
Curd dessert blancmange recipe. Blancmange curd

French dessert blancmange: cutesy sweetness of the rococo era.

The main ingredients of blancmange are milk (classic - almond) and gelatin (in the old days - starch). In addition, eggs are used for dessert, semolina, cottage cheese, sugar, flavorings or spices. The color of blancmange should be white or slightly beige (cream), but chocolate blancmange can also be made.

Another difference between blancmange and jelly is a more delicate texture, a “thinner” dessert, since a small amount of gelatin is used, and casein in milk or flour or cereal paste act as an additional “glue”.

An old recipe for BLANMANGE

At first glance, there is nothing complicated in preparing a dessert. However, the proportions of products and the nuances of technology significantly affect the taste and texture. Today, not many will cook classic blancmange 18th century - and the products are not the same, and you want to hurry.

But if you still decide to try a real antique dish, then old recipe is as follows: take 1.5 liters of cold milk (preferably a liter of milk and half a liter of cream), pour 0.5 liters and dilute 50-75 grams of rice flour in them; boil the rest of the milk, put a glass of crushed nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts) into it, pour in, constantly stirring the milk with flour; add sugar to taste, put spices (lemon zest, a pinch nutmeg) and cook for small fire until thickened; pour into molds, cool. All in one breath.

Get a real "vintage" dessert.

In my own recipe, as in many modern ones, gelatin is present.


  • almonds - 150 grams
  • powdered sugar - 80 grams
  • cream 30% - 200 ml
  • flavoring to your taste (fruit cognac, almond essence)
  • gelatin - 12 grams

How to cook blancmange

Buy almonds in the skin - they have more rich taste compared to purified. Although it still needs to be cleaned. To do this, pour the nuts with boiling water for a few minutes.

You can grind almonds in several ways: using, as in the old days, a marble mortar and the same pestle, or using the benefits of civilization, that is, a blender. If you choose a blender, then you need to pour a little water into the nuts. Measure out 0.5 liters of water and pour a little over the nuts (you may need to add more during the grinding process).

Pour the resulting almond milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, then let it brew, cool to room temperature.

Pour gelatin a small amount cold water so that it can swell.

Strain the cooled almond milk through a cloth (gauze will not work, since the nuts are practically crushed into flour), wring out so that an almost dry cake remains in the cloth.

Put gelatin in milk and put on a small fire to dissolve.

Add powdered sugar, mix thoroughly.

Whip the cream into a strong foam.

Pour into cooled milk and stir gently.

Pour into molds (you can fill one large one, not just portioned ones).

Place in the refrigerator for 5 hours to solidify completely. Pour when serving fruit sauce(boil fruit with sugar and rub through a sieve).

Blancmange recipe on starch

So, you have already learned the blancmange recipe with jelly (many say it’s more likely, we won’t argue - cooking is no less delicate than the East, besides, Italians like to borrow ideas from their neighbors), and now - blancmange recipe with cornstarch.

Recipe Ingredients: cream - 200 ml, milk - 200 ml, corn starch - 40 grams, sugar - 80 grams, vanilla.

Preparation of blancmange with starch. Mix cream and milk in a saucepan. Pour off a little, and put sugar in the rest and put on a small fire.

Dilute the starch in the poured milk, stir thoroughly so that no lumps remain. Pour, stirring constantly and vigorously, the starch mixture into the boiling milk. Boil for 2-3 minutes until thickened. Remove from heat, add vanilla and stir. Pour into molds, cool, put in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

diversify creamy taste you can add coffee, nuts, cocoa, flavorings. Instead of fruit sauce, jelly is also suitable, because it is a fruit blancmange. Boil the jelly and pour it on top of the frozen dessert, let the jelly harden and serve "... blancmange with jelly" (the movie "Formula of Love"). Children will especially enjoy this dessert.

Blancmange with coffee

Recipe Ingredients: milk, and preferably 10% cream - 0.5 liters, gelatin - 15 grams, sugar - 80 grams, instant coffee - 50 grams

How to make blancmange with coffee. Pour gelatin with 200 ml of water and leave to swell. Heat milk, add sugar and coffee, mix thoroughly. Remove from fire. Put on fire to dissolve the gelatin. Pour into milk-coffee mixture.

Pour the blancmange into molds (you can use bowls or wide-mouthed glasses) and refrigerate to set. Dessert is easy to remove from the molds if you hold it for a few seconds in hot water.

Blancmange with cottage cheese

Recipe Ingredients: cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, fat and thick sour cream - 1/2 cup, milk - 250 ml, gelatin - 10 grams, sugar - 80 grams (or to your taste), vanilla.

Preparation of blancmange with cottage cheese. Pour gelatin with a little water and leave. Thoroughly mix cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar and vanilla. Heat the milk, put gelatin in it, stir until the latter is dissolved. Pour in curd mass and stir. Divide into molds and place in the refrigerator to set.

For a change, you can divide the cottage cheese into several parts and add your favorite filler to each, such as chopped nuts, fruits, cocoa. Lay out in layers. And for decoration use pieces fresh fruit or fruit and berry sauce.

Like many others culinary masterpieces, blancmange owes its origin to the French. Called "white food" in French, this dessert originated in the Middle Ages and gained popularity in other countries in the 17th century. European countries. According to rumors, this happened with the advent of rice and almond milk in Europe. Most cookbooks from that era, you can find a recipe describing how to cook blancmange. There are references to him in well-known literary works, for example, in A.S. Pushkin.

Cooking homemade blancmange in various variations

Despite the fact that once blanc-manger was medicine, to this day it has come down in the form of a dessert. Its main ingredients are milk, sugar and gelatin, which in original recipe replaced with rice flour. By and large, how correctly you prepare gelatin is the whole complexity of execution. this dish. We hope our step by step photo recipes make cooking blancmange a pleasure for you.

Classic blancmange recipe

Life does not stand still, and much in it is constantly changing. It didn't go away and classic recipe blancmange, which has been adopted and adapted by modern women to suit their preferences. As a result of such changes, the dessert turned into curd. However, we propose to recall what it was originally.

Classic blancmange is made from the following ingredients:

  • 1 l. milk,
  • half a glass of 20% cream,
  • 250 gr. almonds (or other nuts)
  • 75 gr. rice flour,
  • sugar,
  • nutmeg.

Cooking process:

  1. It is necessary to dilute the flour in half a liter of milk, and mix the rest with cream and boil.
  2. Crush the almonds, pour into the pan, then slowly pour the first portion of milk.
  3. Add sugar to taste and a handful of grated nutmeg, then cook until thickened.
  4. Pour into pretty molds and let cool.
  5. Before serving, you can decorate with nuts, dried fruits or chocolate chips.

Curd blancmange with pineapple

Modern housewives use the blancmange recipe with cottage cheese more, for which we need:

  • a pack of cottage cheese,
  • half a glass of milk, sour cream and powdered sugar,
  • 1 pack. gelatin and vanilla sugar,
  • as well as canned pineapples.

Cooking step by step:

  1. You will need to dilute the gelatin in milk and set aside for half an hour until it swells.
  2. Meanwhile, cut the pineapple into small pieces.
  3. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, vanilla sugar and powder in a blender so that there are no lumps left.
  4. Heat the gelatin well, stirring constantly and not letting the mass boil.
  5. Next, pour it into the cottage cheese, add the pineapple pieces and mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Pour into molds, put in the refrigerator until completely solidified.
  7. Before serving, lower the mold (not dessert!) for a few moments in hot water. Cottage cheese blancmange will easily move away from the walls and will not deform.

Blancmange with fruit

Another delicious option preparation of fruit blancmange. What will be required:

  • 2 incomplete glasses of cream,
  • 1 incomplete glass of milk,
  • 130 g almonds
  • sugar,
  • 1 st. l. gelatin,
  • a pinch of vanillin and still water.


  1. First you need to peel the almonds. To do this, fill it with boiling water for a couple of minutes, after which the skin will easily come off.
  2. Next, the grains must be dried and ground in a blender into powder.
  3. We put the fruit and molds to cool in the refrigerator, and remove the chilled cream whipped with a mixer there.
  4. Combine almond powder with sugar and vanilla.
  5. After that, pour the milk into a small saucepan, put it on the stove and gradually pour the nuts and sugar into it. We stir until the mass boils.
  6. Dissolve gelatin in 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water and pour into milk, while continuing to stir. As soon as it melts, turn off the stove without waiting for it to boil.
  7. When the mousse has cooled, you will need to add cream to it.

You can decorate the blancmange dish according to the following scheme:

  1. put the chopped fruits and berries on the bottom of the mold and pour the resulting mass.
  2. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, after which we spread the jelly on plates and serve.

This fruity blancmange can be topped with any berry topping.

Chocolate blancmange with cappuccino

Especially for the biggest sweet tooth there is a chocolate blanc-manger. For 8 servings you will need:

  1. bitter chocolate bar,
  2. half a liter of heavy cream,
  3. 320 ml milk
  4. 5 egg yolks,
  5. 100 g brown sugar
  6. 1 tsp corn flour,
  7. 2 tsp gelatin,
  8. 6 tsp instant cappuccino.

Preparation of chocolate blanc-manger:

  1. The cooking process begins with the fact that we chop the chocolate.
  2. Then pour 270 ml of milk and cream into a saucepan, heat well, avoiding boiling.
  3. In a bowl, beat the yolks together with sugar and flour, add gelatin and mix.
  4. Dissolve in warm milk chocolate chips then add the egg mixture. Whisk vigorously until you get a homogeneous mass.
  5. Next, you need to put the saucepan with the contents on the stove and stir until thickened.
  6. When the jelly is ready, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator for several hours.

For sauce:

  1. heat the remaining milk, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar and cappuccino, remove from the stove.
  2. When the mass has cooled, add the second half of the cream to it and beat until foam forms. She will need to decorate the dish before serving.

We hope that our photo and video instructions will be useful to you, and you can easily prepare this wonderful dessert at home.

Video: Curd blancmange - a simple step-by-step recipe

Step 1: prepare the gelatin.

Pour milk at room temperature into a large cup and pour gelatin here. Using a tablespoon or teaspoon, mix until smooth and set aside to swell for 20 minutes.

Step 2: prepare the curd mass.

Pour the curd mixture into a medium bowl. Pour vanilla sugar, powdered sugar, and also add sour cream into the same container. Using a hand whisk or mixer, beat all the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is formed. lush mass. Attention: if you will use an electrical appliance, then beat the ingredients at medium speed for 1 minute so that the mass does not splatter in all directions.

Step 3: Prepare the Pineapple

Put the pineapple rings on a cutting board and cut into slices with a knife. small pieces. After - the chopped fruit is transferred to a free plate.

Step 4: prepare blancmange cottage cheese.

We shift the infused gelatin with a tablespoon from a cup into a saucepan and put the container on a small fire. With constant stirring, bring the mixture to a liquid hot state, but the gelatin should not boil. Immediately after this, turn off the burner, and set the gelatin mixture aside so that it does not continue to heat up on the hot burner.

Now carefully pour the liquid gelatin into the curd mass, while at the same time whisk everything with a hand whisk until smooth. After that, put the pieces of pineapple in a container and mix everything again, using a tablespoon.

At the end, spread the blancmange in a baking dish or in small muffin tins, level the surface of the dish with a tablespoon and put the containers in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours freeze. After the allotted time, we take out the form from the refrigerator and shift curd jelly in a special serving dish. And in order for the blancmange curd to remain beautiful and not damaged, the form must be dipped halfway into a bowl of hot water literally for 3-5 seconds and then it will easily lag behind the walls of the container.

Step 5: serve blancmange cottage cheese.

Immediately after the dish is on a special tray, it must be served at the table. If desired, the dessert can be sprinkled with cocoa powder or cinnamon, cut into portioned pieces and treat friends and loved ones with a fragrant, sweet dessert along with a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of fruit juice.

Enjoy your meal!

In order to carefully cut the blancmange cottage cheese, it is necessary to moisten the knife under a stream of cold water each time.

In addition to pieces of pineapple in blancmange curd, you can add any fruits and berries to your taste. For example, it can be kiwi slices, slices of bananas or strawberries.

In addition to the curd mass, you can add to the dish regular cottage cheese. But it must be ground in advance to a homogeneous mass without grains in a blender at medium speed for 2-3 minutes, and only then mixed with other blancmange components.

Blancmange curd can be served as a cake or as a cake. To do this, you need to decide on the containers in which the dish will freeze. If these are small cupcake molds, then dessert can be served in them. If blancmange we cooked in great shape, then it is necessary to cut it into portioned pieces and then serve it to the table.

Blancmange means "white food" in French. real classic dessert, which is a gelled mass of dairy products. The forerunners of white delicacy appeared in medieval Europe, and milk was not cow's, but almond, appropriate during the period of strict Christian fasting.

In France, milk began to thicken rice flour, obtaining a characteristic jelly-like, but not too dense texture. In this form, "white food" reached the CIS countries and conquered the whole world. However, the blancmange, which the guests of the Larins ate with appetite in Eugene Onegin, is a very high-calorie dish.

Fortunately, having made the basis of "white food" low-fat cottage cheese and by drastically limiting the sugar content, you can prepare a dessert that is quite appropriate on a fairly strict diet table. Consider its recipe in more detail.

Cottage cheese blancmange - recipe with photo

Classic options blancmange are based on heavy cream, thick almond milk, curd cheese, starchy thickeners and hefty doses of sugar or powdered sugar. The calorie content of such a dessert far exceeds 200 units in 100 grams.

However, this immoderate energy can be reduced by at least 2 times if the mixture of cottage cheese and dairy products is thickened with gelatin. low fat. By enriching the vitamin and mineral bouquet of the dessert with fruit and vegetable additives and adding spices that speed up the metabolism, you can get a tasty and useful option blancmange, which does not harm a slender figure at all.

Approximate diet recipe:

  • low-fat - 400 g;
  • milk with a fat content of 0.5% - 100 ml;
  • natural 8% - 100 g;
  • - 15 g;
  • - half;
  • - half.

Sugar is not added at all, as the recipe uses fruit varieties that are sweet in themselves.


  • Pour gelatin into warm milk, taking half of its amount, i.e. 50 ml, mix well and leave for 15-20 minutes to swell.
  • Mix the cottage cheese and yogurt rubbed through a sieve.
  • Fruit cut into small cubes.
  • Heat, without boiling, the remaining 50 ml of milk. Pour the infused milk-gelatin mixture into hot milk and carefully stir everything until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  • Mix the curd-yoghurt mass with chopped fruit and a solution of gelatin in milk. Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.

To make it easier to remove the frozen blancmange, the molds can be briefly, literally for a matter of seconds, dipped in hot water. It is important not to overdo them at the same time, since delicate dessert may "leak" and, in order to return it to a decent appearance, you will have to return " white food» in the refrigerator.

Energy value curd blancmange with fruit prepared in this way is approximately 85 kilocalories in 100 grams.

Blancmange and weight loss diets

Dessert made on a curd-milk basis, by definition, is rich in highly digestible proteins and natural complexes. If at the same time there is not too much sugar and fat in its composition, blancmange helps to nourish muscle tissue cells, strengthens the skeletal system, improves the condition of the skin, hair, nails and does not increase weight.

The protein abundance of "white food" was not ignored by the compilers dietary rations slimming oriented. In particular, blancmange is included in the menu of an effective, strictly low-carb and extremely saturated protein - however, in this case, dairy products and cottage cheese of the lowest fat content are used for its preparation, and its recommended substitutes are used instead of sugar.

"White food" gets additional shades - recipe options

To enrich and diversify the composition of blancmange, to add new nuances of aroma and taste, they introduce into its recipe:

  • Spicy greens - first of all, as well as the stem and leaves.
  • Fruits and berries, fresh, frozen and canned - and, seasonal berries, garden and forest, and citrus fruits.
  • Other dairy products - cream, condensed milk. IN diet recipes only welcome low-fat kefir and the same sour cream.
  • - well whipped, mostly proteins. Such a component gives the dessert airiness and additionally stabilizes its delicate structure.
  • Honey is more natural and healthy sweetener than sugar.
  • Cocoa, and - in powder, instant and grated versions. Blancmange as a result becomes not so white, but chocolate or coffee.
  • Aromatic alcohol - tart cognacs, spiced rum, sweet liquors.
  • Nuts - ground and finely grated,

Cottage cheese blancmange can be prepared at home simply and quickly: with sour cream, fruit, powdered sugar.

A non-classical blancmange dessert recipe, but what a delicious one! Although this delicate vanilla-creamy dessert is made from cottage cheese, even those who do not like cottage cheese will certainly not refuse it.

  • Gelatin 12 g
  • Milk 125 ml
  • Sour cream 125 ml
  • Sugar 70 g
  • Vanillin 1 sachet
  • Curd 300 g

Gelatin, preferably one that does not require long soaking, pour milk and mix. Now it should swell, check the instructions on its packaging for the exact amount of time it will take.

Cottage cheese, fresh and pleasant in taste, combine with sour cream, thick and also has good taste characteristics. Pour in some vanilla or vanilla sugar.

Add granulated sugar to cottage cheese, sour cream and vanilla.

Now, if the cottage cheese is grainy, grind the mixture with a blender until smooth, if the cottage cheese is without grains, beat the mixture with a mixer.

Heat gelatin over low heat with constant stirring until completely dissolved. Do not bring to a boil, otherwise the gelatin will lose its qualities. Whisking constantly, simultaneously pour the melted gelatin under the mixer blades in a thin stream. Beat the cream on low speed for a while longer.

Divide the cream into portioned containers, be it glasses, bowls or silicone molds, of which, after solidification, it will be possible to turn the dessert onto a plate without any problems. Place the molds in the refrigerator until the dessert is completely set. Serve dessert with syrup or jam, or you can sprinkle it with chopped chocolate or nuts.

Recipe 2: French Curd Blancmange

Blancmange cottage cheese - tender, light and very fragrant french dessert, which can become a real decoration of a sweet holiday table. The main thing is that preparing such a dish is not difficult, but it will become a real treat not only for the smallest, but also for adults with a sweet tooth. Eat, please!

  • Milk 100-125 milliliters
  • Instant gelatin 15 grams
  • Vanilla sugar 10 grams
  • Curd mass 0% fat content 250 grams
  • Sour cream 20% fat 100–125 grams
  • Powdered sugar 100-125 grams
  • Canned pineapple 2 rings

Pour milk at room temperature into a large cup and pour gelatin here. Using a tablespoon or teaspoon, mix until smooth and set aside to swell for 20 minutes.

Pour the curd mixture into a medium bowl. Pour vanilla sugar, powdered sugar, and also add sour cream into the same container. Using a hand whisk or mixer, beat all the ingredients until a homogeneous lush mass is formed. Attention: if you will use an electrical appliance, then beat the components at medium speed for 1 minute so that the mass does not splatter in all directions.

Put the pineapple rings on a cutting board and cut into small pieces with a knife. After - the chopped fruit is transferred to a free plate.

We shift the infused gelatin with a tablespoon from a cup into a saucepan and put the container on a small fire. With constant stirring, bring the mixture to a liquid hot state, but the gelatin should not boil. Immediately after this, turn off the burner, and set the gelatin mixture aside so that it does not continue to heat up on the hot burner.

Now carefully pour the liquid gelatin into the curd mass, while at the same time whisk everything with a hand whisk until smooth. After that, put the pieces of pineapple in a container and mix everything again, using a tablespoon.

At the end, put the blancmange in a baking dish or in small muffin tins, level the surface of the dish with a tablespoon and put the containers in the refrigerator to harden for 4-5 hours. After the allotted time, we take out the mold from the refrigerator and transfer the curd jelly to a special dish for serving. And in order for the blancmange curd to remain beautiful and not damaged, the form must be dipped halfway into a bowl of hot water for literally 3-5 seconds, and then it will easily fall behind the walls of the container.

Immediately after the dish is on a special tray, it must be served at the table. If desired, the dessert can be sprinkled with cocoa powder or cinnamon, cut into portioned pieces and treat friends and loved ones with a fragrant, sweet dessert along with a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of fruit juice.

Recipe 3: Cottage Cheese Blancmange with Cocoa and Vanillin

Preparation of blancmange is not particularly difficult, even the most unprepared user will cope with it. The dish has great taste and exquisite aroma.

  • 200 g of cottage cheese (you can cook it yourself or buy at the nearest store);
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 15-20 g of gelatin;
  • 100 g of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar (as an option, you can take powdered sugar);
  • Cocoa and vanilla optional.

First, we need to prepare the gelatin and ensure its swelling. For this, we cast required amount milk and bring it to a boil over low heat. Then pour gelatin into it and leave it for about 15-20 minutes.

We take the cottage cheese and grind it to the smallest possible consistency. If this is not done, then our blancmange will be with lumps. Of course, this will not affect the taste, but here appearance slightly damaged.

We pour the chopped cottage cheese with sour cream, pour sugar into it and start beating with a mixer. We do this for 5 - 7 minutes, depending on the power of your device. You should get a uniform, homogeneous mass.

Our main preparation is ready, we return to gelatin. If it has frozen, put it on a small fire and slightly warm it up.

Pour it into our workpiece, made earlier, and mix the resulting composition thoroughly. If planned chocolate blancmange add cocoa powder and mix again.

All is ready. Pour the composition into molds and put in the refrigerator for about 60 - 90 minutes.

A little secret: to easily remove the dessert from the mold, you need to place it in boiling water for a few seconds.

Recipe 4: Curd Blancmange with Pineapple (with photo)

  • cottage cheese 350 g
  • milk 100 ml
  • sour cream 18% 100 g
  • white sugar 100 g
  • instant gelatin 15 g
  • canned pineapple 250 g

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.

Soak gelatin in 50 ml warm milk and leave to dissolve the gelatin for 15 minutes. Curd should be of this consistency.

Add sugar, sour cream to cottage cheese.

And mix everything thoroughly. We heat up another 50 ml of milk and add to the gelatin.

Cut pineapple into small pieces.

We shift the chopped pineapples to the curd mass.

Fill with milk gelatin.

Mix gently.

Pour into molds and refrigerate for 4 hours.

Gentle, airy and very delicious dessert ready.

Recipe 5: Fruity Cottage Cheese Blancmange with Banana

I offer you a recipe for a dessert without baking, blancmange cottage cheese with a banana. Blancmange is a French dessert, very tasty and tender, and easy to prepare for everything, such a recipe can be prepared by any housewife. In blancmange, you can add a variety of fruits, berries, flavors and spicy spices, all to your taste and discretion.

  • Milk 0.5 glass
  • Sour cream 0.5 glass
  • Gelatin 25 gr.
  • Vanilla sugar 10 gr.
  • Cottage cheese 350 gr.
  • Powdered sugar 0.5 cup
  • Banana 2 pcs.
  • Chocolate shavings to taste
  • Coconut shavings to taste

Combine instant gelatin with cold milk and leave to swell for 20 minutes.

Beat cottage cheese with sour cream, powdered sugar and vanilla sugar in blender to uniform consistency. My cottage cheese is 10% fat. Sour cream is best to take 18-21% fat.

Peel banana and cut into small cubes.

Dissolve the swollen gelatin in a water bath to a liquid homogeneous consistency (stirring constantly, do not boil!).

Pour the gelatin into the curd mass in a thin stream, mix well. Add chopped banana, mix again gently so as not to crush the banana.

Put the mass into Silicone forms. I used standard silicone cupcake molds, I got about 10-11 molds. Place in refrigerator to cool for 2-3 hours. It all depends on the size of the form, if you use one big shape then refrigerate for at least 5 hours.

Remove the blancmange from the mould. Decorate as desired. I sprinkled coconut flakes and grated dark chocolate. Dessert is ready. Help yourself!

Recipe 6, step by step: blancmange cottage cheese with fruit

  • one glass of milk
  • one glass of sour cream
  • half a kilo of cottage cheese
  • three heaping tablespoons of gelatin
  • half a glass of sugar
  • For the filling, any fruit (except kiwi and pineapple, as they do not allow the gelatin to harden), I took two oranges, 300 grams of grapes

I poured the gelatin into cold milk and left it for half an hour so that the gelatin swelled.

After half an hour, the gelatin swells strongly, as in the photo. Now it must be heated over low heat so that the gelatin dissolves. Do not overheat or boil, otherwise the gelatin will deteriorate.

Can be put on water bath, so as to surely interfere with the heating process.

To do this, I took cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar.

I crushed this mass very well with a blender so that there were no curd lumps.

Chopped oranges and grapes. Cut the grapes into 4 pieces and remove the seeds.

I put the fruit in the curd mixture.

I poured the slightly cooled milk-gelatin mass into the curd-fruit mass and mixed it.

I poured everything into silicone beautiful mold. You can just put it in a deep bowl and put it in the refrigerator for several hours (preferably overnight) until the gelatin solidifies.

Tip: you can grate chocolate on the bottom of the mold, then the top will turn out to be a beautiful chocolate.

Then she took out the form, kept it warm for a little, so that the gelatin slightly melted, turned it over onto a dish.

Delicious fruit and curd blancmange is ready - great dessert! You can cut it like a cake, into pieces.

Recipe 7: Blancmange Curd Dessert in Orange

IN modern culinary are used various ways its preparation with different fillers. I cook mostly cottage cheese with various fruits and berries: banana, black currant, strawberry. This time I decided to make curd blancmange with orange flavor. Original submission desserts in bright orange "tins" will certainly decorate your table and give you a good mood!

  • cottage cheese - 200 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • sour cream - 60 g;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • gelatin - 8 g (1 tablespoon without a slide);
  • turmeric - at the tip of tsp. (for color);
  • orange - 2 pcs. (for molds) + 1 pc. (for zest);
  • sprigs of mint for serving.

Wash oranges well and pat dry. From two oranges, make "molds" - cut off the top of the orange and a little from the bottom so that the orange is stable. By using special knife make longitudinal stripes along the orange peel.

Then, with a fruit spoon, carefully remove the pulp into a deep bowl (do not throw away the pulp of oranges - you can cook it delicious jelly!). Orange "molds" for dessert are ready!

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