syringe.

Put the cakes in the oven, preheated to a temperature of 160 degrees for 40 minutes. During the baking process, the cakes should become dry.

While the cakes are baking, prepare the cream.

Separate 4 yolks from whites. You have leftover yolks from the preparation of protein dough. The four remaining yolks, unfortunately, will not be useful to you. Think about where you can use them so that the good does not disappear. Add sugar to four yolks and mix thoroughly.

Mix milk with cream. Heat them up, but don't boil them. Pour the hot mass into the mixture with yolks and sugar, mix. Pour in not immediately, but gradually so that the yolks do not curl.

Pour the mixture of yolks and milk into a saucepan and put the saucepan on the fire. Cook the mixture over low heat, stirring constantly. Simmer for 10 minutes, at the end the mixture should thicken. Remove mixture from heat and cool.

When the cakes are baked, remove them from the baking sheets, cool.

When the custard has cooled, beat the butter, gradually add the cooled cream to it, while continuing to beat it continuously.

IN ready cream add "condensed milk" and whisk a little more.

Take one cake and pour all the cream on it.

Cover the cake with the second layer.

Lightly brush the sides of the cake with cream and sprinkle with almond flakes.
