
Useful puffed rice. Rice, the benefits and harms of the product for the body

Rice has unique nutritional qualities, it is the most popular product in the East.

In many ways, the benefit or harm of this cereal depends on the type and degree of processing.

Beneficial features

Rice provides the body with energy and helps to increase muscle mass. The vitamins contained in it (groups B and PP) have a positive effect on digestion. The ability to envelop the gastric wall with a shell allows the use of rice by patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer.

He has the ability to remove toxic substances from the body during intoxication. The absence of salts in it does not harm when consumed by people with kidney disease.

High levels of neurotransmitters (especially in brown rice) prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. It has an antioxidant effect, reduces cholesterol levels and has a strengthening effect on the nervous system.

quickly relieves the feeling of hunger due to the complex carbohydrates it contains. Unpolished rice (one that is less processed) is considered more valuable. It manages to retain more B vitamins, which almost do not remain in polished. Regular consumption of rice stimulates male potency.

Benefits of using rice:

  • with damage to the intestines by an inflammatory process, rice water has an enveloping effect;
  • removes toxins;
  • the contained potassium strengthens the heart muscle;
  • has a slight diuretic effect, helps to remove excess fluid, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels;
  • improves metabolic processes in nervous tissues due to tryptophan, lecithin;
  • normalizes brain function, prevents Parkinson's disease, senile dementia;
  • rice water helps to remove sputum from the lungs, it is recommended for bronchial asthma;
  • at, alleviates the condition, has an antipyretic, diaphoretic effect.

Benefits of eating brown rice:

  • lowers acidity, improves digestion;
  • prevents development;
  • regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, blood cholesterol levels;
  • improves the activity of the endocrine system;
  • removes toxins, radionuclides;
  • cleanses the vessels.

Nutritional value and calories

Nutritional value of 100 g, (g):

The calorie content of the dry product is 303 kcal per 100 g.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

There are no contraindications for the use of rice. In case of individual intolerance to the product, you should stop using it.

Rice contains a lot of starch, which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. With excessive use, it is possible to worsen the activity of the intestines, the appearance of constipation. With the existing tendency to constipation, cracks in the large intestine, hemorrhoids may appear.

People with diabetes are advised to eat brown rice instead of white rice, the glycemic index of which is lower.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Rice is used in folk medicine as a means to improve sleep, to eliminate bad breath from the mouth, to restore appetite after a long illness, to increase lactation in lactating women.

The problem that. decides Mode of application
Fever with colds Pour a glass of rice with water (7 stacks), add mint (1 tablespoon), boil. Add chopped onion, drink the resulting broth every 2 hours, 1/3 stack.
Salt deposits Eat on an empty stomach daily 2 tbsp. l. dry rice, chewing thoroughly.
Obesity Cook 100 g of rice, divide it into several stages. Eat with pineapple or apple juice (no sugar).
Excess weight Placed in a liter jar 4 tbsp. l. long grain rice and 15 pcs. seedless raisins. Dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. sugar and add to a jar of rice. Cover with gauze, leave in a dark place for 2 days. The resulting infusion is filtered, the raisins are thrown away, the rice is washed and again filled with water. Drink daily ½ stack. before meals 20 min.
Obesity A glass of brown rice is thoroughly washed, water (1:5) is added, put on a slow fire, boiled for 35 minutes. without cover.
Diseases of the digestive system Brown rice is boiled for 1.5 hours, cream is squeezed out of the resulting slurry. After its use, strength returns to the seriously ill.

Eat rice for weight loss should be without the addition of salt, sugar, butter, sauces.

Brown and unpolished rice helps to get the desired result faster.

Puffed rice is a delicacy suitable not only for adherents of proper nutrition, but also for those who are forced to follow a diet for medical reasons. According to various sources, this "snack" is considered Thai, although other people say that puffed rice is an Indian delicacy.

Children love sweet rice, while adults prefer salty rice, depending on what exactly they consume it with. And of course, like all products, puffed rice has both benefits and harms.

  • Mastery Secrets
  • Is there any harm?
  • Thai sweet rice
  • Reviews and comments

Mastery Secrets

Cooking puffed rice does not require special efforts and skills, but this process cannot be called very simple, despite the apparent primitiveness of the recipes. However, amateurs argue that making puffed rice at home is more valuable, since the product is guaranteed to be “clean” and healthy, and in addition, it has a pronounced taste.

You yourself can check the veracity of these assurances by trying to compare the purchased product with what you cook yourself. We almost guarantee you that the second will be richer, denser and crunchier than the first. Probably because the technology of production and home cooking has clear differences.

So, how is puffed rice made, and what are the “pros and cons” of this delicacy?

How and to whom is puffed rice useful?

It would seem that if this delicacy is offered even to diabetics in the form of bread, what danger can lurk in its consumption? However, it still exists! And you should be aware of this, referring to the recipes for the preparation of a very unusual, so to speak, exotic product.

But first, we will consider its benefits, because it is in it that all the charm of puffed rice lies. This product can be enjoyed by both children and adults. It can not be called too nutritious and high-calorie. By the way, its energy value is only 350 kcal per 100 grams (only if we are talking about “clean” rice, not flavored with syrup or caramel). We must not forget that rice is very light in the truest sense of the word - for example, the mass of one bar from it will be no more than 50 grams.

The taste of the product can be varied at your own discretion. It can be made salty, sweet or spicy. But for those who follow the figure, it is better to refrain from the abundance of seasonings and sugar added to the "snack".

The beneficial properties of puffed rice include:

  • Relatively low calorie content, which will be relevant for the guardians of a slender figure;
  • The content of a large amount of coarse dietary fiber in the finished product, which, according to the assurances of nutritionists and doctors, not only cleanses the intestines from toxins and decay products, but also protects the body from cancerous tumors;
  • High digestibility;
  • Nutrition - the product contains complex carbohydrates that can give an energy boost for the next few hours. It will also help restore appetite after a serious illness or surgery, while the rice itself will not “overload” the gastrointestinal tract and provoke unwanted heaviness in it;
  • The optimal content of resistant starch, which promotes the growth and development of beneficial microflora in the intestines and the body as a whole;
  • Gluten-free, which is acceptable for people with celiac disease (individual product intolerance) and allergy sufferers, especially polyvalent ones;
  • The ability to remove toxins, heavy metal ions, radionuclides and other harmful compounds from the body;
  • The presence in the composition of rare and valuable amino acids that normalize the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels, as well as the growth of new healthy cells;
  • The presence in the biochemical composition of a high amount of B vitamins, which stabilize the activity of the nervous system, and also optimize the quality of hair, skin and nails;
  • The presence in the composition of lecithin, which increases the intellectual abilities and productivity of the brain.

Also puffed rice includes zinc, iron and calcium - trace elements that are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. He "knows how" to increase the flow of milk in young mothers who are in the lactation process. In addition, it is useful for those who suffer from bad breath.

Is there any harm?

Possible harm to treats:

  • Despite the fact that it is not prohibited for diabetics, they should consume it with caution and in strictly moderate amounts, calculating bread units. We must not forget about the starch that is contained in the product;
  • Puffed rice contains iron, but it also contains phytic acid, which can inhibit its absorption if consumed in unreasonable amounts;
  • Rice is undesirable for those who are prone to the formation of kidney stones;
  • A treat can provoke constipation, again, if there is one, exceeding the allowable limits.

It is especially harmful to abuse these products for men - doctors unanimously assure that it can weaken potency.

You need to weigh the benefits and harms of puffed rice yourself, based on your current state of health and possible “contraindications”. You should also understand that all the potential harm of rice does not come from the very fact of its consumption, but from the excessive excess of its “dosages”. Therefore, let it become only a delicacy for you, and not the product that is attached to every snack and meal.

Classic puffed rice: cooking secrets

Recipes for puffed rice are varied, and it can be cooked using fundamentally different technologies. We decided to tell you a recipe that has already become a kind of classic among lovers of this “snack”.

All you need is polished round rice and any vegetable oil that does not have a strong odor and bitterness. The quantities of ingredients are completely dependent on how much "snack" you want to end up with.

Cooking steps:

  • Boil rice in plenty of water. The cooking process should take up to half an hour, ideally 20-25 minutes, so that the grains have time to digest a little, but do not stick together;
  • Throw the resulting mass into a colander, then let the water drain completely;
  • Dry the rice with dry paper towels. By the time it is sent to the oven, the product must be completely dry and there should not be a hint of moisture on it;
  • Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and pour the grains on it in one layer (no more than 2 cm);
  • Preheat the oven to 100 degrees Celsius and place a baking sheet there;
  • After a few minutes, reduce the oven power to 80 degrees and dry for one and a half or two hours. As a result, the grains should become completely dehydrated and dry - this is important !;
  • When this process is completed, put the pan with oil on the fire. Just enough oil to make the rice float in it. It should be hot, but not smoke;
  • Roll the rice into balls and drop into the oil. They will begin to swell almost immediately, so literally in a minute they can be caught with a slotted spoon and sent to clean, dry paper so that it absorbs excess fat.

Rice is ready! You can add a little caramel to it or roll it in salt - depending on what and how exactly you plan to serve it.

Thai sweet rice

Cooking sweet puffed rice is not too different from the classic recipe, but there are some nuances here.

Instructions for cooking puffed rice in caramel:

  • Steam sticky rice;
  • Form a kind of cake-cookies from it;
  • Cakes should not be more than 5 mm in height and more than 5 cm in diameter;
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place the resulting cakes on it;
  • Dry in the oven until firm and dehydrated (tortillas should come out as dry as raw). Fire must be minimal;
  • Heat odorless vegetable oil in a wok or large saucepan (the volume of oil should be at least 5 cm deep);
  • Throw cakes into the heated fat and deep-fry them until all the grains open and swell;
  • Put the finished cakes on paper or a wire rack so that the oil is glass;
  • Drizzle with honey or traditional sugar caramel (boiled milk sugar).

As you can see, the task before you is simple, but painstaking and quite lengthy in its execution. If you are ready for this - feel free to proceed, and be sure that you can handle it. Bon appetit!


Puffed rice: benefits and harms

Puffed rice is a delicacy that will please not only children, but will also become a favorite dish for people who watch their figure. It has an excellent taste and can be used for main dishes, desserts or as breakfast cereals. In addition to taste, a number of useful properties of puffed rice can be noted.

The benefits of puffed rice:

  • Dietary product: does not contain cholesterol, low fat content (100 g of the product - 350 kcal);
  • Has a high digestibility;
  • It is rich in carbohydrates, which makes it a highly nutritious product, helps to restore appetite after prolonged starvation or a serious illness;
  • Contains a large amount of resistant starch, which promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria necessary for normal bowel function;
  • Rich in insoluble fiber, which, according to scientists, is necessary to protect the body from cancer cells;
  • Does not contain gluten, which is a strong allergen. Therefore, it is recommended for people suffering from allergies;
  • Contains a large amount of potassium, which helps to remove excess fluid from the body. This leads to lower blood pressure and weight loss;
  • It has an enveloping effect, therefore it is useful for gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • Contains amino acids that contribute to the normalization of the heart and the body needs to create new cells;
  • Contains a large amount of B vitamins, which help strengthen the nervous system and normalize sleep;
  • Contains calcium, iron, zinc, which help strengthen hair and nails;
  • The high content of lecithin helps to increase the activity of brain activity;
  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • Increases lactation in nursing mothers;
  • Helps eliminate bad breath.

We can talk about the dangers of puffed rice only when it is consumed daily in large quantities.

Harm of puffed rice:

  • It contains little dietary fiber and a large amount of starch, so it is not recommended for people with diabetes;
  • Contains phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of iron in the blood;
  • May cause constipation;
  • Can provoke atherosclerosis, kidney stones;
  • When consumed in large quantities, it can cause a decrease in male potency.


Puffed rice, composition, benefits and harms, puffed rice and weight loss

There are few people among the sweet tooth who do not have a special attachment to popcorn. Puffed corn has long conquered the hearts of millions, especially since we associate with it not only a pleasant sweet taste and a harmonious crunch that delights the ear, but also watching interesting films in the cinema. However, not only corn is "air". These qualities may well be characteristic of other cereals. The topic of this article is puffed rice, its benefits and harms to health and figure.

How to get a tasty product

No one can say for sure who and when thought of making a sweet and melting delicacy from ordinary hard white grains. The process of puffed rice production is based on extrusion technology. The term "extrusion" is of Latin origin and originates from the word "extrudo", which translates as "extrusion" or "pushing out". This technology is a combination of three types of processing of the initial product: thermal, mechanical and water. This is done by operating special apparatus called food extruders.

For the purposes of specification, it should be noted that the hot extrusion method is most often used to obtain puffed rice. It is characterized by a significant increase in temperature and pressure. On the other hand, the processing time of the feedstock is immeasurably short and amounts to several minutes. The extrusion process, which rice is subjected to in order to make it "airy", leads to the loss of a crystal structure product by starch, its subsequent binding to lipid components. The result of this action is an increase in the activity of enzymes that attack the cereal, and at the same time due to the removal of protein and bran from them to a greater extent - the surface of the grains. Rice amino acids begin to come into contact with other components of the future delicacy. Then, under the influence of high temperatures, humidity and mechanical processing, a change occurs, or rather, the expansion of the protein molecule in structural terms and the unification of disparate compounds of the product together. The sudden pressure drops cause the rice to puff up as it leaves the extruder. Hence the corresponding name of the delicacy.

The composition of puffed rice

Puffed rice is a fairly high-calorie confectionery product. 100 g of the product contains just over 400 kcal. This delicacy is due to sugars, which are very rich - they account for about 90% of the total mass of specially processed cereal. In contrast to carbohydrates, which, by the way, are of the slow type, there is nothing in the product of fats: 0.50 g per 100 g of goodies. There are slightly more proteins: their number exceeds 6 g.

The organic components of puffed rice also include fiber (0.4%), pentazans, lecithin, fatty acids, in particular palmitic, oleic and stearic. Of course, we must not forget about the presence of starch in the delicacy. Here we should also mention the vitamins of puffed rice. Basically, these are representatives of group B compounds. The mineral composition of puffed rice is more diverse. The confection is a rich source of potassium, zinc, iron and calcium.

The benefits of puffed rice

The product, which gives everyone who has tasted it an incomparable pleasure, hosts in the body of a gourmet with the air of a real doctor. It is well absorbed by the internal environment of the human body and easily digested in the stomach. The enveloping properties of the product make it curative in relation to the peptic ulcer and gastritis that an individual has. Due to the presence of dietary fiber in the delicacy, the intestines react to the consumption of puffed rice by its owner by increasing peristalsis and normalizing the stool. In addition, the confection increases appetite and helps restore strength lost during a long and debilitating illness.

Puffed rice is very useful for the heart and nervous system. It contributes to the removal of excess fluid from the body, as a result of which jumps in blood pressure stop. If you eat puffed rice regularly, it is possible to get rid of insomnia and increased emotional stress as a direct consequence of frequent stress.

The presence of useful minerals and vitamins in the product opens up the prospect of strengthening nails and restoring the hair structure for lovers of a healthy type of sweets. Eating puffed rice is indicated for people whose work activity is associated with mental stress, since the content of a large amount of lecithin in a confectionery product improves brain function, memory and attention. If you want to cleanse your body, a delicious crunchy cereal will help here too. It will rid your body of toxins and toxins that have toxic properties.

An important healing quality of puffed rice is protection against cancer. Scientists have found that the antioxidants and insoluble fiber contained in the product contribute to this. This circumstance also works to prolong the physical youth of the gourmet. In addition to everything else, puffed rice is completely devoid of gluten protein, and therefore it is completely safe for allergy sufferers and people suffering from celiac disease. A nice bonus of eating a sweet product is the elimination of bad breath.

Harm of puffed rice

A starch-carbohydrate confection can also do you a disservice. This becomes clear if we take into account the characteristics of the chemical composition of the sweet treat.

Firstly, although the product contains fiber, it is still not enough to ensure the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is not recommended to use puffed rice as the only source of dietary fiber, otherwise constipation cannot be avoided.

Secondly, the huge amount of carbohydrates makes the delicacy melting in the mouth a direct threat to diabetics and those who suffer from obesity. In addition, according to some, very conflicting data, this dessert can cause atherosclerosis and nephrolithiasis with frequent use. Someone says that one of the components of the product, namely phytic acid, disrupts the process of absorption of iron by the body and its transition to hemoglobin.

Thirdly, passion for puffed rice creates a certain risk for a man's sexual health. Unmeasured portions of sweet dessert provoke a decrease in potency.

Puffed rice and weight loss

The presence of a huge amount of carbohydrates and starch in the confectionery product tells us that puffed rice is definitely dangerous for the figure. However, this is not quite true.

If you use the type of cereal dessert that interests us in small portions, then this will not negatively affect the shape of the body. On the contrary, you will lose weight. The fact is that the sweet product satisfies hunger perfectly and for a long time, frees the body from harmful ballast accumulations, excess water, which often creates the illusion of fat folds on the body. In addition, he charges with energy that can be spent with success for the figure, working out in the gym.

The main condition for using puffed rice for weight loss is to eat it as an independent product, or in low-calorie dishes, without any sweet additives (caramel, honey, chocolate) and in no case as part of confectionery products rich in carbohydrates and fats, such as chocolate bars and bars. Otherwise, instead of losing the extra ones, you will gain additional kilograms.

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Puffed rice at home: benefits, harms and cooking features:

There is an opinion that puffed rice is an exclusively children's delicacy, which is not very healthy at the same time.

In the article we will try to dispel this myth. Consider the useful and harmful properties of the product, how and what dishes can be prepared from puffed rice at home.

What it is

The true origin of the product is unknown. Some believe that puffed rice is an Indian delicacy, while others argue that it is a traditional Thai snack.

The only thing that can be said for sure is that rice, when properly processed, is a dietary dish that is included in various diets during gastrointestinal diseases.

The process of making puffed rice at home does not take much time, but it does require some skill. Despite the fact that it is very simple to cook it, if the basic rules are not followed, the dish can easily be spoiled.

Of course, you can buy a product in any supermarket, but in this case you cannot be sure of its quality. After all, everyone knows that manufacturers like to add various sweeteners to enhance the taste, which can negatively affect health.

The home-made product turns out to be as "clean" and useful as possible. Plus, it has a more pronounced taste.

You can verify this for yourself by comparing these two products.

But before proceeding to consider the question of how to make puffed rice, let's figure out how it can be useful or harmful to the body.


It is important to know that not only desserts and various sweets can be prepared from puffed rice. Dietary loaves are also made from it, which are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Perfect for people who are on a diet. The product is non-caloric and can replace bread.

There are only 350 kcal per 100 grams. In this case, we are talking about clean, not seasoned with syrup or caramel rice.

Main useful properties:

  • It has a good effect on the work of the intestines due to the content of coarse fibers.
  • Absorbed quickly.
  • Contains no gluten. And this means that people with its intolerance can safely consume puffed rice grains. Great for polyvalent allergies.
  • The nutritious product contains complex carbohydrates, which give a boost of energy for the whole day without overloading the digestive tract.
  • Great for people who are trying to restore their appetite after suffering a serious illness or surgery.
  • Removes toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  • The composition includes amino acids that regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, as it contains a large amount of vitamin B.
  • Contains lecithin, which has a productive effect on brain function.
  • It is very useful for lactating women, as it increases the flow of milk in the lactation period.


Despite the fact that the product is useful for allergy sufferers and diabetics, it is still not worth consuming in large quantities.

For whom rice can be dangerous:

  • For people suffering from bloating, chronic constipation and colitis.
  • It is undesirable to use those who are prone to the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • May be dangerous for men. Experts say that the use of puffed rice in large quantities can lead to a weakening of potency.

It is important to understand that, basically, the harm of rice depends on how much it is consumed and how it is cooked. If this is a dietary dish, then you should not water it with various syrups.

cooking secrets

Consider how to make rice airy and crumbly.

There are many technologies, but in this case we will describe the most common, which has already become a classic.

To do this, you need vegetable oil and round polished rice. Take the quantity of products at your own discretion. It all depends on how many people you expect.

Let's start cooking:

1. Boil rice. The process should take no more than 25 minutes. The rice should be slightly cooked but not sticky.

2. After that, discard in a colander so that all excess liquid is glassed.

3. Use paper towels to dry the rice. Grains must be completely dry before being sent to the oven or microwave.

4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the rice in one layer.

5. Send rice to the oven preheated to 100 degrees. After 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 80 degrees and leave it to dry for one and a half to two hours. This is necessary so that the grains become dry and dehydrated.

6. At the next stage, we proceed to roasting. To do this, pour oil into a frying pan or saucepan and heat at maximum temperature. There should be enough oil for the rice balls to float in it.

7. Roll up small rice balls and send to the pan. After a minute, you can get them out with a slotted spoon, as the rice begins to swell almost immediately.

Place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Everything - balloons are ready. They can be served with caramel or rolled in fine salt, or they can be consumed without any additives instead of bread.

air rice. pudding recipe

One of the simplest and most delicious homemade desserts.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of ready-made rice, the recipe for which we have considered a little higher.
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.
  • 250 grams of marshmallow.


It will take you about two hours to prepare. But this despite the fact that puffed rice will already be ready.

Put marshmallows and butter in a container. Melt in a water bath or microwave for half a minute. After we take it out and mix both melted ingredients. The procedure is repeated two more times. After that, both ingredients should be completely combined.

Pour the rice into the prepared mixture and mix well.

We take any forms and pour the workpiece into them. Level everything with a spatula on top and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After we take it out and free it from the molds. You can decorate to your taste. It can be berries, chocolate or marshmallows.

Chocolates with puffed rice

Can be cooked with round or wild rice. In this case, it is better to use the latter. The technology of preparation is similar.

We take the ingredients based on 20 sweets:

  • 100 grams of any chocolate.
  • 50 grams of puffed rice.
  • A tablespoon of butter.


On average, it takes three hours to prepare. This is taking into account the preparation of puffed rice.

After the rice is ready, melt the chocolate bar along with the butter in a water bath and cool slightly.

Mix the cooled rice grains with the chocolate mass and lay them out in molds.

After we send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

We take it carefully. Candies can be varied by making them from three different types of chocolate.

There is an opinion that puffed rice is an exclusively children's delicacy, which is not very healthy at the same time.

In the article we will try to dispel this myth. Consider the useful and harmful properties of the product, how and what dishes can be prepared from puffed rice at home.

What it is

The true origin of the product is unknown. Some believe that puffed rice is an Indian delicacy, while others argue that it is a traditional Thai snack.

The only thing that can be said for sure is that rice, when properly processed, is a dietary dish that is included in various diets during gastrointestinal diseases.

The process of making puffed rice at home does not take much time, but it does require some skill. Despite the fact that it is very simple to cook it, if the basic rules are not followed, the dish can easily be spoiled.

Of course, you can buy a product in any supermarket, but in this case you cannot be sure of its quality. After all, everyone knows that manufacturers like to add various sweeteners to enhance the taste, which can negatively affect health.

The home-made product turns out to be as "clean" and useful as possible. Plus, it has a more pronounced taste.

You can verify this for yourself by comparing these two products.

But before proceeding to consider the question of how to make puffed rice, let's figure out how it can be useful or harmful to the body.


It is important to know that not only desserts and various sweets can be prepared from puffed rice. Dietary loaves are also made from it, which are recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from diabetes.

Perfect for people who are on a diet. The product is non-caloric and can replace bread.

There are only 350 kcal per 100 grams. In this case, we are talking about clean, not seasoned with syrup or caramel rice.

Main useful properties:

  • It has a good effect on the work of the intestines due to the content of coarse fibers.
  • Absorbed quickly.
  • Contains no gluten. And this means that people with its intolerance can safely consume puffed rice grains. Great for polyvalent allergies.
  • The nutritious product contains complex carbohydrates, which give a boost of energy for the whole day without overloading the digestive tract.
  • Great for people who are trying to restore their appetite after suffering a serious illness or surgery.
  • Removes toxins and heavy metals from the body.
  • The composition includes amino acids that regulate the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, as it contains a large amount of vitamin B.
  • Contains lecithin, which has a productive effect on brain function.
  • It is very useful for lactating women, as it increases the flow of milk in the lactation period.


Despite the fact that the product is useful for allergy sufferers and diabetics, it is still not worth consuming in large quantities.

For whom rice can be dangerous:

  • For people suffering from bloating, chronic constipation and colitis.
  • It is undesirable to use those who are prone to the formation of stones in the gallbladder and kidneys.
  • May be dangerous for men. Experts say that the use of puffed rice in large quantities can lead to a weakening of potency.

It is important to understand that, basically, the harm of rice depends on how much it is consumed and how it is cooked. If this is a dietary dish, then you should not water it with various syrups.

cooking secrets

Consider how to make rice airy and crumbly.

There are many technologies, but in this case we will describe the most common, which has already become a classic.

To do this, you need vegetable oil and round polished rice. Take the quantity of products at your own discretion. It all depends on how many people you expect.

Let's start cooking:

1. Boil rice. The process should take no more than 25 minutes. The rice should be slightly cooked but not sticky.

2. After that, discard in a colander so that all excess liquid is glassed.

3. Use paper towels to dry the rice. Grains must be completely dry before being sent to the oven or microwave.

4. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the rice in one layer.

5. Send rice to the oven preheated to 100 degrees. After 10 minutes, lower the temperature to 80 degrees and leave it to dry for one and a half to two hours. This is necessary so that the grains become dry and dehydrated.

6. At the next stage, we proceed to roasting. To do this, pour oil into a frying pan or saucepan and heat at maximum temperature. There should be enough oil for the rice balls to float in it.

7. Roll up small rice balls and send to the pan. After a minute, you can get them out with a slotted spoon, as the rice begins to swell almost immediately.

Place on paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Everything - balloons are ready. They can be served with caramel or rolled in fine salt, or they can be consumed without any additives instead of bread.

air rice. pudding recipe

One of the simplest and most delicious homemade desserts.

To prepare it you will need:

  • 5 tablespoons of ready-made rice, the recipe for which we have considered a little higher.
  • 2 tablespoons of butter.
  • 250 grams of marshmallow.


It will take you about two hours to prepare. But this despite the fact that puffed rice will already be ready.

Put marshmallows and butter in a container. Melt in a water bath or microwave for half a minute. After we take it out and mix both melted ingredients. The procedure is repeated two more times. After that, both ingredients should be completely combined.

Pour the rice into the prepared mixture and mix well.

We take any forms and pour the workpiece into them. Level everything with a spatula on top and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

After we take it out and free it from the molds. You can decorate to your taste. It can be berries, chocolate or marshmallows.

Chocolates with puffed rice

Can be cooked with round or wild rice. In this case, it is better to use the latter. The technology of preparation is similar.

We take the ingredients based on 20 sweets:

  • 100 grams of any chocolate.
  • 50 grams of puffed rice.
  • A tablespoon of butter.


On average, it takes three hours to prepare. This is taking into account the preparation of puffed rice.

After the rice is ready, melt the chocolate bar along with the butter in a water bath and cool slightly.

Mix the cooled rice grains with the chocolate mass and lay them out in molds.

After we send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

We take it carefully. Candies can be varied by making them from three different types of chocolate.

Puffed rice is parboiled rice grains that are processed or “blown up” in a specific heat treatment process. Such a product is often used to make sugary glazed rice and diet bread.

How is puffed rice made on an industrial scale?

On an industrial scale, puffed rice in ground sugar or caramel is made according to the following thesis:

  • The “exploded” grains are poured into a large coating pot;
  • Simultaneously with loading, sugar syrup / molasses is poured into the container;
  • As soon as the sugary substance is evenly distributed, sugar flour is poured into the pot in small doses;
  • The process of sprinkling with powder and dousing with molasses is repeated 5-6 times. During all this time, the boiler does not stop rotating;
  • Initially, a huge grinding powder is used, which prevents the grains from sticking, and at the end the smallest fraction is poured;
  • After the conclusion of drageeing, the rice is dried, and it turns out to be covered with glaze.

Beneficial features

The calorie content of industrial or homemade puffed rice directly depends on how much sugar, spices, caramel or syrup was used in its manufacture. If we are talking about diet bread, then there are as many calories in them as in traditional cereals. In the case when it is necessary to find out the calorie content of a sugary or salty product, it is worth examining the data printed by the manufacturer on the packaging with the product.

Delicious puffed rice is suitable for eating with such pathologies:

  • allergy;
  • disorders in salt metabolism;
  • kidney disease;
  • chronic gastritis, progressing against a background of high acidity;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • adhesive process in the intestines and snags in the work of the rectum;
  • bronchitis and asthma of the bronchial type;
  • lack or decrease in appetite;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and bladder;
  • lack of milk during breastfeeding;
  • mental fatigue and more.

Having learned what the benefits of such a product are, it will be objective to describe the damage of puffed rice made in industrial conditions.

It is prohibited under the following health conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • constipation;
  • excess weight (consumption of bread without sugar and additives is possible);
  • intestinal colic and impotence.

How to make a treat in your kitchen?

Puffed rice at home can be used as an independent dessert, or as an addition to the main sugary dish.

For him, you need the smallest grocery set:

  • Round-grained cereals in the number of 2 glasses;
  • Odorless vegetable oil. Its number will depend on which recipe for homemade puffed rice was chosen, and how the grains behave during the cooking process.

The basic instruction on how to cook puffed rice at home is as follows:

  • Initially, rice should be boiled in a large volume of water for at least 20 minutes. In fact, it needs to be digested, but not allowed to stick together. As soon as the cereal reaches the desired condition, it is thrown into a colander, allowed to drain, and sent to dry on a towel;
  • Then you need to prepare a huge baking sheet: heat it in the oven and line it with baking parchment. Boiled rice is spread on top of it in a thin layer, and all this is sent to the oven for 1.5, or maybe two hours. The stove should be heated to + 80- + 100 degrees;
  • Further, in order to make an airy dessert, you need to heat a fair amount of odorless vegetable oil in a frying pan. Its volume should be such that the grains in it float freely. Remember that the more oil you use, the higher the calorie content of the finished product and its possible damage to health;
  • Further, the recipe provides for the very “cliff” of rice. For this, grains are placed in small portions in a pan, and literally in a moment they are caught with a slotted spoon.

If all the recommendations regarding how puffed rice is made at home, then the grains must swell rapidly. In order for the delicacy to have the maximum benefit, it must be thoroughly dried by spreading it on a paper towel. If necessary, the product can be salted or poured with liquid honey.

The hostesses make cereals in caramel in the following way:

  • At the stage when the grains “break” in the pan and go for drying, you need to start preparing the sugary filling itself. For her, you will need 350 g of caramel sweets and 80 g of margarine;
  • All products are heated in a separate vessel to a liquid state;
  • Dry grains are laid in the resulting sticky mass, everything is perfectly mixed;
  • Balls are formed from the rice-caramel composition. They are laid out on parchment or food polyethylene, and remain on it until completely dry.

Despite the apparent simplicity, in practice, making an airy rice delicacy at home is another task that only experienced chefs and confectioners can solve the first time. From the fact that the price of such a product is even hefty acceptable, it is easier to purchase than to cook in your own kitchen.

Puffed rice (exploded rice) is specially processed (exploded) steamed rice grains, which are often used in the confectionery industry (for example, for making puffed glazed rice) and dietary nutrition (for dietary breads).

For the preparation of puffed glazed rice (exploded glazed rice), exploded rice grains, sugar, molasses, essences and food colors are used. Exploded grains of rice are loaded into a pan, where at the same time hot sugar syrup is poured in a thin stream. After the syrup is evenly distributed over the surface of the exploded grains, powdered sugar is gradually poured into the cauldron. Grains are poured with syrup and sprinkled with powdered sugar 5-6 times with constant rotation of the boiler. At the same time, coarse powdered sugar is used first, which prevents the grains from sticking together, and fine powder is added at the end. After drageeing, the grains are dried. Thus, the surface of rice grains is covered with a uniform crust of glaze.


Puffed rice is considered a dietary product. Read more about the beneficial properties of rice in the article "Rice".


For contraindications to eating rice, see the article "Rice".
