
Pie with banana filling in a slow cooker. Cupcake with nuts

Bananas in a pie - it's a fairy tale! After baking, the exotic fruit exudes a flavor that cannot be described. But you can feel it! Cooking a banana pie in a slow cooker does not take much time. In an hour or two it will show off on the table delicious pastries. Let's fill the house with an exotic aroma?

Banana Pie in a Multicooker - General Cooking Principles

Bananas are laid in a pie different ways. In some recipes, the fruit is mashed, mixed with other foods, and baked. Sometimes pieces of bananas are added to the dough and the mass is stirred. Pies are obtained according to the type of charlotte familiar to us. Also, sweet minced meat can be prepared from bananas, which are laid out in a clear layer in the closed or open pies. Other ingredients may be added to them.

What goes with banana filling:

Cinnamon, vanilla;

Berries, fruits;

Dried fruits, nuts.

The multicooker for pies uses the baking mode. The bowl must be lubricated before placing the dough. It must be remembered that the volume is limited and the cake is small in diameter. high baking also desirable not to do. Therefore, it is not necessary to proportionally increase the amount of products indicated in the recipes.

Banana pie in the multicooker "Excellent"

For a sweet and fluffy banana pie in a slow cooker, fruits are laid directly into the dough. Therefore, it is very important that they are ripe.


200 g of oil;

200 g of sugar;

2-3 bananas;

1 tsp baking ripper;

250 g flour;


1. We take two bananas. If the fruits are small, then it is better to take three things. We clean and cut into pieces, you can break. We drop into a bowl.

2. Add sugar to the bananas, knead with a fork until all the sugar is dissolved.

3. Add softened butter, continue kneading.

4. We introduce eggs one by one, make the mass homogeneous.

5. Pour the flour into the future cake, add the baking cultivator. We stir.

6. We shift the homogeneous dough into a greased multicooker bowl.

7. Set for 45 minutes and bake on the appropriate program.

8. Let the banana pie stand in the slow cooker for a while so that the heat subsides. Transfer to a platter, cool completely.

Banana sponge cake in a slow cooker

The recipe for the simplest banana pie in a slow cooker. For him, it is advisable to use not very soft fruits so that the pieces are clearly felt and seen in the dough.


1 cup of sugar;

3-4 bananas;

1 tsp ripper;

1 spoon of powder;

1 glass of flour;

0.5 sachets of vanilla;

10 grams of plum butter.


1. Rub a piece of butter from the inside of the mold. Or pour in a little vegetable oil and lubricate the container with a brush, touching no more than 10 centimeters in height.

2. Peeled bananas cut into circles of 2 centimeters. No need to grind.

3. In a mixer cup or just in a large bowl, break the eggs.

4. Beat a couple of minutes without additives, then in small portions add sugar sand. Whip sweet mass before lush foam, the volume will at least double.

5. Mix vanillin with ripper and flour, send to eggs. It is advisable to sift the loose ingredients, the dough will turn out magnificent.

6. Stir the mass gently and briefly so that the eggs do not fall.

7. Pour into a previously greased bowl, lay out the pieces of bananas, some will go to the bottom.

8. Turn on for 40 minutes. For the first half hour, it is advisable not to open the multicooker in order to preserve the splendor of the biscuit.

9. Then you can turn the cake over to the other side and bake for another 10 minutes, but this is not necessary, as the bottom will go up.

10. We turn the biscuit on a flat plate, let it cool, sprinkle the top with powder.

Banana pie in a slow cooker with milk

Variant of dough with milk for a banana pie in a slow cooker. A simple and simple recipe for baking, which is easy to prepare for tea.


100 g of milk;

2 cups of flour;

2 bananas;

100 grams of oil;

1 tsp vanilla;

2 tsp ripper;

¾ cup sugar;


1. Cut the butter into pieces, leave it warm so that the fat softens a little. You can use the defrost mode in microwave oven.

2. Beat the eggs, adding sugar to them, add milk.

3. Add banana slices to the oil and rub everything together. You can use a fork or beat everything with a mixer.

4. Combine banana mass with milk.

5. Enter vanilla, stir. For a pronounced taste, you can throw a pinch of salt.

6. It remains to introduce flour into the dough and add the baking ripper. We stir.

7. We shift the dough into a slow cooker.

8. Close, set for 50 minutes, and bake for half an hour. We do not open.

9. Then, using the steamer tray, take out the cake, turn it over to the other side and bake for another fifteen minutes.

Banana pie in a slow cooker with semolina

A variant of the banana manna, if you can call it that. The pie has a very interesting crumb structure. It turns out quite juicy, soft, a little crumbly.


250 ml of kefir;

2 bananas;

1 glass of semolina;

0.5 cups of sugar;

0.5 tsp soda;

1 spoon of crackers;

Butter (small piece)


1. We combine semolina with kefir, stir and forget about them for an hour, let the cereal swell.

2. After an hour, beat the eggs with sand, you can add vanilla to them. Pour into the mango mixture, stir.

3. Add soda, it is not necessary to extinguish, kefir acid is enough.

4. Cut the banana into large pieces, mix with the dough.

5. We coat the multicooker cup well with a piece of butter, sprinkle with crackers.

6. Spread the dough, level the top.

7. Bake semolina pie 50 minutes. Cool, decorate as desired.

Banana pie in a slow cooker with nuts

You will also need some nuts for this banana pie. You can use almonds, walnuts or peanuts. The dough is prepared with sour cream of any fat content. It turns out a delicious cake that can be cut in half and used for a cake. It goes well with any creams.


1.5 cups flour;

0.5 cups of sour cream;

100 g of oil;

1 cup of sugar;

Two eggs;

0.5 cups of nuts;

2 bananas;


1. Mix sour cream with a teaspoon of soda, set aside, let the reaction pass and the powder will be extinguished.

2. While melting the butter, cool.

3. Beat eggs and sugar first, then add sour cream. Lastly, add melted butter. We stir well.

4. Chop nuts, mix with flour.

5. Oversleeping nut flour in the dough, if desired, at the same stage, you can add a little cinnamon, it will make the aroma of the cake unusual.

6. Mash bananas to a puree state and also put them in nut dough. Stir thoroughly before putting into the multicooker.

7. Distribute the mass in an even layer, bake the cake for 45 minutes, then leave it to brew for another fifteen minutes.

Open banana pie in the slow cooker "Lazy"

Option very simple pie with bananas, for which you need one piece of puff pastry about 200 grams.


4 bananas;

0.2 kg of dough;

3 spoons of sugar;

1 spoon of starch;


1. From a piece of dough, you need to cut out a cake, which will be slightly larger than the bottom of the multicooker.

2. We shift immediately, straighten the small sides. Sprinkle the dough with starch.

3. Cut the bananas into circles obliquely. Spread on the formed layer. Powder cinnamon on top, but you can do without it.

4. Beat the protein and prescription sugar until foamy, cover the spread bananas with foam.

5. Bake for 45-50 minutes in a slow cooker. We do not immediately take out the pie, let it cool well so that the filling grabs.

Banana pie in a slow cooker from kefir dough

A variant of another simple banana pie that can be made from dough not only on kefir. Suitable fermented baked milk, leftover yogurt, low-fat sour cream. You can mix several fermented milk products that are lying around in the refrigerator.


A glass of kefir;

A glass of sugar;

3 bananas;

2 cups of flour;

8 grams of ripper;

80 ml of oil grows.


1. Throw eggs, sugar into a bowl, add kefir.

2. Turn on the mixer, interrupt for a couple of minutes.

3. Add vegetable oil. But you can also pour melted margarine, confectionery fat. In this case, it is important that the product is cooled down.

4. Add flour, beat for a few seconds and pour the baking powder.

5. It is advisable to beat the dough well for several minutes so that it becomes homogeneous.

6. The multicooker cup can be simply lubricated. But if there are problems with removing the pies, then it is better to sprinkle flour and crackers on top.

7. Pour out half of the dough.

8. Cut bananas into slices, lay out in an even layer. You can add a little year or washed raisins to them.

9. Pour over the rest of the dough, bake! 45-50 minutes are enough, it is not necessary to turn such a cake on the second side.

You can melt the butter for the dough in a slow cooker, at the same time the bowl will be smeared. It is enough to place the pieces and turn on the heating. After transfusion of fat, it will only be necessary to distribute the remains along the walls, you can do this with a brush.

fragrant pie only come from good bananas. It is very easy to choose them. You just need to smell the fruit through the peel. If it does not smell of anything, it will be tasteless and soapy. If the aroma comes from a banana, then it will definitely be sweet and tasty.

Pies constantly stick to the slow cooker and do not want to pop out? It is necessary to cut a circle of parchment to the size of the bottom of the bowl, grease it and put it on the bottom before laying the dough. The sides are simply lubricated.

Did you know that in India, fruits and vegetables fried in batter are called "pakoras" by the people? Today, together with you, we will make a wonderful tasty, quick dessert, Breaded. It is loved not only by children, but also adults are not averse to eating it. wonderful dish. I also want to tell you that bananas are under the influence high temperature begin to soften, forming on top of themselves sweet, golden brown. For the preparation of this dessert, green, not yet quite ripe bananas are most suitable. Otherwise, if the bananas are ripe or overripe, then during baking they will 100% “turn” into banana puree. Bananas cooked in batter are a very high-calorie dessert. However, for those who don't like sweet dessert, our baked bananas are also suitable, only they will need to be baked without batter in oil.

For cooking banana dessert four are needed ripe banana, sixty grams of whipped cream, one hundred and fifty grams of milk, one chicken egg, two to four tablespoons of flour and melted butter.

Cooking process.

As we have already said, for the preparation of this recipe, it is necessary to use not very ripe bananas in order to prevent strong falling apart and turning into mashed potatoes. Bananas cooked in batter, increase the calorie content several times this product and if you're worried about excess fat at the waist, then it is best to bake them in oil, without adding batter to the process.

Peel bananas and divide them into several equal pieces. To do delicious batter, just mix the eggs, flour and milk. Add a little oil to the capacity of the device and switch to the “Baking” mode. We soak the sliced ​​​​bananas in the freshly prepared batter and put them carefully in the slow cooker.

On each side, the banana must be baked until golden brown but not longer than five minutes. After frying, put the bananas on napkins so that they cool down. Already slightly cooled bananas, pour whipped cream or regular sugar paste on top. Bananas can be served with fruit sauce, but rather it’s for an amateur, but chocolate grated with nuts, cinnamon and sugar will not be 100% superfluous. You can serve baked bananas with anything, your imagination should only work here.

Banana is no longer considered a curiosity and exotic fruit. Many people love this nutritious fruit very much and buy it in large quantities, eat it raw and prepare various desserts from it. If you are a fan of this nutritious fruit, but do not like it in an overripe form, we suggest using the darkened fruit as a filler for a delicious cake.

Banana adds a delicious flavor to baked goods. rich taste, and the multifunctional multicooker will cope with the preparation of goodies no worse than an oven.

The easiest cupcake in a slow cooker

For cooking fragrant pastries you should grind 2 eggs with a glass of sugar and 150 g of butter, mash 2 ripe bananas with a fork or mixer. IN egg mixture add banana mass, 10 g of soda (not slaked), mix and add flour until the consistency of the dough resembles thick sour cream. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, pour the dough into it. Use the program "Baking" (Cake). This amount of ingredients is calculated for a bowl with a capacity of 4.5-5 liters, and the cooking time is set based on the power of the device: up to 700 W should be cooked for 1 hour 10 minutes, and more than 800 W - 50 minutes.

This recipe is the easiest, because banana always rises well and bakes evenly. The main thing is not to open the lid during operation of the device.

by leaps and bounds

Since the banana itself has a dense enough texture to make baking with it tender, airy and porous, some people prefer to add not only soda, but also yeast to the recipe. To cook this lush in a slow cooker, you need 4 overripe bananas, peeled and mashed with a fork. 4 eggs and 250 g granulated sugar beat until a white foam forms. Melt a pack of butter weighing 200 g in the microwave and add to the eggs. Pour 300 g of flour, 10 g of dry yeast, 20 g of salt and soda into the liquid mixture and mix thoroughly. At the end, add the banana pulp. Pour the dough into a greased multicooker bowl. In the "Baking" mode, set the time to 85 minutes. When you hear a signal about the end of the program, open the lid and let the cake cool down a little inside the appliance. It is more convenient to get it using a double boiler container.

Cupcake with nuts

To bake banana muffin in a multicooker "Redmond" with a capacity of 2.5 liters, beat 2 eggs with a whisk, add fermented milk product(100 ml of kefir or fermented baked milk), 2 chopped bananas and 50 g of melted butter, mix.

In a separate container, mix 250 g flour, 100 g sugar, 10 g vanilla sugar, 10 g baking powder, 5 g soda, 5 g salt and 180 g nuts. Combine both mixtures and mix with a spoon until a thick viscous dough. Banana cake in a slow cooker according to this recipe is cooked in the "Baking" mode for 80 minutes. Then take it out and cool on a wire rack. For a multicooker with a volume of 5 liters, the amount of ingredients is increased by 1.5 times.

How to diversify the usual taste

The easiest option is to sprinkle pastries powdered sugar. And you can shade the taste and add to cooking masterpiece a variety of berries or pieces of fruit. You can also decorate the top by filling the top with chocolate. To prepare it, you need to melt 1 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and sugar, pour into a mixture of 70 ml of milk. A ready-made banana cake in a slow cooker will be an excellent basis for a cake. It is cut into several cakes and smeared with cream. To prepare it, you need:

  • 150 g sugar
  • 50 g butter,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 1 banana
  • 1/3 cup lemon juice.

Beat sugar with eggs, pour in melted butter and lemon juice. Bananas are crushed with a blender so that there are no lumps, added to the cream and mixed. Then put the mass on the stove (on small fire) and, stirring constantly, cook it until thickened. This will take about 5 minutes, the fire should not be increased. The cream is smeared between layers and, if desired, on top of the cake, and if you leave the surface dry, you can even decorate pastries with mastic.

For chocolate lovers

Hostesses with many years of experience in preparing various desserts try to diversify any recipes they like or adjust them to your taste. By trying and adding new ingredients, it turned out and it bakes excellently. 2 bananas (weighing about 250 g) must be peeled and mashed with a fork, and it is advisable to use fruits with a darkened skin. Soften 100 g of butter, beat with a glass of sugar, add 1 egg and froth again. 100 g sour cream, 10 g soda, sifted flour (200 g) and salt (3 g) send to the rest of the ingredients. Bananas and grated coarse grater chocolate (100 g) add to the dough, mix. Lubricate the baking bowl with oil, put the chocolate-banana mass into it, smooth the surface. Select the "Baking" mode and set the timer for 65 minutes. Instead of chocolate, you can use raisins (half a glass), it must be washed, dried and added to the dough.

Cook easily, delight your family and guests with delicious and fragrant delicacies!

Today, a banana pie in a slow cooker can be safely called new charlotte- it is also prepared quickly, very fragrant and perfect for the evening family tea. Bananas today can be bought at any store, regardless of the season, and they are sometimes cheaper. good apples. In addition, overripe bananas can be sent to the pie, which no one wants to eat. On the contrary, they will add a lot of sweetness to the pie.

Many delicious desserts can be made with bananas, but they take on a special flavor when baked. Muffins, cupcakes, cookies, pancakes, sweet bread- all these types of pastries are great for bananas. However, the pie will help out the hostess who needs to cook delicious dessert very fast. And the multicooker will help simplify the task even more - an unpretentious banana pie will not burn and will be perfectly baked in the multicooker bowl.

The dough for such a pie can be very different - cottage cheese, biscuit or cupcake, or like for manna. Also bananas can be supplemented with strawberries, chocolate, nuts or caramel. You can add these ingredients to the filling, or you can decorate on top. ready pie.

Delicious banana pie in a slow cooker


  • 3 bananas of good ripeness;
  • 2 cups wheat flour;
  • A glass of granulated sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • A bag of baking powder;
  • 80 grams of sour cream.

How to cook:

1 Peel the bananas and mash them with a fork so that small pieces remain - it's nice when they come across in the finished pie. However, you can chop bananas with a blender, then they will be completely distributed in the dough.

2 Add sugar, sour cream, butter to the bananas and beat the eggs. Mix everything with a whisk, without beating.

3 Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl. You need to sift the flour in order to saturate it with oxygen, so the baking will be more airy.

4 Knead the dough, similar in consistency to thick sour cream and put it in a multicooker bowl, pre-lubricated with any oil and sprinkled with semolina or flour.

5 Bake the cake using the "Baking" mode for about an hour.
When your cake is ready, remove it from the bowl with the help of a steamer and put it upside down on a plate so that the toasted crust is on top - this way the cake looks more elegant.

The finished cake can be lightly sprinkled with powdered sugar, poured over with chocolate or condensed milk, sprinkled with crushed nuts, topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or served without additives - it is good on its own. The pie can be eaten warm or cold. This perfect dessert for dinner or good breakfast in company fragrant tea or invigorating coffee.

Banana cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Incredibly sweet, delicious, fragrant and at the same time time easy diet dessert. It can also be used as an independent dish that will appeal to both adults and kids. You can eat a similar dessert quite often without fear for excess weight and without any harm to the body. Cottage cheese is an easy and practical dish, since it does not require special skills and efforts. Perfect as a dessert for unexpected visitors. Today we will look at how to cook such a cottage cheese in a slow cooker.

IN this recipe Honey is used to add sweetness to the dish. You can take absolutely any - depending on your own preferences. For example, linden honey less sweet but more aromatic than others. The amount of honey can also be changed - add a spoon or two more if you like it sweeter. If sugar is contraindicated for health reasons or, if necessary, observe strict diet you can use fructose. In this case, you need to add 2 tablespoons of fructose instead of honey.

The same applies to cottage cheese: you can choose fat-free or, conversely, fatty cottage cheese. This will not affect the quality of the curd in any way.

The dish also includes eggs. If you are allergic to chicken eggs, you can replace them with quail eggs, but then the number of eggs will have to be doubled.


  • Semolina- ½ cup
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr.
  • Honey - 3 tsp
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Bananas - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 20 gr.

How to cook:

1 Peel the bananas from the peel, break them into several pieces with your hands.

2 In a large bowl, put the cottage cheese, eggs, honey and pieces of bananas. Stir until a homogeneous gruel is obtained using a blender, mixer or just with a fork. In the latter case, bananas should be mashed first.

3 Lubricate butter inside the cooking pot of the multicooker.

4 Gently pour the homogeneous mass without lumps into the thicket of the multicooker.

5 Close the lid, set the "Baking" function for an hour. It is best to check the condition of the cottage cheese after 40 minutes, because due to differences in the cottage cheese used, the dessert may be cooked a little earlier.

6 After the multicooker turns off, leave the cottage cheese under the lid until it cools completely. This will help to avoid quick settling of the dish.

You can eat banana cottage cheese as in normal form, and adding sour cream, fruit puree or jam to taste.

Apple-banana pie in a slow cooker

Apple-banana pie is a hearty dish, but at the same time low-calorie and easy to prepare. It is especially easy to cook it in a slow cooker - quickly and without extra hassle. This cake will great addition juicy and fragrant dessert, and may become an independent dish for breakfast.

When cooking this pie You can use any apples - sour and sweet. It all depends on your preferences. If you like sour, it is better to take green apples Granny Smith, Idared, White filling, Jonagold, Semerenko. sweet taste dessert will be given Fuji, Gala, Gloucester, Jonagold. You can also use your own garden apples.

Sugar can be replaced with fructose (in a 1:1 ratio) if you are afraid for your figure or cannot consume too much sugar.

Chicken eggs can also be replaced with quail ones, however, you will have to take much more of them - instead of three chicken eggs, you will need almost a dozen quail eggs.


  • Medium apples - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Yogurt (any drinkable) - ½ cup
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Lemon juice or vinegar - ¼ tsp
  • Egg (chicken) - 3 pcs.

How to cook:

1 Eat apples. Peel and pit apples and bananas.

2 Cut fruits: apples in small pieces, you can cubes 1x1 cm; cut the banana into circles (not necessarily thin, since the banana is quite soft during cooking)

3 Put the apples and banana on the bottom of the multicooker bowl.

4 We take a separate container in which we will mix the dough. We break eggs into it, pour in sugar and beat thoroughly until the mass becomes almost white. This can be done with a fork or whisk by hand, using a mixer or blender.

5 Add yogurt to eggs and sugar, mix again.

6 Add flour, mix the resulting dough until smooth, until all lumps disappear.

7 We extinguish soda lemon juice or a few drops of vinegar. Add to the dough, mix again.

8 Pour the resulting dough into the multicooker bowl on top of the previously laid bananas and apples.

9 For 45 minutes, set the multicooker to the “Baking” mode. As soon as the shutdown signal sounds, the dessert is ready. However, don't take it out right away. It is better to let it stand under a closed lid and cool slightly for a few minutes.

You can eat a pie with sour cream, jam, honey or fruit purees.

Chocolate banana pie in a slow cooker

Incredibly soft, fragrant and juicy pie With delicate taste chocolate and bananas are very easy to prepare using a slow cooker. Such a dessert can be said every week, slightly changing the recipe, which will allow you to get completely perfect every time. different pie. Bananas can be replaced with apples, strawberries, raspberries, peach pulp or any other fruit. It is best to use sweet and sour-sweet fruits and berries, as they go well with the taste of chocolate and give the dessert a special flavor. You can also try making a dessert without using cocoa or adding cinnamon. Creativity and imagination will achieve unique taste pie, saving general principle cooking in a multicooker.

For this dessert, it is best to use overripe bananas containing large quantity sugar and having a richer taste. To choose the right bananas, look at their skin - it must be saturated yellow color with dark brown spots. It's best to just buy bananas and set them aside for a week to ripen.
Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs if you are allergic or just don't like the taste. chicken eggs. You can also replace sugar with fructose. This will significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish and make it more healthy.

An important point in the preparation of chocolate-banana cake - dry and wet ingredients are mixed separately. Then, when both mixtures are ready, you need to add the dry mixture to the wet one and mix gently with quick and precise movements top down. This will achieve an airy consistency of the finished cake.


  • Banana - 3-4 pcs.
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil - ¼ cup
  • Flour - 1 cup
  • Sugar - ½ cup
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp

How to cook:

1 Break the eggs into a deep bowl, beat them a little.

2 Bananas peeled, cut into small pieces and added to the eggs.

3 Mash bananas (with a spoon or fork) - it is desirable that small pieces remain.

4 Add vegetable oil to bananas and eggs, mix everything thoroughly.

5 In another bowl, mix the baking powder, flour ( premium), vanilla sugar and cocoa powder.

6 Gently pour the dry mixture over the bananas.

7 Stir lightly from bottom to top. Stop mixing as soon as the flour is moist enough.

8 Pour the resulting mixture into the cooking bowl of the multicooker. There is no need to mix it further, since the dough already contains enough a large number of oil, so nothing will burn.

9 Close the lid, turn on the "Baking" function for 60 minutes. After the shutdown signal, let the cake cool for a couple of minutes, but do not open the lid so that the dessert does not settle.

Serve more hot pie maybe with ice cream or fruit puree. The cold dessert is no less delicious. It is perfect for tea or coffee. It can be eaten as pure form, and with sour cream or jam.

Please leave feedback on the recipe. Did you like the dish?


  • bananas - 2-3 pcs.
  • butter (or margarine) - 200 gr
  • flour - 250 gr
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • baking powder (or slaked soda) - 1 tsp

I really like to cook all kinds of pastries in my favorite slow cooker. Firstly, because I am always sure that the pastries will not burn and will rise perfectly. And secondly, it’s a pleasure to cook in a slow cooker: knead the dough, put it in a bowl, choose the baking mode, and calmly go do your household chores. After 40-60 minutes, the aroma of a freshly baked pie will reign in the kitchen.

Today I propose to bake a banana pie in a slow cooker. It can be applied not only to family tea party but also for breakfast. Banana pie goes great with a mug of cold milk or a glass of fresh juice.

Cooking method

  1. So, take a bowl and cut bananas into circles in it.

  2. We fall asleep with sugar.

  3. Grind bananas with sugar with a fork into a pulp. You need to grind until the sugar softens and completely dissolves.

  4. Add two eggs and oil to the bowl. If you don't have butter on hand, you can use margarine. The oil must be room temperature, so pre-soften it in microwave oven or in a water bath. You can also just take it out of the fridge in advance and leave it warm.

  5. Beat everything contained in the bowl with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

  6. Sift and add the flour, pour the baking powder and a bag of vanilla on it. Remember that baking powder can be easily replaced baking soda. The only thing is that it is recommended to extinguish the soda with table vinegar or lemon juice so that the taste of bitterness is not present in the baking.

  7. And we start kneading the dough. The dough must be kneaded gently so that no lumps form.

  8. We take a multicooker bowl, grease it with oil and put it in it ready dough, then bake in the "Baking" mode for 40 minutes. I'm making a banana pie in a Panasonic-18 slow cooker.

    After the time has elapsed, we check with a toothpick whether the dough is baked or not, if so, then take out the finished cake, and if not, leave it for a few more minutes until cooked.

  9. It is recommended to remove the cake from the multicooker bowl using a plastic mold, which is used for steaming. This form is included in the multicooker kit. Using the form is very convenient to extract hot pastry from the bowl. You need to put the form in the slow cooker and turn the bowl with the pie sharply on the table. Then carefully remove the bowl and you will see how the cake comes out with ease and remains on the steaming dish.

    And here we have a ruddy, mouth-watering banana pie!

If desired, you can sprinkle the finished cake with grated chocolate or sprinkle with icing sugar.

This is an excellent and hearty dessert that will appeal to everyone without exception. It remains to cut the cake into portions and serve with tea or coffee. It will be incredibly tasty with drinks such as cocoa.

Bon appetit!
