
Decorating a children's cake with funny fruit faces. How to gel berries and fruits on a cake

Decorating cakes with fruits is the most beautiful of the simplest ways to decorate pastries. There are a lot of variations and I have collected photos of the most (from my point of view) beautiful variations of decorating cakes with fruits. Under the photo, I will list the fruits used. Some cakes are decorated with cake jelly. The easiest way is to buy semi-finished jelly in bags at the supermarket or cook it yourself using the recipe that is described at the very end of this publication.

17 most magnificent cakes decorated with fruits

Cake with fruit photo 1. Perhaps the simplest option. The outer circle uses tangerines and green grapes. And the rose in the center of the cake is lined with canned mango (can be replaced with large canned peaches.

Cake with fruit photo 2. Very beautiful and simple cake. Fruits used in decoration: strawberries, red currants (twigs) and round black currants (berries). Colored powder looks very nice on a white creamy background in combination with multi-colored fruits.

Cake with fruit photo 3 (www.momsdish.com). Just a brilliant idea: a rainbow cake. There are many variations on this idea. Starting from the use of fruits and ending with the sequence of laying out colored sectors from fruits. It is in this recipe that the following fruits and berries are used: raspberries, peaches, pineapple, kiwi, blueberries, strawberries. You can also add currants and canned peaches and mangoes and more and more and more.

Cake with fruit photo 4. This cake is for gourmets and aesthetes. Minimalism and elegance. As for my taste - just great: fresh raspberries with small mint leaves. It is also very tasty, when you bite off a piece of cake, your tongue will feel the fresh-sweet mint-raspberry taste.

Cake with fruit photo 5. What was put on the dark layer of chocolate icing? These are: strawberry, kiwi, mango. For greater convenience when “eating”, strawberries can be cut and laid out in halves.

Cake with fruit photo 6. Red and green is a great color combination. Strawberries and raspberries are a wonderful flavor combination. So, only 3 fruits: raspberries, strawberries and kiwi .... and such beauty!

Cake with fruit photo 7. A real homemade recipe, everything is simple and everything is available. Fan-cut large canned mango, kiwi and berries (blueberries or blueberries or blackcurrants) laid out in the center.

Cake with fruit photo 8. In this version of decorating a cake with fruits, the geometric arrangement of fruit pieces is interesting. Fruits are fixed on a gentle oily snow-white cream.

Cake with fruit photo 9. This decoration is very well suited for huge cakes, which are already cut into portioned square (or rectangular) pieces before serving. Used: pineapple, orange, grapefruit, kiwi and cherry.

Cake with fruit photo 10. This is the “Basket of Abundance” depicted and embodied. A good and very varied set of fruits: grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blackberries, canned peaches, apples. All this abundance is filled with “careless” cake jelly.

Cake with fruit photo 11. This cake is for children, it is! Side of the cake: kiwi and currant. Owl: strawberry, banana, canned peach and currant for eyes.

Cake with fruit photo 12. Sponge cake, the sides of which are lined with finely chopped nuts, and the creamy top is decorated with fruits. From fruits used: strawberries, kiwi and peaches. When decorating cakes, it is better to take canned peaches. Together with a piece of cake, a canned peach will bite softly and be a pleasure to eat.

Cake with fruits photo 13. Perhaps if the snow-white cream had not been so professionally laid out, perhaps this simple set of fruits would not have looked so beautiful. But in this snow-white cream wave, they look simply amazing: orange, kiwi, pineapple, mango, tangerine. A “cocktail cherry” soaked in sugar syrup was placed in the center of the cake.

Cake with fruit photo 14. Despite the fact that this cake is made from watermelon (yes, it’s from the pulp of a cold watermelon), the decoration idea can also be used on ordinary biscuit cakes. Beautiful leaves and flowers are cut out of kiwi and mango with the help of small molds for children's creativity. Everything else you see in the photo yourself.

Cake with fruit photo 15. I can’t help but post such a masterpiece, although most likely such a fruit design looks so impressive on a multi-tiered cake. But look how chic the colors are: red, black and blue. This is a fruit platter of raspberries, blackberries and blueberries. All these berries can be bought in the supermarket in the freezing department. Although raspberries are used - fresh. And this is an important rule, since it is raspberries that, after freezing, lose their elastic and chic appearance. But blackberries and blueberries can be bought frozen (but of course good quality freezing).

The berries are laid out too, it seems simple, but very thoughtfully, observing the uniformity of color and taste.

Try and delight your guests with this berry fantasy!!!

Cake with fruit photo 16. It seems that all the same fruits, they just cut and laid them out. But an interesting solution: chocolate bar sides. And now it looks like a chocolate basket filled with fruits. Great solution! The only thing is, do not stray off your feet in search of a white fruit with black dots. This is a Thai fruit called "dragon's eye". In general, it is not very tasty and not very juicy. Although it looks very bright. Replace it with something else.

Fruit cake photo 17. The cake is decorated with citrus slices: lemon, orange and red orange. Sprigs of mint are added as a contrasting color. It will be even more beautiful if, before laying the slices on the cake, dip them in a special gelatin composition (cake jelly). Fruit will sparkle!

Fruit cake photo 18. Sand dough cake (can be stuffed). Laid out fruits are covered with a special cake jelly. It gives shine and tenderness.

Cake with fruits 19. These delicate roses that cover the cake are made from orange peels. It is absolutely not easy to make. The only thing may be that you will need time to “wind up” so many roses. The cake will also be flavorful.

Store-bought confectionery can not be compared with delicious fragrant homemade cakes. In the preparation of a festive cake, one of the main stages is its design. Only here, not everyone knows how to decorate a cake at home beautifully. In fact, for this it is not at all necessary to have the skills of an experienced confectioner. A homemade cake, decorated sincerely and with love, can in many ways surpass any purchased one! Just try not to copy the design options that you saw in the store, but come up with your own unique design. So, let's find out what products and skills you may need to do your own beauty on your cakes!

Cream decorations have not lost their popularity among housewives and confectioners for many years. Roses, leaves, cream borders are an unsurpassed classic that allows you to beautifully decorate a cake. However, before getting down to business, you need to decide which cream should be preferred and what devices you need to stock up on.

The choice of cream for decoration

The cream must be non-fluid and not settling.

Therefore, the most suitable and often used are butter and meringue, which keep their shape perfectly. And you can cook them in the following ways.

Decorate the cake with buttercream

Beat 100 gr. softened butter with a mixer until fluffy. Then gently enter 5 tbsp. l. condensed milk (can be boiled), without stopping whisking. The cream should be smooth and fluffy.

Options for decorating cakes with butter cream:

Meringue preparation and decorating examples

Beat 5 egg whites with a mixer in a strong foam. Continuing to beat, add 250 gr. Sahara. This should be done gradually, 1-2 tablespoons. Set the mixer to medium speed and beat for at least 10-12 minutes until a thick, dense, lush mass is obtained.

Preheat oven to 100 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and brush with a little oil. Using a spoon or pastry syringe, put the finished mass on a baking sheet and send it to the oven. The time after which the meringue will be completely ready is determined depending on its size and shape. On average, it may take about 1.5 hours.

A few examples of decorating cakes with delicious meringues:

Cakes with such a decoration look truly solemn, only they need to be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. And they have a very short shelf life due to the use of butter and eggs.

What tools, molds and nozzles will be needed

The tools for decorating cakes with cream are quite simple - these are confectionery syringes (or bags) with nozzles of various shapes. Thanks to the nozzles, it turns out to draw such beautiful curly curls, flowers, leaves and stems.

It does not matter if your kitchen arsenal does not have such devices. Thanks to the usual paper cornet, it will be quite possible to do without them.

To make it, you only need a blank landscape sheet. It must be rolled up and cut off the tip (evenly or at an angle). The cornet must be held firmly in your hands, preventing it from turning around. Fill the cornet with cream, wrap the top and, squeezing it, decorate the cake as you wish.

Principles and interesting ideas

Depending on the shape of the cut of the cornet or the shape of the nozzle of the confectionery syringe, you can draw on the cake both even stripes and all sorts of flower leaves. If you move your hand quickly, quickly back and forth, then the strip of cream will turn out to be wavy, resembling ruffles.

It’s not boring to decorate the cake with cream if you use dyes. It can be either ready-made food coloring or natural:

  • saffron diluted in warm water will give a yellow color;
  • freshly squeezed beet, cherry or cranberry juice - red;
  • carrot juice or orange juice - orange color;
  • spinach juice - green;
  • cocoa powder or freeze-dried coffee - chocolate color.

Learning how to beautifully decorate a cake with mastic

Pastry mastic can be an excellent alternative to cream decorations. Its consistency is very similar to plasticine. Therefore, if you know how to sculpt beautifully, you can recreate anything from it: from the same various flowers to animal figures and various objects.

The main difference between mastic and cream is that it can be wrapped with cling film and stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 months.

How to make mastic with your own hands

Mastic can be bought ready-made in a specialized store, or you can cook it yourself, which will be even better. There are several ways to prepare it:

Milk mastic

Do you want something interesting?

You will need to take in equal amounts:

  • powdered milk;
  • condensed milk;
  • powdered sugar.

Mix all the ingredients and knead them into an elastic dough.

Everything, the mass is ready for modeling! You can start creating. If you want to make the mastic multi-colored, all the same food colors as for the cream are suitable for this.

Marshmallow mastic

For its preparation, white chewing marshmallow is used. The color of the finished mastic can be left as is, white, or dyed.

Melt a handful of marshmallows in the microwave or in a water bath. Add some food coloring (optional) and some water with citric acid (or milk). To make the finished mastic more plastic, add a piece of butter. In the resulting mass, add in small portions the sifted icing sugar and potato starch (in a ratio of 1: 3). Stir thoroughly before adding more powder and starch.

When the mastic becomes viscous and will easily peel off the walls of the dish, transfer it to a table strewn with powder. Knead similarly to the dough, adding powdered sugar, but do not overdo it with its amount. After 10 minutes, the mastic will become very plastic and stop sticking to your hands. Everything, you can consider it ready for modeling decorations for your cake.

Rules for working with this material

Mastic is a somewhat whimsical material for creativity. In the air, it dries quickly and hardens. Therefore, do not forget to wrap it in a plastic bag during work. You also need to roll out the mastic on cling film, while sprinkling it with powdered sugar.

To decorate the cake with mastic, do not sculpt too voluminous elements - they can simply crack. Flower arrangements with leaves, frills and ruffles, small figurines of animals or people, and other items that you can only blind will look much better.

Here are some interesting decoration options for inspiration:

Original cake decoration with fruits

Decorating a cake with fruits and berries is perhaps the most inexpensive, simple and beautiful way that many hostesses have long been using to pamper their household aesthetically. Both fresh and frozen fruits can be used.

Simple fruit and berry combinations

You can use one type of berries (for example, raspberries or strawberries) in combination with fresh mint leaves, or make a fruit and berry mix of colorful fruits (kiwi, bananas, strawberries, cherries, etc.).

The cream is perfectly combined with strawberries and chocolate icing.

The exotic fruit design looks amazing. Put them on the finished chilled cake, creating a beautiful arrangement. Dilute purchased jelly or regular gelatin in water (there should be much less water than indicated in the instructions). Gently apply the mixture to the fruit with a wide brush and send the cake to the refrigerator. After half an hour, repeat the procedure. So the fruit will look juicier, and the design will not fall apart.

Fancy fruit crafts

For those who are ready for more sophisticated ways to decorate a cake, we suggest mastering apple roses. Of course, to create them you will need free time and skill, but we are sure that you will be able to do it!

So let's start with the sugar syrup. To do this, you need to take 1 tbsp. sugar for 1 tbsp. water and boil well. If you want to give roses a certain color, add a little food coloring to the syrup. Then cut the apple into thin semicircular petals and boil in syrup over low heat until plastic.

Take the syrup off the heat and start twisting the rose. Roll the first petal into a tube, and wind the rest on top until you get a flower. Wrap the tips of the slices slightly outward to make the rose look blooming.

Chocolate cake decoration

A special delicacy is to decorate a chocolate cake with chocolate. In fact, there are a lot of options for chocolate decoration. All of them are perfect and original in their own way. You choose!

The easiest and fastest way to decorate the cake with chocolate chips. To do this, you just need to grate the chocolate bar on a coarse or fine grater. But there is also a more interesting and unusual way to get shavings: put the chocolate for a while in a warm place, and then cut thin shavings from the bar with a knife. They will immediately start rolling. Arrange these curls on a plate and send them to the refrigerator. Sprinkle them randomly on the cake when they are completely set.

Openwork chocolate is a more sophisticated option for decorating a cake. Such decorations look so chic that it is hard to believe how easy they are to make.

Melt the chocolate bar over low heat, stirring constantly, or use the microwave. You should not heat chocolate in a water bath, otherwise drops of condensate will mix with it, which we absolutely do not need.

While it's melting, draw whatever your heart desires on parchment paper. These can be patterns, hearts, flowers, snowflakes, etc. Then draw some more hot chocolate with a pastry syringe or place it in a plastic bag, in which you will need to cut a tiny hole. Outline your drawings on the parchment.

This must be done carefully, but quickly, because the chocolate hardens almost instantly.

The design turns out to be very fragile, so we recommend making several spare patterns. When the work is finished, send your sketches to the refrigerator until completely solidified. After that, very carefully separate the openwork ornaments and transfer them to the cake.

Ready-made templates for openwork chocolate curls that you can simply print and circle with chocolate:

Chocolate leaves on the cake look impressive, and they don’t require much effort in terms of manufacturing. To create them, you will need leaves of any tree (in winter, leaves of indoor plants can help out). They need to be thoroughly washed and dried. Then evenly apply melted chocolate on them with a brush. Chocolate leaves will look more realistic if the chocolate is applied to the back of the leaf - the one with the veins. After hardening, carefully separate the real leaves from the chocolate ones.

As you can see, decorating a cake with chocolate is quick and easy. Creativity and a share of imagination can create incredible things!

Fantasizing over a children's cake

To decorate a children's cake for the upcoming holiday, you will need special sophistication. After all, it should turn out not only beautiful, but certainly childish! The following materials are well suited for decoration:

  • bright mastic, from which you can mold cartoon characters or funny figures;
  • different fruits;
  • sweets;
  • jelly or marmalade;
  • multi-colored confectionery powder used to decorate Easter cakes.

Remarkably, for children, the appearance of the cake is even more important than its taste.. Therefore, in order for the child to be satisfied, try to decorate the cake, taking into account his preferences and interests. Boys are usually delighted with cakes in the form of a car or a robot, girls are not indifferent to Barbie dolls. And cartoon characters are a mutually favorite topic.

Other simple and interesting ways to decorate

You can decorate the cake with your own hands in other simple, but no less enchanting ways:

  1. Drizzle the top and sides of the cake with chocolate or colored icing;
  2. Use ready-made chocolate figurines;
  3. Walnut kernels or almonds can be arranged in an original way by depicting a border and flowers;
  4. The combination of chocolate and whipped cream looks unsurpassed;
  5. So that the fruits do not lose their appearance, first dip them in transparent jelly;
  6. Another great idea for easy cake decorating: make a unique stencil! To do this, on a piece of paper with a diameter slightly larger than the cake itself, cut out an arbitrary ornament that you like. Hold the stencil over the cake and dust it with icing if the cake is covered with chocolate icing, or cocoa if it is covered with white cream;
  7. The sides of the cake can be decorated with cream stripes or chocolate chips;
  8. It looks great around the cake a picket fence of wafer rolls or long cookies;
  9. You can simply grease the sides with cream and sprinkle them with crumbs from cookies or nuts.

As you can see, decorating cakes gives a lot of imagination. Don't be afraid to create, create unique masterpieces and share your ideas and their implementation in the comments!

Cake is an indispensable element of any holiday. Serving a regular dessert is out of the question these days. A modern cake is sure to be decorated in the latest fashion.

  • A modern cake is not just cakes smeared and soaked in cream. This is culinary art! Recently, the fashion for beautiful and delicious cakes has gained more and more momentum and now, in order to surprise someone, you need to work hard on decorating homemade cakes.
  • Well, as the popularity of beautiful cakes grew, manufacturers began to produce more decorations for this dessert.
  • In large stores and supermarkets, we have the opportunity to observe a great variety of edible figurines, beads, mastic, lace, jelly molds, sweets, powders, wafers, and so on.
modern decorated cake

Today, cakes are richly decorated with fresh fruits and berries. These are not only bright elements, but also a way to add freshness and juiciness to the dessert.

Not infrequently, to decorate and give originality, the cake at home is decorated with all kinds of bright candy tablets, chocolates and jelly sweets.

In more complex versions, confectionery mastic is used from which any figure can be molded.

How to decorate a marshmallow cake?

  • Marshmallow - it's a kind of candy. With their taste and texture, they are more reminiscent of marshmallows or even marshmallows.
  • But unlike marshmallows, they do not contain egg whites and gelatin is present, which gives the candy elasticity and density.
  • Marshmallows are often toasted over campfires on tourist trips, or added to cocoa for a sweet crema and vanilla-sweet flavor.
  • Inventive housewives came up with a way to decorate a cake at home with this candy
  • It turns out that marshmallows can make pretty good mastic, from which it is easy to mold a flower, a number and any other flat figure

candy marshmallow

You can buy marshmallows in almost any store. And in order to prepare the mastic, you need:

  • pour a package of marshmallows (about 200 grams in a pack) into a glass dish
  • add a tablespoon of milk and butter to sweets
  • melt the sweets in a steam bath or in the microwave for a few minutes
  • cool the mass and pour a glass of powdered sugar and a glass of sifted starch into it, mix until smooth
  • crumple the finished mass into a "plasticine" ball
  • such material can be rolled out with a rolling pin, cut out patterns from it with figures or scissors and decorate a cake with them

cake decorated with marshmallow fondant

Of course, you can not bother and come up with a simpler use of marshmallows, for example, create animal figures from it or simply lay it beautifully on the top of the cake.

marshmallow cake figurines

Try and experiment with the most original jewelry. Marshmallows are a very budgetary, and most importantly, spectacular way to decorate a birthday cake.

How to decorate mmdems cake? Decoration Ideas

There is probably no such person who does not know and does not love M&M's chocolate tablets. It seems that they have always existed, and even in childhood, such sweetness made us incredibly happy. There are two types of M&M's:

  • with chocolate fondant
  • with peanuts inside

These are bright and colorful elements that can make any dessert festive and interesting. You can buy sweets in any store, and the decoration itself at home will not take much time.

cake decoration with chocolate M&M's

This version of the cake, of course, is complex. It depicts a package of crumbling M&M's. The sweets themselves appear in their own role and adorn one edge of the baking in a lush scattering.

chocolate cake with M&M's

This method of decorating is simpler, but it is complemented by chocolate bars that surround the side of the cake in a circle. M&M's, on the other hand, are located on the surface of the dessert and create an iridescent mood with their bright colors.

How to decorate the cake is up to you. But when using M&M's, you need to be aware of their coloring feature. Therefore, it is recommended to put sweets on thick butter chocolate creams, where the likelihood that the candy will melt and the colored glaze will flow is minimal.

How to decorate a cake with mastic at home?

  • You should not assume that mastic is such a complex confectionery decoration, which is unlikely to be possible for everyone.
  • It has become possible to purchase such decorative sweet material in any confectionery store and even in the market. The fashion for decorating cakes does not leave ordinary housewives aside, offering them the opportunity to learn the art of mastering the "culinary clay"
  • Mastic decorates both adult and children's cakes. It is easy to sculpt funny cartoon figures and colorful beautiful flowers from it.

Before you start decorating, you must clearly fulfill all the conditions for baking a cake:

  • bake cakes of the same size, try to make even cuts on them
  • soaking the cake with cream, distribute it evenly so that there are no slopes and humps
  • with a spatula, level the cake on all sides and only then proceed to the mastic

confectionery mastic

Mastic is quite flexible and viscous material. But if you roll it too thin, it might tear.

After you have rolled out the fondant (its size should be twice the size of the cake), cover your dessert with it. Carefully fill the material under each barrel of the cake and only then cut off the excess pieces with a knife in a circle.

covering the cake with buttercream

From the remnants of the material, you can mold any decoration: flowers, figurines, ribbons and bows. If you want to make a pattern, use a special confectionery stamp that will leave an indented pattern around the entire perimeter of the cake.

cake decorated with confectionery fondant

Try this decoration every time and as a result your work will gain high professionalism.

How to decorate a cake without mastic at home?

  • Decorating a cake at home without the use of confectionery mastic is quite possible with the help of fresh fruits and berries
  • Moreover, this method has already begun to displace the boring sweet viscous shell, opening the way for naturalness and usefulness.
  • Cakes with fruits and berries are becoming popular at special occasions: weddings, anniversaries and birthdays.

It is believed that such decor is very useful and not so high in calories, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating is the trend of our time.

cake decorated with berries
  • With such natural decorations on the cake, light protein and yogurt creams are perfectly combined.
  • Be sure that such a dessert will not stagnate on the table for a long time and your loved ones will require supplements.
  • In order to make the decoration spectacular, use large fruits and berries (for example, strawberries) in a section
  • This will allow the structure of the fruit to be revealed and its colorful colors to be revealed. For a light glaze and sweetness, sprinkle fruit with powdered sugar and chopped nuts, if desired.

holiday cakes decorated with fruits and berries at home

How to decorate a cake with whipped cream?

Whipped cream is the easiest, fastest, and most budget-friendly way to decorate a cake at home. You can buy such cream at any store in the dairy department.

Of course, you can whip cream at home, but a high-quality cream will turn out only if you have special equipment or a blender.

cream cake

There is one important condition for decorating a cake with cream. The fact is that such a cream has the property of “floating”, which means that the finished dessert should be decorated right before serving and stored in a cool place. Whipped cream goes well with fresh fruits, berries, nuts and chocolate chips.

How to decorate a cake with chocolate icing at home?

Chocolate icing or chocolate gommage (as it is called in cooking) is a very popular cake decoration at home. It is not difficult to prepare it at home from store-bought chocolate, butter and cocoa.

chocolate glaze

In order to prepare a high-quality dense glaze, you need to melt chocolate with butter in a steam bath.

You can choose from both dark and milk chocolate. In any case, the color will turn out dark. Butter is necessary for the chocolate to acquire a pleasant fatty texture.

If no butter is added to the chocolate, it will harden to the state you bought it.

cake covered with chocolate icing

You can prepare the icing without any store-bought sweets. To do this, you need to add cocoa to taste to the melted butter - the more, the bitterness will be stronger, and the color darker.

How to decorate a two-tiered cake?

  • A two-tiered cake is a decoration for any event. Firstly, it is large and enough for a huge number of people, and secondly, it is beautiful and looks like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe perfect cake that has haunted us since childhood
  • A two-tier cake can have one taste, for example vanilla, or two: vanilla and chocolate
  • A two-tier cake is a huge platform for the creativity of every housewife. With the help of fondant, fruit and cream, you can create incredible decorations and patterns that will delight everyone.

Incredibly spectacular on such cakes look mastic flowers in combination with lace, mother-of-pearl beads and chocolate figurines.

holiday bunk cakes

Adhering to the idea of ​​a healthy diet, it is not a sin to decorate such a dessert with fresh berries and natural cream.

fruit cake decoration
  • When decorating your homemade cake with your own hands, stick to a certain style and harmoniously combine colors.
  • Try making elementary chocolate figurines for decoration. To do this, you will need to melt natural chocolate without butter and other impurities in the microwave or on a steam bath.
  • Using a spoon, pour the chocolate onto the parchment paper in a thin stream. You can draw both individual figures and a simple abstraction
  • Put the finished drawing in the refrigerator for half an hour. Separate the finished product from the paper and decorate the cake with it
chocolate figurines

In the struggle for a beautiful cake decoration, all methods are good. Experiment with all materials, use mint leaves, roasting, nut and chocolate chips, various powders and confectionery beads.

Video: "Decorating a cake with a chocolate ornament"

It is difficult to imagine a person who has not tasted sweets at least once in his life. Of course, this is not the main food, you can do without it. But sweets have a different purpose: dessert is able to improve mood, it can give pleasure only from its very use.

World of sweets

The use of sweets has long been considered a special tradition, the completion of the main meal or an independent snack, the whole charm of which was savoring, leisurely eating and enjoying the taste of dessert.

The world of sweets is big. These are various types of sweets, marshmallows, marshmallows, jellies, cakes and pastries, sherbets and halva. Sweets always accompany us. There are traditional, characteristic for this or that nation, and there are treats that were prepared for any holiday. There are some goodies that you can eat for dessert every day. Among such sweets can be called glazed fruits. They can be used as an independent dish or cakes, sweet pies.

This insanely delicious delicacy is loved by both adults and children. It is prepared from well-ripened, but not overripe fruits. The recipe is simple, and the dessert turns out to be healthy, as it retains a lot of vitamins.

Large fruits must be peeled and folded into a porcelain dish with a lid. Separately, prepare the syrup: pour 500 grams of sugar into 0.5 liters of water, heat until completely dissolved. Then pour the fruit with the hot syrup prepared in this way, cover with a lid and leave for a day. After we filter the fruit through a sieve. Boil the syrup again until it thickens and again fill it with fruit. Again we leave for a day.

This procedure is repeated until the syrup has completely evaporated. As a rule, it takes 8-10 days, and glazed fruits are ready. We dry them well and put them in glass jars.

A little trick: to give the fruit an attractive appearance, you can add gelatin to the syrup (two grams per hundred grams of fruit).


Glazed fruit for the cake can be prepared according to the following recipe. To implement it, we need: apples, pears, quinces (two each), plums, apricots, peaches (four each), water (one liter), powdered sugar (one kilogram).

We make syrup from water and powder. We clean the fruits, cut large ones into slices, pierce with a needle so that they are better saturated. Fill with hot syrup, leave for a day. Then drain, boil until thick and pour the fruit again. Leave for 5-7 days until the syrup has completely evaporated. We spread the fruits on paper, dry well and put them in a cardboard box.

Such glazed fruits are stored for a very long time. They will be a wonderful decoration for the cake.

You can pleasantly surprise your guests with delicious and It can be the beauty of which is given by glazed fruits (the recipe with the photo was given above).

Making this cake is easy. First, prepare shortbread dough according to any recipe. Put the biscuit on the bottom of the form. Then we will make the filling: beat the butter with powdered sugar, add eggs, almonds, flour, chocolate, vanilla. Put on the cake and put in the oven. It remains to decorate the baked cake with the filling with glazed fruits, which can be prepared according to one of the recipes mentioned above.

Bon appetit!

What is the most interesting thing about making a birthday cake? Of course, decoration. do-it-yourself at home is a very interesting and exciting activity. However, it must be said that in addition to the original or complex design, a sweet dessert should also be delicious. DIY at home is not at all as frivolous as some beginners might think.

Basic design rules

If you have got the hang of baking airy biscuits, shortbread or puff cakes and you like this business, then sooner or later you will definitely have a desire not only to sprinkle the sides and top with crumbs from the cakes, although it looks very cute and homely, but also to make volumetric compositions from mastic, draw patterns and display inscriptions.

Do-it-yourself cake decoration at home can be done with fresh or canned fruits, jelly, various creams, mastic, fudge, whipped cream, etc. There are several rules that are very desirable to follow. For example, it is believed that at least 70% of cake decoration should consist of those products from which the base of the dessert is made. Decorating a cake with your own hands at home for children should not contain alcoholic components. And if the little hero of the celebration asked for a cake with a decoration in the form of a car, and you cannot cut it out of a biscuit, mold it from mastic or draw it, then come up with something simpler, but of a similar theme.

If the child does not like it, then do not fill the entire perimeter with voluminous roses, although you personally like them and turn out especially well for you.

These rules are rather arbitrary. Obviously, decorating a cake with your own hands at home for a child is always a manifestation of love for your baby, no matter how old he is, as well as a desire to please an expensive child with a delicious and intricately decorated delicacy. Therefore, we will not take your time with distant descriptions of the rules of etiquette, but we will tell and show how to make various decorations and mixtures for their sculpture.

Proper decoration of the cake with your own hands at home requires compliance with one prerequisite - the cakes should not be visible. They must be carefully masked with cream or mastic.

Whipped cream

Decorating a cake with your own hands at home with cream is the easiest and fastest way to decorate. In addition, whipped cream goes well with all types of dough, impregnation, fillings and creams. With the help of various nozzles, you can experiment with patterns. If there is no special pastry bag, then you can coat the cake with a thick layer of cream and apply patterns with cutlery, as shown in the photo.

For voluminous decorations, they are made from heavy cream, at least 33%, and powdered sugar. First, cream is whipped to soft peaks, then powder is gradually introduced and whipped to hard peaks. The finished mixture is transferred to a pastry bag and squeezed out in accordance with the intended design.

Butter cream

Decorating a cake with your own hands at home with butter cream is done in the same way as with whipped cream, that is, using the same tools and the same methods. But there are still more options from buttercream. Compared to whipped cream, it is more stable.

To prepare it, you need very good 100% butter - 522 g, powdered sugar of the finest grinding - 280 g, high-quality condensed milk without vegetable fats and preservatives - 209 g, vanillin powder - 5 g, cognac - 2 g, boiled semolina porridge - 65 g.

Beat the softened butter at the lowest speed. Five minutes after the start of whipping, pour in the powder in a thin stream. Turnover gradually increase. Put semolina porridge, condensed milk, cognac and vanillin into the cream. Beat on high speed for 10 minutes. This cream, when stored in the refrigerator, does not deteriorate for three days. It is very good to make flowers out of it, draw directly on the cake, using different nozzles on a pastry bag, write congratulations.

Dry food coloring, cocoa powder, cuttlefish ink, etc. are used to color the cream.

Melted chocolate decoration

Melted chocolate figures look very good on a soft creamy coating. To make them, you need a pastry bag with a small hole, a bar of chocolate and foil. The chocolate is melted in a water bath and poured into a bag. Squeeze a thin stream onto the foil. The drawing on the foil must be applied in advance. These can be structural elements for a house, a car, an ornate border, intricate curls, flowers, etc. Wait for the chocolate to harden again. Carefully separate the hardened figures from the foil and stick into the cream.

Decoration of confectionery products with sweet mastic

Decorating a cake with your own hands at home with mastic is a very simple matter, much easier than fussing with butter cream. However, the dessert, covered with mastic, gives the impression of the work of a professional confectioner. There are many ways to make mastic. We'll talk about a few. If you are going to decorate the cake with a wrap or then pay attention to the fact that:

Mastic can be prepared long before the cakes are baked; it is stored in the refrigerator for up to several months, provided that it is tightly wrapped in several layers of polyethylene;

Powdered sugar should be of the finest grinding; it must be sifted before work; if, when rolling, a small solid fragment appears in the mastic, it will tear the entire mastic web;

When connecting individual parts, such as flower petals, the mastic should be slightly moistened with water at the joints;

A mastic cloth is applied to a cake covered with frozen ganache or marzipan; if you cover a wet biscuit soaked in syrup or sour cream with mastic, it will dissolve;

Powdered sugar is the basis of mastic, its quantity in recipes is conditional; much depends on the humidity and temperature of the environment; the powder is mixed into the mastic until it stops sticking to the hands;

It is most convenient to roll out the mastic between two strong plastic bags; some chefs advise doing this on a table sprinkled with powdered sugar or starch.

Milk mastic

It is the cheapest and easiest to make. However, due to the yellowish tint, it is not suitable for those cases where white or blue is needed.

For its manufacture, milk powder, powdered sugar and condensed milk are required. 250 grams of powdered milk should be mixed with the same amount of powdered sugar, then pour in 250 ml of condensed milk. Stir first in a bowl, and then on the table until it stops sticking.

Classic mastic with gelatin

10 g of gelatin should be poured with ten tablespoons of hot water and left to swell. After 40 minutes, put the gelatin in a water bath and bring to complete dissolution. Cool at room temperature and add powdered sugar (about 900 g) in small portions to a slightly warm solution. This mastic can be dyed with all dyes. Store it in the refrigerator, wrapped tightly with two layers of cling film. It is suitable for making both the thinnest flower petals, and for voluminous figures - houses, little men, fruits, etc.

Marshmallow mastic

Marshmallow mastic is the most popular of all. Probably because it's easier to make. You need to take a pack of white marshmallows marshmallows or others like these, put them in a microwave-safe dish, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and microwave for 20 seconds. The mixture will become runny and can be mixed with a suitable food coloring. While stirring in the powdered sugar, turn the candy mixture into a plastic mastic dough. Then you can roll the mastic into a layer according to the size of the cake and cover the dessert with it, or you can mold figures from it that correspond to the theme of the holiday.


Almond flour, 225 grams, should be mixed with 250 grams of powdered sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice and one or two egg whites (see the size of the eggs and the consistency of the marzipan dough). Roll out the finished dough with a thickness of 2-3 mm into a layer slightly larger than the size of the cake. Spread the cake with apricot jam and cover with marzipan. Carefully smooth out and cut off the excess. Marzipan coating is a good dissolution protection for mastic and fondant. Figures from the same marzipan are a fun DIY cake decoration at home. Photos illustrating the use of marzipan crafts in the design of children's cakes clearly demonstrate how original these desserts look.


With a very simple composition - dark chocolate and heavy cream in equal amounts, ganache is not prepared quickly. Chocolate should be broken into pieces. Boil one third of the cream and pour over the chocolate. Stir until smooth and put in the refrigerator for six to eight hours. After this time, you need to shake the chocolate mixture slightly, beat the remaining cream into a strong foam. Pour the chocolate mixture into the cream in small portions.

Ganache is applied with a brush to the entire surface of the cake. This is the perfect base for makeup. Bitter chocolate and sugary-sweet mastic are perfectly combined with each other.

Ganache can be used not only for mastic, but also for glazing fresh fruits, such as strawberries. In this case, powdered sugar should be added to the cream.

Do-it-yourself cake decoration at home with fruits is shown in several photos. Fresh fruits can be dipped in black or white ganache and placed in tiers, alternating with unglazed fruit.
