
Curd cake with cherries: a sweet holiday every day. Cake with cottage cheese and cherries: the most delicious recipes Curd cake with cherry jelly

I offer a wonderful cottage cheese cake with cherries, which will diversify your home tea party. Such cakes are especially good in the heat, when you don’t want to spend time at the oven, and fruits and berries are always fresh. In winter, of course, it’s a little different, you have to use frozen berries, and they look less attractive than fresh ones, although there is no difference in taste. Our family loves cakes with cherries most of all, but with other berries it also turns out delicious.

To prepare a cottage cheese cake with cherries without baking, prepare the necessary ingredients from the list.

Place cherries in a deep bowl, add 50 g of sugar.

Pour the cherry with a glass (200 ml) of hot boiled water and set aside. In parallel, pour gelatin with 80 ml of cold boiled water and set aside for 20 minutes.

Break the biscuits into pieces in a blender.

Grind cookies into crumbs, add cocoa to it. Melt the butter and pour it into the crumbs with thin chips, without turning off the blender.

Put the ring from the detachable form on a flat plate, pour wet crumbs into it and smooth it. With a mashed potato press, compact the crumbs well - this will be the base for the cake.

Punch the mass until smooth. Transfer the gelatin to a ladle, put on fire, without bringing it to a boil (it is enough just to warm it up). The mixture should be barely warm so that it can be added to the curd mass. The gelatin mass should be added while the blender is running - so it will be distributed evenly.

Pour a third of the curd mass onto the cookie base, randomly lay out a few berries, refrigerate for 15 minutes. Then remove and pour the rest.

When the curd mass grabs, you can begin to form the top. Separate the cherries from the juice and place on the cake. Add fruit jelly to the juice, put on fire and heat well until the gelatin mixture is completely dissolved. Cool the mixture and pour over the top of the cake. I do this in 2-3 stages so that the jelly does not seep and flow out of the mold.

When the jelly is completely set, carefully walk along the edge of the mold with a knife and remove the ring.

Cut the finished curd cake with cherries into pieces and serve.

Bon appetit!

Curd cake with cherry

Delicate jelly cake with cottage cheese filling and cherries.


2 eggs
60 g sugar
40 g flour
20 g cocoa
1 tsp vanilla sugar
1 tsp without baking powder

400 g cottage cheese
400 g sour cream
120 g sugar
1 sachet of gelatin (10 g)
1 tsp vanilla sugar

500 g cherries (frozen or fresh)
1 bag of cake jelly (or cherry jelly)
100 g sugar
200 ml boiling water

Very tasty and tender cottage cheese cake with berries, the taste of the cake is based on the contrast of the layers. Its middle consists of the most delicate curd and sour cream layer, the bottom is made of soft, slightly bitter chocolate cake, and the top is made of sour cherries in bright cherry jelly. As a basis, I took the filling from the Two-color cottage cheese cake, and placed a simple chocolate sponge cake on the bottom. But you can make a cookie base, if you like, just like in the cake mentioned above (then it is better to use chocolate cookies). I had frozen cherries, usually this berry flows too much after defrosting, wrinkles and loses its presentation. And if it’s not scary when adding it to the pie dough, then for decorating the top of the cake, this is not the best option. But if the cherries are thawed by a slightly different method, namely in sugar syrup, then the result is much better - the cherries hold their shape better and do not wrinkle so much. So even with frozen cherries, which means at any time of the year, you can make a very presentable cake with this berry.
I used 9% smooth cottage cheese and 20% sour cream (however, as in all my recipes).


Mix flour, cocoa, baking powder together.

Beat the eggs thoroughly with a mixer for at least 5-7 minutes, gradually adding sugar and vanilla sugar, beat until very light and airy.

In parts, adding the dry mixture to the eggs, gently mix it into the dough with movements from the bottom up.

Put a sheet of baking paper on the bottom of a detachable form, snap the form into place (I have a form of 22 cm in diameter).
Pour in the dough, smooth it out gently with a spatula. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake for about 20-30 minutes or until a “dry match”.

Cool the finished biscuit completely, it is even better to leave it overnight.

Let's prepare the cherry.
100 g of sugar pour 200 ml of boiling water, stir well until the sugar dissolves.
Pour hot syrup over frozen cherries, and leave the cherries to defrost completely, for about 2-3 hours. You can do this the day before, and also leave it overnight (then you need to put it in the refrigerator).

Cooking curd filling.
Soak gelatin in 100 ml of water, leave for 10 minutes to swell (or the time indicated on the package).
Then heat the gelatin until completely dissolved, but do not boil. Cool down completely.
Put cottage cheese, sour cream, sugar, vanilla sugar in one container.

Thoroughly beat everything until completely homogeneous. You should get a completely homogeneous mass without grains of cottage cheese and sugar.

Pour the gelatin in a thin stream, while whisking, beat for another minute.

Separate the biscuit from the paper, put in a mold, pores up. It is advisable to lay a new sheet of baking paper under the biscuit, this is necessary for easier shifting of the finished cake.
Thoroughly soak the cake 5-6 tbsp. l. cherry syrup, which is taken from a container with cherries.

Pour the entire curd mass over the biscuit, refrigerate for 3-4 hours, until completely solidified.

Then lay the cherry on the surface of the cake in even circles.

Dilute jelly for the cake according to the instructions on the package. I diluted it not just with water, but with water in half with cherry syrup, the same one that turned out when defrosting cherries.
If you use ordinary cherry jelly on gelatin, then it is better to dilute it with just water, as in the instructions (since it already contains enough sugar).
Pour the prepared jelly over the cherries.

Put the cake in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes (or 3-4 hours if you used gelatin jelly).
Then gently run a knife along the side of the mold, unzip the mold, drag the cake on paper onto a dish and pull the paper out from under it.

This is what the piece looks like.

Curd cake with cherries will perfectly complement a cozy tea party and delight your loved ones or guests with a delicate curd taste, which is so nicely set off by bright sour cherries.

I always looked at store-bought cakes covered with jelly with various fruits, and now I decided to make a homemade curd cake with cherry jelly. And I realized that my own is much tastier, healthier and cheaper. Now I don't even look at stores. Yes, and I do not advise you - not always conscientious manufacturers can add little to them. Better, let's, together with "Very tasty" at home, prepare a delicious curd cake with jelly (and instead of cherries, you can put any fruit or berries). Well! Let's get started!


  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • flour - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar in the dough - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • vanillin - to taste;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon.

For the curd layer:

  • cottage cheese - 300 grams;
  • sour cream - 1 tablespoon;
  • condensed milk - 2 tablespoons.

For the jelly layer:

  • gelatin - 25 grams;
  • water - 150 milliliters;
  • cherry - 400-500 grams;
  • water for cherries - 150-200 milliliters;
  • sugar - 2-3 tablespoons.

Delicious homemade curd cake with cherry jelly. Step by step recipe

  1. We prepare gelatin in advance and fill it with 150 milliliters of water. Let it swell for 20 minutes.
  2. We remove the seeds from the cherries (frozen cherries or any other fruits and berries are suitable for the cake). We shift them into a small saucepan, add 150-200 milliliters of water, bring to a boil and remove from the stove.
  3. Add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and leave to cool to a comfortable warm temperature.
  4. We wipe the cottage cheese through a fine sieve or beat with a blender. For the cake, the cottage cheese should be as dry as possible. If you have it wet enough, then transfer it to a sieve lined with several layers of gauze. To whey faster than glass, you can put a weight on top.
  5. Add sour cream, condensed milk to cottage cheese and mix. (We do not add sugar to the cottage cheese, as liquid will be released, and the mass will become watery).
  6. Cooking biscuit: beat eggs at room temperature until a good, fluffy foam.
  7. Add sugar, salt, a little vanilla and beat for another 1-2 minutes.
  8. Separately, sift the flour and cocoa powder and add to the beaten eggs. Mix everything gently.
  9. Cover a baking dish (I have a diameter of 20 centimeters) with parchment paper and pour the dough.
  10. We bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 10-12 minutes, since the layer of dough is quite thin. We check readiness with a skewer or light pressure on the biscuit cake (if the dough is springy, then everything is ready).
  11. Leave the baked cake to cool in the mold at room temperature. Next, take it out and separate the paper.
  12. We throw the cooled cherry on a sieve. Add the swollen gelatin to the resulting liquid and stir until it is completely dissolved. We leave to harden - the consistency of the mass should resemble jelly (it is impossible to fill the cake with liquid jelly completely).
  13. Cover the form again with new parchment paper.
  14. We assemble the cake: put the biscuit cake in the form on the bottom (turning it over), lightly soak the cake with cherry compote, which is a stack of berries. Spread the curd on top and smooth it out. And on top of the cottage cheese - cherries (or other berries) and carefully pour in slightly frozen jelly. Before you pour, put a tablespoon on the berries, and try to direct the jet of jelly exactly to the center of the spoon. This is to ensure that the cherry mass is smoothly and evenly distributed over the surface. If necessary, add with a spoon to empty places.
  15. We leave the cherry pie to stand for 10-15 minutes at room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified (I usually leave it for 2-4 hours).
  16. Before removing the detachable form from the frozen curd cake, carefully run a knife along the inner wall of the form.

The finished cottage cheese cake turned out just fabulous! A thin biscuit base with a thick layer of the most delicate curd cream and covered with slightly sour cherry jelly - the combination is perfect! The cake turned out absolutely not cloying, not clogged with fat cream, and fruit jelly makes it very juicy and fresh. There is no question about the benefits here at all: vitamins, and calcium, and protein, and so on! Bon appetit with "Very tasty"!

Delicious cottage cheese cake! Easy to prepare, it is perfect for a festive table. And let mothers write it down for sure, children do not like ordinary cottage cheese, but they will like soufflé.

To make a simple and delicious cake at home, you will need a minimum set of ingredients. It cooks quickly, and any other berries can be used instead of cherries.
1 egg
100 g sugar
100 ml sour cream
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
80 g flour
4 tsp cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
15 g vanilla sugar
250 g cottage cheese
250 ml cream with 33% fat
100 g powdered sugar
25 g gelatin
40 ml water
200 g pitted cherries
15 g vanilla sugar
First, let's make a biscuit. Mix the egg and sugar with a mixer. Add vegetable oil, sour cream to them and continue to whisk.

In a separate bowl, combine flour, cocoa, vanilla sugar and baking powder.

Add the dry mixture to the liquid mixture in small portions, mix gently. You should get a thick dough.

Transfer the dough to a baking dish greased with oil. Choose a shape so that the height of the dough in it does not exceed 3 centimeters.

Send the biscuit to the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 20 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick, it should be dry. Let the finished cake cool right in the form. Now let's prepare a simple and delicious cream for the cake. Pour gelatin with water at room temperature for 20 minutes.

In the meantime, mix cottage cheese with cream using a mixer. Add powdered sugar and vanilla sugar.

Dissolve gelatin in a water bath and let cool slightly. Carefully add it to the cream, without stopping whisking with a mixer. Make sure that the mass is not too thick, it should flow freely from the whisk. You can add a little cream if the cream is too thick.

Cover the mold with clingfilm so it will be easier to separate the finished cake. Pour a little cream on the bottom and spread it evenly.

Cut the biscuit into cubes and lay on the cream. Spread cherries between slices and pour over with cream. Repeat this until the top of the mold or until you run out of ingredients.

Cover the form with a film and send it to the refrigerator for 6 hours. Take out the finished cake carefully, turning the form upside down.

For a delicious cake, choose only high-quality products. Cream can be replaced with low-fat sour cream, and fresh berries can be used. Once, when I didn't have time to bake a biscuit, I used shortbread cookies. It came out great! I wish you culinary success and only delicious desserts!

The cake is light in taste. Slightly sour because of the curd and with a pleasant splash of cherries. Curd taste goes well with coffee aroma. Even the top jelly made from cherry syrup does not give the impression of something foreign, but harmoniously fits into the flavor ensemble.
It is also nice that the labor costs for the cake are minimal.



2 eggs, 0.5 cup sugar, 1 teaspoon topless instant coffee, 0.5 cup flour, 1 teaspoon cocoa, 1 teaspoon baking powder, vanillin


400g sweet curd mass, 1 tsp lemon peel, 150g sour cream (15~20%), 10g gelatin, 400g fresh pitted cherries, 0.5 cup sugar, 3 tbsp water, 5~6g cake jelly (based on fruits) carob)


150g 30% sour cream, 2~4 tbsp sugar

Beat eggs, sugar and coffee with a mixer until the coffee is completely dissolved and the mass increases by 1.5 times.
Stir in flour, baking powder, vanilla and cocoa.
Grease the bottom of the mold d=20cm with oil (do not grease the sides!) and pour out the dough.

Put in an oven preheated to t=180~200°C for 20 minutes. Readiness to determine with a wooden stick.
Cool the cake without taking it out of the mold. Then run a knife along the walls of the form, separating the dough, and remove the cake.
Cut the cake in half horizontally.

While the cake is baking and cooling, prepare the cherry.
Pour 0.5 cups of sugar into a small saucepan and pour 3 tablespoons of water. Put on fire. When the syrup boils, add cherries (you can also use frozen cherries).
Bring to a boil, remove foam and simmer for 5 minutes.
If there is still time, leave the cherries in the syrup to cool.
Throw the cherry in a colander. Save the syrup. (Makes about 270mg of syrup.)

Soak gelatin in 1/4 cup cold water. When the gelatin becomes transparent, put the cup with it in a dish of very hot water and bring to dissolve the gelatin.
Warm the cottage cheese and sour cream slightly (you can use the microwave) and beat, adding lemon zest and, if desired, lemon juice to taste.
While continuing to beat, pour the dissolved gelatin directly under the mixer blades.

Put one cake in the form with the cut side up. If desired, the cake can be lightly soaked with cherry syrup.
Spread half of the curd mass evenly over it.
Put cherries on cottage cheese. (If you mix cherries with cottage cheese and then lay everything out, the cottage cheese will turn purple.)

Lay out the second part of the cottage cheese, level it and lay the second cake cut down on it. It can also be soaked in syrup if desired.
Place in the refrigerator for several hours until set.

For cream, beat sour cream with sugar. If cream is used instead of sour cream, then the cream can be acidified to taste with lemon juice.

Take the cake out of the mold.
Spread some of the cream in an even layer on the top and sides of the cake. The remaining cream is deposited around the circumference in the form of roses.

Refrigerate for 1 hour before pouring over the jelly.
Pour the cake jelly powder into the syrup and put on fire until dissolved.
Apply jelly to the cake.
You need to make sure that the jelly is not too hot, otherwise the cream will melt. But you should not allow cooling, otherwise the jelly will harden. The frozen jelly can be slightly warmed up and it will become liquid again.

Cakes and pastries with curd soufflé:
