
Pollack fish boiled calories per 100 grams. Baked fillet with asparagus

People who care about their own figure and the beauty of their body should pay attention to Special attention choice of food. For those who monitor their weight, the choice of pollock fish, whose calorie content is low, would be ideal.

Useful properties of pollock

To diversify your diet, include pollock in it. It's relative inexpensive fish, which contains many useful substances.

Seafood is 99% water and protein. Less than 1% is fat. Pollock also contains potassium, iodine, manganese and numerous vitamins.

Such a rich composition of nutrients allows the use of seafood during the treatment of various ailments and for preventive measures for their prevention.

Due to the presence in pollock a large number vitamin is possible:

  1. Help with heart problems. Pollock is recommended for use if the patient has an arrhythmia;
  2. Normalize the condition of the hair;
  3. Strengthen the nails and eliminate brittleness;
  4. Adjust hemoglobin to normal;
  5. Reduce weight.

The disadvantage of pollock can only be individual intolerance to marine products, as well as a significant salt content. But if you use pollock correctly and in moderation, you can maintain health and improve the immune system.

Cooking pollock

This product can be used as one of the dishes while on a diet. And there is a simple explanation for this. Pollock calorie content is extremely low - only 72 kcal per 100 grams of product. This fish can be cooked most in a variety of ways, while their taste features and usefulness for the body will be at the highest level.

Usually pollock is boiled or steamed. These cooking methods result in a low calorie content of the dish. As an experiment, you can fry, stew fish or make cutlets out of it.

Pollock is universal fish, which would be equally relevant for both regular lunch, so on holiday table. At the same time, not only fish fillet can be eaten, but also its liver with eggs. Pollock liver contains 470 kcal per 100 grams, and 132 kcal in caviar with the same weight of the product.

Pollock is a lean fish. To prepare a dish from it, you only need to lightly fry, adding a small amount of fresh vegetables and herbs. By adding sauce to fish, you can get chic dish which will please many guests.

Without deboning fish in flour and simple frying, it turns out diet dish. Its calorie content will not exceed 123 kcal per 100 grams. The change in calorie content depends on how much vegetable oil is used during frying. ready meal. But if you sprinkle fish in flour, the calorie content will be 137 kcal and will not change, even if you pour vegetable oil when frying without restrictions.

Fried marine product suitable for all categories of people, even those who do not seek to fight their own overweight but just loves fried food. If you do not want to gain weight when eating pollock, it is better to add greens to the dish, which were previously chopped into small fractions. The dish must be carefully stewed.

Boiled pollock

Nutritionists believe that in order to lose weight, you need to eat boiled pollock at least twice a week. This is due to the fact that the calorie content of boiled pollock is 79 kcal per 100 grams. In order for the seafood to bring gastronomic pleasure in addition to helping in losing weight, it is necessary to cook the fish along with the onion and lavrushka. To give additional taste sensations, it is recommended to sprinkle greens on top of the pieces of fish, and also add thin slices of lemon to them.

The finished product leads to lower cholesterol levels and cleanse the body. The right way cooking pollock allows you to improve the state of memory and leads to a faster metabolism. When used boiled pollock there is an increase in the production rate, which leads to an improvement general condition organism.

But in the presence of hypertension and ulcers, the use of pollock can lead to negative aspects. It also harms the body and personal intolerance to pollock.

Best of all for boiled pollock, a side dish in the form of rice or potatoes cooked in a “uniform” is suitable. Fresh vegetables will also be an excellent companion product for fish.

Boiled pollock recipe

To prepare boiled pollock, you should thoroughly rinse it. In the future, it is necessary to remove the skin from the fish and cut the carcass along the ridge. Pollock fillet is cut into small pieces. All this salt and pepper to your liking. Then the pieces of fish are transferred to the water, which is boiling. IN hot water a medium-sized onion, lavrushka, lemon zest are added. Leave the fish to cook for 20 minutes. After that, we take out pieces of boiled pollock and pour over it with oil.

Pollock for a couple

In order for the fish to retain all the array of useful properties that is in it, it is required to cook pollock with the help of steam. To do this, you must follow the recipes exactly. The undoubted advantage of using steam is the separation of the fillet from the bones. Under the influence of strong steam, the bones simply move away. The speed of cooking steamed dishes is also different for the better. The calorie content of such a dish will not exceed 80 kcal per 100 grams of the dish.

Thanks to steamed pollock, you can normalize blood sugar, strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the thyroid gland, speed up the healing process of wounds and strengthen ligaments.

Stewed pollock

Pollock is an extremely dry type of fish. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully pay attention to cooking. This will make the dish extremely tasty. Average calorie content stewed pollock is only 75 kcal per 100 grams. Even if you add a few onions or carrots, they will make the product only 15 kcal more calories.

To make the dish even tastier, pollock is stewed with sour cream. In this regard, the calorie content can increase by another 10 kcal. To keep seafood on the list of dietary foods, you need to remove fatty additives.

The recipe for stewed pollock is extremely simple and easy to prepare.

Initially, you need to cut the fish and cut it into small pieces. Then fry the fish with vegetables and sour cream. Then pour everything with water and leave to simmer for 45 minutes. If you later sprinkle with lemon and lightly sprinkle with herbs on top of the fish, the dish will acquire a festive character.

Stewed pollock will become a real treasure for girls who eat only those dishes with a low amount of calories.

Hello, dear readers, who monitor their health and the health of loved ones!

We can say with almost complete certainty that among you there are many admirers of fish and seafood dishes. Although, unfortunately, some have long had the wrong stereotype about all the variety available. sea ​​fish called pollock, which is why it is not very popular among consumers. Indeed, at the end of the cooking process, this fish may be characterized by some dryness and tastelessness.

Therefore, the task below the presented information article will be to increase the role of pollock in the life of every person, regardless of social status and age.


Despite the low level of significance this product nutrition as such, which “is always on sale”, pollock, belonging to the cod family, simply cannot be a second-rate fish.

Often, the common habitats of such a fish, growing up to 3 kg of live weight, are the deep cold northern waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In view of this, it gets to the shelves of fish outlets and shops from the Atlantic, Norway and Kamchatka to various types(frozen, fresh, canned, smoked and dried).

fresh fish products V this case only residents of countries engaged in the capture and export of pollock can treat themselves. The rest will have to be content with either a fresh-frozen variation (carcass, bracketed fillet, minced meat), or canned food (most often pollock liver and caviar are subject to canning). Under any circumstances, it is recommended to take a similar fish product hermetically packed (carcasses and sirloin should only be in vacuum packaging), without obvious damage to the container.

pollock composition

As you know, pollock meat belongs to low-fat grade. But you should not consider it "poor" in terms of overall biochemical composition.

As a result of numerous scientific research, pollock fish contains (per 100 g of product):

Carotene, which maintains the level of visual acuity;
almost all B vitamins, from B1 to B9 (thanks to them, the right process work nervous system and tissue regeneration, which at least guarantees the beauty and health of nails, hair, and skin integuments);
an obligatory component of pollock is and ascorbic acid supporting human activity immune system in the fight against various viruses;
vitamins E and PP have a beneficial effect on the healing and formation of soft tissues;
omega fatty acids (3, 6, 9) help remove "bad" cholesterol, improve blood circulation and reduce high blood pressure. arterial pressure;
among macro- and microelements, iron, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, iodine, copper, chlorine, copper, cobalt, phosphorus, fluorine, sodium can be found in an ideal proportional combination.

Useful qualities of pollock

Pollock fish is considered the “younger brother” of cod, not only because of direct family ties, but also because of the list of useful characteristics.

In fact, the benefits of pollock are often underestimated. But nutritionists strongly recommend introducing its meat, liver and caviar into the diet, because pollock dishes provide:

Proper growth and development of all organs of the baby (this also applies to expectant mothers who are obliged to take care of the future of the child; at the same time, a pollock dish will help get rid of nausea, constipation and flatulence);
the beauty of hair, nails and skin (especially good fish dishes for teenagers who need to remove acne from their faces; trace elements contained in pollock reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands);
stop the aging process;
increasing the vital activity of people of all ages (pollock is useful for athletes, intellectuals and generally active people);
avoid problems of the reproductive system;
strengthening the musculoskeletal system, in particular the strength of the teeth;
improvement of the work of the nervous and respiratory systems(because pollock is advised to be used by smokers suffering from chronic bronchitis and those who are subjected to systematic stress);
long-term preservation visual acuity (it is recommended not to avoid eating cheaper than cod liver);
nutrition of muscle tissue;
increasing the protective properties of the body;
activation of hematopoietic processes and maintaining the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels (often pollock, in small quantities, is recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases);
"Starting" the stomach in the morning;
elimination of toxins and cleansing of the intestines, liver and kidneys from them (i.e. the body recovers even after taking antibiotics or a strong alcohol intoxication);
maintaining iodine balance and preventing thyroid problems;
memory improvement and a surge of emotional “strength”;
stable blood glucose levels, which is especially important for diabetics.

Pollock contraindications

No matter how useful meat, caviar and pollock liver are, they can still
cause harm to human health. That is why it is important to take into account the nuances of the biological composition of fish.

It should be noted that the most common cases negative impact when using this fish, people have recorded:

With individual intolerance to seafood and fish in general;
With high blood pressure(because of high content Selena);
suffering from peptic ulcer(for the same reason; although there are too many table salt, which irritates the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, is still found in pollock roe).

And of course, you don’t even need to “stuff” boiled fish very young children who are under eight months old.

Pollack is potentially dangerous if caught from chemically contaminated areas. Therefore, the only confirmation of the "purity" of the product can only be a certificate of quality.

Pollock calorie content

For those who carefully monitor each calorie consumed, it is necessary to know that only depending on favorite dish from pollock, their number will either increase or decrease.

The initial point of the "dietary reference" is always the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product (the so-called energy b / w / y). In this case, it will be 88/11/0 percent. In a more understandable language, per 100 g of pollock is fixed:

Protein 16 g (or 64 calories);
fat 1 g (8 kcal);
carbohydrates 0 g, as well as calories.

The total calorie content of fresh fish is only 72 kcal. True, such an indicator can only be taken into account by amateurs. Japanese cuisine and sushi dishes.

Many consumers consider the most acceptable option heat treatment cooking pollock loin. They say that the calorie content is low (only 79 units per 100 grams), and the cooking time is minimal. True, some cooks recommend adding additional herbs when boiling, so that you can put a side dish on the plate without fear of gaining extra centimeters to the waist.

Who has a double boiler at home, it will become good helper when creating fish delights. The fact is that steamed pollock will become more juicy, gain discriminating taste and the aroma will not gain extra calories at all (the maximum it will vary from 79 to 82 calories).

Most bright taste has, of course, fried culinary variation pollock. Only here and energy value will increase to almost 130 Kcal. But even in this case, there is an opportunity to "bring down" them somewhat. Just need to take for frying olive oil and do not send pieces of fish in a batter from cornmeal And egg yolk. It is better to replace corn with wheat, and refuse eggs altogether.

Another delicious dish is considered to be baked pollock in hard cheese on vegetable pillow. True, you should not get carried away with such a dish, because it is characterized enough high calorie(up to 170 units for every 100 g). And no sauce, no matter how sour, will fix things.

Dietary find and discovery in Lately became pollock stewed with vegetables (with carrots, onions, bell pepper, herbs). It turned out that the latter do not add, but, on the contrary, “absorb” excess calories, characterizing the dish with only 56 calorie units.

Naturally, the most harmful and high-calorie are smoked and dried pollock, which is tasty, but can add at least 230 calories to the body contained in every 100 g of the product.

Watch the video on how to properly stew pollock with vegetables:

For most of the population of our country, pollock is known as "the fish that is always there." Moreover, because of the dryish taste, they began to consider it something like a second-class product. However, pollock belongs to the cod family, which in turn very eloquently and unambiguously “hints” at its high nutritional value and extreme utility for the human body ...

Pollock lives in cold Pacific waters and is considered the leader among its subspecies in terms of prey. But let's talk about the main thing - about the composition, calorie content and useful properties pollock ...

The composition and calorie content of pollock

The calorie content of 100 grams of pollock is about 72 Kcal (the figure is not exact, because each fish is a “personality” that has its own taste preferences and appetite).

The benefits and harms of pollock

Useful properties of pollock

Having in its composition a significant amount of substances useful to humans, pollock is almost the most accessible fish for the general population. In cooking, pollock is very simple, does not require special frills, and at the same time perfectly regulates metabolic processes in the human body. In particular, this fish has pronounced antioxidant properties, and is also vital for diabetics (as a blood sugar regulator).

The combination of iodine and chromium in one product is an excellent opportunity to regulate the condition of patients diabetes. Pollock should be a permanent dish in the diet of such patients, since chromium regulates lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, thereby actually normalizing blood sugar levels. In addition, being a stimulant for the production of certain enzymes, chromium can affect heredity.

As for the amount of iodine in the pollock carcass, there is enough of it here in order to regular use forever forget about the deficiency of this trace element in the body (as well as problems with the thyroid gland). For to satisfy daily requirement a person in iodine requires only 100 grams of pollock.

Note also that iodine is useful not only for the thyroid gland. Through the normalization of the production of thyroxine (hormone), this microelement regulates the work of cardio-vascular system, liver and CNS. Moreover, thyroxine serves as a regulator emotional state man! Therefore, with a lack of iodine, the development of depression during the recovery period of a person after certain types of diseases.

In addition, pollock provides positive impact on the condition of the mucous membranes digestive system and beneficially affects the balance of the nervous system. Referring to the fish of the northern seas, pollock contains vitamins that allow the human body to quickly recover from illness and injury. Pollock proteins are easily digestible, and the presence of fatty polyunsaturated acids (albeit in small quantities) improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

The presence of cobalt in pollock (in 100 grams - 150% daily allowance) once again confirms the usefulness of this unique fish. For cobalt regulates carbon metabolism in the human body, promotes the absorption of iron (thus reducing the risk of anemia), and is also an important part of the blood coagulation mechanism.

Potassium makes pollock an excellent “removal” of excess fluid from the body. Fluorine strengthens bone tissue. Therefore, pollock is very useful for the elderly with "light" bones and frequent fractures. On top of that, pollock should be included in the diet of young children at least once a week for the natural prevention of caries.

And finally, the combination of phosphorus and potassium increases the efficiency of brain activity and favorably affects the acid-base balance.

Potential harm pollock

Pollock can harm a person only in two cases:

  • if a person has an individual intolerance to seafood and any fish
  • pollock will be caught in the waters of the world's oceans polluted with "chemistry" (which may well happen, given the recent events in Japan, near which it is caught most often)

Otherwise, pollock is completely and completely safe. Most importantly, do not give it to children before 8 months - there is a chance to "earn" an allergy.

The most numerous fish of the cod order is pollock. This explains its low price and availability. Pollock is easy to prepare and pairs well with herbs and vegetables.

Like all cod fish, it is quite lean fish. But at proper preparation and adding sauces, you can get a delicate tasty dish.

More than 80% of pollock falls on water. Fats make up less than 1% of pollock's weight, so you can immediately understand that a significant portion of the calories in fried pollock will come from vegetable oil. There are no carbohydrates in pollock, and the amount of proteins reaches 16%. Therefore, a piece of pollock is suitable as a light protein breakfast and dinner during diets. If you add a side dish to the fish from stewed vegetables or porridge, you get a hearty lunch.

How many calories are in fried pollock?

In its raw form, pollock belongs to low-calorie foods: only 72 kcal per 100 g of the product. However, during the preparation of the product, it can increase significantly.

The most common way to cook pollock is frying. calories fried fish pollock in this case increases significantly, therefore, during diets, it is not recommended to use this method of heat treatment of food. The calorie content of fried pollock is in the range of 123-144 kcal. Exact figure depends on how much oil and what type was added.

Usually, pieces of pollock are rolled in flour or batter before cooking. pollock fried in flour will be in the same range as cooked without flour. In contrast, pollock cooked in batter is high-calorie dish. If the batter is made from eggs, flour and mayonnaise, then the calorie content of such a product can exceed 250 units.

During diets, it is better to cook pollock fish in other ways: boil, bake, stew without additional components. It is advisable to sprinkle the cooked fish with finely chopped herbs. In this case, the body will be able to get everything useful material found in fish, and do not acquire extra calories.

If you really want fried fish, then it is better to cook it in a small amount butter and without batter. In the presence of excess weight, it is better to feast on fried pollock no more than once every two weeks. With obesity, the use of pollock is quite acceptable, but not in fried. When dieting with the minimum amount only calories to eat boiled pollock and without salt.

The product is saturated with B, PP, A, C, E vitamins, chlorine, iodine, calcium, magnesium, zinc, potassium, sulfur, and copper.

Calorie content of fried pollock per 100 grams is 137 kcal. 100 g of the dish contains 14.7 g of protein, 8.7 g of carbohydrates, 0 g of fat.

The indicated calorie content is relevant for frying a 100-gram serving of a dish in 8 grams of sunflower oil. Accordingly, the more oil is added, the higher the calorie content of fried fish will be.

Calorie content of stewed pollock per 100 grams

Calorie stewed pollock per 100 grams 69 kcal. 100 g of the dish contains 13 g of proteins, 1.2 g of fats, 1.7 g of carbohydrates. According to nutritionists, properly cooked pollock - healthy dish retaining most of the vitamins and minerals.

Calorie content of boiled pollock per 100 grams

Calorie content of boiled pollock per 100 grams is 79 kcal. In 100 g of the dish there are 17.6 g of protein and 1 g of fat.

Boiled pollock is saturated with vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, C, PP. Fish contains calcium, sulfur, iron, magnesium, iodine, copper and many other minerals.

Pollock calorie per couple per 100 grams

The calorie content of pollock per couple per 100 grams is 70 kcal. 100 g of the product contains 15.3 g of proteins, 0.9 g of fats, 0.15 g of carbohydrates.

The benefits of pollock

The undeniable benefits of cooked pollock fish are as follows:

  • product is saturated fatty acids contributing to the normalization of the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • with regular consumption of fish in food, the indicator of "harmful" cholesterol decreases, the occurrence of cholesterol plaques is prevented;
  • the vitamins contained in pollock help to restore the energy balance in the body, while due to the low calorie content of pollock per 100 grams, the product is included in the dietary list;
  • iodine in pollock is good for thyroid health;
  • the properties of pollock to remove toxins, toxins, excess salts from the body have long been known;
  • numerous studies have confirmed the benefits of pollock for improving vision, strengthening teeth and bone tissue;
  • fish fatty acids have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Harm pollock fish

The harmful properties of pollock are manifested in the following cases:

  • in some people, fish causes severe allergic reactions and intolerance;
  • pollock is contraindicated in hypertension;
  • because of great content in fish salt, the product should be eaten in very limited quantities by people with high blood pressure;
  • control the amount of pollock eaten is necessary for gastritis, ulcers. In this case, it is recommended not to fry the fish, but to soar or boil it.

When buying pollock, be sure to make sure that there are no damages on the skin of the fish, a thick layer of ice, gray or yellowish spots. Similar signs indicate that the fish has been frozen more than once.

How to cook pollock in a slow cooker

by the most popular recipe cooking pollock is a fish cooked in a slow cooker under tomato sauce. You will need:

  • 2 pcs. onion;
  • 4 things. pollock;
  • half a lemon;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 200 ml of heavy cream;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • water;
  • a small amount of pepper and salt;
  • a small amount of sunflower oil.

Cooking steps:

  • the fish is thoroughly washed running water and cleansed;
  • fillet is cut portioned pieces. Each piece of cut fillet is rubbed lemon juice, salt, pepper;
  • garlic is peeled and vegetables are cut;
  • bell pepper and onion cut into half rings, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater;
  • choking garlic;
  • the baking mode on the multicooker is turned on, the timer is set for half an hour;
  • a container with sunflower oil and chopped vegetables
  • after the vegetables are baked, pieces of fish with sauce are added to the container. To prepare the sauce, a mixture of water, cream and tomato paste is used;
  • in the stewing mode, vegetables and fish languish for 1 hour.

The dish is ready! Can be served at the table.

