
How to melt chocolate in the microwave. How to melt chocolate with butter

This delicacy takes on all sorts of types and shapes, colors and textures, and is used for various purposes. Connoisseurs can enjoy a rich variety of toppings that pair perfectly to taste - raisins or nuts, or dried orange zest, salted caramel And liquid fillings. Whether it's a treat for tea or a topping for another dessert, chocolate has many uses. To help you implement them, just read 10 recipes on how to melt chocolate without leaving your home!

Of course, the immediate cooking steps vary depending on the chosen method, but there are basic recommendations for example, chocolate should not burn. So the primary answer to the question of how to properly melt absolutely any chocolate at home: stir, and regularly, and all because this product tends to melt unevenly.

It is also worth considering that white tile more sensitive to heat than milk and bitter. For her, the temperature should be chosen less and not left to languish for too long. In turn, the dairy product after heating becomes more viscous, avoiding the consistency of excessive liquid.

So how do you melt chocolate so that in the end it is liquid? To put it bluntly, there are a number of ways. On the stove, in the microwave, using butter, cream, milk. Leaving room for choice, and not confining yourself to narrow limits, it is worth considering 10 of them.

How best to melt chocolate for decorating a cake in the microwave (with video)

Those who have acquired far from the last, but an extremely convenient miracle of technology, can be advised on how to quickly and easily melt hard chocolate. This will require a microwave.

There are two ways: Microwave or defrost mode. The first option is convenient for those who do not like to wait, the second - for those who love reliability. To choose how best to melt chocolate in your microwave, you need to consider: the defrost mode will melt the product for 3-5 minutes, slowly and evenly. The microwave will manage in 30 seconds, but do not abuse it with setting the power: depending on the individual characteristics of the device, it is better to choose average values ​​(from 250 to 400 W). The first time you can set a smaller number, and then as it will be more convenient.

Having decided on the indicators, you need to figure out how to melt a bar of any purchased chocolate:

  • cut into small pieces (break by hand or cut with a knife). Such simple cooking at the same time speed up the process and conduct it more evenly;
  • put the resulting slide in a bowl, ceramic or glass;
  • set the power and the corresponding time. On the fast setting, remember to stir every 15 seconds. In the defrost mode, you can do this less often, depending on the need. The main thing is to make sure that the chocolate does not burn and does not melt in one place;
  • after removing from the microwave, stir: this will allow the unmelted pieces to melt in the hot mass.

If, after a decision has been made on how to properly melt chocolate in the microwave, the product is used for a cake, it should be taken into account that the initially hot thick thickens rather quickly. Therefore, if you want to cover pastries with it, it will be best to act quickly.

For clarity, you can watch a video on how to melt chocolate in the microwave:

How to melt milk chocolate for a cake on the stove using a water bath

Most classic version how to melt any chocolate on a home stove - use a water bath. This method will provide maximum control over the situation, since the cocoa mass will be monitored every second, it is easier to notice if the product starts to burn. To avoid this, we already know what to do: arm yourself with a spoon or spatula (dry, water can ruin the icing) and do not let it stick to the walls of the dish more thickly.

If you want to know how to properly melt purchased chocolate for a cooked cake using a water bath, this recipe explain the problem step by step:

  • prepare two pans, aluminum or iron. One of the containers can be an ordinary glass bowl, the main thing is that the dishes match in size: the bowl in which the cocoa bar will be heated should completely cover the pan in which the water will boil. In this case, the bowl should not touch the water, but be heated exclusively by steam;
  • divide the tile into pieces, put everything in a clean bowl, previously dried. Pour water into a saucepan and boil the liquid on the stove. On average, the approximate temperature sufficient to understand how to melt milk and any other chocolate is 50-80 C;
  • put the dish with the slices on top so that it can be heated with steam. Monitor the consistency, stirring regularly, as well as the temperature to avoid burning;
  • as soon as the mass becomes liquid, remove it from the stove.

After cooling slightly, use the mass in the near future, until it has frozen back. This method will become the main one for some others due to its versatility.

How to melt chocolate in the oven so that it becomes liquid

This is an alternative path in case the previous two do not work for some reason. Also, if desired, it can be combined with steam bath. General order is:

  • preheat the oven to 65 C;
  • put the crushed chocolate in an iron dish with dense thick walls and place it on the highest shelf in the oven, as far as possible from direct fire;
  • heat until smooth, stirring constantly.

How to melt chocolate for icing with milk

There are at least three options for how to properly and easily melt chocolate for icing, using products that are almost always at hand anyway. In case you need to cover culinary product cocoa icing, you should take this into account in advance so that you can give the icing the required viscosity in time and prevent too fast solidification. Also here you can use confectionery chocolate, it will be thicker.

To solve a sweet task, you should choose the order of actions with the most suitable product from the ones below.

The first cooking method is the same step as melting chocolate with milk. Any of the melting methods described above can be used in this recipe. Whether it's the microwave, or using the oven. However, the most convenient method in this case is steam bath, so it's easy to see when it's time to mix the products. However, any method can be suitable for these purposes, as soon as you get used to it.

In general, the scheme is simple: repeating the steps of the main process, improve it in accordance with the following points:

  • melt the pieces to the consistency of a liquid mass;
  • add milk to the resulting thick, without removing from heat: 3 tbsp. l. milk will be enough for 100 g;
  • stir until smooth, remove from heat.

As soon as it cools slightly, the icing with milk becomes thick. It is advisable to cover baking with it in the near future, until it hardens.

How to melt chocolate with butter

It is worth considering how to melt chocolate with the addition of butter. All steps are identical to the previous ones, except for one moment:

  • add 50 g of butter (for 100 g of chocolate) to the liquefied heated mass, keeping the mixture on fire;
  • mix until smooth, remove from the burner.

The icing is ready to use, you can use it to water the cake.

How to melt chocolate with heavy cream at home

And finally: if you are interested in how to melt hard chocolate with heavy cream, the order is as follows:

  • in the melted product (100g) add 5 tbsp. l. 33% cream. It is advisable not to use cream with a fat content of less than 20%, the glaze will turn out to be less saturated and more liquid, which is better to avoid;
  • bring to a single mixture.

Thick sweetish cream can always be put to good use. Desserts acquire a pleasant characteristic aftertaste.

How to melt natural dark chocolate to decorate a cake

For true connoisseurs of culinary research, making glaze yourself may not be enough. Indeed, why deliberately limit the possibilities, if all kinds of decorations will give the pastry not only an attractive look, but also a truly individual zest. Various are best obtained from real dark chocolate. It is worth knowingly replenishing supplies and figuring out how to melt natural dark chocolate easier. The procedure is not too different, but it is worth considering some aspects.

When looking at the nearest supermarket, it is better not to save on groceries and buy only high-quality products. From the content of real cocoa butter, you will get the appropriate structure, quite viscous and moderately liquid, a beautiful shine of the prepared glaze and, most importantly, a rich taste.

So how do you melt your chosen chocolate for all sorts of cake decorations? The recipe is simple:

  • immediately it is desirable to dismiss the microwave. A steamer is most suitable, which provides the greatest control over the process. What is required for this, you can peep above;
  • so, steam the tile slices. Mix regularly. Allow the mass to become viscous;
  • Remove from heat and let cool slightly and thicken. Next, for best effect, beat with a mixer. If you want the chocolate to harden as a result, add a little butter;
  • fill the confectionery sleeve and give free rein to the imagination.

So, how to properly melt the purchased chocolate to decorate the baked cake is a simple question. A little dexterity, and everything will work out.

How to melt porous black and white chocolate

The "feature" of this type of product is its deceptive lightness - bubbles that melt on the tongue. But how to melt porous dark chocolate with high quality? Achieving the right consistency with aerated chocolate is not so easy. If possible, it is recommended to use tiles of the classic type, without additives or uneven density. If there is still no other option, then do this:

  • crush tiles. Each cell can also be cut across the bubbles. Don't worry if the chocolate starts to crumble. You can use a fine grater;
  • put the received in a glass bowl, and put in the microwave for 45 seconds in the microwave mode;
  • check every 15 seconds, scraping off the walls;
  • take it out when the main part becomes liquid.

This task can turn into a rather big problem, but if there is no other product at hand, you can resort to this path.

How to melt fluffy white chocolate at home

The idea of ​​how to melt the air White chocolate at home, may not be as difficult as with porous, but somewhat more difficult than with bitter or milky. This chocolate has a lower melting threshold. As with anything else where the most control is required, use a steamer.

  • grind tiles as much as possible. IN this case a grater is most suitable;
  • as soon as the water in the pan comes to a boil, put a bowl with a chocolate slide on top. It is advisable to pour the product into the container directly from the plank to avoid contact with fingers, otherwise the rubbed plates threaten to stick back together;
  • heat the mass over low heat, stirring patiently. It will take some time;
  • remove from heat as soon as the main mass becomes liquid. The remaining lumps will melt in the hot liquid.

Let it cool down a bit and you're ready to use. The task is definitely worth it if you use white look as a base with the addition of dyes.

How to make cocoa powder frosting

Taking and melting the finished tile may not be so interesting, and good chocolate It's expensive and not always available. If you have cocoa powder at home, you can use this alternative method:

  • take 50 g of butter and melt in the already known steam bath;
  • add 4 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and 4 tbsp. l. powdered sugar. Stir until sugar is completely dissolved. The number of products can be varied as desired;
  • Cool slightly and pour over cake.

It should be noted that an excessively thick mass will not work. But it spreads very picturesquely and consists exclusively of selected products.

If you read this article to the end, then the stock of recipes has replenished with as many as 10 tricks on how you can melt any chocolate! By combining some techniques, you can achieve the desired results. But one thing will unite absolutely all methods: a delicious and fragrant result, ready to decorate any culinary work and bring it to perfection.

Not everyone knows how to melt chocolate. But this ingredient is used in many desserts. About popular methods culinary process Let's talk in today's article.

What kind of chocolate is better to choose for melting

In order for chocolate to melt well, you need to pay attention to its composition. It is desirable that the tiles have as few additional components as possible.

Ideally, the base should be cocoa beans. For kindling, white, black and milk chocolate.

  • Porous tiles should not be used. It is rather difficult to predict in advance what substance will turn out after melting. Chocolate with fillers, nuts, raisins is also not suitable for these purposes.
  • For mirror glaze only couverture is suitable. This is a special kind of cocoa powder, quite expensive. But only thanks to him you can achieve a delicious crispy crust. The product is sold only in specialized stores.
  • If your task is to make an inscription on the cake, then feel free to buy milk chocolate. Its consistency is thick and quite viscous.
  • When purchasing chocolate, carefully look at its labeling. Ideally, it should be marked "confectionery" or "canteen".
  • If you notice lecithin in the composition, it is better to look at another brand of chocolate. Manufacturers have long been replacing it with cocoa butter.

If you care about your health, try to buy chocolate without harmful components(flavors, emulsifiers, etc.).

How to melt chocolate in a water bath

Melting chocolate in water is quite simple, you just need to know the technology for making the glaze:

  1. You will need 2 bowls of different sizes. It is desirable that the smaller one be with a non-stick coating.
  2. Fill one pot with water, place on the stove and bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat, the temperature should be maintained in the region of 75 - 85 degrees.
  4. Break the chocolate bar, place it in a saucepan with a smaller diameter. Make sure there is no water in the container. Otherwise, the chocolate will burn, change its texture and taste.
  5. Place the smaller pot in the larger one.
  6. Start stirring the chocolate.
  7. Add a little butter to the icing (can be replaced with cream). This will make your chocolate mass more viscous.
  8. After the chocolate has melted, remove the bowl and cover it with foil, after making holes in it. In this form, the mass should cool.

Microwave heating method

There are 2 ways to melt chocolate in the microwave. Each of them has advantages:

  • glaze does not burn;
  • no lumps;
  • the maximum cooking time is 3 minutes.

Both methods are so simple that even an amateur can handle them:

  1. Break the chocolate into small pieces put in a glass bowl. Put it in the microwave for 1 minute, while the power of the oven should be maximum. Take out the frosting and stir. Put it back in the microwave for 30 seconds. Repeat the process 3 times.
  2. If your microwave has a defrost setting, you can use it. Send the crushed chocolate bar to the oven for 2 minutes. If lumps remain, add 1 more minute.

Such chocolate is not very suitable for icing the surface of the cake. There is a high probability that the mass will crack. But figures made from such chocolate turn out to be excellent, it perfectly keeps a head start.

On an open fire

You can also melt chocolate on the stovetop.

An important point: the bowl in which the cooking process will take place must be with a double bottom.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Break the chocolate bar.
  2. Put the bowl on the minimum heat, stir constantly so that the product does not burn.
  3. As soon as the chocolate starts to melt, add a piece of butter.
  4. To make the product liquid, pour in milk or cream. It is very important that the ingredients are warm, otherwise the mass will delaminate.

Once the icing is ready, pour it into another bowl, otherwise it is likely that it will burn.

Do not allow the mass to boil, the chocolate will lose its properties, it will exfoliate and crack.

How to melt chocolate for cake decoration

Good for decorating a cake melted chocolate. It is prepared only in a water bath.

In the recipe, the proportions of the ingredients are important:

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare water bath.
  2. Break the chocolate into small pieces and place in the top bowl.
  3. As soon as the mass begins to melt, add warm cream.
  4. Melt the chocolate until the icing becomes viscous.

Secret from confectioners! To make your chocolate crispy and not crack on the surface of the cake, cool the mass well and beat with a mixer or blender.

For making glaze

Real frosting should be shiny. You can achieve this effect with the help of honey.

The recipe is the following:

  • dark chocolate bar - 150 g;
  • homemade fat milk- 90 g;
  • natural honey - 30 g;
  • oil - 80 g;
  • powdered sugar - 80g.

Making liquid chocolate for fondue

Fondue or chocolate fountains can decorate any celebration. Dessert turns out delicious, quite unusual. Making liquid chocolate is easy.

Ingredients needed:

  • chocolate (it is better to choose milk) - 300 g;
  • cinnamon - 10 g;
  • cream or fat milk - 60 g;
  • strong Brewed coffee- 25 g.


  1. Prepare a water bath.
  2. Send chocolate to melt.
  3. As soon as the mass begins to melt, add the remaining ingredients.
  4. At the last moment, sprinkle the chocolate with cinnamon, bring to a homogeneous mass, remove from heat.

Chefs often add whiskey or strong brandy to fondue chocolate. These drinks give the mass not only interesting taste notes, but also a special aroma.

There are many ways to melt chocolate. We have presented the most popular and proven recipes. Take advantage of our tips and prepared by you chocolate desserts turn out delicious and beautiful.

Some things in cooking seem so elementary experienced chefs that they don't give them special attention. For example, it is unlikely that the recipe will be described in detail at home. However, inexperienced housewives it often burns or curls up into lumps. But here, as in any other business, some skills are simply required, and then everything will definitely work out.

But before you find out, at home, you need to learn how to choose it correctly. Not every chocolate is suitable for these purposes, but only with a cocoa content of at least 50%. In addition, it should not contain any vegetable fats. This can cause the mass to simply curl up during melting. Never used for confectionery purposes porous chocolate. But you can use milky or white for decoration.

Many people think that it takes a long time. But since you can actually melt a chocolate bar in 5-7 minutes, it simply burns when it is on the stove for a long time. The fact is that the "correct" chocolate retains its shape when heated. And to understand that it is ready, you need to stir it with a spatula. It is also very important to properly prepare the chocolate for this procedure. It must be broken or turned into shavings with a knife. The smaller the pieces, the easier and faster it will be possible to melt the chocolate.

Now, knowing all the rules, you can proceed to the procedure itself. Experienced chefs offer several ways to melt chocolate at home. One of them is a water bath. She needs 2 pots. different sizes, so that they can be inserted into each other, and they do not touch the bottom. In the one that is larger, pour water, and in the second put chocolate broken into pieces. Collect a water bath and, stirring, melt the chocolate for 5-7 minutes. It is very important at the same time to ensure that water does not get into the upper pan. By the way, if everything is done correctly, after 20 minutes it will completely harden, and it can be melted again.

Another popular way is to use microwave oven. Fold the chocolate broken into pieces into a plate and put in the microwave for 2 minutes at minimum power. It is impossible to keep it longer in any case, since the mass can be overheated. But since it is possible to melt (or white) at a lower temperature, this method is not suitable for them. And confectioners use this option only when adding chocolate mass into the dough. For the manufacture of jewelry, only chocolate melted in a water bath is used.

Sometimes there are tips that you can melt a chocolate bar directly on the stove, however, without sufficient experience, it is better not to do this. For beginner confectioners, this method is suitable only if you want to cook using cream or butter. First you need to heat them to a boil, and then stir the pieces of chocolate with quick movements. Remove saucepan from heat. or ganache will be ready.

Now you know how to melt chocolate at home, and you will be able to decorate any cake with the most complex shapes or make a dessert. And also all these methods are great for making fondue.

You can’t even imagine how much chocolate I messed up trying to melt it to liquid state. I tried to melt the chocolate in a water bath, in the microwave, in the oven - and the result was always a fatty chocolate mass with curdled lumps. It took about fifty chocolate bars to find my way - win-win. Today I will tell you how to melt chocolate in a water bath, only the bath will be special.
But first things first.

The best way to melt chocolate is in a water bath.

At first chocolate bar break into pieces and place in a bowl that will ideally fit into a saucepan with a "water bath".
Now boil water in a ladle or saucepan. After boiling - turn off. No "turn down the heat and keep it simmering!" In my method, the water must be turned off and the bucket set aside.

We place the bowl with chocolate on a saucepan and cover with a lid (or a plate).

Covered chocolate will melt under the action of steam coming from the water in the ladle. At the same time, it will not overheat and will not curl up!

First, the lower pieces that are in contact with the bottom will begin to melt.

Be sure to stir the mixture after 2 minutes, so you get an even result, and the mixture will not stick to the walls.

All! It's only been five minutes and the chocolate can be used for recipes. It's smooth, uniform... perfect!

viscous evenly melted chocolate - great ingredient for chocolate recipes. I don’t know about you, but I want to sit down with a spoon to this bowl of chocolate and crush it into a bite with a cup of hot tea! there will always be!

Never again think about how to melt chocolate in a water bath so that it does not curdle. Use the above method - and luck is guaranteed.
Delicious to you chocolate mousses, glazes, fondants.

It is important to remember that:

  1. Aerated chocolate is not suitable for melting in this way (however, like any other)
  2. Buy tiles good quality(economy products will ruin your whole business)
  3. A product without raisins, nuts, biscuit pieces and other additives is suitable for melting.

Happy recipes!

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When I was little, of course, I didn’t know how to melt chocolate so that it was liquid, smooth-shiny, uniform and ... edible. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess how my experiment on making homemade Snickers bars ended. In general, I did not know the recipe. And she ate the famous bar herself only twice (dashing nineties, yeah). But I firmly decided that I absolutely, completely and finally would need that same advertising "thick, thick layer of chocolate." (Or is it from an advertisement for Mars?) And I decided to melt the tiles hidden by my mother on the top shelf of the pantry. Of course, I knew about the hiding place. Therefore, I took advantage of this very knowledge and “ruined” it. To melt the chocolate bar, I took not a bowl, not a saucepan, and not even a saucepan. A large iron mug with cracked enamel. Of course, she set it on fire. She dropped the chocolate bar and broke it in half. And after a couple of minutes, it turned not into a liquid mass, as it seemed to me, but into something mushy. It stinks of burning and looks unappetizing. After such experiments, I did not see sweets for a long time. But on the other hand, my mother clearly explained how to melt chocolate properly. I'm not sorry to tell you now.

Basic rules for melting chocolate

  1. Chocolate is not tolerated high temperatures. This is the first and basic rule. To get the right glaze or ganache in texture and taste, melt chocolate at a temperature of 40 degrees (milk and white) to 55 (black, with high content cocoa). Remember: the more sugar, the lower the temperature needed to melt. Otherwise, the treat will burn.
  2. It is not desirable to turn a porous chocolate bar into a fluid state. Due to the heterogeneous structure, the tile will heat up unevenly. Some will still be hard, and some will already start to burn. That's why desired consistency chocolate will be hard to come by.
  3. Also, tiles with fillers will not work. Chocolate with raisins, nuts, pralines or dragees is better to eat with tea. And for melting, choose clean. Then the chocolate mass will turn out to be liquid, shiny and beautiful.
  4. To make chocolate runny, do not add water. It will make the glaze less viscous and tender. Need a flowing chocolate mass? Add heavy cream or softened butter, or milk. It is not recommended to cover dishes with melting chocolate with a lid. Condensation will form and drip down.
  5. Chocolate should not be left unattended. Stir it constantly. Gently, but intensely. Otherwise, the consistency of the mass will turn out to be grainy.
  6. And finally, a nice bonus. Chocolate has the property of retaining heat. Therefore, there is no need to wait, dancing at the stove, until everything is melted to the last piece. Small hard grains will melt on their own. But don't forget rule #5. Mix, mix and mix again. Even when removed from the stove or removed from the microwave.
  7. Do not add cold cream or butter to warm chocolate "liquid". The mass will curl up, take grains. WITH general rules seems to be sorted out, now let's move on to particulars. That is, methods of melting chocolates.

How to melt chocolate in a water bath so that it is liquid and shiny

  1. Pick up dishes for a water bath. You will need a larger pot for water. And a smaller container for chocolate. The only thing is that the smaller vessel should not fall into the larger one. It should cling to the sides and not reach the bottom. Take a glass of water in a saucepan. Boil. Reduce fire to minimum.
  2. Break the tiles into cubes. Or coarsely chop with a knife. Put in a smaller container.
  3. Place the bowl of chocolate on top of the pot of water. The liquid should not boil rapidly.
  4. Want to make frosting or ganache? Add cream, milk or butter. Do you want melted chocolate to become solid after hardening? Nothing needs to be added.
  5. Bring to a fluid consistency, stirring with a wooden or silicone spatula.

How to melt a chocolate bar in the microwave

This way is faster. However, the likelihood of spoiling the sweetness is also greater. But if you follow the recommendations, you get a shiny, tasty and fluid chocolate mass.

  1. Utensils for melting chocolate in the microwave should be suitable. No metal or shiny rim. Break the tile. Put in a bowl.
  2. Turn on the device at maximum power. After a minute, open the microwave oven and stir.
  3. Turn the microwave back on for half a minute. Repeat the process until you reach the desired consistency.

Can you melt chocolate on the stove?

Definitely, you can. And it is necessary. Of course, if you know and apply these tricks. No thin-bottomed bowls and big fire. In general, read below.

  1. Take a container with a double (!!!) bottom. Fold in it the tile broken into small pieces.
  2. Put on the very, very weak fire.
  3. If needed, add some softened warm oil or warm cream.
  4. It remains only to stir and wait until the chocolate becomes almost liquid. With this method, it is important to remove the bowl before the chocolate mass is completely melted. Small grains will melt from the heat liquid chocolate. But do not forget to stir when removing from the stove.

Now you can go and melt your first chocolate bar!
