
Cupcake with milk in a large form. A simple step-by-step recipe for making a cupcake with milk with a photo

Each country where it is customary to cook cupcakes has its own traditional recipes, including fruits, jam, nuts, raisins, candied fruits, rum, cognac, liquor, icing sugar, zest and many other additives.

Each new ingredient gives cupcakes a special, unique taste, but they are also interesting in the simplest version, without any additives.


  • 1 egg
  • 20 g butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk
  • 20 g sugar
  • 1/3 tsp baking powder
  • 3/4 st. flour

How to make cupcakes with milk

1. Beat the egg with sugar until the mass is covered with a delicate white foam.

2. Melt the butter, cool slightly so that it is not hot, and pour in a thin stream into the beaten egg mass.

3. Add milk to the dough and pour the flour in a slide in the center (pre-mix flour with baking powder).

4. Stir the dough well to make a soft, thick mass without flour lumps.

5. Carefully grease the muffin tins with butter and fill each with dough to about half their height. This dough rises well, so the finished cupcakes will have a nice high top.

It is even more convenient to cook these pastries using special paper molds that are inserted inside metal or silicone. Then cupcakes can be served directly in paper, like cupcakes, and this is especially good for receptions, outdoor parties and large feasts.

6. Before placing the molds in the oven, preheat it to 100 ° C. At this temperature, bake the cupcakes for the first 15 minutes, until the dough rises well, and then increase the temperature slightly (this will help to avoid cracks on the surface of the products).

The baking time will depend on the size of the molds. To test doneness, poke one of the cupcakes with a toothpick right down the center where the batter is thickest.

Ready-made pastries can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or glazed.

Note to the owner

1. Temperature differences can adversely affect the rising dough, so it is strictly forbidden to open the oven at an early stage of baking. It makes sense to pierce one or two cupcakes with a stick when they and all the others have become lush, and the crust is rich yellow. It takes about 25 minutes, no matter what size the molds are.

2. A heavily chilled egg is always faster and easier to beat than a warm one. A good trick is to first turn the cooled protein with sugar into foam, and then add the yolk to the air mass and continue the process.

3. Since this is a moderately sweet pastry, it can be glazed with melted chocolate or smeared with chocolate paste. If rum, liquor, cognac was injected inside, such glazing is inappropriate: it will prevent you from feeling the subtle taste of good alcohol. In this case, it is better to make a topping based on zest, small candied fruits or coconut flakes, mixing them with powdered sugar.

4. Slide the completely cooled cupcakes onto a dish. Although they are light, they are likely to deform when served hot. You don’t need to put a spatula, a two-pronged fork and other utensils near a common plate, they take this delicacy with their hands. And if so, then paper napkins on the dessert table are a must.

Healthy eating has become an integral part of most people. People refuse ready-made food in favor of homemade food, so as not to consume preservatives, harmful impurities of "alien" food. It is fashionable to prepare sweet desserts yourself, which are guaranteed to consist only of the best and freshest products. Cupcake recipes will help in the preparation of a classic dessert, different variations of the ingredients will diversify the delicacy. Get inspired and take note of the best cooking options.

Easy recipes for delicious homemade cupcakes

Cupcake is a versatile dish, this sweet dessert is suitable for the next dinner or Christmas table. This homemade pastry has always pleased with the simplicity of preparation, and you can really roam here for glory: plump cake, marble, metropolitan with raisins (recipe according to GOST), lemon, Easter, diet, shortbread, banana. Consider some recipes in more detail.

In silicone molds with nuts

Silicone molds can be a great choice. They are not dangerous when heated, they are used for any ovens. In such molds, the bottom of baking does not burn and there is no need to grease them with oil. For cooking you will need:

  • a couple of eggs;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 200 g flour;
  • a pinch of soda;
  • oranges, crushed nuts.
  1. Turn into a snow-white mass of eggs and sugar.
  2. Add flour and soda, mix.
  3. Add nuts, orange slices.
  4. The resulting "cocktail", packed in silicone molds, put in the oven for half an hour. As a result, you will get tender nutty cupcakes with orange flavor. You can use cream for decoration.

Classic cottage cheese cake with raisins in a slow cooker

If time is short, but you want to cook something tasty, then we will offer a simple way to prepare a dessert. Made instantly, it turns out very tasty, this recipe will save time for moms sitting with kids, business women who want to surprise their family without wasting time in the kitchen. The dish is prepared simply and easily in the Mulinex multicooker.

Required Ingredients:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 130 g butter (butter);
  • a pinch of soda;
  • a pack of cottage cheese (200 g);
  • 200 g flour;
  • 3 art. l. raisins.

  1. We make a creamy mixture from egg whites and sugar.
  2. We put butter, yolks and soda, which it is desirable to extinguish with lemon, beat again with a mixer, add new ingredients - cottage cheese and flour.
  3. Add raisins to the prepared mass.
  4. Pour the mixture into a container, close the multicooker, press the "Baking" button. Will be ready in an hour. As an alternative to a slow cooker, a bread machine is suitable.

Chocolate on kefir

Have you always dreamed of making a delicious, light dessert to impress your loved ones and colleagues, but don't know the recipes for making cupcakes? Try this recipe, your guests will be pleasantly surprised. Baking should be served with jam or condensed milk.

  • two eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 5 st. l. cocoa;
  • kefir (1 glass);
  • 100 g butter (butter);
  • 2 tsp vanilla sugar, the same amount of baking powder.

  1. Rub butter with sugar.
  2. In a mixer, beat together with eggs, kefir and bulk ingredients.
  3. Bake in a cupcake maker for about half an hour.

In a mug in 5 minutes

They have approximately the same ingredients and are prepared in standard molds. This dish is original, because it is prepared in an ordinary mug, and we will find out how below.

  • 4 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 3 art. l. cocoa powder;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 3 art. l. milk;
  • 3 art. l. "Nutella";
  • a pinch of slaked soda.

  1. Mix flour, cocoa powder, sugar with a pinch of soda.
  2. Add separately beaten egg, milk, butter, Nutella.
  3. Place the culinary platter in a cup and send it to the microwave. Baking time: 5 minutes. It is worth considering that the dough will rise, so the mixture should be only half a cup.

Cupcake with milk in the oven

This recipe is a classic. The dish is interesting because it allows housewives to experiment by adding cherries or bananas, cinnamon, raisins, lemon zest, apple or chocolate to the filling.

  • a couple of eggs;
  • 400 g flour;
  • 400 g of milk;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 100 ml of oil (vegetable);
  • 1 st. l. rum or cognac;
  • soda;
  • salt;
  • vanillin.

  1. Whisk flour with baking soda, salt and eggs.
  2. Add sugar and vanilla, beat again.
  3. Pour the secret ingredients - milk, butter and alcohol, mix in the filling.
  4. If you decide to use chocolate, then you can make a zebra cake, for this you need to lay out layers - the dough, then the chocolate, then the dough again. Baked for 30 minutes. You can make a fluffy carrot cake by adding fresh juice from 3 carrots.

Muffins with cocoa

Cupcakes, in addition to the standard set of products - flour, eggs and butter, always have an appetizing shape. Let's try to cook a version of this delicacy with cocoa.

  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 175 g flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • 60 ml margarine;
  • 10 g of soda;
  • 45 g cocoa;
  • 2 g salt.

  1. Turn the egg into air foam, add margarine, flour, soda, cocoa, sugar, milk. Whisk in a mixer. The dough is ready.
  2. Cooking time is twenty-five minutes. Remember to use paper cups so the cupcakes come out easier.
  3. Chocolate muffins can be prepared without eggs if there is a need for a lean dish or if you have an allergy. Milk can be replaced with hot water.

mini cupcakes

To properly prepare classic mini-cupcakes, you must follow the sequence of the recipe. Mini cupcakes are tender and edible.

  • 1 pack of butter (200 g);
  • 1 glass of sugar (200 g);
  • 3 eggs;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 5 g baking powder;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 3 art. l. milk;
  • powdered sugar for glaze.

  1. Pour sugar into the melted butter, beat until foamy, then put the eggs and mix again.
  2. Ingredients such as vanillin, baking powder with flour must be mixed in a separate container.
  3. After combining the ingredients, add milk. The dough should resemble fat sour cream in composition.
  4. Bake mini cupcakes for about half an hour. They can be decorated by placing a cherry or crushed walnut on top, this is a good alternative to traditional icing or fondant.

Among all the variety of homemade cakes that exist in cooking, milk cake deserves special attention. A simple recipe for such a dessert has more than once rescued many busy housewives, on the threshold of which guests unexpectedly appeared. In today's article, the most interesting options for such products will be presented.

Cupcake with dried apricots

Using the technology described below, a very fragrant and tasty dessert is obtained. Despite the apparent complexity, the whole process of its preparation does not take too much time and does not require special efforts. But your loved ones will surely appreciate the cupcake you baked with milk. A simple recipe for this delicacy implies the presence of a certain set of components. That is why check in advance whether you have on hand:

  • A pack of butter or good margarine.
  • 300 grams of granulated sugar.
  • A couple of raw chicken eggs.
  • Half a glass of cow's milk.
  • 300 grams of high-grade white flour.
  • A teaspoon of baking powder.
  • 250 grams of dried apricots.
  • A packet of vanilla sugar.

Process description

To prepare the dough for such a dessert as a cupcake with milk, a simple recipe for which will surely appear on the pages of your culinary notebook, you need to melt the butter. It is more convenient to do this in a water bath or in the microwave. The melted butter is combined with sugar, stirred until the grains are completely dissolved and removed to the side.

In a separate saucepan, heat the milk and beat it with raw chicken eggs. A sweet oily mass is introduced into the resulting liquid and mixed well with a mixer or whisk. Baking powder, vanillin and pre-sifted flour are also added there. Chopped dried apricots are poured into the already almost completely prepared dough and evenly distributed throughout the volume. The resulting mass is laid out in molds. It is important that they are filled no more than a third.

Cupcakes are baked in milk in molds at the classic one hundred and eighty degrees for twenty minutes. After that, their readiness is checked with an ordinary toothpick. If all is well, then the dessert is removed from the oven and cooled slightly on a wire rack. Serve this delicacy with strong aromatic tea or coffee.

Cupcake with raisins

This lush and delicate pastry will be a pleasant addition to friendly gatherings over a cup of delicious tea. Your guests will surely appreciate your homemade milk cake. A simple recipe for this dessert is interesting because it does not involve the use of expensive scarce ingredients. Almost every prudent housewife almost always has all the products that make up the dough. To prepare such fragrant and airy pastries, you will need:

  • 240 grams of wheat flour.
  • 300 milliliters of fresh cow's milk.
  • 100 grams of good butter.
  • Half a lemon.
  • A couple of full teaspoons of baking powder.
  • Fresh chicken egg.
  • 100 grams of raisins and sugar.
  • A pinch of rock salt and a whole bag of vanillin.


Pre-softened butter is combined with vanilla and granulated sugar. All this is intensively rubbed, trying to achieve complete dissolution of the grains. An egg, lemon juice, citrus zest and a pinch of salt are added to the resulting homogeneous mass. Following them, cow's milk and raisins are sent to the future dough. All mix well with a spoon and begin to gradually add oxygenated flour combined with baking powder. As a result, you will get a mass that is similar in consistency to fairly thick sour cream.

The dough is carefully poured into a refractory mold and sent to the oven. A cupcake with raisins in milk is being prepared in the oven, heated to the classic one hundred and eighty degrees, for an hour. After that, the product is pierced with a wooden stick. If it turns out to be dry, then the dessert is taken out of the oven and cooled slightly. The finished delicacy is sprinkled with powdered sugar or poured with icing.

Chocolate cupcake with milk

The technology by which this magnificent and light dessert is prepared is so simple that even an inexperienced culinary specialist who has never dealt with pastries can master it without any problems. Before starting the process, be sure to audit your own refrigerator and, if necessary, purchase all the missing products. In this case, you will need:

  • A couple of glasses of high-grade white flour.
  • 3 full tablespoons of cocoa.
  • A couple of glasses of sugar.
  • 4 raw chicken eggs.
  • A teaspoon of vinegar.
  • 200 milliliters of fresh cow's milk and vegetable oil.
  • ½ teaspoon of baking soda.

Cooking algorithm

In a clean bowl, combine eggs and sugar. All beat well with a mixer or an ordinary whisk. Sifted flour and powdered cocoa are gradually introduced into the resulting mass. Hydrated soda, vegetable oil and fresh cow's milk are also sent there. All intensively knead until smooth, trying to prevent the appearance of the smallest lumps.

The resulting dough is poured into a heat-resistant form and sent to the oven. A cupcake is prepared in milk in an oven heated to a standard one hundred and eighty degrees. Not earlier than after forty minutes, the product is carefully pierced with a toothpick. If it remains dry, then the dessert is removed from the oven and cooled slightly. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

If desired, the baked and cooled cupcake can be poured with home-made icing. To create it, melt chocolate containing at least 75% cocoa in a water bath, pour it with milk or cream and mix intensively until smooth. Immediately after that, the cake is covered with hot home-made icing, they wait until it completely hardens, and only after that it is served on the table.

Cupcakes are a dessert that is associated with comfort. You immediately imagine a large cup of tea or coffee with milk and a fragrant cupcake. This is a great dessert for which you can have long intimate conversations. We offer you an alternative recipe for this pastry - a cupcake with milk. This recipe is very simple. Even if you are not the most experienced cook, cupcakes with milk are sure to work out for you.

A surprisingly simple recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • two glasses of flour
  • one glass of sugar
  • two eggs
  • one glass of milk
  • one teaspoon of soda
  • three tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • vanillin.

Take the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator some time before preparing the dough so that they are at room temperature during preparation - this will improve the quality of the dough.

So, we take a deep clean bowl, into which we break two eggs and add a glass of sugar. Beat with a mixer. After that, pour a glass of milk into it. Again, beat the ingredients with a mixer until airy and homogeneous. Then pour three tablespoons of sunflower oil into the contents and again work with a mixer. We extinguish the soda with vinegar or lemon juice and add to the common dishes. At the very end, add flour and mix the dough. Do not be afraid if following the recipe, the dough turned out to be quite liquid, this is normal. The dough resembles low-fat sour cream in consistency.

Take out the cupcake molds and grease them with sunflower or butter, sprinkle each with flour. Fill in the forms with the test. Send the dessert to bake in a preheated oven, the temperature should be 180 degrees.

Bake the dessert for about 30 minutes. The golden crust will tell you that the cupcake in milk is ready. Also check the readiness with a toothpick or a match, pierce the dough with it, if the match remains dry, then the pastry is ready.

Decorating cupcakes

Such simple pastries as milk muffins can be turned into a festive dessert if you decorate the top of it. For decoration, prepare cream and chocolate icing.

Cream recipe: pour half a can of boiled condensed milk into a clean bowl, beat with a mixer with 200 grams of melted butter for several minutes. Then add 200 grams of sour cream there, and beat again with a mixer. Then add 50-100g of crushed nuts to this mass and, as it should, mix everything. The cream is ready. From a piece of waxed or parchment paper, make a bag with a sharp end, this will be a “confectionery syringe”. Fill the syringe with cream and beautifully decorate the tops of cupcakes with milk

Now the recipe for chocolate icing: break 100g of dark bitter chocolate into a saucepan, throw 50 grams of butter in the same place. By the way, chocolate can be replaced with 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Put the saucepan on a slow fire, stir constantly and wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Mix everything until smooth. Then gently drizzle the frosting over the creamy tops of the milk cupcakes. With such a cream, cupcakes turned into a luxurious and very satisfying dessert!

You can also make a lighter cake cream, such as protein. The recipe for this cream is very simple. This cream always works! And from it you can lay out a wide variety of flowers on cupcakes.

The recipe consists of: 300 grams of gelled sugar 2:1 (sold in stores, pay attention to the consistency, you need 2:1), 150 ml of cold water, 3 egg whites, the fresher the whites, the better.

Using a mixer, beat the whites into foam. Pour sugar into a saucepan, cover with water and cook on a slow fire until its content is half as much. When the sugar reaches this state, immediately pour it into the whites in a small stream and beat everything with a mixer. The cream is very thick. We put it in a bag folded from waxed paper and put it on the tops of cupcakes in milk.

Video recipe for making cupcakes with milk

A cupcake is a very convenient option for a homemade dessert, it is prepared quickly and easily, even a beginner can make dough for a cupcake, and for any of its types. And by adding different ingredients, you can cook new pastries every time.

The simplest cake in the oven is prepared according to the following scheme: eggs and sugar are beaten either with a mixer or a fork, sour cream is added. Soda must be extinguished with vinegar and pour into the total mass, then mix quickly. Cut the butter into small pieces, melt and pour into the dough, then mix again. Slowly add flour, stirring constantly, until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Divide the dough into molds and bake in the oven. Cake in the oven in molds turns out to be beautiful, portioned, very convenient for serving.

And then - your experiments. For example, add cocoa powder to the dough - you will get a wonderful chocolate muffin in the oven. If you divide the dough into two parts and add cocoa to only one of them, you can bake a Zebra cake or a marbled cake. Having poured fresh berries into the dough, we get various options for homemade muffins in the oven with currants or cherries, etc. In winter, you can make a cake in the oven with raisins or nuts. And there are also options for cottage cheese muffins in the oven, kefir muffins in the oven, etc.

Cupcakes are baked from any dough for about 35 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. However, since each oven has its own parameters, you need to look at the cake, try it “for readiness”.

The recipe for a cake in the oven is difficult to advise, you need to choose for yourself, there are a lot of them. In any case, it is recommended to choose your option from the photo. Cupcake in the oven, the recipe with the photo of which you liked the most, you should definitely try to do it, you will succeed. Any homemade cake recipe in the oven is simple, and the result is excellent. The recipe for cottage cheese muffins in the oven is perhaps more suitable for baby and diet food, although everyone eats it with pleasure.

The most popular among cupcakes are biscuits, for them we will give a few recommendations:

For the preparation of biscuit dough for cupcakes, vegetable oil or margarine is better;

Instead of baking powder or baking powder, you can use soda slaked with vinegar or citric acid;

It is better to make cupcakes not flat, but voluminous, with pulp;

Silicone molds for cupcakes should be lubricated with vegetable or butter;

Since cupcakes increase in size during baking, you need to fill the molds to two-thirds of their volume;

In the oven, it is advisable to place cupcakes on shelves higher, where they are better baked evenly;

Raisins, dried apricots, prunes prepared for adding to the dough should be washed, dried, large ones should be cut and soaked in water for 20 minutes;

Cupcakes without filling can be stored for a long time, incl. and in the refrigerator. The presence of any filling significantly reduces the shelf life of products;

For yeast, kefir, cottage cheese muffins, there are some nuances, tips, study the recipes carefully.
