
How delicious to marinate meat for smoking. Unusual marinade on kefir

Getting ready for the next holiday, I want to please my family with something unusual. In addition to the fact that the table will be lined with various snacks and desserts, it will not be out of place to put a home-style smoked pork dish on it. It is not very difficult to prepare it.

Stage 1. Meat preparation

For cooking, we take a piece of pork about 1.5-2 kg. The most suitable would be the neck (neck) or lean brisket. We cut into pieces about 10 cm thick, 25-30 cm long. If the meat is cut into thinner pieces, it will be dry or burnt, thick pieces will not be smoked - it will be raw. Since we will marinate in a wet way, it is necessary to prepare the marinade as well.

Stage 2. Preparation of the marinade

For the preparation of the marinade, we take 2 liters of clean boiled (or filtered) water. Add 200 grams of table salt (at the rate of 100 grams of salt per 1 liter of water). The marinade will be very salty. To check, you can dip a chicken egg into the water. If the egg floats, does not sink, then the density of the marinade is as it should be.

Next, add 10 black peppercorns, 3-4 leaves of bay pepper. Enough for a "classic" marinade. But for a better aroma and taste, add dried paprika and thyme. You can add spices to a barbecue or grill, but you need to consider the salt they contain. You also need to know that an excess of spices can spoil the taste of meat.

We spread the meat in a container of sufficient volume and fill it with a ready-made marinade, close the lid. Pickled meat must be put in a cool place for 5-6 days.

After the meat has marinated, it can be dipped in clean cold water for several hours in order to remove excess salt. Then take it out of the water, let it drain well. Then the meat must be well wiped from the remnants of moisture. This is done so that the meat is smoked, and not boiled in smoke. You can additionally wrap the meat in a clean cloth or gauze, then it will not be smoked on the outside, but will have a clean look and smoke flavor. But this is not necessary to do, after all, the meat should be smoked and browned.

Stage 3. Smoking

If you want to smoke meat not on the street, but in your home kitchen, we recommend that you pay attention to a smokehouse with a water seal, for example, such as. It is completely sealed and allows you to smoke right in the room.

Pour 2-3 handfuls of alder sawdust into the bottom of a clean smokehouse for hot smoking. You can also use sawdust from fruit trees, but alder gives the most pleasant color and smell to smoked meat, without bitterness. Sawdust should not be too small, otherwise they will quickly burn out. On top of the sawdust we put a tray for dripping fat. If there is no pan, fat, dripping to the bottom, will burn and give the meat extra bitterness and an unpleasant odor.

Above the pallet we put a grate on which we lay out the pieces of pork. Close the lid and kindle a fire under the smoker or just put it on your stove. As soon as smoke came out from under the lid, the meat began to smoke - we note the time.

In order for the meat to be smoked well, it takes 1.5-2 hours. After 15 minutes, after the smoke has gone, it is advisable to open the lid and wash off the black resinous coating from it. If this is not done, drops of moisture falling on the meat will also give it bitterness.

Next, close the lid again and smoke to the end, controlling the degree of readiness. Ready smoked meat should be without blood, but juicy. It is not worth keeping in a smoker for a long time - the meat will be dry and not tasty.

After the meat is removed from the smokehouse, it must be cooled, put in a paper bag or foil and put in a cold place for several hours, and preferably for a day, for a more even distribution of flavor and taste improvement.

Homemade hot smoked pork is ready, bon appetit!

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Many lovers of cooking smoked seafood vaguely imagine the process itself. In their opinion, it is enough to keep the fish in a saline solution, place it in a box with smoke, wait a bit, and the product is ready. However, a better and tastier fish is obtained thanks to the marinade. We will talk about the secrets of his preparation.

Preparation of fish products for pickling

Technologists who know how to marinate fish for smoking in a smokehouse assure the importance of the preparatory stage. For any type of processing, the carcass must be washed and cleaned. Here are some more simple guidelines:

  • Frozen products must first be defrosted in a container with cold water. This will take a long time, but you should not use hot water.
  • Small fish can be smoked with the head and entrails.
  • In large individuals, it is worth separating the head and removing the inside.
  • Larger fish are best cut into steaks.
  • It is not necessary to remove the scales - this will help the meat retain moisture and will not miss some of the harmful substances from the smoke.

After processing, the carcass must be dried by blotting it with a paper towel. Now let's start marinating.

Recipes: how to marinate fish for hot smoking in a smokehouse at home

There is one general principle behind every smoke marinade recipe. Firstly, it saturates the carcass with moisture, which does not allow it to dry out in the process, and secondly, it gives the smoked meats an exquisite taste. For the preparation of mixtures, ingredients are usually used according to one's preferences.

Below are some classic recipes that can serve as the basis for individual solutions. Cooks who know , it's not difficult to develop your own sauce for cooking seafood.

spicy marinade

To prepare one liter of solution, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.
  • Sage, rosemary, thyme - 0.5 g of each spice (on the tip of a knife).
  • Sugar, cinnamon, a mixture of peppers - 1 teaspoon each.
  • Lemon, orange - 1/2 each.
  • Water - 1 liter.

Before marinating fish for smoking in a home smokehouse with this marinade, water is boiled. Then salt, onion cut into half rings and all other components are added. The solution is boiled for 5-10 minutes and set aside to cool.

Fish carcasses are placed in a container with a fragrant mixture for 12-14 hours. After the pickling process, the meat must be dried in a draft for three hours so that carcinogens from the smoke do not penetrate inside along with moisture.

soy marinade

To prepare 1 liter of marinade mixture, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Soy sauce - 50 g.
  • Salt - 50 g.
  • Sugar - 50 g.
  • Lemon juice - 70 g.
  • Dry white wine - 100 g.
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves.
  • Basil, coriander, pepper mixture - at the tip of the knife of each spice.
  • Water - 1 liter.

Cooking and marinating procedure:

  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in boiling water, then cool.
  2. Add soy sauce, wine, lemon juice, crushed garlic and other spices. Mix.
  3. Put the semi-finished fish in a bowl with sauce so that it completely covers the carcasses. Keep in cool conditions 12-14 hours.

After brine, the carcasses must be dried for two to three hours. Lemon juice and white wine make the fish especially tender, and spices - a unique aroma.

honey marinade

Home chefs who know how to quickly and correctly marinate fish for smoking in a smokehouse pay attention to the sophistication and flavor of this sauce. However, for its preparation per kilogram of product, you need very little:

  • Vegetable oil - 200 ml.
  • Lemon juice - 100 g.
  • Parsley greens - 20-30 g.
  • Honey - 120 ml.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Ground black pepper - 1-2 g.

To all of the above, you can add one package of fish seasoning. Greens, garlic must be chopped, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Pour the carcasses with the mixture and set aside in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours. fish after will acquire a sweetish taste and an appetizing crust.

Red wine marinade

For 1 liter of brine, the following ingredients are needed:

  • Salt - 2 tablespoons.
  • Dry red wine - 150 ml.
  • Carnation - 4-5 pcs.
  • Cumin, allspice - 1 tsp each.
  • Water - 1 liter.

Pour salt and cloves into boiling water, boil for ten minutes. Cool the solution, then add the remaining elements and stir.

Pour the carcasses with the finished marinade and leave in a cool place for six hours. The recipe is very simple, but wine and cloves make the pulp juicy and aromatic.

Marinade with kefir

The list of ingredients is calculated for one kilogram of semi-finished fish:

  • Kefir - 200 ml.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 50 g.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Pour crushed garlic with kefir, add the rest of the ingredients and mix. Put the fish in kefir solution and leave for 5-8 hours. This is one of the fastest marinades, however, the product is juicy and tasty.

How to pickle fish for cold smoking at home

The cold smoke treatment method guarantees the products not only a delicious aroma and unforgettable taste, but also a long shelf life. Fumigation occurs within 8 hours to several days at a temperature of 18-25°C.

The taste of the finished product is rich, so a small amount of components is used in the preparation process. To be precise in the question of how to marinate fish for cold smoking in a smokehouse, then the semi-finished product is simply salted in salt using the wet or dry salting method.

Dry way

The essence of the process is that a gutted fish (without gills and entrails) is placed in a pan, the bottom of which is sprinkled with salt. Each fish is pre-rubbed outside and inside with coarse salt. The semi-finished product is folded so that the front and back parts of the carcasses alternate. If the carcasses are large, then it is worth making a longitudinal incision on the back for better salting.

Each layer is well sprinkled with salt, and oppression is placed on top of the portion. On average, 1.5 kg of salt is taken per 10 kg of product. The salting period is 3-7 days, periodically the fish must be turned over for uniform salting.

Next, the fish is soaked for five to six hours in cold water. Now it must be dried in a draft for at least a day. Only after all these activities can you start processing cold smoke.

Wet Ambassador

The traditional recipe for preparing brine for wet salting is elementary: 250 g of salt is taken per liter of boiled water. The carcasses are salted for five days, after which they are soaked in cool water for three to four hours and dried in a ventilated place for about 12 hours. Now the product can be smoked.

Marinade for cold smoking

For lovers of all kinds of spicy flavors, it makes sense to try a simple marinade, which requires the following ingredients:

  • Salt - 0.5 kg.
  • Sugar - 80 g.
  • Garlic - 5-6 cloves.
  • Dry white wine - 0.5 l.
  • Rosemary, thyme, basil, coriander - 2 g of each spice.
  • Lemon juice - 50 g.
  • Water - 2 liters.

At the start of the process, you need to boil and cool the water a little, add sugar and salt, mix. Now crushed garlic, wine, spices and lemon juice are added to the brine and mixed again. The finished marinade is poured over the fish and left in a cool place for four days. After drying for 6-7 hours and smoking.

Any process associated with cooking is divided into several stages. It is difficult to establish which of them is considered the most important, but it is clear that each is significant in its own way. These stages are associated with the search for raw materials, products, materials, the process of cutting, packaging or cutting raw materials is also singled out as a separate activity, but there is no need to talk about salting, because sometimes all taste qualities are emphasized or fixed at this stage.

Smoking meat at home is an occupation for responsible and purposeful people. Here the point is not so much in theoretical knowledge, and not at all in the presence of experience.

The whole process, from beginning to end, can take several days, therefore, having got involved in smoking, it is necessary to bring the matter to an end.

For convenience, the preparation of meat for smoking is divided into the following stages:

  • choice of meat on composition and quality;
  • preparing meat for marinating;
  • salting;
  • choice of wood material;
  • smoking.

They divide the process into stages for more convenient study, because the step-by-step method of executing the algorithm increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome. Any beginner can study this or that stage separately.

How to choose the right meat for smoking

In those moments when there is no alternative, we must proceed from the existing conditions. At hand may be a piece of meat, which was treated to generous friends. There is no choice of ready-made dishes in the store, and I really want to enjoy a home-made masterpiece. But with a rich choice of raw materials, you should definitely think carefully before you stop at any product. There is no clear algorithm, since the outcome depends on the desire of the buyer, however, there are certain rules that should be followed.

First you need to decide on the type of meat. If there is no experience in smoking, then you should opt for pork. Its fibers contain many fatty layers, so the material is easy to soak, salt or smoke.

By the way, due to these layers, the meat becomes soft during cooking and soaked in juice, so seasoned craftsmen also pay attention to pork.

Beef has a unique quality. Although it is tougher than pork, it still found its consumer. Cold-smoked cuts are tasty from beef, and elastic meat is used as a snack, especially with beer and hockey (football, wrestling, skiing - whatever).

Fans of dietary meat can recommend poultry. Chicken breast is full of protein, so it will be especially useful for athletes or those who decide to follow a diet. , nutria or hare has a peculiar taste. Real gourmets are interested in him. There are no exceptions among the listed varieties, and all of them are subject to smoking with proper preparation.

To get a good result, you need to take the freshest meat. This requirement is easy to fulfill if you yourself act as a getter. When buying meat in a store, you should not always trust the indicated expiration date, so it is useful to learn how to evaluate the storage conditions and freshness of products in appearance.

  1. Each variety of meat has a characteristic color, so there is no single shade for comparison. Chicken breast is beige, pork is pink, and beef is red. The general color property of meat is that it should be uniform. The presence of spots, darkening and bruising indicates not the first freshness of the product.
  2. Moisture content of meat may vary. But its coolness is felt to the touch. If the fibers are covered with a thin film or a dark crust, then this can only indicate long-term storage. Excessive moisture in the form of slime that appears on the surface is a clear sign of the beginning of an irreversible process of product spoilage.
  3. There is one more criterion - the smell. Even if you are not a fan of fresh meat flavor, you can still feel the beginning of decay. Already at the very beginning of this process, the meat will begin to emit unpleasant odors.


To salt meat for smoking, there is no need to learn complex recipes, moreover, the number of ingredients makes it possible to call such an ambassador simple. A necessary component for this method is salt. But many people prefer to add a mixture of peppers to it.

By mixing the components, a homogeneous composition is prepared, with which the meat is poured from all sides. Dry salting can last several days, because it all depends on the meat. Do not be afraid to add too much salt, as the meat will not absorb excess salt, and then you can easily get rid of the residue by soaking the semi-finished product in water.

If improvisation can be shown on the described manipulations, then the following action is considered mandatory: the meat should be dried. But to get rid of salt, it is not necessary to soak the meat. If you gently wipe it with paper towels, then it will be completely ready for smoking.

honey marinade recipe

A marinade is a liquid salt solution made from water, vegetable oil or soy sauce. One of the original ways of preparing meat is pickling with honey. At first glance, it may seem that incompatible components will be used here. In fact, smoked meat harmonizes perfectly with sweets, in particular, with honey.

  • For 1 kg of meat, you will need to take 50 g of honey, 80 g of lemon juice, a few cloves of garlic, and olive oil. Seasonings, including salt, are added to taste. Digressing, I would like to note that in many recipes, the brine is prepared on the basis of individual preferences, therefore it is often oriented to the taste of the cook.
  • All of the above ingredients are added to the oil and mixed. Garlic can be squeezed or rubbed on a grater. In an oil solution, the meat will marinate quickly enough. It will take about 8 hours for everything, but this is provided that the oil evenly covers the surface of each piece. That is, you have to periodically turn them over.

Marinade on kefir

Many methods for preparing meat contain components such as vinegar, citric acid, lemon juice, and mustard in their recipe. All of these ingredients contain substances that break down fibers in a very short time, so the meat becomes soft and can be quickly salted. Kefir also has similar properties, therefore, marinade can be prepared on its basis.

To calculate the proportions, you can start from a certain amount of the main raw material. Here is an example of a recipe for 1 kg of meat. It will take 1-2 teaspoons of sugar, vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). A few mint leaves will add a piquancy of taste. Pepper and garlic are optional and can be omitted from the recipe altogether. All components are mixed, and mint leaves are pre-crushed.

In this recipe, you should not take a lot of salt, as there will be no soaking in clean water. For the indicated values, a tablespoon is enough. The meat is immersed in the marinade and infused for a day. After such preparation, it can be smoked both cold and hot.

Easy marinade recipe

At home, you can always find a way to make an excellent marinade at no extra cost. Many recipes contain rare ingredients, sometimes even exotic ones, which will have to be bought separately, spending time and money on this. Not every novice cook knows that these recipes can be changed at will, if only the obligatory components are left.

The purpose of any marinade is not only and not so much in adding spices, but in salting meat. At its core, pickling is identical to simple salting, only the technology is slightly different. Salt first dissolves in water, and then impregnates the fibers.

  • Salt concentration should be high. For one liter of water you need to take 70-80 grams of salt. The total amount of marinade should be such that the liquid completely hides the pieces immersed in it.

  • The salt solution is brought to a boil and boiled for 5-10 minutes. During this time, you need to add the rest of the ingredients. Usually it is garlic, bay leaf and black pepper. At this stage, you can show your imagination and add different components to taste: thyme, lemon, dill, basil.
  • If the meat is immersed in a boiling marinade and cooked for another 40 minutes, it will become soft. In the smokehouse, such a semi-finished product will quickly be saturated with smoke and reach readiness. A kind of offshoot of the t algorithm gives an independent recipe, which is called “boiled-smoked meat”. The classic recipe involves cooling the brine to room temperature, followed by soaking pieces of meat in it. A day later, the product is ready for smoking.

Cold and hot smoking

The topic of cold and hot smoking is brought up by the fact that some recipes are suitable for only one of the listed methods.

It is known that hot smoking is carried out by exposing the product to wood smoke with a sufficiently high temperature. Sometimes it reaches 100°C degrees. Due to this effect, the meat fibers are boiled and become soft. In an hour, the meat can be ready, therefore, when salting and marinating, they pay attention not to the amount of salt, but to the quality of the selected meat. It must be borne in mind that fat is able to melt. On the one hand, it will make the meat rich and juicy if it remains in the fibers. On the other hand, it may leak out, as a result of which the product will become dry. All these nuances will have to be foreseen at the stage of cutting meat.

Cold smoking is carried out for quite a long time, as the temperature of wood smoke ranges from 25°C to 30°C degrees. In such conditions, the meat is not baked, so there is a high probability of developing foci of infection with bacteria. The main thing that you need to pay attention to when salting is a sufficient amount of salt and observing the pickling time. The most difficult requirement that will have to be met is to ensure the continuity of the smoking process. The first 8 hours cannot be interrupted. Otherwise, there are no differences in the recipe for both smoking methods.

Marinating is used to saturate meat products with moisture so that pieces of meat, fish or poultry do not dry out during the smoking process. Special marinade compositions complement the taste of smoked meats with their aromas and contribute to the appropriate softening of tough meat fibers, making the main dish more tender. By adding spices with strong ethereal aromas to the composition, a stronger “freshness” effect is achieved.

Very often, marinating in a saline solution replaces ordinary dry salting. This technology allows you to better soak the pulp, to achieve a uniform distribution of salt and aromatic components of the marinade.

Marinades for hot smoking - general principles of preparation

Marinades used for marinating meat, carcasses or fillets of poultry and fish for the purpose of hot smoking can be either liquid or semi-liquid. They can be boiled or cooked without it.

There are many options and methods for preparing marinades for smoked meats, but the basic principle of preparation is the correct mixing of all components.

Marinades for hot smoking are prepared with water, wine, sour cream, soy sauce. They are diversified with spices and spices according to recipes or even selected at your discretion.

To enhance the softening effect, food acids are introduced - table vinegar, including apple, or lemon juice, mustard is often used for the same purpose.

Adding granulated sugar or honey to the marinade not only gives the meat and fish a pleasant sweetish aftertaste, but also contributes to the formation of a golden crust on its surface during hot smoking.

Food saltpeter is often added, this is done if the smoked products are planned to be prepared in large quantities for long-term storage.

Also, for longer storage, products before pickling must be soaked in a strong saline solution or sprinkled with salt and left for a day. Then they are washed well. If the pieces have taken a lot of salt, they are slightly soaked and only then placed in the marinade.

After pickling, poultry, fish or meat must be dried well, hung in a draft, and only then smoked.

Marinade for hot smoked chicken with vinegar

Ingredients for 4 carcasses:

A tablespoon of coarse garden salt;

Three tablespoons of 3% table vinegar;

Half a teaspoon of ginger, coriander, allspice and black pepper (ground);

a teaspoon of sugar;

Two large bay leaves;

Two large cloves of garlic;

Eight juniper berries.

Cooking method:

1. If you took a domestic chicken, carefully pluck it and burn it over an open fire. Remove the entrails, cut off excess fat and rinse well, especially from the inside. The legs and neck should also be cut off. Rinse the purchased bird well enough with warm water and remove the fat.

2. Then wipe the carcasses dry with a towel and cut into two halves. To do this, first cut the bird's breast with a knife, open it and cut it along the ridge.

3. Rinse each half of the chicken again, pat dry and place between two cutting boards.

4. Then apply a few blows to the top board with a rolling pin. This is done so that the joints are broken, and the bird marinates better.

5. Bring three liters of drinking water to a boil. Remove from heat and dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water.

6. Pour in vinegar, add spices, lower the parsley. Press the garlic into the marinade. Dip the juniper berries crushed with a rolling pin and cool the marinade.

7. Place the prepared halves of the bird in a large container. Pour the marinade over the chicken so that it completely covers it. Set oppression on top of the meat and put it in the refrigerator for four days to marinate. Turn chicken daily.

8. Wrap the marinated chicken halves in several layers with gauze, hang in a well-ventilated area for at least 12 hours. Drying time depends on the weather and can last up to a day.

9. After that, a well-dried bird can be smoked.

Marinade for hot smoking meat with honey


100 ml fresh lemon juice;

150 ml of high quality olive oil;

A quarter of a two-hundred-gram glass of honey;

A quarter cup of "Spice mix";

Finely chopped fresh parsley - 1/4 cup;

Three large garlic cloves;

A teaspoon of fine table salt;

Black, crushed in a mortar, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Cut off all the veins and fat from the pieces of meat. Rinse well and dry thoroughly.

2. In a large bowl, mix olive oil with strained freshly squeezed lemon juice and honey.

3. Add salt, crushed garlic with a knife or a press.

4. Pour in the parsley, Spice Mix, pepper to taste and stir well.

5. Put the pieces of meat in the prepared marinade and leave to marinate for ten hours.

6. After that, wipe the meat dry, remove the remnants of garlic, spices, parsley from it and smoke it according to the classic “hot” technology.

Marinade for hot smoked fish with soy sauce


A two-hundred-gram glass of fresh lemon juice;

Half a cup of soy light sauce;

Brown granulated sugar - 1/2 tbsp.;

Half a glass of coarse salt;

Dry wine (white) - 1 tbsp.;

Garlic - 3 cloves;

Two tablespoons of white ground pepper;

To taste - dried basil, marjoram or a mixture of curry and coriander.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 2.2 liters of water at room temperature into a large saucepan. Dilute sugar and salt in it.

2. Add soy sauce, strained lemon juice and dry wine.

3. Crush the garlic with a press or knife and send it to the marinade.

4. Pour in the spices, crush in a mortar and add white pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

5. Cut off all the fins from the fish, remove the gills from the heads, gut the abdomens and rinse well under the tap. Small fish, weighing 300 gr. and less, you can not gut.

6. Place the prepared fish carcasses in the marinade. It should be enough for all the fish to "drown". Cover and refrigerate for at least 9 hours, preferably overnight.

7. Then take out the container with the fish and keep it at room temperature for another forty minutes.

8. Dry the carcasses well from the marinade. To do this, the carcasses are tied up by the tail and hung out in a draft, wrapped with gauze. After an hour, marinated and dried fish can be smoked.

Wine marinade for hot smoked chicken with mustard


750 gram bottle of red wine;

250 ml of high-quality vegetable oil;

100 gr. dry mustard;

A small bunch of fresh parsley;

To taste - black pepper and coarsely ground salt.

Cooking method:

1. Mix wine with oil and dry mustard.

2. Add chopped parsley, salt and pepper to your liking.

3. Rinse fat-free chicken halves with plenty of running water and transfer to a large marinating container.

4. Pour the marinade over the chicken so that it completely covers the bird. Cover and leave for eight hours in the refrigerator.

5. After the time has elapsed, wipe the halves of the bird dry from the remnants of the marinade with a towel.

6. Dry for at least an hour in a draft and smoke hot.

Marinade for hot smoking meat with saltpeter and blueberries

Ingredients for 10 kg of pulp:

Salt of the largest grinding - 700 gr.;

Seven liters of drinking water;

200 gr. granulated sugar;

Fresh or frozen blueberries - 20 gr.;

Food saltpeter - 50 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Before marinating, the meat must be well salted. It can be filled with saline for a day, or sprinkled with salt and put under pressure for the same time.

2. Pour all the water into a large enamel pot or bucket. Add salt, saltpeter and granulated sugar.

3. Pour in fresh or frozen blueberries and bring to a boil. When the marinade begins to boil, boil it over low heat for no more than a minute so that all the loose components are completely dissolved.

4. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

5. Rinse the salted meat, if it is too salty, soak and dry.

6. Then lay the pieces of washed meat in layers in a large container. Sprinkle each layer well with chilled marinade when laying.

7. The meat should lie tightly in the marinade and be completely covered with it. Therefore, after laying out all the pieces, slightly compact them, add marinade if necessary.

8. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 2-6 weeks. The duration of pickling depends on the size of the pieces and even on the selected part of the carcass. So, loin and ribs are marinated for two weeks, shoulder blades for at least four weeks, and hams for up to six.

9. If the marinade begins to foam, it should be drained and boiled. Cool down and pour over the meat again.

10. Rinse well-marinated meat with a stream of running water, dry it in a draft, and only then smoke it.

Citrus marinade for hot smoked fish

Ingredients for 3 liters. strong salt solution:

One large orange;

Two medium lemons;

A tablespoon of ground pepper, cinnamon and granulated sugar;

To taste sage, rosemary and thyme;

Three onion heads;

Six large leaves of lavrushka;

Four cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse citrus fruits well and cut into slices, chop the onion into large rings.

2. Dip a small potato into boiling water and add salt until the tuber floats. After that, take out the potatoes, and lower the citrus slices, onion rings, all spices and spices into the saline solution. Boil the marinade at a slight boil for 10 minutes, and then let cool well.

3. Pour the processed fish carcasses with cold marinade and leave it in it for 12 hours in a cold room or refrigerator.

4. Then rinse the fish thoroughly under the tap, wipe dry with a towel and dry in a draft.

5. After that, you can put the fish carcasses in the smokehouse.

Marinade for hot smoking mackerel on sour cream


Four fillets of fresh frozen mackerel;

China. a spoonful of salt, grade "Extra";

150 gr. 20% sour cream;

A teaspoon of suneli hops;

Fifteen sprigs of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

1. Thaw the mackerel fillet in the air, wash and wipe dry.

2. Mix sour cream with chopped dill, add salt and suneli hops.

3. Spread each fillet well with the prepared sour cream mixture and wrap with a film.

4. After five hours, remove the film, wipe the fish and smoke.

Hot Smoked Marinades - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

When preparing the marinade, all its liquid components are first mixed and bulk ingredients and greens are introduced into the resulting mixture.

To make it easier to remove marinade residues from pieces of meat, fish or poultry carcasses after pickling, it is best to tear the greens with your hands and crush the garlic with a knife.

In order for meat and fish products to marinate evenly, the marinade must cover them completely, and in the process of marinating, pieces of meat and fish carcasses should be periodically mixed or turned over.

The minimum marinating time in any marinade is at least three hours at room temperature.

Marinade for smoking meat at home is used to make the meat soften and become more tender. Also, due to pickling, the required heat treatment time is significantly reduced. Pre-marination also affects the final taste of smoked meat. By selecting different components for the marinade, you can create different flavors of meat. We will consider several options for simple recipes that will help you cook wonderful smoked meats. The principle of preparing them all is extremely simple - just mix all the ingredients, pre-chopping them if necessary.

Red wine marinade

  • 300 ml red wine. You should not take expensive drinks, the average price range is quite suitable.
  • 200 ml olive or refined sunflower oil.
  • 100 g mustard.
  • A bunch of parsley.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Marinade on kefir

  • 200 ml of kefir.
  • 1.5 tsp Sahara.
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil.
  • 3 cloves of minced garlic.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Marinade with ketchup

  • 200 g ketchup (or diluted tomato paste).
  • 2 tbsp honey. If it is solid, you need to melt it in a water bath and cool to room temperature.
  • 50 ml vegetable oil.
  • A bunch of chopped dill.
  • Salt.
  • Pepper.

Marinade on beer

  • 500 ml of dark beer (light beer has a less pronounced taste).
  • 2 lemon cloves.
  • Juice of half a lemon.
  • 2 tsp paprika.
  • 1 tbsp mustard.
  • Salt.
  • Marinate the meat for 2-5 hours. The larger the pieces of meat, the longer it takes for it to soak well.
  • Aluminum utensils for pickling should not be used - it quickly oxidizes. Use enamelware. A regular package is also quite suitable if there is no pan or basin at hand. Wooden dishes are not suitable, because they actively absorb moisture. It will be very difficult to wash it afterwards.
  • Instead of vinegar, it is recommended to add lemon juice to the marinade. Vinegar has a pungent taste and smell that can overpower other ingredients.
  • Experiment with different dry herbs and spices to create new and original marinades.
Any marinade for smoking meat at home can make even an ordinary harsh piece of beef, pork or other type of meat tender and tasty.
