
Scenario of a fashionable corporate party chocolate show. Game program "Candy evening

A sweet chocolate party is sure to leave an unforgettable aftertaste in the memory of the guests! After all, chocolate improves mood, drives away depression and promotes the production of hormones of happiness - great way create joyful festive mood. We decided to take our guests on a trip to confectionery paradise? We will help!


Imagine that the room is showroom chocolate factories. Fill the space with everything that excites the appetite of the sweet. Satin fabric is perfect for the background - bows on the backs of chairs, curtains, drapery on the walls with beautiful folds of bitter, white and milk chocolate. If you live in big city, you will surely be able to rent a hall decorated in chocolate shades.

If you are planning a chocolate party for children, arrange animal figurines around the hall. You can buy them or make your own. It's easy: melt the tiles in a water bath, pour into molds and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Molds can be made from salt dough - attach a rubber toy and press. Dough recipe: for 2 cups of flour 1 cup fine salt without additives, warm water before desired consistency(Modeling dough is cool, does not stick to hands).

Collect or print candy wrappers from the web. They will make bright garlands for decorating the ceiling and cheerful flowers. Wind a spiral from brown paper (imitation chocolate chips) and decorate them with compositions, dishes, frames with photos of chocolate masterpieces. Hang randomly or on a stand old packaging, boxes from sets, chocolate wrappers - everything is on the net. Balloons under the ceiling will remind guests of the bubbles inside the “airy” chocolate.

If you want to add solemnity, instead of multi-colored wrappers, make garlands of gold or silver foil, hang a shiny serpentine or rain. If you want bright happy holiday, use confetti colors for decoration - turquoise, pink, orange, salad.

Don't forget to send your friends an invitation to the chocolate party. It could be a tile wrapped in unique wrapper(make text and image in photo editor), chocolate rose (text on paper wrapped around stem), box of sweets self made(text on cover). You can print the text on a cardboard "chocolate" in milk letters, and put the tile in a home-made box (or buy "Inspiration" and stick the printed papers on top).


Choosing an outfit for the evening is not difficult. All shades of chocolate are at guests' disposal - deep brown, frivolous beige, silky cocoa. For a celebration, cocktail dresses of one of the chocolate shades, with puffy wave skirts, bows and ruffles, are perfect. Guys will have a harder time - brown suits are not so popular. Although you can wear a coffee-colored satin shirt or a T-shirt with black trousers if the holiday is unofficial. For a friendly meeting, jeans and T-shirts with prints in the theme are suitable.

If you have plans for a grand chocolate party, you can sew the outfit in advance by coming up with original design. It's simple, because the costumes will be used only once. You can sew for girlfriends short sundresses made of fabric in a milk-chocolate cage or puffy dresses decorated with “chocolate” roses, truffles and other “raisins”. Don't forget accessories and makeup to match.

Serving and menu

Everything should be bright and festive, so do not try to hit only on chocolate shades. Use for decorating sweet dishes colored glaze and a scattering of confetti, sugar stars, shavings, candied flowers. What can be on your table:

  • pieces of fruit, berries, waffles and skewers to dip a tidbit into chocolate rivers;
  • chocolate ice cream, desserts, cookies with chocolate chips, cakes;
  • assorted roughly broken tiles, wrapped and unwrapped sweets, beautiful slides;
  • extreme types of chocolate with bacon, pepper, salt, etc.

Put on the table unsweetened juices, mineral, fruit and plain water with ice so that guests can quench their thirst. On a separate table, arrange plates with vegetables, fish and meat snacks(a mini-buffet for those who want to eat something more substantial than sweets).


Chocolate is always a bit of childhood, pleasant memories of the time when the biggest problem was a bruise on the knee. Therefore, feel free to include in the script any children's games that seem appropriate and suitable for you, taking into account the mores of the company. Prepare music for dances and competitions: soundtracks from Charlie and chocolate Factory”, Pierre Narcisse's Chocolate Bunny, Tootsie Bitter Chocolate.

To support the theme of the party, we offer several "chocolate" entertainment:

  • truth or lie? Read interesting facts about chocolate and your fiction, inviting guests to reveal the truth;
  • childhood taste. Blindfolded, the guest tries the candy and guesses its name. Sweets should be popular, USSR;
  • guests from the past. The competition is similar to the previous game, but you have to guess the names of the candies from the label. Seal the inscriptions with opaque tape;
  • chocolate swim. Pour melted chocolate or cocoa into bowls, toss in corn rings. Guests should catch as many flakes as possible in their mouths in 30 seconds without helping themselves with their hands. Do not forget to prepare tissues for wiping chocolate noses;
  • without the help of hands, it is fastest to unwrap the wrapper and eat the candy. It will be funnier if you choose huge candies;
  • instead of Alenka's face, put children's photos of friends on the wrappers, divide into two piles and distribute to teams. Specify that team A is holding pictures of players from team B, and vice versa. The goal is to give the rivals the pictures in the “correct” hands, guessing who is depicted in the children's pictures.

Finish the scenario with a grand prize distribution - chocolate sets, movie CDs (in one way or another related to chocolate), recipe books, miniature tile-shaped key rings with a commemorative inscription, chocolate cups, certificates for a chocolate master class.

Chocolate fountain - universal decoration any holiday. However, in order for this not to turn out to be money thrown to the wind, like any element of the script, you need to think carefully about how and when to use it. We have quite a lot of experience in working on holidays of various themes and directions, so let me givesome general advice for you.


Typically, a chocolate fountain is used in several cases:

1. In the buffet area at the time of the gathering of guests . This great option in the event that guests have to gather in a restaurant by a certain time. Imagine that a sufficient number of people who are not always familiar with each other gather in one place and wait for the young to arrive and invite everyone to banqueting hall. Of course, it's great when they all do not just gather in the corners, each with a familiar company, but help themselves and are already tuned in to a fun holiday. Usually in these cases champagne, fruits and a chocolate fountain are used as a pleasant aperitif.

2. As an entertainment element of the evening in the center of the program. It is most competent to order a chocolate fountain in the central part of the program if there are many children at the wedding. After a certain time, they get bored of sitting at the table and listening to healthy speeches, so the chocolate fountain is exactly the element that will entertain and entertain them, as well as other guests, during the dance break.

3. At the end of the evening to the sweet table . In this case, the chocolate fountain can precede the introduction of the cake, and sometimes even replace it. The bride and groom themselves "open" the treat at the fountain, tea and other sweets are served. A logical and very beautiful end to the evening.

In order for such a completion to be beautiful and very memorable, it is desirable that all sweets be on the same table with a chocolate fountain, possibly in the form of a sweet table (Candy-bar, that is, a candy bar), made in the same style and unified color scheme with a wedding ceremony.

4. As a wedding gift. The chocolate fountain itself is great and very original gift for the wedding. This is also the case when there is an answer to the question: "what to give to people who have everything?" Interesting, original, will please both young people and their guests. Such a gift will definitely be noticed and appreciated. At what point do you need to order a fountain in this case? Better in the middle of the celebration. However, it must be understood here that the organization this gift it is better to take care in advance by agreeing with the administration of the restaurant or cafe on the place that should be prepared for the fountain, and with the toastmaster, the moment when the fountain needs to be announced and donated.

In all these cases, it is usually enough to order a fountain for an hour, maybe in the second - for two. More than three hours of operation of the fountain usually makes no sense to order for a wedding celebration. It's great when a chocolate fountain at a wedding is a highlight, and not a backdrop for the whole evening.


When the holiday is mainly for adults, it is good to treat guests with a chocolate fountain at the end of the event, similarly with a wedding. This perfect option, since in the case of celebrating an anniversary, there is usually no long time at the beginning while the guests gather and wait for the hero of the day, which means that snacks are not needed to meet the guests.

Corporate party (company birthday, New Year, March 8, presentation, opening of a new salon, store, etc.)

In case of corporate event There are several main options for the development of events:

1. Banquet for employees. In this case, the chocolate fountain is best used towards the end of the event, when the guests are already having fun, actively moving around the hall, dancing. At this moment, the fountain is and great dessert, and pleasant sweet snack, and just a great point to meet colleagues and chat.

2. Presentation, buffet for clients. In this case, quite a lot of options are possible, it all depends on the general scenario of the holiday. A chocolate fountain can serve as a decoration for the entire event from start to finish, especially when you need to attract maximum attention. potential clients, in this case, the fountain can be both an independent treat, and the central part of the buffet table with snacks and drinks.

Or you can use a chocolate fountain as a kind of accent, a climax. This is most advantageous when the guests gather all together, there is a solemn part, main speeches, and then a treat.

That is, in this option, the time for ordering a fountain can be completely different, from one hour to a full working day (the second option is most relevant for spending client days in boutiques, salons, stores, where there is a constant influx and migration of guests on this day).

3. Buffet - congratulations. This option is especially relevant when congratulating employees on March 8, February 23, New Year or corporate holiday in the office, and maybe the boss's birthday. When the team gets together, toasts are made, congratulations are made, gifts are presented, the celebration ends and everyone goes home. How to surprise and please colleagues in this case? Of course, a chocolate fountain with fruits and champagne.

Children's birthday

On children's holiday It is optimal to use the chocolate fountain after all the children have eaten.

But it is also very important that the fountain be included in the scenario of the event. Do you know a lot of children who refuse sweets, especially chocolate, which flows and begs to be mouthed? We are not, so if the fountain is turned on early, before any games provided for according to the scenario are over, then the children, leaving everything, will run to it to help themselves.

Since it takes a little time to turn on and start the fountain (usually 5-7 minutes), it is desirable that there is some place in the celebration room where you can turn on and start the fountain, but the children would not see it yet, the neighboring restaurant hall is optimal or next room. In this case, the animator, at the moment that is set according to the script, will be able to show the children the fountain, beat his appearance and everyone will be satisfied.

Please note that children are not very neat, so if they are still small, it is very desirable that their parents help them to help themselves from the fountain. However, if chocolate gets on your clothes, don't be discouraged - fresh spots perfectly laundered But how many great impressions the children have from the chocolate waterfall! Finally, you can eat delicious, sweet and healthy treats. Why useful? In fountains, we use only natural chocolate, without cocoa butter substitutes, and natural chocolate, and even in combination with fruits simply cannot do any harm.

Graduation or last bell at school

On the one hand, this holiday is for children and its participants rejoice like children with sweets, but on the other hand, it is also an adult, children enter adulthood and already feel wiser in life. Therefore, in this case it is important to correctly beat the participation of the chocolate fountain in the holiday. It does not need to be represented by children's characters, rather it is already an adult, but non-alcoholic entertainment.

The moment of its appearance depends on the planned treat. If this is a full-fledged banquet, then it's good when the fountain appears closer to its end. If this is a table snacks after the solemn part, as is often the case, it is most successful when the fountain accompanies the entire event.

During the graduation frequently asked question arises about how to serve fruits: in portions or they should stand near the fountain. In fact, this is not important, although, of course, portion serving assumes that everyone will definitely get the fruit, and not just the most active who are not too lazy to get up from their seats. Another thing is more important here, graduation is usually held simultaneously for the entire stream, but at the same time, the parent committee of each class decides whether a fountain is needed at the holiday or not. In this case, we highly recommend trying to come to a common solution for all classes. In our practice, there were such graduations when the fountain was not ordered for all classes and some children were happy with the treat, while others looked at them with envy, a very sad picture, to be honest. The cost of a fountain, especially if spread across all classes, is just a penny, why force your children to sit and lick their lips while looking at the pleased faces of graduates from parallel classes enjoying chocolate?

By time - if you order a chocolate fountain at the end of the banquet, then one hour is enough, if for the whole event, then from one to three hours.

Graduation in kindergarten

Graduation in kindergarten is the most interesting and rewarding holiday for using a chocolate fountain. After all, you can make the whole scenario of the holiday chocolate, so that not bunnies and hedgehogs read poetry, but chocolates and sweets. Or a whole holiday in the Chocolate and Candy Kingdom, or maybe at the Willy Wonka factory (remember what fairy tale this is from?)

You can come up with a lot of interesting and sweet games for this scenario, because for children the holiday is most often associated with sweets and chocolate.

Eat simple options games:

1. "Collect Candy"- children do not have to find and collect sweets laid out on the floor, tables and chairs in pre-prepared baskets. Whoever scores the most, wins.

2. "Taster" - invite children to taste dark, milky, White chocolate. And you can do more, use strawberry, lemon, orange, caramel, honey chocolate. But no more than five options in one game, it is already difficult for children to determine more. Do not forget to prepare water for young tasters, wash down each sample

3. "Candy on a String" - classic game when strings with sweets are tied to a tight rope or ribbon, and blindfolded children need to pluck them.

4. "Pinata" - children love this game very much, but it is for creative parents A piñata is a hollow toy, large enough, usually made of papier-mâché or wrapping paper, brightly colored and filled with sweets. It is made in advance and hung in the center of the hall (there should be a lot of free space around). The child is blindfolded, given a stick in his hands, moves to a safe distance and is told in which direction to wave the stick in order to break the piñata and get the candy.

5. "Guess who". Children are given cards on which various sweets are named, and one child (leader) is blindfolded. Then everything is like in a game of blind man's blind: everyone runs away, the leader catches. The one who was caught must explain, without giving a specific name, what kind of sweetness he is. Anyone who guesses correctly gets a prize. Then the one caught becomes the leader. Important nuances: do not forget to prepare a little more cards with the name of sweets so that the presenters can return to the game, and it is also very good to limit the space where the children run around, for example, around their parents.

And you can also draw chocolate pictures or arrange a real chocolate master class for childrenso that they make sweets and chocolates with their own hands.

Don't forget to stock up enough water or tea

We are sure that children will remember such a graduation for a lifetime.

Good luck in organizing an interesting chocolate holiday!

Chocolate party in a preschool age group. Scenario

Target: To expand children's ideas about sweets, their purpose, types, forms. Create a holiday for children and arrange a chocolate party.
Tasks: Develop motor skills and abilities (speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movements). Develop creative abilities: expressiveness of speech, movements. To cultivate a sense of collectivism, rivalry, friendship, empathy for a comrade.
Sweet tooth costumes made by parents together with their children. Candies different sizes for games, Chupa Chups for games and dances, vases for sweets, candy wrappers and small Lego parts for the game, 2 pots, 2 spoons, prizes.
Invitation cards in the form of a candy wrapper. On the central wall is a giant candy. Above the doorways, on the curtains, under the ceiling hang garlands of sweets. In vases - bright, colorful, original bouquets from sweets. Prizes - caramels. The main prize is a big box of chocolates.
This event can be held in kindergartens with different age groups. The holiday can be timed to 1 April. The script will be useful for teachers kindergarten, as well as loving parents who want to arrange a "Chocolate Party" for their children.
Presenter: Hi guys, girls and boys.
Children: Hello!
Presenter: We are all gathered here at once.
For a fun children's hour.
Make yourself comfortable, I'll begin my story.
In some kingdom
In the chocolate state
Once upon a time there was a queen Sweetheart.
Hey guys here she is...
Shall we meet her, children?
Children: YES!
Sweetheart enters to the music

1. Exit Sweetie.
Sweetie: Hello guys! I am the queen of chocolate!
Famous sweets, marmalade and gingerbread.
Useful for everyone, only in moderation
Both big and small!
Presenter: Hello Queen Sweetie! We are very glad to see you at our holiday. Hey guys, come out and start the Sweet Tooth dance.
2. Dance "Sweet tooth".

Sweetie: I love sweets, especially chocolate! That's why we're starting the Chocolate Show now! You are ready? Do you know how to solve riddles?
Children: Yes.
Sweetie: Then listen to sweet riddles:
3. Sweet riddles.

On a holiday I will come to everyone,
I am big and sweet.
I have nuts, cream,
Cream, chocolates. (Cake)
He lives in his foil
It melts quickly in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet
Rubs the muzzles of the guys. (Chocolate)
I'm in a glass, a horn,
Delicious and tender.
Made with milk
More often - snow-white.
I live in freezers
And I immediately melt in the sun. (Ice cream)
I took strength from the fruits
Sweet berries, fruits.
For the guys, I'm ready
The best of products.
You drink me more
Pour it, don't be sorry! (Juice)
We rustle in the confectionery
Fanfiction bright.
And for the holiday we want
Come to you with gifts. (Candies)
Sweetie: And now riddles for adults. I'll start, and you finish: answer in unison, in unison. Candy names...
"Bird's milk"
“Red…. Beanie"
"The Golden Cockerel"
"Bear in the north"
"Autumn…. waltz"
"Golden Key"
"Red poppy"
"Cancer .. necks"
"South night"
"Crow's feet"
"Crazy bee"
Presenter: And now we will rest, we will read poetry to the guest!
4. Candy verses.

We have lost candy from a vase.
Their dad doesn't like them. Mom is on a diet.
Candy Zhrushka comes to us at night,
And everyone says I'm sweet and a liar.
Nobody believes me, they want to punish me.
And I can't prove it to them
That Zhrushka comes, sneaks to the buffet
He finds a vase in it, and sweets in the vase.
She eats them herself, insidious Zhrushka,
And he hides the wrappers under my pillow.

There was something in the summer
I hid candy in my pocket,
And I forgot, well, what a memory!
And the candy began to melt.
Just noticed in kindergarten
That my pocket is in chocolate!

Candy is simple and with fudge,
A little sour and cloyingly sweet,
In a wrapper shiny and unattractive,
Strawberry, raspberry and chocolate.
And soft, and hard, and even viscous,
There are a whole bunch of nuts in it.
And everyone who has tried it understands:
Unnecessary it - never happens!

Presenter:(takes out a big lollipop) Tell me, guys, does the big lollipop look like an orange? (Yes)
- Does it look like a tangerine? (Yes)
- What about the apples in the orchard? (Yes)
- What about the fish in the pond? (No)
- big lollipop looks like a globe? (Yes)
- What about an inflatable ball? (Yes)
- Does it look like a telephone? (No)
- And on a big tape recorder? (No)
Is it round like the sun in the sky? (Yes)
- And how is the wheel on the bike? (Yes)
Also, does it look like home? (No)
- What about a round snowball? (Yes)
- Well done!
Come out with a lollipop and show your dance!
5. Dance "Chupa Chups".

Sweetie: Well done! I really liked your dance.
And our chocolate show continues and I need participants for the next competition. Whoever gets the candy in his hand, he will go to play.
6. The game "Trip to the chocolate factory."
(2 teams of 5 people are recruited: the “Chupa-Chups” team and the “Chocolates” team. The teams must get to the chocolate factory, take chocolates or “chupiki” and return back. They go to the “factory” on children's pots.)

Sweetie: And the next competition is for your educators.
7. Competition "Wrap the candy!"
(Teachers come out, take one assistant each. Each adult has candy wrappers and small cubes. They must, in a certain time, wrap as many sweets as possible)
Presenter: And now I suggest that you all get up and start the shockopause.
8. Chocopause.
Sweetie: Well, well, you danced together. And now it's time to fill this candy bowl (takes out 2 large pots) with sweets.
8. Relay "Candy-bearing".

(2 teams of children carry sweets in a spoon, putting them in a large vase)
Presenter: So our chocolate meeting came to an end. Did you like it? And Queen Sweetheart has prepared a treat for you.
Sweetie: All the guys, no doubt, I brought a treat.
May your life be as sweet as chocolate.

Idea for the script: Everything will be in chocolate - and that says it all.

Audience. Youth party, lovers of entertainment and non-standard gatherings. A prerequisite is to love chocolate. Do not invite people who are allergic to chocolate.

Decor. Create huge banner posters advertising various chocolate bars. Make a collage with celebrities and chocolate. For example, "Marilyn Monroe and chocolate" and so on. And hang posters and collages throughout the hall.

Place. Venue chocolate party there should be a spacious hall with the ability to set tables around the perimeter. The indoor center remains free - for competitions and dances at the celebration.

Target. Learn how to cook delicious chocolate “things”, recharge yourself with positive energy and get a dose of happiness hormones.
Prehistory. It is traditionally believed that chocolate contributes to the production of hormones of happiness. That is why it is especially important to hold a party in the autumn and winter time blues.

Holiday script
A chocolate party is a fun, but not exactly cheap event, so you can definitely choose for yourself those scenario items that fit into your budget. We tried to offer several options - and you choose the one that suits you.

Guests come to the hall where the party will be held. If funds allow, then you need to rent a chocolate fountain with a bartender. All this is located near the entrance. Each participant is given a cup of chocolate from the fountain and a few pieces of fruit on a plate or just on a skewer. A badge in the form of a voluminous chocolate candy is also issued near the entrance. Such badges can be made to order, or you can use badges with the image of a chocolate candy on them, or quite simply - use ordinary badges (in this case, decorate them with ribbons chocolate color, beads). If renting a fountain is unprofitable, then limit yourself to just portions of hot chocolate and the same fruits.

The party is planned as a cocktail party, so there should be a buffet and guests should move freely around the hall. The buffet menu consists mainly of fruits and light canapes, snacks, there must be tea, coffee, simple drinking water. Include hot waffles on the menu as well - this will become great addition to chocolate.

After everyone has gathered and had a bite in the buffet area, you can continue the party further. By the way, it's good if the party is held in a pair of a girl and a guy of Slavic appearance and a mulatto / mulatto. Dressing them in snow-white suits, they will look even more spectacular.

1). The presenters greet the guests and offer them a small master class on making chocolates. To conduct a master class, you need to invite a professional pastry chef who knows a lot about chocolate. If you cannot invite such a pastry chef, there is another option. Instead of sweets, it is quite possible to cook fruits in chocolate - anyone can handle this with little or no outside help. At the master class, in addition to chocolate and fruits, you need to provide a wide choice various additives- cinnamon, all kinds of nuts, dried fruits, mint ... It is also necessary to explain the properties of each ingredient and what is best combined with what. Also, give me some recipes. But, don't let your guests be afraid to experiment with chocolate. By the way, do not forget that at a chocolate party you can use not only dark chocolate but also white.

2). After the master class, we proceed to tastings. During the tasting, guests will taste various chocolate in unusual combinations. For example, something salty with chocolate, candies with black pepper... What about chocolate-covered vegetables?

3). Reports about chocolate. It is necessary to pick up various interesting facts about chocolate in advance, tell the story of a chocolate bar, kinder surprise and other modern “goodies”. From all this, create an interesting video that needs to be shown to guests. You can even make a short film about chocolate. Here your imagination should be fully manifested. For example, tell your guests in a video that today even clothing collections are made from chocolate. Do you know what pink chocolate is?

5). Competition for the best candy bouquet. Participants are given props - sweets, fruits, decorative elements (ribbons, beads), baskets, materials for fastening. From all this you need to create beautiful bouquet from sweets. The winner is given a prize - a tile expensive chocolate along with a snow-white apron and a wish to learn how to make chocolate yourself. If there are many participants and they create a bouquet as a team, just give everyone a chocolate bar.

Naturally, the party needs to be diluted with dancing!

Good and tasty to you chocolate party!

How to throw a chocolate party Mmm, remember the wonderful old movie "Chocolate"? Chocolate is not just a dessert, chocolate is magic! Do you want to please the sweet tooth and treat yourself? Invite your friends to a chocolate party! Such a birthday will definitely leave only the sweetest aftertaste in your memory! Invitations An invitation to a chocolate party should excite the imagination ahead of time. It can be a tile wrapped in a unique wrapper (make text and an image in a photo editor), a chocolate rose (text on paper wrapped around the stem), a box of handmade sweets (text on the lid). You can print the text on a cardboard "chocolate" in milk letters, and put the tile in a home-made box (or buy "Inspiration" and stick the printed papers on top). There are many options, the main thing is that the guests understand for sure - they will not be bored! Setting up the place Imagine that the room is the showroom of a chocolate factory. Fill the space with everything that excites the appetite of the sweet. Satin fabric is perfect for the background - bows on the backs of chairs, curtains, drapery on the walls with beautiful folds in the color of bitter, white and milk chocolate. If you live in a big city, you will surely be able to rent a hall decorated in chocolate shades. Collect or print candy wrappers from the web. They will make bright garlands for decorating the ceiling and cheerful flowers. From brown paper, wind a spiral (imitation of chocolate chips) and decorate compositions, dishes, frames with photos of chocolate masterpieces with them. Hang randomly or on a stand old packaging, boxes from sets, chocolate wrappers - everything is on the net. Balloons under the ceiling will remind guests of the bubbles inside the “airy” chocolate. If you want to add solemnity, instead of multi-colored wrappers, make garlands of gold or silver foil, hang a shiny serpentine or rain. If you want a bright, fun holiday, use confetti colors for decoration - turquoise, pink, orange, salad. Dress code Choosing an outfit for the evening is not difficult. All shades of chocolate are at guests' disposal - deep brown, frivolous beige, silky cocoa. For a celebration, cocktail dresses of one of the chocolate shades, with puffy wave skirts, bows and ruffles, are perfect. Don't like chocolate? Great, get yourself a caramel pinup outfit! Guys will have a harder time - brown suits are not so popular. Although you can wear a coffee-colored satin shirt or a T-shirt with black trousers if the holiday is unofficial. For a friendly meeting, jeans and T-shirts with prints in the theme are suitable. If you have a grand chocolate party in your plans, you can sew the outfit in advance, coming up with an original design. You can sew for girlfriends short sundresses made of fabric in a milk-chocolate cage or puffy dresses decorated with “chocolate” roses, truffles and other “raisins”. Don't forget to match your accessories and make-up. Serving and menu Everything should be bright and festive, so do not try to hit only chocolate shades. Use colored icing and a scattering of confetti, sugar stars, shavings, candied flowers to decorate sweet dishes. What can be on your table: Surprise your guests with chocolate pizza! Also in the theme of the evening will be: chocolate fountain, melted chocolate in bowls; pieces of fruit, berries, waffles and skewers to dip a tidbit into chocolate rivers; chocolate ice cream, desserts, cookies with chocolate chips, cakes; cocoa, chocolate milk, cocktails; assorted roughly broken tiles, wrapped and unwrapped sweets, beautiful slides; extreme types of chocolate with bacon, pepper, salt, etc. Put unsweetened juices, mineral, fruit and plain water with ice on the table so that guests can quench their thirst. Place plates with vegetable, fish and meat snacks on a separate table (a mini buffet for those who want to eat something more substantial than sweets). Entertainment Chocolate is always a bit of childhood, pleasant memories of the time when the biggest problem was a bruise on the knee. Therefore, feel free to include in the script any children's games that seem appropriate and suitable for you, taking into account the mores of the company. Prepare music for dances and competitions: soundtracks from "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory", "Chocolate Bunny" by Pierre Narcisse and more. To keep the theme of the party going, here are a few "chocolate" entertainments: True or False? Read interesting facts about chocolate and your fiction, inviting guests to reveal the truth; Taste from childhood. Blindfolded, the guest tries the candy and guesses its name. Sweets should be popular, USSR; Guests from the past The competition is similar to the previous game, but you have to guess the names of the candies from the label. Seal the inscriptions with opaque tape; Chocolate swim. Pour melted chocolate or cocoa into bowls, toss in corn rings. Guests should catch as many flakes as possible in their mouths in 30 seconds without helping themselves with their hands. Do not forget to prepare tissues for wiping chocolate noses; Without the help of hands, it is fastest to unwrap the wrapper and eat the candy. It will be funnier if you choose huge candies; Instead of the face on the Alenka chocolates, put children's photos of friends on the wrappers, divide into two piles and distribute to the teams. Specify that team A is holding pictures of players from team B, and vice versa. The goal is to give the rivals the pictures in the “correct” hands, guessing who is depicted in the children's pictures. Finish the holiday with a solemn distribution of prizes - chocolate sets, flash drives in the form of chocolates with films (one way or another related to chocolate), books with recipes, chocolate cups or certificates for a chocolate making master class. 16 interesting facts about chocolate 1. The fruit of the cocoa tree grows right on the trunk. It looks like a small melon, and the inner pulp contains twenty to forty grains or beans; 2. It takes almost 900 cocoa beans to make a kilo of chocolate; 3. More than 500 additives are used as an addition to chocolate. The most popular of them are nuts and raisins 4. Chocolate contains phenamine, a substance that creates a feeling of falling in love. 5. Cocoa and chocolate contain antiseptic substances that prevent the formation of plaque. 6. Eating 25 grams of chocolate three times a month prolongs life by almost a year. But if you eat too much chocolate, you can increase the risk of developing heart disease due to high content it has fat. 7. Armenian confectionery factory grand candy on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of activity, set a world record by making the largest chocolate bar weighing 4.41 tons, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. A bar of record chocolate was made within 4 days, its length is 5.6 m, width - 2.75 m, and height 25 cm. The previous similar record belonged to Italian confectioners, who made tiles weighing 3.58 tons. 30 g of milk chocolate contains about 140 kilocalories. the average fat content in 37 g of chocolate is 9 g (about 55% of total calories). IN expensive varieties more fat. 8. Can't be bought in the US chocolate egg. There is a law that prohibits putting inedible items in food. 9. The first time a chocolate bar was made in Mexico was in the eighteenth century. Later, two British companies, Cadbury and Fry and Sons, were the first to produce chocolate in Europe since 184010. Chocolate melts at a temperature only slightly below body temperature. That is why chocolate melts so easily in your mouth. 11. Chocolate is loved the most in Switzerland: the average inhabitant of this country eats more than 10 kg of chocolate per year! 12. One of the confectionery firms made a huge bar of chocolate for the Eurochocolate exhibition held in Turin in 2000. He weighed approximately 2280 kg. 13. The heaviest chocolate bar was made in Italy. His weight reached 2280 kilograms. 14. Research by Finnish scientists has shown that chocolate lovers give birth to happy children. 15. In February 1991, the tallest chocolate model was created in Barcelona. The exemplary creation towered 27 feet (8.5 m) in height and delighted onlookers until the exhibit began to be bitten. 16. At the chocolate exhibition in Brussels, an auction of original "paintings" made of chocolate was held. Each of them, weighing 10 kg, was a chocolate handprint of some Belgian celebrity. The “painting” with the handprints of Eddy Merkes, the legendary Belgian cyclist, went for the highest price. She was bought for 12 thousand francs. Need a detailed chocolate party script? With prescribed contests and the words of the presenter? Write to us.
