
Pumpkin jam is a bright, healthy treat in reserve! Recipes for pumpkin solar jam with citruses, apples, nuts. pumpkin jam

Pumpkin- an unusually tasty and healthy vegetable, but at the same time, many bypass it, referring to its specific taste. However, by choosing the right foods that go well with it, you can cook a large number of incredibly delicious dishes from it, from soups to desserts.

Jam is one of the most popular pumpkin desserts. In order to get rid of the smell of pumpkin, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, lemons, tangerines, oranges, cloves or mint to these desserts. It turns out very tasty. The taste of pumpkin in such a jam is completely absent and the illusion is created that it is made from oranges alone.

Vanillin will also be useful in this jam, which will give a delicate and delicate aroma. If you like jams with a sour taste, then just add more oranges or add a pinch of citric acid. In the understanding of many, jam is fruits, berries or vegetables boiled to a thick and puree-like consistency for a long time, but this is not always the case.

You can also cook in 30 minutes, using an ordinary blender for faster puree. In this case, your jam will be even tastier and healthier, because many substances in the process of short heat treatment will not yet have time to decompose.

If you can't wait to taste it, check out the ingredients. pumpkin jam with orange:

  • Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Sugar - 300 g.
  • Vanilla - 1 tbsp

Pumpkin jam with orange - recipe

Remove the skin from the pumpkin, cut into medium-sized pieces and remove the seeds. Rinse each wedge with cold water to keep germs out.

Sprinkle the pumpkin with sugar and mix thoroughly so that each slice is saturated with sweetness. Bring the mass to a boil and cook for 30 minutes.

Remove the rind from the orange with a vegetable peeler. Despite the fact that pumpkin is still the main ingredient in the jam, the orange flavor plays a significant role. The presence of citrus in any dish will give it a great flavor. Remove the zest from the orange and cut it up. Leave a few crusts for decoration.

Cut the peeled orange into quarters. An orange contains a unique combination of beneficial vitamins and minerals, so you can safely consume it with the knowledge that it is not only tasty, but also healthy. Allergy sufferers should limit themselves to citrus fruits

Add orange zest to pumpkin in sugar syrup.

Drizzle the jam with orange juice. If you're a big fan of citrus fruits, add more juice and don't worry it will drown out the pumpkin flavor.

Whisk the pumpkin-orange mixture with a blender. The advantage of jam over jam is that it does not need to be boiled for a long time, so it will take much less time to prepare the dessert.

Pumpkin is considered one of the most useful gifts of the garden. The unique, slightly sweet taste makes it possible to use this culture for the preparation of sweet preparations. Pumpkin jam is inexpensive, it turns out fragrant, bright. It not only looks appetizing, but also has a pleasant taste. Such a dessert can be served separately with tea or used for making sweet pastries.

Cooking features

Pumpkin is not a fruit or berry. Jam is prepared from it in a similar way, but this process has its own specifics. Without knowing some points, you can get a result that does not meet the expectations of the cook.

  • For making pumpkin jam, butternut pumpkin, which is shaped like a pear, is most suitable. She has the most tender flesh with subtle nutmeg notes. However, other varieties can also be used.
  • Pumpkin does not have a pronounced taste; to get a delicious jam, it must be supplemented with berries or fruits. Most often used citrus fruits, apples. Interesting to taste jam is obtained from pumpkin with viburnum.
  • The density of pumpkin jam depends on the amount of sugar used and the duration of boiling pumpkin pulp.
  • Jam has a uniform consistency. You can get it by chopping the pumpkin before cooking on a grater or using a meat grinder, but more often the pumpkin pulp is cut into medium-sized pieces, boiled or baked, then chopped with a blender.
  • When adding citrus fruits, it is important to prevent stones, partitions and a white layer between the pulp and zest, which has a bitter aftertaste, from getting into the jam.
  • To give pumpkin jam a more pleasant aroma, you can add zest, cinnamon, nutmeg, and other spices to it.
  • It is necessary to lay out pumpkin jam in pre-sterilized jars. Close it with metal lids to ensure tightness. They must be boiled before use.

If the jam has been placed in sterilized jars and hermetically sealed, it can be stored at room temperature for up to a year. If the jars were not sterilized, and the metal lids were replaced with nylon ones, the jam must be refrigerated and consumed within two weeks.

Classic pumpkin jam recipe

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
  • orange - 150 g;
  • sugar - 0.6 kg;
  • water - how much will go;
  • anise, cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the pumpkin, clean it. After cutting into 4 parts, remove the pulp with seeds. Cut the remaining pulp into medium-sized cubes, put in a thick-bottomed pan.
  • Fill the pumpkin with water so that the liquid barely covers the pumpkin pieces, put on a slow fire.
  • Wash the orange, pour boiling water over it, dry it with a napkin. Grate the zest from the fruit.
  • Remove the white film covering the fruit, disassemble it into slices.
  • Peel the slices from the film, while removing the bones. Place the orange pulp over the pumpkin. Add anise and cinnamon. You can use a cinnamon stick or ground seasoning.
  • Boil the jam, stirring occasionally, for 30-40 minutes.
  • Remove the anise stars and cinnamon stick.
  • Perebeyte orange-pumpkin mass with a blender, mixing with zest.
  • Mix the resulting puree with sugar.
  • Boil over medium heat for 15-30 minutes until desired consistency is obtained.
  • Sterilize jars and suitable lids.
  • Arrange pumpkin jam in prepared jars, roll them up.

After the jam has cooled down, the jars can be moved to the pantry or any other place where you are accustomed to storing supplies for the winter.

Unusual pumpkin jam with viburnum

Composition (per 1 liter):

  • viburnum - 0.3 kg;
  • pumpkin pulp - 0.7 kg;
  • sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • water - how much will go.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the pumpkin pulp into medium-sized cubes, pour a glass of water. Simmer over low heat for at least an hour until the pumpkin is completely soft. Mash with a potato masher or puree with an immersion blender.
  • Pour viburnum with clean water, boil it for 15-20 minutes, drain the water.
  • Mash the berries and rub through a sieve. The result is viburnum juice.
  • Mix pumpkin puree with berry juice and sugar.
  • Boil the jam to the desired consistency, arrange in prepared jars, cork them and cool.

Jam has an unusual shade, taste and aroma. Not everyone will guess what products it is made from.

Ginger Pumpkin Jam

Composition (for 2 l):

  • pumpkin - 1.5 kg;
  • oranges - 0.3 kg;
  • lemons - 2 pcs.;
  • ginger root - 100 g;
  • water - 1 l;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • cinnamon - a large pinch.

Cooking method:

  • Wash citrus fruits thoroughly, dry with a towel, cut into quarters of circles, remove the seeds.
  • Cut pumpkin pulp into cubes.
  • Clean the ginger root, grate.
  • Place pumpkin, fruit and ginger in a saucepan.
  • Add sugar and cinnamon, stir.
  • Fill with water and put on the stove.
  • Boil until pumpkin is soft.
  • Grind the contents of the pan with a blender.
  • Continue to boil for 40-60 minutes until a thick consistency is obtained.
  • Arrange pumpkin jam in prepared jars, cork them.

Pumpkin jam made according to this recipe has spicy notes, helps to resist colds, warms and invigorates. In winter, it will be especially pleasant to eat it.

Pumpkin jam is easy to make. This process is long, but does not require great culinary skills. Pumpkin dessert is inexpensive, has an unusual but harmonious taste, and stands well at room temperature.

Pumpkin jam with orange and lemon is a delicacy from the category of those that amaze not only with their appearance and taste, but most of all with their composition. Looking at it, how can you guess that the basis is not the most popular vegetable - pumpkin? I think many will agree with me that the pumpkin itself, no matter how it is cooked, turns out to be fresh. She does not have her own bright taste, she does not have any zest, therefore she always needs a bright company. In our case, the pumpkin will be accompanied by citruses - lemons and an orange. Lemons will provide our jam with the sourness it needs, so that the sweetness does not turn out to be too cloying. Orange will give the jam its unique taste and aroma. Exceptionally delicious, try it!


  • pumpkin - 1 kg (net weight),
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. (200 grams),
  • lemon - 300 g (2 pieces medium),
  • orange - 200 g (1 large).

How to make pumpkin jam with orange and lemon

Any pumpkin will do to make jam. My pumpkin was huge, with a bright orange skin and pale yellow fibrous flesh. Unfortunately, I don't know the variety. We wash the pumpkin, cut off a piece from it, peel it and scrape out all the seeds (as a bonus, we dry them and click them in a few days). Weigh the peeled pulp and cut it into medium-sized cubes. If you don’t really want to mess with cutting, you can chop the pumpkin with a grater.

Next, pour the pumpkin cubes into a saucepan where the jam will be boiled, cover them with sugar, shake well (so that the sugar does not just lie on the surface, but is slightly distributed) and forget about them for 40-60 minutes.

In the allotted time, the pumpkin will give a lot of juice and settle.

It remains to add citruses to the pumpkin - and you can put the jam on the stove. Lemons and oranges are thoroughly washed and dried. Then we remove the zest from them and squeeze the juice thoroughly, to the last drop. That's it, we won't add anything else to the jam.

We send the zest and juice to a saucepan with sugar pumpkin, mix and send to the stove.

We bring the jam to a boil on medium heat, and when it starts to gurgle, we switch to the maximum. On average, jam reaches readiness in 30-40 minutes. (depending on the power of the stove). But it is safer to focus on the type of pumpkin - the cubes become transparent and change color to a brighter and more saturated one. During cooking, do not forget about the foam - it must be removed.

And now the pumpkin has reached readiness, which means that the jam is ready. But now it looks more like pumpkin jam.

Therefore, we arm ourselves with a blender and interrupt the contents of the saucepan into a homogeneous mass.

Now we prepare containers for jam - we sterilize jars and lids. We pack it in jars and close the lids. If you plan to close pumpkin jam for the winter, it is better to use lids with a twist. If you are sure that everything will be eaten in the next couple of months, you can close it with nylon lids.

We store jam, like other blanks - in the pantry, cellar or in the refrigerator.

Very tasty, simple recipe for pumpkin jam. It tastes like orange jam, which I didn’t let to try, everyone liked it and didn’t believe that it was pumpkin jam. The jam turns out thick, so it can be used as a filling for rolls and pies. I baked pumpkin roll with it - a great combination.


To make pumpkin jam you will need:

900-1000 g pumpkin, already peeled;
4 cups of sugar;
2 oranges (juicy);
2 lemons;
a pinch of salt.

Cooking steps

I grated the pumpkin (I grated it on a fine grater). Added sugar, salt to the grated pumpkin

and left for half an hour, so that the pumpkin gave juice.

Remove the zest from lemons and oranges (I grated), but do not rub the white part. I squeezed juice from oranges and lemons.

After 30 minutes, I added zest and juice to the pumpkin, mixed it and put the jam in a saucepan to cook over medium heat.

Cooked, stirring occasionally

until the pumpkin jam is reduced and thickened.

To make jam, you will need a small set of ingredients: nutmeg pumpkin, granulated sugar, clean cool water and, of course, a whole grapefruit. You can take half of the fruit if you wish. Pumpkin needs to be cleaned. Rinse it under water to remove dust. Then carefully remove the seeds with fibers with a knife, cut off the skin. Be careful as it is stiff and the blade of the knife can slip off easily. For cooking, you need a pan with thick walls so that the mass does not burn.

So, let's get down to making dessert. Get a kitchen scale. Put the prepared pulp on them, and measure the required amount. For cleanliness, rinse the product again with water.

On a cutting board, first cut the pumpkin into strips, and then chop each of them into small cubes. For convenience, pour into a bowl until they are needed. The brighter the color of this ingredient, the more colorful the finished product will turn out.

Now you need to prepare the grapefruit. Rinse it well under the tap - dry it with a paper towel. Take a fine grater - make a zest. Place it in a small bowl - set aside.

From the fruit itself, peel the remaining skin. Then divide in half or into several parts.

All citrus fruits, after removing the skin, have white residues that are present throughout and around each slice. The challenge is to clean it all up. Then, at each slice, carefully tear off the hard “film” and select the pulp on a plate.

Grapefruit is juicy, so after this procedure, juice will stand out, it must be collected in a separate glass or other dish. Thus, we divided the fruit into three components.

After that, you can proceed to cooking jam. The first step is preparing the syrup. Pour the specified amount of drinking water into a saucepan with a wide bottom. Heat over medium heat, and then pour in the granulated sugar and stir - it will gradually dissolve. Boil the liquid for about 5 minutes. - it will become much thicker. If it boils too much, turn down the heat.

Now pour the diced pumpkin, mix. Cooking in about 20 minutes. - it should become soft. It is necessary to stir after a certain time so that the vegetable cooks evenly.

In order for the citrus aroma to be preserved in the finished dessert, the fruit is added at the final stages. First pour out the zest - mix.

Then add the peeled pulp and the allocated juice. Stir until smooth and continue heating over low heat. It will also take about 7-10 minutes.

Then completely cool the resulting mass at room temperature. Jam is a puree-like mass. To do this, take a blender with the appropriate nozzle - lower it directly into the pan. You can also use a mixer. The result is a bright and uniform consistency. Transfer it to a clean glass jar.

From the specified amount of ingredients, a little finished product is obtained. Approximately 300-350 ml, so if necessary, increase the proportions. This volume is enough to store in the refrigerator for a short period of time. This jam is very tasty with a baguette and tea. It can be used as a filling for pies, buns, buns or for a layer in cakes, pastries, cookies. Jam has a delicate and citrus taste, and, of course, it is very sweet. Bon appetit!
