
How much to cook the breast so that it is juicy. How to cook chicken fillet for broth

Chicken meat is dietary product and is often eaten due to its rich protein content. Chicken can be eaten as an alternative to lamb, pork or beef.

The most dietary part of the chicken is the chicken breast, which is rich in amino acids, vitamins and other mineral elements.

There are several basic ways to eat chicken breast, of which boiling is the most common.

Subject to a number of rules, cooking a breast is very simple. First of all, you need to correctly approach the issue of choosing a chicken in a store. There are several options:

  • fillet;
  • with skin;
  • on the bone.

Ready-made is considered the most convenient option chicken fillet, which is already sold without skin and without bones. When choosing a chicken breast, you should pay attention to appearance chicken and its storage conditions. Chicken and its components are stored in the refrigerator, chilled or frozen.

You should be wary of frozen chicken, because when defrosted, the chicken may turn out to be stale. The best option would be to purchase chilled chicken.

At good product there will be no bruising, the entire surface of the chicken will be uniformly pale Pink colour. If you buy meat on the bone, then broken bones or the presence of hematomas on the surface are not allowed.

You should also pay attention to the veins, they should be either white or pink. The chicken is not allowed to be slippery, with bad smell- this means that the product is already spoiled.

When buying, you need to pay attention to the size. If the chicken was fed growth hormones and shot with a lot of antibiotics, then the breast will be unnaturally large.

Since many chickens (broilers) are now injected with antibiotics and hormones, you should definitely examine the chicken before buying, since these substances tend to accumulate in the human body, having a negative effect on the kidneys and liver.

Chicken meat may contain parts of bacteria, so pre-cooking the meat is a must. The breast is much healthier than other components of the chicken due to its low fat content and high protein content.

Boiled chicken breast is found as a staple in in large numbers diets, doctors recommend using it for patients with high blood cholesterol levels.

Nutritional value and benefits of boiled chicken breast

Compared to beef or lamb, chicken is a low-calorie, dietary product that is ideal for athletes, weight loss, people with various diseases and just to improve the immune system.

The calorie content of the boiled product is 137 kcal per 100 grams of the product.

Chicken meat contains a small amount of fat and is rich in vitamins such as A, B9, B12, C, E, PP, and also contains all the necessary micro and macro elements (iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, etc.).

Boiled chicken breast - universal product, which can be added to salad, soup, eaten separately.

Cooking process of chicken breast

After the chicken breast is selected correctly, you can begin the cooking process. Ingredients:

  1. Water.
  2. Salt pepper.
  3. Chicken breast.
  4. Onions (optional)

Before cooking, prepare the breast:

  • Unfreeze.

If the breast was purchased frozen, you must first defrost the chicken. When cooking without defrosting, it can be cooked on top, while the middle remains raw.

You can defrost using microwave oven can be left to defrost overnight room temperature, but if on the street hot weather, then the breast may spoil overnight, it is best to leave the bird overnight in the refrigerator.

Do not place frozen food in hot water as the meat may lose its flavor.

  • Rinse.

After defrosting, the chicken must be thoroughly rinsed with tap water. Avoid washing the breast with soap or detergent, since in the case of poor-quality washing, the residual harmful substances funds can get into food

The water should completely cover the chicken while cooking. Before boiling, the breast can be cooked at maximum heat, after boiling, reduce the fire by half. Also, if the water boils away during cooking, you can add hot water from the kettle to maintain the boiling temperature.

  • How long to cook chicken after boiling.

Chicken (if not frozen) is cooked for 10 to 30 minutes (depending on the type of breast) over low heat. At this time, you can add salt and pepper to taste, if desired - leek. Cover the pan with a lid and wait until the inside of the chicken is no longer pink and is completely cooked through.

  • Remove from fire.

The water in which the chicken has been cooked can be drained or used as stock to make soup.

How many minutes do you need to cook chicken breast after boiling

Before you start cooking, keep in mind that each type of chicken breast has its own time required for cooking. The time to boil is about 10 minutes, and then it all depends on what product is used in cooking.

Thawed chicken fillet can be cooked within 10 minutes, while bone-in meat can be cooked for up to 30 minutes. It is possible to cook chicken with the skin on, but it is advisable to remove the skin before cooking, because the skin absorbs all harmful substances and is very oily.

If there is no time to defrost, the frozen breast can be placed in boiling water - in this case, the cooking process may take more than an hour, but the quality of the meat will deteriorate, it will become tough. It is undesirable to use frozen parts of the bird, as they may not boil inside.

Also, to speed up the cooking process, you can divide the breast into several parts and remove the bones, after which the cooking time after boiling will be reduced to 10 minutes.

How to cook chicken breast for salad, soup, broth

The cooking technology for most dishes is the same, but, nevertheless, there are several different points:

  1. For salads.

For salad (eg Caesar) it is desirable to use chicken fillet, as it is more juicy and tender. Before cooking, it is necessary to defrost the fillet or use chilled.

Divide the fillet into equal parts so that it boils as much as possible. After the breast is cooked, drain the water and put the fillet beautifully on a plate.

  1. For soup.

Defrost the breast, cut into pieces and put in a pot of water. After boiling, remove the resulting foam to make the broth clear.

  1. For the broth.

Can be used different types breasts, better without skin. Rinse the breast before cooking, place in a saucepan with cold water and put on big fire. After boiling, remove the foam and cook over medium heat for 50-60 minutes. You can salt, both immediately and after boiling.

Cooking in various ways

You can cook the breast in the following ways

In the microwave

Defrost chicken breast, marinate in sour cream with spices. Sour cream is used to tenderize meat. Place the meat in the marinade in a baking bag and place in the microwave at 800 watts. General cooking- 15 minutes.

Another fast and delicious recipe cooking chicken breast in the microwave, see the video.

Steamed chicken breast in a slow cooker

For this dish, you can use both fillet and bone-in breast. First you need to remove the skin and bone, parts of the fat, if any. The fillet is rubbed with spices and placed inside the multicooker. The amount of water used to create steam must be at least a liter. Mode - "Steamer", total cooking time - 40-50 minutes.

For cooking juicy breast you must first boil the water, and then add the product to the water. After the water boils again, you can turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and leave to brew for 20-30 minutes. In the cooking process, it is recommended to use salt and pepper as the main spices.

There are also a number of ready-made solutions in the store (baking bags with a set of spices), using which you can get very juicy chicken. You can pre-prepare a marinade of sour cream and spices, which will not allow the chicken to dry out during cooking in a baking bag.

Chicken breast goes well with any of the side dishes. boiled or raw vegetables will perfectly complement the dish for those who do not like high-calorie meals. You can also use fillets for salads - in this case, a side dish is not required. With mashed potatoes or potatoes boiled breast blends especially well.

Among the main meat dishes, chicken breast and other chicken dishes stand out due to a number of advantages - the low cost of chicken, compared to beef or lamb, low calorie, lots of food options.

Chicken breast is also used for making light salads, and for making soups or independent dishes from a bird. Filet pairs well with a range of seasonings and does not require complex culinary skills or expensive by-products.

Well, what is life without delicious snacks with tender poultry meat, which at the same time contains very few calories and fats? The perfect dish can be cooked, if you know exactly how to boil chicken breast for salad so that it does not turn out dry and tough, then it will become the perfect complement for any salad. Armed with our detailed recipes And step by step instructions, you will surely do everything right the first time and serve an excellent treat to the table!

How to boil chicken breast for salad

It would seem that it is so difficult to cook chicken meat? Throw it in a saucepan and cook until cooked. But things are not so simple when it comes to real action.

Very often, incorrectly cooked chicken breast spoils the whole dish - tough and dry, it is hard to chew and may even have an unpleasant protein flavor. To make the salad one hundred percent successful, cook the chicken breast anyhow!

The most important thing is to keep the meat juicy, soft and tender. Therefore, it should never be overcooked. There are also a number of tricks and with the most heat treatment so that the protein in the meat does not coagulate too quickly, which can noticeably affect its juiciness.

Most often, novice cooks digest chicken fillet from the breast, and as a result, a completely inedible treat is obtained. And the spoiled salad is a pity, and the time spent, and the products translated in vain.

We invite you to find out simple steps in order to avoid making these common mistakes in the future.

How to choose a good chicken breast for a future salad

The primary task is to find high-quality, fresh chicken meat on sale. Usually, most of the problems with making snacks for the table are associated with this stage.

If the brisket is frankly stale, stale, then no matter how hard you try, but delicious salad it won't come out of it.

Not the first freshness chicken always has a strange aftertaste, it is dry and hard to chew. Also, poultry meat can become rubbery over time even without cooking due to the fact that the protein in it has long curdled. As we know, chicken is almost a favorite among foods rich in animal proteins.

Choose good chicken for salad, our special guide will help you:

Also keep in mind that domestic chicken, especially not too young cockerels, has tough meat. That is why it is better to choose a young broiler bird for salads.

How to prepare chicken breast for cooking

It is better to use meat that has not been frozen - after defrosting, the chicken fillet will be drier and tougher than if it was cooked immediately. That is why, ideally, chicken is boiled for salad immediately after purchase. Of course, you can let her lie down in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or until the evening. But certainly do not leave the breast for a long time or freeze!

Fresh bird fillet must first be rinsed under cool running water, and then inspected just in case. If you suddenly find films, strange places of meat where it differs in shade, then it is better to get rid of all this before cooking.

Of course, it is better to boil the breast right in the skin and whole if you plan to cut it into a salad. Why? How more piece meat, the more juice is stored in it. A fat chicken skin will not let it evaporate during the cooking process.

In no case should you cut the breast into small pieces before cooking - the meat will be ruined and will inevitably turn out to be "rubber".

In fact, all that needs to be done before sending the breast to the pan is to rinse it and remove the feathers, if any. Cook the bird fillet directly on the bones - it’s more convenient, and it takes much less time, but the product will come out much juicier and tastier.

How to cook chicken breast at home

Usually experienced chefs it is advised to lower the poultry meat into salted water, which has not yet boiled - so that the protein in the meat does not curdle too sharply.

In fact, there will still not be too much difference in cooking, because you can put the brisket in boiling water - the protein will still curdle during the heat treatment.

But what does not hurt to do is to initially add spices and seasonings to the pan, because after cooking the chicken will hardly absorb the spices and salt. It will remain fresh and tasteless.

Therefore, before we cook chicken for salad with our own hands, we generously flavor the boiling water with salt, dip bay leaves and favorite spices into the saucepan. It does not hurt to add black peppercorns.

Cook chicken fillet for appetizers fresh water it is forbidden!

We dip our breast into the water and detect for 20-30 minutes, depending on how fresh the bird was and how young its meat is. In any case, you should not cook chicken for salads for more than half an hour - there is too much chance that it will turn out hard and dry.

After cooking, let the bird meat cool slightly and only then cut it for salad. If you start chopping a still hot chicken breast, all the juice will immediately flow out of it.

How long to boil chicken for salad

As we noted above, making a bird's brisket should not take longer than 30 minutes. Even if you boil a whole brisket of a large chicken on a salad, half an hour is enough for it to be fully cooked.

Also keep in mind that constantly piercing meat in order to check its readiness is not best idea. Chicken meat is meat and is somewhat dry in itself, since it is a product with high content protein and low fat.

And if you also pierce the breast with a fork or knife, making a decent hole, then most of juice from this place will simply flow into the pan!

It is better not to cook the chicken fillet for a couple of minutes than to play it safe and overexpose it in boiling water.

How to cook delicious boiled chicken meat for salad

In order to bang excellent snack from bird fillet, it is better to hold it for half an hour in the marinade. Sour dressings- This excellent tool, which helps to soften the tough meat fibers.

  • We wash our chicken breast under cold water (never wash chicken meat hot water, because the protein in it will immediately curl up).
  • We lower it into a suitable capacious pan, where we pour a spoon table vinegar, add salt, ground black pepper.
  • Crumble a couple of heads into a bowl onion, chopping them into large rings. Mix the marinade and coat the brisket with it.
  • We leave the meat for 20-30 minutes, turning it from time to time and slightly crushing it together with onion rings. Do not make cuts in the meat to soak in the marinade!

  • We put the marinated chicken, which has become a little softer and juicier, into a pot of boiling water, where we add salt, spices and Bay leaf.
  • Cook the fillet on the bone for no more than 20-25 minutes, after which we take it out of the water and let the meat cool.
  • We chop the fillet with such slices as we need for the salad, but we try to do it not along the fibers, but across them or diagonally - this way we save more juice.
  • Marinate the already prepared pieces in a separate bowl again, this time sprinkling with your favorite spices. This is important so that the chicken in the salad has a pronounced taste and is not bland.
  • Next, collect the remaining ingredients and season the dish with sauce. Dressing is a must for any chicken appetizer!

Now you know how to boil chicken breast for salad and do it not just right, but in the best way.

Bon appetit and successful culinary masterpieces!

Cook delicious chicken fillet. It would seem that this is complicated. But sometimes the chicken breast comes out dry, rubbery, or just tasteless.

People who adhere proper nutrition, eat chicken breast almost every day, because it contains almost no fat. Chicken breast is given to children from an early age. To cook delicious chicken breast, you should follow some tips.


  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs. (500-600 g)
  • Salt - to taste
  • Bay leaf - 1-2 pcs.
  • Bulb - 0.5-1 pc.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Celery - a piece of 2x2 cm.
  • Dill - 1-2 pcs.

Cooking process

  1. Wash chicken breast and remove excess fat and fibers.
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. The water level in the saucepan should just cover the breasts.
  3. Place chicken in boiling water and bring back to a boil. Foam and dirt form on the surface of the water, it must be removed with a spoon.
  4. Add bay leaf, a whole onion, a piece of carrot, salt to the pan. Also, if desired, you can add pepper, celery, a bunch of several whole sprigs of dill, so it will be easier to get it. Cook for 15-20 minutes after boiling, leave the meat to cool and saturate with taste for another 15-20 minutes in the broth, the chicken will turn out soft.

To keep your chicken breast juicy, use chilled meat rather than frozen.

Boiled chicken is much healthier than fried. It is ideal for salads and sandwiches, it can be added to stews and casseroles, seasoned with sauce hot breast with a side dish of vegetables - excellent healthy dinner. To make the chicken breast juicy without overcooking, the culinary technique of poaching will help - slowly boiling in small amounts of liquid at a certain temperature.

How to prepare chicken breast for boiling

The ideal way to retain all the juices in a boiled chicken breast is to slowly cook it in a flavored liquid at a temperature below the boiling point. In the world culinary practice this technique is called poching (from the French word pocher), this is how they cook not only chicken, but also other poultry, as well as fish, meat, offal, if they want to preserve their taste as much as possible without resorting to sealing over high heat. It is known that for rich broth it is better to take meat on the bone, so if you cook sauce from broth, then choose a whole breast with skin and bone.

If you are not planning to use chicken bouillon and interested in speedy cooking breasts, take only meat. It is better to cut a plump chicken breast in half lengthwise, and if you are in a hurry and you need chopped meat, then cut it into cubes. Before cooking, the chicken must be quickly rinsed under running water. running water and then pat dry with a paper towel.

How to cook juicy chicken breast

You can also boil chicken breast in plain water, without even adding salt, if you achieve complete purity of taste, but, as a rule, when poaching, they try in every possible way to diversify the taste and aroma of the product, using various liquids, aromatic herbs, roots and spices for this . Chicken is boiled in:

  • chicken broth
  • natural dry white wine or a combination of these liquids

Also put in water:

  • diced onion
  • leek stalk
  • peeled and sliced ​​carrots
  • celery root or stalks
  • dill, parsley, rosemary and thyme
  • lemon juice and zest
  • garlic cloves
  • cloves
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns
To prepare a poached breast, you can take an ordinary deep frying pan, high enough to immerse the entire meat in the liquid

How long to cook chicken breast

Bring liquid to a boil and immediately reduce heat, add herbs and spices if desired, reduce heat to medium. Put the chicken breast in a cooking dish, make sure that the liquid covers the entire product. Cover with a lid. You need to poach at a temperature of about 85–90 degrees, that is, when rare bubbles form in water, broth, or other liquid, but not when boiling. Chicken breast on the bone with skin is boiled for about 30 minutes, meat, freed from bone and skin, is boiled for 15 to 20 minutes, diced chicken breast is boiled for about 10 minutes. Ready chicken they are taken out with a slotted spoon, if the broth will be used for the sauce, it is filtered.

1 ½ teaspoons cornstarch

In a small wide saucepan or pan, combine Apple juice with dried tarragon, add peeled garlic, bring liquid to a boil and reduce heat. Cover the pot and cook the chicken for 5 minutes, add the apple pieces, cover again and cook for another 4-5 minutes. Remove the chicken and apples with a slotted spoon, place on a plate and cover with foil. Stir the water and cornstarch into the broth and simmer until the sauce thickens, about 2 to 3 minutes. Pour chicken breasts sauce and serve.

Chicken breasts are a versatile product. From them you can cook salads and sandwiches or cook tasty soup. The main thing is to subject the poultry meat to sufficient heat treatment so that it is not raw, but not overcooked, otherwise you can spoil the dish. How much to cook chicken breast so that it is soft and retains its taste and healthy qualities?

White meat from chicken breasts is considered one of the the best options healthy and diet food. How to cook it? The first thing that comes to mind is a tasty fry. Fried chicken, of course, very tasty, but if we are talking about the benefits and diet, it is better to boil the meat.

Many people think that boiled chicken breasts are bland and even tough. This opinion is wrong, just need the right approach to cooking. Firstly, it is not necessary to serve one boiled chicken to the table: you can diversify it with a side dish of vegetables, olive oil And lemon juice. Secondly, there are many wonderful dishes, Where boiled breasts used as an ingredient - salads, pizzas, casseroles, soups and various cold snacks.

To make the meat soft and juicy, you need to determine exactly how long to cook the chicken breast. This, in turn, depends on how large pieces and how many of them you are going to cook. It is also important to consider which chicken the breast belonged to - young or old, with or without skin, whether there are bones in it.

How many minutes to cook a chicken breast is also affected by the cooking method - on the stove, in the microwave or using a pressure cooker. Now for the cooking secrets:

  • If you need chicken breasts not for soup, but for a second course, then to get a more harmonious taste, you need to cook the meat for vegetable broth.
  • For flavor, add allspice or black peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves, and for refinement, pour a little white wine into the broth and put greens.
  • If you are cooking diet dish, then it is better to remove the skin and bones before cooking. With skin boiled chicken it turns out softer and more nutritious.
  • For the first course, the breasts are boiled with skin, bones, and cartilage.
  • For cold appetizer you will need a boiled breast without skin and bones. It should cool down along with the broth, otherwise you risk overdrying it, which will make the meat stiff.

Boil breast for salad

Let's start acquiring practical skills. If you are going to arrange a small festive dinner, then you definitely cannot do without a salad with chicken breast, since such a dish is not only tasty and healthy, but also cooks quickly enough. How much to cook chicken breast for salad?


  1. We take chicken breasts, wash them, free them from the skin and bones and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Fill with water to lightly cover the breasts.
  3. We put the pan on the stove and wait for it to boil.
  4. Boiled? Reduce the heat, put allspice, onions and carrots in a saucepan, do not forget to salt, stirring the contents slightly.
  5. Then we will cook on low heat for 20-25 minutes.

And to speed up the cooking process of the breast, you can cut it, for example, in half or smaller, and then it will cook 5-10 minutes earlier.

Cooking chicken soup

We use chicken breast for soup along with the skin and bones. Be sure to rinse it before putting it in the pan. How long to cook chicken breast for soup?


  1. Pour water into a saucepan so that the breast is completely immersed, and put on fire.
  2. After boiling water, continue to cook over low heat. In order for the soup to turn out saturated, and we have a breast with bones, we will cook it a little longer than for a salad, that is, 30-35 minutes.

How much to cook a chicken breast until cooked, you can determine with a fork by trying to pierce a piece of meat. Light piercing indicates readiness. Do not forget, the cut breast will cook faster.

In this case, the chicken breast is boiled either in water or in vegetable broth, having previously filtered it.


  1. Pour water into the cooking container so that it is higher meat ingredients by 3-4 cm.
  2. We put on the stove and let it boil, then reduce the heat and continue to cook with the lid covered for about 20 minutes.
  3. When ready, we insist the chicken broth along with the breast for an hour.

Cooking in a slow cooker and pressure cooker

For modern kitchen in the age of space technology, a saucepan is yesterday. Many housewives have long used pressure cookers and multicookers. Chicken breast, using a slow cooker, is best cooked in a double boiler. Firstly, steamed chicken is in no way inferior to boiled meat, and secondly, the breast will retain trace elements that are boiled down and remain in the broth.


  1. Pour a liter of water into the slow cooker, put the brisket on the steam grate.
  2. Do not forget to pre-treat the meat with seasonings and salt.
  3. We turn on the desired mode for steam and wait 40 minutes until ready.

In a pressure cooker, the process of cooking chicken breasts with 2-2.5 liters of water will take from 15 to 20 minutes from the moment it boils and the necessary pressure is established.
