
Satsebeli sauce: a classic recipe and fruit and vegetable variations. Culinary recipes and photo recipes

Satsebeli is a Georgian cuisine sauce based on tomatoes, herbs, nuts and fruits. At home, it is very easy and quick to prepare it. Usually in the preparation of satsebeli are used: walnuts, juice of unripe grapes, pomegranate or blackberry (or a mixture of these juices), chicken broth, garlic, ground red pepper, saffron, bite, mint, onion, salt, suneli hops, cilantro.

Satsebeli sauce can be served with meat and fish dishes (then meat or fish broth is used for its preparation). The sauce goes well with rice, vegetable dishes, pasta and beans. It is delicious to eat just with pita bread. The sauce is served cold or warm.

Consider several recipes for satsebeli sauce.

Satsebeli, a recipe for the winter of tomatoes with herbs

There are many options for making the sauce. It can be sweet, sour or spicy. Satsebeli always has an amazing taste and breathtaking aroma due to the abundance of herbs, garlic and spices. Let's try to prepare this sauce in such a way that it can be stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar in the winter without being subjected to heat treatment.

This recipe was shared with me by a resident of Georgia in a hairdressing salon, in such places you can hear a lot of interesting things. 🙂 I checked the recipe: this sauce does not spoil until the next harvest, unless of course you eat it earlier.


  • Fleshy tomatoes - 5 kg,
  • Bulgarian red pepper - 2 kg,
  • salt, sugar - to taste,
  • garlic - 0.5 kg,
  • cilantro, dill, parsley (not present in Georgian cuisine, but can be added) - in a bunch,
  • vinegar 6% white wine or apple - 1 cup,
  • hot pepper pod - 1/2 -1 piece (to taste),
  • aspirin - 5 tablets.

Preparation of satsebeli sauce:

My tomatoes and bell peppers. We dip the tomatoes in boiling water and immediately pull them out with a slotted spoon, then lower them into cold water. Remove the skin from the tomatoes.

If desired, the skin can be left on. This will not greatly affect the taste, and with large volumes of blanks it will save us a lot of time. Maybe someone will find this sauce rough, but the fiber is good for the intestines.

Cut the tomatoes into large pieces and add hot peppers.

Cut the bell pepper, remove the stem and seeds. Add to blender.

We clean the garlic. It will be easier to clean if it is first briefly filled with water.

We sort and cut the greens. Add some green onions, if desired.

Peppers, tomatoes and greens are put in a blender and chopped until smooth. If there is no blender, then you can use a meat grinder.

We add vinegar, salt, sugar, aspirin to our mixture (the tablets must first be crushed). Mix everything and leave for a day at room temperature. Stir our sauce from time to time.

Arrange in sterilized jars. We store in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

Satsebeli sauce at home - recipe with broth

This recipe is more suitable for a festive table or a large feast. It uses walnuts, chicken broth (if desired, it can be replaced with water) and other ingredients typical of Georgian cuisine. Consider cooking with step by step photos.


  • Fleshy tomatoes - 1-2 sh,
  • chicken broth (water) - 200 g,
  • cilantro - 2 bunches,
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves,
  • adjika - 1-2 teaspoons,
  • wine vinegar - 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon (to taste),
  • sugar - to taste
  • ground black pepper - ÂĽ teaspoon,
  • hops-suneli - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • walnuts - 100-150 g.,
  • white bread - a small piece so that the sauce does not exfoliate.


We prepare the walnut - we sort it out from the partitions, clean it from debris.

We prepare the chicken broth. Put the pieces of lean chicken in the pan, add the onions and carrots. Boil for an hour.

Cut the tomatoes and put in boiling water for a few seconds.

Cool in cold water and peel off the skin:

We cut our tomatoes and put them in a blender.

Add adjika

We put the rest of the ingredients in a blender - herbs, walnuts, spices.

Grind until smooth. Add broth or water. In order for the sauce not to delaminate, you can add a small piece of white bread.

Let's taste it. You can add other ingredients to your taste - mint, unripe grape or pomegranate juice, ground red pepper, coriander.

The sauce is ready! Bon appetit!

Satsebeli sauce, a simple recipe

Consider the preparation of satsebeli using tomato paste. This is a quick and easy sauce recipe.

Bon appetit!

Satsebeli is a spicy sauce of national Caucasian cuisine. At home, in Georgia, gravy is considered one of the main attributes of any meal. The sauce perfectly complements fish, poultry, meat, pita bread, potatoes, grilled vegetables, as well as almost all dishes cooked on the grill.

The history of Caucasian sauce has more than one century. And if initially the gravy was prepared from the most unusual, at first glance, ingredients (grape, blackberry juice, chicken broth, mint, etc.), then over the years the recipe for satsebeli has undergone strong changes. Today, Georgian sauce is made on the basis of tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, garlic and fresh herbs.

The summer season is rich in ripe, sun-drenched fruits. So why not take advantage of the bountiful harvest by making a savory gravy for the future? Try to make satsebeli sauce for the winter at home, and you will forever remain a fan of bright Caucasian cuisine! Incredibly rich, spicy taste, spicy aroma and appetizing appearance of the gravy will surely be appreciated by all members of your family. Preparing a sauce with Georgian flavor is not difficult at all. Even if you do not have the proper culinary experience, your satsebeli will turn out to be a real masterpiece that will delight all relatives and friends.

Taste Info Sauces for the winter


  • Tomatoes (fleshy) - 1.5 kg;
  • Sweet pepper - 700 g;
  • Hot pepper - to taste;
  • Fresh cilantro - 1 bunch;
  • Garlic - to taste;
  • Coriander (ground) - 1-2 tsp;
  • Suneli hops (dry mix for adjika) - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • Grape vinegar - 50 ml.

How to cook classic Georgian Satsebeli sauce for the winter from tomatoes

Preparation of Satsebeli sauce for the winter should begin with the preparation of vegetables. Rinse tomatoes and sweet peppers thoroughly under running water. Free the first from the core, the second from the stalk and seed part. To make the Georgian sauce rich, try to use well-ripened fruits, dark red in color. Pepper must be fleshy, otherwise the satsebeli will not have such a delicious taste that it is supposed to. If there are spicy lovers in the family, prepare the chili by removing the seeds and tail. Adjust the amount of hot pepper to your liking. Cut all clean vegetables into pieces of any size and shape.

Place chopped tomatoes and peppers in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Chop the peeled garlic cloves into thin slices and add to the total mass. Rinse the cilantro, chop coarsely with a knife (you can tear it with your hands) and combine with the rest of the ingredients.

Twist all prepared ingredients for tomato sauce through a meat grinder.

In the resulting fragrant mass, add salt and sugar to taste. Pour in vegetable oil.

Then add grape vinegar to the future homemade sauce and mix the mass well with a wooden spatula. Send the pan to medium heat. If it is difficult to find grape vinegar in your city, replace this ingredient with an apple (4%) product.

Add ground coriander and suneli hops to Georgian sauce. Simmer the mass for 30 minutes.

Boil down the sauce until you get the desired consistency. At the end of cooking, taste the satsebeli. If necessary, adjust the preservation with salt, sugar or other spices.

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Prepare glass bottles or jars in the standard way: wash thoroughly with baking soda, and then sterilize in any convenient way. Place the lids in boiling water for a few minutes. Pour hot sauce into prepared bowl. Screw on the lids and leave upside down until completely cool. Move satsebeli to a dark, cool storage area.
By the way, for the preparation of this type of sauces, baby yoghurt and kefir bottles with screw caps are great.

Serve classic satsebeli to the table by pouring it into a bowl or gravy boat. The sauce will be a great addition to meat, poultry or fish.

Satsebeli is also very tasty in harmony with any cereal side dishes, potatoes, pasta and fresh bread. Bon appetit and delicious winter with a Georgian accent!

Hello dear readers. Today we are preparing tomato satsebeli sauce for the winter. Not so long ago, we tried satsebeli in a restaurant, they served it to us with barbecue. And it is not for nothing that they say that once you try this wonderful Georgian sauce, you will not be able to forget its taste. So we decided to prepare a few jars to try. This is an incredibly tasty, spicy, fragrant, sweet and sour sauce. Most suitable for shish kebab of beef, lamb, pork, chicken, turkey. But many people eat it with pita bread, potatoes, buckwheat, rice, pasta.

I want to say right away that this sauce is spicy, but tasty. It is not, gentle, mild, sweet and sour. Therefore, add the amount of red pepper based on your taste preferences.

The content of the article:
1. What is Satsebeli

What is Satsebeli?

It's hot sauce. The dish belongs to Georgian cuisine. Translated from Georgian as "sauce". The basis of the sauce is berry, vegetable or fruit puree with the addition of hot red pepper, garlic, herbs and spices.

It is prepared from plums, cherry plums, tomatoes, peppers, generously flavored with seasonings. Indeed, in Georgia, not one feast is complete without famous sauces and seasonings. It is believed that sauces are a real storehouse of nutrients for the body.

We meet Georgia with an abundance of vegetables, fruits, meat dishes, and the presence of hot, spicy, sweet and sour sauces.

A place of honor on the table is occupied by sauces that stimulate the appetite, invigorate and help keep warm.

In the Caucasus, in general, they cook, cherry plums, pomegranates, plums. So we like to diversify our menu, we try sauces.

What do satsebeli eat with? What is served

Sauce is served with boiled meat, barbecue, poultry, pickled cheeses, pita bread, khachapuri, khinkali, grilled sausages, kharcho soup, beans, stuffed eggplant, fish.

Any pie with savory filling can be flavored with satsebeli sauce. It gives the dishes a refined and unique taste.

But I won’t bore you with stories for a long time, I’m sharing a recipe for tomato satsebili sauce for the winter. Recipe with step by step photos and video clip at the end of the article.

Satsebeli sauce - tomato recipe for the winter with photos and videos

The recipe is simple, we cooked it for about 1 hour, but it all depends on the juiciness of the tomatoes that you will use for the sauce.

Everything is very simple, quickly prepared, the products are all simple and affordable. Especially now is the season of tomatoes and peppers!


  • 1 kg. red tomatoes
  • 300 grams of red sweet pepper (I have a round variety)
  • 1 small head of garlic
  • 1 - 2 pcs. hot red pepper
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sugar
  • 1 bunch of herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro)

From this amount of ingredients, 2 half liter jars of sauce are obtained.

Therefore, if you want to make a sample, you can limit yourself to this number of ingredients, and if more, then increase the portion of the products.

How to cook Satsebeli for the winter from tomatoes

1. Wash peppers and tomatoes. Cut the pepper in half, remove the stems and seeds.

We also grind hot peppers, we pass it through a meat grinder. Add the amount of pepper to taste.

Remove the stem from the tomato, cut into 4 parts. For the sauce, take tomatoes of sweet varieties, red, pink, but fleshy.

For the sauce, you can take red pepper, or orange, preferably fleshy. With yellow pepper, the color of the sauce will not be as bright and rich.

2. Wash the greens. Peel the garlic.

3. Pass the tomatoes and peppers through a meat grinder. You can use a blender, but do not grind into a puree, but to leave pieces of pepper and tomatoes.

4. We will also pass the greens through a meat grinder, or chop it with a knife, you can use a blender.

5. Put the sauce on the stove, cook for 20 minutes over medium heat. Then add ground coriander and salt.

6. Cook the sauce for another 30 minutes, but you look at the consistency, if the tomatoes are not juicy, then it may take a little less time, and if juicy, then a little more.

By the end of cooking, the sauce begins to gurgle heavily, the water evaporates.

7. Then add garlic and sugar, mix everything well, cook for another 10 minutes. It is important for us that the garlic goes through the pasteurization stage.

In our photo, the garlic has a green color, this is because we chose the remains of garlic and herbs from the meat grinder and killed everything in a blender.

Taste the satsebeli sauce. In our opinion, the proportions are ideal.

Boil the lids for 10-15 minutes. Today we will use jars with screw caps. As I wrote above, we got 2 half liter jars.

The sauce will keep well in jars if you do not eat it before the start of autumn or winter.

9. Pour the hot sauce into sterile jars and tighten the lids, if you have iron lids, then with a screw key.

10. Satsebeli sauce - a tomato recipe for the winter, with photos and video material is ready. No need to wrap it, just leave it on the table and let it cool.

The sauce is sweet and sour, moderately spicy, spicy. The sauce will decorate your table, believe me, both everyday and festive, and make the meal more colorful.

We clean in a cool dark place. Good luck with your preparations! Bon appetit!

How to cook Satsebeli for the winter from tomato video

Caucasian national cuisine is unthinkable without spicy sauces. The first and second courses are complemented by dressings with beautiful-sounding names - tkemali, bage, satsivi, adjika, satsebeli. The last additive is distinguished by its spicy taste, indescribable aroma of herbs and spices. The recipe for satsebeli sauce is easy to prepare and has many variations.

Easy to cook

Translated from Georgian, "satsebeli" is simply "sauce", and the name is pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable. More often it is made from nuts, berries, ripe fruits. However, recipes with tomato paste or fresh meaty tomatoes, broth, and garlic are no less popular.

Useful properties and calorie content of dressing

The benefits of the sauce are due to its fruit and vegetable composition, supplemented with spices and spices. Nuts, grape or pomegranate juice enrich the dish with iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B. Onions and garlic have strong bactericidal properties, cilantro saturates with vitamin C and carotene. Tomatoes contain the enzyme lycopene, which fights cancer cells and boosts immunity.

There are other useful properties of spicy additives:

  • normalization of metabolism;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • prevention of beriberi;
  • strengthening the walls of arteries and blood vessels;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • increased libido.

Despite the rich composition and variety of ingredients, satsebeli is low in calories. 100 g of the supplement contains no more than 52 kcal.

Cooking features

The sauce can be sour, spicy (even hot) or sweet, depending on the composition. The fruity version often contains grapes, ripe pomegranate juice, blackberries, apples, or plums. Vegetable - tomatoes, hot and sweet peppers, garlic cloves, spicy herbs. Spices and seasonings must be added.

  • Flavoring. Garlic, saffron, cilantro, coriander, tarragon, hops-suneli, peppermint, parsley are added to the “Zapachi” dressing.
  • Serving temperature. Eat seasoning in a cold or warm form, but not hot.
  • Preparing for the future. For winter storage, the mass is boiled down, laid out in sterilized jars, pouring in a little vinegar before that, and twisted.
  • Food preparation. Peppers are freed from seeds, white partitions, plums, cherry plum - from seeds. Skins are removed from tomatoes after scalding. The greens are washed and dried, the onions and garlic are peeled.

Harvested for the future, satsebeli after boiling resembles homemade ketchup or thick tomato paste. You can use the blank as a seasoning for borscht, dressing for other sauces, pasta for hearty sandwiches.

Satsebeli Sauce: Basic Recipe

Peculiarities . Even an inexperienced housewife can cook traditional satsebeli from tomatoes and bell peppers - there are no difficulties in the recipe. The taste is regulated with the help of chili and garlic, other hot spices. Such an additive is served warm or cold to kebabs, lamb, khinkali, chakhokhbili, hodgepodge. It goes well with pickled cheeses, grilled vegetables, kharcho soup, rice and even pies.

What to prepare:

  • ripe, even overripe tomatoes - 2.4 kg;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 0.6 kg;
  • hot chili - one pod;
  • garlic - a large head;
  • coriander - a third of a teaspoon;
  • dill - five or six branches;
  • cilantro - five to six branches;
  • red ground hot pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - one tablespoon.

How to do

  1. Cut the overripe tomatoes into two or four parts, removing the skins from them, put them in the refrigerator for an hour or two.
  2. Drain the juice.
  3. Cut the peeled pepper into quarters, boil in boiling water for ten minutes. Cool, remove the thin skin from the slices.
  4. Pour water over tomatoes, cook for ten minutes.
  5. Rub chilled vegetables through a sieve. Add spices, ground hot pepper.
  6. Cook vegetable puree over medium heat for 15 minutes to evaporate excess liquid.
  7. Then simmer on low heat for about an hour.
  8. Add chopped greens, crushed garlic in a mortar or garlic crusher, remove from the stove after five minutes.
  9. Pour the thickened mass into sterilized jars, bottles, roll up.

To make the classic satsebeli sauce recipe even more fragrant and tastier, spices such as marjoram, basil, fenugreek, paprika or ombalo are added to the composition.

Original varieties of seasoning

There are many unusual variants of spicy sauce. Piquant satsebeli is prepared by different housewives on the basis of grapes, pomegranate juice, cherry plum, with chicken broth and walnuts. Garlic, onion, hot chili peppers are often added. Such an acidic additive is served with various dishes of chicken, meat, fish, vegetables and cereals.

From plums

Peculiarities . The recipe for plum satsebeli sauce in Georgia is usually passed down from generation to generation. The walnuts and seasonings contained in the composition go well with garlic, juicy and sweet fruits. Seasoning is used both warm and hot.

What to prepare:

  • plums - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 100 g;
  • peeled walnuts - 120 g;
  • garlic - 50 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • chili pepper - 30 g;
  • ground pepper - 5 g;
  • curry seasoning - 10 g.

How to do

  1. Grind chili, pitted plums, nuts and garlic cloves with a meat grinder, scrolling twice.
  2. Place the fruit and nut mixture in a thick-bottomed saucepan, salt, sweeten, add spices.
  3. Boil, then boil for half an hour, stirring the mass.
  4. Pour the sauce into sterilized bottles with a wide neck, preserve.

To roll up satsebeli for the winter, at the end of cooking, pour in two or three tablespoons of 9% vinegar and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, boil, then immediately cork the bottles.

From cherry plum

Peculiarities . The recipe for cherry plum satsebeli is tasty and fragrant. Many housewives and family members after tasting forever become his fans. Usually it is served with lamb or pork skewers, rice, spaghetti, khachapuri, even warm pita bread.

What to prepare:

  • cherry plum - 1 kg;
  • cilantro - 50 g;
  • dill - 50 g;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • dried chilli pepper - a quarter of a red pod;
  • salt.

How to do

  1. Pour boiling water over cherry plum, wait five minutes. Drain the water, rub the fruit through a large sieve until puree.
  2. Transfer the fruit mass to a saucepan with a thick bottom, put on fire.
  3. Pour chopped herbs and crushed garlic, cook the rest of the ingredients for a quarter of an hour, stirring.
  4. Sterilize the jars in the oven or steam, pour over the lids with boiling water.
  5. Arrange the hot mass in containers, twist.
  6. Wrap until completely cool, placing on lids.

With walnuts

Peculiarities . With walnuts and broth, satsebeli sauce turns out to be much more satisfying than just with vegetables and fruits. Many people like this recipe because of the thick consistency, spicy taste, spicy cilantro aroma and refreshing mint. Served with meat, poultry dishes, soups.

What to prepare:

  • peeled walnuts - 200 g;
  • garlic - five to six cloves;
  • bulb - one;
  • green cilantro - ten branches;
  • peppermint greens - five branches;
  • ground red pepper - to taste;
  • chicken broth - 200-300 ml;
  • table vinegar - one teaspoon;
  • salt - one teaspoon.

How to do

  1. Finely chop the peeled onion and garlic.
  2. Chop the greens with a knife.
  3. Mix the ingredients in a dish, add walnuts, grind with a blender.
  4. Pepper, salt, dilute with vinegar and cooled chicken broth to the desired consistency.

If the spicy sauce is prepared for a meat or fish dish, meat or fish broth is used for dilution, respectively. The addition of vinegar increases the shelf life of the additive.

With tomato paste

Peculiarities . Georgian satsebeli with tomato paste, adjika and garlic is spicy, appetizing in color and smell. The sauce is thick, but if desired, it is easily diluted with boiled water to the desired consistency.

What to prepare:

  • tomato paste - 150 g;
  • green cilantro - ten branches;
  • garlic - three cloves;
  • boiled water (cold) - 150 ml;
  • hops-suneli - one teaspoon;
  • adjika - one teaspoon;
  • apple cider vinegar - two tablespoons;
  • salt.

How to do

  1. Rinse the garlic, crush with a press.
  2. Chop dried herbs after washing.
  3. Mix both ingredients with adjika, suneli hops, beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. Add pasta and apple cider vinegar, stir.
  5. Pour in water while stirring to obtain the desired density of the sauce.
  6. Salt.

with pomegranate

Peculiarities . Fruit Georgian sauce satsebeli with pomegranate juice turns out to be dark pink, fragrant, refined in taste. It is usually served with pasta, poultry, fish, kebabs and baked meats. The density of the dressing is adjusted by adding or reducing the amount of pomegranate juice during cooking.

What to prepare:

  • large pomegranate - one;
  • peeled and roasted walnuts - 150 g;
  • coriander greens - ten stalks;
  • hot ground red pepper;
  • salt.

How to do

  1. Peel a ripe pomegranate from the peel, wrap with gauze folded in several layers.
  2. Twist the gauze “bag” tightly, squeeze the pomegranate juice into a bowl. It is advisable to squeeze out about 180-200 ml.
  3. Chop coriander greens, mix with roasted walnuts.
  4. Grind in a mortar with a pestle until a fragrant slurry is obtained, salt and pepper.
  5. Pour pomegranate juice in doses (30-40 ml at a time), stirring until a homogeneous thick dressing is obtained.

Pomegranate juice, if desired, can be replaced with grape, blackberry or cherry plum juice, cilantro - parsley or dill. Berry, fruit puree will also help to diversify the taste.

with grapes

Peculiarities . Satsebeli grape sauce at home is easy to prepare. It turns out not too thick, tasty and fragrant, ideally combined with meat dishes. In sterilized jars under iron lids, seasoning is stored all winter.

What to prepare:

  • fleshy tomatoes - 7 kg;
  • red bell pepper - 1.5 kg;
  • seedless green grapes - 1.5 kg;
  • hot red chili - one pod;
  • garlic - three medium heads;
  • cilantro - four large bunches;
  • ground pepper - a pinch (more possible);
  • salt - one and a half teaspoons.

How to do

  1. Pass the prepared vegetables and seedless grapes two or three times through a meat grinder so that there are fewer pieces, transfer to a large thick-bottomed pan.
  2. Boil, cook on low heat for 40 minutes. Stir with a spatula so that it does not burn.
  3. Grind the slightly cooled mass through a sieve or blender.
  4. Remove the cake, pour the sauce back into the pan.
  5. Cook until thick (about two hours).
  6. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, crushed garlic, chopped cilantro.
  7. Arrange in sterilized jars, twist.

Preparation for the winter

Peculiarities . If you want to enjoy a delicious dressing made from fresh vegetables, even in cold weather, you can preserve the aromatic additive. Satsebeli sauce is being prepared for the winter from tomatoes and peppers with the addition of fresh herbs. The hot mass is poured only into dried, pre-sterilized jars of any volume.

What to prepare:

  • red tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • Bulgarian sweet pepper - 1 kg;
  • hot chili - one pod;
  • garlic - one head;
  • parsley - ten branches;
  • dill - ten branches;
  • cilantro - ten branches;
  • ground coriander - one large spoon;
  • sugar and salt - to taste.

How to do

  1. Chop the garlic, set aside for a while, closing the bowl with a lid.
  2. Scroll vegetables and dried herbs through a meat grinder.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a saucepan, boil, keep on fire for 20 minutes, waiting for thickening.
  4. Pour coriander, and after 15 minutes add garlic gruel, salt and sugar.
  5. Boil, turn off the heat, spread in glass containers.
  6. Turn over at night, cover.

To enhance the aroma, tarragon greens and basil are added to the winter preparation. The taste is more saturated if meaty, slightly overripe tomatoes with skins removed are used during cooking.

It is not difficult to prepare satsebeli sauce according to any of the above recipes, having prepared food, jars and kitchen utensils in advance. Store the finished dressing at room conditions in sealed glass containers for no more than three to five days. To increase the shelf life to three to four weeks, placing the jars in the refrigerator or cellar will help.


Satsebeli is a delicious spicy sauce that originated in Georgia. In our country, it is he who is associated with this name. In fact, in Georgia, absolutely all sauces are called this word. That is why there are many options for recipes for its preparation. In most cases, this kind of sauces have a thick consistency with a pronounced sweet and sour taste and aroma of various spices. It is worth considering in detail the most popular recipes for preparing satsebeli for the winter.

Satsebeli sauce can be served with meat, fish, various side dishes and pastries. This is a truly versatile addition that goes well with almost any dish. The nutritional value of the described sauce directly depends on the set of ingredients used. For example, a dish with the addition of nuts, grapes and pomegranates is saturated in large quantities with such useful minerals and substances as phosphorus, iron, B vitamins.

Moreover, in addition to nutrition and usefulness, satsebeli also strengthens the immune system in the fight against various diseases. These include diabetes mellitus, many diseases of the endocrine system, liver, and cardiovascular system.

Most of these beneficial properties are due to the presence of a diverse set of spices and herbs in the composition of the dish. Garlic, onion, cilantro - all this strengthens the immune system.

Preparing the necessary ingredients

The set of ingredients used for the preparation of satsebeli may vary depending on the selected recipe. The dish can be prepared from:

  • tomatoes;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • red hot pepper;
  • cherry plums;
  • nuts;
  • grapes.

As spices, spices and herbs can be used:

  • garlic;
  • coriander;
  • salt;
  • cilantro;
  • dill;
  • parsley.

Such a number of variations of the described dish, as already mentioned, is due to the fact that in the homeland of the sauce - in Georgia - the word "satsebeli" refers to all sauces. That is why in Russia there are many recipes for its preparation.

Homemade Sauce Options

It is worth dwelling in detail on the most popular recipes for making satsebeli sauce at home. In the information below, the following variations of the described dish will be considered:

  • classical;
  • from tomatoes;
  • with the addition of cherry plum;
  • from nuts;
  • with red currant;
  • from grapes;
  • with the addition of dogwood.

To prepare and further preserve the satsebeli sauce according to the classic recipe, you will need:

  • tomatoes;
  • sugar;
  • sweet peppers;
  • coriander;
  • hot peppers;
  • garlic;
  • greens (dill, parsley).

  1. Initially, you need to scald the tomatoes with boiling water. To do this, it is enough to put them in boiling water for 20-30 seconds. Then you need to get them and peel them.
  2. Pepper should be cut into small pieces, after clearing the fruit from seeds.
  3. Prepared vegetables should be mixed until smooth in a blender, then add pre-crushed garlic cloves to the resulting slurry.
  4. The resulting mass should be boiled over low heat for 30-40 minutes. To do this, it is best to use dishes with thick walls.
  5. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, greens and spices should be added to the dish to taste.

From a tomato

Tomato satsebeli is prepared in almost exactly the same way as the classic one, with the only exception that this version of the sauce uses little sweet pepper. As a result, to give the satsebeli a mild taste, additional sugar should be added.

Almost any spices and herbs can be used to add flavor to a dish. In most cases, onions, garlic, dill and parsley are added.

With the addition of cherry plum

To prepare satsebeli with the addition of cherry plum (plum) you will need:

  • pre-cooked plum puree;
  • sweet and hot peppers;
  • garlic;
  • adjika (can be used both dry and in the form of a sauce);
  • salt and spices to taste.

Cherry plum puree is prepared as follows: the berries are thoroughly washed, after which they are placed in boiling water for several minutes. After boiling for five to seven minutes, the skins are removed from the berries. Then they are ground with a blender to a state of homogeneous mass.

After preparing the plum puree, you need to proceed directly to the preparation of cherry plum satsebeli, which is also often called tkemali. This is done in the following way:

  • sweet and hot peppers are ground with a blender;
  • the resulting slurry is dismounted from mashed potatoes and boiled over low heat for forty minutes;
  • five to ten minutes before readiness, pre-ground garlic and onions are added to the sauce, after which spices and spices are added to the sauce to taste.

Recipe with nuts

Unlike the recipes described above, when preparing a dish of nuts, the main ones are not tomatoes and peppers, but tomato paste. The remaining ingredients are listed below:

  • hot chili pepper;
  • garlic;
  • walnuts;
  • cilantro;
  • a collection of spices hops-suneli;
  • vinegar;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

Ideally, you want to use the thickest tomato paste. It is diluted with water and mixed with table vinegar. The resulting mass is mixed with a pre-prepared slurry of garlic, pepper and cilantro.

The mixture is cooked over low heat for an hour. A couple of minutes before readiness, ground walnuts, salt and sugar are added to the dish.

There are alternative versions of this recipe that use lemon juice instead of vinegar.

grape sauce

Satsebeli can be made from grapes. For cooking, you need to use slightly unripe green fruits. The recipe looks like this:

  • juice is squeezed out of grapes;
  • the juice, along with the fruits, is kept in a water bath for half an hour;
  • then the mixture is salted to taste (with a pronounced acid, sugar can be added to soften);
  • the next step is to strain the mixture and pour the resulting liquid into jars or bottles.

In this form, the sauce can be stored for quite a long period of time. Before use, ground walnuts and garlic are added to grape satsebeli. Another option is to serve these ingredients along with the dish.

With the addition of greens and dogwood

To cook dogwood satsebeli you will need:

  • dogwood berries;
  • herbs (cilantro, mint, parsley);
  • hot chili pepper;
  • garlic;
  • seasoning hops-suneli;
  • wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • olive oil;
  • salt and sugar to taste.

For cooking, you need to choose large, fully ripe berries. They are steamed in boiling water until soft, after which they are mixed with pepper, garlic and herbs ground in a blender. The resulting mass is filtered through a sieve. Oil, salt and sugar are added to it. If the consistency of the cooked dish seems too thick, then it can be diluted with water to a “sour cream” consistency.

Preparation of satsebeli from red currant is exactly the same as cooking dogwood sauce. The difference is that the berries do not need to be ground or boiled beforehand. They are mixed with pepper and garlic and boiled over medium heat.

The remaining spices and herbs are added after the dish is fully cooked. They are combined with a still hot sauce. After the dish, you need to pour into jars or other containers and leave to cool at room temperature.


In order to prepare a real Georgian satsebeli step by step, you need to follow the instructions below. The main ingredients for the sauce are tomato paste and cilantro.

  1. Rinse the cilantro thoroughly and cut into small pieces.
  2. Then it is mixed with garlic, herbs, black hot pepper and other seasonings (hops-suneli, salt).
  3. The resulting slurry is mixed with preheated tomato paste.
  4. The mixture is diluted with water. The amount of water used depends on the desired consistency of the dish.

How to save blanks

Regardless of the recipe used for preparing satsebeli, the resulting dish can be preserved and sent to the cellar or basement for the winter. To do this, you need to pour the sauce that has not yet cooled down after cooking into pre-sterilized tanks or bottles and roll them up hermetically with lids.

To increase the possible shelf life of the dish, add a tablespoon of ordinary vinegar to the jars. The main thing - in no case should you artificially cool the jars in the refrigerator or in any other way. They should cool down on their own at room temperature. After that, the workpiece can be placed in the basement or cellar for storage.
