
Chokeberry syrup with mineral water. Classic chokeberry syrup

Step by step recipe syrup from chokeberry for the winter with photo.
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: Soft drinks
  • Recipe Difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 9 minutes
  • Cooking time: 2 d 30 min
  • Servings: 30 servings
  • Amount of calories: 130 kilocalories

Delicious and healthy syrup from mountain ash will delight all year round!

Ease of preparation

Blackberry juice is quite difficult to drink because of its palatability. Therefore, I bring to your attention a recipe for chokeberry syrup.

Ingredients for 30 servings

  • Chokeberry 1.2 kg
  • Sugar 1.2 kg
  • Cherry leaves 25 gr
  • Citric acid 40 gr
  • Water 1.7 l

step by step

  1. The syrup prepared according to this recipe is diluted with water and drunk like juice.
  2. In one of the recipes, I already talked about the beneficial properties of chokeberry.
  3. Berries get all their best qualities after the first frosts, although the mountain ash seems to be ripe in August.
  4. Black berries contain a rich complex of various vitamins, microelements and sugars. In addition, the iodine content in the berry is four times higher than in any other.
  5. In order to prepare chokeberry syrup according to my recipe, the berries are carefully sorted out, washed and poured with boiling water.
  6. Then citric acid is poured into the resulting mixture and the berries are infused for two days.
  7. After straining the finished liquid, add to the juice cherry leaf ya and sugar.
  8. Boil for about 10 minutes over medium heat.
  9. The finished syrup is poured into jars and closed with lids.
  10. Choose a dark place for storage. cool place.
  11. The resulting juice is diluted with water and drunk.
  12. By the way, this juice can be used to make homemade wine.

I have been carrying the desire to reproduce the taste of chokeberry syrup since childhood. She began to realize her gastronomic dream in real life not so long ago and now for 5 years now I have a tradition - every autumn I cook chokeberry.
I will not talk about the benefits of this berry. She is without a doubt. I want to talk about incomparable taste syrup.
By itself, chokeberry is not very tasty - with bitterness, it knits the mouth. Its feature is aroma. Fragrant, delicately spicy. Saturated color the berry itself allows you to prepare a tasty and sweet treat from it. Now is the time to do it.
For syrup, you need a ripe, but not overripe berry. The main thing in harvesting is to get ahead of the birds that adore chokeberry.
We collect the berries, free them from the stalks and wash them well. Since the mountain ash grows in a bush, on which worms and snails with waste products like to sit, the mountain ash can be soaked for half an hour in cold water.

Not the most important, but a very important accent in the preparation of chokeberry syrup is cherry leaves. They need a lot. In the recipe, I gave an approximate amount. In fact, the more sheets, the better. The cherry leaf will give its berries unique aroma. In tandem, you get just stunning ambergris.
It is advisable to soak the leaves and also wash them well.

Some pre-infuse the leaf, and then boil the berries in the infusion. I laid the chokeberry and leaves in layers.

To shade sugary taste chokeberry, add citric acid to the syrup. I pour the first spoonful directly on the berries. The second - already when I cook the syrup directly.

Pour the stock with boiling water and bring to a boil. You can boil for 1-2 minutes so that the berries open.

We remove the hot pan from the heat and send it to a cool place to brew for a couple of days.

After the allotted time, the resulting infusion is drained through two sieves or several layers of gauze, add sugar and put on fire.

Once the sugar has dissolved, taste the syrup. If too sweet, add 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid.
Bring the syrup to a boil. Cook for about one minute and pour hot into sterilized jars under metal lids.

The remaining berries are NEVER thrown away. Be sure to cook delicious blackberry jam.

The syrup is deep red in color. From it you can prepare cool tonic or, conversely, warming winter drinks with cinnamon, vanilla. Can be added to baking - soak cake layers, eat with pancakes, pour over ice cream; cook sweet fruit sauces or sorbet. If chokeberry syrup is diluted with alcohol, you get just a luxurious liqueur, which women will especially like.

If you do not have cherry leaves, you can do without them. The aroma, of course, will not be the same, but the syrup will still turn out delicious.

Cooking time: PT00H30M 30 min.

approximate cost servings: 50 rub.

Very pleasant and simple recipe for sweet chokeberry syrup, which can be used as a fruit drink or drink, or as a gravy for ice cream, pancakes or porridge. In general, in the house you need to have such a syrup from different berries so that you can always pamper your loved ones with a pleasant dessert. Aronia syrup can be recommended to hypertensive patients as a regulating agent for normalizing pressure, 1 tablespoon per day.

- - 1 kg
- granulated sugar - 600 grams
- water - 1 liter
- cherry leaf - a handful (about 50 grams)
- lemon acid - ? tablespoon

Preparation of chokeberry syrup:

1. Separate the berries from the stalks, wash thoroughly under running water. Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil over high heat, then add rowan berries. Cook for a few minutes over low heat. Cherry leaves put in a small gauze bag (the leaves will have to be removed after boiling the syrup) and lowered into a boiling solution. Bring to a boil again, close the lid and remove from heat.

Cool down. Leave for two hours.

2. The chilled mixture of cherry leaves and chokeberry berries must be boiled again, for this we again put the pan on low heat, bring to a boil. Cook for at least 20 minutes, then remove the bag of cherry leaves and discard it from the liquid.

The cherry flavor is preserved in the syrup. Add citric acid to the pot

Remove from heat, insist the mixture for another day. In this case, due to the action of citric acid, a small precipitate is formed in the solution.

3. Strain the cooled mixture, separate the chokeberry berries and the resulting sediment, discard. Add granulated sugar in portions to the remaining pure liquid (rowan juice + water), bring to a boil while stirring to dissolve completely

Chokeberry (genus name - aronia chokeberry) owes its name to the black color of its fruits. The fruits are beautiful, shiny, with a sour-sweet pleasant tart taste, rich in vitamin P, C, PP, E, B vitamins, carotene, as well as microelements such as boron, iron, iodine compounds, manganese, copper and molybdenum. Thanks to this composition, chokeberry, beneficial features which are quite well known, is often used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.

The plant comes from North America. Initially in our country chokeberry grown under the guise of an ornamental crop in botanical gardens. And for the first time this shrub, like a large-fruited fruit crop, began to be grown by the famous Russian biologist and breeder Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin. It was he who grew it up to 2 meters, made it unpretentious and resistant to frost. The berries usually ripen at the end of September and stay on the branches for a long time, almost two months, if they are not pecked by birds.

Chokeberry: benefit and harm

Having figured out what chokeberry is, let's take a closer look at its beneficial properties.

Since the berries of this plant contain sugar in an amount of up to 10% (fructose and glucose, mainly), it is useful and easily absorbed by diabetics.

Berries also stimulate brain activity, normalize arterial pressure, providing positive influence on immune system; useful in overwork, sleep disorders, measles, scarlet fever, typhus, as well as in the treatment of radiation sickness and to relieve allergic reactions.

Aronia phytoncides are able to delay the development of dysentery bacillus, Staphylococcus aureus.

pectin substances, which are contained in chokeberry, remove from the body poisonous radioactive substances and no less harmful heavy metals. They also have a choleretic effect and normalize bowel function.

Because in fruits a large number of iodine, their use is relevant for patients with diffuse toxic goiter.

Regular use chokeberry fruits with all their positive properties affects the state endocrine system and boosting immunity.

Largest part useful substances is found in the skin of the fruit, but their juice also strengthens blood vessels, and in the leaves there are substances that improve the functioning of the liver.

That's how good chokeberry is, the benefits of which are undeniable! And the harm of it medicinal plant insignificant: there are only certain small contraindications for use. So, you should not use mountain ash for people with hypotension, gastritis with an increased level of acidity, stomach ulcers, increased blood clotting, peptic ulcer 12 duodenal ulcer, thrombophlebitis and frequent constipation.

Chokeberry: benefits and harms during pregnancy

Since chokeberry contains flavonoids that reduce capillary fragility and permeability, it is very useful during pregnancy.

Rowan prevents the development of anemia in the mother and in the unborn child. Its regular use improves appetite, has a beneficial effect on digestion, and normalizes blood pressure.

Vitamin-rich berries strengthen the immune system in a weakened body during pregnancy, and also have a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Folic acid, found in chokeberry, is important for the growth and development of cells, hematopoiesis, the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems plays an important role in the health of mother and child.

Still, you need to remember that a large amount of chokeberry eaten can significantly lower blood pressure, so you need to know when to stop and not abuse medicinal fruits.

Chokeberry: recipes for pressure and not only

Take 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

At high blood pressure, gastritis (low acidity) and hemorrhoids:

- Take juice squeezed from fresh berries, ¼ cup.

With increased pressure:

- 1 kg of mountain ash + 1 glass of water - put on the stove and cook for 30 minutes, stirring constantly. Then strain the mixture and drink the resulting juice.

- 3 tablespoons of dry rowan berries + 2 cups of boiling water - put in a thermos and leave for a day.

For hypertension:

- 50 g of chokeberry + a tablespoon of honey - drink the mixture for 10 - 40 days.

With atherosclerosis:

- Take 100 g of berries rubbed with sugar (calculation: 1 kg of berries / 700 g of sugar) or 100 g of fruits in parallel with a medicinal rosehip decoction.

With asthenia, hypovitaminosis, anemia:

- 250 g fresh berries with the addition blackcurrant or accompanied by a decoction of wild rose or ascorbic acid.

For prevention:

- 20 g of dry chokeberry + 200 ml of boiling water, heat over low heat for about 5 - 10 minutes. After cooling, strain and drink healing decoction half a cup.

Chokeberry: preparations for the winter

Not only fresh fruits are used in chokeberry, they are also frozen and dried. For this, the berries are harvested, sorted, and the stalks are torn off.

Freezing fresh berries, remember that when thawing and re-freezing, vitamins are destroyed in the fruits, and each time their number decreases.

You can dry rowan in the sun, scattering the berries in a thin layer, or use a drying chamber with a temperature of about 40 - 50 °. Also dried fruit can be found in pharmacies.

For long-term storage Harvest chokeberry berries after frost by cutting them with scissors along with a shield. You string the fruits on a wire and hang them in some dark and cool place.

In addition, jam, jelly, compote, jam, syrups are prepared from rowan berries.

Aronia jam - recipe

To prepare it, we need the following ingredients:

  • 1 kg of chokeberry,
  • 1.3 kg of sugar,
  • 1 glass of juice (your choice)
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 2-3 grams of citric acid.

Peel the berry, separating it from the brush. Rinse, place in the oven with a medium temperature, keep covered for 2 - 5 hours.

Then we cook syrup from water, juice, sugar. We lower the berries into it and then cook until the berries become transparent. At the end of the cooking process, add citric acid.

Then hot jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

Chokeberry syrup

We will need:

  • 1 kg of chokeberry,
  • 600 g sugar
  • 0.8 l of water,
  • 30 - 50 g cherry leaves,
  • 15 g of citric acid.

We clean the berries, wash them.

Pour water into a saucepan, put it on the stove, bring it to a boil. In boiling water, lower the rowan, as well as cherry leaves. After a few minutes, remove the leaves and discard. Add citric acid.

The resulting mixture is infused for a day, then filtered. We remove the berries and sediment, and add sugar to the remaining liquid and bring it to a boil. Having kept it in this way on fire for a couple of minutes, we remove it. We lay out the banks and roll up.

The syrup can be added to a dessert, made into a drink, diluted with water to taste, or taken with an increase in pressure (norm: 1 - 2 tablespoons per day).

Chokeberry syrup


  • Chokeberry (2 kg.)
  • Cherry leaves (1 bunch)
  • Citric acid (50 g)
  • Sugar (1.5 kg.)
  • Water (2 l.)

Step by step chokeberry syrup recipe

We prepare the syrup from mountain ash, but its taste is bright cherry. Before use, this syrup must be diluted with water, as it is very concentrated (1 glass of syrup per 2 liters boiled water or to taste). So, we cut off the chokeberry from the bunches, wash it well.

Wash cherry leaves.

In total, we make four layers of berries-leaves.

Last layer- the last part of the berries.

During this time, the rowan berries will give juice.

Instead of highlighting great amount places for three-liter jars with berry, you can simply prepare chokeberry syrup with, and dilute it before use until the desired degree of sweetness is reached.

Citric acid in all the above recipes takes on not only the role flavor additive, but also a simple natural preservative.

Aronia syrup recipe

For more pronounced taste in the preparation of syrup, you can use not only chokeberry berries, but also its leaves. Such an additive will give the syrup more flavor.


  • black chokeberry berries - 1.8 kg;
  • water - 1.8 l;
  • a handful of chokeberry leaves;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • citric acid - 45 g.


Washed and dried chokeberry berries together with the leaves of the plant are laid out in turn in the selected dishes. Dilute citric acid in hot water and pour the berries with leaves. Leave the base of the syrup to cool during the day. During this short period, the chokeberry will give not only its taste, but also its color, thanks to the abundant secretion of juice. After that, the syrup is filtered, discarding the chokeberry and leaves, and the resulting infusion is combined with granulated sugar and leave until boiling. Boil the syrup until the cap of pink foam on the surface disappears completely. Next, the syrup is poured into a sterile container and immediately closed.

Chokeberry syrup for the winter - recipe


  • water - 980 ml;
  • sugar - 1.1 kg;
  • citric acid - 5 g;
  • chokeberry berries - 1.1 kg.


Bring water to a boil and dissolve sugar in it. citric acid. When the syrup boils again, put the washed berries in it, and then wait again re-boiling. The first stage of preparation of chokeberry syrup is completed, now the container with berries is left to cool completely, the berries are crushed and the syrup is filtered. Before pouring into jars, the syrup is boiled for about 3-5 minutes, and then closed.

How to cook syrup from chokeberry juice?

You can make syrup from pure juice, but its taste will be too sharp, sour-tart, so we recommend combining the juice with water.

Mixing berry juice and water in equal volumes, pour to them equal amount sugar (proportion 1:1:1). Next, leave everything to boil to a boil, leave on fire until the foam cap disappears and pour into a sterile container.
