
Pear jam with oranges for the winter. Recipe for a simple pear jam for the winter

Adding to the usual dessert unusual components will help bring a special touch of piquancy into it. Pear jam with orange great option use of such components. Dessert with juicy pear pulp with the addition of a sour orange, it comes out incredibly tasty, it will be appreciated by all housewives.

For cooking delicious dessert suitable for any garden variety fragrant pear. For this purpose, sufficiently dense samples are selected, but not rigid. Ideally, ripe fruit should remain tender, the shape of the pieces should be maintained. If fruits for making dessert are purchased in a store, then their choice should be approached with the utmost responsibility. Pears should be even, without visible signs of rot, have a characteristic aroma. Outwardly, they should be elastic.

A pleasant pear with sugar is combined with spices. The readiness of the dessert is determined by softness and transparency. In order for the selected fruits to cook evenly, fruits of the same maturity are used.

Preparation of the main ingredients

Ripe and hard pears carefully sorted, washed. Cut into slices without removing the peel. Carefully cut out the core with bones. The resulting slices are covered with sugar, infused for 5 hours. Oranges are peeled, cut into cubes or passed through a meat grinder. Small jars and lids are thoroughly sterilized.

Pear jam with orange

To prepare amber jam, you will need the following components:

  • Pear fruits - 2.2 kg.
  • Orange - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2.2 kg.

Peel off the thick skin, carefully cut into slices. stack up pear slices and orange cubes into an enamel basin, add sifted sugar, pierce with a fork. Set aside for insisting for the whole night.

Put the bowl on the fire, cook for 1 hour 30 minutes after boiling over low heat. Remove the foam, gently stir. The finished dish is poured on a crystal clean banks, roll up.

In a slow cooker

The process of preparing a delicious dessert is simplified if a slow cooker, a universal assistant for housewives, comes into play. The cooking recipe is very simple. For this purpose, you will need a universal vessel. For cooking take equal proportions 500 g of selected pears and an orange. Fresh oranges are cut into circles, without removing the thick peel. Each circle is cut in half. Pears are removed from the core, cut into neat slices. Dessert preparation is carried out on one “Stew” program for 1.5 hours. IN ready-made dessert acquires a pleasant amber hue.

For this recipe, hard varieties of pears are chosen, instead of vanilla beans, ordinary vanillin is suitable.

List of required ingredients:

  • Fruit durum varieties- 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 g.
  • Natural cinnamon - 2 sticks.
  • Vanilla - 1 pod (a bag of regular vanillin).
  • Lemon zest or half a lemon.

Peeled fruits cut into cubes. Pour over citrus juice, meanwhile prepare the syrup: melt sugar with the addition of spices. Add syrup to chopped pears. Cook for 5 minutes after boiling. Shake the vessel a little and send it back to the fire. Also boil the composition for another 5 minutes. With prolonged cooking, a homogeneous thick jam is made from the composition.

With lemon

The pear sweetness is neutralized by the acid in the lemon. Instead fresh fruit allowed to use diluted citric acid.

List required components:

  • Unpeeled fruits - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Large lemon - 1 pc.
  • Purified water - 250 ml.

The first step is cutting ripe pears into large slices. Carry out cutting into thin slices of the lemon fruit. Lemon slices are boiled in a saucepan, poured with a glass of spring water. The boiled liquid is decanted separately. Squeeze juice from boiled lemon. The resulting juice is put on the stove, sugar is gradually introduced, dissolved, pear slices are placed in the liquid. Set aside the composition for insisting for a couple of hours. After that, boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes.

Cool, then boil again for 20 minutes. Pour received delicious treat in clean jars.


This transparent dessert has not only an attractive taste, but also an excellent aesthetic appearance.

The list of required components is as follows:

  • Ripe fruits - 1 kg.
  • Selected sand - 1 kg.
  • Citric acid - 3 g.

Pears are thoroughly washed and dried. Make slices of the same thickness. It is desirable to leave a thick skin to preserve the integrity of the finished slices. Slices are placed in a vessel with a thick bottom, covered with sugar, left to release the life-giving juice. The fruits that let the juice go are subjected to three cooking times, one of which is quite long in time. The first 2 times boil for a few minutes.

Pear jam with orange, the recipe with a photo of which I offer, is not difficult. I think no one will refuse such a jam.
This year, together with classic recipes jams from berries and fruits, I decided to experiment a lot. Prepared many different types of jam with orange and lemon flavor, with coffee and spices. I love this variety, because in winter it will be possible to open jam with a new taste every day. For example, I really like it, try it and cook it.

Pear jam with orange is a delicious preparation that will appeal to all citrus lovers. Pear jam without orange usually turns out to be quite cloying. The sourness, which is inherent in oranges, makes this jam tastier and spicier. It appears that fresh note that will invigorate and warm in winter.

To make pear jam with orange, you need the following products:
- 1 kg of ripe pears,
- 1 large orange,
- 1 kg of sugar.

Cooking time: 12 hours, since the jam needs to be boiled in 2 doses, and between them take a 10-12 hour break so that the pear pieces are soaked in syrup
Difficulty: fairly easy

To make pear jam with orange, you need to take dense, but ripe pears. We wash them in water.

We cut off the core and the stalk, and cut the fruits themselves into small cubes.

We wash the orange and be sure to pour boiling water over it. Thanks to boiling water, the special treatment that is sprayed on the fruit during transportation is washed off the orange.

Cut the orange into thin slices, removing the seeds if they come across. Do not be afraid that the orange, which, together with the peel, will be used to make jam, will be bitter. After the orange is boiled twice with the pear, bitterness will not be felt.

We send the pieces of pear to the pan.

Pour sugar into a saucepan.

Add orange slices to the pan and send the jam to boil.

After boiling, cook the jam for 10 minutes and turn off the heat. We leave the jam for 10-12 hours, after which we again bring the pear jam with orange to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes.

Pour hot pear-orange jam into jars. We close banks metal lids and send the jars to the cold. There it will wait for the winter.

And already in winter it will be possible to open pear jam with orange flavor, brew tea or coffee and treat yourself and your family.

Bon appetit!

Also try


Pear jam - delicious and healthy dessert. Its preparation will allow you to enjoy this fruit and replenish the body with vitamins and microelements, even for those who are contraindicated in raw pear, that is, people suffering from stomach ulcers. Making pear jam, including for the winter, is no more difficult than any other, but in order to do it right, you need to follow the nuances of recipes for this fruit.

Regardless of the recipe used, it is recommended to make jam from pears of those varieties whose fruits have a fairly dense and not very sweet pulp. Most experienced housewives most often take duchess or lemon. However, any other variety is also suitable, as long as the pears are not overripe - they should feel elastic or even a little harsh to the touch. The desired firmness can be determined by tasting one or more fruits.

Some experienced housewives advise to cook late pear jam autumn varieties. Moreover, it must be cooked before the onset of the period of full ripening of the fruit. This, however, applies to all varieties. And since the pear ripening period is quite long, and this crop has varieties with different periods aging, then you can make jam for a rather long period of time in the summer-autumn season. For pears grown in our latitudes, this period lasts from about the beginning of August to the end of September. So any hostess has the opportunity to experiment with both different types of this fruit, and the degree of its maturity, as well as to try various recipes and even create your own.

As for the choice of fruits according to appearance and quality, their processing and preparation before cooking, then everything must be done in the same way as during. It is necessary to select healthy, preferably generally intact and not wormy fruits. Then they should be washed thoroughly. After we cut off all rotten and wormy places from the fruits, as well as dark spots. In addition, if it turns out that the pears have a too dense peel, it is recommended to cut it off as well. And then the pear jam will come out “rough”. We cut the fruits in half and remove the stalks and core with seeds from them. And at the end of the preparation for cooking, we cut the peeled halves of the fruit into pieces of the desired size and shape, for example, cubes or slices. In the latter case, it will be possible to use a series of recipes on how to cook.

Selection of pear fruits

How long to cook? Approximately 1 hour - until the jam is ready, when the syrup and pears become almost the same color, and the fruits themselves become soft and, as it were, transparent. Moreover, if it is necessary that the pieces of pear in the jam remain intact, then you should cook it in 3 runs for 20 minutes, and not in 1 hour. Some recipes break the hour down into shorter time slots. You need to cook pear jam, closely following the process, it is very prone to burning. So it will have to be stirred often, this will require a wooden spatula. You will also need a plate and a tablespoon - to remove the foam.

Wash jars and lids thoroughly. And if a pear dessert is prepared for the winter, then sterilize it. Moreover, the covers in this case should be metal, not plastic. In addition, if you make jam for the winter, then it must be poured into jars immediately when ready, still hot, and then immediately rolled up. After we turn the containers upside down and set the lids on a dense warm thing, and wrap the same one on top. Then we let the jam cool down to room temperature for the winter, after which we send it to be stored in a dark, cool room or place - a cellar, basement or refrigerator.

Jam intended for consumption in the near future can be poured into jars after cooling. Or you can pack it in the same way as prepared for the winter in containers still hot and after tightly corking nylon lids Wrap up in warm clothes too. Banks do not need to be turned over. After this cools down pear jam store it in the same place as cooked for the winter, but usually in the refrigerator.

These are the easiest recipes to execute, but they will allow you to make pear dessert with a pronounced taste of only this fruit. In such a jam, there will be no distracting shades of other fruits and spices; there is an opportunity to enjoy the sophistication of the taste and aroma of the pear itself.

Recipes differ only in the ratio of the amount of pear to the volume of sugar and water. Sometimes citric acid is added to slightly acidify this dessert. How much to take, by and large, each housewife decides for herself, guided by how sweet the pears taken for cooking are, and also based on her own preferences. Below are 2 basic prescription. Based on them, you can experiment by creating your own options. Or you can make pear jam strictly according to them, without changing anything.

The first recipe is only with sugar and, if necessary, water. To make jam on it, you will need:

  • fruits - 2 kg;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg.

We cut the prepared pear fruits and put them in a bowl (basin) chosen for making jam. Pour the chopped fruit with sugar, which then needs to be leveled over the surface of the pieces. We leave the pear for 2-3 hours to extract juice. Then we put a bowl of fruit on the stove and heat its contents to a boil. If little juice is released, which happens when a pear variety is not very juicy, we recommend that you pour the amount of water indicated in the recipe into the basin before starting cooking.

Pear slices for making jam

After boiling the sweet fruit mass, cook it, stirring occasionally, over low heat for an hour. The result is a jam with a honey consistency. soft pieces pears. If it is necessary to cook so that the syrup is thinner and the fruit is firmer, then it is necessary to cook in 3 steps, with pauses during which the jam will cool completely. Or you can make jam in the way that is suggested below.

With citric acid. You will need:

  • fruits and sugar - 1 kg each;
  • water - 200–300 ml;
  • citric acid (preferably smaller) - 3 g (per kilogram of jam).

Cut the prepared pears into slices (cubes), put them in a bowl or basin and fill with water. Then we put the dishes with fruit on the stove. We heat the water to a boil, and then cook the pears in it, reducing the heat to medium, 10-15 minutes. Drain the fruit in a colander and leave to cool. You can speed up this process by immersing the colander in cold water.

Then, in the dishes used for blanching the fruit, you need to prepare the syrup. Moreover, it can be made on the basis of the water in which the pears were boiled. To do this, pour sugar into a bowl, put this dish on the stove and then light it. medium fire. While the water is heating, the sugar must be completely dissolved in it. After that, the resulting mixture, stirring, heat to a boil. Then we pour the pears, already transferred by this time from a colander into another basin, with syrup, and leave them to infuse for 3-4 hours.

Then we heat the sweet fruit mix over low heat until boiling. After boiling the jam for 5–7 minutes, remove it from the heat, then let it stand for 6–8 hours and cook again for the same short period of time. In total, you need to complete 3-4 brews. And at the very end of cooking in almost already ready jam it is necessary to pour citric acid and immediately mix it thoroughly with syrup.

If pear jam is prepared with some other fruits and with the addition of spices, then it will acquire an additional flavor and aroma and become more spicy, and for some, even tasty. But tastes, as they say, do not argue. Pear goes best with lemon, orange, apple and almond, and of course, you can add only vanilla or cinnamon and mint as spices.

Below are the recipes with these additives. The quantitative ratio between pears and fruits used may be different. How much to take depends on the desired saturation of flavor from the added fruit.

With an orange. You will need:

  • pears and sugar - 2 kg each;
  • water - 200–400 ml (if required);
  • oranges - 3 pcs.

Put prepared and chopped pears in a container. Cut the peeled and then pitted oranges into cubes and lay on top. Then we evenly cover the entire citrus-pear mass with sugar, after which we leave the juice to secrete overnight. The next day, before boiling the fruits, you should make sure that they have given enough juice. Pieces of fruit and citrus should not protrude from it. Ideally, they should float slightly in it. If the pears turn out to be dry and there is not enough juice, then water should be added to the container with them and oranges.

Then we put the future jam on the stove, and then heat it to a boil. When it boils, reduce the fire to low, but at which a slight boil will be maintained. Then we cook the fruit-citrus mixture over low heat for about an hour and a half. Throughout the cooking time, it is necessary to stir the jam constantly and periodically remove the foam from its surface.

With lemon. The recipe is similar to the previous one, only instead of oranges you need to take 3 pcs. lemons, and sugar - 2.5 kg. The next difference is that lemons should be peeled only from the stones, and we leave the peel. Then the citrus must be twisted with a meat grinder and after that add to the pears in the container. Let the lemon-fruit mass covered with sugar be infused for at least 3 hours. And after that, you need to cook pear jam in the same way as with an orange, but you only need to cook it over low heat for about an hour.

Pear jam with lemon

With apples, mint and citric acid. You will need:

  • pears and apples - 1 kg each;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • fresh mint (twigs) - 2-3 pcs.;
  • water - 100-200 ml;
  • citric acid (preferably smaller) - 1 teaspoon.

We wash the mint sprigs and leave them to dry. We prepare apples for cooking in the same way as pears. Then we cut both fruits into pieces of the same shape and size, put them in a container, evenly cover the fruits with sugar. Then we leave them to soak overnight and secrete juice. The next day, if little juice stands out, add water to the fruit. Then put them on the stove and heat to a boil.

Then the jam must be cooked, stirring constantly, over low heat for about an hour, an hour and a half, no more. When 20 minutes remain before the end of cooking, pour in citric acid and immediately mix it thoroughly. After we put mint sprigs on the surface of the boiling fruit mass. At the same time, they cannot be allowed to drown, or, at least, allowed to mix with jam, otherwise it will be difficult to find and extract them later. At the end of cooking, just before pouring the dessert into jars, mint must be removed from it.

With almonds and vanilla. You will need:

  • pears and sugar - 2 kg each;
  • almond(peeled) - 100 g;
  • vanilla - 1/2 teaspoon;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Grind almonds in a blender. Then, in the container chosen for cooking, it is necessary to boil water. Then we lower the prepared and chopped pears into it. Boil them for about 3 minutes, drain the water into another separate container, pour sugar into the same place. Then we cook the syrup in this container, with which, immediately after its preparation, pour the pears. We leave the fruit in this form for about 3-4 hours. We put the pears with syrup on the stove and heat to a boil. Then the jam should be cooked over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then we insist it again for 3-4 hours. After cooking on low heat should be 20 minutes.

When only 10 minutes remain before the end of cooking, add almonds and vanilla to the jam, and then mix everything thoroughly.

Recipes for delicious cinnamon jam

Cinnamon pairs wonderfully with pears and will enhance the flavor and aroma of this fruit jam. In addition, pear jam with cinnamon is healthier and lasts longer. This spice has its own healing properties, and it is a strong antioxidant. In recipes for making pear jam, they are used as ground cinnamon, and in the form of sticks. Most often, this spice is added when cooking pears with citrus fruits. They are especially delicious.

Recipe with cinnamon and oranges. You will need:

  • pears and sugar - 2 kg each;
  • oranges - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • cinnamon - 2 teaspoons.

We put the prepared and chopped pears in a container chosen for cooking. Peeled and then pitted oranges are disassembled into slices. The latter are cut into small pieces. We throw the skins from oranges into another container and fill it with water, which we heat on the stove to a boil. Boil the peel for 5 minutes, then remove and discard. Pour sugar and cinnamon into the resulting broth. We continue to boil the broth, while stirring it well, until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved.

Then pour the fruit and citrus mass with the resulting syrup, put the container with it on the stove, where we heat it to a boil. After boiling, cook the syrup with fruits for 5 minutes, and then remove from the stove and leave to cool completely. After that, we heat the jam again to a boil, but then it must be cooked to the end, and over low heat and until the fruits become transparent.

With cinnamon and lemon. You will need:

  • pears and sugar - 3 kg each;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon (sticks) - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 500 ml.

We put the prepared and chopped pears in a container. In another bowl, you need to make syrup. Pour water into it and add sugar. Then we heat this mixture, stirring it continuously until the sugar crystals dissolve. When the water boils, add the juice of both lemons to it and boil for 5 minutes. Then we pour the fruits with the resulting syrup, put the container with them on the stove and heat the syrup with pears to a boil, after which we immediately extinguish the fire. Remove the jam from the stove and leave to infuse and cool for 7 hours.

After that, put it on the stove again, throw cinnamon sticks into it, heat it to a boil, and then cook for 5 minutes. Then again remove the jam from the fire, set it aside and wait for it to cool completely. Then we repeat the last sequence of actions (only without throwing cinnamon) 1 more time. Then we put the fruit on the stove for the final boil. We spend it on low heat and until the desired degree of readiness of the jam is obtained (thickness of the syrup, softness and transparency of the pears).

If habitual recipes you are tired, and you want something new, all the guests will be delighted with pear jam with lemon or orange. Since pears perfectly complement the taste of citrus fruits, this tandem will win your heart. It can be prepared in the form of jam or slices of fruit. It is better to make jam from fully ripe, or even from overripe fruits. They accumulate a lot of sugar in themselves, and the sour taste of citrus fruits will come in handy.

If you have your own garden with a pear tree, pick the fruit on a sunny day, at noon. At this time, the fruits are most saturated with sun and heat, they reveal their maximum rich taste. Thanks to this, the jam will turn out much brighter.

In order for the jam to turn out soft and uniform, select fruits with the same density, soft, juicy and ripe. If you like jam in slices, take fruits that are ripe, but still firm enough that they do not fall apart. It is better to cut off the rough skin so that ready dish she didn't focus on herself. The amount of sugar stated in the recipe may vary depending on the sweetness of your variety of pear. During cooking, taste the mass, add sugar if necessary.

While the jam is cooking, do not move far from the stove. The peculiarity of these fruits is that they burn quickly if the mixture is not constantly stirred.

Important! Melted sugar adds thickness to dishes, so don't get carried away adding it, so that you don't get caramel. If you want a viscous consistency of jam, put a little more sugar than indicated in the recipe.

Preparation of the main ingredients

Before cooking, the fruits should be sorted, damaged and rotten should be set aside. Rinse thoroughly, dry with a towel. Divide the pears into 4 parts, cut out the core. If the skin is hard, carefully remove it with a knife.

Rinse citrus fruits, pour over with boiling water. This is done in order to wash away the chemical substances and wax that are poured over the fruit for safety during transportation. Cut the fruit, remove all the seeds.

Pear jam with orange


  1. Pear - 1 kilogram.
  2. Orange - one piece (large size).
  3. Sugar - 1 kilogram.

Cut the peeled pears into small slices so that it is convenient to hold such a piece in a teaspoon. Orange cut into cubes. We put all the products in a container prepared in advance for cooking. Leave overnight for the juice to come out. It happens that the pear variety is too hard to let out a lot of juice. It's okay, just add a glass of water to the fruit. After the mixture has boiled, reduce the heat to medium and keep, stirring a little, for 60-70 minutes.

Important! Be sure to remove the white foam during the cooking process.

After the time has elapsed, remove the jam from the heat, and can be poured into sterilized jars. finished product turned out saturated amber color, with a bright aroma.

In a slow cooker

All recipes from the multicooker are simple and quick. This one is no exception. So, we will need:

  1. Pears - 0.5 kilograms.
  2. Orange - 0.5 kilograms.
  3. Sugar - 1000 grams.
  4. Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon.

The preparation process for cooking will not take more than 15 minutes. Chop peeled pear fruits thin plates, peel the orange, remove the film from the slices, chop into cubes. Place all products together with sugar and vanilla in a slow cooker, mix thoroughly.

Close the lid, do not forget to remove the valve from it. Find the "Extinguishing" program in the "Menu" section, it is we who will need it. The duration of the program is 1.5 hours. During this time, mix the contents thoroughly several times.

Everything - the jam is ready, you can pour it into jars. Check for personal experience that this method is one of the easiest.

With vanilla and cinnamon

The taste of jam with cinnamon and vanilla is distinguished by a piquant spicy note.


  1. Pears - 500 grams.
  2. Oranges - 500 grams.
  3. Sugar - 1 kilogram.
  4. Vanillin, cinnamon - a pinch.

Peeled, viscera and films, the fruits are cut into small cubes of approximately the same size. We put them in a saucepan, put sugar there, mix.

It is necessary to leave the container for the night so that the fruits let the juice go. In the morning, add the rest of the ingredients to the pot. Bring to a boil over low heat, remove the resulting foam. Let's wait until it cooks, about 15 more minutes, remove the pan. We wait until the mixture cools to room temperature, and again put it on the stove for 30 minutes. We close the finished jam in jars.

With lemon


  1. Pears, orange, lemon - all 1 kilogram each.
  2. Sugar - 0.5 kilograms.

Washed lemons cut into small slices, oranges - rings cut in half. Remove the stones, place in a container for cooking. Pour 250 grams of boiling water into a metal container, place on fire and cook for about 5 minutes. Remove fruit with a slotted spoon without turning off the fire. Pour sugar into the liquid, leave to boil for 2 minutes. You will have a sweet-sour syrup. Cut citrus fruits into 4 pieces.

The next step is to wash, peel and cut the pears into slices. Move all the fruits to our working container, pour in sweet and sour syrup, leave for one hour so that the fruits let the juice flow. Move the container to the stove, on low heat, simmer for 3 hours. Next, you can pour delicious pear jam into jars.



  1. Pears - 1 kilogram.
  2. Orange - 1 piece.
  3. Sugar - 500 grams.

Peel the pears, remove the seeds, cut into slices. Place the pears in a cooking pot for one hour, cover with sugar. Peel the orange, cut the zest of half the orange into strips. The fruit itself is cut into 4 parts, peeled and cut into pieces.

What a colorful pantry! Aloe is here raspberry jam, and burgundy cherry compote, and sunny yellow apricot jam, and tart Apple juice. There was a place for green crispy cucumbers, and purple eggplants with garlic, and multi-colored vegetable salads, and fiery red adjika. Not a pantry - a rainbow! But something is missing in our bins. But there is not enough fragrant and very appetizing pear jam with lemon, orange, poppy seeds, cinnamon. Such sweet billet for the winter, it will certainly decorate and complete a bright gastronomic collection. After all, five-minute jam from wild, hard green or ripe pears in slices and whole is not just beautiful, tasty, fragrant and appetizing. It is also amazingly useful for both children and adults.

Well, there is nothing to delay! Prepare pear jam for the winter, look for recipes with step-by-step cooking photos in our today's article.

Transparent jam with pear slices: recipe with photo

When on a lush branched tree they begin to sparkle with shiny sides juicy pears, instantly becomes sad - summer is leaving! But if recreation and entertainment are left far behind, then the bulk of the work on home preservation just to be done. And it's better to start with transparent jam pear slices according to our the best recipe with photo. So amazing fruit preparation- a worthy start to autumn canning.

Necessary ingredients for transparent pear jam slices for the winter

  • ripe pears - 1.4 kg
  • cane sugar (can be ordinary) - 700 g
  • lemon juice - 50 ml
  • butter - 30 g
  • nutmeg - 1 pinch

Step-by-step preparation of transparent pear jam with slices according to the recipe with a photo for the winter

On a note! Butter V sweet preservation not only reduces bubbling and foaming, but also softens the taste of overly sugary fruits or overly acidic berries.

Pear jam with slices "amber" with oranges

Delicate and sweet "amber" pear jam is good on its own. And in the company with a fragrant and slightly sour orange - it’s completely excellent! Dense slices of green pears, boiled with citrus zest and pulp, acquire a characteristic shade, allowing you to honestly call the workpiece amber. Such a delicacy can be eaten with a spoon with a soft wheat bun or hidden in openwork pancakes and apply for festive table. Prepare for the winter pear jam "amber" with orange slices - and you will find dozens of delicious uses for it.

Necessary ingredients for "amber" pear jam with orange slices

  • peeled pears - 2.2 kg
  • large oranges - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 1.6 kg
  • water - 200 ml

Step-by-step preparation of "amber" jam from oranges and pears with slices

  1. Cut the peeled pears in half, remove the seeds from each quarter and cut into slices.

On a note! For such a delicacy, pears of the Bera variety of variegated autumn color are ideal. Even when ripe, they have dense pulp, which means they will not boil soft during cooking.

  1. In a deep saucepan, mix water and granulated sugar. Boil concentrated clear syrup.
  2. Pour boiling water over oranges to remove the wax coating, gently wipe off 2 tbsp. zest. Then peel the flesh and chop large pieces like pear slices.
  3. In a wide enameled (brass, cast iron) bowl, mix fruit, zest and pour over everything with syrup. After 20-30 minutes, there will be more fluid in the pelvis.
  4. Set the bowl on the fire, boil the amber pear jam with slices of oranges for 5-6 minutes after boiling. Remove the pot from the burner and let the container cool completely.
  5. Repeat the cooking process 2-3 times. On the last lap, distribute hot billet in small sterilized jars, roll up vacuum lids before winter.

How to cook thick pear jam with poppy seeds: video recipes

Pear jam with poppy seeds and favorite spices - cinnamon, mint, vanillin, nutmeg- will please delicious taste and aroma not only in deep cold winter, but also at any other time of the year. Thanks to the addition of pectin to the composition of the workpiece, a delicacy from garden fruits lasts longer. taste properties and thick jelly-like consistency. And small poppy seeds give the dessert an unusual, but very interesting structure.

See how to cook thick pear jam with poppy seeds in the video recipe:

Wild Pear and Mint Jam: Easy Step by Step Recipe with Pictures

Among the September culinary exploits each housewife can add one more - cooking wild pear jam according to our simple step by step recipe with pictures. Since such a fruit is practically unfit for consumption in its raw form, it is not so easy to make something really tasty out of it. But it's quite real! winter sweetness prepared according to our recipe differs especially bright taste, but at the same time "does not knit in the mouth" like a raw product.

Essential Ingredients for Simple Wild Pear Mint Jam

  • wild pears - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water for syrup - 500 ml
  • sprigs of mint - 3 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of unusual wild pear jam with mint according to the recipe with pictures

On a note! If your family prefers whole canned fruits, do not cut the pears into cubes. Just wash them, carefully remove the core with a special straw and cook the whole pears in syrup.

Fragrant pear jam - five-minute recipes in a pan for the winter

Pears, like apples, delight with luxurious harvests from year to year. Most often, the volume of harvested fruit reaches several full boxes from one tree. But there are times when ripe fruits quite a bit, which wakes up the desire to prepare them for the winter with the highest quality. Just for such cases, we offer our next recipe- fragrant pear jam "five minutes" in a frying pan for the winter. You can’t cook many ingredients in such a dish, so the portion is small, but very tasty.

Necessary ingredients for five-minute pear jam in a pan

  • juicy pears - 700 g
  • sugar - 250 g
  • zest and juice of half a large lemon
  • cardamom - 2 pcs.

Step-by-step cooking in a frying pan fragrant five-minute pear jam for the winter

  1. Peel firm but ripe pears from the peel, stalks and seeds. Cut the pulp into slices (cubes, diamonds, etc.) 1-2 cm in size.
  2. In a dry frying pan, melt sugar with lemon juice and grated zest. Send chopped fruit there. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring regularly.
  3. As soon as the pears release a maximum of juice, reduce the heat. Simmer the mass 3-4 times for 5 minutes.
  4. At the last stage, when the jam becomes more uniform and slightly darkened, add a couple of cardamom pods to the pan.
  5. After 3-5 minutes, remove the spices and transfer the workpiece to one large or several small jars.

On a note! Since in the process of cooking five-minute jam passes only a short heat treatment, after opening the jar, the delicacy will not be stored for a long time. So it is better to select the container of the smallest displacement.

  1. store fragrant jam from a pear according to the "five-minute" recipe in a frying pan until winter in the pantry, cellar, basement or in an apartment on the balcony.

Green pear jam with cinnamon and chocolate for the winter: a simple video recipe without sterilization

Pear-chocolate jam with cinnamon without sterilization is one of the most delicious preparations for the winter without exaggeration. It turns out leg, fragrant and appetizing, akin to magnificent desserts. higher culinary. During cooking, a part of citric acid is added to the delicacy, delicately shading the tenderness of green pears. Frankly, to cook such a jam quickly will not work. But the process itself is extremely simple. And in the course of a long boil, the housewives can do secondary matters.

See more on how to cook green pear jam with cinnamon and chocolate for the winter at simple video recipe without sterilization:

Pear jam and plums for the winter - a simple recipe with a photo

For the most part, fruit canning falls on the amazing time of the intersection of summer and autumn. During this period, the days are still hot in summer, and the nights are already cool in autumn. Our next jam recipe for the winter, as if by chance, conveys the essence of the off-season border: plums are summer in it, and pears are autumn. Prepare delicious and bright delicacy for your loved ones and try to feel together the unusual combination of such different components.

Necessary ingredients for pear jam with plums according to a simple recipe for the winter

  • ripe pears - 500 g
  • juicy plums - 500 g
  • piece of ginger
  • sesame seeds - 3 tbsp
  • inverted or maple syrup- 100 ml

Step-by-step preparation of plum-pear jam for the winter according to a recipe with a photo

On a note! invert syrup in the recipe, you can replace the usual concentrated sugar syrup.

Quick Pear Jam with Lemon: Step by Step Recipe

Sometimes a quick pear jam with lemon is called nothing more than a "delicacy for angels." And there are reasons for this: thanks to delicate taste ripe fruit and citrus aroma lemons, the dessert is fabulous. But the main thing in preparing an angelic delicacy is to choose fruits of the same variety. Otherwise, the pieces of pears will not be able to boil evenly, which will spoil the taste of the jam.

Necessary ingredients for quick pear jam with lemon for the winter

  • soft pears - 1 kg
  • sugar - 600 g
  • large lemons - 2 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation of quick pear-lemon jam according to a simple recipe for the winter

  1. Wash large lemons, pour over boiling water and cut into circles 5 mm thick. Remove all seeds from lemon slices, pour 300 ml of water over citrus fruits and boil for 2-3 minutes.

On a note! Limes can be substituted for lemons in this recipe. So the taste of jam will turn out to be more unusual and original.

  1. Then remove all the circles of lemons from the liquid, pour sugar into the broth and boil the syrup for 3-5 minutes.
  2. Peel soft pears, cut into slices, pour hot syrup over. Send the previously boiled lemon slices cut into 4-6 pieces.
  3. Leave the workpiece in room temperature for 1-1.5 hours. After the time has elapsed, put the bowl on the fire and boil quick jam from a pear with lemon according to a step-by-step recipe for at least 80 minutes.
  4. When the delicacy will gain golden color, and the syrup will become viscous, distribute the workpiece in small portions on the banks and cork before winter.

To prepare perfect jam from pears, it is better to find the recipe in advance, compare it with the products available in the arsenal and carefully study it. After all, every little thing in the preparation of such a delicacy can change the taste of the workpiece beyond recognition. Of the existing today, the most popular jam is made from soft ripe or wild green pears with lemon, orange, plums, cinnamon, poppy seeds, mint. Regardless of how the fruit is harvested for the winter - whole or in slices - any kind of five-minute jam simple recipes with a photo will sooner or later find its admirers.
