
Condensed milk is not cooked. We cook condensed milk without a can - a unique and easy way

There is nothing easier than boiling condensed milk in a jar, and almost everyone knows about this method. But if the delicacy is purchased in draft form or in any other container that is not suitable for prolonged contact with boiling water, this is not a reason to be upset. You can get this boiled condensed milk without a tin shell.

Recipe for condensed milk in a saucepan

This will require an aluminum pan, into which condensed milk is poured from the existing container. The pan is put on fire and the milk is brought to a boil with constant stirring. To do this, you can use both a wooden spatula and a regular spoon. When the condensed milk boils, it is necessary to reduce the heat and cook it until the density matches the desired one. If you do not mix the condensed milk, it can not only burn, but simply form a not very pleasant hard crust on the walls.

Stainless steel utensils are also suitable for cooking, but you should absolutely not use an enameled pan. In it, condensed milk will begin to burn simultaneously with boiling

How to cook condensed milk without a can in other ways

To cook condensed milk in the microwave, you will need two containers. Larger size - for water, smaller - directly for condensed milk. In the future, the principle of a water bath works: condensed milk is boiled by heating the water surrounding the container. The level must be arranged so that the milk in the container is a couple of centimeters higher than the water in a larger container. If there is too much liquid in it, then it will simply be poured into a jar of condensed milk when boiling. The duration of cooking here largely depends on the power of the microwave and the amount of condensed milk.

The utensils for this process are those that are suitable for the microwave. These can be glass containers or ceramic.

What else should be considered when cooking

So that the dishes do not rumble when cooking on the stove, it is worth putting any piece of cloth between the bottom of the water bath and the rest of the container. - Do not set too long a time for cooking condensed milk in the microwave. If you continuously control the process, then with a standard weight of 400 g, it thickens in half an hour. - Determining the readiness of condensed milk prepared at home is quite simple. It should change color from white to pale brown, and the consistency changes from light to fairly viscous. Well-cooked condensed milk can be spread with a knife on bread, and not just used for whipping cream, so the degree of cookedness is a purely individual thing. - You can achieve chocolate color and density only when using natural milk. If milk, created on the basis of plant substances, was taken, then you should not count on a positive result.

Everyone remembers condensed milk since childhood. Who doesn't love this sweet treat that can be added to coffee, tea, various desserts or simply eaten with a spoon. And then everyone became aware of the recipe for boiled condensed milk. Of course, boiled condensed milk is sold in modern stores. But in terms of its taste, it cannot be compared with boiled condensed milk at home. Do you know how to cook condensed milk in a jar?

Secrets of cooking boiled condensed milk at home

Delicious homemade boiled condensed milk is a wonderful delicacy and an excellent basis for preparing the filling of cakes, pastries, nuts, waffles and other sweet delicacies. However, sometimes difficulties may arise when boiling condensed milk - either the jar will explode or burst, or the milk will be overcooked or, conversely, remain liquid. To avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to know a few secrets of making boiled condensed milk at home.

How to guarantee the safety of cooking boiled condensed milk?

Many have heard that condensed milk can explode when cooked. It's true. If you are in the kitchen at this time, you can get severe burns. Well, if hot condensed milk does not get on the face. At best, you will only have to scrape condensed milk from the walls and ceiling. Naturally, such boiled condensed milk is not suitable for consumption. Usually a jar with ready-made condensed milk bursts when you start to cool it. The contents are poured into a pot of water or a sink, and many hours of work down the drain.

So that the condensed milk does not explode and burst during the cooking process, remember:

How long does it take to cook a jar of condensed milk?

The cooking time for homemade boiled condensed milk depends on the fat content of the milk and on what result you want to achieve.

  • condensed milk with a fat content of 8-8.5% is cooked for one and a half to two hours
  • condensed milk with a fat content of more than 8.5% is cooked for two to two and a half hours or longer, that is, the fatter the milk, the longer it is cooked
  • after 1 hour of cooking, condensed milk has a liquid consistency and melted beige color
  • after 2 hours of cooking, the consistency is of medium density, the color is pale brown
  • after 3 hours of cooking, the condensed milk becomes really thick, the color is melted brown
  • after 4 or more hours of boiling, the milk in the jar will become thick, like a toffee candy, and will acquire a chocolate color

What other rules are there for making boiled condensed milk?

There are a few more secrets, the knowledge of which will help you prepare delicious boiled condensed milk.

How to cook condensed milk in a closed jar

In a closed jar, condensed milk can be cooked in two ways - in a saucepan and in a pressure cooker. Both methods take about the same time, but if you use a pressure cooker, your participation in cooking will be limited to only a few minutes. So the second method is great if, for example, you are going to leave home and cannot watch condensed milk cooking for several hours.

Boiled condensed milk in a saucepan

You will need:

  • can of condensed milk
  • large pot with lid
  • kettle or pot of boiling water to add water

Step-by-step instruction:

Boiled condensed milk in a pressure cooker

You will need:

  • can of condensed milk
  • pressure cooker

Step-by-step instruction:

How to cook an open can of condensed milk

Open condensed milk can also be cooked in two ways - in the microwave and in a water bath. The first way is the fastest, condensed milk will be ready in 20-25 minutes, but you will have to tinker a lot. The second method takes about 4-5 hours. Both options are suitable if you need some boiled condensed milk, and not a whole can. Also, many people like that in both cases you can control the degree of readiness of condensed milk in the process of cooking it.

Boiled condensed milk in the microwave

You will need:

  • condensed milk
  • deep bowl for microwave cooking
  • long-handled spoon for stirring milk
  • microwave

Step-by-step instruction:

Boiled condensed milk in a water bath

You will need:

  • condensed milk
  • small saucepan with lid
  • spoon with a long handle for stirring condensed milk
  • larger saucepan for a water bath
  • kettle or saucepan with boiling water for pouring water

Step-by-step instruction:

As you can see, with all the methods described above, you can cook condensed milk at home. The main thing is to follow certain rules so that the jar of condensed milk does not explode. Boiled condensed milk can also be used to prepare various desserts. Try to make a delicious cake "

Boiled condensed milk, or, in a simple way, boiled milk, is not only an excellent delicacy, but also an indispensable ingredient for a layer of cakes and pastries.

It would be nice if such condensed milk was sold in any store. However, not all so simple. Of course, there are boiled condensed milk in stores, but does it correspond to the quality that real boiled milk has, reminiscent of toffee in taste and texture? Not always.

So we have to remember the forgotten recipes for brewing condensed milk, which the hostesses of the Soviet era were proud of for lack of it on store shelves.

And, it turns out, not everything is as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main thing is that when cooking condensed milk, you need to know a few simple rules.

Rule 1. Not every condensed milk in a can can be boiled.

It is known that the composition of milk is indicated on all jars. But it's no secret that condensed milk is now often made from whatever is possible, adding milk powder, vegetable fats in the form of palm oil, preservatives, thickeners, starch and other non-dairy ingredients.

And if you try to make boiled milk out of such condensed milk, then nothing will work anyway. It will either become liquid, or just curl up and not thicken.

Therefore, only a product made from real milk and sugar is suitable for cooking. Such a jar will be provided with the appropriate inscription: whole milk with sugar.

Rule 2. Fat content plays an important role in the quality of boiled condensed milk.

Condensed milk must be at least 8.5% fat. Only from such a product will you get a high-quality varenka, which you need to cook for 2-2.5 hours.

Rule 3. A jar of condensed milk intended for cooking must be free of mechanical damage.

Indeed, even a slight dent can, sadly, cause the can to explode during cooking, because a small defect during long boiling can easily break the integrity of the container, and the huge pressure inside the can will contribute to its rupture.

Preparation for cooking condensed milk

So, condensed milk is selected. The next step is the choice of a container in which condensed milk will be cooked.. A large capacious saucepan is suitable for boiling condensed milk, into which you can pour enough water to cover a vertically placed jar by at least 10 cm. After all, there is a long cooking ahead, and at the same time, as you know, active boiling of water occurs.

Main point: during the cooking of condensed milk, the jar should not be shown on the surface of the water for a second. This is especially true in those cases when the jar is not put in the pan, but put.

There is a very simple explanation for this: the seams on the can are located in a circle on the bottom and lid, when the top of the can peeks out of the water, a sharp temperature drop occurs, which can provoke an explosion of the can.

Therefore, it is best to place a jar of condensed milk horizontally in a saucepan when cooking.. And even if it happens that the barrel looks out of the water for a minute, you can always have time to quickly correct the situation.

Therefore, a kettle with boiling water, or at least boiling water, should always be ready nearby in order to make the topping up process as quickly as possible.

When water boils, even a slight one, the bank will definitely roll along the bottom. Therefore, it is advisable to cover the bottom of the pan with a soft cloth, as hostesses do when they sterilize jars with canned vegetables and fruits.
The smallest thing left is to cook condensed milk.

  • A jar of condensed milk is placed in the prepared pan, from which the label has been removed, since it will still lag behind the jar during the cooking process and will float in the pan, making it difficult to observe the process. The paper must be removed by soaking it in water, and not torn off with an iron brush, which can not only scratch the jar, but also cause micro-scratches, which during cooking can violate the integrity of the jar.
  • A jar of condensed milk is poured with cold water so that there is a large supply in case it boils away, since it is better not to add water once again, artificially creating a temperature difference.
  • Place the pot on the stove, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. The fire is reduced so that there is an even, gentle boil. Only with this method of cooking, condensed milk eventually acquires a uniform consistency without lumps.
  • Cooking continues for at least one and a half hours. It all depends on how thick they want to end up with. After an hour, the milk acquires a creamy hue, but there is still no density. After 2 hours, the color darkens a little, and the milk becomes a little thicker. After 3 hours, the milk acquires a light brown color, a thick texture and a taste of toffee. And after 4 hours you can talk about real toffee and dark brown milk.
  • If, despite all the precautions, the water still boils away, it must be topped up. To do this, they take a kettle and slowly pour boiling water into the pan, but at the same time not aiming at the jar, but pouring it between it and the wall of the dish.
  • Varenka is ready. In no case should it be removed from the pan, and even more so rinsed with cold water! It is very dangerous! And not only because of the walls splashed with sweet delicacy during the explosion of the jar, but also because of the very real threat of being burned by hot boiled potatoes. Therefore, the jar is left in the pan until completely cooled. And only after that they take it out of the water, open it and enjoy delicious boiled condensed milk - boiled milk.

How to cook condensed milk in a pressure cooker

Condensed milk cooks much faster in a pressure cooker. However, you must follow the instructions exactly.

  • Properly selected condensed milk for cooking is placed in a pressure cooker.
  • Fill it with water and close the lid.
  • Turn on full power and quickly bring to a boil.
  • Continue cooking for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Turn off the pressure cooker, but leave the lid closed.
  • Do not open 3 hours.
  • The pan is then opened, but the jar is allowed to cool completely in the water.
  • They take out a jar of boiled potatoes, open it and conduct a tasting.

Condensed milk prepared at home is distinguished not only by its “natural” taste, but also by the ability to obtain a product of “different consistency”: liquid - for pancakes, ice cream, fruit salads, thick - for making creams, super thick - for use in fillings.

Eclairs, shortbread nuts, biscuit and waffle cakes - all this is hard to imagine without condensed cream, but how you want to cook really homemade cakes - without preservatives, dyes and other joys of our sometimes "too modern" food industry!

There is good news for connoisseurs of natural products - condensed milk at home is not only possible, but also not inferior in taste to the most "advanced" store. True, you will have to wait a bit, because it takes at least two hours to prepare it.

Homemade condensed milk can and should be cooked with a margin, so that for a few more days you can just get it out of the refrigerator to make desserts that have the taste of childhood.

About the recipe for homemade condensed milk

About adding soda: it helps keep the milk from curdling, practically guaranteeing it, even if it's not too fresh. Since I used yesterday's milk, I included baking soda in the recipe. I hasten to reassure: condensed milk has no taste of soda.

If no soda. Condensed milk can be prepared without the addition of soda, but then it should be taken fresh (you must be sure of freshness) and whole (selected).

The ratio of sugar and milk. As for homemade condensed milk recipes, they are different in terms of the ratio of sugar and milk, depending on the desired degree of sweetness. But here every housewife has her own practical secret - with such a ratio it turned out pretty sweet for me.

Sugar syrup, not sugar. I highly recommend mixing milk not directly with sugar, but with sugar syrup, so it will better perceive the sweet product and even get thicker in consistency. ( Editorial. In the editorial experience, this was not confirmed, the excellent density turned out without syrup).

About dried milk. Sometimes, for a more expressive milky taste, milk powder (powder) is added to the recipe, usually in a ratio of 1 to 1 with sugar, but then it is better to take half as much fresh product.

Do you want boiled condensed milk? If you want to get boiled homemade condensed milk, cook 1.5 times longer.

Cooking time: 2 hours.
Yield: 1 liter of milk = 500-600 grams of condensed milk.


  • milk (fat content 3.2) 1 liter
  • sugar 0.5 l.
  • soda 0.5 dessert spoon
  • vanilla sugar (optional) 1 tsp
  • water 70 ml

How to cook condensed milk at home

To prepare condensed milk, it is best to use a large pan with a non-stick coating, as sweet milk will foam at first, and then burn to the bottom. If there is no such pan, you will have to stir it very, very often.
Pour vanilla and regular sugar into the pan, pour a little water.

Put on medium heat and constantly stir with a spatula or whisk until all the sugar crystals dissolve and the mass turns into sugar syrup.

Now pour milk at room temperature into the syrup (this is important), mix, bring to a boil.
Milk is better to use fatty and always fresh (even slightly sour milk will curdle when heated).

Prepare half a dessert spoon of baking soda.

After the milk boils for a few minutes, reduce the heat to a small position, add soda.

Immediately stir the future condensed milk intensively, because lush foam will begin to rise on it. After the foam has subsided, set a small fire (less than average) and simmer the milk for one hour, stirring it occasionally and removing the foam from the walls (do not throw away the foam, but put it back into the pan).

After a while, the milk will acquire a light coffee shade. If you need liquid condensed milk, then at this stage you can remove it from the heat.

If you want to thicken the condensed milk, boil it a little more (30 minutes).

Determine readiness by appearance and taste - the longer you boil milk, the thicker, darker and sweeter it will be.

Let the finished condensed milk cool, and then pour into a glass container.

Store in refrigerator. To keep condensed milk at home longer, do not remove the entire jar from the refrigerator for a long time and collect milk only with a clean and dry spoon.


The editors of the site also prepared homemade condensed milk according to the recipe of Elbi and her crumbs, boiling the milk for 2.5 hours. Here's what we got - thick boiled condensed milk of a beautiful chocolate color:

The degree of density can thus be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the cooking time.

Reference. Boiled condensed milk, she milk jam, aka dulce di leche- a very popular product in Latin America. It looks like our condensed milk, but it is probably more correct to call it milk jam. In Argentina, it is often used as a cream for cakes and pastries, or simply as a spread on bread.

Not only children love sweets, but also adults. Sweets, cakes, gingerbread, pastries cheer up, bring pleasure. And the real taste from childhood is boiled condensed milk. Yes, supermarkets already sell boiled condensed milk - toffee. But, much tastier gets a delicacy cooked by yourself. Of course, many housewives are well aware of how this process goes. It is important to follow all steps. Otherwise, it will take hours to clean the kitchen. Indeed, with improper cooking, a jar of raw sweetness can simply burst. So, how to cook condensed milk in a jar yourself?

The choice of condensed milk in a jar for cooking

If you decide to make your own boiled condensed milk in a can, you need to pay special attention to the choice of this product. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain. Thanks to this popularity, many manufacturers are trying to save on raw materials, reduce the cost of sweets. In the process of cooking such products, it turns into an incomprehensible mass, which is very harmful to human health.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to pay attention to some factors:

  • Bank marking. A quality product necessarily has an embossed marking, and not just printed or written. At the same time, it is knocked out on the lid or bottom of the jar from the inside. First, the letter "M" is stuffed, and the numbers. If the last two characters are "76", then the condensed milk is of high quality.
  • Standard marking. The highest quality and most delicious condensed milk prepared according to GOST. TU marking is allowed. In this case, plant components are used in the manufacture in large quantities. This worsens the taste characteristics of the product.
  • Name. To cook delicious condensed milk, or to eat it raw, choose the name on the jar "Condensed milk with sugar". Some manufacturers write "Whole Milk". This option is also acceptable. Other products are not manufactured to the standard, and may be harmful.
  • Storage period. Real, properly made condensed milk cannot be stored for more than one year. If the packaging indicates a longer shelf life, it means that preservatives were added during production. With heat treatment, they can turn into a real time bomb.

Pay attention to the quality of the packaging itself. Both for cooking and for consumption in its natural form, a treat in a plastic container is not suitable. Real condensed milk is packed only in cans. Only such packaging allows products to be stored for such a long time without the use of preservatives. On a tin can, cracks and dents are unacceptable.

How to cook condensed milk in a jar in a saucepan?

To cook delicious sweets in a jar, you need to consider some points. First of all, the cooking time of the product is taken into account. How much to cook condensed milk in a jar? If you want a delicate, beige shade, the cooking time will be only 1 hour. To get a dark brown color, you will have to cook the sweetness for about 3.5-4 hours.

Cooking time also affects the taste characteristics, the consistency of condensed milk. The longer it cooks, the thicker it will get. As a rule, such masses are not used for direct consumption, but for the manufacture of a filling or cream for a confectionery product. During the cooking process, the water in the pan will evaporate. It must be added. But, so that there is no explosion, and condensed milk does not end up on the walls of the kitchen, only hot water is added.

Follow these cooking steps:

  • Clear the jar from the label;
  • Place the jar sideways in the pan;
  • Fill the condensed milk with cold liquid;
  • Bring the condensed milk to a boil at maximum heat;
  • Reduce the fire to the minimum mark;
  • Boil the condensed milk for the set time.

If you notice that milk has begun to flow out of the jar, you should stop cooking. Otherwise, the bank will definitely explode. Do not immediately open the condensed milk when cooked. Wait until the product has completely cooled down. So, condensed milk will be tasty, and the container will not burst. Examine the composition of condensed milk before cooking. The required consistency will be obtained only when the milk fat content does not exceed 8%.

We cook condensed milk in a jar in a slow cooker

Today, a multicooker is found in almost every kitchen. With this device, you can also cook delicious condensed milk. As in the previous version, the iron can must be removed from the label and wiped with a damp washcloth. The multicooker bowl must be covered with a napkin (fabric) so that it is not scratched from the tin.

The jar of condensed milk itself can be either laid on its side or placed evenly. You need enough water to cover a little above the jar. But, you can not exceed the maximum mark in the multicooker bowl. If the device has a valve for steam, it should be closed. Thus, the liquid will not evaporate, and it will not have to be topped up.

In the "Frying" mode, the liquid with the jar must be brought to a boil. After that, close the multicooker with a lid, and set the "Extinguishing" mode. As a rule, the temperature mode is set automatically. It should be kept within 100-110 degrees. Cooking condensed milk quickly even in a slow cooker will not work. To obtain a thick, brown mass, at least 2.5-3 hours should pass.

How to make condensed milk yourself?

You can cook condensed milk yourself. There is a universal, classic recipe. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Fat milk - 1.3 l;
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • Baking soda - 3 g;
  • Water - 0.1 l;
  • Vanillin - 20 g.

You can cook condensed milk on your own only in a saucepan with a special coating (non-stick), thick-walled. The combination of milk and sugar will foam at first and then start to stick to the bottom of the dish. Too thin bottom will spoil the taste of the dish. If there is no suitable pan, the mass must be constantly stirred.

So, at the first stage, a mixture of vanillin, sugar, water is prepared. Everything is mixed with a wooden spatula. The fire is set to below medium on the stove. The mass is stirred with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved. After the syrup is ready, you can slowly pour the fat milk into the mass. As always, stirring, the mixture is brought to a boil. It is important to pour milk not cold, but at room temperature.

The fire is reduced to the minimum mark as soon as multiple bubbles begin to appear. At this stage, soda is added to the product. Since a sharp hissing, seething will begin, the condensed milk must be intensively stirred. Now the condensed milk is covered with a lid and simmered on a minimum heat for one hour. The milk is stirred every 10 minutes.

After about an hour, the milk will turn a delicate beige color. Right now, condensed milk can be removed from the fire, if there is a desire to get a liquid consistency. For thick, boiled condensed milk, you will have to simmer the product for another 40 minutes. After removing the product from the stove, the pan is covered with a lid, and the condensed milk cools down. The already cooled sweetness is poured into a jar, food container, tightly closed with a lid.

Other recipes for making goodies

It turns out very tasty condensed milk with cream. In this case, the composition of the ingredients is slightly different:

  • Sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • Powdered milk - 370 g;
  • Cream (33% fat) - 1 l;
  • Milk infant formula (dry) - 210 g;
  • Water - 120 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g.

The cooking pot should be the same as in the previous case. A mixture of their vanilla and simple sugar, water is prepared in a saucepan. The mixture is simmered over low heat until it boils. At this stage, the sugar has not yet completely dissolved. Once the mixture is homogeneous, it is removed from the gas. Now you can add cream, milk powder, infant formula to the pan. The dishes are placed on a minimum fire, and the condensed milk is constantly stirred. This will avoid the formation of lumps.

The product should languish for 1.5 hours. During the cooking process, the product is constantly stirred, and the foam that has settled on the walls is again sent to the pan. You need to turn off the fire when the mass becomes thick and viscous. Cools the treat at room temperature. Such sweetness will turn out to be very tasty, moderately sweet. In a container with a tight-fitting lid (preferably glass), the product can be stored in the refrigerator for a long period of time.
