
How to make cherry liqueur on vodka. Cherry liqueur on alcohol - benefits and unique taste

Cherry tincture on vodka with stones is very popular among both winemakers and gourmets. The kernels are able to give the drink a specific aftertaste of almonds, a tart aroma, and sophistication. There is an opinion that it is undesirable to use fruits with stones in this case, since they contain concentrated acid. But this cooking recipe provides for a short infusion time, after which the berries are completely removed from the must.


  • cherry "Vladimirskaya" - 700 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 200 gr.;
  • vodka - 500 ml.

It is best to make cherry tincture on this particular variety, since it has a rich cherry flavor and sweetness. Also, these berries are very juicy, which is a big advantage.

How to cook:

  • making cherry tincture at home begins with the preparation of berries, they are cleaned, sorted out so that spoiled fruits do not come across in the total mass;
  • each cherry should be pierced, put in a container with a wide mouth;
  • laying is carried out in layers, each level is sprinkled with sugar;
  • when the jar is ¾ full, the contents are poured with vodka so that it completely covers the fruit.

Next, cherry tincture is covered with gauze and tied. You need to insist cherries on vodka in a dark place at a temperature of 20-22 ° C - the usual room temperature. It is very important to shake the contents every 2 days to completely dissolve the sugar. After 10 days, the mixture is filtered, distributed into glass bottles or jars, corked. Keep cherry tincture for alcohol only in a cool place.

It is not necessary to use only fresh fruits as a basis. No less bright in taste, the liquor on alcohol will turn out from frozen or dried cherries. In the second case, it is first recommended to fill the berries with water so that they swell.

VIDEO: The best homemade cherry liqueur

with spices

At home, on vodka, you can prepare a spicy cherry tincture. Such a strong drink has a unique aroma and a delicate aftertaste. The recipe for cherry tincture includes various spices, fruits of a dark variety.


  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • vodka - 1000 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 350 gr.;
  • coriander, dried cloves - 1 tsp each;
  • nutmeg - 0.5 tsp;
  • cinnamon - 3 sticks or 0.5 tsp.

Stages of preparation of cherry tincture on alcohol with the addition of spices:

  1. Rinse the berries thoroughly, sort them out and dry well. Next, pierce each fruit to extract more juice.
  2. Mix 70% spice with sugar, sprinkle each lined layer of cherries in a jar with a spice mixture.
  3. Place the remaining 30% of the herbs in a cotton bag, tie it up and place it in the bottle.
  4. Fill the contents with vodka.

If you close the cherry on alcohol with a tight lid, the result will be a rich and strong drink. In order for a softer liquor to come out, the components need to be in contact with oxygen, so the jar is simply covered with gauze from 3-5 layers.

Homemade tincture of cherries and spices is infused for 55-60 days under direct sunlight. Every 4 days, the raw materials need to be mixed. At the time of preparation, the contents are filtered and bottled. Cherry tincture on vodka is stored in a cool place for no more than 1 year.

Fruit and leaf drink

The young leaves of the cherry tree contain many useful macro- and microorganisms. In order not to miss this stage of their growth, the collection of raw materials should be carried out in May or June, depending on the region. This component is great for those who are still learning how to make cherry liqueur even more useful.

To increase the benefits, young leaves can be infused with berries - the main thing is not to miss the time when they are emerald green and very soft.


  • fruits - 1 kg;
  • leaflets - 150 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • water or moonshine - 1 l;
  • lemon - 1.5 tsp

In order for the tincture on cherries with the use of alcohol at home to be as concentrated as possible, you need to remove the seeds from the berries. Next follow the steps:

  1. Pour the cherries and leaves with preheated water, put on the stove with a small fire. Boil the mixture for no more than 10 minutes
  2. Next, place all the sugar, lemon in the same container. Thoroughly mix the ingredients without removing from heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the "compote" to room temperature, mix the cherries with vodka.
  4. Pour the tincture into bottles, seal them tightly, and then place in a dark place for 20 days.

You can store a drink on moonshine prepared at home for no more than two years.

Cherry with cocoa

This recipe is based on the use of cocoa and cherry tree fruits. To infuse moonshine on cherries, prepare the following components:

  • vodka up to 40 ° - 0.5 l;
  • cherry - 300 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa powder - 4 tsp;
  • drinking water - 220 ml.

How to prepare cherry liqueur based on cocoa and vodka:

  1. Wash the berries, remove the seeds, place in a jar.
  2. Fill with vodka or pure moonshine with a strength of 40o. Close the lid tightly, put in a dark and warm place for 14 days.
  3. At the end of this period, drain the liquid through gauze, otherwise the fruits will lower the degree by at least 5o. When this recommendation is followed, the strength of the drink will be 25-28 ° as a result.
  4. Boil water, add cocoa, granulated sugar. Stir until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, but do not remove the container from the stove. After that, strain the drink through a filter of 4-6 layers of gauze 2 times.
  5. Add the chocolate mixture to the infusion, repeat the infusion process for 14 days. But at the same time, you need to mix the contents every 3 days.

Cocoa-cherry tincture for alcohol is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator. The result is a drink with a viscous structure and a small sediment, which can be eliminated only with the help of repeated straining.

We give a noble aftertaste

True tasters of alcohol tincture shared the secret of giving cherry alcohol a noble aftertaste. To do this, before using the berries, they should be slightly withered. The process is as follows - fresh cherries are laid out on a tray under the open sun on the street or balcony and aged for 4 days.

If this is not possible, you can simply spread the berries on a baking sheet, place in a preheated oven to a temperature of 80 ° C. Cooking time - 4 hours.

In this case, the best option will be the fruits of sweet varieties.

The benefits and contraindications of cherry

Despite the alcohol content in the drink, it can benefit human health. First of all, cherry increases hemoglobin, improves blood composition. They also highlight the unique properties of strengthening the nervous system, bactericidal effect. Hot alcohol in folk medicine is used for gout, arthritis, rheumatism.

Indications for use are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the oral cavity and gums;
  • toothache.

Prohibited for use by pregnant, lactating and children under 16 years of age.

VIDEO: Exclusive liqueurs from the winner of the "Festival of Liquors"

If you are going to make cherry liqueur at home, then you will need a quality recipe that will be quite simple. The finished drink reaches a strength of 20-30% by volume, and its sugar content ranges from 28 to 40%.

Cherry perfectly levels the specific taste that alcohol has, giving the liquor a pleasant aroma. Because of this, it is considered a dessert drink. To prepare such a product, you can use not only fresh, but also dried and frozen berries.

To make this drink, it is not necessary to give preference to any one variety.

  • To make the taste of the liqueur rich, it is best to take slightly overripe berries, which will quickly begin to release juice.
  • To prepare a drink, you need a container with a wide neck, for example, 3-liter cans. This will make it easier to remove the softened cherries later on.
  • Immediately before starting work, it is advisable to pierce all the berries with a toothpick. This will speed up the juice extraction process.

Should the bones be removed?

The classic simple recipe involves the use of pitted cherries, as they give the finished drink a pleasant almond flavor. If desired, they can be removed, for example, if in the future you want to use the berries for baking cakes or pies.

Before starting the preparation of the drink, be sure to thoroughly rinse the fruits and eliminate rotten or showing signs of mold damage. Even a few spoiled berries can spoil the taste of the finished liqueur.

The stalks are to be removed during the sorting process. If there is a suspicion that the cherries are wormy, you must first soak them. Usually only 2-3 hours are enough for the larvae to leave the berries.

Making vodka liqueur is the easiest way to get this drink..

Using the method of natural fermentation allows not every beginner in this difficult task to get the desired effect. You should not buy the cheapest brands of vodka, as they often contain additives that can greatly spoil the taste of the finished product. Some people use cognac or moonshine to make this drink. With the high quality of alcohol, this is quite justified.

It will also be interesting for you to get acquainted with, such a drink turns out to be much more noble!

The choice of a less remarkable, but very important component - sugar deserves special attention. The coarse-grained option is best suited. It melts more slowly, which ensures its even distribution.

Classic recipe with vodka

To prepare the simplest version of this tincture, you will not need any skills and specific ingredients. To make a 3-liter can of liquor according to the classic recipe, you will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe fruits;
  • 400 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 0.5 l of boiled water.

If the cherry is very sweet, you can use less sugar.

The jars in which the liqueur will be infused must be carefully corked and placed in a dark, cool place for about 3-4 months. After this time, the present composition is ready for use.

with spices

There are also quite unusual recipes for this alcoholic drink that can be used at home. The preparation of cherry liqueur with spices allows you to get a finished product that is unusual in taste.

Second way

Using another recipe for spiced cherry liqueur, you can get a product that has excellent taste. To prepare a drink you will need:

  • 2 kg of ripe cherries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • ½ tsp ground cinnamon;
  • ½ tsp star anise;
  • ½ tsp chopped cloves;
  • ½ tsp nutmeg;
  • ½ tsp coriander;
  • 300 g yellow sugar.

The process itself:

  1. First you need to put the berries in a container with a wide mouth, sprinkle with sugar mixed with spices, and pour alcohol.
  2. You need to insist such a liquor under the sun's rays.
  3. If you close the jar with a nylon lid, the finished drink will be strong.
  4. When you want to get a low-alcohol product with excellent taste, you need to cover the container with gauze folded several times.
  5. After about 2 months, it is necessary to strain the finished drink and bottle it.

You need to store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

Delicious cherry mint liqueur

Fans of unusual flavors should use the following liqueur recipe. This liqueur has a relatively small strength, but has a rich flavor. To prepare this drink you will need:

  • 600 g of ripe cherries;
  • ½ lemon zest;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 10 fresh mint leaves;
  • 10 bones;
  • 120 g sugar.


  1. The berry must be washed and the stone removed.
  2. It is advisable to cut the cherries in half and knead a little.
  3. About a dozen seeds should be crushed well and placed in a gauze bag.
  4. It must be put in a vessel where the liqueur will be prepared, along with cherries and sugar.
  5. After that, lemon zest and mint leaves are added.
  6. The last step is to pour vodka.
  7. The vessel must be sealed with a plastic lid or gauze, depending on how strong the finished product should be.
  8. The first 7 days the drink is infused in the sun.
  9. Next, you need to rearrange it in a dark, cool place for about 4 weeks.
  10. The finished liquor should be filtered and poured into a clean bottle.

It is advisable to keep the tincture for at least 2 months before use.

Cherry-honey alcohol drink

Using this recipe, you can get not only a very unusual tasting drink, but also an excellent tool for boosting immunity. It is recommended to drink it in small doses for various problems of the digestive tract, as well as acute phases of influenza and SARS. To prepare this version of the liqueur, you will need:

  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 750 g of alcohol;
  • 1 g of cloves;
  • 1 kg of liquid honey;
  • 1 g cinnamon;
  • 1 g vanillin.

Ready cherry liqueur on honey can be poured into glass bottles and corked. They need to be moved to storage in a refrigerator or cellar.

from frozen cherries

If fresh berries are not available, this does not mean at all that this delicious alcoholic drink cannot be prepared. Frozen cherries are great for this..

  1. First you need to let the berries warm up to room temperature.
  2. The juice remaining during defrosting should not be drained, as it can be used to make a drink according to this recipe.
  3. In addition to the main ingredient, cloves and a little cinnamon should be prepared.

It is worth noting that a previously frozen berry gives off more juice, so when preparing a drink, you need to use more ingredients. To make a pour you will need:

  • 1.5 kg of cherries;
  • 1.2 liters of vodka;
  • ½ tsp cinnamon;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 2 cloves.


  1. After defrosting from berries be sure to remove all the bones.
  2. Cherries should be immediately mixed with sugar and juice remaining after defrosting.
  3. This mixture must be allowed to stand for at least a day in a warm place.
  4. Next, vodka and spices are added.
  5. Shake the content.
  6. The sealed container must be placed in a dark place for about 2 months.
  7. Periodically it is worth shaking the prepared drink.
  8. The finished product should be filtered and bottled.

Low alcohol

A drink with a reduced degree deserves special attention. It is ideal for those who value taste, not strength. To prepare a low-alcohol liqueur, you will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe cherries;
  • 0.8 l of vodka;
  • 1 kg of raspberries or strawberries;
  • 2.4 kg of sugar.


  1. First you need to remove the bones.
  2. All berries should be mixed and covered with sugar, and allowed to stand for 5-6 hours so that the fruits can release juice.
  3. Berries need to be moved to a container where the product will be prepared, and pour vodka.
  4. After that, the bottle is sealed tightly and put away in a dark place for about 3 months.
  5. In this case, it is impossible to withstand the pouring in the sun, since it has too low an alcohol content. The drink must be filtered through 3-5 layers of gauze.
  6. Ready liqueur should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.
  7. Due to the extremely low alcohol content, its shelf life is no more than 2 months.

The drink is the best substitute for stronger alcohol. Since it is very easy to make such a cherry liqueur, it can be a great addition to any holiday table.

Cherry- a berry very rich in vitamins with a sour-velvety taste. Whatever dish she participates in, she captures most of the bouquet and saturates and ennobles other ingredients. This berry is especially popular in combination with alcoholic beverages. In them, she truly reveals her taste, perfectly fitting into strong strong notes. Cherry tincture is one of the easiest options for preparing this berry with alcohol.

This drink has a beautiful ruby-burgundy color and a pleasant enveloping taste. Cherry perfectly softens the harshness of alcohol, making high-grade drinks soft and pleasant to drink. Cherry tincture is simple and quick to prepare, but at the same time it is not inferior in quality to any other recipes. The recipe does not require additional equipment, which is another plus. The beneficial properties and contraindications of the tincture also require special attention. Cherry has many qualities. Among them the ability to relieve inflammation, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improve the circulatory system of the body. And thanks to the technology of making a drink, all these properties are transferred to alcohol. Contraindications to the use of cherries are an individual allergy to the components and any prohibitions on drinking alcoholic beverages.

Considering the general principles of making cherries, it is worth starting with the main ingredients. The first is, of course, a berry. The tincture can be prepared either from fresh or frozen cherries, or from dried berries. In addition to cherries, the use of cherries is acceptable. It can be both an additional component and the main one. Its taste is sweeter and more delicate, therefore, depending on its content in the drink, the taste of the tincture will also change.

Cherries must be prepared before infusion. Depending on the choice of fruits, the preliminary procedure will also differ. Fresh needs only to be washed thoroughly. Frozen berries are thawed at room temperature without being exposed to heat. After that, they are washed and dried. Dry berries are soaked. Bones are also important. They can both be left and removed from the fruit.

Before preparing a drink, alcohol is also selected. Cherry tincture on vodka is the most popular option at home. He became a favorite due to the availability of vodka products and the fact that he does not require additional manipulations. It is enough to buy a quality drink in the store. A variant of cherry tincture for alcohol is possible. This type of liqueur is sharper and rougher, but softened with additional ingredients such as sugar, honey and spices. Another possible base option is cognac. It has a rich bouquet and, in combination with cherries, will create a very complex, but at the same time tasty and interesting.

It is possible to prepare without the use of alcohol. In this case, the berries ferment along with sugar in a warm place until the process is completed. With this technology, the drink turns out to be low-alcohol, but at the same time, no less tasty.

The recipe for a delicious liqueur is passed down from generation to generation, but the cooking technology is approximately the same for everyone. First, the berry is prepared. She washes, moves and fits into prepared containers. Then sprinkled with sugar, if available in the recipe. The final stage of mixing is the addition of alcohol. After that, the mixture is sent for aging. The drink is infused in a cool place, protected from direct sunlight. The exposure time takes from 1 to 4 months, which is divided into 2 stages.

First, the drink is aged for a couple of weeks in the cold. Then it is filtered, if present in the recipe, mixed with additional ingredients. The finished drink is poured into bottles for storage and is now aged until fully prepared for about 3 months. After that, the cherry tincture will be ready for use.

Recipes at home

The recipe for cherry tincture depends on the selected ingredients. The use of various alcohols radically changes the drink. Therefore, when choosing a recipe, be sure to pay attention to this. Three main options: tincture with vodka, alcohol or cognac. The last option is the most expensive.

In addition, cherry tincture can be with or without pits. Many believe that they need to be extracted, since the kernels contain a large amount of harmful substances. In fact, this is not so, the harmful elements in them are not enough to harm the body. Removing or leaving stones is due to a change in the taste of the drink. In addition, sometimes in recipes there is a recommendation to cook berries. The taste will not get worse from this, but all the useful properties will be lost from heat treatment. Therefore, it is better to use the classical technique, which includes only insistence.

Classic vodka drink

The classic recipe for cherry tincture on vodka is the most popular. Its taste is as harmonious and soft as possible. It is great for the first tasting and is very easy to prepare. Classic cherry liqueur with vodka contains 3 main ingredients:

  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 700 grams.
  • Cherry berries - 1.7 kilograms.

Fresh berries are sorted and washed with running water using a colander. After that, the fruits are dried in the sun. This process takes several days. It is not recommended to use the oven for these purposes, as you can go too far with the temperature. It is not necessary to dry the berry, but in this way excess water is removed, due to which the drink becomes fresh and watery.

The prepared berry is mixed with sugar and poured with vodka in a clean prepared container. The mixture is corked and cleaned in a dark, cool place. Cherry on vodka is aged for a month. At the same time, the bottle is shaken every three days so that the sugar is evenly distributed throughout the drink without settling to the bottom.

After time, the liquid is filtered and separated from the berries. The finished tincture is bottled in clean bottles and stored in the cold. For this, a refrigerator or a cellar in a private house is suitable.

Pouring without vodka

Pouring without vodka is prepared according to the wine method. The fruits are fermented by a natural method to the formation of alcohol. To prepare this recipe you will need:

  • Cherry - 1 kilogram.
  • Water - 100 milliliters.
  • Sugar - 400 grams.

In a container prepared and cleaned by boiling, the berries are laid in layers together with granulated sugar and choked a little. After that, water is added. It is important to leave 3 - 4 centimeters to the top of the jar free. This is necessary so that the foam formed during the fermentation process does not climb over the edge of the vessel.

The jar is closed with a special water seal or a medical glove, with a finger pierced with a needle. The container is placed in a warm place with a constant room temperature around 25 degrees. Braga should be protected from direct sunlight. The must is infused until complete fermentation. This can be seen by stopping gas formation and a characteristic smell.

After that, the drink is filtered through thick gauze and aged for a couple of days. After insisting, the drink is filtered again. Only by performing a double purification, you can pour the finished tincture into bottles. Such a drink is stored in a cool place and remains usable for 3 years.

Cherry liqueur on moonshine

Cherry on moonshine is a tincture, similar in technology to a vodka recipe. Main Ingredients:

  • Cherry berries - 1.7 kilograms.
  • Alcohol - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 700 grams.

The peeled berry is placed in a container and sprinkled with sugar. The mixture is poured with alcohol and kept cool. The exposure time is 1 month. After that, the drink is carefully filtered. To do this, use a fine sieve. Pure tincture is ready to use.

on alcohol

Cherry tincture for alcohol is prepared with the addition of spices. They allow you to soften and shade the taste of alcohol. This alcohol tincture consists of:

  • Cherry berries - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 500 grams.
  • Alcohol - 1 liter.
  • Cinnamon sticks - 1 piece.
  • Carnation - 7 - 10 buds.

Alcohol tincture on cherry is made in 2 stages. First, the berries are mixed with sugar and left in a jar covered with a cloth for a week. As soon as the characteristic formation of gas appears, you need to add alcohol with cinnamon and cloves, and keep the drink for 2 weeks. After the aging is completed, the tincture is filtered, bottled and aged for another month.

Polish strong cherry liqueur

How to make cherry tincture even more interesting? Try to cook it according to the Polish recipe. This will require:

  • Vodka - 500 milliliters.
  • Alcohol - 500 milliliters.
  • Cherry - 1.5 kilograms.
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram.

Cherries are sprinkled with sugar and kept to form juice. It merges, boils and, cooled down, mixes with alcohol. The berries are separately poured with vodka and infused for 2 weeks. After that, the vodka infusion is filtered and combined with alcohol. The mixture is infused for 1 month until fully prepared.

Spicy cherry liqueur

It is believed that when cherries are infused with spices, a drink is obtained that has a beneficial effect on digestion. To prepare it you need:

  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Cherry - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 500 grams.
  • Carnation - 5 buds.
  • Vanilla - 5 grams.
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick
  • Cardamom - 5 grams.

All the ingredients specified in the recipe are mixed in one container and closed with a lid. The resulting mixture is aged for six months. After that, the spicy tincture is ready for use.

Homemade ruby ​​liqueur

This liqueur is very sweet, as the recipe is based on a large amount of sugar. For cooking you need:

  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Cherry - 1 kilogram.
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram.

Sugar is mixed with cherries and poured with vodka. The mixture is infused in the cool for 3 months. After that, the drink must be filtered, bottled and stored in the cold.

Cherry leaf pour

In order to prepare such a tincture of cherries, you will need:

  • Cherry - 700 grams.
  • Cherry leaves - 200 grams.
  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Sugar - 1.3 kilograms.
  • Water - 1 liter.
  • Citric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Berries with leaves are boiled for 20 minutes over low heat. The broth is filtered, mixed with sugar and citric acid and boiled until the ingredients are dissolved. The resulting syrup is mixed with vodka and infused for 2-3 weeks. The finished tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Cherry and currant filling

For cooking you need:

  • Cherry - 100 grams.
  • Currant - 100 grams.
  • Sugar - 200 grams.
  • Vodka - 1 liter.

Berries are mixed with sugar and vodka. The mixture is clogged and infused for 1.5 - 2 months. After that, the liqueur must be filtered and stored in a cool place.

Cherry cognac liqueur

On cognac, cherry tincture is also often prepared. At home, a simple recipe contains:

  • Cherry - 1 kilogram.
  • Cognac - 500 milliliters.
  • Sugar - 500 grams.
  • Cherry leaves - 5 - 10 pieces.
  • Cloves in buds - 5 grams.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed in a jar and poured with cognac. The workpiece is shaken and exposed to the sun. In this form, it is aged for 1 - 2 months. The finished drink is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

  • Cherries infused with alcohol or moonshine are best softened by adding spices. So the drink will remain strong, but at the same time it will be softer in taste and easier to drink.
  • Berries left after cooking should not be thrown away. They are served as a dessert for the same drink or as an independent dish and are called drunken cherries. It has a sweet taste with a slight hint of alcohol.
  • The recipe for cherry tincture on vodka is the simplest and most popular. If you have never tried this drink, then you should start with it. After that, you can and definitely need to experiment, because this drink is very tasty in all its variations.

Industrially produced alcoholic drinks are presented in a wide range, but aromatic drinks prepared on their own are considered a special “squeak”. Do-it-yourself cherry liquor for alcohol puts the owner in a better position than a “state-owned” bottle of vodka, moreover, the recipe for its preparation is not complicated. To prepare a drink at home, you do not need special equipment and professional training - everything is done surprisingly simply.

It is hard to imagine that for a long time no one even imagined the existence of homemade tinctures in Russia, until the first “potion” infused with mint, anise and nuts appeared in the 10th century. A patent for an invention could have been obtained by a certain man named Erofey, who prepared the first tincture in Russia, which was widely used. The drink, in honor of its creator, was named "Erofey's vodka", although it was related to vodka only by the presence of the very vodka on which the main ingredients were infused, which then merged into one container for infusion.

Count Aleksey Razumovsky succeeded in making liqueurs, thanks to which new drinks with a unique taste and color were born. Cherry tincture for alcohol, most likely, was also made by the count. The main difference between the liqueurs prepared by him was the use of oriental spices, which gave them a unique flavor. By the way, Count Razumovsky was the first to use lemon zest, as well as other previously unfamiliar ingredients.

Count Alexei Razumovsky, thanks to whom cherry tincture on alcohol was born

Cherry for the production of alcohol of various strengths has been used for a long time and there are a lot of ways to produce it. In the Hetman's Ukraine, for example, the first alcohol tincture of cherries was prepared in barrels, for which the berries were poured with white honey and infused in a corked barrel for about three months. Today, a cherry-based flavored alcoholic drink is made faster and easier, while you can control not only the color and sweetness, but also the number of “degrees”.

There is a lot of talk about the benefits and harms of alcohol today, which is especially important, given the far-reaching ideal quality of industrially produced alcohol. As for home-made alcohol, it is quite often used for medical purposes, and its use as a medicine is often “blessed” not only by traditional healers, but also by representatives of traditional medicine. It is the pouring of cherries on alcohol that deserves special attention, as it has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Cherry liqueur has a beneficial effect on the human body

Useful properties are directly related to the composition of the berry, and it contains not only many vitamins, but also useful minerals such as iron, potassium, magnesium and zinc.

All the beneficial properties of cherries pass into the drink during preparation, so cherries on alcohol help to improve blood composition, it helps with high blood pressure, and is useful for people with heart problems. I recommend it in reasonable amounts to patients with anemia, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, makes them more durable and elastic.

A special taste and incredible healing properties has a cherry liqueur on alcohol, the recipe of which includes sage and buckwheat honey. It calms the nervous system and makes the human body more protected, which is especially important in the winter season - during the cold season.

The difference between liqueur and tincture

Cherry liqueur at home on alcohol is not difficult to make, but sometimes it takes six months or even more to prepare it, while the tincture is prepared no longer than a month. Another difference between tinctures and liqueurs is a different amount of sugar - tinctures contain 2-3% sugar, while in liqueurs its content sometimes reaches 40%. The strength is also different - if cherry tincture for alcohol at home contains 40-45% alcohol, then the strength of the liquor does not exceed 18-20%.

How to prepare a tincture?

The tincture of cherries for alcohol is not complicated, and you do not have to use alcohol in its pure form for this. Good quality vodka, diluted alcohol and even well-purified moonshine are ideal. We offer the main stages of preparation of the drink:

  • To prepare a quality tincture, you need good cherries, and the state of their maturity is not important - the main thing is that they are not rotten. It is not scary if worms “settled” in cherries, which indicates the good quality of the berries. Before preparing a drink, cherries must be poured with water for a while - all pests will float to the surface.
  • The next step in preparing the tincture is to pour the cherry with alcohol, then let it stand in a dark, cool place for two weeks.
  • The resulting liquid is poured into an empty container, and the remaining cherries are covered with sugar, and it should completely cover the berries. If you want to get a tincture, use the minimum amount of sugar, you can not spare sugar for pouring. By the way, alcohol-based cherry liqueur is made in much the same way, and it takes a lot of sugar to prepare it. Cherries in sugar should stand for another two weeks, while they should be shaken periodically.
  • After two weeks, concentrated sugar syrup will turn out in our container. It must be filtered through two or three layers of gauze, combined with the infusion obtained earlier. The drink can already be drunk, but it is better to keep it in a cool place for another two to four weeks, you can store it longer, from which the taste of the tincture will only benefit.

Get good cherries
Pour cherries with alcohol and leave in a dark, cool place for two weeks.
Pour the resulting liquid into an empty container, and sprinkle the remaining cherries with sugar
After two weeks, concentrated sugar syrup will be obtained in the container. It must be filtered and mixed with the infusion obtained earlier.

Most likely, the Witcher 3 alcohol cherry liqueur is made in a similar way, and it is this drink that the Witcher prepares, who has previously received the skills of a professional herbalist. By the way, in this popular game, just like in real life, you can buy cherry tincture from alcohol sellers, but no one can guarantee the quality of the drink in this case.

Much depends on the strength of the drink, and if you accidentally “overdone” with degrees, do not rush to dilute the finished tincture with water, even if it is purified. In this case, the taste of the drink will lose significantly. If you have not had time to throw away the "spent" cherries, fill them with warm water and let stand for a couple of weeks. Add the resulting cherry water to the drink - so you can get a tincture of any strength without losing taste.

There is an opinion that cherries with a stone can be harmful to the body, and the reason for this is the lycoside amygdalin, the breakdown product of which is hydrocyanic acid. There is no need to be afraid of this, since harmful substances from the seeds pass into the final product only after 5-6 months, and in our case, cherries are thrown away much earlier. Meanwhile, pitted cherries add almond notes to the drink, greatly enhancing the flavor and aroma.

To get a more aromatic drink, you can use slightly dried cherries that have lain for two or three days in the sun or in an oven preheated to 60-80 degrees. If you prefer a spicy taste, you can make a tincture with spices - cloves, cinnamon and nutmeg, but that's another story.

Cherry ... old Russian, because the recipe, although very old, is not at all aging. Because the cherry season is approaching, and in some places it has already begun. He, this season, is not long. Therefore, you need to have time to stock up on this wonderful drink, which will really warm and delight with its summer taste all year long ... until the next cherry season. If, of course, cook it enough.

Cherry Pour Ingredients:

Cherry Pour Recipe:

Of course, this story, whatever one may say, is still an interpretation of an old Russian recipe. Remember the scene in the new film based on Pushkin's "The Young Lady - Peasant Woman". She, this scene, was brilliantly played by Lanov and Kuravlyov. They sit at the table and help themselves with liqueurs. ... This is from those times. BUT!!! Of course, somewhat imprisoned for modern affairs.
But one thing is invariable - it is better for those who are in a hurry to simply dilute vodka with cherry synthetic syrup and drink it. Our pouring is a slow business. Estimated for six weeks.
The cherry is ripe. We select the most delicious, the most ripe.

Of course, we wash it and sort it out - we don’t need rotten berries. We are going to drink the tincture ourselves and treat our friends. So let's be responsible.

We fall asleep berries in jars. So, or rather, so much - for the "ladies'" consistency.

And this is a "half-and-half". Get the "male" version. Not very strong, but about thirty degrees will definitely come out.

And then we fill it with ... either good vodka, or diluted alcohol in half with well or spring water. Just don't need tap water. Don't spoil the product.
In this bottle, this very vodka is good. "Absolute", which we now produce in this very Chernogolovka.
Yes…. Never use pure alcohol. To put it simply and roughly, you will burn this delicious berry. Burn out all the enzymes. Generally speaking - the very thing that you need (already tested) of good quality moonshine. Fortress - thirty-eight degrees.

Pour so that the berries on a finger and a half are covered with liquid.
Here I will add a few more words. In this photo, a variant of ladies' liqueur. More berries, less vodka.

And this is already a "half-and-half". That is, there are fewer berries, and more fuel. And the result will be a little stronger, I repeat. Harder. Although the taste is excellent.

And we take it out for two weeks. All these jars. Can be kept at room temperature, can be taken to the cellar. Don't forget to put stickers on. With bookmark date. It won't be redundant.
It won't change the results.

And here it is, two weeks later.

As you can see, in addition to color, the liquid level has already decreased. They absorbed the berries and gave the juice. And they themselves swelled, saturated with life-giving moisture. She, this moisture, will still be useful to us.

We merge the resulting product with the help of this device and set it aside. In the same cellar.

Berries after a two-week vodka bath will turn pale. Still would! Two weeks of unrestrained drinking ....

And here's the half-ass.

Didn't hold back. We tried. There is already a taste and aroma. It can, of course, be stopped. BUT!!! Firstly, we strive for the authenticity of the recipe, and secondly, we make it “for ladies” too, and the resulting product is still very strong and not very sweet. That is, even sour. Although saturated.
And the half-and-half is completely ... close to the original product.

And now we take granulated sugar. At the rate of about four hundred grams per jar. Do you want sweeter? Then take more. In general, adjust to your own taste.

And they fell asleep in jars with berries. There is an opinion that sugar should be left on top. It sort of dissolves and settles on its own. But! I went the other way. I took it and shook it so that the sugar mixed with the berries.

Less sugar should be poured into the "half-and-half". There is no excess sweetness here.

We leave these jars, covered with sugar with berries, alone ... also for two weeks.

And in two weeks. We took out the jars from the basement into which we poured sugar.
By the way, I walked them every two or three days, shaking them up. Without fanaticism, but carefully. It may not have been necessary. But what's done is over.
And this syrup was poured through a strainer.
Here he is. We also tried. Sweet, dog. But the taste of alcohol is also felt. Sugar pulled vodka juices out of cherries...

We mix what was merged last time and what happened this time.
We try. It tastes sweet. In my opinion, even too much. Although the ladies said - hard!
BUT!!! I wouldn't say so.
So I decided to do so. Popolamovka was recognized as ready for use and set aside, and with the "ladies'" we finish the recipe according to the instructions.

So, the cherry, which ..., you see, after the sweet life, the cherry darkened again. On the palate... acquired such a concentrated-bright... sweet-alcoholic shade.

So - fill the berries with water.
No need to take any, God forbid, boiled water. It is necessary to take, best of all, well, fresh. Taste better.
This is how we fill. And from time to time do not forget to turn the jars over. While they will stand in the cellar, another two weeks.

And here it is - the final act.
We take out the jars into which we added water. They stood for two weeks, as it was said, with occasional shaking.

We drain, filtering. And then we mix with what has accumulated "in the bins." From the "ladies", of course, stock. There was no more suitable dish than this pan. It is necessary to mix the entire product, for purity, so to speak, to comply with the technology.

Here I ... in general, I decided to measure the fortress. While the alcoholometer found in pharmacies, I sweated ten times. And define such a proud weight that the fortress does not exceed ten degrees.
And then one of my acquaintances, a chemist, very tactfully explained to me that an alcoholometer is the essence of a hydrometer and it correctly measures the density of a pure water-alcohol mixture. And in my liqueur and cherry juice, and sugar was added. And no, not only the correct value will not work, but even more or less close to the true one will not.
So - that is a photograph, but the strength of the drink has not been determined.

Pour into decanters, then into glasses ... (this is a “half-and-half”).

And here it is!!! "Popolamovka". And so it happened, as he said. It feels like it's around 30 degrees. But mildly sour. With a slight sweet note. You know, as if a cherry that was not quite ripe was used as a snack. And no vodka taste. Color is clear too. Cherry - unsaturated, so to speak.

Ladies. Here the picture is different. Taste ... although there is sourness, but with a strong bias towards sweetness. That is, just a very rich taste of well-ripened cherries. Even a little overripe. And the fortress ... still about ten degrees. Plus or minus two. Not more. And it's very easy to drink. BUT!!!
What's "but"? More on that later.

And all the same, comrades, it turned out to be pure ambrosia !!!

Now I will summarize.
1. "Bone". A lot during the discussions of this recipe was said that the bones should be removed, because they contain any harmful byaka, and this drink will poison the byaka. Don't know. I've been making this for three years now. Ten buckets have definitely already been consumed, and no one has ever complained about any negative factors.
I tried this year to do a little pitted. I do not advise. It looks beautiful, but the taste, if you compare, is completely non-existent. So… pathetic.
2. "Lady's". Be careful. Behind the apparent lightness is quite heavy, like any other "liqueur" after .... This is the ladies version! Therefore, the format of use should be the same. Ladies.
And do not try to add pure vodka, the stronger it comes out the stronger, but it’s already “not that”. Surrogatively it turns out.
3. "Popolamovka". Really very appetizing, fragrant and tasty liqueur turns out. And very acceptable on sensations "for men".
If anyone suddenly wants to have a product, as they say, stronger, then just reduce the amount of cherries in the first tab, as well as sugar in the second. You will get a less sweet and stronger liqueur.
4. "Drunken cherry". We tried. It, of course, can be used for, say, eating (even without bread), as we would have done in the years of unforgettable youth, or what kind of cake, for example, to bake. But!!! I do not advise. In general, I didn't like it. And ... the owner is a gentleman. Maybe it will be just right for someone.
