
Holiday baking: cake pops and cake balls (Cake Pops and Cake balls). New Year's cake pops "Petushki"

Cake pops are a sweet treat originally from America, which today has gained popularity all over the world. Everyone who has tried this delicious biscuit ball will want to taste it again.

In our article you will get acquainted with the details of the creation of this modern sweet. You will also learn how to make bright and beautiful cake pops at home.

Children will definitely be delighted with such unusual cakes!

It is worth starting, most likely, with the simplest recipes for preparing these sweet balls. Here are three main recipes - my favorite. Mmm…

What will you need?

In advance, you need to prepare the cake, icing, White chocolate and sticks.

How to cook?

Crumble your shortbread small pieces down to the crumbs.
Now add three spoons to the bowl with chopped cake chocolate icing. If someone does not know how to make icing, then I will say that it is very easy: you just need to melt a few pieces of chocolate over a fire.

After mixing the pieces of leather and glaze, you should get a mixture that is not very loose and not too wet.
After that big spoon grab a ball of this mixture, make a ball out of it perfect shape and carefully place on a flat, clean surface.

Thus, from the whole mixture you will make several balls.
You will need to insert a special stick for cake pops into each ball.

Then melt the white chocolate and, holding the stick, dip the ball into it. Let the excess chocolate icing drip down and put our cake pop blank in the refrigerator for no more than half an hour.

a) dip in white melted chocolate; b) we get balls in chocolate

Now we move on to the fun part: how to decorate cake pops? You can sprinkle it with grated chocolate, nuts, powder and everything that is in the house. When you have completed the decorating phase, the cake pop sticks will need to be firmly stuck into a piece of Styrofoam, for example, and placed in freezer until the top layer is completely frozen.

rainbow cake pop recipe

What will you need? Colored cake, cheese creamy variety, white chocolate, nuts, sticks.

How to make these cake pops:

  1. Grind your cake, for brightness, you can even drop a few drops of food coloring of your favorite color.
  2. Mix the mixture with cheese, decorate the balls and put them in a cold place for an hour.
  3. Insert the sticks into the resulting balls, and then dip them into the melted chocolate. Also let the excess chocolate icing drip off and decorate the cake pops with grated nuts.
  4. Put your culinary miracle in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

What will be needed? Cake base, white chocolate for icing, raspberry jam, dark chocolate, sticks.

How to cook?

Crumble the cake to get crumbs, mix the crumbs with chocolate icing.
Add raspberry jam to the resulting mixture and mix well.
Form balls from the mixture, insert sticks into them and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to cool.
After that, holding the stick, dip the balls into melted dark chocolate and decorate according to the call of the heart.
Place in the freezer until the top layer has set.

This is the American analogue of our large cakes. Simply put, it's a mini cake on a stick. In America, for example, not a single holiday is possible without cake pops. Their taste and bright appearance will not leave aside either adults or children. Those who saw cake pops for the first time are always surprised: how can you cook such beauty, let alone eat it?!

The very idea of ​​​​creating delicious balls with various decorations was invented by Angie Dudley, a confectioner who has her own culinary blog. Since 2008, everyone without exception liked her idea, although at first the public did not appreciate Angie's idea.

Why is cake pop good as a holiday treat?

Firstly, it's unique - everyone has seen chic cakes, but few have seen tiny cakes on sticks!

Secondly, very beautiful: the appearance is limited only by the author's imagination, and any woman can make cake pops at home, this is not for you to bake cakes.

a) New Year's cake pops; b) wedding cake pops

Third, cake pops are also popular because they do not stain dishes. If the cake should be served to everyone on plates, after it there are always crumbs and half-eaten pieces, then it is enough to bite off the cakes a couple of times - and there is nothing left except for the stick!

And fourthly, even the most capricious child will be delighted at the sight of this amazing delicacy!

Today you have the opportunity to join the culinary secrets of making cake pops at home.

How to decorate cake pops?

Today, there are countless options for decorating delicious balls. In addition, the beauty of your creations depends entirely on your imagination, so decorating sweets on sticks must be approached with all responsibility.

What can be used to decorate cake pops?

  • Confectionery dressing of various forms;
  • Puffed rice;
  • Chocolate drawings;
  • Crumb biscuits, wafers;
  • Grated nuts;
  • Small figurines made of marmalade, chocolate;
  • Powdered sugar;
  • Special edible stickers with words, etc.

Cake pops - no-bake recipes

What is the reason for the success of this delicacy in humans? It's not just that cake pops are delicious and look amazing, important for our hostesses, it also has the fact that they do not need to be baked, fried, steamed, etc.

Sweet treat can be made in any desired shape

Yes, the recipe for making cake pops is a no-bake recipe! The hostess only has to pick up the ready-made ingredients, mix them or chop them and - a chic dessert is ready!

Cake pops are used not only at children's parties. But even at solid evenings, weddings, anniversaries, adult guests are also happy to see these amazing sweets.

In addition, a mixture of biscuit and icing makes it possible to make cake pops not only in the form of a ball, but also in any other. For example, ahead of new year holidays- in the form of Christmas trees and snowmen, for a wedding - in the form of doves or a pair (groom + bride). Again, everything is limited only by the imagination of the author!

Cake pops - video recipe

Recipes with photos of cake pops are available on many women's cooking sites. In all the details during the master classes on the preparation of this sweet, you will be told about the nuances of this business. You can also buy sticks for sweet balls in online stores or in the confectionery departments of large stores. Now in large cities you can even buy cake pops to order. Professional culinary specialists will make cake pops of any kind and in any quantity for your event.

Cake pops have become a very popular treat. Still would! "Cakes on a stick" look beautiful and unusual and win more and more adult and especially children's hearts :))
I share simple recipes for cake pops for a delicious and bright result!

Biscuit Ingredients:
(on the form d. 18-20 cm)
- 4 yolks
- 4 proteins
- 100 g flour
- 150 g sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar

I duplicate the text of the recipe so that it is convenient to print it

Biscuit Ingredients:
(on the form d. 18-20 cm)
- 4 yolks
- 4 proteins
- 100 g flour
- 150 g sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar

1. Mix the yolks with half the sugar.
2. Beat the whites with the remaining sugar and vanilla sugar to a dense foam.
3. Introduce half of the proteins into the yolk mass.
4. Pour in all the flour, mix thoroughly.
5. Mix the remaining proteins into the resulting mass.
6. Cover the baking dish with baking paper or grease with butter. Bake the cake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. Toward the end of baking, the temperature can be reduced.
7. Remove the finished biscuit from the mold and cool completely.

Ingredients for the "biscuit mass" and decorations on the example of cake pops with condensed milk:
- 250 g condensed milk
- 220 g chocolate
- sugar sprinkle

8. Crumble the biscuit with your hands or chop with a blender.
9. Add 250 g of condensed milk as a filling. Mix.
10. Use a spoon to measure right amount biscuit and say by hand ball. Put the balls in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
11. Melt 20 g of chocolate. Tip wooden skewer Dip in chocolate and stick in the center of the ball. Leave the balls in the refrigerator for another 15 minutes.
12. Melt 200 g of chocolate. Dip each ball into melted chocolate, letting excess drip off.
13. While the chocolate is not frozen, decorate cake pops s multi-colored sugar sprinkles.
14. Fix the pop cake in a vertical position and leave for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

...And options for cake pops :)

1. With condensed milk
As a filling, add 250 g of condensed milk to the crushed biscuit. Glaze cake pops with dark or milk chocolate and decorate with multi-colored sugar sprinkles.

2. With fruit yogurt
Mix the crushed biscuit with 200-250 ml of fatty fruit yogurt. dip cake pops into melted white chocolate and garnish with sugar sprinkles.

3. Chocolate with hazelnuts
Add 300-350 to crushed biscuit chocolate hazelnut paste. To stir thoroughly. Glaze cake pops with dark or milk chocolate and crushed hazelnuts.

4. Coconut
Grind the finished biscuit and mix with 200-250 g of whipped butter. Add 2-5 tablespoons of sugar to taste. Dip cake pops in melted white chocolate and sprinkle evenly with coconut flakes.

5. With mascarpone
Mix the crushed biscuit with 200-250 g of mascarpone. Cover pop cake with melted dark chocolate and garnish with strips of melted white chocolate.

6. Strawberry
Add 200-250 g to the crumbled biscuit strawberry jam, mix. Cover the pop cake with melted white chocolate and crushed candy crumbs.

7. With pistachios
Mix the crushed biscuit with 150-200 ml of cognac or rum. Glaze cake pops with dark chocolate and crushed pistachios.

8. With cinnamon and honey
Crumble the biscuit and mix with 200-250 g of honey, 2 tsp. cinnamon and a handful of chopped walnuts. Cover the pop cake with melted white chocolate and decorate with sugar sprinkles.


Images: publication in the magazine "Prosto&Vkusno" No. 1 (33).

Not everyone has come across the name "cake pops", even if we are talking about professional confectioners. However, this sweet treat is suitable for holiday tables like nothing else. Recipe cake pops very simple.

Nowadays, not a single celebration is complete without the so-called "sweet table", completely dotted with all sorts of goodies. Cakes, pastries, sweets and cookies - all this is an essential attribute of any well-organized holiday: from a children's party to a magnificent wedding or corporate event in a large firm. Most organizers tend to think: “you should not touch what works well” - this means that they are adherents of the classic dessert menu and prefer not to make any changes to it.

To some extent, this position justifies itself - after all, what can be tastier than that or a cake chocolate biscuit. However, many people forget that sweets attract people primarily with their appearance. For example, in a store, after all, no one comes up and takes cupcakes directly from the display case in order to taste each one and choose the best option, in a restaurant, visitors also initially get acquainted with the name and look of the dish using the menu, and only then do order and enjoy your meal. In this regard, an ordinary cake, no matter how tasty it may be, is unlikely to surprise anyone. But if you give it unusual shape, and even strung on a stick, like a lollipop - the situation is changing radically, and it will be very problematic not to pay attention to such a delicacy, even with all the desire. And this sweet delicacy has a very exotic name - cake pops.

Cake pops: what is it and how to eat it

Hearing this name, most of the inhabitants, in best case, scratches his finger at his temple in bewilderment - they are quite rare on sale. Needless to say, an uninitiated person will be able to associate it with cooking only thanks to the prefix "cake" familiar to almost everyone, which literally means "cake" or "cake" in English. Indeed, the idea of ​​cooking chocolate lollipops relatively fresh, and belongs, oddly enough, not to the confectioner himself, thanks to whose efforts cake pops first saw the light, but to the popular foreign blogger Angie Dudley. In 2008, in one of the posts in in social networks she offered new concept visual design of sweets, while leaving the recipe almost unchanged. The idea was accepted by readers with a bang and received a fairly wide distribution around the world.

Returning to the question of what is cake pops, it can really be called a chocolate cake on a stick covered with icing. However, this is only a classic version of its preparation - what will be the filling and coating depends solely on who will be cooking. An interesting form factor of this confectionery, which most of all resembles the famous Chupa-Chups candy, makes it not only original, but even exclusive in its own way.

What are cake pops - types of unusual treats

If we talk about the shape of cake pops, then there is no need to limit ourselves to a round one - this is just a standard look for a product that is easiest to attach to it. How the sweetness will look like in the final version depends solely on the customer’s imagination and the skill of the confectioner: for example, these can be miniature figurines or animal figurines, and from several cake pops made in the form of numbers or letters, you can make a whole inscription that would be very relevant for congratulations. If sweets will decorate wedding table as a dessert, you can make two cake pops in the form of a bride and groom. For a banquet on the occasion of the anniversary, two such products in the form of numbers are suitable, which will indicate the age of the birthday person. Well, for children, such treats can be made in the form of their favorite cartoon characters or comic book characters. By the way, such sweets will be called accordingly - “molded”, which means “formed” in translation. In culinary terminology, they are usually divided into:

  • Baked ("baked") - cake pops of an ordinary spherical shape, which is attached to them with the help of kitchen equipment.
  • Chopped ("cut") - to give original look For such products, it is customary to use cut-out molds for baking.

As for cooking recipes, here cake pops are divided into the following types:

  • Traditional ("traditional") - cakes made with cream and biscuit crumbs.
  • Cereals ("cereal") - very unusual option, requiring unusual ingredients: for its preparation are used puffed rice and marshmallow - a mixture of sugar, gelatin diluted in water, syrup and glucose.
  • In the form of cookies ("cookies") - the most ordinary cookies are placed on a stick, before its consistency becomes hard, and its surface is decorated with powder, icing and other goodies.

How to cook cake pops: various recipes and required ingredients

Do not be afraid of the newfangled name and bizarre, at first glance, form - cake pops are prepared almost as easily as the word is pronounced. This regular pastries, which anyone can cope with cooking - for this you do not need to have special culinary talents, it is enough to stock up on the necessary products, time and patience.

Classic recipe

For cooking you will need:


  • chicken eggs (from 5 pieces, raw);
  • flour (up to 250 g);
  • condensed milk (80-120 ml);
  • baking powder (2-3 teaspoons);
  • icing or melted chocolate;
  • powders and other decorative confectionery items (coconut chips, chopped nuts)


The cooking process itself is as follows: Eggs (without shells) are placed in one container and sugar is poured - these ingredients must be turned into a mixture by whipping. Then you need to do the same, but with the addition of flour. Place the resulting dough in a baking dish and place in the oven for 30 minutes. As soon as the biscuit has cooled, it will need to be crushed - the easiest way to do this is with a blender. Condensed milk will need to be added to the resulting consistency until the biscuit turns into a plastic mass. Further, from what happened, you can sculpt balls. To keep them on a stick, their diameter should not exceed 3-5 cm, in other words, it is better to make them the size of Walnut or plum.

When all the sweets are molded, they will need to be put in the freezer for a while (up to 30 minutes) to allow them to harden. Now each ball can be fixed on a stick, having previously lubricated the tip on which it will be strung with chocolate to ensure a strong attachment. Finally, in melted chocolate you can gently coat the surface of the balls themselves, and then cover it with powder.

Cooking is almost identical to the classic version, except that instead of ordinary chocolate, pre-melt to liquid state will have to be white. To make things easier for yourself, you can use ready-made semi-finished products so as not to knead the dough. As such, you can use an ordinary flour muffin or a chocolate muffin.



The cooking process is similar to that described earlier (when using a ready-made biscuit, the dough preparation process is not taken into account): plastic mass from the whipped muffin, mixed with the rest of the ingredients, balls are molded and covered with white chocolate on top. Also, to give the cake more exquisite aroma at the stage of preparing a biscuit, you can additionally use cream cheese and jam.

Video: white chocolate cake pops - composition and preparation:

There are two options for preparing such cakes (cherries will be mentioned as an example for the filling):



The berry is placed inside the cake pops at the stage when it is necessary to sculpt balls from the resulting mixture. Each cupcake is carefully cut into two parts, after which one or more wines are placed in the middle of one of them. Then the halves are reconnected, and the balls are placed in the refrigerator to harden. You can add cherry syrup directly to the dough while kneading it - the effect will be no worse than from real berries. If the dish will be served to an adult audience, liquor can also be used as an analogue of syrup. In the same way, any other berry or fruit slices can be used instead of cherries. Raspberry is very popular as a filling for cake pops - its rich and bright aroma It goes well with both icing and all types of chocolate.

Chocolate cake pops

Such an exquisite-looking delicacy can not only be covered with chocolate on the outside, but also have the appropriate taste.


  • biscuit cooked;
  • cocoa powder;
  • chocolate or chocolate icing


The principle of preparing the filling is not too different from the version with berries, which uses syrup - only in the case of chocolate cake pops, instead of it, you will need to add crushed cocoa powder to the dough or just chocolate chips obtained with a grater.

Video: how to cook chocolate cake pops - cooking tips:

By the way, it’s better to decorate such pastries with just the same filling that contrasts in taste with chocolate - a sprinkle of nuts or waffles is suitable for this. To give original appearance instead of chocolate, such cake pops can be covered with icing, choosing the right color for it.

To make delicious cake pops, you don’t have to mess around with kneading the dough at all - you can go the simpler way using other ingredients and a slightly different cooking method:


  • ordinary cookies (one pack will be enough);
  • whipped cream;
  • flavored sauces;
  • condensed milk


The biscuits are crushed or mixed in a blender until a crumbly mixture is formed. For thickening, you can use whipped cream, flavored sauces, condensed milk, or even thick sour cream. Just as in the case with classic version, balls are molded from the resulting consistency and placed in the freezer to cool, after which they are coated.

Cake pops as a New Year's treat

New Year is one of the brightest holidays that was, remains and will be such at all times and for all categories of people, regardless of gender and age. On this day, it is customary to pleasantly surprise relatives and friends - and a delicious and originally designed cake pop is the best fit for this. And if the taste in this case will depend solely on the culinary skills of the person who will be baking, then for decoration you can show a bit of imagination in order to fully convey the festive atmosphere.

The first and most common option is New Year's patterns. They are made very simply: on top of the chocolate that covers the surface of the balls, with the help of white icing, drawings of snowflakes or fairy-tale characters of the corresponding theme are applied. And there are a great many such examples, the originality of the final version depends solely on the chef.

The second method is no less original - with its help, each cake pop can be turned into a small snowy mound. To do this, you just need to sprinkle it on top with crushed chips resembling snowflakes. You can use multi-colored sprinkles to give brightness and a "star" effect.

Cake pops can be immediately made in the form of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Christmas deer, snowmen, etc. So they can become not only a hearty treat, but also a real decoration of the New Year's table.

Various options for decorating cake pops

In fact, force this treat looking unique is much easier than it might seem at first glance. In addition to this, you can also diversify taste properties, slightly changing the ingredient set used for coating. After all, be guided standard recipes down to the smallest detail is not necessary at all - for example, instead of nuts and coconut flakes you can use crushed candies or finely chopped pieces of berries and fruits.

Many ordinary cakes and pastries use fruit slices, berries and icing swirls on top of the cake as a decorative element. For cake pops, this idea is just as relevant - the main thing, at the same time, is to place the “decoration” on the surface before the delicacy completely hardens.

Do not forget about the form factor - after all, cake pops can be made in the form of anything, for which there is only much imagination.

Cake pops cannot be called a new word in the culinary world or some special delicacy - it is almost the same as the more familiar cakes, pastries and cookies. However, thanks to interesting design and the idea of ​​attaching them to a stick managed to separate them into a separate segment of sweet treats.

These delicacies are suitable for any holiday and will be able to please all lovers of sweets. Well, anyone who has the corresponding desire and stocked up will cope with cooking. necessary products. All this proves once again that master recipe cake pops consist of only two "ingredients", which, as a rule, are not customary to mix with each other - simplicity and originality.

Video: how to cook cake pops:

(2 people already rated)

You may have come across funny beautiful cakes on a stick, but do not know what it is and how to cook, then this article is for you.

Now it is very fashionable to order cake pops for various holidays and events.

When I first saw the cake pops - so funny colorful balls on a stick, I just fell in love with them at first sight =). And when I cooked them, my love doubled, because they are very tasty.

Such a dessert will appeal not only to children, but adults will not remain indifferent, I know this for sure.

Cake pops are a dessert originally from America, which is now gaining more and more popularity around the world. Cake-pops did not bypass our country either. Now many pastry chefs offer cake pops as a substitute for cakes. They are ordered for children's and adult birthdays, weddings and other events. Serving keypops is a separate art. They create towers from them, decorate cakes with them, serve them on beautifully designed stands and trays.

The composition of cake pops is very diverse and depends on your preferences and imagination. It can be just glazed biscuit balls, it can also be a biscuit with filling, or any of your favorite cookies + filling.
Toppings for cake pops can be varied. It can be jam, jam, cream cheese (mascarpone, Philadelphia), condensed milk, chocolate, chocolate paste, etc.

Cake Pops are essentially cakes, only on a stick. They have all sorts of shapes, and decorating them is a pleasure. A wide variety of ideas can come up with both filling and decoration.

So, I offer you the basic recipes for making cake pops.

1. Most quick recipe Cake Pops is a pops cake made from your favorite filled cookies.

Cake pops with OREO cookies and Nutella chocolate spread.

Believe me, it is very tasty, even the name of the ingredients speaks for itself. Although for such cake pops you can use absolutely any cookie and choose any filling.

So, for cake pops you will need:

Cookies - 20 pcs.

Nutella - 2 tablespoons

Chocolate icing for decoration - 200 gr.

1. All you need to do is crush the cookies with a blender into crumbs, then add nutella. Thoroughly mix the mass until smooth. The mass should be sticky and not fall apart. From this mass, roll up small balls, 4 cm in diameter. As a result, you should get 8-9 cake pops.

2. Melt some chocolate. Dip each stick in chocolate and place each ball on the stick. Leave them for 15 minutes in the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens and the balls stay firmly on the stick.

3. Melt the chocolate or icing until smooth in a water bath. Cover each cake pop completely with icing and decorate as you wish. The easiest way is to sprinkle the cake pops with colorful sprinkles.

2. Cake pops from biscuit with filling.

The process of making cake pops from the finished biscuit is very similar to the previous one, you need to grind the biscuit in a blender. The biscuit can be completely different: plain vanilla, chocolate or with the addition of food coloring(You can make a red velvet biscuit or any other color.

You will need:

For the biscuit:

Eggs - 3 pcs.

Sugar - 5 tbsp.

Baking powder - 1 tsp

Flour - 3 tbsp.

Chocolate for decoration and filling.

Beat eggs with sugar, add baking powder and flour and knead a homogeneous dough. The dough will be liquid. Grease the detachable form with butter, pour the dough and bake for 25 minutes over medium heat in a preheated oven. Cool the finished biscuit and grind it with a blender, and then proceed as described in the first method.

3. Baked cake pops. Recipe for silicone mold or electric mold.

if you have Silicone molds For cake pops, try making backed cakepops. To prepare them you need:

Butter - 150 gr.

Eggs - 3 pcs.

Sugar - 1 cup.

Baking powder - 1 tsp

Milk ½ cup.

Flour 8 tbsp

Butter room temperature beat with sugar. The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. Beat in the eggs one at a time, mixing well each time. Then add flour to the dough and loosen, stir. you will succeed thick dough. Then add milk and stir well again. The dough will be a little runny.

Pour the dough with pastry bag or spoon into shape. Bake the balls for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.

Cool the finished balls. Now repeat steps 2 and 3 from the first method. Enjoy.

Photos of keypops and design options.

Recipes for delicious cakes

cake pops

1 hour

470 kcal

5 /5 (9 )

Surely everyone who heard the name "cake pops" for the first time wondered: what is it? If translated literally, it would be « small cake on a stick". There are many ways to prepare this delicacy. I'll tell you how it's done in my family.

Cake pops - favorite treat my kids. No weekend is complete without them. And we cook with the whole family except for dad. He prefers to watch this action from the side.

Any mother wants to surprise her child with something new, original, easy to prepare, and most importantly, delicious.

I'll tell you how to cook cake pops my way simple recipe with photo step by step for your children. Even if you have never made desserts, these lollipop treats will turn out without any problems, because they are very easy to prepare.

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, mixer, baking dish, spatula, sticks for cake pops.

Required Products

Before you make cake pops at home, you need to stock up necessary ingredients. We will need:

History of cake pops

gifted confectioner Angie Dudley created a cake on a stick, similar to a lollipop, poured with icing. Officially recognized cake pops in 2008. New dessert greeted with dismay. But soon, when Angie posted the first photos of her work on her website, the idea of ​​lollipops from dough was appreciated and people began to ask for a recipe for an unusual dessert.

But it cannot be argued that none of the confectioners had previously made such balls. Many pastry shops sold similar popcakes, only without a stick.

They appeared due to the fact that cooks got rid of the remnants of cooked biscuits by mixing the remaining pieces with cream and giving them a round shape.

Real gourmets love desserts that contain one ingredient that only a wealthy client can afford. That ingredient is a diamond! It is used for decoration and is used as a marking of the elite of the dessert.

How to make cake pops at home

First, I'll show you how to make a cake pop biscuit at home.

Queen Marie Antoinette of France is credited with the phrase: "If they have no bread, let them eat cakes!"

Stage 1 Ingredients:

  • Eggs- 2 pcs.;
  • Sugar- 150 g;

To prepare a chocolate biscuit, you need to break the eggs, add sugar to them and beat with a mixer. I do it at the highest speed.

Step 2 Ingredients:

  • Flour- 100 g;
  • Cocoa- 3 tsp;
  • Baking powder- 1 tsp;
  • Soda- at the tip of a knife.

Now take the flour and sift it. Add cocoa, baking powder and soda, mix and pour into beaten eggs with sugar.
You can mix with a spatula. But I do it with a mixer at low speed. This makes it much faster.

We spread the dough in a greased form and send it to the oven, heated to 150 ° C.
Bake the biscuit until done. It only takes me 10-12 minutes to do this.

Ready biscuit must be allowed to cool. It usually takes about half an hour.

We take out the cooled biscuit from the mold and begin to crumble it.

Step 3 Ingredients:

  • Soft butter- 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Boiled condensed milk- 2.5 tbsp. l.

Now let's prepare the cream. It can be made by anyone using an oil base. My family loves the cream boiled condensed milk.

Pour soft into a bowl. butter and boiled condensed milk. Beat the ingredients at high speed mixer.

Ready cream Add one tablespoon at a time to the biscuit crumbs and mix. The amount of cream depends on the moisture content of the biscuit.
The main thing is to get a mass that will be well molded. I usually take two tablespoons of cream.

For each popcake you need 25 g of biscuit mass. On average, I get 10 pieces of cakes on a stick from the whole mass.
Divide biscuit mass into pieces and make a round shape for future cake pops. IN ready-made balls you need to insert sticks for cake pops, dipping the edge of each into melted chocolate.
This is done to form the sides with which the finished cake pops will stick on a stick.

The resulting balls with sticks are sent to the refrigerator. You can leave them there all night. But two hours will be enough.

Icing recipe for cake pops

Now the balls need to be covered with icing.

In my case, the preparation of icing for cake pops special recipe does not require.

Glaze Ingredients:

  • Chocolate white- 175 g;
  • Glaze white- 200 g.

Melt the chocolate in the microwave on defrost mode. The main thing is not to overdo it in order to avoid the appearance of lumps.

To cover the cake pops, the temperature of the chocolate should be around 35°C.

We take the cake pops by the stick and dip it into the melted chocolate. Shake off excess chocolate gently.

And the second option for my decoration of popcakes is the use of icing in sweets. It needs to be melted just like chocolate. And do the same, dipping each ball on a stick into the icing.

How to decorate and serve cake pops beautifully

You can decorate popcakes using different toppings, colored sugar, small figures. What holiday are you preparing for? sweet dessert. New Year's cake pops can be molded in the shape of a Christmas tree or a snowman. It all depends on your imagination.

Cake pops for Halloween can be made in the shape of a pumpkin or scary muzzles. You need to decorate before the icing or chocolate has had time to harden.

Serve dessert on a plate or in a glass. Such beauty will not leave anyone indifferent.

Now you know how to make cake pops at home. But remember a few more simple tips and recommendations:

  1. You can crumble a biscuit for popcakes into very small crumbs, similar to breadcrumbs. The biscuit immediately needs to be broken into pieces, let it dry and then crumble. But remember that small crumbs require more cream.
  2. When shaping cakes on a stick, try to make it perfectly even, without cracks. The smoother the shape, the better the glaze will lay down.
  3. In the refrigerator, ready-made popcakes should be placed on a stand. To do this, you can use polystyrene foam, a loaf, a jar with a loose mixture.
  4. Form for dessert can be any. You can cut out any molds from the finished base for the cake. Or immediately bake the dough in the form of some figures.
  5. Invitation to discuss mini-dessert and possible improvements

    Very interested in your opinion. Perhaps you have suggestions for improving the recipe. Or is there original tips on the design of popcakes, leave your comments.
