
Designer cakes to order. Interesting cake design

Cake is an essential attribute holiday table at a wedding or birthday party. good confectioners constantly compete in the art of decorating cakes, trying to do something extraordinary, making not only to please the taste, but also the look.

A list of ten of the most unique and of course delicious cakes found on the Internet. Talented culinary specialists have shown complete freedom of creativity and a flight of imagination, creating these culinary masterpieces. Attention! It is better not to look on an empty stomach!


1. Xbox cake. This cake will be a great gift for gamers. Play your favorite game, and then eat this cake, what could be better?
2. Cake for DJ. Got it with the gamers. Now we present the cake for the DJ. A caramel plate that you want to eat, not twist. 3. Cake - donkey Eeyore. Beautiful baby cake hic with disney cartoon character o Winnie the Pooh. However, our craftsmen do just as well (for example, http://www.busheer.ru/). Only the cake should be made not with Disney, but with our Eeyore, Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and Owl. 4. Cake - Garden Fairy. To make such a cake, the culinary specialist must have the talent of a sculptor. It's hard to imagine how you can eat it? Is it possible to cut off the head?
5. Cake - Mermaid for lunch. A very creative and humorous cake. The cook does a fish dish from a mermaid. The chef pays a lot of attention to detail. There is a dog with bones, and a mess on the floor, a running mouse, a dirty cook's uniform and much more. 6. Another cake that gamers will love. Super Mario Cake. The cake showcases Mario's difficult journey to the princess. A road full of dangers and leading to the white castle where the beloved lives.
8. Cake - green Dragon. Apparently the chef who made this cake has really high skill and patience. It's hard to imagine how long it took to create one dragon scale.

Today, more and more attention is paid to confectionery skills not only by ordinary consumers, but also by connoisseurs of beauty and perfection.

Creators culinary masterpieces more and more show their skills at a mega professional level, offering everyone the most beautiful cakes 2019-2020 for every taste.

The most beautiful cakes today are of interest to many, because cakes are an essential attribute of any celebration, in particular weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, corporate party etc.

Fashionable and most beautiful cakes 2019-2020 decorate not only the sweet tables of celebrations, but also the covers of authoritative publications that follow trends not only in fashion, design, but also in the culinary field.

Today we decided to present you a delicious and useful overview, after reading which you will be aware of the latest trends and culinary trends in cakes.

Do you want to know about the best novelties, see fashionable and beautiful cakes made in different options registration, then read and see the information below.

The most beautiful cakes 2019-2020: cake design trends and trends

Before you admire the most beautiful cakes of 2019-2020, we note that you can not only buy a cake for the holiday, but also make stylish cakes yourself.

Of course, professionally made cakes will be more original and unusual, but with a strong desire, you can create beautiful cakes from improvised and available products, which can be bought at any store, for example, nuts, candied fruits, cocoa powder, fresh fruit and berries, marshmallows, chocolate, macarons, etc.

Experts say that beautiful cakes 2019-2020 have long moved away from oversaturated design options.

Beautiful cakes with a touch of minimalism and sophistication are in fashion, stylish options with a moderate and thoughtful design.

To mix great amount confectioners do not recommend the ingredients so that the cake does not turn out to be pretentious, and the taste and smell do not become a misunderstanding.

Beautiful cakes with cream decoration are not very durable than the same version with mousse, naked cake, mastic cakes. About the types of the most fashionable cakes more ...

Beautiful Cakes 2019-2020: Icing Cake Trends

Beautiful frosted cakes are one of the hottest confectionery trends that are hugely popular among dessert fans.

Beautiful cakes with icing are also called mirror or mousse. They look very stylish and delight with their design.

Their surface is smooth and the design is unusual. If you want to surprise your guests, choose beautiful cakes with icing.

Note that they can be made in a wide variety of shades, combined in contrasting combinations.

Glaze, mirror cakes can be decorated with fruits, confectionery decor, glazed painting.

Mirror cakes are prepared with chocolate, sugar, milk and condensed milk, honey glaze in a water bath with delicate taste and perfect view.

Beautiful cakes 2019-2020 with "bare" cakes: trends

The next confectionery trend was beautiful cakes with naked or open “naked cake” cakes, which appeared not so long ago, but managed to win a very large audience of admirers.

They started making beautiful cakes with open cakes in America, combining plain light, dark, or multi-colored cakes in one cake.

Naked cakes, of course, are soaked in cream and transformed with fillings, but the surface of the cakes remains practically open.

Beautiful cakes with bare cakes can be decorated with fresh flowers in delicate and bright colors, as well as seasonal fruits and berries.

Like mirrored, naked cakes are often ordered for weddings, because they are very original and gorgeous.

Beautiful homemade cakes 2019-2020: trends

At home, in fact, you can create any cake, the main thing is the skills and skill of the performer. However, beautiful cakes at home do not have to be so chic, as long as they are delicious and cooked with love.

More and more often, homemade cakes and pies are ordered for weddings and celebrations, motivating this very simply: delicious, like at home.

Beautiful cakes and homemade pies can be made from pancakes, with different fillings in taste and texture. Pancake cakes are puffy and have a very delicate taste.

Beautiful cakes 2019-2020 with macarons and croquembush: trends

Dessert trends have delighted savory lovers with varieties such as beautiful macaroon cakes and croquembush.

Fashionable cakes with macaroons and cupcakes are prepared not only for a wedding celebration, but also for name days, anniversaries, office receptions.

And all because so unusual cakes very delicate in taste, original in color design. It does not need to be cut, which is very convenient for a big holiday.

Beautiful cakes 2019-2020: decor and design trends

Fashionable, tasty and beautiful! This is how they characterize the innovations of cakes with edible glitter and metal details in the form of food gold, silver, which will gracefully shimmer on a confectionery masterpiece.

Along with precious cakes, beautiful cakes with a gradient transition of shades look no less original, flawless cakes with luxurious natural flowers, each of which is worthy of attention and will transform any wedding and anniversary.

Unexpectedly infiltrated the field of confectionery design chic cakes with openwork painting, beautiful cakes with fruits and berries proved their superiority, captivated by magnificent desserts with thematic decor, which are made both for wedding masterpieces and for birthdays of men, women, children.

Beautiful cakes can be presented in different forms and sizes. For weddings and large celebrations, confectioners make tiered cakes, For family holidays beautiful cakes on one tier - round, square, oval, atypical.

Beautiful cakes 2019-2020: a review of the best desserts in different styles

Cake is a holiday! At some point, the quantity and variety, as well as the availability of this delicacy, made it possible to forget about it. The cake has become just a banal sweet served at every holiday.

But now, not so long ago, the prices for cakes of all colors and sizes have grown and it has become quite expensive to buy a cake every day. And it's for the best! The cake regained its position, and also moved from the category of just sweets to the category of culinary delights. Again, you can wait for this delicacy with trepidation, because there are so few such things left.

Can the cakes in these pictures be called banal? In no case. Castle cakes, dresses, fabulous animals, cartoon characters and even pieces of furniture. Cooks and confectioners try to give cakes unusual view, it’s a pity to even cut such. Fondants, pastes, creams, various dyes and marzipans - all this is in the arsenal of real artists. Such cakes are ordered for round dates, corporate parties and luxurious weddings.

Zhanna Zubova's cakes

Zhanna Zubova, an artist by education, from St. Petersburg, has been baking for over 10 years confectionery to order, turning a fairy tale into reality.

Zhanna did not need to expand her business - her husband works as a top manager in a large company, and the family did not need money. It all started with a turtle cake and a house cake prepared for family and friends, and over time, the hobby has grown into a profitable and enjoyable business. With her work, Zhanna can earn from 3 to 4 thousand dollars a month.

From the very first orders, she tried to combine confectionery with art, despite the fact that from the visual means at first there were only protein and coffee creams. Over time, there were more opportunities - confectionery colors, sweet mastics, marzipan appeared, and cakes became more and more unusual. Now to decorate one big cake may take up to 3 days.

"Somewhere in the middle of my baking activity, one professional confectioner said: "No one will wait until you make one cake for 3 days, the norm for making custom cakes is 5 pieces a day," says Zhanna. However, those who want to wait a few days To get a miracle cake, it turned out to be a lot.Among Zhanna's customers were the Mariinsky Theater, the football club "Zenith", "Beeline" and "Maxidom".Zhanna works with most of the large customers through restaurants.

Zhanna often cooks goodies for private clients at home. Even a 20-30-kilogram cake is baked by a craftswoman in an ordinary home oven. most expensive and beautiful sweets usually ordered for beloved wives and children. Children like cakes based on fairy tales or cartoons. Zhanna says that she once sculpted a cake decoration directly from the TV screen by pressing the freeze frame.

Most cakes start with a sketch, and if they are architectural cakes, they start with a blueprint. Architecture and children's themes are the pastry chef's favorite topics. From sweets, she created exact copies of the Peter and Paul and Smolny Cathedrals, the Bolsheokhtinsky Bridge.

Out of 20-30 orders per month, only three or four bring real satisfaction to both Jeanne the businesswoman and Jeanne the artist. “I have a constant pricing principle,” Zhanna explains, “as soon as there are more orders than I can do, I raise the price. for the author's performance. Zhanna Zubova also has other business principles: she never takes an advance payment for work and creates a trusting relationship with the client.

Zhanna Zubova constantly invests in professional equipment, for example, she recently purchased a printer for work that prints on edible paper with edible inks.

Many people think that cake is just food; that the cake can be called ordinary, comparing it with cookies for tea. However, this is not at all the case. Especially in those cases when a special treat is specially ordered for the celebration according to the character or hobbies of the recipient. For example, it can be an original cake in the form of a hat with a bow - for a fashionista. Outside - a designer confectionery masterpiece, and inside - your favorite Medovik to order and at home.

A festive themed cake is a continuation of the design, decoration of the festive table. It indicates the presence or absence of aesthetic taste among the organizers of the celebration. Therefore, if you choose a standard template sweet treat, then you will be judged by it. In the same time, designer cakes tell everyone present that you are a creative person living a full life, not afraid to experiment and try something new.

You can draw inspiration from such ideas already used by the customers of our confectionery studio "Kakeri":

  • for a children's Halloween party, we ordered a designer cake in the form of a pumpkin - cute, fun and so symbolic
  • also children and teenagers who are fond of games order cakes in the style of Minecraft
  • athletes order desserts by sport, for example, cakes for swimmers
  • business people (bosses, partners, relatives) often order designer cakes in the form of bottles with exclusive wines, cognacs, whiskey
  • family members and friends periodically order a cake in the form of a house or a door
  • one of the most versatile options - gift box cake - can be both male and female

Just think how many opportunities you will have to arrange unforgettable celebration if the cake is “in the subject”, and not in a flower. Actually, the flower theme at individual approach can also be very well disclosed, but not suitable everywhere. For example, for Halloween, a cake can be ordered with a black rose, from which a black widow appears to emerge. Such a sweet miracle cannot be called serial!

Designer wedding cakes

Some celebrations simply do not allow you to think and act in a stereotyped way. Wedding is one of them. Is it possible to buy just what kind of cake on the shelf of an ordinary shop for your wedding day !? You yourself know the answer to this question! Everything should be special on this day, and a custom-made wedding cake is no exception!

Do you already know what bouquet the bride will have? Then you can order a cake in the form of the same bouquet, only in an enlarged version. Tired of flowers? We can offer you a treat in the form of a bed, on which the bride and groom are sitting in wedding dresses, looking tenderly at each other and holding hands. Why not fresh idea for a designer wedding dessert?

A few more interesting ideas in order to inspire you for the best option:

  • delicate wedding cake with doves
  • unusual and stylized marine wedding cake
  • dessert in the form of a heart - a symbol of eternal and pure love
  • a cheerful and extraordinary wedding cake with cats - for newlyweds who associate themselves with these wayward and freedom-loving animals
  • such a beautiful and beloved Love is cake - for those who remember this taste of childhood!

Order designer wedding, children's cake you can in our sweet cake studio "Kakeri", where you will be offered not only a fresh treat, but also a fresh idea for serving it! By the way, about children's confectionery creations. Do you think that a standard fox and a no less familiar bunny will please your baby?

Not always in this case you will hit the bull's-eye. After all, children want to get not just a cake, but something incredible! They will certainly be surprised and delighted by the quartet of four penguins on the cake, who came to congratulate the culprit of the event on his birthday or the end of first grade. Not to mention the cake with Masha and the Bear - everyone loves this couple!

Order a designer cake and dessert from "Kakeri"

Of course, a designer sweet miracle is not very cheap. But it's worth it, really. Add here the fact that there will be no harmful components in your creation. We are not looking for cheapness, we are looking for high quality! Only the excellent quality of our desserts and cakes allows us to look into the future with confidence and know for sure that customers will always come to our confectionery studio for the next big or small masterpiece for the holiday or just for fun!
