
How to pickle mushrooms. Salted mushrooms

Hello dear mushroom hunters! So the fertile time has come, when warm rains start the process of growth of mycelium and you can go on a quiet hunt. And having collected full baskets of gifts of nature, one has to quickly decide how to save the "catch" for the winter. This is where mushroom pickling recipes come in handy!

I used to pickle mushrooms more, but after tasting pickles from a friend, I realized that I missed a lot in my life. After all, in a salty form, this nutritional product is not only a separate dish, but also the main one for soups, casseroles, even your favorite fried potatoes. It's time to learn how to use salting recipes!

It should be noted that almost all types of mushrooms are suitable for conservation. Gourmets, on the other hand, prefer to take exclusively lamellar varieties (mushrooms, volnushki, honey mushrooms, valui, russula), although true lovers also harvest tubular ones (boletus, white).

In principle, it is forbidden to harvest in this way only poisonous mushrooms for obvious reasons, the rest is a matter of taste.

Stages of preparing mushrooms for salting

So how to salt a valuable forest product so as not to spoil it? Mushroom pickers conditionally divide the whole process into several stages, we will consider them in more detail.


Naturally, in order to preserve something, you need to prepare a product. That is, you have to go straight into the forest. But I won’t teach you how to pick mushrooms - everyone has their own secrets and favorite places. As an option, go to the market and buy raw materials there, but this is not so interesting!

As I have already said, lamellar species lend themselves best to salting, but in their absence, everyone will do, since choosing the perfect mushrooms can be difficult.


Next, the raw materials must be sorted, best of all by varieties - mushrooms to mushrooms, mushrooms to mushrooms, chanterelles to chanterelles. Some picky mushroom pickers dump everything in one heap. The main thing is that their taste is not much different.

But I still advise you to spend a little time and do everything honestly, dividing the varieties and types of mushrooms. It is especially important to separate the raw materials according to the salting method. So, you can salt mushrooms and russula in a dry way. Whites, whites, volnushki, podgruzdki, russula, valui and fiddlers cold, and the rest - hot.


After sorting, the product should be cleaned of dirt, sticky leaves and needles, debris, and oily and other species with an outer crust - and from it.

The easiest way to clean russula and mushrooms, they are basically enough to wipe with a damp cloth or brush. In rare cases, the product is washed under running water, but then dried thoroughly.

The rest of the varieties are washed in a colander or in basins of water, but not for long, very quickly. The fact is that some mushrooms, especially old ones, are easily saturated with water and lose their taste.

Dirty legs are cut off from mushrooms, in some varieties - up to half the length.

cutting mushrooms

Some types of mushrooms are different big amount easily oxidizing substances (champignons, mushrooms, boletus, oily), so they quickly darken in the air. To preserve their beauty, you need to prepare a solution (1 liter of water, 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid) and, after cleaning, throw mushrooms into it.


Many varieties need soaking before salting, while the period of such preparation is different. Eg:

  • for valuable species (champignon, white, boletus, oak, boletus) - night;
  • for volnushki, russula, milk mushrooms about 5 hours;
  • fiddlers, black milk mushrooms, valui, bitters, distinguished by the presence a large number bitterness will have to be kept in water for up to 5 days, but not less than three.

Naturally, during this time you need to regularly change the water, ideally every 3 hours. But this is not always possible, especially with long soaking and at night.

If the product is very dirty, you can first keep it in salted water (3% of the total salt) for 3-4 hours, and then use clean water for the remaining time.

Methods for salting mushrooms

At home, you can pickle mushrooms with three different ways dry, cold and hot. Each has its own characteristics, I advise you to rely on the type of mushrooms when choosing (I mentioned this in paragraph 2.2).

Salting mushrooms in a hot way - recipes

The hot salting method involves heating the raw material. There are two applications. Both there and there the composition is approximately the same - mushrooms, salt at the rate of 40-50 grams per kilogram, horseradish, garlic, dill, tarragon, onion.

Recipe #1

Raw materials after soaking and washing put in a boiling salt water, boil for 20-25 minutes. You can navigate by the product itself, when ready, the mushrooms sink to the bottom.

Then they are caught with a slotted spoon, washed cold water, allowed to drain, placed in a prepared container, sprinkled with salt and spices. A load is laid out on top so that the product does not float. The treat will be ready in about a week.

Recipe #2

Suitable for boletus, dubovik, butter, flywheels, white, honey mushrooms. They are boiled in salt water at the rate of 45 grams of salt and a glass of water for each kilogram of raw materials. I will add that initially the marinade should only cover the product a little, since the mushrooms will soon release juice abundantly.

After that, the boiled product is laid out in sterile jars and poured with boiled vegetable oil. The neck of the container is tied with wax paper and lowered into the cellar. At this method mushrooms can be fried, stewed, boiled and even pickled!

I will add that when cooking a large amount of product in several visits, the water must be constantly changed, otherwise the last portion will be bitter.


Cold salted mushrooms

The cold salting process is a little easier and faster. For him you need:

  • soak the mushrooms according to their type (saffron milk mushrooms can not be soaked, but simply rubbed);
  • take a glass, enameled or wooden container with a large neck, so that it is convenient to put oppression;
  • wash it, clean it;
  • pour salt on the bottom, lay cherry leaves, currants, horseradish, dill inflorescences on top;
  • lay the mushrooms of the first layer with their hats down, then pour in salt (at the rate of 40 grams per kg of raw materials), spices (peppercorns, garlic, lavrushka), lay out a layer again;
  • in this way decompose all raw materials;
  • lay another layer of salt and the remaining leaves on top;
  • cover everything with clean matter;
  • cover with a plate or wooden circle;
  • put oppression on top - a special disk filled with water in a jar so that the mushrooms do not float up, but also do not choke beyond measure. More information about this method of salting is described in the video.

If all the points are correctly followed, after a couple of days the mushrooms will release juice, and the brine will cover them. In the case when there is little liquid, you need to either increase the load, or add a little boiled water.

Pickles will be ready for use only after 1.5-2 months, keep the container in the cold.

Dry salted mushrooms

The dry salting method is suitable only for russula and mushrooms, since these varieties do not have bitterness and are safe. But it allows you to quickly prepare a “catch” with almost no hassle, and you can eat such a pickle in just 1-1.5 weeks!

  • Ryzhik or russula should be cleaned, wiped with a cloth from dirt, and if they still have to be washed, it is important to dry everything well in a colander and a towel;
  • Next, the raw materials are placed in jars or ceramic dishes with hats down, pouring layers of salt at the rate of 40 grams per kilogram of product;
  • From above, the container is pressed down with a light load, after three to four days juice is released and, if desired, a new portion of mushrooms can be added. By the way, the beauty of this method is that you can add all the new portions of russula or mushrooms to one container all season until we fill it completely.

Salting recipes for different types of mushrooms

Each hostess has her own secret recipes pickling mushrooms for the winter, I offer a few interesting options considering the variety.

How to pickle milk mushrooms

Salting mushroom mushrooms is quite popular, since with this method of harvesting the product is very juicy, fleshy, and crispy. There are two ways to close raw materials - cold and hot.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a hot way

At hot salting mushrooms do not need to be soaked. The product is simply boiled for 20-25 minutes, and then washed under running water and strained with a colander.

Then the raw materials are laid out in jars or other containers, sprinkled with salt from the already familiar proportion of 40 grams. per kilogram of product. If desired, you can add spices - dill, garlic, horseradish leaves. In a week, pickles can be tasted.

How to pickle milk mushrooms in a cold way - a step by step recipe

Salting consists of the following items:

  • soak the raw material pure water, periodically changing the water;
  • take a clean container with a wide neck;
  • put salt on the bottom (in total it should be taken at the rate of 50 grams per kilogram of product), lay currant leaves, horseradish, cherries, dill rosettes on top;
  • then lay out a layer of milk mushrooms 6-10 cm thick;
  • above - part of the salt from the total volume;
  • again new layer fungus, and again salt;
  • this is how the whole product is laid out;
  • the top is again sprinkled with leaves of fragrant plants;
  • then a plate or a wooden circle wrapped in gauze is placed, and oppression is placed on it.

How to pickle boletus

Salted boletus in a cold and hot way. And if the first, in fact, is no different from what was said earlier, then the second has some features.

So, we need 1 kg. raw materials, 1 l. water, 45 gr. salt, 2 bay leaves, 6 currant leaves, 50 grams of dill inflorescences.

  • Mushrooms need to be cleaned, boiled in salted water (1 tsp per liter of liquid) for 30 minutes, removing the foam;
  • Then recline in a colander, cool, arrange in sterile jars along with spices;
  • Each layer of mushrooms is sprinkled with 1 tbsp. salt;
  • When all the boletus mushrooms are distributed, the containers should be filled up to the neck with filtered and boiled solution in which the mushrooms were boiled;
  • Then it remains to roll up the jars, wrap them up and let them cool slowly, then transfer them to the cold. In this way, boletus will be ready in 1.5 months.

Salting oil

I just love pickled butternuts, and I only recently learned how to salt them. It turns out that in salty form, these mushrooms are very tasty.

The recipe is simple - for 1 kg of raw materials you need 2 tbsp. salt, 4 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns, 2 cloves of garlic, dill in umbrellas or seeds, a few currant leaves.

  • The butterflies are cleaned, washed, boiled for 20-30 minutes in salted water, leaned back in a colander;
  • Salt is placed in enameled dishes, on top - a layer is oiled on hats, spices, salt again and a new same layer. All the mushrooms are laid out in this way, and on top is a flat plate and oppression from a bottle or jar filled with water.

It is more convenient to store the product in jars, so after a day, when the mushrooms secrete juice, they are laid out in these containers and poured with brine so that it completely covers the product. On top, you can still pour a little vegetable oil for better storage. And after a couple of weeks in the cold, the pickle will be ready!

Salting waves

You can pickle volnushki both cold and hot.

It's more interesting here cold version, with it:

  • you should take 7 kilograms of waves, 200 gr. salt, 12 gr. citric acid, 50 gr. dill seeds, 20 gr. cumin seeds, a couple of cabbage leaves;
  • it is necessary to soak the raw materials in salted and acidified water for three days, periodically changing the liquid;
  • combine salt with seasonings;
  • put in a tub or other container of a wave with hats down in layers of about 6 cm, sprinkling with salt and seeds;
  • lay on top cabbage leaf so that it covers the entire area;
  • press down with a disk and a load;
  • leave in the cold for a month or two.

Storage of salted mushrooms

It is not enough to know how to make salted mushrooms correctly, you also need to be able to store and use them.

  • So, you need to keep pickles at a temperature of 0 to 6 degrees Celsius. In case of frost, the product begins to crumble, and when heated, the fermentation process starts, and the workpiece will deteriorate;
  • It is necessary to constantly monitor the presence of brine in the container, otherwise the mushrooms may dry out and lose their taste qualities. To avoid this, if necessary, salted boiled water can be added to the container;
  • When mold appears, the fabric covering the pickle is changed, and the oppression is washed, after removing all traces of mold with a dry, clean rag;
  • Well, before cooking, salted mushrooms should be washed clean water to remove extra salt, some varieties are even worth soaking.

Recipes for salting mushrooms are varied and not too complicated. So the main thing here is to be patient and collect, and then clean all this wealth at home, so that in winter you can enjoy pickles with pleasure to the delight of relatives and friends. I wish you a successful “quiet hunt”, and look for new recipes and tips on our blog!

Salted mushrooms, storage of salted mushrooms

Salting mushrooms is one of the simplest and most common ways to harvest them. Mushrooms, canned in a strong solution table salt, are used for soups, side dishes, snacks, marinades and for stewing.

Almost all types go to salting edible mushrooms, including milk mushrooms and volnushki.

Mushrooms for pickling should be fresh, strong, not overripe, not wormy or wrinkled. They should be sorted by size, species and varieties and cut off the legs. In butter and russula, in addition, the outer skin must be removed. Before salting, the mushrooms are washed well, put in a colander and rinsed by repeated immersion in a bucket of cold water, allowed to drain. You should not keep mushrooms in water for a long time, since mushroom caps, especially middle-aged ones, absorb it well.

After washing, the mushrooms are cleaned of adhering leaves, coniferous needles, earth, sand, damaged areas are cut out, and the lower part is cut off at the legs by half. Large mushrooms are cut into identical pieces; small mushrooms can be left intact.

Some mushrooms, in particular oil mushrooms, mushrooms, champignons, mushrooms and aspen mushrooms, contain easily oxidizing substances that quickly darken when in contact with air. To prevent darkening during cleaning and cutting, the mushrooms are immediately placed in a pot of water, to which 10 g of table salt and 2 g of citric acid are added (based on 1 liter of water).

There are several main ways to pickle mushrooms:

Dry pickling of mushrooms

Only mushrooms and pods are harvested in a dry way: they clean the mushrooms, do not wash them, but only wipe them with a clean soft cloth, put them in a tub in rows and sprinkle with moderate salt, cover with clean canvas and put oppression (cobblestone, clean heavy non-oxidizing objects). The juice should come out over the oppression and cover the mushrooms on top. In such mushrooms, their natural aroma and piquant resinous taste are preserved, so spices and aromatic herbs are not put in them. Such mushrooms are ready for use in 7-10 days.

Salting mushrooms in a cold way

Cold pickling is used for mushrooms that do not require pre-cooking(saffron mushrooms, pigs, smoothies, milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula, etc.). It involves soaking cleaned and washed mushrooms for 1-2 days in running or frequently changed water. You can also soak mushrooms in salted water (at the rate of 10 g of salt and 2 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water) with aging in a cool room: bitters and valui - 3 days, milk mushrooms and mushrooms - 2 days, whites and flakes - 1 day. When soaking mushrooms in a salt solution, the latter must be changed at least twice a day. Ryzhik and russula can not be soaked.

Instead of soaking, mushrooms can be blanched in boiling water containing 10 g of salt per 1 liter of water by immersing them in a boiling solution. Blanching duration: milk mushrooms - 5-6 minutes, mushrooms, chanterelles, bitters, valui - 15-20 minutes. Whites and volnushki can be poured with boiling water and kept in it for 1 hour. After blanching, the mushrooms are cooled in cold water and let her drain.

Subsequently, they are laid in layers in a barrel, the bottom of which is previously sprinkled with salt, sprinkling each layer of mushrooms with salt at the rate of 3-4 percent of the weight of the prepared mushrooms (50 g of salt is taken for 1 kg of mushrooms for milk mushrooms, volushki and russula and 40 g for mushrooms) , chopped garlic, dill, cherry, currant or horseradish leaf, cumin. Mushrooms are laid out with caps down and a layer of no more than 6 cm.

The dishes filled to the top are covered with canvas, put a light oppression and after 1-2 days they are taken out to a cold place. When the mushrooms thicken, settle and give juice, new freshly prepared mushrooms are added to them to fill the dishes, or they are transferred from another barrel or cylinder in compliance with the salt norm and the stacking order. After each addition of mushrooms, a circle and oppression are established. Then the barrels are taken out to a cold cellar or cellar for storage.

After filling the barrel, after about 5-6 days, you need to check if there is a brine in the mushrooms. If the latter is not enough, it is necessary to increase the load or add saline solution at the rate of 20 g of salt per 1 liter of water. It takes 1-1.5 months to complete the salting. Mushrooms should be stored at a temperature not lower than 1 and not higher than 7°C.

Hot salting is carried out as follows. Mushrooms are cleaned, sorted; in whites, boletus and boletus, roots are cut off, which can be salted separately from the hats. Large hats, if they are salted together with small ones, can be cut into 2-3 parts. Prepared mushrooms are washed with cold water, and the valui is soaked for 2-3 days.

Pour 0.5 cups of water (per 1 kg of mushrooms) into the pan, put salt and put on fire. Put mushrooms into boiling water. During cooking, the mushrooms must be gently stirred with a paddle so that they do not burn. When the water boils, you need to carefully remove the foam with a slotted spoon, then put the pepper, Bay leaf, other seasonings and cook with gentle stirring, counting from the moment of boiling: porcini mushrooms, boletus and boletus 20-25 minutes, valui 15-20 minutes, frills and russula 10-15 minutes.

The mushrooms are ready when they begin to sink to the bottom and the brine becomes clear. The boiled mushrooms are carefully transferred to a wide dish so that they cool quickly. The cooled mushrooms can be transferred together with the brine into barrels or jars and closed. Brine should be no more than one-fifth of the weight of the mushrooms. Mushrooms are ready to eat in 40-45 days.

With hot pickling, for 1 kg of prepared mushrooms, take: 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 bay leaf, 3 pcs. peppercorns, 3 pcs. cloves, 5 g dill, 2 blackcurrant leaves.

Storage of salted mushrooms

Salted mushrooms should be stored in a cool, well-ventilated area at a temperature of 5-6°C, but not below 0°C. At low temperatures, the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, and lose their taste. Storage of salted mushrooms at temperatures above 6°C may cause souring and spoilage.

It is necessary to regularly monitor that the mushrooms are always in brine. If the brine evaporates and does not cover all the mushrooms, then cooled boiled water should be added to the dishes. In case of mold, the circle and the cloth are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Mold on the walls of the dish is wiped with a clean cloth dipped in hot water.

In a salt solution, mushrooms are not completely preserved, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is only limited, but does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms are preserved. But in this case, the mushrooms become so oversalted that they almost completely lose their value. On the contrary, the weaker ones in brines undergo lactic acid fermentation and fermentation of mushrooms. Although such fermentation is not harmful, it still gives the mushrooms a sour taste, and the widespread use of such mushrooms in food becomes impossible.

To prevent mold from appearing on the surface of the mushrooms, they should be placed in a hermetically sealed dish and stored in a cold and dry room. If the banks close parchment paper or cellophane, then in a damp and warm room, the water in the jars will evaporate, and the mushrooms will become moldy.

Do you know that.

  • ...in terms of chemical composition, mushrooms are closer to products of animal origin.
  • …the basis nutritional value mushrooms are proteins, fats, carbohydrates
  • … water accounts for 85-94 percent, and dry matter for 6-15 percent.
  • ... in fresh mushrooms, the amount of protein ranges from 0.9 to 3.3 percent, and their content depends on the age of the mushroom.
  • ... rich in proteins and other nitrogenous compounds are porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, morels, white podgruzdok.
  • ... mushroom proteins are well absorbed, and their other nitrogenous compounds are involved in the formation of a special "mushroom" aroma and taste.
  • …nice sweet taste fresh mushrooms are given sugars and sugar alcohols.
  • ... mushrooms contain animal starch (glycogen) and fiber (fungin).
  • …the total carbohydrate content of mushrooms is 1.0-3.7 percent.
  • ... mushroom fiber is close in structure to chitin, so mushroom cells have great strength.
  • ... fat in mushrooms - 0.4-0.9 percent.
  • ... in a boletus, mushroom, chanterelle, there is more fat in the hat than in the leg, in the camelina - on the contrary.
  • ... in mushrooms there are organic acids, however, very little - only 0.01-0.2 percent. Qualitative composition of these acids is somewhat different, but tartaric and fumaric acids are found in all mushrooms, malic acid in porcini mushrooms, malic and succinic acids in chanterelles. Some mushrooms contain acids, the type of which has not yet been determined.
  • ... there are no less vitamins in mushrooms than in many berries.
  • ...in terms of vitamin C content, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles are equivalent to apples and blackberries. As much as cranberries and lingonberries, it contains fresh butter, mushrooms and russula. The rest of the mushrooms in terms of the presence of vitamin C are at the level of blueberries.
  • ... in young porcini mushrooms there is 10-13 times more vitamin B2 than in rye bread, potatoes, milk. However, with the aging of mushrooms, the amount of B vitamins in them decreases by 2 or more times.
  • ... the richest in vitamin B1 are boletus and mushrooms (0.07 mg per 100 g fresh mushrooms), vitamin B2 - porcini mushrooms, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, russula (0.3-0.45 mg); PP - mushrooms and aspen mushrooms (9.7-10.3 mg).
  • ... mushrooms contain carotene and vitamin D.
  • ... mushrooms are rich in iron, copper, sodium, calcium.
  • ... there are many extractive substances in mushrooms (3.0-5.0 percent). Moreover, most mushrooms have more of them in the leg than in the hat. You can get acquainted with extractive substances by trying mushroom broth. They give it to food original taste and aroma. Thanks to extractive substances, mushrooms are often used as an additive to other dishes - salads, seasonings, side dishes. Fragrant fillings for pies are prepared from them.
  • … free amino acids, aromatic and extractive substances contained in mushrooms cause an increased separation of digestive juices, improve appetite and assimilation of food.
  • … the consumption of mushrooms does not lead to the accumulation of excess weight. Doctor's advice is needed only for those who suffer from diseases of the liver and intestines.
  • ...characteristic nutritional value mushrooms is not only their chemical composition but also digestibility. So, when eating 100 g of dried porcini mushrooms, the body absorbs 27.6 g of protein, 6.8 g of fat and 10.0 g of carbohydrates with a total energy value 209 kcal. For comparison: 100 g rye bread contain 206, 100 g of beef - 218 kcal.

If the snow has melted and mold has appeared in this place - to the mushrooms. (We are talking not just about a crop of mushrooms, but about an abundance of mushrooms in this particular place. The mold that appeared from under the snow indicates a mycelium (it is also a mycelium) - the thinnest branched and intertwined threads that form the vegetative body of mushrooms) .

Proper salting of mushrooms for the winter allows you to pamper your family and friends during severe cold weather. original snacks. They can be prepared both hot and cold. The selection of the salting method must fully comply with the mushrooms chosen for work. For example, for milk mushrooms and mushrooms, waves in more cold salting is suitable. But whites can be salted in a hot way. The recipes below describe step by step each method of processing milk mushrooms, again at home. The photo and video instructions below will help you learn about how to pickle mushrooms in jars, and how to store them properly until spring.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with step by step photos

Most mushroom pickers prefer familiar and proven mushrooms. For example, whites are the most sought after for their ease of harvesting and preparation. But you can salt for the winter and other mushrooms that have quite unusual taste. Various types of milkers are ideal for salting: young mushrooms retain their density and are quite easily salted at home.

Ingredients for simple salting mushrooms for the winter in jars

  • milkers -3 kg;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • salt -150 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 3 pcs.;
  • currant leaves, cherries, horseradish - to taste.

A step-by-step recipe for a simple pickling of mushrooms in jars for the winter

How to salt boletus mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with photo instructions

Beautiful and tasty boletus mushrooms are quite easy to salt for the winter and are great for treating friends and guests with such snacks. They do not need a fairly long preparation or processing, which allows you to harvest boletus at home in any quantity. The following recipe with a photo will tell you step by step how you can simply pickle such mushrooms in jars, and how to store them properly.

List of ingredients for salting boletus in jars for winter

  • boletus -1 kg;
  • water -1 l;
  • salt -50 g;
  • greens, bay leaf - to taste.

A simple recipe with photo instructions for winter harvesting in jars of boletus mushrooms

How to salt milk mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with photos and videos

Different types of mushrooms are widely used for pickling and pickling. The attraction of these mushrooms is that they do not need to use many spices. By themselves, milk mushrooms have amazing taste, so only salt and pepper will help to emphasize it. At the same time, pickled mushrooms are perfectly stored in jars or plastic buckets. IN next recipe step by step it is considered how to cook a delicious snack for the winter from milk mushrooms and please your family with an unusual addition to ordinary dishes.

Ingredients according to the salting recipe for winter mushrooms in jars

  • milk mushrooms -1.5 kg;
  • salt -75 g.

Photo-recipe for salting for the winter in jars of mushrooms

A simple video recipe for winter salting mushrooms in jars

You can prepare milk mushrooms for the winter in another way. The following video recipe shows step by step how to properly prepare and salt these mushrooms at home.

How to salt volnushki mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple step-by-step recipe with video instructions

Beautiful fungus mushrooms are great addition To meat dishes, porridge and fried potatoes. But their salting must be carried out very carefully: such mushrooms are considered conditionally edible, therefore, they need careful preparation and processing. The following recipe describes step by step how to properly pickle flakes in jars, and how they should be stored.

Video instruction for step-by-step salting for the winter cold of mushrooms in jars

The video recipe below is great for salting waves at home. detailed instructions it will help to prepare a lot of salted mushrooms for the future without any problems and eat them with pleasure until spring.

How to salt mushroom caps in a hot way at home - a detailed photo recipe

Like any milk mushrooms, cap mushrooms are great for salting for the winter. They are quite easy to work with, since such mushrooms do not require thorough washing and long soaking. The following recipe with a photo describes step by step the simple process of preparing hats for the winter.

Ingredients according to the recipe for salting mushroom caps at home in a hot way

  • caps -2 kg;
  • water -2 l;
  • salt -60 g;
  • dill umbrellas - 4 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • spices - to taste.

A detailed recipe with a photo of homemade salting caps in a hot way

How to salt mushrooms at home in a cold way - a step by step photo recipe

Using the cold cooking method is well suited for different mushrooms. For example, according to the recipe described below with a photo, not only milk mushrooms, but also mushrooms or mushrooms can be salted in this way. True, the salting time in a bucket for the latter is 10-12 days. Therefore, they can be prepared for the winter much faster and transferred to a jar for storage in the basement or refrigerator.

Ingredients for cold pickling mushrooms at home

  • milk mushrooms -4 kg;
  • salt -200 g;
  • dill umbrellas, bay leaf, currant leaves - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe with a photo of homemade pickling of mushrooms in a cold way

How to deliciously salt porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars - a simple recipe with step-by-step instructions

Fragrant porcini mushrooms are very well suited for salting and freezing for the winter. But you can not just salt them in jars or freeze them in bags, but also freeze already salted mushrooms. Such preparations can be considered salted. They are great for serving or preparing other dishes.

List of ingredients for delicious salting for the winter of ceps in jars

  • white mushrooms and boletus mushrooms - 0.5 kg each;
  • bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;
  • peppercorns - to taste;
  • salt - 60 g.

Step-by-step instructions for a simple pickling recipe in jars of porcini mushrooms for the winter

Having studied the rules for salting mushrooms in a cold and hot way, you can easily prepare for winter delicious snacks. For work, the use of milk mushrooms, and volnushki, and porcini mushrooms is allowed. Also for quick salting V winter time you can use oyster mushrooms or mushrooms. For their preparation, it is recommended to choose cold salting described for different mushrooms in the above photo and video recipes. They describe step by step how to salt mushrooms in different ways and how they should be stored. Helpful Hints and recommendations will help at home to easily prepare for the winter and even during the most severe cold weather to pamper your loved ones and relatives with original mushroom snacks.

1. Salting mushrooms - a cold way


● mushrooms (saffron mushrooms, black and white milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula) - 1 kg
● salt - 100 g
● currant - 10-12 leaves
● cherry - 5-6 leaves
● horseradish - 2 sheets
● dill - 2 umbrellas
● bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
● peppercorns - to taste
● garlic - to taste


Wash milk mushrooms, volnushki or russula and pour cold water for 5–6 hours (Ryzhik is not soaked, but only washed). At the bottom of a wooden or ceramic dishes pour a layer of salt, put half the leaves of currants, cherries, horseradish and 1 dill umbrella. Lay the mushrooms in rows, sprinkling each layer with salt, pepper, garlic and bay leaf.

Put the remaining leaves on top, cover with a clean cloth, then with a cutting board or plate and put oppression (in 1-2 days the mushrooms will settle and give juice. If they release little brine, oppression should be increased). The fabric needs to be rinsed from time to time. Mushrooms will be ready in 30-40 days. After that, they must be rearranged in a cold place.

2. Caviar from mushrooms for the winter


● boiled mushrooms - 2 kg
● turnip onion - 3 large onions
● carrots - 3 pieces (large)
● vegetable oil - 2 cups
● bay leaf - 3 pieces
● black pepper - 10 peas
● salt
● Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.


For cooking mushroom caviar you can take porcini mushrooms, boletus and aspen mushrooms, russula, boletus and mossiness mushrooms, champignons and honey mushrooms. Caviar can be prepared both from one type of mushroom and from different ones.

Wash the mushrooms, cut into pieces and boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Throw the mushrooms in a colander, rinse with cold water, let the water drain.

Pass the mushrooms through a large meat grinder.

Peel the onion and carrot, finely chop the onion, grate the carrot on a coarse grater.

Fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil, then add the mushroom mass.

Salt the caviar to taste, add the rest vegetable oil, bay leaf and pepper.

Stew caviar from mushrooms for 1.5-2 hours, stirring from time to time, make sure that it does not burn. At the end of cooking, add vinegar, mix well.

Arrange the finished caviar in dry sterilized jars and roll up.

Store mushroom caviar in a cool place.

3. Hot pickling of mushrooms


● white milk mushrooms - 1 kg
● dill umbrellas
● garlic - 3-4 cloves
● salt - 2 tbsp.
● black pepper - 10 peas
● black currant leaves - 10 pcs.


Thoroughly wash the mushrooms, cut large ones into pieces. Wash the greens, peel and chop the garlic.

Boil salted water and put mushrooms in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.

At the bottom of a sterilized jar, pour a little salt, 2 peppercorns, a dill umbrella, a blackcurrant leaf and put one layer of milk mushrooms on top.

Lay mushrooms in layers, sprinkling with salt and spices.

Seal the milk mushrooms, pour water on top in which the mushrooms were boiled so that all the air comes out.

Close the jar with a boiled polyethylene lid, cool and put in the refrigerator.

Milk mushrooms will be ready in 1-1.5 months. Store salted mushrooms in the refrigerator.

4. Solyanka for the winter with mushrooms


● boiled mushrooms - 1 kg
● white cabbage - 0.5 kg
● tomatoes - 0.5 kg
● carrots - 0.5 kg
● onion - 300 g
● sunflower oil - 150 g
● vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp.
● Bay leaf, black and allspice


For the preparation of hodgepodge, butter, boletus, porcini mushrooms, russula and honey mushrooms are suitable. Wash the mushrooms well, peel, cut large ones and boil in salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Wash vegetables, peel and cut into small strips. Sauté onions and carrots in in large numbers vegetable oil.

Add chopped cabbage and tomatoes, the remaining oil, salt to taste and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Then add boiled mushrooms and simmer until done for 25-30 minutes.

5 minutes before readiness, add bay leaf, pepper and vinegar, mix well, simmer for 5 minutes.

Put the finished hodgepodge with mushrooms into dry, sterilized jars. Roll up the jars, turn upside down, wrap and leave to cool completely.

5. Pickled boletus


● butter,
● vegetable oil 1 tbsp. on liter jar,
● Vinegar 70% - 1 tbsp. on the bank
● garlic - 2 cloves

for marinade in 1 liter of water:

● coarse salt - 2 tablespoons,
● sugar - 3 tablespoons,
● peppercorns - 5-6 pcs,
● allspice peas - 3-4 pcs,
● bay leaf - 2 pieces,
● carnation - 1 pc.


It is better to remove the peel from the oil, much less is stored with it. But in principle, young mushrooms can not be removed, but simply scalded the washed mushrooms with boiling water and vinegar and drain the liquid.

Rinse the cleaned oil in water. Large mushrooms can be cut into 2-3 parts. Pour hot water. Add a few drops to the pot acetic acid so that the mushrooms do not darken.

Bring mushrooms to a boil. Drain the water. Then again pour fresh boiling water and cook for another 10 minutes.

Throw the finished butternuts into a colander and drain well.

Prepare marinade. Add spices to boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. In the meantime, sterilize the jars. Rinse plastic lids well and pour boiling water over them.

In the prepared jars, put the oil, without tamping, pour the marinade. Then add chopped garlic to the butternut squash. Pour vinegar into each jar. Pour boiled vegetable oil on top. Cover jars with lids.

Keep refrigerated.

6. Mushroom Powder


Forest mushrooms- 1 kg,
● carnation - 4 buds,
● black pepper - 7 peas,
ground coriander- 0.5 tsp,
● bay leaf - 1 pc.


Sort the mushrooms, cut off the contaminated places with a knife. cut mushrooms thin plates. String on a thread or fishing line, hang over the hob at a distance of 50-60 cm and leave for several days.

When the mushrooms are completely dry, put them in a blender and grind them into a powder.

Place cloves, black pepper and bay leaf in a mortar and grind, mix with mushrooms.

Keep mushroom powder in a dark cool place. Can be used to make soups mushroom sauces and gravy.

7. Altai salted mushrooms


● milk mushrooms - 1 kg
● salt - 40 g (2 tablespoons without a slide)
● bay leaf - 1 piece
● allspice - 5 peas
● horseradish root
● dill greens
● garlic - 1-2 cloves


Rinse mushrooms well. Before salting, milk mushrooms must be soaked for 2-3 days in cold, salted water. At the same time, change the water 3-4 times a day.

wash enamel pan or glass jar with a wide mouth. Lay the milk mushrooms in layers in a bowl, sprinkling them with salt and spices.

Cover with gauze, put a plate on top and put the load. Make sure that the mushrooms are covered with brine.

Milk mushrooms will be ready in 30-35 days.

8. How to pickle porcini mushrooms


● white mushrooms
● marinade per 1 liter of water
● Vinegar 6% - 100 ml
● salt - 50 g
● bay leaf - 1 piece
● black pepper - 5 peas
● allspice - 3 peas


For pickling, young, dense porcini mushrooms are used. Remove debris from mushrooms and wash well large mushrooms slice.

Boil the mushrooms a little (about 5 minutes), drain in a colander and rinse with cold water.

Prepare the marinade - add salt, vinegar, spices to the water and bring to a boil.

Add the porcini mushrooms to the marinade and simmer until the mushrooms settle to the bottom.

Ready mushrooms immediately put into sterilized jars, pour the remaining marinade, roll up the jars.

Cooking with love!

Jul 31, 2016 Olga

In September, it is customary to collect and harvest mushrooms. Many avid mushroom pickers are looking forward to the "quiet hunting" season to go into the forest for a full basket of porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms and boletus. With the same pleasure, then do the chores of canning. Any feast will be decorated with marinated mushroom platter or pickled mushrooms. There are a lot of recipes for cooking and salting nuances.

Basics of delicious salting

The main difference between cold and hot salting is only in the time spent on canning. Workpieces in the cold method take more time before finished product ready and ready to eat. Usually, cold salting does not require additional spices and other ingredients, only salt. Prepared mushrooms are placed in jars or other suitable containers, sprinkled with salt, and a press is placed on top. Before you start salting mushroom blanks, you need to know how much different types should be cooked:

  • mushrooms - 4-5 days;
  • valui - at least one and a half months;
  • milk mushrooms - a month;
  • waves - a month;
  • whites - 40 days.

Hot canning is suitable for those cases when you need to get quick snack on

festive table. It is not necessary to wait months: the appetizer will be ready within a week after rolling. Those types of mushrooms that can be bitter should be boiled for 20 minutes in salted water (milk mushrooms and mushrooms - no more than five minutes). Russula, whites and volnushki simply pour boiling water over them, then lower them into hot water, wash and, sprinkled with salt, send under oppression (similar to the cold method of salting). This method is ideal for home use.

Recipes for salting mushrooms will differ depending on the type of raw material. Each mushroom has its own cooking characteristics. If you take them into account when salting, you can get a stunning snack for strong alcohol or as an accompaniment to a meat or vegetable main course.

Cooking recipes can be selected based on the recommendations of experienced chefs:

  • for salting, it is better to take mushroom caps;
  • the hot method is ideal for honey mushrooms, pigs and stitches;
  • if the mushrooms turned out to be too dirty, you need to soak them for 2-3 hours in water with salt;
  • when harvesting mushrooms using the hot method, it is advisable to add 1 tsp. citric acid per liter capacity;
  • ideal containers for salting - wooden tubs and barrels.

Any container - wooden or glass - must be thoroughly rinsed before starting the workpiece. glass jars be sure to sterilize by steam or in a hot oven.

Mushroom Recipes

The most popular for salting are milk mushrooms, mushrooms, mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, boletus and mushrooms. All mushroom pickling recipes are similar. Differences are only in cooking time and additional ingredients.

garlic milk mushrooms

Recommended for mushrooms hot method salting. It has a lot of pluses. In the future, pickling will not have an unpleasant aroma, boiling mushrooms will remove bitterness, and the cooking time will be significantly reduced. It is this option for harvesting milk mushrooms that is considered the most reliable for mushrooms, which are considered conditionally edible. As ingredients you need to take:

Clean with an old toothbrush fresh mushrooms from debris and dirt. The legs must be cut short, leaving at least 1 cm under the hat. Cut off rotten and suspiciously soft places with a knife to a healthy pulp. Cut large fruits into smaller pieces. Pour the prepared mushrooms with water, salt, bring to a boil. Cook mushrooms for at least five minutes, removing the foam from time to time. After 5 minutes, remove the milk mushrooms with a slotted spoon, rinse under running water in a sieve or colander.

Leave to drain and cool. In the meantime, you need to prepare sterilized jars. Pour a little salt on their bottom, put two peas of pepper, a few sprigs of dill, two currant leaves. Put the cooled milk mushrooms on the spices. Spice and milk mushrooms spread in layers. Do not pour out the remaining mushroom broth - they need to fill the jars, wait until all the air comes out and then close nylon lids.

Metal lids will not work in this case. Banks with milk mushrooms should cool in the room, after complete cooling they should be moved to a cold place. A month later, white milk mushrooms can be put on the table.

Salty mushrooms

To save all useful properties and the qualities of these mushrooms, they must be salted in a cold way. As mentioned earlier, this is one of the most simple methods that does not require any cooking or boiling. The only condition is that you can not use plastic and iron containers for salting. Ideal for wood or glass containers. To pickle mushrooms, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • spices - currant leaves, allspice, black ground pepper, Bay leaf;
  • salt - per 1 kg of mushrooms - 50 g;
  • mushrooms - 1 kg.

Only fresh, young mushrooms are salted. They must be carefully cleaned of dirt with a brush, washed under running water and dried on a towel. After drying, put in a container where the salting process will take place, after pouring a certain amount of salt on the bottom. Spread mushrooms with hats up, shift each mushroom layer with spices and salt. When the container is completely filled, put the load on top and send it to cool place for a month. Then you can taste salted mushrooms.

Spicy mushrooms

Honey mushrooms are a versatile ingredient, suitable for both hot and cold salting. In the first case, the product will be ready for use earlier, in the second, mushrooms will retain more useful properties. Choosing cold method, it is worth remembering that two weeks are enough for readiness.

Wash the leaves in cold water and dry. Take a ceramic container, put horseradish leaves on the bottom, put washed and peeled mushrooms on it with hats down, lightly salt. Put dill twigs, currant and cherry leaves, pepper, garlic cloves and bay leaves on mushrooms. Place a plate or a smaller lid on the workpiece, install oppression on top. Send the blank for five days in a cold place.

Drain the resulting liquid, put the second layer of honey mushrooms on top and the same amount of leaves, spices and spices. Do not forget to salt before laying out the spices. The procedure is repeated until the mushrooms or the place in the pickling container run out. Then put several layers of gauze under the yoke and send mushroom preparation for two weeks in a cold place.

Pickled oyster mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are champions in the speed of pickling and pickling. They are faster than all their relatives salted and soaked in marinade. For complete salting and pickling, they need less than a day. Their indisputable plus is also that oyster mushrooms all year round can be found on sale affordable price. Oyster mushrooms are rich in protein, iron, coarse fiber. Preserving oyster mushrooms is easy and simple, even a novice hostess will quickly master this recipe. For it you need to take the following ingredients:

Wash oyster mushroom in running water, cut off coarse roots. Separate the caps from the legs, put them in a saucepan, add water and put on fire. After boiling, cook for ten minutes, periodically removing the foam. Pour water into a separate container, add salt to it. Bring to a boil, put in a colander and leave to drain. Add spices and vinegar to the marinade. Arrange mushrooms, cut into slices, and garlic in prepared jars. Pour in a slightly cooled marinade, close with nylon lids.

Leave at room temperature or send to the refrigerator. A day later, you can eat pickled mushrooms.

Butter in brine

Like mushrooms, boletus can be salted both cold and hot. There is nothing complicated in cold salting, the only thing is that you need to wait two weeks before fully prepared butter. The recipe calls for the use of simple brine- boiled water and salt. As components you need to take:

Prepare clean enamelware. Put butternuts in it with caps down, on top - chopped garlic, allspice, parsley and salt. Then the second layer of mushrooms and spices again on top. Repeat the process until you run out of ingredients. Put a plate on the mushrooms, and put a jar of water on it - this will ensure that the brine is released and the oil is evenly salted. You can add a little boiled water if the allocated juice will be small. Day oil should remain at room temperature. Arrange them in jars and pour the resulting brine. Store 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.

Fast porcini mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are a very common participant in the diet of post-Soviet countries. It's incredibly delicious and useful product. They deteriorate very quickly after harvest, so it is impossible to delay salting. The proposed method will make it possible, after two days, to enjoy the fragrant mushroom snack. To prepare it, you need to take the following ingredients:

Porcini mushrooms need to be sorted out and soaked in water for an hour. During this time, change the water several times. Brush off all dirt and debris with a brush. Cut off parts of the legs with the ground. Particularly large mushrooms cut into several parts. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and send to the stove. As the future brine boils, send all the other spices there. Dip the prepared mushrooms into the boiling brine, reduce the heat. Boil the mushrooms for at least 20 minutes, then drain in a sieve or colander. Do not pour out the brine.

Sterilize jars. Put the mushrooms in the prepared container, tightly, caps up. The brine must cool down.

Pour the blanks with the cooled marinade, cork the jars with nylon lids and send them to a cool place for storage. After 48 hours, fragrant white mushrooms can be treated to relatives and friends!
