
Recipes from puff pastry with minced meat. Puff pastry puffs with minced meat - the basic principles of cooking

Every housewife wants to please her family delicious recipes pastries: and it doesn’t matter if they are sweet pies or with meat. Therefore, there have already been many various recipes who delight in their palatability. Puff pastry pie with minced meat will definitely become your favorite culinary masterpiece. The most important thing is that the dough is cooked correctly.

Cooking puff mass is a time-consuming process that requires full concentration. Many housewives make it easier: they buy ready-made mass in the store. Of course, the taste will be a little different, but the cake will still turn out very tasty.


In order to prepare such pastries, you need to perform some preparatory activities.

First you need to understand what to do with the purchased puff mass:

  • It must be thawed at medium temperature, otherwise it will spread.
  • It is impossible to knead this type of base with your hands - just use a rolling pin towards you.
  • The mass must be pierced with a fork over the entire surface - so it will bake faster.
  • To make pastries beautiful and shiny, grease them with butter or an egg.
  • If you decide to add mushrooms or potatoes to the filling, put them in layers, no need to mix.

After such actions, it is worth devoting a little time to the meat. It must be finely chopped or skipped in a meat grinder, or chopped with a blender.

You can add onions, eggs, mushrooms or greens to the filling. They also need to be finely chopped.

To make a meat pie from puff pastry, we need:

  • poultry meat, pork or lamb - 800 g;
  • puff pastry - 400 g;
  • sour cream - 100 ml;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • basil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper, spices.

It is also necessary to decide on the type of base: yeast-free or yeast-free. The first type of dough will make the pastry less fluffy, and the second type will allow the dish to be less crumbly.

Cooking process

And now the recipe for puff pastry pie with minced meat:

1. We clean the onion, finely chop and pass in a pan until a golden hue appears.

2. Pre-prepared chopped meat must be fried in a pan until golden brown, fry for about 10 minutes.

3. After that, you need to pour the passivated onion, finely chopped garlic, salt, basil, pepper and spices to your taste into the meat.

4. Mix the ingredients thoroughly, fry the mixture for about 5 minutes, and turn off the heat. Next, beat in the egg and mix. Can be replaced a raw egg boiled.

5. Now let's start cooking puff without yeast dough. Since it is already defrosted, it must be carefully rolled out, and then laid out on a baking sheet, which must first be covered with parchment.

6. meat mass must be laid out exactly in the middle of the test. After that, fold the edges of the dough on top of each other, layer by layer. Be sure to make cuts on the dough and grease it with oil. Then the cake will turn brown. After that layered cake with minced meat should be cooked in the oven for about half an hour.

7. Get it ready-made pastries, put on beautiful dish, cut and serve. This fragrant meat pie made from ready-made puff pastry will win the hearts of everyone you give it a try.

You can diversify the recipe and cook such pastries with cheese. Also, a dish with minced meat in a slow cooker will be more tender, but not so ruddy.

You can add whatever you want to the filling: eggs, greens, liver, vegetables and much more.

A huge advantage of this dish is that it can be prepared both for breakfast and for lunch.

Recipe delicious pie from puff pastry with minced meat is completely simple and will not take you much time, but then you will get pleasure - a lot! Baking is fragrant, melting in the mouth and very tasty. Your culinary skills will be appreciated by both your loved ones and guests.

Bon appetit!

I offer a very simple fast option store-bought puff pastry. Ready-made puff pastry is such a variety for creativity, therefore, children often take part in the cooking process with pleasure. Today, my son suggested making "bags" with meat filling, which we did. It turned out very interesting, original and incredibly tasty. And most importantly, they managed to do everything in less than one hour, even photos showing the preparation step by step. Therefore, there is time left for walking with the child and doing creative work on fresh air. Take note of the recipe and cook with love!

So we need:

- puff pastry (ready) - 200 grams;
- minced meat - 100 grams;
- spices (coriander, pepper) - to taste;
- salt - 0.5 tsp;
- water (boiled) - 1 teaspoon;
- vegetable oil - 0.5 tsp;
- premium wheat flour - for working with dough.

How to make puffs with minced meat in the oven

Cooking minced meat filling does not take much time. You need to mix minced meat, favorite spices, salt and warm water in a deep bowl. boiled water. Mix everything and the meat filling for puffs is ready. In just a couple of minutes.

Lay out the prepared puff pastry on a work surface.

Sprinkle it with flour and roll it out. Cut the dough into four equal pieces. Cut one strip from each square, as shown in the photo. Lay out the filling.

I form "bags" with strings from the dough. I have two favorite options for sculpting. The first option: collect the dough at the top into a “bag” and put on a string, as shown in the photo.

Making a tie is very simple, you need to stretch a strip of dough a little and make a loose knot.

The second option for sculpting puffs: collect the dough at the top of the four different parties, then pinch each side, as shown in the photo. Put a knot on top, as I wrote above.

Put all puffs with minced meat on a baking sheet, sent with parchment or foil for baking. I run out of parchment very quickly, so I often use foil. She needs to be lubed vegetable oil without smell.

Bake puff pastry in the oven at 175-180 degrees. Cooking time 15-20 minutes. Ready-made golden "bags" with meat will please with their aroma, taste and appearance.

After baking, put them on a plate and serve. Meat filling It turns out juicy, tasty and with the aroma of spices. air dough perfectly complements the filling and makes the dish very tasty.

Be sure to cook puffs with minced meat according to my recipe with step by step photos taken to illustrate. Bon appetit and delicious pastries from ready-made puff pastry!

Home / Recipe catalog / Meat / Flour and dough / Puff pastry/ Minced meat / Puffs with minced meat

Crispy and juicy puffs With minced meat for the beloved man. Delicious and quick to prepare pastries.

Description of preparation: Puffs with minced meat are delicious both cold and hot. My men really like these puffs - after all, there is practically no dough in such pies. The filling in hot puffs is juicy and fragrant, light dough and crispy. Cold pies are no longer so juicy, because the juice is absorbed by the dough. But they are delicious cold too. In my house, such puffs are in great demand and such pastries never stale. Prepare puffs with minced meat according to this simple recipe won't work for anyone. Especially if you have ready-made puff pastry. I hope that the recipe for making puffs with minced meat with a photo will help you in preparing this type of baking. Bon appetit!

Main ingredient: Meat / Flour and dough / Puff pastry / Minced meat

Dish: Pastries / Puffs Ingredients:

  • Minced meat - 400 grams (any - pork, beef, chicken, mixed)
  • Puff pastry - 500 Grams
  • Salt - 2-3 Pinch
  • Onion - 1-2 Pieces
  • Ground black pepper - 1-2 pinch
  • Eggs - 1 Piece
  • Garlic - 1-2 Cloves (optional)

Servings: 5-6 How to cook "Puffs with minced meat"

Preparing the filling for puffs. We clean the onion and garlic. cut the onion into small cubes and lightly crush to release the juice. Finely chop the garlic. Add the prepared onion and garlic to the minced meat.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper. You can add dry fragrant herbs. Thoroughly mix the filling.

The finished puff pastry is slightly rolled out and cut into squares. The sides of the squares are from 8 to 10 cm. Small and neat puffs will be obtained from squares of this size.

We spread the filling on the dough squares.

And we begin to sculpt puffs. They can be made in different shapes. You can use these envelopes.

Or just triangles. The most important thing is to pinch the edges well. Otherwise, when baking, the juice from the filling will flow out.

Place the puffs on a baking sheet and brush with the beaten egg. The baking sheet can be sprinkled with flour or lightly greased with vegetable oil. And you can cover with baking paper, which is the most convenient. Then you don't have to wash the pan.

We slightly cut the puffs of a triangular shape along the top - so that the steam comes out. But the cuts do not need to be made too large. Pies are baked in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.

Similar video recipe “Puff pastry with minced meat”

Important! The video may differ from the text version of the recipe!

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Lyudmila Radkevich 01/28/2018 15:56

Loved the recipe, family loves it. Thank you

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One of the most popular snack pies in my arsenal of pies and pies. I am not a big fan of messing with the dough, I am always afraid that it will not rise or be elastic or crumbly, so I prefer to use ready dough, the choice of which in supermarkets is now enormous. But I love to experiment with fillings, as well as with the forms of pies.

Layer cake with minced meat and cheese special efforts and does not require imagination. Today I will weave a braid from all the ingredients - it will turn out simple, tasty, and even beautiful.

We will prepare all the products according to the list. Minced meat can be taken any meat. Cheese is better to take Mozzarella or one that melts well. Puff pastry should be taken out of the freezer in advance so that it thaws.

Pour seasoning for minced meat and salt into minced meat.

Add Russian mustard.

Be sure to add ketchup, it will add minced meat and sourness, and beautiful colour in the finished product.

Mix the stuffing well. You can beat it to homogeneity.

Three hard cheese coarse grater. Add finely chopped parsley, a little salt and black pepper to the cheese. ground pepper. Mix the stuffing well.

Lay out a sheet of puff pastry on a worktop. Cut the dough into three equal strips.

We spread the minced meat on two strips and on one - cheese filling. We do not report the filling at the top and bottom, leave 2 cm of dough without filling.

We firmly connect the edges of the dough, as shown in the photo, to get tubes with filling inside. The seams can be slightly crushed after pinching, so that the tube is as round as possible.

We connect the upper ends of the three strips together and bend them neatly inward. And from the stripes, carefully, slowly, weave an ordinary braid. We also connect the remaining lower ends of the braid together and tuck inward (under the bottom of the pie).

Lubricate the top of the pie with yolk using a silicone brush.

Sprinkle the top of the cake generously with sesame seeds. We send a puff pie with minced meat and cheese to an oven preheated to 170 degrees C for 35-40 minutes.

We take out the finished cake from the oven. Let cool for 5-7 minutes and then cut into portioned pieces.

Crispy, juicy, hearty puff pastry with minced meat and cheese, served very well with milk.

Bon appetit!

Delicious puffs with minced meat you can cook in half an hour if you have puff pastry and minced meat from any type of meat in the house. Meat puffs are a great idea for breakfast or a snack. The recipe conquers not only the speed of preparation, but also the taste and appearance.

Recipe for puff pastry rolls with minced meat


  • 500g ready-made puff pastry
  • 300g minced meat
  • 1 bulb

1. Defrost puff pastry.

2. While the dough is defrosting, prepare the filling: finely chop the onion, mix it with minced meat and salt.

3. Puff pastry should be slightly rolled out.

4. Spread the filling on the dough in an even layer, leaving one edge free.

5. Wrap the dough into a roll.

6. With a sharp knife you need to cut the roll into pieces 2-3 cm thick.

7. We turn the free tip of the dough down and lightly press the roll with the palm of your hand from the side of the cut.

8. Lay out the rolls on a baking sheet, on baking paper.

Do not lay out the puff pastry rolls too close, as they will increase during baking and may stick together.

9. Bake rolls at 180 degrees, approximately 20 minutes

10. Puff pastry rolls with minced meat taste better served hot.
